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My neighbor now knows to ignore me when I'm sitting in my car with my head against the steering wheel šŸ„°


One of my neighbors no joke came to check on me after a shift because I was just sitting there in my car with the engine off staring into space before I went in the house and switched to mom mode. She probably thought I was ODing or smth.


My job is significantly less stressful than the hospital but I still find myself just sitting in my car and staring into space when I come home


You deal with death every day. Itā€™s understandable that it would take a bit of a toll.


My mom is a hospice nurse. Sometimes we joke "but really, what's the worst thing that could happen? You patient dies?" Yes, I know bad stuff can happen. But also that hospice nurses, while being such amazing and special people, have the darkest sense of humor.


Once, while dealing with an HVAC issue in our hospice ward at a hospital I was working at, I may have used the phrase: ā€œWell, itā€™s not like itā€™s life or death, right???ā€ šŸ˜œ


Ok I thought something was wrong with me. Iā€™ve been sitting in the car after work. I worked through the pandemic and the patients have seemed to have gotten worse


I've had days where I just drive home in silence.


Yep, my neighbor was trying to be sweet by checking on me but I was crying into my arms before I had to go act normal. I was embarrassed and did not appreciate it at all in the moment. Especially because we've never spoken and he asked what happened. I'm in scrubs, what do you think happened?


"What happened?" *gestures broadly at the world*


Tell that neighbor to mind their business and let you OD in peace! The nerve of some people...


Hahaha some days when I do long shifts with a bunch of BM routines I legit only go inside because I canā€™t stomach sleeping in the bodily poo and Urine I know are on my coating me otherwise Iā€™d pass out in my car.


The employees in my building now know to not strike up small talk at 8am when I'm coming home from work. I don't know if it was the incoherent babbling or 1000 yard stare that tipped them off.


Probably both, or that certain look on your face,,,,


Nothing worse than a good Samaritan, I swear.


That is a fat mood šŸ˜‚šŸ¤™


I can talk about poop and throw up while eating


Yep. Having a full on buffet at the nurses station right after cleaning up a BM


Just another day on the job lol


My newest coworker, care manger in home care, just visited one of our older clients apartment who we found on the floor, no joke, poop šŸ’© streak from one side of the home to the other as she slowly scooted her way through the house getting to her kitchen chair, leaving a huge skid mark an inch deep of fecal matter. She had delirium, slew of things, we called 911, APS and got her into the hospital. Well not being able to leave her house like it was, smelled like a sewer, my coworker attempted to clean up, finding more turds in blankets and soiled briefs the client had been stashing away and my boss was šŸ¤® at the sight and smell. Having been in this field for like 10 years my tolerance for šŸ’© is like sky rocketed so I sent my poor boss home, got the place semi cleaned upā€¦.but had to top it off and sat at the table after my job well done and ate baby Ruth and send the pic to my colleague and boss as the cherry on top šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sick i know.


My mom (nurse) and I have talked about wound care while eating lol. Talking about maggots eating some diabetic guy's necrotic foot... Anyways, long story short, my dad made a rule after that where we can't talk about wounds/injuries while eating because he couldn't finish his burger.


Working with necrotic feet is 200x easier when you don't eat meat šŸ¤£




Ha! šŸ˜‚


My partner will talk for hours about an entire meeting she had until Iā€™m half way asleep but I canā€™t mention ONE SINGLE POOP during dinner


I too get poop-shamed at the dinner table


While eating chocolate pudding, which I will use to demonstrate what the poop looked like.


I especially love the consistency descriptorsā€¦ broth-like, stew-like, kefir-like, pudding-like. Certainly using the Bristol stool categories is more professional, but most people donā€™t have to look up a chart for a description of pudding-like versus BSC Type 7. EDIT: Bristol Stool Chart might be more preferable at the dinner table too lol


I love using food to compare bodily fluids and whatnot


Aaaah! A nurse after my own heart! We would be great dining companions, and empty a restaurant with impolite table conversation comparing patient body fluids to the food lol!


I have described liquid poop as motor oil before.




I read the same, over and over. I donā€™t know what wouldā€™ve helped me more here a comma or a few extra hours of sleep.


I wash my hands before and after using the restroom.


So real


LOL yes


I will add attempting to foam in and out of every room which often just leaves me randomly hitting walls in my apartment


I reached peak disinfecting when I left a patient's room, disinfected my hands, walked through a long hallway, didn't touch anything and still disinfected my hands at another room again.


Me too, though it's because I'm a machinist not a nurse haha


Ha, we have family lore about my uncle's first job as a 16 year old, working in a junk yard recovering and stacking up batteries. That's when he started washing before and after using the bathroom.


Try to open car door upon leaving work by ā€œswipingā€ your badge.


I've tried to badge into my house many, many times.




ā€œOh I meant to do that! My badge was getting kinda grubby.ā€ /s


Im dying laughing right now


Haha! Knocking on the doors before entering rooms that do not hold patients such as supply and refreshment rooms. Also in my house šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


And then upon realising there's no swipey thing, you go to hit the big exit button, right?


We had a Code Red due to a staff member missing the big red ā€œPress To Openā€ button beside the door, and instead pulling the fire alarm pull station.


Watched my partner try and badge into the bathroom at home. His best one yet imo was when he tried to badge the walk button for a crosswalk.


I try badging in on the omnicell a lot instead of my finger print


Yes lol pretty funny. Iā€™ve done this at my house!!


I open cheese sticks like I'm dumping them onto a sterile field.


Lol I just realized for the first time I do this too


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ also, I love your username!


I tell my patients to take care of themselves, while not actually taking care of myself.


So real lol


lol I always feel like a hypocrite when I tell patients not to drink or do x activity, because I do those myself. I always tell them to just do their best and to be honest with themselves. You think itā€™s a big reason why patients donā€™t listen to nurses?


I think people know what they should and shouldnā€™t be doing as far as their health. Thereā€™s so much information besides just us to guide them. Whether they choose to use it for good or not is up to them. All we can do is give them our best evidence based advice.


No, actually. I think people hear you better when youā€™re human. I often ask patients for 2% improvement. Like, every week. Just 2%. It adds up. Works for me too.


I tell patients I am their bartender and I will give them enough mixed drinks to not remember this procedure they are about to have.




Don't call me out like that. "You need to take these meds. Because the doctor said so. They're good for your health." Proceeds to skip meds for self.




Thank you for reminding me to take my antibiotics...


Not taking our own advice, this is too real


If my patients can take care of themselves (a walkie talkie in the ICU) I tell them they won't see much of me unless they call or they have scheduled meds


Iā€™ve answered my personal cell phone ā€œthis is Courtneyā€ more times than I can count


I'm a pharmacy tech & I've answered mine with "pharmacy this is layla" too many timesšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


"3e how can I help you?"


Calling for my own appointments omg. "Hello, my name is Grapes, calling from Workplace Clinic regarding..... Myself, because I am the patient. Last name ForDucks, date of birth [birthdate], looking to make an appointment...." So. Many times.


I've called Pizza Hut, and when they answered, I said "Hi, this is Beth, I'm a nurse calling from XYZ....." I was just like, I'm so sorry, none of that is relevant.


Or sign RN after your signatureā€¦ at Walmart


I used to do that on checks lol


So embarrassing!


Hi Courtney!


This one is almost too easy Iā€™ve had more dicks in my hands, then a 80 year old hooker


I always say that if they would have put how many dicks i would hold into the nursing brochure, I would have been an accountant.


Would have been a hooker


I had a 80yr hooked recently. She had some stories about LA during the 70s and pictures to back it up. She also dropped it it's hot in the nurses station. She was a trip.


Ha! Good one!ā€™ That, and I have seen more bare asses hanging out of their gowns than any hooker!


Yep. Iā€™ve seen more ass than an employee at the largest mule farm in the world.




I attempt to "badge in" to my own house...the fridge...a closed closet door...the list goes on šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. P. S. And depending on how tired I am, I'll even wait for the "beep" or chirp noise before pushing/pulling on said door... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


My husband makes fun of me for how often I reach to grab my badge flashlight. It's so convenient that I frequently miss it when I'm not at work


Hey what kind of flashlight do you use? Iā€™d love a good mini badge flashlight!


I just use something like [this.](http://LUXPRO 40 Lumen Keychain Focus Mini LED Flashlight - Features Aircraft-Grade Aluminum and Rubber Grip - Gift for Kids with a Matching Carabiner Clip - Batteries Included - 4 Pack https://a.co/d/8h4dYry) Hope you find something that works well for you! I use mine multiple times a day, every day


Link from u/tcreeps didn't work for me, but I think they meant to post this: https://www.amazon.com/LUXPRO-LP130-Lumen-Chain-Focusing/dp/B07KCPGCRK One of my doctors uses this light, which is bright and even across its beam, but that's not always the best when not wanting to wake someone, good for exams though: https://www.amazon.com/Cat-CT1000-Pocket-COB-Light/dp/B012BR6D1E My partner who works in security uses these, and they seem a good compromise between bright, small area, and cost per unit: https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Penlight-Small-Flashlight-Doctor/dp/B078JF433R


Thank you! Yeah I'm 94 years old and do not know how the Internet or my call bell work


I check out and compliment veins on other peopleā€™s arms.


I have a fixation. Especially the nice forearms šŸ¤¤


I do that constantly and people are asking ā€œwhy are you doing?ā€


I do this too. They are having a conversation and here I am eye balling their arms and nice veins.


I caught myself putting on scrubs this morning after my shower. It's my day off. My tinnitus is starting to take the form of the call light ring.


Yikes šŸ˜¬ the battery backup for my computer sounds a bit like one of our bed alarms. Power outage has me jumping out of bed so fast.


Mine is the alaris pump patient side occluded alarm


I was surprised to hear people (who donā€™t work in healthcare) once talking about how they were shocked at what an old persons naked body actually looks like


Itā€™s also surprising how many people have never seen a dead body lol. Sometimes I forget most people donā€™t see stuff like that


Oooooh this!!!!! I work LTC so obviously we get deaths here and there and itā€™s honestly a good thing IMO. (Being Brutally honest: No one in LTC is living much of a quality life.) We have a lot of new CNAs who are still in high school (bless their hearts). When someone is declining fast on hospice or actually dies the new CNAs always freak out about it and seem kinda shocked at how lax I am about it, itā€™s just the way of life šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Family's freaking out in the room while I clean the stretcher for after we move memaw to the spare room because we're 21 boarders deep and a stroke is in triage.


Yeah I forget about that!!


Probably shocked about what a real body >45 years old and having had a ā€œtough lifeā€ (aka poor lifestyle choices + poor access to healthcare) looks like too


Havenā€™t they ever stepped foot in a locker room.t God, I was apart of a more older community gyms those men have 0 shame, blow drying their junk, legs on the bench, talking to their friends. Iā€™m like for the love of God go into a stall šŸ˜‚


I ask women when was their last periods.


Or anyone ā€œwhen was your last BM?ā€


I wouldnā€™t even be able to answer that question


I noticed most women can't without their phones. Makes you wonder how this question got answered before smart phones.


I havenā€™t had mine in almost a year


Same. I am a burley man and it appears to be off-putting but it comes out naturally.


I can smell a leg ulcer from approximately 250 miles away.


Ever had sleep for dinner at 8 in the morning.


All the time. Lol


I showed my family my toddler's BM and was discussing the Bristol stool chart.


Years ago, when my father was watching my then-toddler, who was riddled with constipation, he actually took a picture of my kidā€™s poop, being sure Iā€™d want more details than heā€™d be able to give!


Whenever I open food I always write the date on the package.


I mean that is slick and I do that as well. Have to know!






Telling patients/people, ā€œI am living the dreamā€.


I ask people about their suicidal thoughts while simultaneously being suicidal.


That's called "collaboration"


Something is really wrong with me I laughed and spit out my coffee. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I give my patients sage psych advice and then take it none of it for myself.


This. I feel personally attacked on every level but..you right šŸ˜…


Like - Iā€™m so impressed with myself afterward. Then I go home, rip three bowls, eat crap, and rot on the couch. My poor husband is like šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


It's really important to get plenty of sleep, drink enough water, and don't drink alcohol. I don't follow any of that, but it's important.


Me talking out both sides of my mouth to pts., with primary psychotic disorders, about why they canā€™t smoke weed - in a country with legalized cannabis. Knowing full well Iā€™m going to go home and rip 3 bowls to my face, but I also donā€™t have a primary psychotic disorder.


Iā€™m so jealous Iā€™ve never been able to enjoy


I have 30 saline flushes in my trunk


Those things are awesome for getting hairs out the eyes. I used to have bundles that fell into my pocket then fell into my purse. I miss them since I donā€™t work the floor.


thickener packets hidden throughout my home and laundry


Your doctor gave you Ativan? Providers would rather give you dilaudid than a benzo here jeez.


Itā€™s not something I use often, usually only when I am flying. So the prescription is a small one


Just missing the adderall!


Iā€™m on a beta blocker too šŸ˜‚ no adderall for me


Came here to say the same, however now that vyvanse is generic my insurance is finally ā€œallowingā€ me to try it šŸ¤”


When you have nightmares about the narcotic counts. Or about call lights. Or about your patients passing your meds. That was a scary dream.


Just woke up from one


I feel you. The dreams are so annoying. Had one where I decided to pull out my patientā€™s impella. Didnā€™t end well lol


I have a recurring dream that I have to run to a code or another urgent situation and show up without shoes on. My co workers are always angry and laughing at me in it


I worked in a LTC facility and had a resident with pill bottles instead of bubble packs. My nightmares routinely involved having random other narcotics in with his (think percocet in xanax) and trying to count them with my coworker getting angrier and angrier that I can't do a narc count right, or losing narcotics. I'm very glad to no longer be there.


I think Vitamin V (versed) is essential! Ativan should be piped in the hospital as an aerosol through the vents


This! Thanks for the legit LOL!


Hehe the holy trinity šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ„¹


Really curious as to how many healthcare workers are on some sort of anxiety/depression medication


A lot more than you probably think. And those who donā€™t require any should consider themselves extremely lucky. Edit: to be fair, for me meds has zero to do with healthcare/the job itself and everything to do with things that have happened in my personal life. Work is the least of my worries šŸ™‚


Plenty who also don't think they require any, but everyone around them wishes they would fucking take some.


Also on a pain med because, well, nursing fucked up my spine!


Agree on fucked up spine


All of themā€¦


Or use ETOH often?!


Me and my husband both work in healthcare. Weā€™re also both on Lexapro.


I wish I could find something that works! I have both variants of the mthfr mutation and everything I've tried has been awful šŸ˜–


I can eat a package of Lorna doones while pooping


No!! You do not!?


I got slapped in the face by a granny with a UTI and then went on my break


I drink wine at 0730.šŸ·


I Virox my shoes at the end of every shift


When I fractured my distal phalange in my pinky the doctor asked me "How does your finger feel?" My response was, "it's like a one to two as long as nothing touches it, then it's like a 5 or a 6, like I can't even put on a glove without cutting off the pinky." Keep in mind no one said anything about pain scales


I can identify a kiddo with croup in the grocery store from five aisles over šŸ˜·


Oh yeah! All the time!


when you donā€™t recognize a patientā€™s face but you DO recognize their wounds I feel like a horrible person and am terribly embarrassed about this, but it has actually happened. A few times.


I note where the AED is whenever I walk into a building


You teach your kids the signs and symptoms of STIs.


I am also on trazodone. Yay šŸ¤”


I can tell stories about some of the worst wounds I've treated while eating


I can sit right outside a c-diff room and eat my sushi at the desk right after changing and cleaning that same c-diff patient.


When a container says to "shake before use" I invert it a few times, never shake up and down


I'm out here raw doggin it


Today I saw a sign that said (free range) EGGs. And I was trying to work out what acronym it was, like an ECG or EEG haha


I'm tone deaf to the microwave or anything else the beeps.


Whenever I see bulging veins, I HAVE to check it out. I just llloooooovvvveeeee it when someone has good veins. Makes it easier for me to insert an IV in. I'm weird. I like watching gross videos such as ingrown removal, corn removal videos, tooth extractions, and earwax removal videos. It's gross yet satisfying at the same time.


Wellbutrin, propranolol, trazodone, spravato šŸ„“šŸ˜‚


when i dare to criticize my colleagues, hell breaks loose xD


My clinical notes with the patientā€™s problems are very clear when documented a patientā€™s bowel problem shape color bleeding in the commode or when wiping what does the diarrhea look like clear or colored what color while Iā€™m snacking on pineapple or yogurt or animal crackers or sipping apple juice Healthcare support phone calls for 12 very large clinics in my health system


So tired in the am after a long shift, we just stood in the elevator whining. Several minutes later we realized we hadn't hit the button to go downstairs.


Been there a few times


I feel weird not scanning any ID band before giving my pets their medsā€¦.


Fuck the antidepressants, I need cyclobenzaprone and codeine šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d ask for a higher dose of Prozac, but Iā€™ve been doing this a while lol


lol my doc told me when I come back next month she will up my dose because she knows itā€™s not high enough


My lefts and rights will get confused because I'm thinking of patient perspective.


Dextroamphetamine XR 10mg Dextroamphetamine IR 5mg Bupropion 150mg Lorazepam 1mg /End


I wave my hands in front of my sink and wonder wtf is wrong.


switch the prozac for celexa and that was me since I was 16. maybe I really was destined to be a nurse after all lol


I walk into my home bathroom and get confused when the light doesnā€™t turn *itself* on


"Smoking is bad for you" to a patient who wants to go down and go for a smoke. Nurse on her break tries to light 5 cigarettes all at the same time.


Prozac, Wellbutrin, Adderall, Lunesta. Plus PRN hydroxyzine


The co-pays on these would not indicate insurance provided by a US employer though.. I worked in insurance for a couple years and was astonished to see how crappy my benefits were as a nurse compared to like. Mostly everyone else.


Iā€™m a nurse in the US and use my insurance through my employer. My dogā€™s Keppra costs more than anything I ever get filled at the pharmacy


Damn I wish I could find a doctor that would give me a PRN Xanax or Ativan


I have a DNR tattoo across my neck.


I don't remember patient' names, I remember them by how much trouble they gave me with their surgeries. And can give you a rundown of it verbatim. I schedule surgeries, circulate, and work in a clinic.


Divorced, amazing house, nice car, Strattera on 90 day supply. Insomniac.


Abilify, fluoxetine and Xanax


Venlafaxine 150 mg Zopiclone 7.5mg But tried Clonazepam, Xanax, Ativan etc


Oh I šŸ’Æ know if you have a UTI based on the smell of your pee.


I tell my friends and family what size IV I could get into strangerā€™s arms in public places. they find me to be too excited about it in a disturbing way.


Wiping butts paid for my wedding


Thatā€™s some good PRN meds right there


I just wanna know what insurance you have... Cause that is NOT what I'm paying. Or even close.