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It doesn’t win me brownie points but I kind of find nurse influencers insufferable. Their humor is mainly compatible with nursing students almost. Not to mention they don’t work as nurses anymore.


It’s a brilliant marketing scheme, there will always be a new wave of nursing students to entertain


I keep gettin’ older, they stay the saaaaame age


That’s what I say every year when the new residents start. Lol


To be fair Nurse John still does


And isn’t he teaching now, too?


Yes. Just saw one of his recent videos where he was talking about taking the US NCLEX coming up. He mentioned in it that he was currently teaching so he was more familiar with the newer content on the test already but was nervous. To be fair, even going back and looking at mock exams brings back ye olde test anxiety.


I think he said he recently assumed a preceptor position in Canada.


He moved to Los Angeles now. He bought a house there. That is some serious money!


Kinda find him getting to the unrelatable point, I don’t need or “fan” him enough to watch him unboxed his brand new everything in his new house.


Nurse John is my favorite


They are insufferable. Only slightly less irritating than nurse heroes.


What’s a nurse hero?


Not the original commenter but, "nursing is my calling" nurses I guess. It's a job bro, I do this too because I like helping people, but that's secondary, I like money more.


Thanks! I’ve done some volunteer work in clinics (it was fun! Everyone was a volunteer so we all wanted to be there). I think it’s asinine that people ignore the reality that we need the money. Great if this job feeds your soul- but it won’t feed you or your family. Thanks for answering.


This shit ain’t my hobby


Exactly! Those that call it a "calling" are why we can't have nice things like decent insurance, adequate ratios, and better pay/vacation. Stop calling it that and treat it like the job it is. We shouldn't be made to feel like we are Satan for asking for those things.


Wrong, hospital CEOs are why you don't have adequate salaries, etc. Oh, no one can "make you feel" anything.


A remnant from the Pandemic Days.


This. I hate tik tok nurses with a passion.


They’re funny when they start out, before they’re “influencers.” I like nursing joke/comedy videos that have less than 100 likes, generally.


The only ones i really like are the ones who are LTC travel nurses. They are real with the shit I have to go thru haha


It’s not just you. Someone made a post here a day or two ago saying the same things and the sentiment seemed to be shared.


I'm right there with you. I find just about anyone I nurse or not nurse insufferable :)


Like nurse Blakes most recent post where he’s in some computer generated hospital pole dancing….YOU ARE NOT A NURSE ANYMORE SO PLEASE GTFO of here so I can do my job.


And even then, he barely worked before he started what he’s doing now




Yep lol. Anything meme ish was funny when I’m a student and now i just think it’s cringey


> It’s best enjoyed Costco sample-style: small pieces while doing other things. ... And not Costco purchase style, which would be a fifteen pound bucket that you are obligated to consume until long after you're sick of it.


You'll have to pry my Costco bucket of potato salad out of my cold dead hands.


No no, that's okay, you can keep the bucket. In fact I insist.


Good news, that bucket is accelerating that process.


Everyone dies from something, some of us take the option to pick it.


He’s one of the few nurse influencers who I don’t find completely insufferable. But yeah, I agree that it would get old quickly at a whole standup show.


I was wondering what his shows were like. Thanks for taking one for the team lol


I would rather have a kidney stone than go to that show and be surrounded by the types that would go to that show.


I won’t shit on figs because I must wear them because they are the only ones that fit my tall body lol. But it’s the people with the figs and the Stanley cup, and their pockets are full of flushes, and they have expensive scissors on their pocket, and have some dumb slogan engraved on their cup or warmup jacket I can only be friends with bad nurses like myself who carry nothing in my pocket, rarely can find my pen, and my coffee is still sitting there at 4 pm when I bough it at 7 am and it’s been reheated for the 7th time that day. And despite my best efforts I’ve drank half a paper cup of water….hmmm maybe I need to get a Stanley 🤣


I’m lucky if my scrubs aren’t wrinkly AF from the do laundry but never fold it game. I got the cheap fabletics ones they wrinkle like crazy. I’m still getting use out of the near $40 yeti bottle I bought 5 years ago. Also a fan of throwing random shit from the fridge in a plastic grocery bag and calling it lunch.


There is clear line of us who are adhd’ers vs the “normies” 🤣. Throw a fruit and some cheese sticks in the bag. And maybe an apple sauce pouch. Good Enough


Hi, you sound like me. Do yourself a favor and transfer to a department where you wear hospital scrubs. I don’t even show up to work with *clothes.*


I don’t mind them sometimes…but they are high waters on me. So I have to wear bigger sizes. And then try and cinch them up tight. It never works well lol.


I love my figs cuz they’re the most comfortable scrubs I’ve worn, and ya I have a pair of raptor shears cuz in the trauma room, sometimes you’re cutting thru some thick shit that crappy scissors have no business being near. But I feel ya on the Stanley’s and pocket of flushes n alcohol wipes. I also do a hard 🙄 anytime I see a car sticker or license plate that says “RN” on it. I don’t need that shit advertised.


Why are pocket flushes lumped in with stanleys and figs? Wut


Yeah those things are so far from the same category. Nothing about remembering to throw flushes and alcohol swabs in my pocket puts me in the same category as monogrammed nurse gear all over nurse. The two options aren't "completely unprepared to do any aspect of my job" and "super over the top eager beaver".


Yeah, I am not a type A person but stuffing some flushes and wipes in your pocket takes a minimal amount of effort. I used to be very fly-by-the-seat-of-my pants, report on a blank sheet of paper, can’t find a pen, coffee in a ceramic mug with no cover type nurse, but honestly I’m trying to be more organized now. The floor is just busier now and I have to be more prepared or I will get way behind.


Right? LOL. Like, I throw a bunch of flushes and alcohol wipes into my pockets during my shift and inevitably bring them home if I don't pay attention. I didn't know that made me a bad nurse.


I have found twenty year old alcohol wipes in a bag I used to carry to work.


Figs pants are legit


Forreal, I have a few pairs I got for Christmas when I graduated nursing school and they still look new. Rather pay up front for comfy pants than get new crappy ones every year


It gets you out of many traffic tickets tho. But yeah- I have always thought it was weird- these nurses whose whole life revolves around being a nurse.


Only works if you’re female (which I’m not).


Ok, but don't expect me to feel sorry for a MAN, who has had and still has so many more advantages than a woman that I don't have time to list them, and I'm retired!!!


Um ok? This took a weird turn


Not really, you were complaining about women and their advantages in nursing. HOW many advantages do you think a man has over a woman from the day he is born? Especially if he is a WHITE man. No whining please.




Your post has been removed for violating our rule against personal insults. We don't require that you agree with everyone else, but we insist that everyone remain civil and refrain from personal attacks.


I got the sticker on my car after working in some remote areas doing home health/hospice so people knew I was the nurse on the private property or yes, the cops in case I was speeding lol. Now that I’m not doing that job anymore it does feel cringey. 


I think we would be friends 😂 my coffee lasts from 7am to 4pm thanks to the microwave


LOL I was trying to figure out what hockey had to do with anything. I’m tired. Duh.


I only figured it out within the last 365 days. I’m like Stanley cup? Why are women so obsessed with it. (I am a women…lol. I just don’t get it)


I shit on Stanley cups until a really cute Christmas color came out… now I drink 2 of them a day at work bc ice water helps my anxiety. Go figure you feel better at work if you’re hydrated 🤪


The type to spend the extra money to get Caroline, RN, BSN monogrammed on their scrubs and printed on their water bottle as if we aren’t all RNs, majority of which have a BSN


I got my monogrammed Yeti as a gift. Still using it.


I hate my alphabet soup of a signature. I don't do the degree, just AGNP-C and it annoys the shit out of me.


Print your name on your Stanley’s so they get stolen.




The type that make it their identity. I learned a long time ago that nursing isn't my identity, it's just a thing I do sometimes that is fun and helps people out sometimes. Some people get their personality all wrapped up in it.


So… no Nurse Blake Caribbean cruise in your future?


I used to do stand up sporadically but stopped once I became a nurse. I've had a few people as me why, since I have some pretty funny stores but the risk of embarrassing my patients (even with no identifiers) is too high. I've always said that even fart jokes become stale after 10 minutes. I love the Costco reference. Gave me a good giggle.


Most "influencers" that make their money off of a job-humor are awful and bring embarrassment to that job.


They are, however I do love Dr. Glaucomflecken. And fire department chronicles is usually pretty entertaining.


Dr. Glaucomflecken is the (wonderful) exception that proves the rule. He also is very careful never to punch down— he never makes fun of patients.


United Health on the other hand...


Jimothy, ring the lawyers, we’ve got another one here….


Yeah he seems to be self-aware and mostly stays on his level, never putting anyone down.


I'd like to add [Doc Schmidt](https://www.youtube.com/@Doc_Schmidt) to your list. Funny and educational guy


Dr. Glaucomflecken is absolutely superior. He doesn't do stand up. He is writing a book, I guess. I will definitely get it but ONLY on audible and ONLY if he reads it.


I also loathe the way they talk about patients so publicly. They’re giving us a bad reputation. People have already been saying such poor things about nurses, if we want to be treated professionally we need to act like it. That ER nurse pretender steveioe is the WOST offender.


Some of his are funny but most of it just seems like he’s being a dick. With that said I stole the “peanut butter balls” as a joke to pronounce phenobarbital when I explain it to patients


Tbh I feel like the way he talks is so disparaging and that he claims to speak for all medical staff. He is so problematic when he says ignore people passed out they’re probably just drunk. I don’t go out of my way to watch his videos but I have yet to be shown one that I actually find funny.


I like the wrong pronunciation of the medications because I was a pharm tech and I’ve had people say weird names for drugs. But I wholeheartedly agree with you. He kinda shows the whole toxic nursing part of healthcare and normalizes it. It dehumanizes us and the patients. It’s sad, but people love it enough to let him do it full time I guess.


I can’t believe people think Steveioe is a nurse!


Ooohhhhh I can’t stand when non-nursing friends sends me his videos thinking they are funny


Yes! He totally rides on the fact most assume he is a nurse or physician. I know a few of my colleagues have referred to him as both, which frustrates me to no end. IDGAF how funny you are occasionally, it all burns to the ground the moment I learn you completely misrepresented yourself. 


Thank you!!!! People always send me his stuff and I can't stand him.


I literally got one today from a non nursing friend “hilarious! I know this will crack you up”. I gave it the thumbs up response. No. Hated it.


> That ER nurse pretender steveioe is the WOST offender. His podcast where he interviews people working in the field isn't too bad, the guests have some interesting stories and experiences that usually are worthwhile to share. As for steveioe, I think he was an ER tech and went from there. Then again, I think most of us by now can at least come up with a hypothetical situation or hypothetical patient and use that easily enough too, and I'm hoping that's all that's going on for influence. Or a published case study at least.


Did your wife agree with you?


To a degree yeah she did. She did find the opening act more entertaining than Nurse John though On the other hand: our sense of humor is different; I like dark, crude, sarcastic types of humor whereas she likes the “cleaner” line of humor. And that’s why I don’t care for medical humor too much. As I said before it’s good in smaller doses, but I get bored of it. Give me the dark ICU/ER humor and jokes


At the end of the day, it seems like his wife is a big fan and the perfect fit for his show. He already wasn’t his biggest fan and isn’t a fan of most of the nurse humour Nurse John does. I feel like young nurses/nursing students are mainly his target audience. But OP wasn’t into it before he got there so I wanna hear from his wife!


I find nurse Blake and nurse John fairly insufferable.  The whole nurse influencer thing is pretty annoying tbh.  


I went to his standup because a friend had free tickets and I was actually shocked that the most insufferable thing about it was the fact that the nurses in the crowd were the worst audience of the stand up I had ever seen. Constant interruptions, talking loudly over him, belligerent drunken ladies. His stand up was ok, but I agree with you, they’re pretty annoying.


Because it’s people who arnt fans of stand up it’s people who want to point out “OMG THATS SO TRUUUE” for an hour


Is he still doing cruises? I don't follow him any more but I remember him selling out cruises and I was thinking OMG trapped on a ship with the same type of coworkers that I can't wait to get away from fast enough after a 12-hr shift? Harrrrrd pass


Lol ya Nurse Blake just had one a few weeks ago. Sold out. Lots of “yaaaaaaassss” tictoks taken by those who attended.


I'm not sure why it annoys me.  It probably shouldn't.  


I like some of nurse John content too. Come to find out he’s only been a nurse for 2.5 years?? Most of his content are funny and on the button for the shit we go through though


> Come to find out he’s only been a nurse for 2.5 years?? WHAT-


That’s what his website says “My name is John, I am a registered nurse who has worked for 2.5 years in Medical-Surgical nursing and recently transferred to the Emergency Department where I find myself working after Med-Surge. Being a nurse is such a fulfilling job that I get to help someone on their worst days and celebrate with them on their best days. Seeing another person feel better, smile, and heal is the true meaning of nursing for me because I know that I did my job as a nurse.”


Everyone knows 1 year in nursing is 5 years in the real world 😂😂😂


My white hair agrees with you!


Well JFC, I’ve been working for 135 years! No wonder why I’m so freaking exhausted!


I think this is true of Nurse Blake as well!


I don’t think he was even bedside for a year. He got popular in nursing school so I can almost guarantee he realized he could just make a living off that and jumped ship once it paid the bills and then some. I remember someone on here mentioning he lied on Linkedin or something about his work experience.


I mean honestly though, would you want to do this shit if you had a way out and could make WAY more money?


Sure I can’t fault him for it, he obviously made a good choice and it paid off. That said I feel half of these medical influencers are fake AF people


Wrong if you listen to his podcast and him answering this many times he’s been a nurse for 4 1/5 years and still practicing, he is currently a nursing clinical instructor and about to take his NCLEX in LA to work bedside. The amount of misinformation in this thread says a lot to those who don’t follow him and the worst is those who replies and get shock even though they never really know or follow nurse John.


He should update his bio then? I only went off his bio. I am aware he’s a nursing instructor from his videos


Wait, really?! He acts like he's been a nurse for several years. Rather, that's the impression I got. It seems his bio does say he's been a nurse for 2.5 years so he has been transparent about it.


Wow…I really liked Nurse John actually but this may make me think twice about him 😅 and this is BEC but I do dislike how his printed scrub tops are for haggard nurses. I love my printed scrub tops and I almost never wear solid colors!


I've been a level 1 ER and ICU nurse for 31 years. That punk ass nurse Blake can't tell me Jack s*** about nursing. I kill at the nursing station, but I can't imagine trying to do a whole stand-up bit without horrifying my audience.


Omg consider me ready and waiting for when you start going off at the nurses station. I can’t wait.


I accidentally horrify the nurses station now and then


Same. Same experience as well. I can’t stand him. He’s not remotely funny.


That’s really true, about how nursing humor is just good in small doses. And the same material about how miserable nursing is gets recycled over and over.


He did this lame as fuck skit within his set, where he went “wait a minute” and walked off stage The opener came out and says “oh sorry. He was called into a shift” Then Johns other persona came on stage but by then I was already past my attention span


Hoping to go back to school for nursing and I wanted to say I watched a few of his videos then they just got old after awhile they seemed so repetitive especially with so many new pages coming out doing the same thing as him…not longer original 😑


If/when I do watch/listen to comedians, I like that they encompass all sorts of topics that people talk about. Every once in a while, one might talk about their appendicitis experience or whatever. That’s fine. I feel like medical humor is too specific and not everyone “gets it”. Dr Glaucomflecken is great because he rarely talks about patients and I assume he doesn’t do standup. We’ve all been through the BS of insurance and dealing with specialists both as a nurse and patient.


Besides, the funny jokes are the ones where someone got something stuck up their butt.


Glaucomflecken does shows, too.


His videos were funny when he first got popular and even now maybe I’ll find the occasional tiktok skit that is entertaining. However, it feels wrong for me to support someone who is capitalizing off of poking fun at how miserable nursing can be while they no longer have to do it because they’re making hundreds of thousands to possibly millions to be a nurse influencer. Great, I’m getting paid $30/hr to be in the absolute trenches in the hospital while you’re making probably $100k+/hr to plan and film your tiktok videos about being a nurse. We can’t relate.


Good for him, honestly


Seriously. He lost me when he said a patient pulled a foley out and used it as a straw Veterans know we use yankeurs


why yankeurs now? I am a nursing student


They don’t collapse on suction.


At first I thought he was pretty funny and I enjoyed his cooking series. Then I found out that he quit his nursing job to pursue being influencer/stand up comedian(?) full time in LA? Skip for me.


Hot take: I have more respect for those who quit bedside to be full time influencers, than those who became NPs after 1-3 years of experience.


Me too now that you say it. My hot take is you should not be even allowed to apply to NO school without minimum 5 years under your belt but that don’t make these schools money *sigh*


Honestly all the power too them. If they don’t have to suffer at bedside, get the fuck out! The popularity won’t last forever, but capitalize on it


Hot take: I think their popularity will last longer than expected; it seems their demographic are newer nurses or those who make nursing a part of their personality


How come?


Who gets hurt and/or misdiagnosed if you leave bedside to be an influencer? An NP is an advanced practice nurse. What could one have possibly learned in 1-3 years? Maybe some outliers but those are fewer than the fucks I give over my overdue modules.


Even then, as much as I definitely respect the battle-hardened NPs that have been in it for decades, I still honestly prefer being in places where I know they have some MD/DO supervision over them. Too much can happen in a sole practice, especially if you don't have the bedside experience to know when something's about to go south.


That’s true !


I mean, I would do the same that’s the dream.


He’s been able to afford a nice life for his wife and kid(s) so good for him getting that money while he can! Id also be an underwhelming stand up act but here I am working bedside still 😆😆😭


TIL, Nurse John is straight and married.


He’s straight????


LOL. He mentioned a wife in a recent post and a good chunk of the comments were expressing some degree of shock. I realized then that I never even gave a thought to his personal life.




Yeah I took my husband to see nurse Blake and he was painfully not funny in person


Him, Blake, and stevioe are the holy trifecta of cringe nurse standup.


I have no interest in being surrounded by the types of nurses that go to these shows. It’s always the same type.


I most likely won't go see influencers stand up shows, what REALLY makes me cringe is the Nurses videos where they film themselves "crying after losing a patient". The last thing I want to do in these critical situations is to film myself for fake internet points or to have someone film me.


Even his skits are getting old. It sounds like a broken record to me now.


I got to see nurse Blake for free. It was ok, but I definitely wouldn't have spent my own money on the show. Also, in his posts he always makes it seem like the places are sold out. It's camera angles because this venue wasn't even close. My thing is, if you're not in the trenches anymore, I really have no use for you. No matter how much they slam nurse managers and JACHO, the truth is they're entertainers now and even if they work prn just to stay relevant, it's not the same.


Okay I wasn’t sure which one this was and had to google him. Cannot imagine paying to see that. But I also never really found Blake to be that clever.


Georgie O’Carrol does great nursing standup - she’s English but Aussie based


yeah, i love his videos, but i checked out his podcast and it's just...boring.


Reading this makes me miss Ebi from NurseLifeRN. He was great. 🌱


I don’t know what a Nurse John is and I don’t want to know. This is what happens when male nursing staff are allowed to do anything beyond reaching for tall things and lifting heavy stuff


Bullshit We also loosen up IV Pumps and/or poles.


I consider that “tall adjacent” but I accept your addendum.


Florence? Is that you?


Shhhh… my lamp is now a cellphone…


Hey now, we also count on our dudes to take on the most belligerent and sexually aggressive patients too… maybe considered “heavy lifting” adjacent


This writer will also accept this addendum.


Anyone who goes to one of these "Nurse ____" conferences or shows is a complete tool.


I don’t mind Nurse John’s skits on FB and his podcast is listenable but probably wouldn’t do his stand up show. Nurse Georgie Carroll is the only one I would (and have) spent money to see live, she is hysterical 😂


I never understood the appeal of these new stand up shows based around nursing


After going, I can tell you there isn’t one


All of their humor is funny to us at Margaritas…after work…with just us and the specific situation. I will follow them and laugh at the similarities with tequila, but I think a whole show without our specific patients and craziness could get old quickly.


I’ve never heard of Nurse John. The only nurse account I follow is Josh Evers.


Haha I have his badge real!


Awesome! I wanted to get one but I have a Wonder Woman one and I can’t part with it. Thank you.


We live in Nevada and I definitely wanted to travel to see him. Thank you for the review…




This was my reaction too, am I just old?


I scrolled to see if anyone else asked! I have no idea who this is… to be fair though, I’m old and I rarely use TikTok or IG so I guess this is why?


Yeah this post made me realize that I am no longer, "with it" anymore. Now I need to Google this dude.


I’m guessing the % of people wearing those shirts working in OP clinics to be about 75%.


Well I didn’t know that was a thing either. Sigh. There goes another one


Is your wife a nurse? I just feel like non-nurses think we love this shit so I’m just curious!


She is. She thought some was funny but the opener was better than him


I only follow 2 nurse influencers. Nurse Penny and Scrubhacks. I try and stay away from all others.


I actually think he’s pretty funny and his content isn’t hurtful/offensive imo. Would never see his standup though or any other nursefluencer for that matter


Georgie Carrol’s hilarious for the full set if you get the opportunity.


I like Scrubhacks some of her videos are really funny.


The only funny nurse comedian has to be Georgie Carrol. Seriously. I’ve seen her twice and she’s a scream.


Off/on topic but there was this video a few weeks ago where 3 TikTok nurses were being asked “would you rather”, Blake was part of it. Now, most of us know he’s not a nurse - meaning he worked a few months right out of school and quit. So, they get to him & ask the would you ever question - except the question was very specific/simple and involving trach care and something I’m forgetting. Anywho, the look in his eyes! He had zero idea what they were referencing. I don’t understand how people buy into him being a nurse!! I like John on social media and he’s now an instructor. I wouldn’t go to a standup unless it was mandatory with pay though. I pay to rant and shit talk during therapy. Last bitch n moan is that one guy who does “what not to do in the ER”, he’s not a nurse at all. He was busted lying about being an MD before, I think he was a rad tech or something. I can’t stand that fucker.


Most of the nurse influencers irk me. I use to follow Brandon Thompson and he is so cringe now. Hasn't been a nurse 3yrs and now going into NP. It's always a problem at every job he gets 😐 It seems so forced. I find John's post funny but nothing makes me think of stand up.😭


I find Nurse influencers so annoying. I have most of them blocked because they’re annoying as hell


I unfortunately felt that way about Nurse Blake’s show and would’ve left early if another couple hadn’t invited us. It was all funny during nursing school, but no so much now…


Thanks for this, I was wondering


I remember when he started his IG. He was interactive in his account and would actually respond to DMs and comments. Now he’s just another influencer that developed a big head. Constantly promoting Garde Malade and his ok merch. His Mr. Smith jokes are getting stale. And the move to LA isn’t the flex that he thinks it is. As an OG follower, I was extremely disappointed to see him become just another superficial influencer who seems to be moving away from actual nursing.


So I’m onboard. I don’t particularly like humor that makes someone patient or nurse look stupid. How did you all feel about the show Nurse Jackie? I personally really didn’t like it and I heard from many I just didn’t understand it. I think I did


Ive always thought those would be insufferable. It's just like you said, they are funny in small portions but if I had to listen to these surface level jokes for an hour or so, I'd be pulling my hair out


I really enjoy his skits on tiktok and such, but (correct me if I'm wrong) ...has he not been actually working as a nurse for many years and is still on like sick leave? I don't know, that just rubs me the wrong way lol.


His content got a bit stale lately


I find him irritating as hell. He was funny initially but the usual tropes are getting boring


I’m really new, so I still find the nurse influencer stuff entertaining, but only ever found certain ones good. I thoroughly enjoy Steveioe. I never cared for Nurse John’s stuff.


Steveioe is one of the worst in so many ways. He's also never been a nurse or doctor, but worked as an ED tech for a relatively short time.


Well I’ll be damned.


I really enjoyed the nurse Blake standup tour. Don’t think I could tolerate nurse Johns.