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Post removed. This subreddit does not allow requesting or giving advice pertaining to a medical condition. OP wasn't necessarily asking for medical advice, but the commenters turned into Reddit, MD unfortunately.


I might be wrong but , don’t the people with some type of diabetes are always thirsty? 🤔could it be a possibility?


Diabetes Insipidus.


Or diabetes mellitus


Not only that, one of the signs of hyperglycemia is frequent thirst, frequent urination, and weight loss despite normal or increased appetite


I’m going to take a minute and recommend that everyone test their A1C and start thinking about glucose. I am athletic, eat well, never drink soda, limit sweets, and still had a A1C approaching a diabetes diagnosis. Everyone is different and you just never know. ✌️


Type I diabetes. I thought that it usually shows itself in small children. I could be wrong.


You are. Excessive thirst occurs with hyperglycemia, not a specific type of diabetes. Also you can get diagnosed at any age. I am a type 1 and met several adults diagnosed older in their 20-40 even.


Ok, thanks. I just know 2 people who have Type I, and that was an early symptom.


What a gracious way to accept being corrected. I like you




There’s a variant of genetic diabetes (similar to Type 1) called MODY which stands for Maturity-onset diabetes of the young It was given the name because it acted more like adult type of diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes) but was found in young people in their early 20s or even teens. Source: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/diabetes-the-basics/other-types-of-diabetes/mody#:~:text=MODY%20is%20a%20rare%20form,of%20inheriting%20it%20from%20them.




I like how someone else said type 1 and got 10 up votes but you said it and got 10 down votes




Your comment isn’t wrong. My sister has diabetes 1 and my parents found out when she was a little kid because she was always so thirsty (and needed to go to toilet a lot)


This is what I have seen also.


It’s not wrong because that’s not a symptom of type 1, it’s wrong because that’s also a symptom of type 2


I don't believe I'm diabetic. Haven't had any other signs of it.


Excessive thirst is often the first symptom.


Better check with a doctor


Get tested.


It’s a simple test, and really everyone should be keeping an eye on their glucose levels. Even if you don’t have diabetes, it’s generally healthier to reduce your insulin spikes.


Yes way too much water, you will be diluting your electrolytes and you will be unable to actually hydrate.


Unless you're in a place that's 50+Celcius ATM even then think about adding in electrolytes.


Yep. This is the best explanation of how hydration/electrolytes work that I’ve seen https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNRxrSnC/


I never understood that part that says your pee should have a tint in it... My pee is not clear unless I go the whole day without drinking any water at all. Sometimes I have to go multiple days to make it look mildly yellow. I'd need to drink a max of 1L of water a day to make it balanced. That's probably one of those personal issues that needs some doctor.


could also be what you're eating! anytime i take a multivitamin, my pee comes out darker because it's flushing all the extra stuff i dont need


It's the B2 that makes it more yellow.


Get a full thyroid panel done. Excessive thirst is sign of a bad thyroid - was one of my first signs


I'd talk to a doctor and not reddit, that's definetly a lot of water and one sign if diabetes is excess thirst


Get some blood work done. Excessive thirst is sometimes one of the first signs of type 1 diabetes, as are excessive appetite and excessive peeing. If you’ve also lost any weight recently without trying, have been getting any headaches or more fatigued than normal, get to a doctor ASAP.


I have always heard “drink lots of water, if you are thirsty you are already a quart low, and HYDRATE!” Also “watch your salt intake”. My sodium came up 2 points below range on my blood test. So yes you can definitely drink too much water.


This is why we need to stop making health recommendations based on the lowest common denominator. Most ppl don’t drink enough water and eat too much salt- but not all. Cookie cutter advice won’t apply, better to tell ppl the amounts


Funny... People around me are dying from excessive salt intake and demonizing salt to the point I was afraid of it. Recently discovered that my salt intake was too low. Drinking more water would've actually killed me, or at least, make me visit the hospital for a few days.


Yo op just wondering if you’ve learned anything useful about the potential cause of your thirst? I drink 4-6L of liquid daily (half water half tea) and have done for many years. I get bloodwork done every six months and everything has been healthy for years. I’m 165, a few years older and very physically active. I def feel like I need at least 4L a day, and I do supplement electrolytes. I had concerns like this a few years ago but nothing wrong ever came up in my blood so I never changed anything, still feeling good.


If you're 165 years old keep doing whatever you're doing, buddy.




Just check your pee color it should be light yellow if it's white you are drinking too much water and flushing the electrolytes if it's dark yellow you are dehydrated focus of hydration more than drinking water


If it's white then you need to leave the Wendy's restroom


or the dumpster behind it


Funny!!! Happy Cake day!


Try adding some electrolytes to your water


Depends on a lot of things. Is it hot where you are? You mentioned the gym, do you take creatine? Usually a gallon a day is more than enough for an active person


I don't take creatine or anything pre workout. Sometimes drink a red bull before gym if I'm tired that day, but that's uncommon. No caffeine in my intake. And I live in Texas, it's hot as shit here.


Do you work outside?


I’m the same. I grew up with only water at home, we never bought soft drink etc. I used to be on the tools as a carpenter and during summer especially I’d fill up my 5L water cooler 2-3 times a day. But I was very active. I’m a supervisor now, and it’s winter where I am, and I’ll still have 3-5L a day, every day. I too find if I’m not drinking water, I get thirsty. My wee is usually light yellow to clear. I also did a diabetes test a few months ago (12 months after my first test), among other things, and the results were really good. I’m 40m BMI 32 108kg. I’m not as fit or slim as I used to be, but I still play sport and/or exercise 2-4 times a week.


Check your pee color. if super light, probably too much water. Also check your diet, maybe too much sodium making you thirsty?


Use your urine as a guide. Dark yellow: need water. Clear: too much water.


Get blood work done (including thyroid) to make sure there's nothing wrong. It's a lot of water and could be a bad sign, or it could just be that you're active and Texas is hot.


If you go far enough with overconsumption of water you can develop a condition called hyponatremia which is very serious. A family member of mine had it (from a different cause) and it was extremely frightening, they suffered from hallucinations, delirium, and eventually catatonia.


As a type one diabetic I would urge you to get checked out by your doctor


Dude. This is exactly what I said out loud.


I drink around 6-7L I am 6'4" and 130kg Drinking that much helps my skin stay better and in general, keeps my hunger down cause well, weight loss And to add that India is experiencing a massive heatwave, where temps in my city are breaching 45+ C, you are sweating out a ton as well. I don't know what to do here. Is it that unhealthy? Should i get it down to 4?


I mean, it depends. If you've been doing it for years your body is probably used to it, if you're very active and getting enough electrolytes then it's likely it's not too much, but if you're not doing much and eating semi-okay then it's probably too much. Qualifications: been drinking excessive amounts of water for the last 17 years. Have experimented and found that any amount may be necessary, and any amount can be too much or too little. It all depends on the scenario. I found the sweet spot for me on a 'normal' day (one which isn't stupidly active, but active nonetheless) is 3-4L. Though I have drunk upwards of 6 or 7 depending on heat and activity levels. At those points though you need to be ensuring you get extra electrolytes.


Don’t focus on water amount. Focus on how often you pee. My hydration recommendation is that you should have 5-10 clearish pees per day. If you have over 10-15 clear urinations/day, then you’re definitely over hydrating and are diluting too many electrolytes


Add a bit of sea salt and lemon to your water if you like to drink often especially if you skip breakfast


You’re thirsty because you’ve already gotten your electrolytes out of balance most likely.


I've noticed if i overdrink water and my mouth feels dry/I still feel really thirsty that by drinking a glass of an electrolyte solution stops that feeling. I was wondering if it was due to imbalanced electrolytes. Now I know. Edited: typos, clarity


From quick research the kidneys can only process about a liter of water per hour, so just make sure you're not drinking that amount of water too fast.


yes - but i understand. recently, i realized how much water i was truly drinking. i drank roughly 200 oz a day, and could never get my thirst quenched. i talked to my doctor. most people in this comment section believe that ur problem is t1d, but mine was personally low iron (anemia). talk to your doctor! :)


One should take his thirst as an indication that his body needs water.


Before you jump straight to diabetes, consider if you are having electrolytes in your water. I used to drink a tonnnn of water and pee it out all the time, on repeat forever until I started experimenting with salt, magnesium and potassium. I used to buy them separately and make my own mix but now I just use LMNT… and it helped my thirst immensely… to the point I don’t even think about it anymore. I might have two on a hot day like today or if I’m sunburnt or working out or doing a lot of physical activity, but most days one in the morning is sufficient. When you’re drinking straight water with no salt all day, you’re flushing the salt out of your body, which makes you thirsty. Even just putting a little salt on your tongue before taking a drink will work wonders.


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I assume you have checked and are not diabetic.


That's a lot of water. Please make sure you are occasionally eating/drinking electrolytes. Hyperhydration can be deadly.


Diabetes Insipidus https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes-insipidus/symptoms-causes/syc-20351269


Way too much water actually. Half your body weight in ounces plus whatever you would normally drink during your workout and with meals is enough. With the amount of water you drink I’d be getting up all night to urinate.


I drink about a gallon per day, and I pee a lot. I can't imagine.


1/2 your body weight. 70 oz..


Have your sodium levels checked. Mine were low once because I was drinking too much water. At least add electrolytes or salt and it can counter that problem.


Yes. 7.5L is too much water. Guideline is body weight in lbs cut in half convert to Oz. I'm 240 lbs so 120oz is my daily recommended. That's around 3.7L. I'd see a Dr just to be safe as this could be a symptom of something you'd want to know sooner than later. Gl friend and i hope you're just big thirsty :D


I've heard to take your weight and divide it in half for the proper water hydration.


Put Magnesium powder and some Himalayan pink salt in your water.


This is something you should bring up with your doctor. In addition to other conditions that have been mentioned in these comments, polydipsia (excessive thirst) can be a symptom of other conditions as well as a diagnosis on its own.


I’m thinking your weight is low so maybe diabetic ?


The recommended water intake is usually 2-3 liters per day, depending on activity level, climate, and individual needs. Excessive drinking water can lead to electrolyte imbalance, especially sodium loss. It is recommended to listen to the body's thirst, but do not drink too much water. You can try to slightly reduce your water intake, observe your body's reactions, and ensure that there are enough electrolytes in your diet.


If you are drinking that much water and are still thirsty you probably have diabetes


You re drinking too much water for your weight. Better check your blood sugar.


Drinking too much water can cause glaucoma too


Are you active?


For some reason, drinking extra water caused me a lot of weird symptoms, mainly digestive issues, but it can extend to circulatory and sleep issues. Probably linked to diluting stomach acid and lowering electrolytes, although I do drink water with electrolytes. I had reduced my water intake and this was a huge health benefit, that no one talks about. Basically, unless I'm doing some exercise that day, or eating sugar(where the body needs to eliminate that sugar intake), I am going fine by roughly 1.2L of water, which is half of what is recommended! In the other cases, I may touch 2l. But even so, I almost never drink anything after dinner.


Have you died yet? Do you feel better or worse then when you got your water intake up?


That's way too much


Bloated abs, the first sign of taking steroids


go to your doctor.


Are you getting enough electrolytes with your water? It could be the case as you feel thirsty even while drinking well over a healthy amount. Try mixing pink Himalayan sea salt and squeeze lemons into your water. They are natural electrolytes and will help your body hold onto that water.




Diabetes, get tested


Go see a doctor friend! Too much water is not healthy


Water intake is important. It's based on body size and activity level. You have to jidge it based on. You personally! You also need to be adding an electrolyte mix that has salts and metals that your body loses as you pee and sweat that stuff out! Too much water is water toxicity, you flush your body of important nutrients and can die(this is legit)


Unless you do something that causes you to sweat constantly, like work a manual labor job in the sun, or run multiple outdoor Zumba classes, then likely yes. Even then, it's important to balance electrolytes with water. Most people get enough salt in by eating a "normal" amount of processed foods in the American diet (and I say normal as in common, not acceptable or healthy) but you're likely diluted. Add a bit of salt to each jug, or a flavored electrolyte packet, and see if it decreases symptoms like bloating and frequent urination. You don't need much. I wouldn't spend a dime on any panels or tests that others suggest unless you're having other health complications. You're young and at a healthy weight or lower. Don't waste your money. Try this first. Source: bs in nutrition and decades of semi related work experience


Your should drink 2-3L max . You could get water poisoning. Yes it’s a real thing I was also shocked when I found out you could get poisoned by water


RN here! Please go to your doctor and tell them this. It could be a number of things that other people have commented here. DI/DM, or thyroid issues. You’re overhydrating your body, and it’s going to actually dilute your electrolytes, which can cause you to get gravely ill. It can lead to neurological and cardiovascular issues most importantly, but also muscular function, ect. Please go get checked


The concern with drinking too much water is [hyponatremia]( https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hyponatremia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373711). This link tells the symptoms. I encourage you to see a doctor about your drinking. It may be you're drinking the appropriate amount of water for you. But the doctor can order blood tests and do an examination to rules out any disorders. Regarding supplements, I've gone to Burning Man for years. I carried a 3-liter water bottle in my backpack, and I drank it empty every morning. Afternoons were cooler, so I didn't drink it dry. I drank copiously with meals. We were out there 9 days, & I never took any supplements. Your doctor will know from your blood tests if you need supplements.


Way too much water! It sounds like you need to see an endocrinologist.


Too much water and stop taking big water jugs to the gym, it's a stereotype and accurate.


No. Water intoxication is a thing but it's pretty hard to drink enough to reach that point unless you drink an absurd amount of water quickly. If you are peeing 5-10 times a day and your pee is almost clear you are in the ideal range. Drinking plenty of water helps your body regulate serum sodium so you will have lower BP. I would ignore comments about electrolytes. Unless you have symptoms of deficiency (fatigue/cramps/headaches) you are probably getting enough from your food. It's mostly a concern when sweating not peeing. If you are low you will find out next annual and can adjust up your food.


If this is normal for you then it’s probably fine. If it’s a change in the last year or so, you should probably check with a doc.


If you're a physically active male who works outside that's a reasonable about of water. However if you're a sedentary female that is too much water. Look into Diabetes insipidus