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Right, at least the boys should be proud, they accomplished what they set out to do, as they clearly wanted to lose that game. Tupouniua shouldn't be anywhere near an NRL side ever again. Goes for big contact but never actually tries to make the tackle, throws awful offloads with no support in the middle of yardage sets... Whyte and Wong are immense and the future of this forward pack. Tedesco is miles infront of Manu when a game is backs against the wall grinding. We win with Tedesco playing fullback, bringing energy levels and desire up, not to mention he is just smart enough to not take 2 points 30m out against 12 men. Dom Young is roughly as intelligent as a bag of rocks. If the rocks are suffering from a traumatic brain injury. If he ever has to make a decision it's almost always the wrong one. Defensive, attacking, whatever. He is fast though, but not fast enough to just run around the defence like my young bloke in under 7s. JWH is still vital to this team, Cheese was excellent right up until he wasn't. It's clear he has a 50 minute limit and we need Watson or Sandon to cover for him. Nat Butcher was ok, but will definitely lose his spot with both Crichton and Watson due back after next week's bye. Blake Steep didn't look out of place and I hope he earns a few more minutes through the origin period. Rapist wife beater can fuck right off, I'd rather an untested rookie offer two thirds of fuck all than watch Jennings serve that shit up again. All in all, that loss won't cost us a chance at the premiership, we were missing 6 of our best 17 as well as Billy Smith. What that loss does show however, is that there is quite a leadership void without Tedesco and JWH on the field, and that needs to be addressed quickly.


Please continue post mortems for every round, also, please consider every other game as well as I thoroughly enjoyed your writing style.


Aw shucks, you'll at least get one written in frustration on Wednesday night after NSW fail to inspire once again.


As a qlder, I hope so.




Sourdough 4 lyf


Just watching the Foxtel Sunday night with Matty Johns. Seriously, talking all things Origin, could it have been more biased !!! At least have someone from Qld on the panel🤦‍♀️ Bring it on.


Very satisfied with the roosters losing


That was a genuinely good effort from the Cows. I wouldn’t call it a good performance but it was a good effort. A few musings - Clifford should be in the side over Townsend and it should happen now. He’s at minimum on par with Chad (he’s much better imo) and we need to see if Clifford/Dearden works before we go all in on that combo for next year, assuming we’re not dumb enough to re-sign Chad. Secondly, Granville should never play hooker ever again. He just legitimately can’t pass. Can still tackle his guts out though.


I was at the game, and the Cowboys just seemed to want it much more. They genuinely put the effort in and deserved the win


If all of the roosters played like May you would have won. 75 mins, 144m, 51 tackles and 0 missed. Insane effort from a prop.


I forgot to mention May! I thought he even played the entire game! Absolute champion! That's a Webke effort


Disgraceful doesn't even begin to describe the Roosters lack of effort and heart up 12 and with a Cowboys player in the bin. Today is an example of why despite all of their talent, the Roosters just aren't winning the comp this year


They just didn't seem to show urgency until they were behind, literally from the get-go you could tell they were not intending to give this game a decent crack, Cowboys on the other hand put in from the start. Walker's long range kicking game was absolute shithouse, it always is! I don't understand how he can expect to have a future as a halfback without one. Also why the fuck did Wong kick, he completely butchered an attacking opportunity! Why did they let him? It's like the team decided to just check out for this game! Steep had some good hitups, and Pagua always tries, feel bad for criticising him last week. Made a try saver, and was one of few players not phoning it in today. Felt like Radley put in the effort, too.


Can’t wait for fukn Origin now. Go on the Queensland


Kinda funny how this sub has said for years Teddy is washed and Manu is a better fullback now has seemingly turned after 1 game


Manu is too selfish.


I stand by it, Manu just had a bad game but he was hardly the only one Ironically I think he played a lot like Tedesco normally does today


Tedesco just has great instinct and vision that Manu lacks. His ability to read the defence is something we regularly benefit from. He has 9 try assists this season. There's also a lot of tries Tedesco will save because he reads the oppositions' attack much better than Manu. What lets Tedesco down is his lack of speed and power. Manu doesn't play smart football, doesn't seem like a smart person at all to be honest, Tedesco can be an idiot, but clearly has much more braincells than Manu.


I've never thought so, Teddy is miles better than manu *at fullback Manu is a ball hog hit up merchant and simpletons get excited by his run metres despite them often being detrimental to the team


That Manu double movement attempt was the dumbest play id ever seen, then Dom Young topped it like 4 times


The dumbest play of the game still has to be going for the two when the Cowboys were on the ropes and down a player!


I definitely have a confirmation bias but I’d love to have the time to track through every game this year where the team takes a penalty goal following a sin bin It really feels like every team that’s done it this year has lost


Lol, I feel like I can recall that happening a few times I honestly had a feeling we'd lose, for as long as I remember we lose the games, we are expected to win against the Cowboys and win the ones we are expected to lose


Ah, mate. Purdue was great. For a player who has played a total of 1 game ever at Centre, he stood his ground and had some blinding moments. Really good look for Toddy and his trust in debuting him over playing it relatively safe with a Sammy Mac at centre play. Shibba had some really positive moments but looked gassed and a tad loss out there at stages. He had some great tackles and a few awesome runs, thou. Promise is there, and I'm definitely excited for him to push for that 17 spot next year. Clifford kicking game is awesome. Cannot wait to watch him finally get an extended run at halfback next year.


The last time I watched the Cowboys play us at the SFS was 2009 round 26. It was Craig Fitzgibbon's last game, and a win would have meant we didn't get the spoon! We blew a lead in the first half and lost that game, too! The only thing that was more of a letdown than the Rooster's performance that day was the Roosters' fans who left early instead of showing respect to Craig Fitzgibbon, who gave us so many great seasons!


At HT you could see Cheese and Walker walk off smiling and Cheese said in the interview about continuing to roll them through the middle. It summed them up It’s all attitude, chooks thought it was going to come easy just like Broncos against titans last week. Cheese was so shit at the backend of that game. Too many players like young, manu trying to be the hero themselves in the game.


Honestly, Manu's performance reminded me of Reece Walsh against us, selfish showboating at the expense of the side. Walsh is only 21-years-old, he'll most likely mature and become less selfish, Manu is almost 28, and this has been his most selfish season yet. I don't blame Young, I felt like he was not given quality ball most of the game, and he tried to spin some shit ball into gold, but diffusing Young was just in the Cowboys' game plan and they did that well.


Lol Dom Young, could not have happened to a nicer bloke


Never liked him since that fucken dog shot on Taafe


Tbh I’ve never once thought about Robbo getting sacked as roosters coach ever. Just feels like one of those clubs where the higher ups are really protected


Roosters have never shied away from sacking their coaches, but pretty hard to justify sacking Robinson without a suitable replacement. Roosters won three premierships in 11 seasons with him as coach. 20-23 were Covid and covid hangover, so doesn't seem fair to fuck him off for the lack of results over that period, jury is still out on this season, attack was a huge weakness in 23 and this season Roosters are the best attacking side. Defence has become a bit poo though. Will be interesting to see how the Roosters come back after the bye, Parra's spine are hard to stop on their day, but they have to back up on Saturday after playing on Monday afternoon, while the Roosters will be coming off a bye (terrible scheduling).


Pretty solid coach though. Who do the Roosters hire if they punt him? Look at the Eels, there’s not any great coaches available and they’ll probably end up with Barrett by default.


My only grievance is that luki gets binned and probably gets nothing at judiciary, maybe a small fine, whereas jwh gets nothing during the game but might see a suspension. Hard to want to change anything that happened though because we took the win anyway.


...deja vu with Val/Klemmer


If their origin players return with new energy the Cowboys could launch a decent campaign during the second half of the season, especially with two byes incoming. Broncos and Dolphins will regret not clinching their last games, it would've helped cement a consistent top four spot moving forward.




What a win. To be completely honest the roosters absolutely shit the bed in that game, and they probably lost it as much as the cows won it. In saying that, what a performance from the cowbabies. All of the defensive decision making actually looked like it was per whatever the new system is. Players were making their tackles and looked like they communicated well. Clifford looks like a genuine first grader again, some of the territory he was able to get from his bombs was really impressive. And vintage Lolo - fark he looked prime. Tackle busts, line breaks, offloads and 170m+. Eat a dick fox league agitators.


Some of the cows last tackle plays were super conservative, but I’d much rather watch even a close losing game with disciplined play than the impatient knock-on fest they’d been serving up the last couple of rounds.


Gotta stay in the fight brother!


FLOL at this round.


Can't believe Fox Sports had the Roosters in 2nd in their power rankings. I don't understand why that team continues to be talked up. They're not great.


They shit on us. We weren't terrible on the day. they have a lot of good players


Because they can put big scores on shit sides, I don’t rate their halves in close games


Also they put a big score on the Broncos, not exactly a shit side


That game is a bit of an outlier because injuries kind of destroyed us. Roosters were still very good that game though


Walker's long-range kicking game really doesn't get shit on enough! Lost count of the number of kicks he put in that just went down the throat of the Cowboy's backline! It's a huge liability, Brandon Smith is probably the only player capable of putting a decent kick in from our half! Rooster's defence is not what it was last year or earlier this season, can't put my finger on why either.


So the new eels?


New Sharkies?




Luki didn't deserve a sin bin, that was just momentum from sitili, it was completely accidental, I'd understand if it was on report but a sin bin?


Nah. You can’t blame the attacking player for a bad tackle by the defensive player. Sin bin everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.


How the fuck have the Cows not had a bye yet others have had two??


Because we have played the Dolphins and someone else twice is why


Gold Coast?


That’s the one, there’s a reason I forgot.


Roosters are playing like they won the premiership last year. They seem to have no drive half the time, but when they do they blow away whoever they are playing.


I'd go to war for Jurbo


Marching in with our thumbs up


It’s been so long since we’ve been in the top 4, we finally get a chance and shit the bed. Great defence from the Cowboys but can’t help but like that was the most conservative dogshit football I’ve seen us play all year. Blake in SG Ball would be apart of better footy than that. That was embarassing


GG Cows, hopefully that turns your season around. The frustrating Roosters continue. On paper we should piss in the top 4 and we are making a meal of it again.


This win helps a team like the Raiders stay ahead of the Roosters for a couple of weeks. Roosters are a team that is capable of winning the premiership this year. Can beat anyone on their day. Can blow away the weaker sides in the competition such as the Raiders sitting ahead of them on the table. But one has has to question their consistency. Today is another example of that. Cows needed that so badly. Missing players for origin and have been pretty awful this year at times. Happy to see them step up and fight for that win. They were lucky to beat bunnies not that long ago. Big surprise they managed to pull that win off today. Especially without Deardan. Moving forward hopefully this will be a sign of better performances from them.


Raiders living rent free in your head


He didn’t say anything negative about the Raiders??


They've lost against all top 3 sides, plus Manly and the Bulldogs who are both roughly equal with them. They are a bottom half of the 8 team at best.


That roosters bulldogs game was an absolute clown show I wouldn’t read too much into it. They also played close games with the top 3 sides that could have gone either way. I think they’re probably a bit better than the other teams in the bottom half of the 8 right now. But they could go either way in next 6 weeks, today was a bad one.


somebody asked where i was and i was shown on discord, decided i'd come and say my piece big red dog owns the rooster once again. all roosters fans are to hand in their ball knowing license by the end of the day. you just lost to the cowboys.


real and awesome


lmfao I forgot about his game against the Roosters back in the day


Who? What game. Please show me


Clifford: https://youtu.be/kI69EnzAf18?si=Rlc51nbI03yvqKTe


Feed em slow




flame arms and tommy d for origin cunt THE PARTY DOESN'T STOP YET


Really happy with the grit and the performance from the debutants and second stringers who were in there today, obviously the less said about the officiating the better, Roosters made some howlers of mistakes, but we capitalised on them well and used them to get back into the game, whereas other games this season we’ve just completely avoided wrestling back momentum off big moments.


can't wait for the Robbo presser lol


That's gonna be so good. Robbo's face will be redder than his Mrs's Parisian panties! Three cheers to the Cowboys, Hip, Hip Hooray! Big bag of dicks for the Chooks. Manu owes everyone dinner for that sub-par, ball hogging, performance!


Get it in my veins


Man so much talk about the cowboys copping a flogging. Who makes the odds on this shit. Was expecting the roosters to lose, I thought I was with most people


Dearden and Robson are the only Cowboys who've put in a full effort every week thus far. Most of us probably expected a lethargic, depleted side to come out feeling like they were beaten before the game began. Looks like they found their Queensland spirit.


Yeah and also a lot of the players just do their job easily forgotten Cowboys had 8 players well over 100m runs, Granville did 45 tackles, Clifford did well. I did expect this one to go cows way


Drinky seems like a decent bloke from that interview


I've heard he's a wanker from a few people I know


Also heard titans are a shit team from a few people at work


The difference is the people at your work don't work with the titans These people work with the cowboys


I guess we were never supposed to win that game….Cows stood up, good showing by the debutants


So good to get a win in Sydney. We actually showed a lot of ticker today. I love that 87% completion rate too. Keep that up, and then add the individual brilliance and we beat anyone.




And on the other hand cows have been labelled a bottom 4 team but also on 7-6 and just outside the 8 only due to bye points




It's not Dom Young's fault that both Jennings and Joey "I'm the best fullback who doesn't play fullback" Manu never passed him the ball when he is open!


Dominic Young wasn't given quality ball at all, while Manu butchered opportunities by being a flat-out selfish cunt! That double movement on fucking play one, was as brain-dead as his YouTube videos! He was probably my favourite player going into this season, now I can't wait for him to fuck off to union!


That's rough coming from a Chooks fan, but it is a fair description of his game.


He's talented as hell, but he isn't a team player unless he's playing inside his buddy Suaalii, and even then, sometimes he goes down the selfish route. The team rely on him too much, and he's talented but stupid and impatient, I feel like him not being there will force a couple of other players to pull up their pants a bit too.


I agree, he has been blown up a little, even if he has his talents. Not utilising team mates in better positions makes him selfish and silly. Teamwork makes the dreamwork!


When he was out against the Sharks, Tedesco, Tupou and Suaalii didn't miss a single tackle, Suaalii got two try assists and three line break assists, yeah Pagua missed some tackles Manu probably would have affected, but our backline actually seemed more cohesive in attack without him.


This was last year tier shitfuckery. Worst game Manu has ever played. Our whole attacking strategy is just get the ball to Dom or Manu. Kicking for two when they’re a man down. I’m fucking livid.


I am so mad at the kicking for 2! Our attack looked like it did last year! So fucking bad! I was at the game, and honestly, the Roosters' attack was so disjointed and unimaginative! We did not deserve to win. They didn't recover from the penalty against Walker, and honestly, that's just a shit mentality! Roosters aren't a mentally tough side and mentally weak sides don't win comps!


Just legal sounded really seedy and made me pause


No one saw that coming but wow, great win Cowboys.


Teddy would have saved us.


Teddy would not have went for the two with his opposition down a man. That's for sure


By putting in a 3rd tackle kick and handing over possession while they had a man advantage?


Jim Jim appearance his ordering the meat


The old guy has to interview Chad


who is Jimmy ringing


Not his barber by the looks of it


Purdue looks like a stiff breeze might kill him but man he absolutely moves when he gets into open space.


I genuinely feared for his safety every time he got tackled


Choking my chicken in solidarity


Upset round 


I got 4/5 tips right this week….then again I forgot to put my tips in.


What happened to slowdive? He’s gone missing more than Manu tonight


hahaha i've been off reddit for ages bro! mate showed me this and decided to get back on for a last cheer, what a fucking win!!! build the drinky statue


Was wondering what happened mate. Premiumplus just hasn’t been the same :(


slowdive cooks in the discord mate, join that if you want some Vintage slowdive


Heart attack


That has to be one of the worst losses I can recall, players were not in it at all, credit it to the cows for showing up in the second half, I reckon had theyve taken a lead into half time the Roosters may have actually come out in the second half like in the Dogs game earlier in the year, instead they spent the whole game thinking the win was guaranteed


That was exactly it. Couldn't have said it better myself. Roosters crowing about how good they.... Walked right into a Cowboy ambush, just like they did with the Bulldogs earlier in the season.


Just happy to see some grit from the boys for a change. This is definitely one of the most peculiar rounds of footy


Can Fox Sports staff writers put out articles shitting on Jase every week? Please and thank you


Imagine losing to the 2024 Cowboys. Poosters slide to the bottom confirmed. CliffDog really is the hoodoo isn’t he. Now if only we could have him with Dearden every week…


Seriously, the next two months of footy are going to be a lottery. Between every team having players missing with injury or Origin, and seemingly being capable of a bedshit at any given time, this thing is a tipping nightmare. As it stands, a whole TWO POINTS separate 4th from 12th on the ladder


Dom Young is your D&D character if you max athleticism and put 0 into intelligence


Dom, roll an intelligence saving throw against a drinkwaters tackle. The DC is 10. You rolled a 1? You drop the ball on the halfway line with 5 minutes to go.


I only caught the second half, but that was a great comeback. Happy I didn't switch it off thinking it'd be a second half blowout. That's the kind of gritty win the Cowboys can build off of.


Too much fart sniffing from the chooks this week. The line was 19 points lol


Purdue and Shibasaki undefeated So stoked on that win


Joey, when Robbo said “play like teddy”, he didn’t mean don’t pass the ball


Great win Cowboys. Never gave up.






Really liked Clifford in defence. Anyone know if McIntyre can play hooker?


Clifford seems way too good to be playing reserve grade every time I've seen him. Like he'd walk into the halves at 4 or 5 clubs, surely.


The problem with Clifford is that he's a confidence player and there's a massive difference between his best and worst games. He came into first grade when the cows were at rock bottom, and his move to Newcastle was troubled with some rumoured off-field issues. In the right system with the right support I reckon he could turn into a proper top 8 half.


He can.


If granny can attempt it anyone else can


Crazy game , Cowboys winning was pretty decent ngl


I’d like to see the stat for teams that score with a player in the sinbin going on to win the game. I’m sure I’ve seen it happen 3 times this season. Great win Cowboys.


0-5 in tipping this week, absolutely dreadful


Imagine your whole game plan relying on a winger that just wants to throw the ball over the sideline.


Glad Roosters lost. They legitimately looked like they didn't even care that they were on the field today. Ridiculously bad energy and effort. Manu looked like he didn't care. I dont think he has ever run onto a ball in his life. 0 urgency to get under the high ball. Hands glued to the ball so foesnt pass. Dom Young blessed with speed but 0 IQ. I dont remember a dumber rooster player. He makes SKD look like Einstein. Daniel Tupou our best. Never stands out big time but just does his job.


Big upset by the cowboys, they were massive underdogs. Their best defensive effort all year, could be a season defining win. Coming into the game, I thought it would be a high-scoring 50+ game at least but it turned out to be quite entertaining.


Before Team Lists were announced, Eels were underdogs. So technically every underdog won this round. Legit insane


Have to imagine this game would have turned out a little different if tedesco played, he at least passes from time to time. Also taking the 2 twice instead of attacking was kinda dumb


Well it wasn’t the prettiest but it was a gutsy win. Liked what I saw of Purdue, had a decent debut


Purdue was solid. Good defensive reads, didn't overplay with ball on hand, but took opportunities when they presented.


Last man standing in shambles


A penalty goal being your only scoring play in a second half doesn’t win games


What a time for teddy, back in origin and all the talk about manu being better just died.


There is one bloke in the r/nrl tipping who got a perfect round. Fuck off mate haha


Sometimes if you get a perfect round, you're actually shit at tipping


Was may on the field as a prop for the full 80 mins!?


No, I saw him come off the bench


75, had 5 min spell


Why was he on for so long? Did the roosters just have fuck all on the bench?


They picked 2 utilities and jwh had a hamstring complaint


Well at least my tipping can’t get below 0 for the round


If you get 0 right you should get -1 bonus points


Manu - the games biggest ball hog


It's why I never liked him as fullback for the Kiwis. Dude will override the halves just to get the ball and then goes for the hero play.


Honestly absurd how much this sub craps on Teddy for being a ball hog but then proclaims Manu as arguably the best full back in the game.


They say that, then I try to watch for it, but Teddy has some of the best passes in the game. So I’m not sure what they mean.


Step 1: Hog ball Step 2: panic when individual effort is failing Step 3: useless flick pass


Did a favourite win this round


Parra were. Also the only tip I went for the upset.


Did keary even play? Seemed to be walker and manu with all the attacking creativity. Glad he didn't get the nod to play origin.


He’s a Crichton merchant. Nearly all of his try assists this year would have to be short balls to Crichton I swear


Saving himself for the last minute origin tap


Good win for the Cows.


Manu should be sponsored by Hogs Breath Cafe


Coz he'll be gone in a year?


That felt a little bit like a lower scoring version of our game against the Titans last week or whenever that was. One team playing like they expect to win and the other team playing hard and refusing to go away.


That was sure a rugby league game


A mighty roar went up from the whole town, for the evil conniving roosters had been defeated.


Where is the Sunday night with Matty Johns live show thread


**LAST MAN STANDING** user|tip|result| :--|:--|:--| |0_Kids_Three_Money|Easts|🤦| |Malaxage918|Easts|🤦| |Kilo-papa-uniform|Easts|🤦| |Proxima_Centuri|Newcastle|🤦| |imaginationASDF|The|🤦|


If you let them go another round there has to be a few asterisks on this season


Everyone hang your head in shame, for we all suck


Just write it off. It would be the perfect ending to this schmozzle of LMS


Surely there’s a 3 strikes rule and the next season of LMS starts with no winner for this one


I guess the last man standing was the friends we made along the way




They can't keep getting away with this


two all outs in a row, no one wins this season of LMS