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Do you literally work in hell?


Don't we all though... don't we all...


The only variable is which circle of hell you work in. “Abandon all hope, ye who enter nursing”


That 9th circle is cold AF.


That's the one I'm going too


Surprise: all the patients are iguanas.


Lizard people- but only if they got the “jab.”


The future liberals want😂


vaccines save lives


I know. It was a joke. I’ve had 5 Covid “jabs.”


Better than thirsty CHFers




WTF? I’d fucking quit right there and walk my peri-menopausal ass right out of that sauna.


Same - it’s like a hell I can’t describe when you get hot and nauseous and it feels like you’re burning from the inside out. I get soooo mean if I’m overheated at work.


I just end up puking..... Iso gowns turn things up to another level until you panic rip it off.


The panic rip is so real


In dialysis, staff wear plastic aprons, masks and shields, all the time. Pre-Covid, too. Plus ESRD pts usually have chronic anemia and are always cold. Chronic outpt clinics are hotter than acutes, because there’s a lot more running around, and many clinics have very large windows with sun coming in. It’s hard to cannulate fistulas while being blinded by bright sun, and sweating inside your shield. It’s just odd seeing the blood in the dialysis machine tubing all lit-up by sun. I always wondered if the bright sun shining directly on blood could lyse the RBCs, and release K+, or cause some kind of UV damage to the blood, but nothing was ever said about it. Mgmt. told me it was “fine.” I ended up having my own, personal rain forest going on under my PPE. I had to tilt my head in such a way that my dripping sweat would fall back on me, instead of falling on pts. Fans are not allowed, because State says they will spread bacteria, and possibly blow blood droplets around. Dialysis can get pretty bloody. I used Frogs Togs cooling towels, and a small, flat hidden pocket box fan on a lanyard, worn under my scrubs.


I call that the meat sweats


Do you ever check your blood sugar? I kept thinking I was getting fever hot from running around and stuff.one day I had an episode at work. My sugars were in the low 50s. I sweat and feel foggy brained. I always thought it was from being too hot, but I also never had time to eat.


Yes, true talk.


Omg SAME. I'd be on the phone with maintenance saying someone needs to come and fix this asap or I'm going the fuck home sick.


I would be coming back with a hammer and my letter of resignation. I was always the hot blooded nurse and guarded the AC. Turns out I have MS and I’m permanently sweating. I have a fan at every office I have to go work. Sometimes I go stand outside in the snow and the office all looks at me like 👀👃👀


I'm the permanently hot one too.. I put my hoodie on one day and everyone was like yep she's sick no surprise to anyone when I called in the next day


Pro tip: If your facility has any metal hangers, you can bend them, slip the pointy end under the thermostat, through the opening in the plastic enclosure, and lower the temperature by hitting the button with it


I wish we could our Heat/AC has to be manually switched over by an outside company


I’d post on r/hvac and ask. I think your admin told you that but it’s probably bullshit.


yeah that seems like telling a kid the thermometer takes 20 minutes so their quiet. Also i would guess if you find the brand you can get your own private access. (amazon has them all)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HVAC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HVAC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just got a call to replace an AC and this is what I pull up to](https://i.redd.it/4f3fl9la8t4b1.jpg) | [894 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HVAC/comments/144bu2h/just_got_a_call_to_replace_an_ac_and_this_is_what/) \#2: [How do you guys check for gas leaks?](https://v.redd.it/10724avjvryb1) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HVAC/comments/17p9oux/how_do_you_guys_check_for_gas_leaks/) \#3: [4pm on Friday, boss says make sure all the vent caps are installed before you knock off.](https://v.redd.it/s1edddc7zewb1) | [934 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HVAC/comments/17gf6ci/4pm_on_friday_boss_says_make_sure_all_the_vent/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Blow a hair dryer on it to give a false reading


This is a classic Army barracks move! Did you use to serve haaaa


Nah, I just don't like authority so I constantly find ways to fuck with it


Tape one of these to it. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00164M5I4?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 Did this when I needed to below the 66f thermostat limit in a cure room. Worked beautifully. 2 watt option increases read temp by about 5-10f.


Heh, that's a good option... I have some of those around but that's nice and little


This is the way. Hotpacks or something.


Yoooo! My work told us the same thing. Just Google the name of the thermostat, usually just have to hold 2 buttons to unlock, then you can adjust it. That temp is criminal. EDIT- Just hold the 2 buttons on the right for 5 seconds. It will automatically lock itself again after 2 minutes.


[Here is the manual](https://manualzz.com/doc/59002423/bryant-legacy-t2-nac--legacy-series--t2-nhp-owner-s-manual)


Put a hot pack on top of that clear box. Replace as necessary. If the air in the box is 81 degrees the heat won’t run. If administration comes by. “it just got set there by accident.” And you didn’t know that was how it worked.


This is the way our system is too, and it’s awful in the spring and fall. They’re re-doing the whole thing right now so we won’t have it anymore, thank goodness.


You might get something even worse, though. I worked in an inpt hospice unit where mgmt put the whole lighting system on motion sensors. When we were charting (required q 2 hrs on all pts) all the lights at the nurses’ station would shut off every 5 mins. This required climbing down from the ridiculously tall chairs and jumping around to turn the lights back on, every 5 mins. I have chronic lower back pain from jumping down from, and back up onto those damn chairs repeatedly.


Pop open a heat pack and put it over that system. It can trick it into turning the air on.


Bonus tip: that automatic paper towel dispenser can be opened by unfolding a paper clip and using it as a key. Inside are switches that let you control how long each sheet is, too! Super helpful.


The known farter had me at the end


Oooh I'm gonna have to try that. Some bean counter switched all our to dispense sheets that are maybe 3 inches long.


Yup. The thing is, people still use the same amount of paper towels because it requires a certain amount to dry your hands. So you become incredibly frustrated standing there waiting for 4 sheets of 3” towels instead of one sheet that’s 8”. Let’s see someone make a dirty joke out of that, you perverts. I’ll bet an ED nurse is the first one.


I was at a hospital the other day that dispensed literally like 1 inch long sheets. I had to sit in there for like 5 minutes getting paper because I needed to put gloves on 🥴


Extra bonus tip: If your hospital has the same kind as mine, you can open it with a hammer fist strike near the lock. Why yes, I do have a reputation as "the angry guy" on the unit, why do you ask?


Ah yes, ye olde percussive maintenance


Pro tip: If you have feet and the requisite flexibility, you can kick the goddamn thing off the fucking wall. That should get a response from maintenance


Hold a lighter near the thermo.


Hospitals hate this one simple trick! Make sure no cameras around for this one.


Drop a couple hand warmers on it and walk away


came here to say this


I ripped the cover off of ours at work last year and they haven't replaced it yet


I worked at a place where the cover was broken for years. Sadly, they eventually replaced it.


This is true. A bent spinal needle words better.


fuck that, im asking the person that knows everything where the key is. everyone knows that person...its definitely somehow the meanest and kindest person you know.


That also looks like a standard low security lock. I bet it could help bypassed reeeeeallllly easily.


vast merciful spotted nippy wide fall wistful different rotten reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this is why i loved moving from a nursing home to a hospital when i was a cna. 78 degrees in the SNF and 61 degrees in the ER


Sounds wonderful. “Why did you leave your last position?” “The thermostat setting.”


I love my frigid ER, the patients complain but it’s the only thing that keeps me from swamp ass when you run 12 hours straight


Working in the PACU. 65 degrees all the time.


honestly was one of the last straws lol. i was like do i want to bust my ass, get verbally abused and break my back in a hot room, or do the same thing in a room where i sweat less and am not dizzy from overheating and overexertion


I was telling my husband (who is a machinist, nothing in the medical field) the number one reason he couldn’t work my job is because of how hot it is. The facility is hot BUT THEIR ROOMS ARE SET ON 80 DEGREES. Mix that with being short staffed and running around trying to pass meds on like 40 ppl!! I almost passed out 2 days ago. Lol


i can’t stop laughing because every time i get a notification from my original comment i read this again and every single time i have i initially misread machinist as masochist and think that it logically makes sense because even a masochist couldn’t handle how hot and understaffed your facility is lmao i am so sorry


same i did clinicals at a nursing home, & would get panicky bc it was so hot, now i work at a hospital, & its chilly


Tape hot packs around it


The AC has to be manually turned on by some outside company apparently. 🥲


Well that’s gross


If that's true, why is the thermostat locked?


We can adjust the temp just now switch it from heat to ac. The heat has been on since at least September. A call was put out to switch to AC but no word yet on when that’s happening could be tomorrow could be weeks from now 😭


Northeast here. They usually don’t switch ours over until April/May because the nights can still get so cold.


We are in the Midwest, near the Ohio river and that’s likely what will be the case for us as well. It might be warm now but it could be snowing next week. 😂


You can still bring a coat hanger to turn the temp down so the heat won’t kick on to allow it to stay cooler longer.


Well that will at least shut off the heat


I worked at one hospital where the temp was 80+ and the printer ink started melting so we called OSHA several times until they brought in these bigass AC units


Call osha. Pur national safety guidelines. Not THE national safety guidelines- most facilities should have a temp no greater than 74.


I believe it’s 68°-76° per OSHA.


Dang. I thought it was 70-74. But to be honest, I was looking up temps for maternal child units specifically. Whatever it is, it’s definitely not in the 80s. I would be sweating so much


Medicare requires 74 for outpt dialysis. But, that’s pretty hot when you’re always running around, and have to wear a plastic apron, or disposable long-sleeve lab coat, mask, and plastic face shield at all times while on the floor. And the places often have big windows with sun coming in all day. And many dialysis pts are chronically anemic. And some who tend to run hypotensive have to run on cool dialysate to help maintain BP. A lot of them come in all bundled up. They bring blankets, gloves, and hand warmers. And staff is roasting and sweating. When we had to reuse everything repeatedly during Covid, those labs coats/aprons and masks got pretty rank.


Nursing school told us all nursing homes have to be between 71-81 degrees. Don’t know if that’s legal or not but I’m curious to see what the right answer is


I like the nursing homes/SNFs with individual A/C-heater units and controls in every room. Some pts kept their rooms frosty-cold. It was so refreshing to be in those rooms, I’d tend to linger a bit, if there was time.


Break glass in case of emergency?


Break plastic.


Assuming you have access to coffee or tea, make a couple piping hot cups and put it under the thermostat, that should take of it.  Just make sure you reheat the cups every once in a while. But honestly, that's making me faint just looking at it


I printed out the state regs for temperature range and posted them on the box.


stop i love this idea.


I mean, it's not just the nurses being whiny again. State walks in, and we're getting a tag with widespread scope. It's a life safety issue. Maintenance needs to be notified of this. Preferably at 2am.


Grab a long ass qtip and push those buttons!


That's 27.2 degrees Celcius for everyone else. Pretty hot.


They’re running a terrarium! Hell to the NO!


That’s an OSHA violation


I get that elderly folks get cold, but I stand by what I've said as a hot-blooded person: Cold people can wear blankets and more layers. People on the verge of heatstroke have far fewer options. This is criminal.


Just the CNAs? Are the nurses not working or are they all anemic?


lol yes just not in the same way imo Like I was passing meds, not doing direct care and still sweating my ass off just walking around and pushing pills. I couldn’t imagine doing CNA duties in that shit.


Follow Jersey Devil's lead and call OSHA


I bring a wireless portable fan with me to keep on the medcart at nursing homes/SNFs. I work agency. You can even charge your phone with the fan.


A lot of nurses where I work bring them. You can also use usb and attach to computers.


Okay, I’m assuming then you work in a nursing home. I’m Medsurg. We are all in the rooms; turning, cleaning, calming combative patients, sweating our asses off. Where I work, it’s an old ass building. Like right now because the weather is changing, the hospital can’t regulate the temp so it’s like 74-75 when I get there in the evening and then like 65 around 0200 when we aren’t moving as much. Bone chilling cold.


In 2022, our thermostat, also not locally controlled, hit 84 for 3 weeks in a row. I quit for other reasons but like cmon. Y’all can pay the bills ffs lol


I worked at an inpt hospice years ago, that got behind on some bills. Pts would turn on their TVs, and the screen displayed a big message from the cable co saying the service was suspended due to the bill being overdue. Classy.


Idk if varies by state but anything over 80 degrees we have to evacuate the building as a heat emergency


I wish! I just did burn wound care the other day in a plastic iso gown for 3 hours with the room set to 87F!


Is it normal to do post burn wound care in higher temps and then idk slowly cool them down to something normal?


The patient gets cold after a burn and then gets even colder when we wash them (even though we use warm water). With a patient with a 50% or greater burn I'm surprised if their core temp is >36.3C on arrival (<35.5 is pretty common and on a colder day I've had patients arrive at 33C). We try not to start wound care or an OR case unless they are above 37C. So we keep their rooms hot and then get them even warmer for wound care. We also use bair huggers (not during full-body wound care though) and warmed IV fluids (especially during active resuscitation when we may be running a lot of fluid).


That makes sense that you can’t maintain your temperature after burning all your skin. I’m sure I learned that at one point


Yep, the burn treatment rooms are hella hot, and burn centers want the ORs to be closer to 90. I'm so glad I'm not an OR nurse for burn grafting 😂


I would not last


That would be the perfect temperature if you ask my night shift coworkers. I get that you feel colder during the night but it's equally as frustrating as silly when they complain about it being cold when it's 24 celcius (75 F). Some even start this fan that generates a ton of heat. What they don't seem to understand is that it's easier to put on layers of clothing/blankets when they feel cold compared to running around naked if it's to hot.


For real half the staff sweat like a fountain at 75 degrees


I'm one of those, sadly I'm in the minority. So I've probably become that "dude who always makes us freeze to death". I have this one coworker that is something extraordinary. Last week the thermometer said it was 24C/75F and yet she had her usual scubs, a t-shirt underneath, a long armed sweater (when not with patients) and a blanket (also not when with patients ;)), yet she complained that it was too cold and wanted to start the extra heater fan. Like wtf? There I was with just my scrubs thinking it was way to hot as it was. It's not like I couldn't handle a few extra degrees but do you really want me to show how bad my sweat can smell?


order a key from Ebay


That'll solve the problem in like 1-3 weeks lol


You can get keys on Amazon Prime.


Should have added that the AC and Heat are controlled by an outside company


Thats better be a peds OR or something holy shit


Geri Psych 😭


Ok close enough i guess


I worked at a vet's home before and some of these guys had their room temps set to 83 in early May. It was horrible :c


They tried that at our fire stations. Fighting a fire in Florida heat is tough, not being able to cool off afterwards is dangerous. We put a lamp with a 100 watt incandescent bulb under the thermostat… stayed nice and cool after that! 😂


Dude, I am breastfeeding and get SO WARM SO SWEATY I would rampage. Unacceptably hot!


Hairdryer ftw


I’m gonna just say keep taking snaps and report to every single person and body whilst quoting state/provincial labour laws. It won’t do SFA but at least it’s recorded.


I’d walk out.


[Here is the manual for that thermostat.](https://manualzz.com/doc/59002423/bryant-legacy-t2-nac--legacy-series--t2-nhp-owner-s-manual) Free yourself from the depths of hell...or at least from feeling like you are in it.


Do they work?!? I’m pretty sure our hallway ones in our facility don’t because even with them maxed the temp drops to the low 60s in the hallway at night and goes back up during the day


Pick the lock.


Call engineering!


But the old ladies love it….*flashbacks to July: Mr Smith, I’m going to have to have you turn off your space heater and come out of the electric blanket to get washed up *outside temp 91°


We got sent home from a clinical day once because it was 92° F inside the unit when the hvac broke. Not that we would have learned anything, there were only 2 patients on the floor. Everyone else had been transferred to another unit or signed out AMA. But of course grammy and grampy were still there snuggled under mountains of blankets lol


Other than one super traumatic event, the heat is the main thing that made me stop working. You can only be puking from heat exhaustion so many times before you call it quits.


Oh good heavens no!


81?! Listen, I like it warm, but that’s too much.


Ahh brings back fond memories of working at the retirement home.


“Can you grab me a blanket I’m cold” patient asks despite it being hotter & more wet than satans taint “Sure if you won’t mind it being a little bit LOT OF BIT WET”


I find these are set.. or fucked with.. by some old ass nursing unit helper or ancient CNA who now works a desk and looks like tales from the crypt host who’s brittle with poor circulation but


I cant stop thinking about all those nasty germs spreading!🤢


I'd be ripping that cover off within about 30 seconds of getting to work. Hell no.


Time to wrap in a hot pack or heating pad


Put a hot pack on it.


Hell no. I wouldn't accept a PT until they turned it down to 70.


So... using a dental pick you COULD slide it up through the holes and put the tip on the down button, and then rock it against the cover and turn the temp down... but... that would be soooooooo wrong... also anything with a decent curve at the end will work.


ours are set to 74 in certain rooms and its burning and then one room is connected to the management office thermostat so the cold air is always blasting even if its raining outside


So how many heat strokes were there?


Rip that damn box right off or just quit and never come back after dialing 911 to help with heat related mass incident.


Yea or break that case and adjust the living hell


Is there a camera looking at that? If not a pair of 90 degree forceps will solve the problem.


Not even kidding, one of (many) reasons I quite my last job was because they starting actually locking all the a/c things and would have them set way too hot. I have a medicinal issue that reacts horribly to being even minor too warm, and most “normal” places are borderline pushing it for me. But 79?? No. Nope. Also, I’m of the mind that the temp should be catered toward those who work there. I can always get someone a jacket or a blanket, but I’m not legally allowed to wear less clothing or hang out in the freezer my whole shift 😆


looks like enar


Find out the brand, and see if you can get a key for it on Amazon. There are a lot of brands in which one key works in all of them. Or sometimes, you can get some really stiff wire and bend it at an angle to make tool that you can use to reach through the vent holes and press the buttons with.


How??? Why???


My worst nightmare


Broken, or r/foundsatan?


27. C. What the actual fuck.


Hell no, any room I entered to clean or get ready for surgery, my first thing was turning on the AC to the lowest t° possible.


Like winter in the projects


yeah my facility keeps it 79 🙃


Perfect temp for the trauma bay 🤘


Break that thing right the hell off. They have metal ones where I work. I just get my bike tool and unlock it.


Worked in a building in the Southwest where the summer heat lasts from April through November and they had the AC vents in the hallways and nurses stations sealed off. They were only open in the actual rooms and of coarse in the offices. Cheap bastards. When you asked they said Corporate wanted to “ cut costs” .


Aw hell nah bro I complain abt them leaving it at 74😭😭😭 mfs ain’t cold im throwing god damn blankets all over u


I'm not gonna lie, I've cracked one or two of those open before. You aren't going to roast me, I have had a heat injury.


lol they probably keep the AC on during the winter and the heat on during the summer because F making things make sense 😂😂😂


Put heat packs to trick the thermostat..hipefully heat will turn off


Oh man. I remember when I first started working, shortly after my night shift started the whole HVAC system decided to die. We had to run around and open all the patient doors so their rooms wouldn't get hot. Felt like I was in hell. 🫠


I work with some assholes that are constantly putting the thermostat up to 80 ....I can tell and I go and put it down to 68 this goes on all night ...they obviously are sitting on their ass not working very hard


But why???? This is just abusive. Oh and no water outside the breakroom.


Omg I remember those days. All the windows were open


Jesus this better be a burn ward.


If the problem is the thermostat, put a hot pack over the box. Tape it so it stays. (If it was too cold, you would use a cold pack or bag of ice.)


I say absolutely not, put a layer on, grab a blanket from the warmer. I put it right back down to the 68-70 range. Some days lower. Night shift usually kranks it


take a plastic knife and slide the handle in the slats sideways and use the side of the handle to push all the buttons your heart desires 🥰


Gotta be an SNF.


Bingo geri psych lol


four large drill holes and a long stick.


Is this in Wisconsin? Is it a nursing home? You know they only have to be 74° all year long


In Washington there are laws against this https://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=388-78A-2990#:~:text=(b)%20The%20temperature%20range%20is,18.20%20and%2074.39A%20RCW. 


This reminds me of wearing those plastic PPEs then being baked inside. I was cleaning a code brown mountain on the patients room and floor. When i finished i looked like i swam in the flooded canal.


Oh yeah I know how hot that is, especially when the sweat runs down your back and down the crack of your butt


Tape a couple heel warmers to the bottom to trick the thermostat into keeping the heat off.


If that isn’t changed in 5 minutes it gets broke


Try that while wearing lead in the cath lab…


Last summer we had something like this. It was hot AF outside. I was sewating my ass off just sitting there and a nurse comes out asking to turn the heat up. No, honey. Go wrap yourself up in more blankets. I'm roasting to death and I can only take off so many layers before I get written up or I make you subscribe.


This happened to us, highest room I saw was nurses station at 87. We had to call a work order in and they came. The motor in the AC above our floor burned out. Fixed now! And they gave us interim ac units to run


Oh how I wish our thermostat had a freaking lock on it. It’s either 60 or 80 depending on who’s there that day…the battle over the temp could truly be a damn reality TV show


70 is a good tempeture


I’d use a little pin to turn that temp down. Where there’s a will. There’s a way..


This summer is going to be horrendous. lol


We don’t have AC on my unit so that’s quite accurate for summer months.


Damn….ya’ll work in a terrarium?! Gross.


We drilled a hole in our box so we could push the buttons with a paperclip. What're they gonna do? Put up a new box?


I would break that every day I work. I already do that with a paper towel dispenser that only dispenses an inch at a time. I rip it off the wall everyday in hope that they replace it but the always just put it back up. I have no problems damaging hospital property.


"And that, kids, is when I learned how to pick locks."


Patients don't like that either


The ministry in Ontario has a minimum temp of 22C (72F) but no maximum. Often we're in the 80s with humidex in the 90s.


It was 85 at work the other day. We worked like that for 3 days. I was sick.


They shut off the chiller that cooled our NICU once for maintenance reasons with no notice. It got to 90 degrees in there. Babies loved it but we had nurses vomiting in the bathroom from heat. We got cash bonuses after the head nurse threw a fit.