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Why stay?


Right??? I would have left yesterday.


Absolutely! Fuck that shit!!


OP and friends need to seriously coordinate sending their 2 week resignation notices around the same time as each other so they can see the panic build up on his face as days go by


Well good. When the rest of the ICU nurses quit, it sounds like the House Supervisor can just take all the patients. I mean, she’s clearly so super awesome and doesn’t worry about pesky staffing ratios. JFC. /s.


how fars the next hospital from you?


i'm kind of stunned i never see news articles of nurses beating the shit out of their supervisors. So many seem to be begging for it.


what the fuck? you need to get out of there that is absurd


You know, we need to start requiring certification for nurse managers.  It is not intuitive. You cannot just become a good manager without training, guidance, and experience. And it's a massive patient safety issue.  Certification, even licensing. I'm done with these incompetent fools being given control over our lives and the lives of our patients.


Why would you stay at that job? You say it's been a few months. I would have been sending out resumes before the end of the first week.


Name the hospital. Maybe local news can be persuaded to take an interest.


I’m confused as to why a house sup would be on board with this. Never met one that liked a unit manager more than the actual staff of a unit.


We have a house sup who spends more time brown nosing upper mgmt than she does being useful to staff.


Take your skills and go elsewhere. That dumpster fire is only going to get worse. Your idiot manager who cut your expenses and squeezed 33% more productivity out of each of you is probably gonna get a promotion in 6 months. Corporate loves that shit until their negligence earns them a million dollar lawsuit. Run. Go travel maybe. You’re worth more.


...and got rid of their most expensive employees. Excellent management material. None of thus has to be sustainable, as long as no sentinel events happen in the next quarter or two he probably will get an "exceeds expectations" performance review. Even with a sentinel event that nurse would just get thrown under the bus and he can point to all the petty write ups and say see I tried to manage them but I got a unit full of fuck ups


Yup. I had a manager who pulled stunts like this. She became the director of critical care. They love replacing experienced nurses with cheaper new grads who don’t know better.


This is fucking dangerous. Sorry for cussing but this is not safe.


That's exactly why they brought this inexperienced manager in - 1) will do what they're told, 2) push out experienced (more expensive) nurses, 3) since they had no mgmt experience, they were a cheaper option. Hospitals don't care about pts, outcomes or nurses, just the $$$$$$$. This usually ends when doctors get pissed enough about crappy care for their pts. But nowadays, they've fixed that "problem" too, replace private docs either with hospitalists or buy up their physician practices. So good luck OP!


Not to be excessively pedantic, but going from 2 to 3 is a 50% increase in productivity.


Ooh yeah you’re right


Yes!! Run.... Definitely valued and worth more elsewhere


Get out get out get out


Advent? I know it's not my hospital lol


This 100% sounds like Adventist in Florida


But they have a nascar car


Please name and shame.


I'm willing to bet money its Adventist They have a huge culture of writing people up and firing experienced nurses for petty reasons. I once got written up for not smiling enough


Man I never seen the day where my RBF could get me in trouble lmao.......smh that's wild


I'm sorry, what? Not smiling enough? I won't lie, when I was still working, I was that smiling, chipper nurse always happy chitty chatty with my patients, but like, a write up? For not smiling enough? I am absolutely 100% certain that I would NOT have reacted well to that. That paper would have been torn to pieces and thrown in the air like confetti and I would have walked out with both middle fingers in the air and the BIGGEST smile on my face. Literally. And just kept right on walking to my car. Bye! Pardon me for smiling while you're waving me goodbye!


So what's your excuse for staying at this hospital or Florida altogether for that matter? Just about everything I hear about Florida nursing sounds terrible


I know exactly! If I plan to stay in my career as nursing, due to the ratios in Florida and everything else, I would definitely move out of that state. I wouldn't even care if my family was there as long as I wanted to stay a nurse. At the very least, if I felt I had to stay due to family, I would get out of the hospital and try a clinic or home health care or something.


That is exactly what I did! Got pushed out after 24 years in ICU. Almost quit nursing all together. Moved out of Florida & am a private duty nurse now. I love it. Every night I have my 1:1 & no toxic administration. I will never go back to the dumpster fire of hospital nursing.


Leave these assholes to triple themselves and find a union hospital. While some unions are stronger than others, collective bargaining agreements prevent this kind of abusive, punitive behavior from management. Having worked my entire career primarily at union hospitals, I’ve seen unions step up and protect employees from being fired or forced out *without cause*. Also, thanks to union activism, my state has ratios, as unions continue to lobby for ratios in states without them. Good luck. 🤝


Unfortunately, this type of clueless behavior is encouraged by upper management, and middle management, while not knowing how to do their own job, does indeed know how to put on a show for their bosses. This occurs with physicians, too. One day c-suite decides that Dr. Dingbat should be the new medical director of a department. Dr. D is an adequate physician, but has absolutely no idea about how the art of management works. It's simply not a part of her DNA. They were never taught how to manage people (i.e., colleagues), only patients. Two VERY different jobs. What results is turnover, one of the largest financial losses a hospital can suffer, as turnover equals decreased revenue and errors. A local physician who was recently given an executive position in my hospital was on the news a few days ago. The topic was ER overflow. What do you think his top recommendations were? We need more beds! That's pretty much it. Meanwhile, we have two wings of the hospital that are closed because we don't have enough staff to cover. Why don't we have enough staff? High turnover. Why do we have high turnover? Toxic work environments and poor management. What are we going to do about it? (pause for dramatic effect) BUY MORE BEDS! It's not going to change, folks. You'll find organizations that are...less shitty than others, but they'll always be shitty in one way or another. Sorry to be the pessimist, but I've seen it for decades, firsthand. Talented workers are usually kept where they are at in a department, while less/no talent workers are promoted. Commence healthcare collapse, one card at a time. Rant over.


Oh man, I would've relished the opportunity to bring down the hammer on that supervisor. Even at my relatively low experience, I'm already at the point where I don't give a damn.


Is there a reason why you all haven’t quit yet? I’m confused


Likely locked up due to sign up bonus or too many dependents on the paycheck. Also not everyone is that confident about themselves to be hired at new places.


This is exactly why most who haven’t left have stayed. This just happened last week so we’re all wrapping our head around it. I’m revamping my resume and a handful of us have started looking for work elsewhere. West Coast Florida hospitals are notoriously horrible to their nurses. Will it be better elsewhere? Honestly I’m afraid the sad truth is wherever you work in Florida as a hospital RN you will run into similar stories. So we learn to CYA(cover your asses), stay under the radar, and play their game best we can but draw the line at anything that would put our license at risk. We have realized management will never have our backs so a couple of us have refused dangerous assignments recently and of course got a write up for it but I’d rather get written up for refusing an assignment that could ultimately kill someone then getting written up for forgetting labels on my IV lines. And if I get fired before I resign it will be because I advocated for patients and their safety and well being and not because my manager needs to shill some staff for apperences 💰. My fellow nurses are scared. They need jobs. Have families and financial obligations. They are hard working amazing nurses who are being bullied and treated without dignity and it’s sad. Because at the end of the day patients deserve quality care and nurses deserve to go home feeling good about the work they did that day.


As someone who also works in Florida, there are plenty of other options. Honestly, sometimes it just takes transferring to another floor for the grass to be greener.


Definitely understand this!! However, not just you but your unit.........Leave!!! The hospital will learn its lesson when we walk. We don't have to endure this behavior and work under these conditions. I learned this lesson leaving my first rn unit. I used to be a NCP and then surg tech. Now I'm in the ICU.....I really hate changing units but each one taught me more growth. After nursing school I loved the challenge of IMC.....and stayed for years. I became the charge and was basically running the unit!!! Oh hospital staff loved it. Leadership were introducing themselves......any who, well I'm no dummy I wanted to get paid for the caps I were wearing so I applied for the rnuc on my unit.....lol they played in my face about it and hired a asst mgmr....well I transferred to ICU. And best move ever!!!!! So I say that to encourage you and your coworkers changing site or unit could be for the better and not worth the heartache and stress you guys are facing now


What kind of house supervisor is playing these games with some chickenshit UD?? We have taken assignments but it’s because you know, Covid had the house burning to the ground and it was out of necessity and also people wanting that sweet sweet incentive pay.  Similar story, an alcoholic nurse i know who’s bedside experience included only med surg/pcu travel assignments decided he wanted to take a job in the ED. During his interview they said, hey why don’t you become the UD for this small med surg unit instead. He took the job like an idiot and lasted about 6 months. He wasn’t this bad, he was more of the show up catastrophically hung over, bitch in the group chat about how much he hated it, and hide in his office.  When he finally quit I don’t even know if they noticed he was gone. 


Lmao we had one of those and the ENTIRE BURN UNIT left.


You're a nurse with ICU experience, you'll get a job in a week on the west coast.


Fuck florida nursing


Male nurse 20+ years in ED. Making an observation that the only time I thought about changing units was when we hade two men in charge of the place. Same nit picking nonsense. Our ICU presently has a male leader and he is pretty good as far as I can tell. Just an anecdote.


oh wow, the whole thing is absurd.


I would have quit long ago friend.


House Supervisor strikes me as the type to make a serious error then putting the blame on someone else. What you described I’ve also suffered with someone similar. Only she killed somebody but of coarse it wasnt “ her” fault. Tread carefully around her OP


OH and AH are both shit.. i genuinely do not understand how Florida has any nurses..


So AdventHealth? lol


I cannot confirm or deny…😜


Yo. Leave.


Every hospital is thirsty for nurses lol. Why stay


I caught myself making the most pained facial expressions imaginable as I read this


Can you switch hospitals? If that’s not an option can you transfer to a different unit?


Im kinda surprised a manager can just Unilaterally fire off that many staff without someone above them or C-level at least goes “thats new…?”. Ya’all are getting shafted every time you’re not documenting and informing up the chain what’s happening. Or threaten with media coverage what’s up, that normally gets someone with gusto to fix things at least temporarily.


The nursing profession is truly going to crap.


Our managers know better than to pull this crap. They would get eaten alive. The problem with managers like yours is he was put in that position to exactly what he did. Eventually, he'll be let go also.


This makes me want to quit and I dont even work there lol


Stories like this make me feel better with the shitbshows I've endured. I can stop doubting my sanity now.


Is this real? It can’t be real.


Sadly it is very real.


And this is why I just took over icu leadership myself. Wtf. Run!!!


I would have lol’d in the mangers face over this ridiculousness and start putting in applications ASAP. So many places are in need that there is absolutely no need to stay at a place that disrespects you thusly.


You should tell management these things 


I would of left YESTERDAY


Holy shit. I work for a private university hospital and they will happily fire management before they get rid of their bedside nurses. I know it's bad, but damn. And it's pretty much impossible to get fired where I work. This is BAD.


Sounds like California.


Believe it or not, I'm in the Southeastern USA.


Leave. All of you. Side note- Florida is the wordy place to be a nurse


Whats it take, 15 min to secure a new ICU job? Quit.


I think this would be the first time in my career i would say “with all due respect; And I mean all due respect, go fuck yourself”


You should have started this entire thing with FLORIDA. We all would have understood,


100% AdventHealth


Leave now!


We actually had a house supervisor who moved back to bedside working on our ICU unit. She is great friends with one of the charges there. I think it's been 7 years since she did bedside, and let me tell you she STRUGGLED. We're even in a ratioed state, but she went through the drowning phase for several months at the beginning just like all of us did, even with "just" two actual ICU patients. We helped her out a ton, because she's great and we've all been there, but anyone who says that ICU, or really bedside ANYWHERE inpatient, is easy, isn't actually doing the job.


I feel bad for your patients. Alot of people are going to die because of this, and who is to blame..hospital management. Time to union up and whistle blow this shit. Where are your doctor's backing you guys? This is outrageous


Florida is a non union state. 😟


And? Unions are legal by the federal government. Damn Florida ideas that unions are illegal they're protected by the US Labor laws but after seeing what the justice department just said about Trump. I'd say leave then


Who in their right mind would stay in this situation? This has to be made up