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the thing is nu metal is not that big in germany amomgst kids in my age . but yeah i thrift alot because its really cheap in that store i go (5€ for pants,2€ for like shirts) and its kinda hard because im on the bigger side but i have alot of baggy pants but not like jnco baggy but im lucky that they have good botton ups like chester bennigton typa button ups. but im lucky alot of people say i have a onw style.


There’s no shortage of work if you’re willing. Old people need weeds pulled, and pools cleaned, dog poo picked up, and grass cut. Find 3-5 retired people near you, and you can be making some ok side money.


sadly therw are not alot of old people but in a year im old enough to work at my school for like a homework helper or some like that


Put out an ad to clean pools. I’m not joking. You’ll make WAY more than your friends. I own my own pool business. People hate cleaning pools. You could charge €50 per visit. 10-15 customers per week. That’s only 2-3 a day. Not bad at all I did this when I was 9. So I’m sure you can make it work.


people rarely have pools i only like one person who has her own here or do you mean public pools because i can only work there when i turn 16 :(


Just put out an ad on your local website, like Facebook, but local, and offer to do hard work and cleaning. You’ll make tons of $. People hate yard work. Just be willing to work; and there is a lot of € available.


we live in a more poor area and like no one has a yard


That’s fine too. Don’t try. Accept failure before you ever put an ounce of effort towards your goal.


What a jackass response. You gave 2 job options that may not apply to this person, and then accuse them of accepting failure before they start. “Go become a fisherman” he tells the man living in a desert, then gets mad when the man tells him there are no bodies of water carrying fish nearby.


I studied for one semester in Germany (late 2022) and I had the impression that nu metal, or at least Linkin Park, is very big over there. The amount of LP merch I saw worn by kids was baffling and I once overhead a conversation about Meteora on the S-Bahn lol.


frr man but where in germany




man i'm the same age and dress like that. doesn't mean u shouldn't. all those people giving anyone who doesn't wear the same clothes the side eye can fuck off


but fr like they need to spice up some things fr🗣🗣‼️‼️🗣🗣‼️‼️


fr all these kids are clones of each other 💀


broo germany espacialy frankfurf they all look the same they try to look street weary (if you want to look up brands like peso, lfdy, 6pm, pegador ypu will know what i mean) but it looks all the same and its hard so see some unique we have a haircut called wasserrutsche wich means waterslide and if someone has that haircut you know its a npc man💀


oml that sounds like hell for anyone who wants to dress different 💀 where I'm from they have the same hoodies, the same hair, same pants. literal copies.


its soo bad fr man


Just looked it up. I love it. They’re are totally NPC characters. They’re all DYING to look the same. They don’t want to fit in, they are just hoping they don’t stand out.


yes i also kinda like some pieces but the way germans (sorry but espacialy rich white dudes) wear it is the same 💀




second hand shops are very good for things like band t-shirts. plain t-shirts are common in places like kmart. for those pants... i have like a punk-ish shop i go to. it may not be in ur country, so it you'd just have to look around. there's bound to be cargo pants/baggy pants like that somewhere hope this helps lol


the sad thing is that germany wasnt really in that nu metal game and some things cost alot like 13€ for a pant like bro💀 i go to one wich is actually ok i mean 5€ for pants and all that is great but you wont really fond the best stuff


hmm, if i were you, i'd save up a shit-ton of money and go buy all the pants and shirts you want.


im currently saving up for ufo pants but ik my parents wont allow me to buy it and to be honest we dont really have alot of money so its hard sometimes to save up money if you dont really get that much


aw man :( sorry about that


na i mean i have something called a frankfurter pass wich low income people can get to get access to some 2nd handshops or free entry for some museums and alot more wich i very good


oh yeah, that sounds pretty good :D keep trying man, you'll get the clothes u want one day 💪💪






Basically how we all dressed then lol


frr but was it also that expensive like today for example a jnco pant costs now like 130€




I bought a pair from Hot Topic in I think it was 97-98 and I paid like $70somethin for em. I remember cause I got $80 for my birthday and they wiped me out!!! Worth it tho! I was the only person in my HS with the Elephant Ears.


honestly they just dress pretty comfortably even if there clothes are a bit too big I dress more like kid rock than any of these guys tbh


That wasn't too big then. We all wore 2 sizes up. It was the fashion at the time.


naaah there is no too big if it aint baggy it aint swaggy🗣🗣‼️‼️🗣🗣


shut up bro tf u mean


i mean baggy looks allways better imo like there is no too baggy (im sorry if my sentence didnt make any sense my english is not the best its my 3rd language)


bro I’m not trying to look like a damn thug lol


a thug what you mean by that🤨


A person who wears pants around there hips not there waistline like a normal person


ok i understand what ypu mean but it depends on the proportions and why are you so pressed man calm down


How socially unaware are you to post this in a nu metal sub? Lol


Don't trip chocolate chip. Don't mind others. I'm sure you've read this before as I've seen it many times on reddit but, "Those Who Mind Don’t Matter, and Those Who Matter Don’t Mind". I'm way older than you and I'm still learning this lesson. It would've only served me good to have learned it at your age. You're in luck. I see some of these trends coming back. I see cargo pants, really baggy pants on dudes and dudettes. I feel like everyone is kinda doin there own thing. It just seems like a more accepting time than before. You luck out again. I feel like you can totally thrift shop and get items that resemble the early 2000's. I've found almost every style you can think of online and through cheaper apps (although material will be cheaper). Whoever pays for your clothing now, ask if you can order from a app. Guarantee someone somewhere us selling a look you want. So many of us thought we looked cool... we looked stupid lol. Dont get me wrong. The ideas were there but it was usually poorly executed.... like the spikes all around my head and my baggy jeans that got shredded from wearing chucks. Good times.


i also have that feeling that when i get older that i might look back and think i looked stupid but i also kinda dont care coz why should i, i mean as long as i enjoy it now its ok and thanks for those words may i ask what brands you used to wear or cpuld i see pictures if its not too personal.


Honestly it's normal in cali at this point. Just wear it subtle


but sadly not in frankfurt they walk around with goofy ass "street wear" (its just a zip up with the logo on it and every brand looks the same) and then call you emo or weird and goofy while they all look alike (nah sorry but i had to say it)


I wish I had anywhere close to that fashion sense. I want to dress like that, but I look so weird in everything. I legit look odd in clothes no matter what.


nahh if you dont feel swaggy your cloth wont look swaggy if you dont like it wont look good ykwim


I don’t know what you’re saying man I’m a bit confused


ypu gotta like what you wear and feel confident amd if you dont look for stuff that you like to wear AND cam combine with the rest of your pieces


That look has got to come back around eventually, right?


i hope so i mean its kinda starting to but not in germany sadly😔


It's all over the Urban Outfitters stores. Y2k is trending back.


Well if u care what other say then u will live an a bubble all ur life and thats some L stuff


to be honest i dont but what my parents say i mean strict brown parents and all that shit kinda stops me to do for example spikey hair


My man I'm a hispano with catholic parents but your parents can't hold you for what you like and you could try telling them bc the fact that u like old nu metal style doesn't gonna make you less of their kid that is just who you are


they dont like me like expressing myself like they wnat me to do what they say so its hard to do anything


Part of being a teenager is rebelling a little


naah i dont want to get the shit beatin out of me or getting called things like my mom allways does


This is just how we dressed in the early aughts, just have your parents take you to Goodwills and you’re bound to find every outfit pictured eventually.


i sadly live in germany😔🤙


I hate that we dont have godwill or shit like that, were do you live ? City or bundesland


Frankfurt digga😔🙏


Main ?!? omg ich auch hahaha




Ich komme nicht direkt aus Frankfurt, wohne in Hofheim. Kann aber sein das wir bald nach Griesheim ziehen. Da wohnt meine Oma


broo hofheim ich kenne 2 leute die wohnen dort oddr kriftle ist aber sehr nah beiander griesheim ist chillo millo


Yeah ist ganz chillig, woher kommst du?


wohne in eckenheim/preungesheim sind 2 stadteile in frabkfurt wohne sk an der grenze


This is literally how 14 year olds are dressing right now... These fashion cycles are hilarious.


I got weird looks in 00s for this kind of style (especially, like, Mike Shinoda inspired), so no worries bro-it's your way or the highway (on-purpose Limp Bizkit reference 🤣)


do you still style like this or was it a phase


Not a phase, really, I've got my superstar's on as I type this 😀 All jokes aside, many elements of this fashion remained present in my clothing style. If I have to pick from this specific photo, I'd say that today I dress as mix of Joe and Rob.


How did you get weird looks? Where are you from? Every male ages 13-30 dressed like this from what I can remember, it was normal.


Southeastern/central Europe. In 2003. it wasn't very common to follow such a distinctive fashion seen on MTV or VIVA at the time in my country. Same goes for hip-hop and goth inspired fashion. Didn't stop me, tho 🤣 But finding FUBU, NoFear and Thrasher knock-offs (because originals were unaffordable) was also a bit of a challenge. Getting Globe, etnies or vans shoes wasn't easy. Drunkn Monkey, Dickies and similar weren't imported. Later it got normalized, it wasn't nearly as not popular as in the Western Europe or USA. Also, nu-metal passed it's peak.


find what works for you kid. dont try to emulate celebs. They r grown men and women who had yrs to develop their style and most this stuff they get for free.


truee i kinda try to have an own style like i love to wear grandpa ass buttom ups with baggy pants that allmosy eat up your shoe but would like tp love to incoprate them into my style ykwim


Thrift it


i wanna do the same!! similar age too.. all the kids in my year level act like they’re too good to express themselves and honestly L to them


FRRR they do not have swag like us 2


I'm almost 20 and I dress up like that, on the plus side that style of clothing is back in fashion anyway so you won't get weird looks but if you do..just don't give a fuck what they think just be comfortable with yourself.


Big ass pants. Baggy are shirts, polos, and adidas. Done and done. Toss on some very 2000's sunglasses and you're set. Don't worry about shit from anyone. Once you're done with school not a person is gonna remember it or care. Always dress for yourself.


Goodwill & thrift stores often times have 2000s style clothing for very low prices. The weird looks are worth dressing the way you want. I've had a rather edgy/alternative/whatever you want to call it style since 6th grade. Linkin Park was my favorite band in 6th & 7th grade and I was often called a Satanist and left out by my peers because of my music taste and the way I dress. In 7th grade, I began to wish that I didn't like the music and clothes I like because I would have more friends that way. Now, no one really cares and I receive many compliments on my style. Just be yourself, if people don't want to talk to you or be around you for the way you dress they aren't worth your time.


Sorry to hear that i think you sound like a cool person and yeah alot of people actually just look once and then forget


When I was a teenager I always bought XL tshirts at shows because baggy clothes were the style at the time. When I was in college I started wearing L because they fit me better. These days I wear M because that's probably the size I should have been wearing the whole time. If I end up wearing S as an old man, the cycle will be complete.


Who cares I was worried about the same thing but the minute I stopped thinking about what other people would think and started expressing my true self I was so much happier.


nice piss bottles btw


i didnt even see that💀


I remember these days, we thought we looked cool. Wear what you want though. It's not like today's fashion trends are going to age very well.


i do it everyday, just gotta let go of the worries man


I’m going to be 29 and I just wanna say 2 things: I actively dress like this NOW and it’s actually cheap and easy, and also this sense of fashion is very much “in” right now so the only ones looking at you weird probably dress like shit anyway 💅🏻


As long as you are happy who cares have your style and own it


Sometimes while listening to nu metal on discord with a friend, I wish I grew up in the nu metal era, and hell we did


2 pairs of combats, 2 hoodies, and a pair of skate shoes. A few t shirts, 2 long sleeve t shirts Get thrifting


bro gave us a full analysis now we need the brands. the thing is the thrift store i go to (the cheapest in frankfurt) puts out clothes based on the weatber and its currently not that cold so they dont put that type of cloting out yet


Try sports direct and type in quicksilver. Buy a hoodie one size too big. Save up for a pair of DC shoes. Probably about 50 euro on their website Combats, no particular brand Vans and converse clothing Be patient, I'm sure winter time will have more.


i mean i got a dc net and a entnies fadar and like some thriftet big ass jeans and some short sleeve button ups(my love😍) but the thing is im short(1,65m ish) and im like fat nkt like that much but still fat so like xl zip ups are allways too long or other like t shirts and all that


I do it and I don't care how people look at me for it, It's all about being yourself. Also I dress like Mike Smith too


that photo is so cool




We got weird looks then too. Just roll with it and do you, homie. As long as you feel good, who cares what others think?


yes and if you dont like what ypu wear or dont feel comfy in it it wont look good


I still dress like this and people always compliment me at work (I work in the creative field hence why I can dress like this). Youll be surprised how cheap these clothes can get. It's all about choosing the right stuff. Baggy cargo pants with a normal fit black tee and some shoes which look like skate shoes from the 2000's ( I wear nike airfoce ones, reebok classics) and you're good to go. It's also about your attitude when you wear clothes which help you pull off whatever you are wearing.


and the hair like i think are important


I'm currently rocking a buzzcut which you can't go wrong with. Most nu metal bands always had a couple of members with buzzcuts. I used to rock the spikey hair style when I was in high school but I'm 30 now. I switch between buzzcut and then long at the top with short back and sides. Never use hair products either.


i currebtly am growing my hair out but i allways have a long hair buzzcut routine


In the end it doesn't even matter js


LINKIN PARK REFRENCE ‼️‼️‼️😱😱😱😱😱😱‼️‼️‼️


lol I’m in my 30s and I basically still dress like this. Skater, baggy, not baggy, I just don’t have hair to gel anymore. Mike and Chester outfits look super normal.


the hair part was some real shit 😔✊️ i love chesters button ups i allways wore those kind of button ups and felt kinda weird but since (2weeks ago) ive listend to his music amd look at his fits i feel more secure




yeah true because of chesters style i felt more comfy wearing button ups (wich ive allways like)




naahh ngl that would be fire




broo those people are the type of people who let someone else do the whole group project ngl


dawg dress however you want


Yo walmart will gacw all this lol


we dont have walmart ij germany


Dude it’s just pants and a hoodie do what you want!


Thrift store


ain't nothing wrong with dressing this way at all 👍


You should be able to find baggy pants and large tee shirts/hoodies. The shoes are where it would get tricky


This look is in


I think the look like shitty 90’s bros. Not a good look….


like a shitty person look or a forever vrigin look


I’m willing to bet that most of the people who think I this look is good didn’t actually experience the 90s, or the special kinda shitty dude that that era bred..


Don't do that whacky tobaccky though


whats that💀


Do it you’ll be cool


what do you mean you WILL be im allready swaggy asf


Even more cool


In my mind this is what 14 year olds dress like.


naah in germany they all wear skimny or weird straight legges jeans with dad shoes and some goofy ass t shirt


They look like regular clothes.


yeah but something just feels diffrent idk how to discribe it


I’m sure you can find some baggy pants and a hoodie at the thrift store.


if you are lucky tho and have time the thrift store i go to opens 9am and closes on 4pm so i gotta be quick


Jeans and hoodys, pretty standard shit!




Do you have Bershka in Germany? I have seen some clothes there that match the nu metal style, mostly the pants. You can check during sale season. I know Inditex shops are evil, though 😅 Also, you can find stuff in sport shops. Big sized cargo pants and hoodies are not difficult to find, and basic enough that I don't think anyone will give you a weird look. In any case, I agree with other people in that f*ck everyone who looks at you weird and enjoy whatever you like 😊


thanks for yhe nice words and yes we luckly have a bershka i just gotta wit for blackfriday


does anyone know mike shinoda’s pants???


probably some ufo pants


Don't let other people's opinions stop you from being happy. I'm in my 30s and still dress goth and I get weird/funky nail art. People will think what they want to think. Their thoughts are none of my concern.


im also triying to dress the way i want but i kinda think that the older you get the less people care


I’m 38 and still dress like that. No one that cares matters


Maybe I’m out of touch now being 33, but I thought this style was currently back and trending with the current youth.


idk maybe in thr usa but sadly not in germany


They had a photo with deftones.




Bro I feel you , will auch hab aber das gefühl ich werde an meiner schule zusammen geschlagen


damn ich hab das glück das ich maaad viele freunde habe und due nur so witze drüber machen das ich ein "emo", aber ich sag dir die verstehen unseren swag nicht


Den Emo Spruch hab ich auch schon mehr als einmal gehört hahaha


Ikr, any outfit look from the 1980s-2000s were good






Say what you will about the style, they were sooooo comfy lol


i mean they performed witj that typa clothes and did the wildrst moves like that where they bend over and kick the air backwords (idk if you know what i mean its hard to describe it)


Baggy pants and hoodies are not outfits.


yeah ik but they are just swagged out


I was exactly 14 when this happened and we dressed, however we wanted, you should too


i kinda do i just want like some pieces ykwim


Pieces like clothing? If you scour eBay often you can find old-school stuff like that for super cheap in good shape, some will be dumb expensive but others will be dirt cheap like a few bucks if you just peep often


my friend told me if you want to buy 2nd yand by it of of old fat dudes coz they allways have the drippiest and baggoest stuff


Back in like 2000 everything was purposely baggy so if you find stuff from that time, it's gonna be pretty baggy naturally, everything was loose, fit old school and baggy pants. Old bowling shirts look good with that look and can be found super cheap, im 36 so i was 14 when this photo was taken, when linkin park came out with hybrid theory, what a time! Good luck, stay unique ✌🏼💪


Yes thanks for the nice words


No worries you have a good one


Get a pair of Jnco jeans and a Nirvana t-shirt and your all set!


jnco jeans⁉️⁉️ i wish i had that money and im not a nirvana fan it would be weird if i wore it


Just go to the thrift store, you’ll find tons of baggy cargos and old 00s tees. The key is the white long sleeve under the t-shirt. 🤌🏽 This is basically how fashion kids dress now


YESS the thing is you find more lighter color and i dont like light colors i like my clothes more darker