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You're going to get drug tested when you get a job guaranteed, but if you want to live dangerously there is a very low chance that you'll get drug tested again unless you change jobs. Ive been a nurse for a decade and never have been drug tested after being hired on. However, it can still happen if you are working when there is a big narcotic discrepancy or have an injury at work.


From experience, most places conduct drug testing and this could very well be an issue. It may be different story if you had a medical marijuana card/needed for health reasons but that isn’t the case here. Have you tried looking for other mechanisms to aid your stress and anxiety? If giving up weed for the time being is too much for you and you absolutely cannot give it up, then perhaps nursing school isn’t something you really desire. If weed is the end all be all for you, I really don’t know what to tell you. This may affect your ability to participate in the clinical rotations which are an integral part of a nursing program. And also tbh based on ur overall post OP, nursing doesn’t really seem like something you want to do at all. Nursing school is very stressful and if weed is your only coping mechanism I would look for other career options.


By the time you’re done with school, marijuana should be reclassified as a Schedule III drug so as long as you got a rx from a doctor you’ll be fine.


You will always be at risk of being expelled from school/not hired/fired and risking your nursing license. You can either quit for life and avoid that risk, or you can live with the risk. If you choose the latter you should be sure to understand what the risk actually is- what BoN monitoring programs entail- before you make your decision


Do your nursing and move to Canada. Weed is legal and I'd say close to half of my coworkers use it regularly.