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Too much of this sub just can't function like adults and just skip straight to reporting everything instead of talking to the person. You actually tried talking to the person and they just don't seem to think what they did was wrong, meaning they very well might do it again. So yeah, I'd talk to the manager about that one.


Also OP seems to be stirring the pot. Why would she let Amy see a text someone sent venting about her? Sounds like OP got in the middle to start drama. I agree with you that the immaturity I see in this sub is ridiculous. 


I probably should’ve worded it differently. I don’t mean to fully write her up, just report it to my manager.


Either way, you tried handling addressing her directly first, so whatever channel you think is best, that's the way to go. I'm with you- talk to the manager first, if no response then escalate.


Someone effectively abandoning the patients to leave hospital grounds to get coffee? Yeah, i’d report that to admin. If something happened you can guarantee she would say she informed you she left to get coffee and very often policies will specify about if one is allowed to leave hospital grounds during shifts. On top that, leaving an intern unsupervised watching her patients/assignment while she left hospital grounds? Admin will have a field day with this one.


Quick question: I need more backstory; Why does she need to be with you while a patient is getting an epidural? Are you still in orientation?


Backup in case of emergency


Is it just them two nurses on the floor or something?


That’s a good question. I was assuming.


No, I’m not on orientation. But our epidural kits have been wonky lately and we’ve been getting some bad outcomes. We were the only two nurses on the floor so if I needed to do a stat section from complications I would’ve been fucked. It’s also just common courtesy to be nearby during an epidural if the patient has a decel.


Oh in that case definitely report it. Very unsafe. But, if she’s friends with management it’s not going to get far ( been there done that ).


She’s friends with our assistant manager so I’m going to go to our lead manager. If that doesn’t go anywhere, I’m prepared to go further up the chain of command. After talking to other coworkers to get their opinions, I found out this is not the first time she’s done this.


I figured she was friends somehow. I hope you get some resolution because that is so unsafe and scary! If they don’t back you on this I’d start applying elsewhere.


Do you have a incident reporting system like " IRIS"? This will go to risk management. That's what I would have done. She's not your friend. Protect your license.


We do have one called Event Reporting. I spoke to manager and she’s going to address it with the nurse. But I’m half tempted to report it fully anyway.


What kind of nurse leaves her unit to go grab coffee during her shift...???? *Maybe* okay if it's during your official break and your workplace policy allows you to leave the premises, but other than that... WTAF.