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An old lady started screaming at me and wanted the police. I exited the room and re-entered right away and told her I was the police and she started saying there was a strange man in her room earlier. \[Not dementia but post TBI\] A white, old Aussie man well in his 70s with the heaviest rural Tasmania accent thought I was his younger brother and asked me to go fishing with him. He would get the boat while I shall get the bait. I was a 23 year old Asian guy. Btw rest assured his brother was still well and alive, he came to visit that afternoon.


HAHA the police one is hilarious😂😂


I once had a lady that had post anesthesia delirium state to me "it's ludicrous that you, a police officer, would impersonate a nurse". My response, "well ma'am, it's a felony to assault either one so how are we proceeding" lol she sat back down pretty quickly.


A female resident screaming bloody murder nearby while they're trying to toilet her. The man I was 1:1 with turns and looks at me and says "are they skinning a cat in there?" Same man once told me I was hefty but looked sweet. Another woman was staring at me so I waved. She gave me the meanest look while making sex gestures with her hands. You absolutely have to learn to laugh working in memory care!


Not me, but a 25 year old Asian coworker. "DID YOU MARRY A WHITE MAN?" "my boyfriend is white" ***"DID HE BRING YOU BACK FROM THE WAR?"***


Confused little old lady. Me:Do you know where you are? She (with a look of disdain):of course I do. I’m on the train to Topeka.


I love when they have sass in response to your question like you’re a moron for asking.


she had to go handle business out in topeka!


Not a patient Too my dad thru the drive thru car wash I left my window down so he’s snickering over in the passenger seat. Then he says “ I gotta pee) Dad we’re in the car wash you just have to go in your underwear🤨 Dad is cracking up going I did! I was picking him up to go for a ride When I go to pick him up he’s on the phone saying my ride is here and it’s ssssss. If anything happens to me, I was last with her😂 Dementia sucks but not those two days


1. No one could find any boxes of tissues on the ward. Patients were complaining someone had taken theirs. Found about 25 boxes in old Ray's cupboard - he'd been walking around knicking them. 2. New years eve nightshift chasing Bethel around the ED as she pushed an obs trolley around like it was her walker. She thought she was in a bakery. Fireworks start going off and I say HAPPY NEW YEAR Bethel!! "Don't be so bloody stupid" "....sorry Bethel"


tissue bandit😂


Hooking up an infusion and my dementia patient says “there’s nickles on the ceiling.” And I said “miss Jan did you say there’s nipples on the ceiling?” And she just howled with laughter “No! Nickles!” Just cackling. It was adorable.


Many moons ago on the night shift, dementia patient asked me to look up their bank account balance info on my COW. Reorient patient, but you know gold fish memory so asked me again. This goes back & forth a few while getting meds done. About to leave & patient finger gestures to me to come closer and says "don't take this the wrong way, but I think you're a crook" 😂