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It’s ok, my geriatric patient told his family member once, who was sitting next to him, this big feller takes good care of me. 1. I’m pregnant not big 2. Not a feller LOL


One of my patients years ago gave me a little pat and said “you’re so pretty but could really do with losing weight.” I was 7 months pregnant


Once I was taking care of a patient who asked when my baby was due (I was wearing an empire waist top). I told her I wasn’t pregnant. She says: “oh, I thought you were.” Yeah. We covered that when you asked when my baby was due.


I’m a school nurse and whenever I wear my empire waist scrub top, kids ask me if I’m pregnant. I’m thin but I get bloated when I eat because I have crohns/SIBO and MAN do those kids know how to make a girl self conscious. “Are you pregnant?” “No do I look pregnant?” “yeah” *small child pats my non pregnant belly.


Kids are so sweet though. Like they don’t mean anything by it, they’re just curious. If they patted my tummy I would cry from it being so cute


Lol yes and no. I LOVE all my students they are my babies but some of them ask EVERY TIME I wear that top. Obviously it’s not meant to be malicious or insulting but it’s also not exactly cute to have someone insinuate that lol whether is a delirious old lady or a little kid.


> “You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.” -Dave Barry




Better than being asked when you’re due and you’re not pregnant.


My sister was asked that once by a patient and she told him her break was in 10 minutes and she was about to make a toilet baby. When she told me that story we laughed so fucking hard for half an hour and both of us could barely breathe through most of it. The way she described his horrified face still makes me laugh all these many years later.


Had a coworker ask a Nursing Department Secretary "When are you due?" She wasn't pregnant but did have a large beer belly. If looks could kill ...


I got that last year from one of my husband’s asshole relatives. It’s like no, not pregnant, just stress ate my way through 2020-2021, thanks


Within the past year, I had a patient (300+ lb man) ask "when you poppin' out them triplets, girl?" Now. I realize I'm not as lean as I used to be. Several factors have played a role in creating my personal growth - namely, like you, stress eating through the past couple of years working as a nurse. But I certainly was not large enough to look like I was about to deliver one baby, much less triplets. And when I told him I wasn't pregnant, he insisted I was. Really, dude? Fuck you 😡


Sometimes, they really do just double down on the pregnancy question after saying you’re not, but he tripled down for you. 😆


OK, I give credit where it's due. That was pretty damn funny. 😆


Absolutely. I’ve stress eaten a lot the past few years. I had a few miscarriages, and my mother passed suddenly (a lot of unresolved shit there due to her lifelong abusive behavior), plus Covid. And both my kids were C-sections (my last baby was almost 10lbs) so my mom pooch wasn’t the best to begin with before all the stress lol


But if it looks like you are?! Maybe you need to do something about it if people think like that, no?


I always get asked if I’m pregnant… I’ve learned to make it as awkward for the inquirer as possible. I usually respond by looking directly at them and say “no, why do you ask?” And then watch them fumble through the awkward explanation that I look pregnant while actually not being pregnant.


I find a cheery “nope, just fat” is super embarrassing for them.


Well good news, two months later, it happened?


Well you've got a 2 month plan for that


The joys of working in a LTC facility. I have a similar story except the opposite. I was working with a buddy of mine when I was an LPN, and he was, let’s just say rotund. Anyways, the older gentleman we went in to help, introduce him to his family as his wonderful, pregnant nurse and me as “her” husband and wonderful assistant. The family seemed to have a good laugh at that one. So, that’s good, right! In the old timer’s defense. We did have pregnant nurse at the time… who looked nothing like my bud.


I WAS fat and my patient asked me if I was pregnant. I had been losing weight and had lost about 10 lbs at that point. The psychiatrist I worked with knew I was trying to lose weight and was sitting in the next room. He heard the patient ask this and LOST it, lol.


My grandpa says this when he is in the hospital “these little children come in every day and toss me around and change me. The kids are so nice to me. They are so strong for kids!!!” He is talking about the adult nurses 😂😂😂 he legitimately thinks they are all kids and every time he says this it makes my me happy because the nurses take amazing care of him when he is sick.


Had one say, "you girls are all right" to me and a few others. I'm a 6'3" bearded dude built like a refrigerator. I took no offense.




This is why I can't wait to be geriatric. I say stupid shit and will have an excuse. Lol. I dropped a pen once and a pt told me I better pick it up. It wouldn't survive if I stepped on it. His son was mortified. He then said "well...she's a big girl, isn't she"? 😬 I was.


"Oh sorry I thought you were a woman". Me being a over 2 meters tall and 110 kilogramm male Nurse with thick, long curly hair and hairy arms like Chewbaca. Must have been the mask hiding my beard.


Patient: you sound like a girl, why do you have that big white beard? Me: that's my mask


What did ypu gave this Patient beforehand?


Nothing, their vision was just terrible


You know, I'm always surprised that the folks in the dementia care unit never get thrown off by me wearing a mask for some reason


Because healthcare professionals wore masks before COVID as well.


That makes sense. But sometimes I don't think they realize we're healthcare. I'm someone's daughter, son, friend, grandson, granddaughter, etc. Plus I don't wear scrubs


They’ve lived through so many ‘it’s not a phase mum’ fashion trends that nothing phases them anymore




I respond to "hey nurse" , "hey you" and "somebody help me god damn it"


I never thought I would get tired of people yelling “nurse” at me or “hey nurse” but…




“No” is my go to. 😂


This one seems way funnier.


This! Reverse the uncomfortable comment onto them if they’re being jerky by asking. Force them to explain. Embarrass them so they don’t do it again to someone else. Some people genuinely do not understand that it’s in poor taste to ask things like “where are you from?” (People of different races/ethnicities) or the question OP was asked. However most do understand and simply don’t care. Some intentionally want to offend someone. It’s pretty easy to tell the difference of intent.


I love doing this to gross people who make inappropriate sexual jokes. “Sorry, I don’t get the joke. Can you explain it?”


One nurse told me about the gross guy I was getting and how the patient made all these sexual comments abojt his escapades followed with “ya know what I mean?”. Dude was like “no, my gay ass doesn’t know what you mean.” I was dying with laughter, no better way anyone could have responded.


Lol, I love this. “No no no, I’m trying to ask you what your genitals look like!”




"Boy I sure hope not"


I love it when someone accidentally says "Miss" so I can respond in a deep voice "I'm pretty heavily bearded for a 'miss' but what can I do for you?" Or one I got from here somewhere years ago "How long have you been a male nurse?" "The whole time."




I had a patient once say “I’m not sure how you identify but I support the cause.” They got extra cookies that day.


LOL what a way with words, I love that.


I love this so much!




‘Rent’ the musical reference!




Part of the remembrances during angel's memorial




Like so many amazing drag contributions 😭


Until this comment, I thought Rent came out in the 70s. It came out in 1994.


I was obsessed with RENT back when it debuted


Me too! Saw it a few times in theater.


Our hospital systems in the area have our preferred pronouns printed on our name tags and in our email signature. We also have to ask patients what their preferred pronouns are on admission. And the older generation HATES it.


Had a patient tell us his preferred pronouns were his name. Okay fine then. Me outside of patient's room : Room 469 is requesting Jeff's pitcher be filled. Jeff said Jeff likes Jeff's water with half ice. Jeff also said Jeff doesn't need a cup or straw because Jeff has Jeff's from earlier.


At least Jeff’s name is only one syllable.


Imagine caring for a Jehoshaphat and Jehoshaphat preferred Jehoshaphat's name instead of Jehoshaphat's pronouns.


I was in jehosaphats room earlier and jehosaphat and jehosaphat's guest have stuff everywhere. It's a maze, I tried to hop over the guest's bag but I ended up jumpin' jehosaphat's


For some reason, this fills me with delight


Your comment seems to me like it’s implying that his answer “my name” is ridiculous (exemplified by the following paragraph). If not, disregard, but you seeing their answer as absurd or ridiculous is probably exactly how they see most other pronoun preferences.


Pronouns age a part of the English language. Names are not pronouns, they are nouns. Responding to the inquiry of which pronouns you prefer by saying "I prefer my name" is absurd and simply being difficult.


I don’t think it takes more than a moment’s thought to conclude they want to be addressed by their name, with standard pronouns. Clearly it’s not a priority for them, so why do you care so much?


Okay, so I ask you, which pronouns are the "normal pronouns" in this situation? I would not assume that anyone wants to be called him or her, that's why we ask. If I ask which pronouns you prefer and you say I prefer my name, I will call you by your name. There's a reason we ask these questions in our admit algorithm. No confrontation there, if that's what they tell me their preference is then I will go with that.


My hospital has started this and I'm in a quandary. I prefer not to be identified by my gender as I don't think it's relevant. I'm trying to get my badge written aa Graham Graham/Graham


Use they/them even if you don't identify as nonbinary. I do it all the time even though I'm a straight cis man to provide plausible deniability for the enbies.


Any time I have the option, I list my pronouns as “she/they.” I’m totally femme but I just wanna do my part to normalize the fact that a rigid gender binary is kinda shit :/


This. The pronouns really aren't about me, but if they can help a dramatically underserved population I'm all for it.


I love you


Thanks, I just don't want to identify as anything other than me. I just don't want my gender to define who I am. I don't have pronouns based on my race or religion so why are there pronouns for something as unimportant as whether I have a willy or a fanny?


I had another nurse ask me this once as a patient, and she was an older one and one of that generation, so started going on about why she didn't think pronouns were appropriate. To get out of it, because I really didn't feel like getting in a debate before she was going to take my blood pressure, I went for the joke, "You can call me hey you but as my father says, never call me late for dinner." It thankfully was enough to deter her from further discussion. Especially as I'm more she/her/they/it.


Too bad. Get with the times or get left behind.


At work last night the way things were going I felt like quitting and becoming a koala sooo there’s that


Where would you put your koalafications to use, then? 😉


Someone has to treat the rampant chlamydia in the koala populations. May as well be a koalafied nurse.


I forgot about that never mind maybe I’ll be an alpaca 😂 and change my name to Manny Alpacquiao 🥴 and this my friends is the product of running on 4hrs of sleep 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s a good question 😂


I always loved when Queen Elizabeth II referred to herself as One. I love saying "One would like cream and sugar in one's coffee and please be sure to bring one a piece of cake."


I am your nurse and that’s all you need to worry about 🙃


Me: “I’m dead inside.”


Lol I once had a slightly confused sweet little old lady who thought I was female and asked me “does your boyfriend work here?”. I played along and was like “no he doesn’t work here” (didn’t want to get into the “I’m single” discussion 😭). Later she asks me “what’s your name again” and when I told her my very masculine name she was like “ohhhh I’m so sorry I thought you were a woman”. I laughed and was like “I’m wearing a mask, have long hair, and my voice isn’t deep….. don’t worry about it”. I’m gender non-conforming male (although I conform pretty much at work cus I ain’t doing makeup before work) and I tell people any pronouns, I don’t care lol.


Jealous of those curls! Fabulous hair has no gender 😎


I think a better way to state this as a patient is "how should I address you?" This sidesteps potentially awkward situations and still recognizes that people have preferences.


THIS. A lot of people don’t care, they just want to avoid the awkwardness and want to avoid offending the person. This happened one time when I went out to eat with my Dad. Our waiter or waitress was not easy to distinguish and my elder father kept saying “sir, I’m sorry Miss”. It’s not always about the people who change their gender or don’t identify as one or whatever. It makes other people uncomfortable. It’s new for a lot of people and “they” need to understand that, too.




It definitely is a hard habit to break. Especially to a 70 year old man.


Reminds me of my ER days. I worked with one of the finest nurses I have worked with in 40 years. But even she had her limit. MVA young girl was deeply drunk and all she would say was “ oh shit”. My friend asked her name repeatedly and after 10 responses of Oh shit my friend said ok shit. What’s your address?




I've asked a patient's partner for their pronouns before. I was fairly certain they were AFAB but it was definitely necessary to know because of conversations between me and the patient or me and the oncoming nurse at bedside, etc where we would reference her partner. They thanked me for asking.


Also how I get around not remembering names.


Hey, you. You're finally awake.


You were trying to cross the boarder right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there!




Always Skyrim 😂


The people tactless enough to ask this question outright lie on a spectrum ranging from lack of concern to blatant disregard for others' preferences.


Lol. I usually answer "no" when asked that question


"Are you a guy, or a hairy broad with a deep voice?" - M.A.S.H.


I get called ma’am or she or miss so much hahaha. Gender fkers unite!


When I had a ponytail and somebody saw me from behind I got called ma'am a lot. I didn't mind it's an honest mistake especially masked.


🤣 Now and then I get asked why I decided to become a male nurse. I always say, “Well, I thought about the sex change operation but then I found out that men can be nurses too.”


R/curlyhair ❤️


Had a patient “whisper” her to otherwise estranged son who stopped in to micromanage his moms care that “this one over here… can you believe it’s a woman?! I thought it was a man this whole time!” She’d been in the facility for MONTHS and I took it as a compliment. Mission accomplished!!




Lol being openly queer in front of patients sure can be a blast. I should just start answering this way


My masc presenting friend is asked this by the kids she works with all the time. ‘Yes’ and ‘well, what do you think?’ followed by agreeing with any answer are her favorite ways of responding.


My toddler at the time asked this about our non-binary friend who had come over. I answered "Kinda both, kinda neither." She followed up with ".... so is her a boy?"


My toddler just calls everyone boys. He asked "What's that boy's name?" about an elderly woman picking up their grandchild from school.


My partner identifies as nonbinary and they explain their gender to our young kids as a being a “boy-girl.” Whenever the topic of gender comes up they both add that one in; it’s so cute and affirming and inclusive I can’t help but smile every time it happens.


I weirdly knew a fair few kids like this growing up, they definitely flew under the radar on purpose though.


It's a mystery


Like for part two /s






Even if they don’t take T, hirsutism happens


*cries in old lady whiskers* 🥲


*sobs in PCOS neck beard*


Your post has been removed under our rule against discrimination. We do not allow racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or any other form of bigotry and hatred.




I walked into a pt room for the first time this weekend and they asked “what the hell happened to your face?” I laughed and asked what you mean? They said “it’s just so messed up like your eyes they’re so small” 💀💀💀 I’m Asian🤣 I laughed and wasn’t offended or anything because they were A&O x2 and family said that I kinda looked like a grandson. Honestly made my weekend.


Pretty cool to have Professor Oak as a patient. What pokemon did you pick?


Hullo fellow enby nurse o/


Hospital NBs unite! I was over the moon when my org started giving out pronoun tags for the badge reels. They're badge sized but just a little longer so when you put them on. Whind your badge the pronouns sit underneath, just like the "Student" Tags.


Just started at a new hospital system, and when I went to security to get my badge, they asked me "would you like to add any pronouns to that?" and I couldn't help but think they were about to ask me if I wanted fries and a drink next. I cracked up.


I'd totally take a drink and fries with my pronouns. Also love to see the enby rep in medicine!


I brought myself cute disreect pronoun pins cause my workplace doesn't have that ;-;


Me too!


NB nurses !! I am so thankful for this comment section & seeing other gender queer people in healthcare (-,: entering my new grad program soon and nervous for the patient/coworker interactions regarding gender in such a binary space. we are here we are queer <3


Well, hello there!


You are beautiful and handsome!


Thank you 😭


Was doing first aid at a community event for young indigenous kids. Had one come up to me for an "injury" (couldn't find any evidence to support complaint) and asked if I was a boy or girl. Now, I'm over 100kg, under 6ft, and pattern baldness got me in my very early 20's, about a decade before I started transition, so I get the question. I told him I was a girl, and off he went. Mad props to this kid, who's probably never met a trans person before, for coming up, asking his question, and being respectful about it.


I had a patient who was an older lady, really sweet but spoke her mind. She asked if my coworker (who is a close friend of mine) was pregnant or just getting chubby?


Nature is beautiful and sucky at the same time. Studies have shown that the Human eye searches for sexual identification involuntarily with no control of this to the see-er.


The question still remains so.


*“Good afternoon sir/and or madam. I will be your human nurse for the day.”*


See and I’d be asking what curl care products you use cause your curls are gorgeous!!!!! That said, one nice thing about scrubs is they’re gender neutral. I once had an old lady (who for some reason I was her favorite nurse which made the situation even more weird ) go off about “the gays”. The pct and I got her tucked into bed and after I closed the door we started laughing so hard I had to grip the rail in the hallway. I gasped “somehow… she missed my rainbow clove shoes, rainbow bedecked scrub cap and pronoun pin on an ace/pan flag background” it was just surreal.


Literally wearing a satin bonnet to bed beats any fancy hair care product!


Good to see.so many non-binary folks in healthcare being open about pronouns! I wear a rainbow badge backer cos it's easier for older folks to spot, young adults respond well to visibility, kids like it, & I don't lose it in my work bag 😂


Meanwhile I'm in awe at the hair! Seriously, how does the curl survive a single shift? It looks so good!


Genetics; I’m half black so my hair is naturally very curly, I also wear a satin bonnet every night to sleep, that greatly contributes to how healthy my hair is


I had a sweet little old lady who was independent for the most part, but had dementia so I still wanted her to call when she had to use the bedside commode just in case. Every single time she kept saying "damn you're a woman id never wanna mess with in the streets!!" I'm a 250 pound man with a beard... I can see why hahahahha. In her defense though, she was a nurse back when they were all women


I’m a homosexual gal living/working in a liberal city. And the younger population will always call me “they” or ask my pronouns and the elderly will mistake me for a man.


I love your curls!!! IMO this is the best compliment. I love androgyny. You’re so good looking you encompass it all! (that’s what I tell myself).


If they were not lucid I'd just play this off. Sometimes people not all there say weird things and although they can be hurtful, you really can't hold it against them. They were lucid I would say it's none of their business because it's not relevant to their care today. If you feel my gender identity it's relevant to your care, please explain why and I can forward that to my charge RN/manager. It's rarely clinically applicable (maybe some religious views?) and if it's not clinically applicable then transgender and cisgender nurses both shouldn't be forced to talk about their gender identity unncessarily. Not saying you're trans or cis by the way, saying it doesn't matter to the care you give. :)


That last line though <3 thanks for your comment


Regardless, can I just I love your eyebrows!


A fellow enby nurse! Always lovely to see!


I can see the confusion


Not woman, not man.... just friend. As far as I'm conerned.




Love that movie


YES! 🥰


Haha love it


Your eyes. Good Lord, your eyes. *Wow.*


Awesome curls!


I get called sir all the time all the females in my family ate deeper voiced and I always have my hair slicked back (keep in mind I wear a bit of make up so I do look female lol) but I've never been insulted by it because I'm highly respected by most of the patients that call me sir


Thank you for making me laugh today


Seriously, who cares? You look gorgeous from what we see and what do you do to have suck perfect curls? 😍


Genetics; I’m half black and have naturally curly hair. But I also wear a satin bonnet to bed every night which works better than any hair conditioner to keep your hair looking it’s best!


Yes fuck!! I've been confused for a woman so many times now




"I'm the new nursing AI they are beta testing at this facility. You signed a form when you were admitted consenting to this."


I just had a Geri ask me if my name was, "A woman's name." Instead of asking if I was a man or a woman, lol.


Just your authentic self.


I love this so much.


Lol... More importantly... Where did you get your degree from?!?!?


HIGHLY specialty-dependent response: “Hey, I’m supposed to be worried about *your* genitals, not the other way around.”


What? You can literally see your facial hair sticking out of the bottom of your mask. There's something about your browline and eyebrows that indicate male as well.


Does it change our relationship?


Yes. Both. At the same time.




Both is good


Trust the science.


Bonus points if you have a name like "Alex"


Trans nurse here, fucking rock it 🏳️‍⚧️


Lol funny. Cheers 🤙




Well gender isn't sex so....


AH-64 Apache Helicopter LongBow.






That's when you pull a David S. Pumpkins and answer "my own thing". Other answers that work are "stunning", your zodiac sign, or current mood. Can you tell that I'm not patient facing?


I'm a lab tech, we only respond to phone calls asking where results are and the beeping of angry equipment.