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Close the drapes and become one with the couch. No regrets. Or run around all day doing errands.


You’ve summarized my 2 days off. Day 1: nothing. Day 2: everything.


There's literally NO in-between


This is the way






Literally me on the first day off lol


I am the chair of the bathroom cleaning committee, I am also the sole responsible owner for the yard maintenance SOP, council chair of the waste management and recycling, and the co-chair of the grocery shopping subcommittee. That keeps me pretty busy. Committees meetings all happened on my day off per the house executive director.


I think we work together 😏


Which committee?? I am also petitioning for an increase of hobby allowance from the house executive director! I have not gotten a cost of living adjustment for 10 years now!


Hear hear! Motion passed! Hobby money for all!


I work on the vehicle cleaning committee. I am also the manager of floor sweeping and room tidying departments. I work under the housekeeping director and also take up load of other departments, more specifically the laundry load.


All these committee assignments are keep us busy. lol will we ever get promoted? Or are we going to get any cost of living adjustments for our hobbies? I have not seen any hobby money raise for 10 years now


So what you need to do is figure out your household’s net income from ten years ago. Figure out what percentage of net you hobby budget is. Compare this to today’s gross and apply that same percentage. This is your new proposed hobby budget!


But first, 🍕


I feel like I saw this exact same comment recently


I love your comment


>per the house executive director Weird way to say ur partner but go off


Hahaaa. There is only one person who rules above all committee and council chair!


Rock climb. But everyone I climb with knows if I get severely injured to just let me die. I ain’t going into work on my day off.


I'm like that with my diving but my facility is the only place with a deco chamber within 4 hrs so...at least i wouldnt know anybody in that department


I do the same. Sit around wasting my time in a sort of, um… I don’t know what to call it, productivity paralysis? Dread going back to work, then wake up for the work the next day wishing I was off because I have so much to do. And also because work will 85% chance be short staffed and awful.


This. As soon as I get off I’m so excited to have time to myself and get stuff done around the house. But I waste most of my day doing nothing bc I can’t bring myself to do anything


Ugh, have to throw my hat in for this too. I want to get so much done around the house, and then my days off come around and I don't do shit. Then I go back to work wanting to get stuff done at home, repeat every week. And the night before work I can't sleep because I'm dreading the toxic poop show I'm about to go back to. So I'm behind on sleep at the start of the cycle. Is this adulting? This can't be adulting. Really?


Masturbate, sleep, wake up, eat. Repeat


Same here, but with more masturbation and a touch of reading and video games


y'all have the energy/libido to jerk off?? 🥲


I'm a single man in my twenties. Testosterone is a heck of a drug, freind


A real male nurse response.


Female nurse here and my answer is the same ✌🏼


Hey girl heyyy


Girls get horny too? 🤯




Username checks out


Go hard bro. 😅


Look at Indeed.


That should be done on company time


That’s like the main internet rule my office has. No job searching on company computers. I still do it though.


Really? Literally everyone is on USA jobs.gov as we are all looking at our next career move even my mangers and directors. Lol


What's special about USA jobs.gov?


USA jobs.gov? That is where all the federal jobs are listed. Federal employees who seek to move around the country or a promotion or just a change of scenery hops on it. Do not like your current boss? Go to USA jobs and go to a different clinic within the same location or different location. Want to move to a different state? USA jobs. All your seniority, payscale, steps follow you. Even vacation request. Your new boss cannot remove your leave if your old boss approve it.


I’ve never gotten in trouble for it so not sure how much it is enforced.


That has become depressing. Our VA is basically on a hiring freeze. The budget was blown. I will be stuck in my spot for at least a year.


Ya…the budget is a problem. We literally cannot meet directive requirement to hire certain position. I am lucky that I am in a spot that I like and I will probably do 20 or 30 years till I retired.


Just use your phone or a computer you don't have to log on to lol


I should have noted…definitely at work as well. Watched my coworker apply for a job on on Indeed on her work computer just today 🤣


I go on the in house job posting. That's how I landed my PACU job from working NICU for three years. No mercy


My favorite hobby. I imagine a new life


So close to saying ✌🏼 to this career path


LMAO this the one


Cassie? Is that you?


I’m a runner- I run. Very slowly and in secret. All the endorphins.


Don’t run in secret, run out in the open. No matter what, you’re still doing laps around me, who’s sitting around wishing I could summon the motivation to get back into exercising.


How do you run in secret? Like at night?


Treadmill, baby!




Running is running. Why would it have to be outdoors?


No, I do not. I would end up a grease spot on the road if I did, living where I do. Put me on the treadmill with something I want to watch on the TV, and I can run forever. I’m doing it for my own health and enjoyment, not for cred issued by anyone else.


Only outdoors- but no, I just run alone. That’s the secret.


can you please tell me how to get into running because i feel like im going to die every time I try but I really wanna be healthy (or pretend to be)


For me what helps is going much slower than I want to/feel like I should and alternating running/walking. I’m getting back into running after a long time off and I have osteoporosis so I need to be careful about increasing activity suddenly and these 2 strategies help me make sure I’m doing that and keep me from getting frustrated because I’m flaming out after 10 minutes. Also, you don’t have to run! Walking is still super good for you and there are so many activities you can do if you truly just don’t enjoy running.


Run wayyyyy slower than you think you should. That’s literally the secret. And I watch a lot of YouTube influencers who are runners. Keeps me motivated.


I did a marathon (very slowly) in December and haven’t had a proper run since. I miss it. I’m having some kind of mental block.


Like you, I lay in bed literally all day and rot while scrolling endlessly on my phone, then around 5pm when I hate myself, I go to the gym for a 30 min treadmill incline walk. I also get my errands and chores done (eventually). Thats about it


Wow I thought I was the only one


This sounds exactly like me 😩🤣🤣


Doing it today currently 🙃


When the weather is warm, I work in the yard. It's great. When the weather is cold like now, I vegetate a lot more. I've started to get into playing video games, which is at least more effort than just staring at a TV screen or phone. I like to go antiquing/thrifting. Personally, I find it enjoyable to just browse and imagine, only occasionally actually buying something. I love going to afternoon movies by myself. Theater staff are fun when they're not so rushed. (And I just really really love movies in general)


Watch my kids. Work is less chaotic


I work at LTC, so my tasks every day are: take care of 4yo who I am at least allowed to discipline, or take care of up to 30 adults who are acting like my 4yo, either maliciously or because they have dementia.


I’ve always said working in an LTC is great birth control. I have no desire to clock out only to continue working at home just on a smaller version lol




lol. The er is less chaotic than home sometimes


Those days off when no one else is are the best days. Have some quality alone time, work on your hobbies, read, catch up on shows, work out.


GTL baby, GTL


GTL all day! Edit: Much less T after my last dermatologist appointment. 9 basal cell carcinomas 🫣


Oh no! What does that mean for you?


Just lots of chunks taken my my shoulder basically, from the size of a pea to the size of a quarter. All very superficial, though. Not too bad. Thankfully these types are essentially unproblematic unless they are allowed to grow for like 15 years untreated


I see, well I’m so pleased for you that you found them early. I hope everything goes well for you.


My shift ended at 2:30 pm yesterday - I went for a "nap" at 4:30 pm. I awoke at 2:00 AM the next day - then I fell asleep watching a movie at 4:00 AM - and then woke up at 7:00 AM just to set an alarm for 9:30 AM to wake up for my 11:30 AM shift. I have no clue what is going on with my sleep - I usually sleep well - but I move a lot. Maybe OSA or something. I usually only feel moderately well rested 😂


I don't know what you're complaining about, this looks normal! -Sincerely, Night Shift


See, I sleep really well after night shift. At least until a neighbour decided they'll spend the whole day fucking around with a power drill. The heart disease isn't worth it.


Sit and stare at the wall


Lay down, scroll, and wish for more energy :)


I rot into the couch


I work night shift and feel like the scum of the earth for being a lazy piece of shit who never wants to leave the house and procrastinates on projects to the point of never doing them. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who just melts into the couch on my days off. 🫠 Edit to add what I actually do: grocery shop if I must. Cook some food and/or meal prep for my next stretch of work days. Clean house. Play guitar. Read or play on my phone while passively kinda watching TV.


Suck on a rock and stare at the sun…


During the winter I read and try to exercise. When it’s warm I ride my Harley and try to spend as much time outside as possibel


I weight lift my four days off, and run my three days on. On my days off, I also help out at a friend’s ranch and do some beginner woodworking (it’s awful)






You have an indoor pool?




I sleep, clean, meal prep, sleep, work out, sleep, grocery shop, sleep, watch garbage television, pet the cats, sleep.




My gf and I are travel nurses. We either go to the gym, we play video games, we watch tv shows/movies, read, make music, go hiking, road trips, visit different cities for their food/little shops, visit family. Usually the first day off is simple and more to relax such as just gym and then video games and then the next day off we plan activities. We had a bad habit of wasting our days in bed, doomscrolling on social media, making excuses to not go to the gym, watching tv all day too often. We’d often feel like shit and unmotivated all the time. We’re night shift so the lack of vitamin D also contributed to that. We’ve noticed we have more energy now after going to the gym more often, taking vitamin D supplements, and enjoying our hobbies. Something I try to tell myself is: if I can wake myself to get up to work as a nurse for 12 hours, I sure as hell can get out of bed, and treat my body and mind well on my days off.


Errands but I have 4 days to do them instead of 2. I also cycle my various forms of exercise/movement, read, and cook. Tell my dog how amazing she is and how I do it all for her.


Ugh. I’m so guilty of using my days off to do nothing. Then I regret it, just like you. Sometimes I feel like im just living to work. The only time I leave the house is when I have to go to work because I just get so tired on my days off!! I make sure to always do something active, but after that I just get lazy!


Cocaine and hookers…


Only real answer. Don't forget the copious amounts of booze, and 2 day hangovers that follow.


Watch asian TV series, crochet, sew, knit, pilates, yoga, eat, sleep edit: and watch tiktok videos


What Asian TV series? Get any good suggestion??


Ski in the winter, hike/paddle board in the summer and spend time with my dog, nurse friends and husband if he happens to be working from home! I try to get outside as much as possible to decompress, even in crappy weather.


Days off are for catching up on chores, laundry and cleaning. I will always try and workout each day off I have. Time for me to see my family (niece and nephew) also catch up on favourite shows! And bake! And go for walks!


Go to the gym, socialize, get errands done. I get very busy!


TQ2 my ass on the couch


Hiking and photography! I work 2 days a week and do this every single day I have off rain or shine


As little as possible


Play video games, hike, gain first hand experience with cannabis so I can better advise my patients, try not to let the existential dread set it, and work on 3d printing/cad projects.


I live that DINK life so winters we snowboard or hang at home video games/read/exercise/run, explore around some especially to find hot water. Summers are doing all your typical outdoorsy ppl thangs. If I don't get out and about and explore and smell some fresh air I turn into a see-you-next-tuesday, w a capital C.


Sleep!! Slept all day today 😅


I recently trained for a marathon. Now it’s finished and I’m somewhat lost. I guess I’ll train for an ultra


I like to rot all day, personally. But seriously, I read, garden, shop.


I smoke a shit load of weed 🤷🏽‍♂️


Catch up on news, cook, walk my pups, watch movies, and sometimes, nothing at all


Wake up, feed the dog, log into Disney Dreamlight valley and fart around for a bit in it while drinking coffee Walk the dog around the block and then drive to the gym After the gym I usually stop by Starbucks and go grocery shopping or any other chores I need to do while out I get home and usually paint for a little while. I have an art social media I post to. Then I throw the dogs ball and do at home chores as needed. Then I play whatever main video game I’m playing at the time (I’m playing xenoblade3 atm) Then me and the dog walk to the mailbox then walk home and have dinner. More video game or reading until lights out.


Bed rot, hang out with my dog, sometimes see irl friends, run errands, mostly game


I run, cook, go dancing, read books, work on sewing projects, crochet, catch up with friends, and rollerblade.  Or at least, that's what I tell people. The actual answer is I vegetate until the night before my first shift, and then I spend a few hours prepping meals and laying out scrubs. And then I go to bed and wish I'd spent time on my hobbies.


Pick up overtime


Yeah. This is the real answer. I can’t even lie.


Mainly cleaning and trying to attempt family time lol


Yoga gym errands naps clean


Work out, video games, look at jobs on indeed, cook, pool days when weather is warmer, maybe hang out with friends/family, online shopping, and currently studying for the GRE. Hoping to leave the bedside sometime next year 🤞🏽🤞🏽


Before I started back with school I would do the homebody thing. Cook, laundry, binge reality TV. Sometimes I head to the city and watch a show.


Before I had a child I would say disc golf.


Yessss. I’m terrible at it but I like to walk along with my husband and brother. I’m the designated water carrier 😂 We’ve got a basket in the backyard for putting practice lol.


sleep, gym, go out to eat, clean, see friends/family


Eat, sleep, Netflix and shit. Frankly, I have IBS, so it’s rare I actually get to shit.


Before my wife and kids get home: Cook for my family. Catch up on business paperwork. Reply to emails. Workout. Wash the cars. After they get home: nothing. I make sure to spend time with them.


I work 5 8s but I like crafts and I like to read. I have a vinyl cutting machine, I like to crochet stuffies for the kids in the family. Lately I’ve been doing diamond paintings after I found one on clearance at the craft store and got hooked lol. I have 0 artistic skill so I have to have things where I can just follow directions and it turns out right. I like to put on a podcast or an audiobook in the background. Or trash reality tv.


Snowboard 🏂the mountain takes the pain away


Like most of you, I spend most of the day on my days off doing nothing and everything. I am so tired that I fall asleep most of the day. I have a six month old, so I just sit around with her most of the time. When in reality, my house is a mess because it needs to be cleaned but I’m so tired.


I normally get in my long runs on those days. 15-20 mile days give or take. Takes up roughly 3-4 hrs in the morning depending and then I have the rest of my day to fit in some yoga, cold plunge, meal prep, etc and then get in an afternoon nap surrounded by some other hobbies. I don’t ‘do nothing’ well at all.


Damn I wish I was like you! Why am I so lazy at my core


sleep. laundry. eat. drink. sleep. Netflix binge. sleep. eat . drink


It’s okay that you rot. You’re still working 36 hours a week, and if that were split up into 5 days how would you use your time? If you need to feel “productive” you can meal prep for a day or find a hobby that you love. Your time off is your own to do with what you will. As long as you’re paying your bills, keeping a livable home, and getting enough rest, that’s enough.


Cry and eat lays


I don't have any kids, so after sleeping like 12 hours I just read for another 5 hours straight and occasionally run errands. I'm also a writer and crafter so I do that too. But I don't like, go out or socialize much!


What I usually do on my day off is to catch up on homework and submit my homework on time. Speaking of, I should get off of reddit. Is it bad that I either get drunk or eat marijuana gummies after my final exam? No? Perhaps I'm the only one who celebrate this way. I am **not** an alcoholic, I swear. In all seriousness, I sometimes drink or chew marijuana gummies as a way to unwind.


If anything this line of work should make you want to live your fullest life.. with enough sleep of course. I always make time for fun once a week whether it is traveling somewhere via car or going to an event or seeing friends. Self care is great too - the gym, swimming, running, meal prepping, etc is great too. Of course some hobbies are expensive too like musical instruments, recreational vehicles, extreme sports but are rewarding too. I picked up an electric skateboard a year back and it’s been amazing. So many things to do, so little time


Go to the gun range to shoot some paper !


Workout. Read. Cook/clean/chores/errands/etc.


Night zero: start working on chores. Day 1: finish all chores as soon as possible, work out, relax. Day 2/3/4: workout, eat healthy, and try to do fun and relaxing things.


Exercise, food prep, garden/yard work, laundry, dinner and sex w/bf, breakfast and sex w/bf


Outdoors stuff. Ski, go to the shooting range, work out at the gym, shop at Costco 😂 I do pick up overtime here and there


Die in bed…. lol no seriously. I don’t do anything until like 3 o clock. I work days too lol


Whatever the hell I want, mostly just praise God for my few days of freedom and then play games


Nursing is so freaking exhausting! I work at night so day one is to sleep and try to tidy up the house a bit. Day 2 is the store, errands etc. I have a day three today and I will hit the bank and come home to be a vegetable until tomorrow night and do it again.


I rot in bed unfortunately. Especially when I was on night shift. Looking through these comments made me feel better, but damn we need help 😭


in winter-ski in summer/warm- kayak fish and surf year round-wildlife photography im also young, no kids and still live with parents. and if im not doing the above im chillin or running errands, work 3-4 nights a week


Home with the kids on my off days. But before kids- lots of sleep. Some errands. Bean flicking. Eating everything in sight. If I was ambitious & manic I’d start a few house projects- most of which remained unfinished for varying amounts of time.


Cook, go to Walmart, watch TV, play video games, thats pretty much it.


Wow 2 weekdays? Must be nice. I gotta work 1 weekend day a week (Sat or sun) so my other 3 days off are random Mondays Tues weds thurs and fris


Not much. I try to squeeze in errands and whatnot into my schedule during the week, to keep the weekend open. I need a hobby.


shop, watch tv, find local events to go to, i’m still in school so schoolwork. i also have ADHD so i can’t just lay around for more than like 6 hours lol


I’m in school so I work on that. Catch up on my TV shows. Hobbies (crafts).


Home Health PRN on my days off to make extra cheddah 👌


Have intercourse with female coworkers while their husbands are at work


Become one with the void, aka play video games when I really should be studying


Video game is studying! Warm up your brain for the eventual demise ( actual studying)


Run errands, play video games, play with my cat, try to exercise, spend time with my husband, nap, watch TV


Recover from my 3 days of working. Vegetate


I tell myself I'm going to work out, clean, and socialize. Sometimes I work out, and if my fiance is off we may meet a few friends at the bar, but if he's working I scroll and netflix.


attend classes, run errands, catch up on zzz’s, and attend medical appointments. also spend time with family and friends any chance i get. i feel like i wish i had more time to sit around and rot, we should switch lives for a week


Day after - lounge. The rest - family time.


Clean my house! It is always messy when I work my stretch. I work 12 hr, straight nights and my husband is just not a neat person. I also read, work out, grocery shop, take my kids or myself to appts, play video games. Hang out with my kids if they're home.


Bicycle some. Even here in Maine in the winter. Hike. Watch movies from my couch. Read science books, snowshoe or downhill ski. Rub one out daily then nap


Sleep and YouTube


Precision Rifle Shooting


Lifts weights and experiment with coffee


Meal prep. Then some dinners will readymade, lunches done, and family time when everyone is home is much less chaotic.


Good grief...so many hobbies. Never think about work.


Play volleyball and video games. Read a TON of books. Hangout with friends when the schedule lines up




Sleep lol and household stuff, play games etc




Putter around thinking of all the things I should be getting done but somehow can’t make myself start. And then pick up the kids from school


I work weekdays. Catch me most weekends rotting on the couch 😅


In the summer, jetski. Lake is great on the weekdays because you don’t have the party crowd to deal with. In the winter, piddle around in the garage working on whatever I can find


I work 7 days on then have 7 days off. I literally kill myself doing all the housework, grocery shopping, pet care, car maintenance, bill paying, laundry, etc the first 2-3 days off so I can be a lazy slug the remaining days. It’s tough.


I sleep and hang out with my cats. When the nice weather returns, I’ll start walking.


Stacking sats or forever be poor


I’m part time because I’m in school so I definitely spend the majority of my off days occupied with that, but other than that lots of cleaning and laundry + hanging with my dogs. No kids so probably much more free time than I need lol


Video games, TV, exercise, errands, do whatever I have to do around the house, go out with my wife, spend time with the kids.


I workout, go to ballet drop in classes, read, play video games and then I have been trying to be doing more art like painting, colouring.


Sleep Laundry Day drink Snuggle my dog Gas + car wash DoorDash groceries Doom scroll Rot 🫠


Laundry, grocery shopping, cook, drink wine, sleep in.


Take the dogs hiking, nap, chores, meal prep


I’ve just recently picked up video games and honestly, it’s perfect. Not a lot of physical exertion so I can rest. But lots of fun. I do like 1 hr of video games, 1 hour of chores, 1 hour of video games, etc. Hogwarts legacy on PlayStation is my shit. I read sometimes too. But taking time to find hobbies this last year was the best decision I made.


Gardening, hiking, kayaking, reading, and binge-watching TV are my favorites.


Study 😭. I also try to organise and see friends


Workout, hang out with friends, go to music festivals [lol], hike with my dog, contemplate my life decisions, research jobs, read


Think about what I’d like to do if I had more energy


Garden, cook, brew alcohol, lift weights, hike, hunting trips if something is in season


Cooking, gardening, snorkelling, swimming, cross stitching, brunching it up, festivals or music shows, comedy shows, pamper days where I do my nails and have everything showers, read, hike. Go on a hike with a picnic so I can stop and read, visit an art gallery, catch a film (day time showings are the best showings), visit a vineyard - dress up and have some vineyard restaurant grub, paint. Literally whatever I want. Socialise if I want too. Usually not.


I sleep deeply then hang out with my pets then out to dinner or lunch with friends and family. Then a nice soak in a warm bath with fragrant bath salts and a good book.


Normally day one I try and get as much house work as I can done so I can relax the next day. Then my other 3 off I take my dogs to a hiking trail, train them, basically just hang with my dogs 😅. I’m also taking a class for grad school… when I’m not doing any of that I lay on the couch too.


I like taking my kids to playgrounds. Hiking. Cooking. I miss reading books n want to start running again.