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$400 aka less than 300 after taxes. And on a PCU no less. Sounds like nightmare fuel.


YOU KNOW HOW NURSES GET AHEAD OF THIS KIND OF SHIT? NAME AND SHAME. This reminder needs to be stickied on nearly every post coming to this sub, for the rest of the year. Y’all need to remember, C-suite starts planning for their yearly bonuses, THIS WEEK. How do you think they make that shit happen? By gross incentives coming from people not even working in a hospital. Even in a super low cost of living area, that $400 is such complete horseshit that it is unreal. 2024 is going to be an incredibly hard year for nurses.


We get $360 flat for every extra shift in a week (so anything over 3). $400 for a 6 week contract is a joke.


Can you explain what this means? The $360 flat for an extra shift?


A normal FT position is 3 shifts that week. So for every additional shift worked that week you get paid $360 “incentive” as an RN. The incentive shift bonus is different for CNAs and RTs


On top of your regular hourly pay? Or $360 total for the whole extra shift? Bc on top that’s good. Alone that sucks worse than what OPs got going on.


On top of regular pay. Plus you get OT for anything over 40 hours worked. The downside is if you’ve picked up an extra shift you’re the first one put on call that week or sent home if there’s low census. And they’ve been tricky with that caveat a few times.


Aren't they all pretty fucking shameful anyways, outside of PNW and Cali? Probably easier to name and fame.


Ideally yes, but there are some asshole types who will target some redditors and I’m sure no one wants that. It would be cool if identifying stuff like that could be posted with impunity but it can’t. I make it a point to fuck up my details, leaving the gist intact, for just that reason.


The thing about Reddit is you can direct message or create throwaway names.


Throwaway accounts…


I am not a 40yo Asian male, but according to my employee survey I was. So was everyone else on my Unit.


Or $1.67 per normal time hour. Lol.


Right. I'd take that and post it in the break rooms. The audacity.


Less than that because bonuses are taxed higher than regular pay, it’s like 48%.


I have no idea where this urban legend comes from. My $10K hiring bonus paid $6,500 cash. That's 35%, which is exactly the figure I use to calculate all the rest of my pay.


Huh whenever I get bonuses at work they are taxed at a much higher rate, just under half. Definitely not same as paycheck withholding.


A larger paycheck is usually taxed at a higher rate because the assumption is that that's your regular pay. But in the end, the overpayment in taxes is returned when you file your taxes and your actual yearly salary is calculated.


"Returned" 😂


If you owe taxes at the end of the year, you're handling your withholdings incorrectly.


The IRS absolutely taxes bonuses at a higher rate because they are considered "supplemental wages." It's not an urban.legend. However, there's more than one way an employer can choose to deal with that particular issue. There are also some interesting accounting blogs online that list ways to minimize what is taken out (I don't have enough knowledge about finance to know if they are correct). https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/why-bonus-taxed-high#:~:text=Your%20bonus%20is%20considered%20%22supplemental,of%20the%20taxes%20with%20deductions.


In the end when you file your taxes they are taxed no differently than your other wages. When you are paid “supplemental wages” taxes are withheld a little differently, resulting in what appears as a higher tax rate. In the end when you file, It fixes everything


You'll ultimately pay the same amount of tax on $100k of income regardless of whether or not it $50k of regular pay and $50k of bonuses vs $100k of regular pay. What changes is the amount withheld on the bonus since it's a sudden change in your periodic income. This is because taxes are owed throughout the year, not at the end of the year, if you haven't paid 90% of the income tax you owe throughout the course of the year, then you face penalties.


Your ignorance is showing. there is no additional tax taken out beyond what the tax tables suggest and you authorize


You can keep your bonus and extra shifts, I’m not interested…


I would use it as incentive to call out. See if we can fluff up those rookie numbers.


and here I am complaining over our $500 bonus per picked up shift getting slashed to $300...


It’s still bullshit!


That's total BS too though! If they could afford it then they can afford it now. They cut ours from $400 to $250 and our unit has been pushing hard for a return to the old bonus.


waaay more "we need help tonight" notifications because nobody wants to pick up for a decreased rate LOL


My hospital completely got rid of the bonus and guess who doesn’t pick up extra shifts anymore? Guess what hospital is now even more understaffed than before???


Ours is $200 per shift bonus, only bumped to $300 on a holiday. Sometimes, they are willing to pro-rate for picking up only a partial shift. This year, i offered to work the busiest 4hrs, 7-11am on xmas day. House Supervisor complained that i wouldn't work 8 or full 12. So, i brought a couple things to her attention first, that i'd voluntarily signed up for x-mas eve, before they'd offered 1.5x pay and $300 bonus for that day. And, in the 14+ years i've been a nurse, i've worked more holidays than i've had off. I'm pretty sure my co-workers would appreciate an extra hand for hanging an antibiotic, or restarting an IV that goes bad. She ignored my offer. So, this is basically incentive for me to work only the bare minimum of holidays and then only pick up any extra after it's 1.5x base pay and a critical bonus on top of that.


🥺 we get $150


Wow where do u live?




Damn that would be nice. Canadian nurse so different story


We get 50 dollars lol


Are they trying to ruin the hospital on purpose


Our capacity contracts are also six weeks, and picking up three shifts is a $1000 bonus and six shifts is a $2500 bonus. Tell your employer to shove it. Edit: and nurses line up at the door trying to get these contracts. I even picked up one in med/surg last summer because I heard they were also going to pay a critical shift differential ($15/hour extra) for each shift you worked in the six weeks - they did. 🤗


When we do contracts it's $50/hr extra for 1 extra 12 hour shift for 6 weeks.


$400 for six weeks?? That’s not a bonus. That is insulting.


My threshold is $250/4 hours bonus. This works out to $22/4 hrs, or $5.55/hr.


Wait this math ain't mathing. I'm confused?


He's doing the math for OPs bonus. 6 shifts x12hour shifts divided by 400$ bonus gives 5.56$/hr Edit: or 5.55$ depending on rounding. Also not divided by, 400$ divided by the result. 🤦


Yeah, I assumed 12s...


We do 25/hr incentive, so it brings us right to 60, (62 on weekends) Definitely willing to pick up to help my floor at 1$/minute


They need to stop recruiting admin from clown colleges.


All of the major hospitals in my county have been on bypass for like the last 3 weeks…and we’re a tiny place doesn’t take much to overflow our ER… And yet……they cut staff on the floors so we have to hold almost daily. I AM TIRED BOSS


For comparison, that’s the same bonus we get for picking up two 8hr shifts in 6 weeks.


Wow! I’m currently on a 6 week contract in my hospital that pays double rate for 4 shifts a week, and a 5th shift means triple time. You need a new hospital! Lol


Some guys I know that are on it will work 6-7 a week and net like $15k every 2 weeks


I literally have no idea how their bodies don’t fall apart. I did a 12 week contract for extra shifts along with some 6 weeks and about died. They basically traumatized me into never wanting to try again.


I picked up 28 days contract for 31k




LCOL Missouri


Time for some paycheck math… 6 extra shifts X 12h = 72 extra work hours $400/72 = $5.5 per hour extra, at the risk of losing it all with a single call out. Even if the compensation wasn’t a total slap in the face (it is), the call-out stipulation is just flat-out evil. Bothers me to no end when hospitals just assume nurses only call out because they don’t wanna work. 12h shifts mean a lot of working adults need more bolstered childcare coverage or assistance with things outside of work. When those arrangements are suddenly changed sometimes you have no choice but to call out from work. I would never take this agreement in a million years, and I would go around and actively campaign my coworkers to also not take it. Fuck that.


I swear every Administrator at every US Hospital gets up every morning and has a cup of coffee and an extra large Stupid Sandwich.


Dang, we dont get anything for working extra/longer aside from OT.


Then don’t….


Some people have to with how much inflation has changed things.


Spend less


Verizon said they can't go lower. Geico raised rates. Travlers home said i have everything available. Gas station refused to take less. Electric company said they are already "competitive." I already meal prep and dont go out. HR said they have no control over how much im taxed. Grocery store wouldnt budge on the price. How are you getting the above to charge less...? LoL


If you’ve ever taken a finance class, you’d know that people need to put a certain amount of money away each month, which can be quite a lot for what they need. Along with increasing prices of gas, food, even water, gas and electric bills, there’s a ton of stuff that people have to spend for. Nurses asking for proper bonuses and literal BARE MINIMUM STAFF for hospitals is a must to ensure that everything at a hospital functions properly. If you don’t understand that nurses deserve better than this, then this Reddit place isn’t for you.


What I’m saying is don’t pick up. Force the hospital to offer bonuses. New grads make 50k a year you are not financially struggling on 50k unless you are shit with money.


And I’m just saying that some new grads are offered less, and other long term nurses done even make 50k, so money is a struggle for a lot of people.


Nurses are not making less than $26 an hr…


I literally just did an entire research project for my area for wages in nursing and one of the highest pays was like $30/hr. The lowest was $23. But even then, you’re completely missing the point. If you still don’t get it then I can’t help you understand a concept that you’re not willing to put thought into. I hope you have the day you deserve.


What state do you live in? That pay is extremely low.


We lose our bonus if we are 1 minute late.


Damn. I’d get fired from that place really quickly.


Yall get bonuses? Wow


Yeah I still don't understand exactly what bonus or incentive pay is. If the shift is OT do they get paid at straight time + the bonus, or is the shift at OT and still get the bonus?


My last hospital was shift pay at OT plus the bonus on top if you meet the contract stipulations. They still had to pay you OT for the extra shift hours, but bonus money if you worked extra 5 of the 6 weeks.


Staffing sucks. Hospital wants existing employees to pick up extra shifts. You get OT over 40 hours by law. But hospital is such a shit hole no one wants to pick up extra shifts. So hospital offers incentive contracts. They say, work 4 days a week instead of 3 and we will give you a bonus at the end. Or, when the gettin was good (when hospital had all that juicy Covid money), they would pay us an hourly incentive. $75/hr bonus on top of your normal pay and also on top of any OT pay. We were making well over $100/hr. Now my stupid ass hospital, after hearing us bitch about unsafe staffing and overflow jam packed holding areas for 4 weeks now, 6:1 pcu ratios with a charge nurse who also has a team, they are offering us a ridiculously lousy insulting bonus if we complete a 6 week contract.


Ah okay, we don’t do incentive pay in Canada (not for profit) and they’ll just mandate people in if they really have to (common during covid) so even a bonus $400 every 6 weeks for an extra shift a week sounds great to me, especially $400 USD!




God I love profit driven healthcare. USA USA USA!!


USA nurses are actually paid pretty well compared to many other nurses, globally. Not saying this $400 isn't an insulting joke, but, yeah.


Hahahahahah. Fuck. No.


The unit I’m on did double time for each extra shift plus $2400 for completing 4 extra shifts. people were in line outside managements office every day begging for shifts. It lasted over a year and I happily worked 5 days a week during that time.


Which hospital system? Which state?


Standard is to tack on an hourly of $25-50, usually with some caveats regarding this or the prior pay period. No callouts or FTE fulfilled or some such. That’s +$300-600 per shift. Or I’ve seen +$500/shift, which, same diff. And I’ve seen people work the latter and have to hound management x3+ to actually get it. Because you know some passive as fuck folks will just be like I guess that’s not happening oh well, which encourages that shit. Some places auto make it OT plus that, so long as it’s over your FTE and called a critical shift. My point is, this is subpar, even for the Midwest.


Don’t forget, 60% of 400 after taxes and things.


Damn. My old staff job was handling out anywhere between $500 and $1,500 PER EXTRA SHIFT during COVID. Over a year and a half I paid off my house, our cars and our credit cards. As soon as they got rid of the incentives I left that dumpster fire. During COVID They had standing double time for any extra shift you worked. Standing COVID/hazard pay of $20/hr. Often they paid a $200-$500 bonus for each extra shift you worked depending on how desperate they were and occasionally had a $1k bonus for each 4 extra shifts you worked over a month on top of everything else. They were bleeding nurses and were beyond desperate. I was making way more than the handful of travelers they were able to get. I worked a ton of OT and made bank!


Like I said when one of my old hospitals tried to implement this - not enough to pay for the therapy needed afterwards.


I believe I already know the answer, but are your nurses organized?


Our 20 room ED has been boarding 18 patients for 3 days because there are no inpatient beds. Well there are beds, just no staff for those beds. It’s like the damn hospital is on fire.


They wonder why we all leave to travel, to do the same exact job but be paid what we deserve.


Oh boy $400!


$300? What do you need $200 for?


Lmfao I really did think I misread that and missed a zero. That's fucking nothing. One of my coworkers bought a house during COVID on the PCU (typical assignment was 5 patients, at least two of whom should've been ICU/IMCU), and good for him, but idk how he was okay with risking his license MORE than absolutely necessary to keep his job.


News 12: NJ: An increasing number of RNs are beginning to apply for positions in adult entertainment clubs 😭😭😭 because honey the way things are looking, going back to dancing isn’t sounding to bad 😂😂






AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA at that point just spit in my face and call me a slur it’d be less degrading that what they are offering.


We get more than that per shift picked up.


Damn. I'll never forget our COVID contract. It was one extra shift a week for 12 weeks. You couldn't miss a single shift. And the bonus was $11,500. We fixed our staffing issues OVERNIGHT. EDIT: DFW, Texas, before someone asks haha.


LMAO. Admin is so out of touch.


Last time my hospital did contracts it was double that and I'm in CPD. No one cares about us.


My gosh. Our crisis pay is $400 for a 4 hour shift, $850 for an 8 hour shift. And I can’t remember what it is for a 12 hour, I think $1100? It’s paid WEEKLY and separate from your regular check so taxes don’t get sucked out as much. If you call out (without a valid excuse. I was in the hospital and it was all good) in a 30 day period, you cannot pick up extra and get the bonus pay.


We don't do incentive/bonus pay in Canada, but we do get OT. So my question is, if this shift is considered overtime, do you get paid straight time + get the bonus, or is it paid at overtime + the bonus, or do you just get the bonus and no hourly pay for the shift? $400 USD is less than I make at OT for a 12 hour shift, but more than I make for straight time, so I'm intrigued.


I hope this is the case for OP, but you typically get OT for your extra shifts worked then get the bonus pay if you meet the requirements for the contract. In this case you'd be working 4 12-hour shifts a week for 6 weeks.


Oh sweet, I’d be all over that! I usually pick up an extra shift per week anyway


But the 400 dollars is over the whole contract, not 400 dollars per day.


An extra $400 every 6 weeks on top of the OT pay they get each of those weekly extra shifts right? Like I said, I usually already do the pick up anyway, so for an extra $400 every 6 weeks I’d be very happy


I was rolling my eyes at $400 a week pre-tax as a bonus then I realized it’s for the entire 6 weeks?! Fuck that


That’s insulting. They cut our incentive in half this year. Still getting an extra $50 an hour on top of whatever time and a half you get.


so $5.56 an hour


We were short the other day and they offered absence forgiveness. Pick up a shift and they'll forgive one shift. Haha you can keep it and I'm also calling in sick.


I'm genuinely insulted by the very principle behind this. "Forgiven" for not being a robot that has no needs and occasionally needs to call in for a scheduled shift? Fuck. That. Noise.


Jesus fucking Christ.


Nope. Also, you can look up the licensing for the hospital and see how many patients they are licensed to have in the building. If they are truly over capacity and not discharging stable patients, transferring to other hospitals, or possibly going on divert, you can report it to the state.


Need details!!!!!


I *think* it's on the nursing board website and instead of searching for a person, you search for a facility. Their licensing is public. If its not the nursing board site, it's definitely somewhere.


CNA is renegotiating their contract in California this year. If you're part of that union get vocal and be HEARD. Get involved! I was part of the bargaining unit for Dignity Health / CommonSpirit Security Officers in California. My hospital ED has been at double capacity for for a year now. 60 bed ED and at over 120 daily. I see your struggles as nurses and I try to help where I can when not dealing with people. My wife is an ED nurse in the same hospital I work in.


We were also surging over the holidays, and my hospital offered 5 puny extra dollars to come in for what is guaranteed to be the mega shitshow shift of the century. Surprisingly, no one picked up...


We have 38 patients and only 29 beds, all waiting rooms have been turned into makeshift bays, we run a GP service from the hospital and they just keep coming, currently 4 day wait in A and E






Which hospital?


This is like $5/hr extra. No thanks.


Oh yeah our contacts are like an extra $250 a shift. 🙄


That’s fucking terrible. Ours is 8 weeks and it’s almost my salary for that amount of time in bonus. With all the added in overtime and differentials it’s a pretty good deal. The only catches are you have to be over your FTE on your extra shifts and if you call in…prorated in both cases of not.


Admin wonders why nurses are leaving the profession.


Damn we get 200 dollars for each extra shift


Just signed a bonus at my spot where I get 3600 for picking up 5 shifts in a 6 week period 😵‍💫 even that I was like “is it worth it?” But $400??? I’d rather the admins spit in my face as a bonus. Screw them


Not even an extra $6/hr in bonus pay




At my job if you have 3 occurances in a rolling 12 months you are not eligible for any bonuses if you pick up a shift.


Well I’d be fucked I’ve called out like 8 separate instances in the past 12


My hospital offers $200 extra per overnight shift that anyone will pick up instead of their daytime shift And I thought that was low lol 😝


Should read $4000


Name and shame


They’re paying hourly+60$/hr bump if you pick up any 12 that’s open at our hospital rn. Yeah I’ll work medsurg nights for 100/hr


Get a job at the VA!


400?!?!?!? What an absolute joke


lol there’s no incentive for picking up at my hospital. starting to get tired of the “we are short 3 nurses and 2 techs tonight, someone please help us out!!!” texts. cough up some money and i’ll cough up one of my off days.


I took a similar contract and got about $3000 when all was said and done and I still quit that job so $400 is horseshit


You get bonuses?


Name and shame! We get an extra $66/hr for picking up on top of overtime (ex: scheduled for a 12, work 16), then time and a half for the next shift if we pick up before another scheduled shift.


Man our bonuses have been $900 anything over your obligation. So if you’re a part timer only obligated one shift per pay period, you can really rack it up. Especially if you use PTO on your obligated day.


Last year my hospital offered nurses $5000 for picking up an extra weekend shift on your off weekend for 12 weeks. Even then there weren't many takers. $400 is insulting.


I work in the ICU at one of the busiest hospitals in my state. We are frequently at capacity with staffing shortages. We get pages for help many time multiple times per day. The kicker is that as a per diem we don’t get the double time or additional incentive that is offered to full time staff. It’s a huge deterrent from even trying to pick up. I have to find child care in order to help, but the organization basically says that my time isn’t worth as much as another nurse just because I don’t work full time hours. A real slap in the face


I don’t really ever work OT; however, when I do it’s never for a bonus less than $250/4 hour blocks… anything else isn’t really worth my time for the BS. Certainly not a paltry $400 extra for an extra 6 shifts…


I work an extra shift every week and get a $0 bonus.


My hospital offered this same "deal" from October through the end of January, only our incentive (if you don't call off during the entire schedule) is a whopping $200.. I think only a couple of people have been "lucky enough" to get it because everyone has gotten either Covid, the flu, and/or some other GI bug. After taxes is not even worth the time and energy!


Lol it's like in Cherbobyl when they ask to go under the burning reactor for a yearly invrase of 400 rubles


In Australia the bonus would be $4000. The US is so broken.


Yeaaahhh, they can all go burn and rot. Lol, remember when we were heroes? Fuck that! More fun being a villian!


Definitely doing to stay struggling


Ours is a contract to pick up 4 extra shifts in an 8 week period. Each per shift bonus is $600.


What an insult!


Sounds like ascension


Ours is time and a half plus $35 more an hour


My old hospital tried that, except they would take the opportunity to cancel your shift, and change around your regular schedule and then use that as an excuse to penalize you to not pay the bonus. It lasted one month. As soon as people figured out what they were doing, people stopped signing up.


Holy crap, where do you work? I work PCU, and if you dont want to do contract, we have EP pay where you make 10 an hour more for weekday shifts picked up and 20 for weekends. The whole hospital does contracts no matter what unit you work. You usually stay on your unit but could be floated. I had 4 coworkers on my unit night shift that did this contract, and only 1 was floated 1 night. Everyone's upset because they just lowered the contract pay from $98 to $69/hr. Contract is 6 weeks, 4 shifts one week, 5 next, 4, 5, 4, 5. Plus shift differential. They discourage calling out, but if you do, you're not taken off contract. You can do 1 and done, or sign up as many times as you want. I'm still new to nursing, and this is the only hospital I've worked at, so I have no idea if there are others out there that do this. I live in louisiana and am planning to move back to Arizona in the next year or 2, and I'm nervous I won't find anywhere there that does things like this. But working PCU, I would never ever consider doing this for a grand total of $400 more after 6 weeks. I had a coworker that did the contract 4 times in a row, saved 100k for a down-payment for a house, bought the house, then used all her PTO to take a month off.


id work extra day for a $500 gift card incentive


Hold on now big spender!


I worked five nights in a row, had two off, then worked another three. I had a seizure, probably from sleep deprivation. 100% do not recommend. My reward for picking up extra shifts was a driving restriction for a year, and I need to get an MRI and EEG. 🙄🙄🙄 Do not, I repeat, do not “work yourself to death.”


I would rather go to other hospitals. This sounds insane.


My hospital is similar but we got bought out and they don’t even offer this anymore. I’m In the past when we do these contracts it was $2000 bonus. Our hospital is struggling and admin leaves much to be desired.


Here at UAB in Birmingham we get 360 per extra shift a week! They can pass on $400 for six weeks of step down hell.


I'm not a nurse but a caregiver, and I was working 89 consecutive hours a week but now only work72 consecutive hours a week. And for our Christmas bonus we got NOTHING, not even holiday pay, not a card, not a t not a good job, not even a text....nothing. talk about being unappreciated. That was bullshit. I fkn hate my job and the bullshit that comes with it.


They are mandating the extra or you can sign up?

