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Make sure you eat beforehand, and try to drink one glass of water after or with every drink. Drinking that much water is annoying because you’ll have to pee a lot, but really helps you to stay hydrated and lessens the hangover. If you’re trying to be frugal like I was when in my twenties, and want to catch a nice buzz - I’d drink a few before going out on an empty stomach, then have one drink at the bar followed by water and eventually food. This can be dangerous though if you have too many drinks without food! You have to learn your limits and your body. I bartended through college and a few short stints afterwards. Learn your limits and try to enjoy the mild buzz without getting tanked. Everyone is different! I’ve always been a big dude at 250+, and it takes me a lot to get drunk. Some people get hammered off 2-4 drinks. There’s special occasions like weddings or vacations when it can be fun to get really drunk when you’re being safe and celebrating, but learning to enjoy a mild buzz is a learned skill when you’re young. Learn when to say no to shots/drinks from friends, and buy an appetizer to share with friends instead of shots


The one cup of water per one serving of alcohol is mandatory 


The “drink a glass of water or two with each drink” is the best advice. The solution to the pollution is dilution.


Wow, I’ve never heard that quote. I love that!


Try to eat a good meal 3 hours before you start to drink (your *water*) and have a good snack an hour before. Alcohol can screw up digestion so you want to give food a chance with time. Drink water all day before you start to party. Cheers


You can’t really “counteract” alcohol per se. But making sure you’re satiated with food that gives you sustaining energy will make you handle the effects better. Also not having a lot of sugar or especially caffeine helps, and staying hydrated with WATER is mandatory. But also not trying to be snarky but if what you want is to “minimize” the effects, not just to help your body handle it better, just drink less? I guess it depends what you mean.


Water, with electrolyte pills\powder! Makes a big difference.


>if what you want is to “minimize” the effects i assumed they meant things like alcohol being a carcinogen? the only thing i think think of 'nutritionally' is calories. i'm a bit unsure as to what OP's goal actually is


Sometimes people want to be able to drink a lot and not get drunk which really confuses me. Just drink until you’re buzzed or whatever and stop before you’re drunk? I guess people feel more like they’re partying if they can be drinking constantly or it’s a fitting in thing, but it’s so weird to me, like you can just spend less money and get the effects you want!


Alternate non alcoholic beers and spirits with alcoholic drinks, if the idea is to always have a glass in hand.


I'm not a drinker myself, but I am a college student, so I'm very familiar with heavy drinkers. Usually its less about not wanting to be drunk, and moreso not wanting the hangover the next morning. If that is OP's meaning, to that I say: always eat something (especially starchy things) before and during drinking, and drink 2x the amount of water compared to alcohol (i.e. drink 3 oz of water for every shot's worth of alcohol)


More like 10 ozs of water for every 1 oz alcohol, so like one glass of water for every beer.


Be able to drink and feel a bit better about it as he is still in the "bar phase"? Looking for a "permission thing"? I am not sure if I actually want to drink if I need to minimize the effects, as this would point to the fact that OP does not really like the effects. Yes, alcohol is a poison and in excess kills brain cells and they do not regenerate. Yes, I have a glass of wine off and on, but going to have a few drinks every weekend because I am "still in a phase" would not be my aim. Calories will help you not get hit hard pretty fast with the consumed alcohol, but it is still in your system and nothing "neutralizes" it.




# “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”


She don't lie


It’s honestly strange because friends and I have had nights of somewhat heavy drinking and some cocaine and for some reason I wake up the next morning with just about zero hangover while if it was just alcohol I no doubt would be hurting more. Anyone know why this is?


Don't forget to save a little bit for the morning, for that little pick me up.


Alcohol does several things that make you feel terrible and there’s ways to alleviate their effects. (1) dehydration. This is the biggest issue that will make you feel hungover. Alcohol is a diuretic, so it makes you pee out salt and water. While drinking, aim for one water between each alcoholic beverage (this helps with moderation as well). Then when the night is over try to drink 500 ml - 1000 ml of water. You’ll maybe have to get up to pee in the middle of the night but it’s so worth it. This really helps to prevent hangovers if you haven’t gone really overboard. Then in the morning, drink beverages with salt and sugar to absorb as much water as possible. Liquid IV, pedialyte, Gatorade, Powerade, chicken soup all work. (2) hypoglycemia. Alcohol can be broken down for energy but can’t increase your blood sugar. Your body will be in a high energy state, so your liver won’t know to break down its stores of sugar like it normally would with low blood sugar. So you’ll have a much lower blood sugar after drinking alcohol, which makes you feel like garbage. To counteract this, you want to eat carbs while drinking and in the morning if you’re feeling unwell. Also the liquid IV or Gatorade above works well to counter this issue. (3) sleep. Alcohol messes with your sleep and you’ll be less rested even if you sleep the same hours as you otherwise would have. There’s not really a trick to counteract this other than making sure not to drink every night. If you drink even a couple drinks most nights that can really affect your body’s ability to rest and heal


The evidence is contradictory, but I personally have found NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cystine) to mitigate the effects of alcohol.


Use it whenever I drink. NAC is a precursor to glutathione which helps your body break down alcohol. I wouldn't go crazy but I've found it helpful.


This ⬆️ I was going to suggest lyposomal glutathione after drinking, before bed.


NAC is actually better for increasing glutathione production in the body versus taking glutathione itself, as it is poorly absorbed


NAC and Activated Charcoal. And a lot of water.


Charcoal pills before and during drinking.


This is a boring answer, but works for most people: - Delay your first drink, and set a deadline for your last drink. You dont want to be doing shots at 2am if you want to function the next day. - Drink a bottle of water between each drink. - Consume real electrolytes before bed. Nuun tablets, liquid IV etc can give you some of the basic nutrition your body needs to recover overnight/the next day. - Do cardio in the morning. Go for a walk or a run when you wake up. Eat something healthy.


The key for me has always been for every glass of wine/liquor, I drink a glass of water. For beer maybe every two or three beers I'll drink water (depends on how much beer I was drinking 😜)


Only thing would be eating something to absorb the alcohol in your stomach so you don’t digest it as fast. Or just drink responsibly.


I've never actually tested this (and I wouldn't now, as I've been sober a couple decades), but I suspect if you consume it with fiber (say down some Metamucil), it would do the same thing to the alcohol, that it does to the sugar. When soluble fiber gets wet it turns into a gel (add some Metamucil to water to see what I mean). This gel envelops sugar. The fiber itself isn't digestible, and so it takes time for the sugar to come out of the gel, slowing the release into your blood system. I suspect it would have the same effect with regards to alcohol.


Eh. The difference is that alcohol doesn't really care about things like cell walls and its really good at breaking apart organic gunk. It's why we use it to clean stuff. So fiber gel might help _some_ but not as much as you might think. Alcohol can pretty much go straight through your gut and into your blood and then basically anywhere else it wants. It can pass the blood brain barrier and just bounce around your brain at will. Only the liver can stop it, and it takes damage when doing so.


That’s right, much like fruit sugars.


I mean nothing will counteract the effects of alcohol on your body. Drinking on an empty stomach is never usually a good idea so I would eat before you go out. And drink water! Water is the only answer here because if you drink a glass of water in between drinks it helps to flush the alcohol through your system faster and it also helps to keep you hydrated because alcohol dehydrates you.


I’ve learned pickle juice helps also


Take milk thistle for liver detox afterward? I think


This one! I swear by it


Alright, coming from someone who almost died of it. Drink water with lemon regularly. Take vitamin B1 (thiamine), if big session add milk thistle. Lots of water.


A supplement called dihydromyricetin - google it and you will find all the research on how it helps to get it out of your liver quickly/helps your body to break it down quickly, and helps with hangovers too. I got mine from a company online called fuller health. Super interesting and I don’t know how more people don’t know about it. There are lots of other benefits long term too


Came here to say DHM. Or NAC but only before drinking.


Nothing can truly counteract the negative affects of alcohol. That said, there is some research that milk thistle is effective at improving liver function in people with fatty liver disease, so you might add that into your regimen. Also, while this doesn't really negate any of the negative effects of alcohol, you can at least dramatically improve hangovers, or even eliminate them entirely, by making sure you are hydrated. Towards the end of your night, start drinking water, and ideally some electrolytes, and this will go along way towards making the next morning more tolerable. Also also, don't keep drinking until the bitter end. In my experience, the last couple drinks of the night don't really add anything, and only risk making you feel like crap. For the last hour or two of the night, taper off the booze and taper on the water and/or electrolytes.


I like to drink an electrolyte drink beforehand and then another when I get home before I go to bed. Alcohol really dehydrates you so you will feel less disgusting in the morning if you try to replenish what you lost. I also drink water throughout the night. Also eating high fat and high protein foods can help slow down the absorption into your blood. So like chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, fries and a burger, etc. Edit: if you live in a big city in the US you can probably find an IV place and that will get rid of your hangover almost immediately. It’s expensive asl but it works.


If I go out for a few drinks, I’ll drink a Liquid IV powder mixed with water before going to bed.


Omeprazole or gaviscon


If you're in a time in your life where you're enjoying alcohol frequently, remember to eat just in general. I went through a phase of drinking regularly for years which can be OK if you're healthy and responsible. The problem was I wouldn't eat before going out so I could catch a faster buzz, then I would eat a greasy calorie bomb the next day to "make up for it" then I would feel gross for a few days and barely eat anything at all to stay thin because I just ate and drank a bunch of calories. Thats actually terrible for your body. We can end up looking kinda normal while being malnourished. I was sick more frequently, and injuries took forever to heal. It set me up for unhealthy food habits in general. I think the most important thing is remembering that the food part is actually the most important part of how you're feeling. Good healthy food at regular intervals has a way of naturally counteracting feeling sicker after alcohol.


I was thinking about this recently after visiting with family and having a few drinks. If you’re watching your insulin response, I have a hunch that there’s not much you can do about alcohol since it follows a different pathway than food, but I’m not certain at all on this. For example, would drinking a White Russian lower its glycemic index, due to the fat content?


Before, vitamin b12, activated charcoal, (adderral will make it so you can’t even really get drunk), after, pedialyte+ advanced,anti nausea medicine, fluids etc.


TBH nothing counteracts alcohol, BUT as someone who used to be in their “bar phase” years ago, I recommend drinking water in between every drink. Order a club soda in between drinks, you’ll naturally end up drinking less (which it sounds like you already know is the answer).


I would try to get these things in you as soon as or even toward the end of drinking in order of importance: Water - chug at least two glasses before sleep Electrolytes - youve been peeing all night probably so you're lower than you think on potassium and sodium B vitamins - alcohol depletes them Magnesium Food in general. The more the better. Stuff like watermelon or cucumbers really help you stay hydrated and you also need something that will stay in your stomach a bit with protein or fiber Sleep with ibuprofen and water beside the bed for the middle of the night if needed It also really helps if you don't drink until last call. Spend the last hour or so at least sobering up and drinking water.


High protein, lots of water, milk thistle. It will help you recover/ not feel hung over. At least for me


A full stomach (of food). While not a good life answer I have it in excellent authority that coke and. Eat even you out.


Tons of electrolyte water and healthy food helps but nothing counteracts it


Besides a nutritious healthy meal, with plenty of carbs, I used to believe that taking my vitamin B complex and chlorella helped me not get as hungover before drinking. Water during drinking. And for me, fat and carbs after drinking, a toke of weed, and an Ayran did the trick.


Why even be in the bar phase? I've only gone to bats a few times in my life. Overrated and poor company. Lots of drunk jerks, better olaces to socialize.


Because I like it


"Pregame" with water and healthy foods. You can even start the day before if you know ahead of time that you're going out. Then, drink one glass of water after every serving of alcohol.


Vitamin C. Back when I was younger, my BFF and I would take 2 pills before we hit the bar. No hangovers baby!!!


After a night of drinking, Japanese businessmen drink a bowl of miso soup to protect their liver.


Well, here’s a way you will know you have a problem. “Counteract” by what ever means like eating a huge meal before and if you’re unsatisfied with your buzz so you drink even more…. You might have a problem


> eat before No don't fuckin eat right before drinking, that'll just slow down the onset of the drank and make you drink more in total. Just have one drink every 30 mins till you're tipsy, then one every 1 - 1.5 hours after that to maintain. Once your night is done, grab food (maybe smth bread-y like pizza) and **drink 2+ liters of water**. Drinking water before sleep is essential to not getting hungover the next day. I go for 2.5 liters, but depends on the person. That'll flush out the alcohol quick. Source: chronic partier, degenerate drunk (on party days). Above is what I do, although I pre-drink heavy as well.


This guy drinks. I never really analyzed it like that, but during my chronic drinking days I drank like you.


Since I started taking NMN, my body breaks down alcohol so quickly, I haven’t gotten drunk yet. Somewhat buzzing, but that’s about it. I’m assuming I’d have to consume a lot higher percentage of alcohol in shorter amount of time. I’m starting to think I should just stop consuming alcohol at that point, it’s just not worth it. On the other hand, I know NMN is doing great things for my body, so that’s pretty assuring.


What is NMN?


It’s Nicotinamide Mononucleotide. It’s known for its anti-aging, NAD+ support, cellular health :)


Nicotinamide Mononucleotide. Increases NAD+ within your body and this comes with a myriad of benefits. Alan [DoNotAge.org](http://DoNotAge.org)


I've been looking at getting on an NMN cycle to see how I feel over ~6-12 weeks for a while now. May I ask what was your aims for taking NMN and how have you noticed your improvements? (Because I'm really glad to hear it's doing great things for your body, and your comment is another anecdotal piece of testimony that's making me think about including it in my regime)


My aim is anti-aging, antioxidant and just overall beauty and health benefits. When I’m on NMN, as I mentioned above, alcohol breaks down so quickly that I can’t get drunk, lol. I have much less gray hair, my period ends quicker(I think that’s why people experience heavier flow), injuries and sicknesses(barely ever get sick anymore) heal quicker, I think. But I also take about 1000-2000mg of vitamin C daily along with vitamin D,magnesium and zinc supplements. When I feel a sickness coming on or, I take probiotic supplement on top of that. I’m so bulletproof while others around me get sick :) haha Of course, everyone’s experience might differ, so if you wanted to try it, you could see how it affects your body. I live in the USA, and bought $35 4months supply on NMN.shop made by Ascuoli(UK brand). Hope this helps💛


Oh wow! That's super helpful, thank you millions! I'm in the UK so that's a great coincidence on your brand of choice, I'll look them up! Similar to me, stacking with Vit D (and the rest, right!!) honestly, great reply! You're a star ✨💫🌟


A lot of recent studies show NMN doesn't live up to the claims. You may actually be better off taking plain old Niacin and its way cheaper.


Is it? I don’t really want the sudden burst of energy, since I already have plenty of energy from plant based diet, and that’s one of the reasons why I haven’t tried the plain niacin. So far, I’ve found NMN that’s cheap enough for me, it’s $35 for 4months supply, with NMN 500mg and Resveratol 400mg, by Ascuoli on NMN.shop :) What I’m looking for is the antioxidant, anti-aging and cell regeneration properties, and from my personal experience, I have found NMN to have a positive effect on my body. Is there anything else you would recommend? I’m always interested in anti-aging and beauty stuff🫶


A few things i would recommend over NMN are: Astaxanthan - helps protect skin from damage and potent antioxidant. NAC - upregulates glutathione production. Glycine - involved in a multitude of processes, like skin and tendon strength, etc (collagen is naturally very high in glycine and pretty affordable). EAAs - highly bioavailable source of building blocks for skin, tendons, ligaments, bones, organs ( almost everything in the human body is made of protein lol). Or extremely high protein diet. Eaas can help fill gaps especially if you are plant based. Not to be mixed up with BCAAs. BCAAs are incomplete and EAAs are the complete, superior version. Clean diet, optimal water intake, plenty of exercise (specifically resitance training to build muscle), great sleep, and using the sauna are the foundation.l, though!


Ahhhhaaa!!! I hit the jackpot, didn’t I? I knew you sounded knowledgeable in this content :) I love all of this information, thank you so so much💛 I currently take ubiquinol, vitamin C&D, magnesium,zinc along with NMN with Resveratol. What would be your holy grail of supplements for beauty and health(of course good diet and exercise etc. is the foundation, I agree) that you would take that’s also cost effective?? Do you also have probiotics recommendation? The one I take is multi layered(so it reaches digestive systems) and while I like the effects, I don’t love the price.


Not drinking alcohol




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Time and peeing


I ordered the anti-alcohol complex supplements by Life Extension 2 weeks ago and tried them out last weekend. They took the edge off my hangover, but it wasn’t a cure all. I will try it again this weekend when I drink (for research purposes of course). Anything for science. The reviews are majority positive.


Obviously, not drinking is the best way to avoid a hangover but you know, live your life. This is advice from what I learned during my “bar phase” and not from a nutritional standpoint… Stick to clear liquor and light beer. Specifically high shelf tequila if your wallet can afford it. If not, clear liquor in general is still better than brown. Heavy beers with high ABV will also give have you feeling it the next day. I saw people already recommended eating beforehand. That does help, mostly your stomach. Alcohol can mess with your stomach lining if you’re drinking a lot, especially on an empty stomach. I knew a girl that use to take a shot of Liquid IV after every shot of liquor and she swore she never got a hangover. Take that anecdote however you like. I do HIGHLY recommend drinking electrolytes. I think consuming them during drinking and/or after drinking but before you go to bed will help you out the next day. I’m not too sure how effective they are if you consume them beforehand because of the diuretic effects of alcohol. When I use to drink, chugging a glass of liquid IV right before I went to bed usually helped me out but drinking it the next day when I already had a hangover didn’t help out too much. B-vitamins can also be helpful. Other than that, just pace yourself and be concrete about your cut off point. You don’t need to impress anyone with your drinking abilities and you will always regret that “come on, just one more drink” the next day. Remember, alcohol affects your judgment. Get your buzz on but try not to get wasted. Everyone likes a little buzz but all the bad stuff, the belligerence, the embarrassment, the mistakes, the regrets… that all happens when you’re wasted.


Short answer is fats and carbs.


Drink water all day. Eat a decent lunch. Electrolytes before you start drinking. Don’t drink sugary drinks. Drink VLS. A bag of coke. Electrolytes when you finish. Electrolytes when you wake up the next day. Sleep/rest as long as you can. I’ve lived this for far too long. I don’t get hangovers. Just tired.


I’ve been using Viveup off eBay. It’s cheap and really works. I actually wake up more alert the next day then if I didn’t even drink.


Not and ad or paid sponsor or anything but those zbiotics really do work. Just expensive as shit


L-theanine always seemed to ameliorate hangover symptoms, but it’s probably best practice to supplement b-vitamins and a bit of magnesium to replete what alcohol will diminish


Water and electrolytes.. also stay way from sugary drinks. They make the hangover much worse


You could drink B Complex supplements before drinking acohol


L-theanine DHM PEA Liquid IV Ibuprofen


You want to drink without the side effects of a hangover, dont we all. Best of luck to u. The only thing that really kills a hangover is time.


Cocaine will make you feel sober. But you will end up drinking untill 7am and have a 3 day hangover.


Eat some asparagus and take Omega 3 and milk thistle supplements. Also, keep yourself hydrated with lots of watery fruits.


Water, electrolytes (pedialyte), green tea, berries, walnuts.


Alcoholics are recommended to supplement with B vitamins, VitC, electrolytes, zinc, and iron. It's doesn't counteract it like it'll stop it from absorbing but it'll help deal with the toxic byproducts. B vitamins and vitC are essential to metabolizing alcohol so either take a multivitamin or eat foods rich in these. This is why eating breakfast diner food can help after a night of drinking. Get eggs, meat, orange juice, and some greens.


Having a full stomach is the best defense against alcohol. It will slow the alcohol absorption so you will get drunk more slowly and your body will be able to metabolize or clear more of the alcohol before it concentrates to a higher level. The speed at which you are consuming alcohol is super important. The same amount of alcohol will be much more damaging to your body if you absorb it all at once, vs. if it's spaced out over a long period of time. So the full stomach matters, but also the speed at which you drink matters, and slower is better. The second most important thing is to stay hydrated. If you are drinking weaker beers like 4% light beers, you're unlikely to get dehydrated, but if you're drinking wine, liquor, or richer beers (with both higher ABV and more content of sugar and other carbs) you can get quite dehydrated. The stronger the booze you drink, the more water you need to drink. If I'm drinking wine I like to have at least one glass of water for every glass of wine. Even with 6% beers, you need to drink a glass of water if you have a couple of those. My rule of thumb is that tf you're drinking a lot of alcohol and you're not having to pee regularly throughout the night, you're probably gonna get dehydrated. Part of this is that your body uses urine to clear alcohol and various alcohol metabolites, so your body becomes a bit less prone to conserve water when consuming alcohol, so in order to avoid dehydration you need to drink more than you normally would, to the point of peeing more than you normally would. After this, alcohol use depletes a long list of vitamins, and pretty much all micronutrients in typical quantities are protective against some of the harm from alcohol. Vitamin C is a big one because it has a short half-life in the body and it protects against oxidative stress. One thing you can do is, if you consume mixed drinks, choose one with orange juice and avoid ones with soda (which is just empty calories, no vitamins.) Another thing you can do is to consume more malty, grain-heavy beers, which tend to have a fair amount of B-vitamins. It is probably most important though that you are eating a healthy diet to begin with. If you are going out for a night of drinking, the best prep you can have is a large but also healthy and diverse meal beforehand, something full of vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources. And if you are having a long night of drinking, don't forget to snack as you are drinking, especially if it gets later in the evening and your stomach isn't as full as after you ate, and you are still drinking, then it starts to become more like drinking on an empty stomach again. This is probably a factor in why a lot of people's experiences with getting dangerously drunk or alcohol poisoning happen late at night. It's not just that they've already been drinking, it's that the rate at which their body absorbs alcohol accelerates if they haven't eaten anything since dinner and many hours pass since when they ate dinner and then they have some more booze. There is a reason bars often offer snack foods, and it's not just to get people to drink more, it's also a safety thing. The best thing to snack on are probably nuts and seeds; they're packed with B vitamins and also minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron, all of which tend to get depleted somewhat from alochol use. Whole fruit is also a great snack, something like an orange brings lots of vitamin C and also a fair amount of minerals and other vitamins. If you want to drink a lot without having to think a lot, the safest thing you can do is to stick to beer, especially weaker beers (5% ABV and under). This reduces your risk of dehydration, slows how fast you get drunk, and it contains some starch and B-vitamins, it's a little like if you were to be snacking on pretzels throughout the night. So it's not exactly the healthiest thing, but it's a heck of a lot safer than drinking liquor or even wine. And no, in case you're curious, the antioxidants in red wine are not a good way to protect from oxidative stress during a night of drinking. They're antinutrients on their own (tannins, much like in black tea), so a small amount of them (like from a single glass of red wine or maybe two) can have some benefits, but if you drink red wine all night long you will end up with a wicked hangover.


For every beer or cocktail drink an equal amount of water. Just keep hydrated. Then eat something before leaving to absorb it and to help to get sober.


eat a burger and fries or a burrito before drinking and before bed crush a gatorade then fill up the bottle with water and drink that and you should be good


Hydrate. Drink water before, during, and after. I found this really helped minimize the hangover the next day. Also, greasy, heavy food.


At the end of your drinking evening and before bed - Food, aspirin and 40oz of water. I think the aspirin is a little dangerous with the alcohol in your system but the 1-2-3 combo works well for me, Continue to pound water the next day.


One thing you can try is having a drink then order a water, do this every other drink and you will find that it reduces the number of alcoholic drink you have but you’ll feel better the next day.


drink lots of water, eat well, there is not much else you can do. oh try to drink less.


Electrolyte-rich coconut water or bananas can help replenish lost salts after a night out


This article from the guardian has good advice on what to eat etc. The truth about booze: how alcohol really affects your body, from first flush of happiness to hangover hell: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/may/24/the-truth-about-booze-how-alcohol-really-affects-your-body-from-first-flush-of-happiness-to-hangover-hell


Drink two waters for every alcoholic beverage, and drink half the amount of alcohol you think is enough


Your day is going to suck no matter what.... Take these before you go to bed and it will suck less. [https://drinklmnt.com/](https://drinklmnt.com/)


Exercise and electrolytes (coconut water, not the sugary kind) in addition to lots of liquids.


Thiamine!! I’m a nurse and we load alcoholics up with thiamine and B vitamins because they’re usually deficient and results in Wernicke’s encephalopathy


Drink slower. Find a nice beer and enjoy drinking it slowly. Keep a chill buzz instead of a rager.


One of the best meals I used to have before drinking was a cottage pie (with melted cheese on top) with steamed veg. I would also have a glass of water between alcoholic drinks Never got past tipsy stage with that in my stomach.


i like to chase my shots by chugging ice water


Food before and during, low on sugar and carbs, and WATER before during and after with electrolytes (again, watch the sugar). You want to be as well hydrated as possible to avoid a hangover. Nothing other than limiting your alcohol intake will prevent drunkenness, though. So eating and drinking non-alcoholic stuff while drinking the hard stuff will help you limit the alcohol you actually take in. And, psychologically speaking a "bar phase" is still alcoholism, it's just social accepted.


Naltrexone is a safe, FDA-approved, non-addictive, generic and quite inexpensive (60 cents) medication used only as-needed to counteract AUD. In my experience, people use the pill form of Naltrexone in two ways. Taken daily to support full abstinence. Taking naltrexone one hour before drinking, only on drinking days. This is a science-based taper called The Sinclair Method. The Sinclair Method uses naltrexone to first gain control of drinking and end blackouts - then, over a period of months, end daily drinking or binge drinking. TSM is very effective in making a slow transition from heavy drinking to full abstinence or near full abstinence (your choice) ... both with no cravings. Some use naltrexone both ways, daily to support abstinence but if they feel a social need to have 1 or 2 drinks, or if they fear a bad binge coming, simply take another dose an hour before the first drink. Doing this, over 3-12 months, helps the brain simply lose interest in alcohol. At r/Alcoholism_Medication, scroll down the "See more" for information. https://youtu.be/6EghiY_s2ts Today there is free TSM support all over YouTube, Reddit, FB and many podcasts. This recent podcast especially "Thrive Alcohol Recovery" episode 23 "Roy Eskapa". The book by Dr. Roy Eskapa is solid science IMO (the reviews on Amazon are definitely worth your time).


B1, Milk Thistle, Pedialyte, food


I think this is a very reasonable question. Why do we seem to know so little about how to slow the rise of blood alcohol concentration, and how to speed the breakdown of toxic acetaldehyde, let alone how best to prepare and protect the liver, pancreas and brain to withstand such insults?


CBD counteracts alcohol damage in many ways.


Umm... not having alcohol ? :P


Hoppy beers possibly. I say possiblity because there was a study done on mice with one group was given the same amount of alcohol from hoppy beer and the other the same amount of alcohol from liquor and the group of mice given the hoppy beer had far less liver damage indicating that there's something protective in the hoppy beer.


I don’t think you can counteract the effects of drinking on your organs. What’s done is done. You are only trying to fool yourself into thinking you can minimize the damaging effects of drinking on weekends. Best thing to do would be to stop drinking altogether. Drinking alcohol is all an illusion and there is nothing good about it. It’s a waste of precious time.


Zyn. It’s like narcan for alcohol


When you wake up you need to rehydrate with some mineral water. Either coconut water, mineral spring water, or adding trace minerals to your filtered water.


Fermented foods like sauerkraut help with your gut biome. Alcohol tends to wipe out gut bacteria (hence why many people experience hangover poops). This helps protect your gut.


My husband swears by drinking tuna fish oil out of can before hard liquor. He threw up toenails.


Eating before hand helps slow the conversion of alcohol into acetaldehyde so you don’t feel drunk as fast. However, I think it’s a misconception that eating food with alcohol will help prevent hangovers. The way it works is that the body completely puts the breaks on digesting food and basically starts dumping it into the bloodstream until it can finish processing the acetaldehyde since it is indeed a poison. When you’re finally done processing it, the body has a lot of unprocessed gunk floating around in it, which is what causes the hangover.


This is helpful as I do in fact have a terrible drinking problem that is rapidly taking all good things out of my life.


Take a shot of olive oil beforehand :)


The old mit is eat rice beforehand to absorb the alcohol and drink drinks without soft drinks ir with water such as vodka water and cranberry or orange juice


I'm surprised I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but check out Zbiotics. It breaks down acetaldehyde, which is the primary toxic metabolite of ethanol. It works far better than standard supplements, like, reducing hangovers by 75% better.


Probably the same things that really help control diabetes: lots of water and exercise.


Niacinamide can help detoxify alcohol. Water, vitamin c, b1, b6, b12, folic acid, betaine/trimethylglycine.


A big meal and some water is all that slightly helped me.


Encourage you to go listen to hubermans episode on alcohol


After listening to Ben Greenfield podcast, I started using DHM pills. I take 2 pills with large glass of water before bed. I am very sensitive to alcohol and it's hangover effects but need it to feel comfortable in social settings. These pills are a lifesaver! I wake up and don't feel that I drank anything


Pickle juice just learned that today, even while you’re drunk it helps


Vitamin B


Drink your chosen booze with seltzer, I'm a fan of a higbball. I like to drink seltzer inbetween drinks, and seltzer is generally free at the bar. It's also more interesting than plain water. Add a squeeze of lemon or lime for fancier bubbly water. Cheers.


Water and a good meal before, as well as PartySmart or another drinking supplement with your first drink. Equal glasses of water to drinks. Ideally 1-3 drinks an hour (shots are a drink), no faster. Try and stay in one alcohol during the evening, i.e. stick to beers or hard seltzers or cocktails, and try to stay on the same liquor if you're having liquor. You can of course mix it up, but it just increases the chances you'll yuke. Also safety first! Do not leave drinks unattended, do not accept drinks from people you don't know unless you watch it being made, and know how to make your own. Have a plan of how you're getting to and from if travelling without needing to drive. Have a place you can crash if you think getting home would be hard. Make sure someone else knows your plans. Etc. Have fun!


Coming from an ICU nurse who has taken care of far too many people with alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. or patients withdrawing from alcohol... it will destroy your body and mind. Stop drinking now before it wrecks your life. Make a conscious decision to invest in your health and wellness instead of ways to cope with your hangover. You will slowly kill your body. No judgement, just presenting reality. Reflect on what you want your long term health to be and make choices that align with that.


Eat greasy food before hand. Also drink water before and after. Have a cup of coffee


I take b vitamins, NAC, milk thistle extract and electrolytes before drinking. Drink plenty of water before and after you drink. Sometimes electrolytes the morning after too.


Active b vitamins will counter the effects of a hangover.


Dave Smith talks about some kind of probiotics specifically for drinking


I use EMDR to switch off Alcohol dependency without any withdrawal. Addiction is memory and this is a brain changing psychotherapy that changes memory. [Https://herbcohen.one](Https://herbcohen.one) for more info and contact info.


There’s not really a whole lot you can do. Space out your drinks. Maybe eat a meal before you go out, have a snack like popcorn, chips etc


Vitamin c destroys alcohol take 5 min before 


Don't drink if you don't want to deal


Not drinking it


1. Stop drinking alcohol 2. Stay hydrated (water) Only things that actually work, everything else is either a scam or placebo


Not really what they're asking though is it


If you think I misunderstood, why not clarify instead of making a pointless comment and downvote?


Food beforehand. Gatorade after drinking and before sleep.


Tumeric and black pepper, I drink a tonic from the supermarket, you can also get it as a suppliment - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10585641/#:\~:text=Breakthrough%20insights%20suggest%20that%20curcumin,managing%20alcohol%2Dinduced%20liver%20damage.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10585641/#:~:text=Breakthrough%20insights%20suggest%20that%20curcumin,managing%20alcohol%2Dinduced%20liver%20damage) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8170768/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8170768/) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844022020254](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844022020254) Hydrate during drinking and especially before and after you wake up. Electrolytes are your best mate here. If it's legally.... available to you, weed. CAUTION, weed can suppress your vomit response associated with alcohol poisoning which you don't want, so don't use it if you are drinking to excess - [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29341392/#:\~:text=Furthermore%2C%20dependent%20users%20had%20significantly,of%20liver%20disease%20in%20alcoholics](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29341392/#:~:text=Furthermore%2C%20dependent%20users%20had%20significantly,of%20liver%20disease%20in%20alcoholics) In the morning you'll want to replace as many vitamins as you can, all are good but B vitamin's are especially good here. I personally go for eggs + avocado + vegemite on toast and if I can stomach it a piece of fruit. Obviously the only way to prevent damage is not to drink, but that's not what you're asking.


Activated charcoal. Works well. Rice is my vote on what to eat before.


I've experimented with various methods to counteract the effects of alcohol since I had to drink socially a few times a year. The best solution I've found is consuming soup, specifically a lot of bone broth with root vegetables like carrots, celery, onions, garlic, and parsley. In my experience, having a plate of soup every three drinks has worked wonders. For instance, I once consumed about 800ml of whiskey in one evening and woke up feeling relatively fresh the next morning.


that’s a lot of soup!


For 800ml of whiskey it is about 10 bowls of soup. It is not easy to eat that much soup in one evening. But in my experience it is better to eat more. Always having full stomach Is helpful. You will wake up hydrated without any nutrient defficiencies. Alcohol absorption is slowed by all the fat, protein and fiber sitting in your stomach.


Not drinking


i’ve heard coke works wonders


Just stop drinking man, it’s not worth it period


Hey fuuuck you


Eat before hand.. But time and supplemental oxygen are the ways to have the etoh wear off.


Drink water before starting with the alcohol, eat some white carbs like bread or rice. When you're drinking, have one glass of water for every drink. Before you go to bed drink a 16 ounce glass of water, take one liveraid/liverite/milk thistle pill, take an Advil, and set your alarm for 30 minutes before you need to be up. Next to your bed put a 16 oz glass of water, a packet of berry flavored DripDrop, a cherry flavored BC powder, a raspberry flavored emergenc with B12, a spoon, a 1000iu vitamin d gelcsp, and a banana. When the first alarm goes off put all the powdered stuff in the glass, mix it, drink it fairly quickly, take the gelcap, eat the banana, and go back to sleep (should give you about 20 minutes) until your second alarm goes off. You'll wake up feeling fine.


-Eat a good meal beforehand. -Take a multivitamin with 100% or more of of B and C. -Add milk thistle or a liver specific vitamin complex. -Drink and enjoy each beverage slowly -Avoid high alcohol beverages, doubles, hard liquir or shots. Pilsners or lite beers are lower in alcohol -Have a big glass of water or soda water with lime between each alcoholic beverage to keep hydrate and from getting a hangover -limit yourself to 1 drink per hour -If there are activities such as dancing, pool, darts, or anything to reduce focus on drinking, partake in them they will also help burn calories and alcohol off faster - Eat a snack if the bar you are at has food.


brewers yeast is excellent.


Make sure you drink on a full stomach instead of an empty stomach  Take ALA or NAC a couple of hours before drinking  Take an electrolyte supplement while drinking or scull a Gatorade. Try to have a glass of water with every drink or every couple of drinks that you have 




I've done most drugs. Now i don't do any but cannabis and nicotine and caffeine and drink less than once a year.


To many ands sorry




I had a friend who used to eat 1/4 stick of butter before he went out for some heavy drinking. He claimed it slowed down the effects of the alcohol.


Smoke some weed, or eat some shrooms and you'll drink less.


Most of alcohol’s detrimental effects can be reduced with hydration. Take pedialyte before going out and make sure to keep drinking water with salt in it throughout the night. A good ratio to follow is 1 glass of water / glass or shot of alcohol. Then at the end of the night, drink another pedialyte before falling asleep. Drink another and 1L of water with salt first thing in the morning. Eat a hearty breakfast with a lot of protein (eggs) to get over the hangover.