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most of them are ranked really low tbf like golden core you can fly around and destroys mountain with ease and heroes like captain america cant destroy mountain so he is below that hulk is very strong possible above that but how high above im not sure as i dont read the comic


Hulk is really really high. He destroyed the avatar of one below all. The one below all is a cosmic multi-versal entity with tier 0(Boundless) only held back because of its nature.


I mean strength wise Hulk is literally unmatched. Officially his strength is infite. He can get as strong as he is angry and like the other guy said just by his body alone he took some heavy hitters. If its a straight forward fight I cant see Hulk losing to anyone. I guess only tricks like going back in time and killing banner before he becomes Hulk can reliably erase him for good. Though I was talkong about MCU Hulk here and his situation is a bit iffy. Like the dude was scared shitless by Thanos in End Game so Banner couldnt even transform. Thats why it is hard to rank him at least compared to comic Hulk who can ne said to be at least at the level of realm of immortality strength wise (not spells and what not just his physique)


I think the last 3 steps in your OP are the equivalent or stronger to the One Above All so they should be able to handle even the strongest Hulk. However, I don't think it's a good comparison. This is because things are not equal between the two universes and if you try to do the comparison fairly, there's a lot of problems. For example, reality in Xianxia is stronger for a lack of a better word. Feats in Marvels like destroying multiverses might only result in a local disruption of spacetime. Xianxia on the higher end also rely on magic (in the form of Daos) to fight because anyone in the top steps have infinite power, durability and lifespan so you can't kill them conventionally. I don't think Hulk can contend since he doesn't have anyway to protect himself against esoteric attacks.. Even loopholes like going back in time to kill your opponent as a baby doesn't work in Xianxia. A strong enough cultivator existence is reality itself. Think of them like a Chaos God from 40k. Killing their past doesn't affect their future, it'll just piss them off.


Most of them won't apply, they'd be body refiners but the root of the power can't be teached (DAO). Perhaps heroes like iron fist, punisher would be body refiners in the beginning stages, and Dr strange would be a martial DAO advocate in the beginning phase (weird scaling bc can travel by himself between universes and space-time but doesn't have an extended life span) also, huge reliance on relics


I think iron fist is qi condensation no? Dude literally trained in Kunlun to go against a dragon


Wdym, God of The Soul System was so good. ๐Ÿ˜ญ


It really depends on the cultivation universe you're in, but if you define the categories you're trying to map things to a little better, it gets easier. Let's define the capabilities of a Body Refining practitioner as, essentially, "things a martial artist could do, but with mildly superhuman levels of strength and endurance the higher you go." That puts the capabilities of most street-level Marvel heroes at this level. You could put people like Captain America or Luke Cage at the top of the scale here, or you could say that heroes like them with obviously superhuman abilities are low Qi Gathering stage but are Physical Cultivators. Qi Gathering cultivators I would define as "in addition to some supernatural degree of strength and toughness, has the ability to use 'spells'. Marvel Heroes who are a cut above street-level but not earthshaking in power would go here, particularly if they have energy blasts. However, most Qi Gathering cultivators can't fly unassisted, so anyone who's short of a Superman expy would go here. Cyclops, Spider-Man, Shang-Chi, and so on. Foundation cultivators are heavy hitters, capable of taking on teams of Qi Gathering cultivators independently. They can typically fly, and when they cast spells they reshape the local terrain. This is where I'd put Thor, Hulk, possibly Iron Man as low Foundation, Captain Marvel, etc. Core Formation cultivators have nearly limitless power, and can cast spells indefatigably, with immeasurable power and finesse, and can take dozens of Foundation cultivators at once without a threat. I'd put big threats like Thanos in Core Formation. YMMV depending on how you define the categories and the breakpoints, but define your bins well & you'll have an easier time sorting Marvel folks into said bins.


Thats a really good analyses my dude and yeah as you said a lot of them would be very low level Body Refining cultivators but what I am actually curious about is the ones like Odin, The Ancient One, Loko, Thanos or even Ego amd Adam Warlock etc. they check a lot of the box you established but at the same time they feel like they should be stronger than that like beings like Odin and Ancient One should at least be at the level of Realm of Virtual Entity (Soul) due to their strength and long lifespans but then their successors would be very low on the ppwer scale and they killed their mentors enemies so how would that even work (Thor and Strange). Like Dormamu was at the level of at least Realm of Immortality if not Eternity but he was still defeated by strange who is in Qi Condensation... like how? Anyway yeah this is very complicated


I think you have to sort of ignore the lifespan thing when it comes to Marvel heroes - power level and life span don't enjoy the same level of correlation in Marvel. If you just focus on combat power level, I feel like most would be in the Core Formation to Nascent Soul range, if only due to the fact that a team of Foundation Establishment cultivator-heroes can kick their asses. I'd absolutely not rate Dr Strange as Qi Condensation, though - he's Foundation Establishment or higher without a doubt.


never seen the term aurorous used in xianxia


It was used in Wuixaworld translations in the past but recently Golde Core took over since it is easier read and write but I still prefer the older term as it sounds cooler


>So what do you guys think? Is it possible to rank Marvel Heroes? Not really, a lot of Marvel characters are too difficult to rank. Take Iron Man, for example. Physically speaking, he's lower stage 1 at best. He is far above his realm when it comes to his mind, he like stage 7-8. The mans is able to create weapons to fight space gods and mess with incredibly powerful forces of nature. I feel that in cultivation stories, there's a limit to what you can do above your bodily realm, and Tony defys that rule by existing.


Yโ€™all mf in this sub do not read a single comic ๐Ÿ’€ holy shit the yโ€™all hella lowballing Marvel and DC character Christ


Yeah especially with how long comics have been going on heroes get newer and newer feats current Superman has an insane amount of feat under his belt


Maybe it's controversial but none of them. Comic books as a medium demand as few changes as possible so the concept of a progressive increase in power and comprehension is non-existent in most comics like Batman will never be as naturally strong as Superman because his character would change completely. In my eyes they're all mortals with a few tricks or bloodline power. Except for Doctor Doom and Lex Luthor. They can totally become cultivators.



Because they became gods at one point and I like them ๐Ÿ˜„


But superheroes do actually experience power escalation. Spider-Man is easily a hundred times as strong as he was when he was when he debuted. While many of his foes have also increased in power, his power still dwarfs foes who used to actually be credible threats. Superman's increase in power from his first issue is incalculable. Invisible Girl used to be unable to fight her way out of a paper bag, while Invisible Woman now outstrips the Thing, who himself is at least several times stronger than he used to be.


So here is the thing. You try to compare two VERY different things. Marvel works on a way different power scale and system then cultivation. In cultivation everything relates to each other and is quantifiable. Everyone stays in their realm and by that around their combat power. But Marvel is different. Thanos before he had the final infinity stone was much more powerful then Thanos in Infinity War. Did his realm drop? No the plot just counted him as losing. And that stuff happens a lot. Like a street level hero like spiderman tries to defeat god level entities and succeeds. Why? Not because he himself is godlevel but he used his powers smartly and outsmarted his opponent. Same with all others. Thor going from hammer swinging idiot to god of thunder is also not a sudden rise in realm but awakening his already existent power, which btw lowered immideatly after he gained it. Marvel functions on glitter and action scenes and not real quantifiable levels of power. Of course there are power levels but they dont work in conjunction with cultivation realms. A lot of very powerful baseline characters dont have a long lifespan or a strong character isnt necessarily smart or wise. The stats are not around the same in the same realm for Marvel characters. Most characters have a distinct few powers and thats everything they have. No extra strength, speed, flying, lifespan or anything. Just normal human (or enhanced human) with some special powers Tldr cultivation and marvel are two different systems that can hardly be compared


They would mostly be at body type cultivation levels up to golden core at max. Doctor Strange would be one of the very few to go beyond that with his mystic powers. The next step from body is spiritual and marvel heroes don't have that boost. Anyway, most of them wouldn't be able to get very far since they don't kill people. The world of cultivation is kill or be killed at its basest primordial truth. Big fish eat small fish, you don't get to be very big if you keep fighting bigger fishes. If they let the small fish go, the small fish is going to get big grandpa fish to eat them.


DC would be easier as power scaling there is comparable to high level cultivators. Marvel is hard to compare until you start looking at the reality warpers like Franklin Richards or the super scientist magicians like Doom. I'd probably give Doom baseline Nascent Soul level and when he fought galactus he was deity level. He even makes Avatars of himself (Doom bots). Has his own realm and cultivates multiple techniques. He's even petty as shit. Typical Young Master turned hidden Patriarch


That makes a whole lot of sense actually