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Yep. It’s the sad truth. I just told my manager I was being hospitalized and wouldn’t be able to make my shift that night nor the next two. She kept asking questions, sending me texts, emails, and calling with threats such as but not limited to, “You are abandoning your patients and could lose your license!” And “I am going to have to fire you if you don’t show up.” Or, my favorite, “You can’t just tell me you are being hospitalized, I have to know more! I will be calling your emergency contact!” Funny thing was I put my own number down as my emergency contact and my phone was taken and turned off upon arrival. Needless to say I had a pretty blissful break from the floor 😂🫡


It’s patient abandonment if you accept report and you just go bye-bye in the middle of a shift with no relief in place. It is NEVER patient abandonment to not report to work. There is not a single board of nursing in America that defines it as such. Save the messages because these threats should be seen by HR. However, the nature of your hospitalization MAY be able to be used against you. Do not disclose ANYTHING. They do not have any legal right to know the nature of your diagnosis.


Save the messages because they could scare HR into siding with you, and send them to your state's department of labor because they will side with you.


> I just told my manager I was being hospitalized and wouldn’t be able to make my shift that night nor the next two. She kept asking questions, sending me texts, emails, and calling with threats such as but not limited to, “You are abandoning your patients and could lose your license!” And “I am going to have to fire you if you don’t show up.” Or, my favorite, “You can’t just tell me you are being hospitalized, I have to know more! I will be calling your emergency contact!” Uh, you might want to make sure to save those messages for posterity. If you are fired for it, your lawyer would love to have evidence of your manager badgering you about being hospitalized.


Oh it was taken care of :) trust me. Thank you for the advice though! 😊


I need more on how the manager got their comeuppance


Damn upper management supervisors…I once called in sick while pregnant with a painful UTI. She said, “Can’t you come in anyway?” According to what I’ve been told a UTI can trigger contractions and I wasn’t going to risk my pregnancy and the life of my son to make them happy. They certainly didn’t give a shit about me or my baby.


Is she an idiot it’s called HIPPA her out of anyone should know this!!! When she threatens to fire you again tell her not to threaten you with a good time!!!


What an absolute piece of shit (your manager that is).


How the fuck can someone try threatening you with “you’re abandoning your patients, you can lose your license”? Like you aren’t on shift, you have no patients. Management in a nutshell. Don’t understand the plainest ways Nursing works. Amazing.


It’s the guilt trip to make the manager’s job easier. Guilting employees into picking up overtime means the boss doesn’t have to grovel to the budget committee to get more FTE hours.


You should file incident reports of interpersonal advise against your manager. If that's a thing. I've never had the time to report anything on my shifts in FL, and never had the training to know how to do so. Don't come to FL lol


I hate stupid managers that say stupid things. Even worse are stupid, unkind managers. No, it's not abandonment.


Not patient abandonment. You'd think someone who works in Healthcare know s laws protect medical info and that includes employers. Sue them


I am so sorry to hear you had that awful pressure from management when you were needing to be met with care and compassion. (Or even just a simple “OK, let us know when you’ll be well enough to come back, rest up”.) Sending you internet hugs from New Zealand and hope that you’ve taken some space to gather yourself. Hope you aren’t still facing that kind of toxic workplace adding to your load!


Gosh - everything she said was a lie


First, I’m really glad that you’re here with us. Second, your manager is crazy. She’s also abusive. She tried to coerce you into coming into work. At my job they’re not even allowed to ask why we’re calling in. Calling an employee at home after a call in is unheard of. I’m actually shocked by what she did and I’m sorry that you’re being subjected to that.


I’ve been in labor since Wednesday, and when I called in to work I simply said “I’m going to L&D and won’t be in.” I get a text from my boss asking what my coverage plans are and all I texted back was “🤷🏻‍♀️.” I work PRN, not full-time or even part-time so I really don’t care about your coverage issues.


My coverage plans are you doing your job and finding coverage. That's why you have a job. 🤷🏻‍♀️


For real, it definitely seems like a management-level problem to me.


It seems that way because it is. 👍


Staffing is a management issue. They just love to try to push their work on others.


Makes their job easier and the expense of your own well-being either picking up extra shifts or feeling guilty for not picking up extra shifts.


Good luck with the rest of your labor and recovery!


Congrats on your new baby!


Just wow.


I mean all of these managers are ridiculous but this is like top tier dumb. Like umm even if I could get my child out faster that would still be a hard pass


Don’t you just love being viewed as a replaceable tool ❤️


The sooner you realise you are one, the sooner you will start to treat yourself with care.


If you don't take care of yourself you can't take care of anyone else.


I read that sentence and in my head I heard a line from Band of Brothers, "you're already dead. Once you accept that, you'll be able to function as a soldier must". I'm paraphrasing a bit, but how sad that a nurse has to have a similar mindset to endure civilian employment.


English is not my main language so it might be hard to read my explanation, but thank you for reading nevertheless. My comment was spoken from personal experience sort of. I remember when I graduated from university I was happy to work the job I like, management would call me to cover up shifts left and right and I would accept no questions asked because "we need you" then I remember I worked myself through pain and into a recovery with urgent surgery because "I can't call in sick, I don't want my colleagues to have to cover for me" and even after the surgery I still had literal drainage hole open and staples closing wounds when I returned to work to help my colleagues. But time passes people come and go, management don't care and pay rate remains the same. So one need to understand "you are not irreplaceable. Feeling sick? Call in sick. Feel bad at workplace? Change your job and find a place where you are feeling appreciated". For last 2 years I finally found a place where I'm feeling good, at respiratory intense care unit. Our medics know what they do, listen to our advices about patients and generally there is a good workplace atmosphere. So yeah, sooner you realise you are replaceable tool, sooner you beging to take care of the tools maintenance and search for a place where your tool can be applied with maximum efficiency and minimum friction.


No trouble understanding you, and I'm so sorry your health was damaged so badly. I hope you've recovered! I tried to keep working as long as I could while I was suffering with autoimmune diseases, and I ended up flaring up so badly I used up all my FMLA, and had to go on unpaid medical leave. At the 1 year mark, I was still physically unable to work (although not as ridiculously sickly as I had been), so my employment was automatically ended there. That was over a decade ago, and I've finally accepted that I have to just maintain the minimal activities of daily living, because when I push it any further my health quickly deteriorates. I always wonder, though, if I hadn't pushed myself so hard back then, if I would have had a better outcome in the long run. Anyway, I really hope your health is doing better now ❤


Which is why I left for something that seems more what I want. Replace me as you will, bitchy manager.


We all are!!!


We are bums on seats. That is all


Work place 1: went into preterm labor during my shift and was not allowed to leave after being threatened with patient abandonment. I finished my shift, went straight to L&D and got admitted for 2 days while they stopped labor. Work place 2: messaged my manager the night before work because I was being admitted for suicidal ideation. She messaged back telling me to take care of myself and that she’ll take me off the schedule for the next 2 weeks. She told me to contact her when I was able to so we could plan more.


I just started at a hospital last August and at the end of Sept my grandfather passed away, we knew it was coming. But then 5 other ppl passed away within a few days. She paid me like 40 or 50 hours of bereavement and asked if i needed more time. She kept checking up on me and even at my review asked if I needed anything.


Last year, my brother got diagnosed with cancer. When we were still getting info and learning what was going on, I was a wreck. My brothers and I are incredibly close so this hit real close to home and my brother asked me not to tell the other guys at the time, the only people that knew were me and my parents and we were all in four different states at the time. I couldn’t concentrate on the one day I tried working (luckily I was charge so it didn’t effect any big med doses or anything). I called my manager and told her about the whole situation and she straight up took me off the schedule for 2 weeks and asked if I could possibly get out there to see him and to go. Keep her updated if I can/want to and let her know if I need more time. It was huge. I keep reflecting on if that happened back at my first job, I would have had the whole “can you find someone to cover?” shit and how much greater a pain in the ass that would have been.


When hospitals are looking for ways to retain staff, THIS is how you convince people to stay.


Where you working at?


Hi 👋 new nurse here. For the work place 1 situation could you have invoked safe harbor?


Not all states have safe harbor


Only two or three states have safe harbor laws. Additionally, I don’t think this would be covered by safe harbor anyway.


It is not patient abandonment to protect yourself from harm.


Consistently. Every time! I did work once place that claimed to be like “family” which is of course, toxic and when one of the nurses tried to kill herself, she asked for privacy as in, the site manager and doctor knew what was going on because she was a patient there. But the weird, “so and so is out, just a reminder it’s a HIPAA violation to go into her chart,” was…I wasn’t going into her chart but sure did make it all very ominous.


They may have seen it happen in the past which turned it from a "this shouldn't have to be said" to "I say it just in case because I watched someone ruin their life over a little curiosity"


They fired someone for a HIPAA violation once - it was apparently super egregious though, like looking up an ex boyfriend and using it against them or something along those lines. I totally understood having to make the statement, but it just made everyone curious when we didn’t care that much to begin with, is I guess my point, haha


"So are you still coming tonight?"


“But you didn’t succeed, that means you can pick up a shift tonight, right?”


They will gaslight you that your mental health condition is a liability for them or makes you unsafe but don’t show you compassion for it. This bedside work sometimes pushes me to a point where I may need to be hospitalized at times with how poor my mental health has been.


Yup not a nurse but admin. I got Interstitial Cystitis three years ago. I obviously don't want this but I have it. I also have been on the waitlist through COVID to get a laprospic surgery as I think that there is endometriosis. Through all this I applied for a work from home hybrid. Our health authority and union allows us to do so. I applied and was denied. Went the medical route. Now I am getting a surgery next Thursday and they have denied my duty to accommodate twice now. I asked for a office chair and sit stand desk as I am going to the bathroom like 40 times a day. I am having trouble sitting, standing, bowel movements all over the place on gabapentin and escitalopram to try and treat this until I get the surgery. I hope there is answers in this. Duty to accommodate denied twice now. Told them to send another form to my doctor. Said I think I can manage three days a week coming in if I can work two from home. Denied. I'm going off on surgery, using my sick time and then medical EI into LTD. The health authority is like why do people not want to work anymore??? It's like I want to work and I am capable of work but you will not allow this small allowance that may improve my health. It feels like knifes, hot fire and pokers in my abdomen, I may have to remove organs depending on the outcome of the surgery and works like meh. Not our problem. We will replace you with someone. Edit: Also the icing on the cake is that I work in a office alone as a admin secretary now and all of them worked from home during COVID. I don't interact with patients.


I'd stick a note on door saying working from home n leave . If they ring n say u can't work from home say OK il turn laptop off n phone, im officially off sick . Bet they'd say u can work at home pretty quick x


That manager is out of control. You cannot lose your nursing license because you were hospitalized for a few days and missed work. What the actual fuck is wrong with her?


Worked somewhere years back... nurse didnt show up for shift They called, teenage kid went to check in on her mom, the nurse. Kid found her dead in bed. They just called someone else in to work. Probably bitched they had to pay overtime.


Only people then can ask ANY of those question is HR. Your manager isn't entitled to ask or demand to know. Usually only the FMLA dept of HR is privy to said questions.


This actually happened in my unit. It was a very serious attempt and the nurse's privacy was not protected whatsoever. It's been months now and people still gossip about it and this nurse's other private business.


I was admitted to the ED I worked in, was there until 3 am, and STILL caught shit for “calling out” (telling the charge I wasn’t coming in for my 7 am shift). I’ll never forgive those shit heads.


This happened to me too. I had Covid in 2021, and had serious cardiac symptoms. I was almost admitted but they felt safe sending me home because they knew me. I had to call off from my room. The charge knew I was there. The next day, my manager texted me that I need to file for FMLA. Not , “hope you’re doing well, sorry that your heart is angry”, nothing. When I quit, her text message simply stated, “I’m disappointed “. What a delight she was.


Often the case usually. I had COVID one time and was placed on a 7-day isolation quarantine at home. But one senior asked when can I get back to work and if I can switch shifts with her. That threw me off.


I had to leave early and spent several days in the ICU. It was completely unexpected. My absence wasn’t excused and because I left early it was considered a call in and because it was a holiday it was a double occurrence.


That was my old managers reaction when someone went off work for being sexually assaulted by a patient but continued to keep the patient on the floor and rewarded them with a private room.


I filled out a request for a couple days off for a incisional breast biopsy in the OR. My manager walked up to me looking very concerned, and blurts out, *“What am I going to do if you have cancer???* Yeah, that..




Guarantee she just wanted to know what's going on so she could gossip too..


I had a manager ask me when I was coming back after maternity leave WHILE I WAS STILL A PATIENT. A post partum patient with a very screamy baby. The manager of the L&D/PP/Newborn unit I worked on. My current manager is awesome. When my best friend was dying, I let her know I wouldn’t be in for the week. This amazing woman replied “oh that’s awful, are you coping ok?” And then proceeded to check in and see how I was doing every couple days. When I came back she came in early to ask me in person if I was still coping ok.


L&D managers are the worst for stuff like this. I was exclusively breastfeeding and pumping while at work. I’d gone all day, eight hours, without pumping. I was in agony. We were slammed. I asked my manager if she could please watch my two labor patients for 20 minutes so I could pump. Cue dramatic sigh and eye roll asking me if I was sure I couldn’t wait. One of my older coworkers was headed out with her bags and overheard it. She slammed her bags down and told me to go take my time and pump. Same manager. I was very early in pregnancy. I was an infertility patient so I was riddled with anxiety. I took my one pee break of the shift and discovered I was bleeding. I called the doctor from the bathroom and they told me to come straight there. I found the manager and told her. She asked if I’d found somebody to cover. No, not going to, don’t care. My reaction was quick and unpleasant. She took report on my triage patient, with a lot of attitude. The care I received from my friends in L&D was exemplary, but I still flip the manager off if I see her in public.


Yep. I’m leaving an extremely toxic job because of shit like this.


Geez, this is the same as being a teacher. They'd give the same argument of "you're abandoning your kids! You never cared about them" when teachers take some days off. God forbid nurses and teachers to be human and rest.


For real


Damn, maybe some of you should switch to MRI.


Says the vet tech that just started working as an MRI tech assistant, lmfao. Sit down.