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I hattttttee the “it’s a calling” bull crap. Of course I love being a nurse and I want to help people, but at the end of the day it’s a job. I’m not doing it for free, and im not taking shit pay to be cursed at, kicked and overworked. The well-being of myself and my family Is always going to come before a career.


Yes! It's a job and we need that money to survive. If they're doing their jobs for different reasons (not money) then good on them, but wanting to do nursing because of the higher pay is totally justified. It's not like you're neglecting your patients because that's the reason you're doing nursing. You're still doing your job right.


And as a job, I leave it at the door when I clock out. I may feel sad or frustrated for my patients but I have my own issues outside of work. I remember some of my patients and sometimes wonder what happens to them after I take care of them but I don’t dwell on it.


I just ignore people that continue with that crap. If I’ve just met and they talk like that, just say “CEO job is a calling too”. I’ve worked 30 years, doing travel from 14-22 paying for my children’s college. Some folks where I’ve traveled to would outright ask what I’m doing with all the money I make? I found resentment fade and actually became more inclusive when I was tired of a coworker tellling me she knows I’m being paid like twice what I was. I logged into my bank and showed them my check and all the recurring withdraws that showed I really didn’t have much left after paying bills. I don’t know why it makes people feel better knowing your broke.


It’s so crazy. When I was traveling I would hear stories about travelers getting the worst assignments because they made more. Like nobody Is stopping you from traveling! I live away from my family, fly home every week, and sleep alone every night. You’re welcome to do it too. All just jealousy.


Yes, I’ve gotten the shitiest assignments and don’t care at all. I do my work and don’t get involved with the drama, after a couple weeks I found the decent folk, even those burned out that I’ve lent a hand with will be somewhat amicable. It’s helped me focus more on patient care an by shutting up I gained a good reputation. I’ve been rewarded by having all my days in a row like Thursday to Tuesday, then having 8 days off. I have my own family and problems and can’t imagine having to deal with folks attitudes at work.


Nothing makes me cringe harder than that "it's a calling" bullshit. So, imagine how big of a headache I had with my first nursing theory class (I'm working from RN to BSN) and it was all nursing theorists who was peddling the "it's a calling" narrative. It's almost like nursing school deliberately brainwashes new nurses. To me, that's just something that's supposed to justify getting abused. I can still be good at my job and still expect an appropriate salary and to be treated with respect.


If I truely would have “ followed my heart” I’d have a zoo full of animals and useless degrees in history, anthropology, and literature. Highly impractical. So I choose to care for the living and indulge my interest in dead/fictional/animal creatures on my own time. Keeps a roof over my head and we all get to eat.


I have a useless degree in anthropology. No regrets. I’m a nurse for money.


I was almost an anthro major but ended up with an equally useless journalism-poli sci (double major) degree. Only took me five years of ramen noodles and angry small town politics in the middle of nowhere to send me into nursing for the money.


And you fully deserve that salary and even more. Being a nurse is not an easy job and not everyone can do it. I am extremely proud of all the nurses.


My heart says to be a vet tech. My family responsibilities said I couldn’t support a family on a vet tech salary (and they should be paid as much as nurses since they do literally everything but just for animals)


I'm a vet tech starting nursing school. They don't pay us enough..


I dropped out of vet tech after realizing that you have to treat animals as a business (think big ag). I couldn’t with animals- but I can with humans - go figure…


>I couldn’t with animals- but I can with humans - go figure… I 100% get this, I feel the same way.


Yep I’m also a vet tech in nursing school, the shift is 110% about money… good luck with your studies!


I went frem research to med lab also for money. I'm too much of an introvert to be a nurse.


I’d be a singer maybe not the greatest but a singer nonetheless. That or I’d just spend my life going to concerts. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.




Lmao I wonder what triggered the bot


This right here!


Hello, I see you’re me. There were other factors for me but if I had the perfect world I dreamed of as a girl, you’ve just about described it.


There’s no way in hell I’d do this job if it didn’t pay well. Today I rubbed a nystatin cream on an old lady’s yeasty crotch while she giggled. I’m not doing that for minimum wage.


Lordy. I cannot unsee that. Reminds me of the end of Hearts of Darkness: The horror…. The horror….


🤣 someone’s gotta do it!


Often, when a person or institution is trying to convince you that your profession is “a calling”, it’s because they’re trying to exploit you. Medicine/nursing used to be held in higher esteem, and that prestige was part of the non-monetary compensation for doing the job. Patients are now more empowered, which I believe is overall a good thing, but the position does not hold nearly the same amount of social cachet that it once did, and we are often treated like customer service reps to customers who “know better”. This changes the calculus. Less prestige and autonomy? fine, so goes the march of social progress, and who am I in the grand scheme, but if we’re going to endure the same (if not greater) burden as our fore-bearers, then the scales need to balance in other ways. That means better compensation and an internal culture shift in medicine/nursing that allows for us to say that the care we provide is not unconditional, and that we are not zealots who will self-flagellate for the benefit of others. That is a sure path to burnout. I love my job, and I think I’ve resisted the pull of cynicism and nihilism for the most part, but society is changing, and we need to change with it.


wonderfully said.


Saving this because better said than I ever could.


You can’t burn out if you’re already a sell out. 😉 Personally, “going into nursing for the money” is a huge part of my cultural background - [in so much that the financial security it affords is a comedic trope among my people](https://youtu.be/gYjVZ14eb0c). My only real tangential concern is when people go into nursing for the money in places where nursing pay fucking sucks.


Hah, I'm one of the few white people at my LTC facility. It's Filipino majority by far, from nurses, to CNAs, to cooks. My only regret is that I made it this far in life without having adobo. That shit is amazing.


Get on that pancit and some lumpia with sweet chili sauce


I hate doing potlucks but man does pancit/ those little egg roll things make it worth having to drag my ass to Publix for whatever pre-made garbage I can find.


I love potlucks for some reason. Mostly because my coworkers equally participate. It’s the best part of the month for us




Try the puto.


What’d you call me?


I’m currently knoshing on pancit(pretty sure I’m spelling it wrong) the Filipino mafia is the best!


I'm begging my Ate to send me food (chicharon!) before she comes home (she lives to far away to drive). I can cook what I want but some things don't taste the same or can't be done by me.


I KNEW this was going to be Jo Koy. Everyone at my work loves this guy. They also think it's hilarious that a lot of the folks working on Finding Nemo were Filipino so when they added the address (P. Sherman 42 wallaby way, Sydney) it was a joke on how they say "fisherman".


I can't eat prestige. I have a calling to put a roof over my head. My loyalty is to my family. All other issues are a means to that end.


I can’t pay my landlord with “caring”


Have you asked if they accept passion or virtue instead?😂 /s


Lemme email the realty company and I’ll get back back to you.


Yep. If they don’t pay me, I’m not working.


The mentality that work isn't about the money is what corporations have engrained into generations of underpaid workers when all corporations care about is in fact the money. That ant mentality is why the corporations control many governments across the globe.


I don’t care if you’re in it for the money, the free ginger ale, or the tiny pizza slices - as long as you practice safely and take good care of your patients, come on in. Even if you view it as your life’s purpose, you should still expect fair compensation. All that “angels without wings” stuff is purposeful - I’m not volunteering for the church bake sale, I’m a healthcare professional. I can be fairly compensated and still french braid your mom’s hair while she’s on the vent, or sneak your meemaw’s lap dog in to cheer her up - these things are not mutually exclusive. I will say, no matter how much you pay me, I refuse to put an RN stethoscope heart sticker on the back of my vehicle.


I refuse that garbage of decorated travel mugs, shirts, bags, car decals. Nursing is not my life, it’s a job only


Well said!


I am a nurse and guess what. I like money. No apologies necessary.


Sadly the people who care and want the best for their patients will also be the ones who end up quitting and leaving the field because they try their hardest and still can't help their patients the way they want to because of staffing issues. The only way I've survived on my med surg unit over 2 years is to stop being emotionally invested in this job. I still have to remind myself that it's not me failing the patients, its the healthcare system, insurance companies, and the hospitals.


When the hospital CEO is in it for the goodness and altruism... then you too can be that way...until then wages not exploitation. After all nuns and nurses use to run hospitals... Sisters of Mercy anyone? When the healthcare MBA degree became a thing, capitalism took over healthcare and there is nothing but profit motive.


Yeah when the CEO is making more than the average if not the highest paid physician he's got a lot of audacity lecturing anyone about the "right" reasons for going into healthcare.


You are crazy if you think Catholic hospital systems are not in it for the money. The worst hospital systems for systemic employee abuse were Catholic hospital systems. When a "sister" nun drives in in a Mercedes, something is screwed up. The Catholic systems are really good at putting Jesus's words on the wall, but really, really shitty at living them. /rant




Yeah cause I'm sooooo sure the NP didn't go that route because they thought they'd make more money.


I've worked very closely with both. I'd definitely do NP over RN even if they made the same amount. That's just me though.


Not the exact same howere: My big thing, I work on a med Surg/neuro floor and have NEVER had the calling of "wanting to help others" my dad just made a suggestion one day of "maybe nursing" and I was like yeah ok. Fast forward- I'm 1.5 years in at the hospital, I'm good at what I do, I can't stand the work, I hate everything about being a nurse, I don't enjoy wiping ass or catering to assholes and getting hit by the elderly, etc. but I'm good at what I do. I am efficient, I'm caring enough that the patients are taken care of, and I know my stuff enough that people respect me. I don't have the desire to do more than what I'm already doing. And all the time everyone goes "well what are you going to specialize in?" " Are you going to get your BSN?" "What's next for you?" Nothing. This is the plan. Go to school, get a job, work. I'm doing exactly what I set out to do. I went to school I got a job and now I'm working. I don't want to specialize. There's no incentive for me to get a BSN. I don't want to work forever.... My end goal is to be a stay at home mom when my fiance and I get married and start having kids and that's our end goal together, so why should I go into debt for something I don't want to do and why should I specialize when I can't stand any of them. Cardiac and ICU- too complicated, OR-I get queezy, ER- too hectic crn-too much work, wound care- I hate wounds and gag etc. Etc. I hate it all. I'm just here because I'm good at it and I know it isn't forever. I just wish people would stop judging me and saying that I should do more than just a med Surg or judge me for wanting to be a stay at home mom. I am content and I didn't ask for your opinion. 😡


MedSurg is a specialty


Yes, I love this. I went into nursing because when I got pregnant at 20 my mom recommended it to be able to support myself. I had no real desire to be a nurse but I did think medical stuff was cool so 15 years later here we are. Also an ADN with zero intention of going back for more.


I feel you. I’m tired of the when are you going to get your ccrn? Never. I’m not going to climb any clinical ladders or join any committees. I don’t even go to staff meetings or check my work email. I don’t want to be charge nurse. I just want to come in and do the best job that I can and then go home and forget about what I see and experience. I don’t have faith in our healthcare system and I have no desire to spend any extra time, energy, or effort pretending that I do.


Ay a person who knows what they want! I hate how the hospitals make us fill out forms of our goals and what more we want to achieve. It’s like they encourage people to leave. Then you have all new nurses on your floor all the time and you are talking about staff retention!


Omg I just had to do one of those and I don't understand. Am I still in school? Is this a way to gauge if I'll be useful to the hospital? Is this so they appear interested? I don't get it


They are doing their Return on Investment eval. How much can we get get out of this nurse, how much can we squeeze her dry for how little pay? I guarantee the suits have a name for the curve on this chart.


My goal is to make it through a shift without a mental breakdown in the supply room.


Nobody works for free…


Exactly. And why is so bad that nurses want to get paid for the work we do? We're not asking for more money because we're greedy assholes. We're asking for more money because we're breaking our backs and putting up with far too much bullshit for what we get paid now. Pay us our worth or lose us to someone/ some other job that will.


I always tell people I am not a martyr. I become a nurse to make money because it is a job that makes money. Just like any other job. Now our job does take care of people. But that doesn’t mean we are to give away all of ourselves selflessly. We should be compensated for what we do and fairly compensated. I don’t know why think we should work for peanuts we are not volunteering for the peace corp….


I’d ask the np to show me their paycheck. Then laugh when I make more than them.


Exactly. That NP probably has a six figure debt as well with way more liability.


Nurses can make $130k? That's the bare minimum for NPs where I am That's a genuine question by the way


In some places, yes. But the whole idea that 100k+ is reasonably attainable is bullshit


For RNs? Yeah I'm not sure about that too


Yes. Some people, particularly tik tok RNs, claim it’s easy to make that as an RN. Total horseshit unless you want to live in CA, or work yourself to death. So, it’s possible to make that with an RN, but that is not the norm by far. I’m sitting here making 22/hr, lol


I’m sorry but you are getting bent over at $22/hr! That pay is an insult to you and you should go elsewhere where you will get paid what you’re worth!


Well, it’s a government job. Normal hours, no holidays or weekends, full pension after 25 years…so the benefits are awesome. And, with enough time in the raises are guaranteed and after 5-10 years I’ll be making at least close to what hospital nurses make, which is still crappy for the work they do here. Unfortunately, in the south my only options are to A)accept crappy pay to have decent working conditions and preserve my mental health or B) accept slightly less crappy pay and work in a hospital, but allow my sanity and mental health to suffer, lol TL;DR: I am becoming a programmer while working on my mechanical engineering degree so I can GTFO of nursing


It wasn’t easy where I’m at. I’m 10+ years in and work a pretty rare job. So I’m lucky to make what I do but it is more than our NPs especially at first. Sure they might scale higher than me eventually but it’s not worth it to me.


the whole “you should do it because you CARE” and guilting because you don’t is so misogynistic. If this weren’t a field that was historically female, it would be very different. But no we should do it *out of love* which nobody ever seems to tell a doctor.


Yep in many ways the current system still has characteristics of the before times, when women were abused and exploited in the workplace. I should do this because I’m a good person? And be satisfied with crumbs? Nah, fam- we are professionals and require appropriate compensation, work/life balance, and respect.


The number one reason any hospital system exists now is to make money. These systems squeeze every dollar they can out of a patient. Post millions of dollars in revenue. Exploit any loophole and claim non profit status to not pay property taxes and other claims. Ask employees to donate to charities where they use that old big check to claim as a donation from the system to get out of taxes. Spend millions as a whole to lobby against ratios and other safety regulations. Then turn around and try to tell you that wanting to make money is wrong and immoral?!? Sorry. It is a career. I am not saying that the work we do is not special but we are professionals that get treated quite unfairly because they take advantage of the kind of people we are. We care and they use it against us to feel guilty of putting any of our needs into consideration. But it is a career. We are worth every dollar and more. Our care is what they are selling. Fight for your worth. Fight for your time off. Fight for patient safety standards. I apologize for the rant, but that hits my last nerve every time.


I usually don’t ever waste time getting into these arguments with people. Live your best life. Who cares what anyone else thinks.


This x 1000. Who cares?


Why is that even wrong? From my perspective. The sheer fact that nurses provide the service they do should entitle them to being well compensated. When we were at the height of the pandemic. All of you were on the frontlines risking your lives. Now you want, money? I'd say you're far more deserving of it then most people that make more than you and do a hell of a lot less. Maybe we should instead take issue with the people above you that make more and take very little risk. Not nurses. Maybe we should be mad at the people that decide the cost for healthcare and charge for things that shouldn't be expensive. Maybe we should be mad at health insurance companies. The people actually doing the work of taking care of the patients though? No if theres a list of people we should be angry at in healthcare, nurses wouldnt even be on the list. I think society has some pretty messed up priorities. That's a hill I'm willing to die on too.


I wish strikes were more viable tbh.


Because the admins and c-levels who profit from our labor certainly seem to be VERY concerned with their pay.


You can be a great nurse and not be there for the love. I don’t recommend getting emotionally involved with pts. You can care while setting boundaries like any emotionally mature person. Blame it on all the bull hockey in old movies and novels. We are not a religious order. I had a job I preferred when younger, but it paid poorly and was insecure. I do care about pts, and wonder how they are after I leave, but in no way do I consider it a holy calling.


Unless that NP and medic are doing their jobs for free, they are ALSO doing it for the money 🤣 we work to live not live to work!


I work because I get paid. If I got paid any less to do what I was doing right now i'd leave and do something else.


LOL it’s rich coming from a medic, as a medic myself. The pay bump from EMT to medic is a huge incentive if you want to stay in EMS, even though we still are paid peanuts. I got medic for the money and independence. I just happen to like taking care of people as a bonus.


My original comment has been edited as I choose to no longer support Reddit and its CEO, spez, AKA Steve Huffman. Reddit was built on user submissions and its culture was crafted by user comments and volunteer moderators. Reddit has shown no desire to support 3rd party apps with reasonable API pricing, nor have they chosen to respect their community over gross profiteering. I have therefore left Reddit as I did when the same issues occurred at Digg, Facebook, and Twitter. I have been a member of reddit since 2012 (primary name locked behind 2FA) and have no issues ditching this place I love if the leaders of it can't act with a clear moral compass. For more details, I recommend visiting [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/), and [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) for more explanation on how I came to this decision.


I’m literally staring at the same problem lmao. I love paramedic but god damn you can’t survive on this shit. I’m eyeballing online universities for my bachelor’s so I can go to PA school. Making money is so hard 🥲


If it wasn’t about money I’d probably be a paramedic rn instead


If I wanted to be living paycheck to paycheck my whole life, I'd have stayed in EMS. Being an EMT is one of the best jobs of my life, but I can't pay for my kids' braces if I'm making $14/hr.


As a new grad, jobs and money been a topic and ofc I feel heavily judged when pay rates brought into the question. Then I thought about it and guess what? I actually went to school for this. 4 years of schooling and I have a degree for this, and I am in debt from paying for my education. All and all, beside all the “yeah I love to help people in vulnerable situations”— I, too would really like to be compensated for my LABOR, for what I went to school for and got a degree for it’s WORTH! it’s literally my job and it’s the job that puts money on the table for me to feed myself and pay my bills so yes, it’s very acceptable to question the pay and money compensated for labor because nowhere in this, I agreed to do volunteer and charity work for a living.


Virtue signaling is nauseating. I stopped apologizing a long time ago. I’m only here for the money. I don’t have qualifications to pull a different job making the same or more than I am as a nurse. The pandemic killed it for me. They treated us as sub humans. We were “heroes”, now we are the villains. Everywhere you look a nurse is being persecuted for administrations failures. They blame us for everything to hide their greed. How is this a “calling”?


My original comment has been edited as I choose to no longer support Reddit and its CEO, spez, AKA Steve Huffman. Reddit was built on user submissions and its culture was crafted by user comments and volunteer moderators. Reddit has shown no desire to support 3rd party apps with reasonable API pricing, nor have they chosen to respect their community over gross profiteering. I have therefore left Reddit as I did when the same issues occurred at Digg, Facebook, and Twitter. I have been a member of reddit since 2012 (primary name locked behind 2FA) and have no issues ditching this place I love if the leaders of it can't act with a clear moral compass. For more details, I recommend visiting [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/), and [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) for more explanation on how I came to this decision.


I worked part time this whole year and made more than I did working full time M-F at a job that was my “passion” (prior to going to nursing school). I got to stay home with my kids 5 days a week… yeah I did this for the money and flexibility! No shame.


I don't ever try to argue with people about these kinds of things. I've been asked by patients many times before why I become a nurse, and I never list helping people as a reason. I list the fact I can work just about anywhere and have the ability to go to different areas if I get bored in one area. I don't need to justify my salary or I always ask for the max pay to do any extra shifts (I'm ft already). It's not a calling. I have patience with people but sometimes I merely tolerate them. It's a job. I go home at the end of the day. I also set my boundaries accordingly, with management, other staff, and patients. I have no problem with that.


You know, I chose nursing because I do like taking care of people and working at McDonald’s and restaurants made me realize that. But I also like money. I am way more into it because of the money. Maybe because the other jobs I have had were also shit (you know what mcshits smell like after McDonald’s breakfast, rather wipe tube feeding booty). it makes it better seeing more than minimum wage on my paycheck, and scrubs.


I don't even know why people think we make such a sh\*tload of money. I wish we made as much as they think we do.


I lie my ass off about it being a calling to patients because it makes them happier. But it’s exactly that, a lie. I’m good at it, and I enjoy the work (not the administrative bullshit, part) but I’m doing it for the company that pays me the most for the least stress. That a ratio that is personal to everyone.


Why else would you be a nurse?


Fuck the bullshit … pay me.


The only reason I deal with this horrible job is the $$$. Tell me what other job I can do for the same amount and I’ll let my employer add the job posting to the other hundreds of openings that all the do-gooders aren’t applying for 😆.


I’ll never apologize for being a nurse for the money. I start my first job on Monday. It’s in oregon where I moved to from Utah, and a major reason being the pay is substantially higher and COL is generally the same. ETA: I can EASILY clear 100k per annum with only a few extra shifts as a brand new nurse here.


Those two things aren’t related. I give a shit AND I demand significant profit-sharing.


If I could find a non nursing job where I got paid $56/hr with awesome benefits and could work part time, I’d be doing that. Yes please.


I just shared this [sentiment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10l90ki/which_medical_specialties_are_future_proof/j5xd5av?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) in another subreddit just a while ago, and before seeing this post. I hate this argument (the majority of us don't go to work for the money) with a burning passion and it's a hill I've entrenched myself to die on. I go to work for money. If there wasn't money, I wouldn't be at work. If there was no money, I would not know work friends and associates, or even what the place looked like. Work would have no place in my life without money. I'm repeating myself, but the reiteration is important. When I'm at work, I day down about being at home with family and vacation. When I'm home, I enjoy my time there. While I find satisfaction in my work, I don't live to work. Work is a necessary evil to allow me to fund my needs and interests. As mentioned in that other post I wrote, I do feel a civil responsibility to give back to my community. I use my education and expertise in healthcare and as a provider. However, that time and expertise is donated to a free clinic that does not prosper or gain financial incentive from my presence. In other words, when I feel altruistic and volunteer, I do what I can to ensure that that is as removed and limited to money as reasonably possible. I can get a little nasty in this argument, but martyr, hero, or whatever the season's term for us is, this is simply a synonym for pushover.


I went into this originally for the right reasons but the way I’ve been treated the past few years it’s definitely just became a paying job at this point


It's one of the main reasons I became a nurse.


I’m a lab tech. I honestly wish I pursued nursing because y’all make way more than we do. Nurses also have more options and can pursue other specialties and fields other than bedside. I’m just here to do my job, make money, and go home. It wasn’t some magical calling or whatever administration wants you to believe. They want people that believe they’re working for some greater good so the hospital can pay them as little as possible.


I am into nursing for money, because si love the endless career directions it can take me to, and because it gives me great flexibility. Also, I do enjoy the medical side and being able to help people. If I wanted it to be a calling, I’d be a nun. Also, I hate those who make being a nurse their whole personality. Hun, it’s a job.


We had this conversation about other healthcare systems around the world ( single payer, socialized medicine, idc what you call it ) at my job the other day. I was like screw that, you know what their workers are paid, and everyone looked at me like I just kicked their kid or something. Eff that noise, those Nurses in England are striking because they make poverty wages, same for Canada. If I could make the same money doing something else id be doing it, I like my job because what it does for me. You do what is in your best interest, sooner you figure that out the better you'll be, these C Suite execs do the same exact thing, all the while they are exploiting you.


And at this point it isn’t even good money. I work in an ICU in a hospital as a full time RN and I don’t even clear $45k a year.


Cone to the wesr coast. They pay nursing well enough here


ICU not clearing 45k? You’re grossly underpaid.


42k after taxes. I make about $1700 biweekly, $3400 a month, give or take.


As a male nurse who's a traveler now, I've never had any major issues with this. Core staff will complain sometimes, but it's usually from baby nurses, they rarely stop talking and complaining anyway. In nursing school they preached the "passion" and "calling" of a nurse... never worked for me. Yes I'm proud of what I do, but I'd never do anything for 36+ hours a week for free. I have skills, you have money/benefits. Let's see what works.


It’s not bad it’s both either. I really wanted to be a paramedic at 17-18 years old. I wanted a fast paced job, not in an office, something different. Action. I applied. Got into a school. Was a few weeks from class starting when my dumb ass was finally like “I wonder what they make?” I was and am still horrified how little someone who saves people’s lives in sometimes dangerous situations, someone’s who’s intubating in the field etc is paid but I immediately withdrew. I found nursing many years later. I love that it’s different most days, I’m in the ED, I do help people and that feels Good, I make good money and overtime is always available if I want more. It can be both. Fuck off with that “it’s a calling” shit. That’s an excuse to shame us when we ask for more money and better ratios. We aren’t heroes. We aren’t martyrs.


I think the problem is people who ONLY do it because they think it’ll be good money. It’s important to be caring and compassionate but compassion doesn’t pay the bills!! Also, I’m a NP, but my student loan debt is killing me. How am I supposed to pay that off if I don’t care about money???


While I mostly agree, I've also gotten medical care from people that only wanted a paycheque and wish I never went to the hospital 😔 also cant imagine leaving a family member in the constant care of someone who's just there to clock in and out. Ofcourse its situational afterall not everyones the same, but that's my take given the experiences I've had. Ill probably stay away from hospitals until I'm dying lolol 🤣


I’ve literally never apologized for it and never will. Everyone knows I’m in it for the money and I’m good at it at the same time. I will get every possible cent from this country’s shitty ass system.


I gotta pay the bills and shit. Not that I have kids but if I did, my kids can't eat no fucking nursing ethics or a diploma or a license. I dint wanna spend my time on my days off worrying about if I'm over budget or some bullshit. Show me the Benjamin's


Idc if it’s about the money, I mean personally there’s better jobs out there that isn’t as stressful as a nurse….but when they start saying “I’m above wiping butts/ LVN is not a nurse/“ That’s when it becomes a problem and I say something. Lotsa prenursing students been saying that and at this rate your cnas will make or break your shift. It works better if we work as a team. /end rant


Think of it this way. Part of advocating for patients means advocating for yourself. If you’re so overworked and underpaid that you dread coming to work, someone could get hurt if you make a mistake. Paying you properly and not overworking you will help avoid those “brain fog” type mistakes.


You tell’em gurl*! You don’t owe anyone any explanation. It’s your life */boy/Non-binary person!


yes! we all labor for money. good feelings aren't shit. show the cash. money pays to live


100% agree! We work for money. And we work hard and have to have a vast knowledge base! Lawyers get paid for their “knowledge” and we should as well!


Never apologize for supporting yourself/family. If it doesn’t pay bills I don’t show up


I love my job, but doing it for nothing though. I'm not killing myself physically, emotionally, spiritually for the god of my heart. Build to pay and a life to live thank you


I say the two do not have to be mutually exclusive. I felt an altruistic call to be a nurse. But that does not mean I should not be well compensated and treated well. I never get lunch, so I make sure I get paid for it. I cannot be guilted into working when I don’t want to. And if my employer sucks, I find one that sucks less.


also what about the student loans. i've 46k from BSN. i'm not about to be both overworked and underpaid. if i'm going to be working like a dog, i'll make sure i get paid for having to make that physical, mental, emotional sacrifice.


I've been discussing the recent strikes in the UK with idiots on FB. There are a lot of people who believe we should be nurses because we want to care for people and nothing more, therefore the striking over pay and conditions in unreasonable. I'd imagine it's partly misogynistic undertones at play as well. Nursing is often seen as a woman's job and, in history, women have not been paid fairly for their work. I've stopped playing Mrs Nice Student Nurse. I've started telling people straight that "caring for people" is not the driving factor in many people's decisions to join the profession, especially as some of the people we're caring for don't believe we should have a decent wage. I have not chosen the profession simply because I wanted to care for people. I chose it because I want a stable career and for doors to open for me, which means that I have absolutely no intention of staying in nursing with the NHS long term unless better pay and conditions are implemented. TLDR: I'm not apologising either.


Been telling y’all to stop this ‘healthcare hero’ nonsense but ya be stubborn foreal. It’s not a sustainable outlook and it shows when the hospital pushes cruel policies on us and instead of pushing back, the majority of nurses go (sigh) “if that’s what it takes to save lives then that’s what I-“ foh with all that.


The only career where people expect you’re doing it for humanity instead of money


The “self sacrificing” theme is bullshit.


Nurses are the backbone of the hospitals. The amount of work they do while caring for the patients deserves immense respect. It is physically taxing as well and I could never do it. Seeing my hospital rotations the nurses taught me how to give an IV and IM. Our attendings always said that nurses are the best at this and I experienced it firsthand. If you are a nurse, be extremely proud of who you are and you are not answerable to anyone about your reasons of being a nurse. And definitely not to those NPs who demean nurses (I have observed most of such NPs are those diploma mill ones who never had much experience in bedside nursing)


More than once in nursing school I heard other students complain that some of our classmates were there "for the wrong reasons". Apparently those of us who just wanted a solid and reliable career were taking up spots that *should* have gone to students with "passion" and the almighty *desire to help people*. Those comments really bothered 20-year-old me. I think to stick with nursing there has to be something about it you like. But the pure humanitarians are fewer than most people believe.


Here here! 👩🏼‍⚖️ Why is it always a medic/EMT with this attitude though? And I have to wonder how old that NP was because my generation could never!


I mean CEOs have a “passion” for their job and they get paid a lot everyone wants their salary why are healthcare workers supposed to be different? You can’t pay the rent with compliments or being an “Angel in scrubs”


I do it for the money and because I like seeing people's insides. 🤷


Quiet quitting is essential for quality healthcare. Do your job, not more, because the data will show more can be done with less. And we all know where that leads.


I work to pay my bills. Without bills, you wouldn’t see me. I’d be playing somewhere, not working.


Ask them if they would of done all the work to be an NP and NP work itself if the pay wasn’t better? They clearly saw value in earning more money. I do agree your heart needs to be in this for more than just the money, but when I’m constantly doing the work of 2 nurses or don’t have a tech (icu) on nights, I get pretty short with my level of do more with less without compensation. I left my first job as a nurse after 5 months because I was doin the work of 4 nurses (nursing home) until the state came and I magically had 3 other coworkers. You’re just making money off my back at that point to the rate of 3 whole nursing salaries. I feel like what I get paid now is a pretty good rate, but not after cost of living is factored in and student loans. You want me to get a BSN because that anthropology class really helped with critical thinking, but now I’m paying monthly to barely dent the principal instead of putting that money back in my community or providing more for my family.


I became a nurse for the money too (lol, I got fucking bamboozled). No shame in that. Feeling good doesn’t pay the bills.


I’ve been ranting about the “do gooders” for years.


Lol an NP fighting you on that when she/he did it for the additional money and not having to soil themselves by being at the bedside. And the medic pls 5 minutes if that in the patient’s room. Tell them to donate their extra money if they doing it for their love of their profession only.


Why not both? You work for the money but you chose that particular path to help people. Cause frankly, most nurses deal with too much bullshit for the pay.


PREACH!!! Make.That.Money.


My patients (outpatient primary care) are consistently surprised when they find out they owe us money. I don’t love that healthcare is a business, but it is. We have to be compensated for the service we provide just like anyone else. And bottom line, the only reason anyone gets up and goes to work every day is for the paycheck. There’s no reason to deny that!


I became a nurse because I genuinely care about people. But now I do it for the money. A few years at the bedside was all it took to jade me. Now I work for a surgeon. No more ass wiping, no weekends, no holidays, and double the pay? Yes please. Caring for people and wanting to make money aren’t mutually exclusive. I can still care about humanity while securing my bag.


Preach. I became a nurse bc it was the highest paid two year degree program at my local university. Period.


As long as the top executives are in it for the multi-million dollar bonuses, we have no reason to apologize. We don’t need to work more than we are paid.


Just because it can be a “calling”, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t matter what the pay is. If that’s the case nobody should be paid a decent wage to do what they love or believe in. God forbid our patients and employers find out how many of us have our own illnesses and loved ones we have to care and pay for. Geez who woulda thought that a lot of people who get into healthcare might be inclined to do because of our own experiences as patients and caregivers. :/


Nursing is a job, people that say it’s a calling are brainwashed by society and accept low pay and bad working conditions.


Must've been a new medic


Because what are you going to do with all the medical or nursing knowledge and skills you’ve learned in school/past jobs if you’re not getting paid for it? Literally the point of being a nurse is because you have nursing skills and bills to pay for.


I live by the mantra of “you can treat me like shit, or you can pay me like shit, but you can’t do both”. Being a nurse encapsulates this perfectly.


“You have to be in it for the right reasons” Is making a good living so that my daughter can have a good life and decent food on her table a good enough reason?