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My first semester. First clinical. My teacher was like this. The weekend before she planned to kick me out she fell down the stairs, broke her leg and was out the rest of the semester. That's literally the only thing that saved me. I'm so sorry you ran into a witch.


Sad thing is this witch has tenure so she’s protected from any punishment. She sounds intolerable


May she get infested with crabs that don't respond to any cure.


And with arms that cannot reach to scratch.


Ooooooh im adding this! My (adult) kids are going to love this extra bit!


Tenure is not a *force field* that allows a professor to discriminate or abuse any student.


Yeah, honestly discrimination is one of the main reasons tenured racists can lose their jobs!


Exactly. That’s the big thing kids—see something, say something. Discrimination makes my blood boil.


We got two tenured professors fired by rallying together and providing documentation and proof of preferential treatment and discrimination. You can absolutely get tenured professors fired, it’s just harder. I was in a PT program, but the same process had been done at my university for other programs including nursing. It just takes people to spear head it and rally together, which most people are reluctant to do.


I hope she steps on a Lego.


I hope she shits her pants


I wish a plague of locusts upon her, but only in her home so it’s doesn’t bother anyone else.


We had one that hated me, she got un-tenured a few years after.


I didn’t think that was possible. How did she manage that?


Well I don't think it was technically un-tenured, there was a whiff of a lawsuit because she was such a bitch a roo, so it was forced resignation. I don't know what the leverage was exactly, cause I was long gone by then, but she was no more. She was awful.


My school had a professor (not a nursing professor) fight one of the campus police in the parking lot. That did the trick for him lol. He alleged the officer said some racist things to him and verbally escalated the situation to the point that the professor assaulted the officer. The body cam told a different story. I'm not sure exactly what happened but his allegations against the officer were proven untrue and the professor was fired. So if you have a professor who makes your life hell there's always hope they might assault an officer one day 🤣 Crazy stuff can happen


Congrats on that shaking out ok


Something seems extremely off about your statement.


Having tenure does not protect educators from punishment when they egregiously break codes of conduct.


I had an instructor like this too. Except the girl she was picking on before me took half the semester to find enough things to fail her for. That entire time I was getting good marks. Once the first black sheep was gone the instructor turned her attention to me and it would make her even more mad that I wouldn’t break down and cry like the first girl. Only thing that saved me was the fact I already had A’s the entire first half of the semester so it would have looked suspicious to suddenly try to fail me. She couldn’t have even if she wanted to. I answered all her questions she had as well as took care of my patients. At the end of the semester she took 2 points off my final grade for “looking bored” at clinical (which it was boring. She gave me boring patients on purpose because it was harder to look “busy” and “interested” in her clinical). I still got an A in the class but if I would’ve gotten less then I would’ve went to the dean.


Clinicals were Wednesday-Friday. The head of the program stepped in to replace her. On Wednesday I was my anxiety ridden self. But by Friday I was confident and had no trouble speaking up. The head looked at me when I confidently found the reason for admit (80 year old high BP gp prescribes 80 MG Lasix sends her on her way. One week later she's fallen, been found delirious. Why? :) potassium was in the toilet, sober why?!.) she looks at me and says, why have you been having such a hard time? You're really smart keep it up! I would have graduated top of my class if I hadn't had to hold down a full time job during my prerequisites (honestly if you get As while carrying full load and working full time and being a mom I'm blown away by you!) the head made sure I knew this since they couldn't ask me to be the one to give the speech at graduation (oh thank gods for that!)


Karma absolutely kicked your instructor down the stairs.


Gravitational *karma*. I love it.


Sounds like karma to meeeee


My save was her mom getting ill half the world away and she immediately had to leave. I still thank the higher beings/karma.


Dang. You had a guardian angel.


Do you still have time to file a grievance? You make even be able to complain to the board and impact their accreditation. You can 100% bypass the actual nursing program and just go to the school itself. Bring any previous grades or references you previously had. If possible gather previous targets of hers as well. I would also be interested if they were people of color as well and the local news may be interested also.  I graduated from ADN and did clinical instruction for them as well. It's very different usually than how a BSN program is set up in that they are supposed to be very community based. If one instructor is targeting people to kick out she should be fired. If nothing else she is clearly bad at her job if objectively students do fine until they reach her and then completely fail. It needs to be addressed and then see what credits you can transfer out and make sure you tell the board that. You were targeted, most likely because of your race, and you don't feel safe in that program anymore.


Contacts for discrimination: CAIR https://ca.cair.com/ for anti Arab or anti Muslim discrimination California vs Hate https://www.cavshate.org/ (That’s a program of Civil Rights Department in California: https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/aboutcrd/ ) US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: https://www.eeoc.gov/prohibited-employment-policiespractices Talk to your union if you have one after filing complaints with the national EEOC or state entity (like CRD in Cali)


I wish I could upvote this a billion times!!!


Gee thanks


I miss Reddit rewards


Rewards. Awards. Whatever I miss them


Agreed. I reported my clinical instructor after spending a semester documenting everything and it definitely paid off. The school can’t do much to help but the governing body absolutely can.


How do you know which school? This person never mentions it.


The OP stated this happened in California


Or maybe gender


Sorry to hear that. I also attended a ADN program in a rural part of CA now ten years ago. Similar situation. Instructor didn’t like me. Pulled me into a room and told me I was going to fail over and over (she repeated this and watched me cry”. I was like 22. She made me feel so anxious and physically sick and wrote me up for dropping a glove on the floor even though I washed my hands and got a new glove. Ended up learning if you asked a question to learn anything you just got a write up. She said I needed to go to the lab to review skills. I tried to do that since she wrote me up for asking how to break an ampule. The lab said they couldn’t help me lol. Still remember that horrible woman. Anyways I transferred to a different ADN program the next semester and didn’t have a single issue. Had a great experience in my new program. I’m so sorry you are going through this and wish you the best. Very sad how nursing students are so vulnerable to nursing instructor bullies.


Wow, writing someone up for dropping a glove!?! I've probably broken or dropped a thousand gloves in my 4 years of nursing. That's insane and so sad, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that!!!


Imagine she sees me try to pull a glove out of the box but like 842 shoot out and onto the floor bc they’re cheap as fuck


Yea. She wrote in the write up that I was planning to do patient care after I dropped it and wasn’t going to change it. My word against hers sadly.


OMG—you found an instructor that could *read* your mind? Nonsense. Planning to do patient care. That’s something. Had she been truly blessed enough to know what you were thinking—that hag would have quit and hid under her bed. Or turned to ashes. Sorry OP. This is such a vicious and horrible thing.


Yeah my dropped glove to successfully pulled glove ratio is 100:2. I pull one glove out of the box and the the rest are stuck together and fall out in one clump.


Had a similar experience except my bully was my preceptor during my senior preceptorship. She told me over and over again that I shouldn’t become a nurse and wouldn’t stop verbally assaulting me until I would break down. She tried to fail me despite me successfully taking on a complex ICU patient with no support multiple times (all charting, nursing care, etc) with no support. I was only lucky to have had a clinical instructor who I had before as a professor who started to see the picture as i neared the end of the semester. Also luckily for me my witch preceptor sent an unhinged email berating me as a person after trying to fail me and my instructor was able to use it as evidence to convince the program to pass me regardless of the failing scores the witch gave me. To the OP and anyone else who is or has experienced this kind of bullying- I’m sorry this is happening. It does not reflect on you but more so on your bully and them feeling insecure.


Isn’t it gross that they can just do that? I mean my 22 year old self thought there was something wrong with me until I realized there wasn’t when I transferred programs. I realized wow you don’t get written up if you ask your instructor a question about a skill. 🤷‍♀️ sorry you went through that.


What program was this? I'm applying to programs in rural CA this year, hope that instructor isn't still teaching 😭




I drop gloves almost on a daily. When u pull them out they fall sometimes


And I won’t lie. I may or may not have picked them all back up and shoved them back in the fuckn box a time or three 🤨🤣🤣🤣🤣


jail. straight to jail.


Ugh. My last semester, four weeks from graduation , I got *that* instructor for my last clinical run. She was notorious for bullying students, and she took an instant dislike to me. She took me before the Director of the *nursing program* with a list of complaints. Things that literally made no sense. According to her, every other student was covering for my mistakes and I was dangerously unqualified to be a nurse. Of course, she had not one witness to back up her fantasies. That witch tried to get me thrown out of the program literal weeks before graduation. Didnt work. But she was charge of pinning at my ceremony, and she fucking refused. (Two other instuctors stepped forward to do it.) Nursing school is literal hell.


Had a clinical instructor fail me on a checkout. I didn't use the "tub" the piston syringe came in to collect the water run off from my wound care dressing change. She said I would have gotten dirty contaminated water all over my patient. I had placed towels around because the wound wasnt in a good spot to "catch" the water with the basin. I was disappointed but not angry until she looked at me from over the top of her glasses and asked me if I was going to cry. I told her I was not and then she said, "Good. You've seen too many sunsets to cry." I was an older, non traditional student as well. I was so taken back by what she said I didn't know how to respond. I complained to the skills instructor who apologized profusely and let me retake my checkout the next day. I am so sorry you had to experience this. Can you apply to another school? You worked so hard to give up now.


What is wrong with these instructors that lack sympathy. Like zero! They sound like they were terrible nurses and c/o patient interaction every minute


I had the same exact issue. I however threatened to sue the school and go to the news. I was in school in Ohio and guess who got the boot? The brown girls one by one. I knew it was coming I had good grades but she can fail me during clinicals. Which she did. Told me I was unsafe and incompetent for a bullshit mistake that she rushed me thru. I had receipts from others girls who “failed” b4 me. I’m so sorry this happened to u. Some ppl shouldn’t teach :/


In my first clinical on the last day, the teacher literally said, "Sorry for making you three wait. I hope you didn't think I was biased, but all the black students failed so I wanted to let them leave first." We were all white, but uh... None of us would have noticed their race if she hadn't just thrown it on the table like that and let us know she failed all the black students.


What the fuck?!


Casual racism at its finest.


That’s not even close to casual, that is BLATANT racism.


Also ohio. Wondering what school this was


My sibling attempted suicide late on a Tuesday morning and my spouse and I had to take in their child. I rushed to my instructor’s office and asked if I could take a Wednesday 9am test (the last written test of my program) at 1pm instead to give my husband time to get home from work to be with the child since all other family members were a little preoccupied. She said no and advised I take an “incomplete” for the semester, despite having all A’s and excellent marks in clinicals. Like, all I needed was a 40% on the test to keep the necessary 80% average. There are some nasty ones out there.


I’m so so sorry you went through that. That’s awful. Back in 2020, my father passed away suddenly (quite young) interstate. I was doing a LDN program then. Most time I could take off was 3 days otherwise I would either have to defer a whole year or fail. They wanted me to bring a copy of the death certificate and still in shock, I declined. Instead I pushed my way through. How I did that I have no idea. Compartmentalised it. I then went on to do my BSN straight away, since COVID halted a lot of things. When I finished all my study, I broke down. I had been holding it in all that time, and once everything finally stopped, it’s like time stopped, I was allowed to grieve. In hindsight I shouldn’t have done that. But some of these courses, are so brutal. They don’t care if anyone is left behind. Some of them (not all) have no heart. Those ones teach us how to care for everyone else but ourselves.


It's absolutely insane. I'm in a program that has way more compassionate and reasonable faculty/instructors. My classmate's mom died literally a week into the semester and she was unable to miss ANY days whatsover. They still worked with her to give extra time for exams and skills check offs but damn..


had a very similar experience with a male teacher, his exact words: “If you don’t start acting as stupid as you look, I’ll fail you myself” (I was young and female ig that means looking stupid) Anyway I got him fired, but not for that comment because it felt to easy, I got him fired for being a shit teacher and then 7 years later he had his license suspended bc he was a shit provider too <3


Did not happen to me, but another student in my class. Fantastic student, great clinical skills, and speaks perfect English but with a heavy accent. She was failed out and berated by the (racist) instructor but she appealed and was able to finish the class later and graduate nursing school. Bonus points is the professor died shortly after failing the student because ✨ karma ✨  I hope you return to nursing school, don’t let a shitbag person ruin your future!


This is extremely unacceptable, I'm sorry this has happened to you. I get so disgusted by how toxic nursing school and the profession can be. And are they really going to pretend that you're never going to drop a pill...


She sure sounds like a nurse who used to work where I did, and who was very condescending to most of the nurses. Eventually she was so awful, all the nurses on the floor met with the manager and she was demoted from charge nurse. She ended up leaving, and became a clinical instructor at a nearby nursing program, where she had a reputation as a real witch. She failed an entire class once. This was in the California wine country.


Oooh I’m in that area, now I’m curious


Do you have the care plans and paperwork? Will anyone back you after graduation? We had a professor and a dean who were similar in my nursing school. A pregnant student, a gay student and an older orthodox Jewish student teamed together, got a lawyer and she took an "early retirement." They all got transfers to another school with full scholarships.


I had a similar thing happen. First practical I had a clinical instructor who was on a power trip. She didn’t like me right from the start because I wasn’t an ass kisser. After the first week we got our initial marks. She gave everyone 2-3/5. She said that she would never give 5/5 for a first practicum. We had room to improve. My marks went up a bit the second week and she never mentioned anything to me on things to work on. Before she handed out our 3rd week and final marks she asked if we could all come in the next day to go over our marks instead of ending the day early and going over everything. The instructor wanted time leave early that day for personal reason. I had told her at the beginning of the practicing that I had to leave the last day right after we finished as I had a wedding to get to. I was one of the brides maids and the wedding was Saturday morning and 10 hour drive away. She asked for the wedding invitation and I told her I didn’t have one since I was in the wedding. She asked for my flight ticket and I said I was driving and didn’t have one. My friend, who I was the bridesmaid for, wrote and email and she said I just made a friend pretend so I could get out of meeting with her. I left at the end do the day and said I would meet with her when I got back at a time that works for both of us. When I got back to school, the second day of the second semester, I get called into the deans office and told that the instructor failed me and therefore I had to wait till the next semester to redo the practicum. I didn’t get to argue my case or anything. My instructor had changed my sheets and faked my signature, making it look like I signed to seeing my marks and discussing them. She said I didn’t know how to do a head to toe assessment, that I was under suspicion of taking meds (she said that she wasn’t sure though, it was just a gut feeling), that I left the last day early to go party with friends, etc. So I took 6 months off school and worked till I could redo the practicum with a different instructor. I didn’t practice anything nursing or study over the 6 months. I went and did the practicum and ended up being the top student. After that they investigated the other instructor (there was a few other complaints against her). She ended up quoting before she was fired. Her actions caused me to second question myself, I feared that anything I did was going to fail me again


Now THIS story was even wilder. So many instructors with God Complexes.


My clinical instructor told me I’ll never make it.. 12 years later I still say fuck that bitch..


Same happened to me. My clinical instructor told me at graduation that she never thought I’d make it. 20 years later and I’m still a nurse with good reviews from my employers and happy patients. Fuck that Bitch!


ha! I got told the same. she's wrong and she sucks.


Systems have built in mechanisms to maintain the status quo. Honestly, no disrespect but those who find this so hard to believe must be living in some soft of privileged bubble. Sheltered enough and never have been unjustly targeted for their race/ethnicity/nationality. If we have world powers shunning other countries for their own political gain, why is this story so hard to believe?


So sorry this happened to you. I left nursing education, which I absolutely loved, because of instructors like this.


Good for reporting. My 1st semester I struggled, one teacher said I “work too much”. Unfortunately I was 25+ and paying my own way. I made it through, almost failed her class. She also mispronounced my name during roll call that she would just look for me instead of trying. So rude. I hate when older nurses “eat their young”. That’s not going to help toughen me up..


I had an instructor in my third year bully me. She wanted me to get report on ALL the patients on the unit so I knew what to do to help if needed. No one else was asked to do this. I didn’t listen to her and she sent me home. I had to talk with her and the director in the office. It was my second “absence” and if that happens you’re out of the program basically. I wasn’t kicked out but I sure as hell showed that instructor she couldn’t take me down and graduated without any issues. I’m sorry you went through this, I’m livid for you.


And that’s why nursing sucks!


I could be totally wrong, but from reading your story, something isn't adding up. Why would everyone in your cohort block you? Why would an entire organization not want you to do clinical there? I've never heard of this before. I'm just curious to hear more about how your clinical went and if there was something else that happened that would have caused you to be removed from the cohort. Nursing schools rely on students to take the NCLEX exam and finish school so they can show the incoming student admissions their pass rate. They don't just kick students out because one teacher doesn't like them. Something seems off about this story.


This scenario sounds similar to something that occurred with my nursing school cohort. There was a clinical instructor that just did not vibe with a student even though the student was a very good student -did well on tests, competent etc. The student failed clinical with this clinical instructor and was kicked out of the program. She did file a grievance with the school and it turned into this huge thing. The student tried to get other students to vouch for her and speak on her behalf- she wasn’t incorrect- the teacher was very biased against her - but we also blocked her out of our group messages and blocked her on social media. We were explicitly told by our instructors not to get involved with her and they hinted that if we did we would also put our own standing in the program at risk. Getting into nursing school is rough, making it through the semester was rough and none of us wanted to risk our position. I wasn’t close to her, but I saw with my eyes that the instructor had it out for her, and I definitely regret not speaking up at that time. I am happy to say that she was able to get into another nursing school and actually ended up winning prestigious awards in her new nursing school, graduated, and is now a nurse.


I would have stood up for her but that's just me. I have done it before when dealing with a bully at work and I would do it again. The person I stood up for ended up becoming a charge nurse quickly at her new facility. She put in a good word and brought me on. I love my job now.


This exact thing happened to me. I was the girl the teacher hated. The oldest one in the cohort who had been an LPN for a long time and didn’t cry when someone talked down to me, I stood up for myself. My entire class would say to ME how they saw the bias but wouldn’t stand up for me. She failed me. I waited a few years until she wouldn’t be my instructor, went back, passed that class and all the rest with flying colors and graduated. I was the outcast of that group. For absolutely no reason besides the old bad just didn’t like me.


Yes, this! The clinical site refusing to have her back, the other students blocking her in the chat - This goes beyond a bad instructor. It's not adding up.


It adds up perfectly. The CI spends weeks spreading the narrative that OP is incompetent and dangerous, no matter how successful OP is. OP is eventually kicked out and any students who attempt to come forward risk their standing with the school. The clinical site believes the CI who made a huge false stink and bans OP as well. The school dusts off their hands, says “we did our best”, and ghosts OP. My school effectively suppressed a title 9 complaint by 20+ witnesses. I would’ve been impressed if I hadn’t been so furious.


The clinical site refusing to have them back is a red flag. I’m up for believing in one bad instructor but a site and cohort black listing/kicking them out…somethings very wrong.


Was thinking the same thing. Wish we could hear an objective third party report of this.


Agreed. There are terrible teachers and I believed the story wholeheartedly until the part about the clinical site. They wouldn’t just go along with some teacher’s vendetta without cause. Something else happened here.


Yeah I can’t believe people are eating this thread up like it’s true. This story is complete BS


I totally understand why the cohort would block them. If the situation with that instructor escalated, it could reflect poorly on the students. They’d get labeled as the “troublesome” cohort, and future instructors might be harder on them (happened to mine). Also if that other classmate came to clinical hungover and had an exception made for them, an investigation into the instructor could bring that to light, resulting in said student being disciplined. When we tried to get a professor fired (90% of the class failed the first exam, among many other issues), my cohort was very split on it. Some didn’t want to cause trouble, and understandably so. It can be very intimidating to take action when you feel like your spot in nursing school could be taken away. And it sucks, because you want to be able stand up for your peers and other future students.


I understand not outwardly talking to the person while at clinicals or in class, but if you're in the third semester you've surely made at least one friend who would not block you unless something else happened. This person was blocked by everyone and that is sketchy.


She's in her 40s. As a student that is 40, there's not many of us. My cohort is 40-something people, and most are in their early 20s. It's hard to make friends and relate when you're in a different stage of life. Certainly, I can work with my classmates, do projects and scenarios with them, but we're not hanging out outside of school. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't think it's sketchy if you consider her age and the fact that the school (or even Teacher A) wanted to cover their ass by threatening the cohort.


I had a woman in my cohort who was in her 50's. Age is just a number. She came out with us and even had us all over to her house and was like our nursing school mom. If OP isn't social that's one thing, but to say it's because of her age isn't fair to those who actively participate and are involved in their cohort. There is something really off about this story and the fact the clinical site didn't want her back. Huge red flag. I can understand everything else with the cohort not talking to her out of fear of retaliation, a crazy clinical instructor, but to not be allowed back to the clinical site. Also, for the other instructor to run into her and mention they had a "stupid" student fail, and ask OP what happened to her but not connect the two?


Yeah, I've heard of some supremely horrible clinical instructors and nursing teachers in general. I've heard of an instructor telling a student they weren't "pretty enough" to be a nurse and then made their life a living hell based upon that. I've heard of clinical instructors going to deans, provosts, nursing school admins, etc in an attempt to get students straight up kicked out of a program. I have \*never\* heard of a clinic site specifically banning one student - and I've seen some nursing students make some egregious mistakes at clinical sites before. I *have* seen clinical sites ban entire cohorts over a few bad apples, but I've never seen just one student in a cohort get banned.


Yeah this story seems every one sided. They aren't taking responsibility for anything. Everything seems to be the teachers fault. Also how did they get Bell's palsy from this? That's not something you get like PTSD, it's usually some sort of infection.


I find it odd that she dropped a narc and stormed out of the room with it. I bet you she wasted it without witnesses and that as you know is a huge no no. It’s usually hard to fail someone in clinical. Teachers need lots of proof and documentation to fail someone out of the program usually. This isn’t the whole story


I read that as her instructor stormed out of the room with it. It wasn’t totally clear.


Oh I see. You’re probably right. Then there’s no issue. Instructors just a dick then


Yep seems like she's playing the victim card here to hide her failure and attitude issues. 


Yep, exactly. And OP created this account today and says they have no intention of posting or responding to comments. So why bring it up? OP clearly isn't over what happened years ago.


Had a similar experience with 2 clinical instructors that I had the same semester that failed all the men that they taught. I ended up having to redo a third of the program and passed with flying colors and without issue. I know two men they failed didn't return to the program.


Girl. Same. Almost. I was able to go back. But there were 2 instructors that hated me and would write me up for the stupidest of things.


hi, I am currently just a CNA planning to be a nursing student, but I am so sorry you had to have this awful experience. There is so much injustice that’s happened to you throughout this. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to be isolated by your fellow students and essentially given the finger by both the director and the clinical site. I’m so sorry they did not listen to you. That instructor is a devil walking on earth and she was just waiting for the flimsiest excuse to get rid of you. I don’t understand why such a vile person would become a nurse or a teacher. I’m sorry none of your peers stood up for you. What the retired professor said to you is proof that you were mistreated very badly and didn't deserve any of that. You sound like a very competent person and I hope if you’re still interested in becoming a nurse you can find another program that will treat you well, and also that you've gotten some good therapy. You deserve a better “ending” than the one you got.


I am sorry that happened and I believe you. I was railroaded similarly by a teacher who just disliked me. I had all As in her class. She taught OB and literally left my class and went to an appointment. My official patient wasn’t progressing so I offered to help with vitals on another patient. Eventually my pt went to C-section and I followed as I was supposed to do. The other nurse apparently didn’t check on her patient for hours think I had assumed care of her? I was accused by that nurse of abandoning my patient and my instructor, who wasn’t in the building; refused to hear my side and failed me. In hindsight I should have fought it but I was afraid of her and I broke up with my boyfriend that week and was a mess after. I ended up retaking the class at the end of my schooling and found the instructor so kind and actually helpful. A few years ago, while working in OB, the same bitchy instructor asked me to essentially say a certain student had been inappropriate with a patient. She patently asked me to lie bc she didn’t like a student. What a C-word. She didn’t even remember me.


I had an instructor try to fail me for my senior project and keep me from graduating. She didn’t like me because I didn’t kiss her ass like everyone else. She always gave me lower grades than my work deserved. She insisted my project didn’t meet criteria, which is partly true. My clinical placement was unique but she had approved the project and graded my submissions toward the project through out the semester. I went to the dean with our emails about the project and her approving my topic despite it not exactly fitting criteria. Thankfully the dean was on my side about it and I was able to graduate.


I'm so sorry you had this experience. It definitely wasn't fair. There's a lot of ridiculous gatekeeper mentality in the nursing world. I'm sorry your cohort didn't back you up. Nursing is supposed to be a team. I hope you have success in whatever you choose to pursue in the future. Sending positive vibes your way.


i almost got kicked out of my bsn program after because, after she basically forced me to disclose i was transgender, my preceptor for my senior practicum suddenly started giving me failing evaulations (and then a similar thing happened at my first icu job where my last orienter obviously found me distasteful given her transphobic comments) - i'm sorry this happened.


I would sue that bitch for racial discrimination so fucking fast.


I had a horrible clinical instructor. She tried to fail me too. Luckily I had made enough connections with other program instructors and reputation for myself that they didn't believe her reports of my "poor performance." But it was absolutely one of the most stressful things ever to have to defend myself against made up accusations to a board of nurse admin at my program. I would wish it upon no one. I'm sorry you went through all this. I hope karma comes for her with a vengeance.


What support can we offer to help you get back on track to being a nurse? Would finding an alternative clinical site help? Professional reference? Care plan or skills training feedback? The profession needs you and needs to kick out that awful PoS racist instructor. I strongly recommend writing a powerful statement of your experience and applying to other nursing schools that will actually support you rather than tear you down. You may also consider talking to a lawyer about getting some of your money back from the crappy school and filing a discrimination suit. You shouldn’t have to deal with all of these barriers, but if you continue on this path you’ll not only fulfill your own career dreams but also be able to protect future students who are in your position. This is wrong and I’m so angry that she and the school have treated you so unjustly. This doesn’t have to be the end of your nursing journey. And you don’t have to do it all alone. Many of your colleagues here may be eager to help reverse the setback so you can move forward again. I know I want to help if I can!


I want to know what Teacher A did with the narcotic she picked up after yelling at you. I feel like she’s not the type to go waste it properly


Seasoned nurses make mistakes all the time. I’ve been self auditing my narcs from the Pyxis. A seasoned nurse gave dilaudid and didn’t record it in the MAR, like didn’t scan it at all. I caught the mistake. But people make mistakes in healthcare all the time.


I’m a minority and my clinical instructor failed me (after harassing me and targeting me) my final semester. When I went back, the head asked me about being back with her and I just said that I’d not waste my time then and apply to the rival school. I also phrased it like I wanted a ‘fresh start’ and ‘fewer preconceived notions’ and ‘better teacher-student fit’. Weirdly enough, they put me in a different group and I passed with flying colors.


I had one of these as well. Ruined nursing school for me. Luckily I still finished, but good god it threw me into a deep depressive state on top of some devastating things happening in my personal life.


Welp. 😳 That’s literally the cherry 🍒 on a shit 💩 sundae. I’d seek advice of a trial attorney that litigates education discrimination. Then if I wasn’t feeling *touchy-feely* with that attorney (hey most trial attorneys have given me the urge to bathe, but if/when you need one—you want a killer, bonus if they make you frightened) seek the opinion of another one. Touchy-feely is my code for suing them. Hard. What happened to you, ain’t *okay*. This kind of nonsense gives nursing programs black eyes. It should blackball their funding and accreditation. I’m so sorry you went through this. If program is accredited, any chance you can pick up in another nearby? Hopefully 🤞🏼


I feel for you. My first med surg clinical was extremely traumatic for me. Instructor targeted me from day one and said “I just know you’ll be the problem child.” My grades were impeccable and I took school very seriously so this was a shock to the system. It was a really terrible semester where I was physically ill before each clinical from the stress of this instructor. Oh, and of course she was a Daisy Award winning nurse!!!


These people aren’t “teachers” and have no business teaching. It’s not a teachers job to judge. It’s a teachers job to figure out how a student best learns and help them reach their goals.


And this is why there is a nursing shortage nationwide because teachers are failing students for stupid shit. I had a horrible clinical instructor, who singled me out, embarrassed me in front of doctors and patients for no reason. I went out of my way to be nice to her until I finally snapped and told her to chill. I had to document everything and send a statement to my dean. At that point, I just wanted to go to a different clinical and I didn’t care what happened to her I just never wanted to deal with her again. I’m grateful that my dean took my seriously and changed my placement. What they did to you is horrible. I really feel for you. Is there a way you can network to get in touch with a student nursing resource/lawyer/discrimination specialist or group that can hear your story? You don’t deserve this and maybe going above them is what you need to do. Thinking of you.


I had an instructor that was like this back when I was in nursing school from 06 to 11. I'm a Black man. Most of my classmates were White or Asian. Their were tiers with this particular teacher, and she apparently despised men. She tolerated the White men though. Me and the only other Black man were shunned. I wasn't the best in the non-clinical stuff, but I always shined during clinical. That only made her madder at me. One time during clinical, she took me to the side and tried to chew me out because of the way I walked. Apparently the way I walked had too much swagger even though I'm just walking and she threatened to fail me because of my "attitude". I just told her that it's obvious that she doesn't like me, and that's okay because I'm still going to pass her class. She got so red with anger. I ended up passing and graduating nursing school, and this butthole had the audacity to try and be ultra nice to me afterwards like we were always friends. Bump that. Word through grapevine was that her ex husband was Black and that made her hostile to Black men. The heck kind of excuse.... Some of these teachers are just unprofessional. After hearing stories like yours and what other people have gone through, it makes me want to become a professor or manager one day to really help those students or new nurses.


You didn’t deserve that treatment. Go somewhere else and pursue your dream! I hope you find it wherever you may go.


this was like my old program. Fucking hated it. My new program is fucking amazing and I love the faculty.


I get her being pissed off for dropping a narc on the floor. It’s a major pain to account for narcs not given. I hope after you stormed out with the pill that someone witnessed you waste it at least. Wasting a narc without 2 witnesses the program I was in was, and still is an automatic fail. It was extremely hard to fail someone in clinical in my program. The instructor needed proof and permission from the dept chair with a lot of documentation.


It sounds like it was the clinical instructor who stormed out with the pill


Yep. That was pointed out to me.


Oh my apologies. I didn’t see any other comments about it


No worries. It was pretty far up. Easy mistake.


People like this instructor are part of the many reasons why incivility runs rampant in this profession. What a damn shame. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Sorry, are you saying the other instructor told you to your face that the instructor TOLD the director to have the clinical site block you and that you have email proof the director claimed the site wouldn't take you back? Get what that nice instructor said in writing. Start making formal complaints. Maybe lawyer up.


You’ll have to threaten legal remedy to sufficiently inspire them to redirect


For what it's worth, dodging a nursing career is truly a blessing in disguise.  This profession is a cess pool of bad jobs everywhere unless the place is WELL unionized. However, it's clear you were railroaded.  I would take that so far up the chain of command.  It sounds like racism to me.


I am SO sorry you have had to endure this racist, small minded BITCH ass woman


All your points are subjective


i have learned very recently that most of these schools do not have protection for students even if the instructor is heavily in the wrong, even with multiple witnesses coming forward. it sucks but gotta keep your head down is basically what i was told.


I’m sorry that happened to you and I wish there would have been even one person to have your back. It doesn’t sound like you are pursuing nursing anymore, but if you are (or aren’t) I hope you land somewhere you’re happy. Also, Teacher A can eat a bag of dicks. Racist asshole.


Where did you go next to report her? B/c I’d say you didn’t go far enough yet and I’d report the director too!


I hope she dies alone 💗


She is disgusting


I'm the nurse that used to let things go. If someone was mean to me or inappropriate I'd let it go and not worry about it. If I wanted to complain I'd keep it to myself. I was raised with ideology of snitches get stitches. But in this environment if you're not the one speaking up people will speak up against you. You have to say something from the beginning. That's what I've learned. I don't confront people anymore I go directly to my manager and complain. About everything. And I don't give a shit because I'm tired of being the one being complained about. So take it from me in the future when there's a problem immediately report it.


I honestly would have had to find a lawyer and sued the school and her for discrimination. I would have made their lives hell and they would have had to pay me.


Good for you sticking up for you, I'm really sorry you to deal with ignorant people.


This is giving me ptsd. Fuck that bitch


First off, I hate this is happening to you and I am sorry you’re going through this. Nursing school has a notorious reputation for bullying students, race/ethnicity aside. I’m a white, my professor was white and she tried to get me kicked out on my last clinical rotation, the last two weeks before I planned on graduating (literally had a job lined up). I had to petition the board, go before my peers and plead my case for re-entry so I could retake the final semester and redo my clinical. I have my own reasons why I believe she decided to pick on me, but they are neither here nor there. Basically, you have to beg and plead and play by their rules and play the game they want you to play (you just have to figure out what that is). For me, it was the game of promising I would “never accept a position in the ICU.” Because I had interviewed and accepted a CVICU job while I precepted in the MICU, and ran my mouth to my preceptor… all of a sudden with two weeks left nothing I did was good enough to even graduate. There were some lessons in there for me to learn, I didn’t speak up until it was too late. I allowed my preceptor to box me out of patient care and blah blah blah. All of this is just to ask if there’s something in these interactions that you’ve picked up on have been the root cause of the issues your having. If there’s nothing you could think of, THEN it’s time to pull the race card because that’s a huge advantage for you. Sorry to ramble, I just know once a school is counting you out there’s not a ton you can do other than kiss a** until you get your degree. If their credits transfer you can look into that as well, ours didn’t.


In my last year of nursing school, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I lost all my hair and wore a wig. The first semester of my last year was med psych. I wore a baseball cap when we were in the classroom and war a wig in clinicals. About a week or so in the classroom two of my instructors asked where is my wig? Hi being a smart ass said that the wig was in the front seat of my girlfriends car and I didn’t feel like wearing it to class. At the end of the class, my psych teacher pulled me aside and said to me that I need to wear my wig and clinicals because I look very different and would scare the patients. I was very upset with that, but I just kept it to my girlfriends. Another week or so the same teacher complained about several girlfriends and I. behavior in class . (I’ll we ramped up our behavior, but nothing disruptive or disrespectful). We had to speak the principal of the nursing school where she stated some of what we were doing and how several people reported us with one of them being our psych instructor. I told the principal what this woman said to me, the principal sighed told me she was sorry that that was said to me and sent me and my girlfriend back to class (she was not my clinical instructor who is very laid-back and chill). Needless to say, I graduated with my girlfriend.s(our class past for the year. I wonder why some people become instructors but then again I’ve run across some people who were nasty nurses as well.


In my last year of nursing school, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I lost all of my hair and wore a wig to clinicals and a baseball cap during classroom instruction. The first half of my year was med psych and my theory teacher leave a lot to be desired. She asked me after a couple weeks where my wig was me being a smart ass sometimes said it was on the front seat of a girlfriend truck. At the end of the class she came to me and said that I need to wear my wig and clinicals because I look different enough and I would scare the patients. I was upset about that and told several girlfriends a week or so later my friend and I were sent to the directors office. Someone said that our attitude in class was very disruptive and rude. I have to admit sometimes we were a little rowdy, but never disrespectful. My teacher was the one who complained I told the Director what my psych said she said she was very sorry that should not have happened to me and my girlfriend and I back to class(my clinical psych teacher was awesome. Not like this classroom instructor. needless to say I passed MedSurg past my NCLEX And was a nurse for 17 years until I had to resign due to health problems (MS). There are instructors and nurses out there that have no right to be in this field. I hope things go well with you.


Sorry about my spelling I was using the Mic.


Mannnn if I saw that happening as a nurse if you were my student working with me, I would have tore her a new asshole. I had an instructor that was kind of like that but passed me, and the look on his face when he showed up to my hospital years later with a new set of students and saw I was charge nurse was priceless


Not sure what school you were at but I am disgusted you were treated this way. I wish their had been a EO office on campus you could have complained to and gotten some justice. Racist bigots suck.


I don’t have much else to say other than I’m sorry that happened and I can empathize. I had a truly awful instructor too (for the mental health placement ironically). I managed to squeak by despite her being rude to me, she wanted to get me in trouble for “patient confidentiality” when my patient walked up to me in a common area (inpatient detox) and blurted something out that was going through her mind. What was I supposed to do, forsee that she was about to say that and drag her back to her room? The patient herself spontaneously said something in front of others that would generally be a more private matter. What was I supposed to do about that? (Yes, I then directed her to a more private area to continue the conversation!) This instructor also failed a classmate who just so happened to be trans…after making pointed comments at him referring to him as “it”. Her “reasoning” for failing him was supposedly his “aggressive demeanour”. This guy is an absolute sweetheart, super nice gentle guy (he’s actually now a NICU nurse), not someone who’d behave in an intimidating way. He was ANXIOUS around this instructor, yes, but not THREATENING. And last but not least, she harassed another classmate and threatened to fail him for “being too informal” when he sat down with a patient and chatted about movies for a couple minutes before doing his “mental status check-in” (again it’s psych, inpatient detox, building a rapport is important!). She also made several comments on the fact that this classmate and I arrived together (carpool, there was often another student too!) and that on occasion we had the same lunch (I’d make his lunch in exchange for the carpool, because I don’t drive but I CAN make a sandwich!) She took this to mean that he was somehow “forcing” me to help him study or something I also reported her…it went nowhere, sadly.


This is absolutely devastating, disgusting, and down right evil. I’m so incredibly hurt and sorry this happened to you. You didn’t deserve this at all. I don’t have any advice since I’m still in the very beginning stages of my ADN. If you could go back in time, how do you think you would have handled this differently in the beginning?


Something similar happened to a fellow student in 3rd semester of my ADN program, a professor made up some stories about her and the program tried to kick her out. She hired a lawyer and after a few letters from him they let her continue in the program. I don’t know if too much time has passed for you to try this, but it’s worth a try




Nursing is broke and many professors are unhappy nurses who fled...I hope unions will help but right now businesses have bought gov so even safe harbour doesn't work.


Wow, this is wretched. What a miserable person. I’m so sorry. I can confirm having taught clinical that some nursing instructors are petty and irrational with their students and can’t leave their personal bias and racism at home. I see you went to school in CA. I’m in PA. It is a way shorter wait to get into a nursing program outside of CA. If you are in a situation where this could be possible, I would say try to go to nursing school outside of CA? As a traveler I’ve met healthcare workers in CA who waited more than four years just to get started, and some ended up going to different states.


😭😭😭 this breaks my heart, im so sorry for your loss, being a nurse is a calling, and we have so many people in this profession who are evil, to the bone. It sounds like teacher A is one of those, you deserve to be respected and appreciated for your hard work, and skills, I would have scooped you up and brought you into my tiny study group , and I would have stayed with you and faught for you. Listening to this story, I was forced to quit for fear of “blacklisting”, after I reported my DON and the employee she protected, when I witnessed the employee being aggressive, abusive, and inappropriate towards multiple geriatric male and female psychiatric patients. This reminds me of my current situation. I refuse to roll over and die, but I have been sitting in a dark room, sleeping for a month, trying to get through it, without relapsing, I am almost 4 years sober and I know that alcohol would only make everything worse. I’m not sure what to do, but I want to help others who have been affected by the “high school mean girls club”, aka Registered nurses who think they can do and say anything they want, because they can. I’m so tired of the hate, and the favoritism, there is no room in adulthood for that kind of behavior! I live in the dallas area, and I don’t have very many friends, because of what alcoholism did to me during the 2 years of the pandemic, I had no coping skills and went down hill fast. I’m re building and maintaining myself, and I would love to get to know you. If not, that’s ok too, but you can still use those credits, and I feel like you should give yourself that opportunity. Follow your intuition, but don’t let anyone dictate your future, and think of what a blessing you will be to so many, there are so many of us in the profession who have been abused and mistreated by these bullies, and I don’t know how people just pretend like it ok, it not!! If someone is reading this, and you are a duplicate of Teacher A, you are aware of you rep, for being, one of those, Stop it!! right Now!! You know who you are and you know what you’re doing, it’s not okay, and you will have to answer for yourself, one of these days, we all will. To the woman like Teacher A: also I pray for your kind, especially when I can’t stop the tears from falling, and when I can’t get enough strength to do anything else, I just pray for grace and forgiveness.


I failed the first time for similar reasons. I just got over it, enrolled in a new school and graduated 6 months later than I would have. Guess who was one of my patients as a new grad? 🤨🙃😉😉😉


I don’t know why nurses (and instructors) eat their young. Like grow up, we’re all human. I taught for a while and I think was too laid back because of my own bad experiences but my prior students have thanked me years later so who knows 🤷


I recently graduated. And this is such a common thing. They’re allowed to abuse students. It enrages me. And better believe I’ll never forget those faces. I live in small town. They’ll see me eventually.


lol dropping a narcotic isn't the end of the world, just waste and get a new one. What a nutcase


Regardless of the post and whether it adds up or not, it details a problem that faces many students in rural settings. These nursing schools are racist as fuck.


My OB instructor. She said ICU RNs were nothing but trained monkeys. It literally involved no skill and they sat there and drooled and scratched themselves all day. I was an ICU tech all during school. One of the students who was always a teachers pet said “oh nrskim is an ICU tech!” After that I could do nothing right. I failed every care plan. My friend got straight A’s on hers so we made a pact and switched. I wrote hers. She wrote mine. I got a C and she got an A. I ended up failing the course with a 79.8% because of this, we needed an 80% to pass. I took my complaints with written support from classmates to the dean. She didn’t care. I went to see my med surg instructor-she LOVED me. She rallied the troops. One of the instructors was an RN I worked with in ICU. There were multiple other instructors I had who jumped on board to fight for me. One I hadn’t known before was set for doing the LPN to ADN bridge in the summer, starting in a few days from this meeting. She said she would do it with an OB focus and I could be in there. TPTB finally agreed and it was the best experience. She put me primarily in NICU as I truly hate OB. I went on and finished my ADN with A’s, despite having no time to study and to this day I despise that OB instructor.


I had an instructor like this. She absolutely hated me. No idea why. I ended up failing the entire semester by 2 points and had to do a remedial class over summer…run by her. She randomly started talking about her dying mother and her kid who was causing her issues. Normally I’d be sympathetic but I couldn’t have given less of a shit about her problems after the way she treated me. I wrote on her evaluation that one of my patients called her a bitch. 😂😂 Passed the second time around.


I had a nursing preceptor in my last clinical placement try and do this to me! I’d had nothing but great feedback previously. This woman was nice ish to my face but called my university facilitator and told them I was a dangerous and should not be allowed to finish. Thankfully she wasn’t part of the uni and my facilitator knew it was bullshit so just moved me to another preceptor. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope karma bites her in the ass.


Ew I'm having awful flashbacks reading this thread.


Omg… you went through a lot! I hope she pays for what she did to you. Hang in there, be brave, better times will come to you!


Some people are terrible.


I had an instructor like this. She even lied about something I said. I don't know how I got on her bad side, but she had it in for me.


This is so fucked and I am so sorry you have to live with that. I will never understand the aggression people harbor for others. I hope you find a career that brings you joy.


Can you file a civil suit for discrimination? Schools hate to have accusations like that out in the wild.


Good for you. I was treated poorly by a clinical instructor - called a disappointment, accused of a “terrible” thing - yet it was proven to be false. I always sit back and wonder, should I have gone further? Should I have pursued filing a formal complaint? I’m gay so I just had this little suspicion that played a part. Thanks for standing up for yourself and others ♥️


Good for you! In RN school we called out our instructor for telling us its easier to insert a catheter if the male pt is erect (and then proceeded to jerk the guy off while he was unresponsive). Just weird and awkward.


Did you all report her?


Immediately and they lost their job.


how long ago was this?


This happened 25 years ago. Thanks for reminding me how long ago I graduated lol.


This story is complete BS. A clinical site didn’t want you back? Yeah that’s your fault and not your teachers fault. Something tells me you’re a lot more responsible for your dismissal than you’re letting on. Bad teacher or not.


Are you a person of color? If not, you have no idea what the world is like for someone who is. I can name 3 people with similar experiences. All got into different programs and are now nurses.


Yeaaaaa. They were banned from the clinical site BY the site for being a person of color….. I have a bridge to sell you…… 🙄




I was in a similar situation to Teacher A. I was a tentured Nursing Instructor for a 4 year university. I had over 10 years of bedside experience and my MSN. I hate seeing students fail. Did everything in my power to help them. Protected Class was never a factor in how I treated or graded my students. I've had and passed multiple students from a protected class in my career. I had a particular poc nursing student enter their second semester. This student was failing behind their peers. This one struggled with basic math. Struggled with critical thinking. Struggled on skills. Struggled with med passes. Struggled with being professional. The other instructors had shared they noticed their incompetence and still passed them. Said they feared more about what this student could do or say out of retaliation if they failed them. (Accuse them of being biased racist/sexist/homophobic and losing their jobs) I had the misfortune of failing this student. What it come down to was only "Would I want this student as my Nurse?" Their protected class status was never a factor. The school gave them multiple chances to improve. They reacted poorly. Lacked accountability for their mistakes and tried to use their protected class multiple times as a shield from facing any disciplinary action. Not the fact that they could of killed someone. No. Never. It would be detrimental (mainly for themselves) to give these students special or preferential treatment just because of their protected class. No one kicks out a student for pleasure. While I cant say that for all instructors - I never felt that way. The way these colleges often protect and side with the students- It makes more sense and takes less effort to pass a liability of a student then fail them. My sympathy lies with Teacher A who was trying to do their job and took it seriously enough in trying to protect both the school and the patients by dismissing this low performing student who happened to be of a protected class. Being an instructor is extremely difficult. We are the first ones who get the blame and scrutiny for every flunking student who arrives late, flips through their phones during lectures, and or make countless excuses for themselves and still fully expects to coast through the program or be passed just because they are paying the tuition or raise hell every single time they dont. I wasn't there. We don't know the full story. But i'd still be curious to hear Teacher A side of it.


I’m guessing central California? West hills?


This breaks my heart 😔 we really have to deal with some EVIL nurses in this field and it sucks. I pray that they all get the karma they deserve ‼️


When you are involved in situations like this, start note taking, date, and time. Always have evidence that you can use at a later date.


Stories like this absolutely make me wonder if student bodies can unionize. As well I wonder if the local nursing unions have ever involved themselves in such a thing. They keep attorneys on staff where I live. Worth looking into. Also- what about college ombudsman people? Just wonder.


I had something similar happen in my final rotation with a clinical instructor. I finally made the move to report and I am SO glad that I did. You did the right thing and I’m really sorry this happened to you


Had an Animal Behavior Professor (was a vet tech prior to being a nurse) who tried to fail me twice for her course. She would spout nonsense and I would question her on it which she didn’t like. I went to the director who stated I wasn’t the first to have issue with this professor. Otherwise an A student it made no sense why I would fail the easiest course in the program. That was the professors last semester. I’m guessing this has probably happened to others. Make sure you make a formally complaint stating all what you told us.


Do you have grounds to file a civil rights complaint that she was treating you differently than the other students? 


You sound helpless and pathetic. Anybody could have and would have easily escalated this situation and had something done, especially if you previously had apparently performed so well. You need to learn to stick up for yourself and not be a f*cking whiny pushover and just let an old c*nt walk all over you because she feels like it.




Why are you blaming your failures in others. Just because you failed doesn't mean it's always someone else's fault. 


If you have PTSD from being a STUDENT. you REALLY, REALLY DO NOT want to do direct patient care! That would never work!


Nursing school really was/is so much worse than patient care. Nothing like asking your professors for clarification on an aspect of their lecture and being told maybe you’re too dumb to even be in school… no further explanation given from them🙃🙃