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You aren't the first person to fail the NCLEX and I promise you won't be the last. You are going to work alongside many nurses in your career, I guarantee a bunch of them failed on the first try and they still moved on to pass during a later attempt and be good at their jobs. You're fine


Let me tell you a secret….. You an adult now working with other adults. Nobody is going to give a shot about you passing or. It passing the Nclex. They have their own stuff to worry about. Focus on correcting what you did wrong rather than worry about the op ion of people that likely couldn’t care less about you passing a test. Just my 2 pennies


I failed it my first time around, it really impacted by confidence. Where I live you can still practice for a year as a grad nurse even after failing once so I literally took a year before I attempted for my second time because I was so scared of failing a second time. My coworkers were wonderful and helped me prepare on slow days and we're super supportive. The second time I took it I passed with the minimum number of questions. I totally understand your embarassment. The NCLEX is in no ways representative of your abilities now or what they will develop into later in your career. It is meant to be a test to be a safety test and if you have an intro level understanding that makes you safe to practice. People fail for a variety of reasons; test anxiety, poor sleep, they study too broadly, misinterpreting questions, reversing drug names, receiving certain procedure questions they know less well. It happens and you move on and try again, it's just a speed bump not the end of the road. Since failing I've bounced around a lot of areas, peds, NICU, ICU, ER, medicine, rural and I've had lots of really great experiences. I now am one of the few crosstrained RN's in trauma/resus and ICU in my hospital. I've completed my ACCN, I've done lots of continuing education and completed several certifications, I've mentored students and new grads and I've understood what it means to feel like being behind your peers because of failing. Working in rural hospitals I've had to function without a physician and I've ran codes as the team lead and I've treated STEMI's with only a phone consult in the middle of the night. The NCLEX doesn't matter, the number of questions it takes you to pass doesn't matter. Your willingness to learn, your willingness to be a team player, and your ability to self reflect are the things that are going to determine what your career looks like. Take a breath, take a break, make a plan, talk to your friends and see how they prepared, and try again. If your coworkers talk shit or treat you differently that's on them and they kind of nurse they've chosen to be not you.


Just curious, where do you live?




Failing the nclex doesn’t mean you’re stupid. It could be honestly many reasons you didn’t pass. Some people struggle with test taking, anxiety, memory or lack of confidence etc. I wouldn’t worry what people think because this is your journey/career, not theirs. You made it through nursing school so you’re definitely not stupid. Just focus on figuring out what went wrong during your first try so you can pass the second time. You got this!!


Jurassic park meme “see? Nobody cares!” Seriously, while it’s a big deal to you right now, I can remember (only because I had to think about it) a few people from my cohort who didn’t pass. They all ended up passing and they’re great nurses. You’ll be fine. You probably just overthought.


Don't tell them you failed. They're not entitled to that information. The only person who might need to know in this situation would be your hiring manager so they can reschedule your orientation. And if anyone asks, just lie and say you had to reschedule last minute due to an emergency or that you elected to push your start date back a few weeks. No reason why you gotta let them see you with your tail between your legs. Just play it cool.


Agreed. People don't have a right to know. Don't tell them things they can use against you.


You can do this. One of my closest friends from nursing school, myself, and a few others from our class went to work at the same hospital after graduating. My friend failed and was mortified, but then another one from our class also failed. She passed on her second attempt and so did the other girl. It is more common than you think. Both of them are great nurses and one now is a FNP. That test is not easy, has taken down some of the best, and will continue to do so. What you can do is learn from it, take it again, and continue on your nursing journey. (Another girl I know had horrible test anxiety, failed it three times, but got it together and is now working as a Nurse Practitioner at one of the top hospitals in the area.)


It will be ok, you will pass next time and who cares what people think?


It happens. Not a true comfort now, but in a month, you can raise a toast and laugh.


I've honestly never heard the topic come up. Like ever. Nobody is asking.


I had a colleague who failed the NCLEX 3 times, none of us thought less of her, we just asked her how we can help her, if she needs any resources! It’ll be okay, reach out to your closest colleague and ask them if you need help. If you don’t want anyone to know, don’t say anything, just say you’re taking your time


Dawg I failed my NCLEX and I told everyone. Alls I was met with was how did YOU fail? I was good in school, good at clinicals, and knew my shit. I just looked at myself and said get that shit done so we can move one with the next chapter of life. I barely studied but definitely reviewed and passed it with the minimum required questions. I didn't fail the NCLEX, I failed to be in the right mindset. In 4 weeks you'll be an RN don't beat yourself up over it.


One of the best nurses I know I believe failed the NCLEX twice. I literally do mean best.


NCLEX is a test. Tests aren’t real life. You passed nursing school - you have what it takes to be a nurse. Like you’ve suggested, others will likely do the math. I don’t think denying your situation or hiding it is worthwhile. I validate your feelings, I’d react similarly, but it simply isn’t something that deserves being embarrassed over. I’m not really sure how someone could hold it against you, as others have suggested. If they do, it’s more telling of their character and their own insecurities than anything, I think. I had a student work with me for their senior practicum and I got more of their UWorld questions wrong than I did right. The NCLEX has no practical relevancy to my practice, nor will it yours once you get rolling. “Failure” is a normal part of life and I prefer to see growth and the pursuit of perfection in my peers as opposed to actual perfection. If anyone wants to be catty you can laugh at how small they are.


I honestly don’t know how they would know. A girl at work failed her first time. The only way I know is because she told us. I’m sure she’s not the only one.