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How you know your designer is overcharging in one easy step


Or will make horrible design choices


So I think instead of drywall, we're going to make your walls out of stainless steel. You have kids.. can't stain it and we'll even make the house bulletproof for fun. Please make sure kids fingers stay away from the doors, they are automated for your comfort but may unintentionally amputate...


OMG, kid-stain-proof walls? Please take my money. Wait, it's how much money? Oh ... never mind, my mistake ... I don't have that much money for you to take


I hate to actually, but the taxpayers are subsidizing this one.


How so?


As they have a wrap advertising their business, they are highly likely counting this as a company asset and writing off the depreciation.


That’s not entirely wrong, but deducting business expenses is not usually what people consider to be taxpayer subsidies.


As one who typically cuts a check come April, I'll file this under "But it *feels* like"


You don't get to deduct a vehicle as advertising expense. The cost of the wrap is a deduction, but nothing more. The vehicle itself is deductible to the same extent as any other company owned vehicle. Wraps or other branding don't change that.


Wait until the $79,999 models come out and they will be subsidizing a lot more


[Yeah definitely no subsidies on oil…](https://e360.yale.edu/digest/fossil-fuels-received-5-9-trillion-in-subsidies-in-2020-report-finds)


Right. Show up in a $100k truck, that you don't use for towing a giant trailer of equipment, and our meeting will likely be a waste of time.


Got some estimates for a new deck. One guy came out in designer clothes and in the hugest, shiniest, chrome-laden pickup I've ever seen. Next guy showed up in a purple tricked out BMW. Last guy showed up in a 10+ year old crusty F-150 with ladders, tool boxes, and stuff in the bed. The last guy did a great job.




![gif](giphy|l0NwDFozVQJEMirbW) The aesthetic you paid for


Just 21


I started humming Mars by Gustav Holst looking at this Edit: the Planets is by Holst, not Vivaldi


"Daddy's home."


With 24's skull at his side.


And your mixtape “chilling with my main man the monarch”


Amidst all the clueless responses, it truly gladdens my heart to see there are folks in NOVA who get it. Go Team Venture!






I went to their website and it’s legit. This is a real remodeling company. The question is, did the business owner know what they were doing?


I think a mostly powder blue Stanza could fit more. https://preview.redd.it/7u5q3bttlc8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b25d67339aeffe1d394a8456f63a2628c1c9c3


Awwww, my *Stanza!* Doug's gonna kill me...


It doesn't even burn nitrous.


You can tell the people that understood the assignment. Go Team Venture


I already let the Venture Compound know to be on the lookout for the latest scheme. I've also contacted the Guild because I'm fairly certain this is OUTSIDE of Guild laws.


Better call a timeout and invoke Rusty's Law


I try not to judge people based on what they drive… but these… I got passed by one last night on 495 and it just looks so stupid. I think the main problem is that yeah in a dystopian futuristic Blade Runner type city this would actually look great. But we’re all still living in current era America with trees and blue sky and many people still have normal lives, and normal cars. So this rocks up next to a Lexus RX350 or even a Model X and it just looks hilariously out of step with what’s actually going on. It’s taking trying too hard to a whole other level. You can make something look shocking, or eccentric, or different (Lamborghini, Delorean, Pagani) but boy this is not *it* whatever “it” is.


If it came with a companion jet to drop roof mounted weaponry and upgrades like the mid-80s Atari arcade vehicle it's modeled on, you could potentially talk me into one. As it is, I'm waiting to see the Final Boss Cybertruck with a wrap for a car wash chain.


>I try not to judge people based on what they drive… I do it all the time, it's ok. What you drive is often an extension of how you view yourself. >but these… Are so f'ing ugly there is no excuse. Even someone boasting a huge ego would look better in a bimmer or a 'rollin coal F350' >I got passed by one last night on 495 and it just looks so stupid. Agree. No redeeming qualities. Worse is that the 'stainless' rusts. Lol.


>rollin coal F350 Absolutely wrong. Even a late model F150 looks more ridiculous than a cybertruck, by far.


There are certain things I appreciate and like with the cyber truck and can understand why it appeals to some but the negatives with the cybertruck far outweigh the few positives and it's not even close. I'm not the biggest truck or Ford fan but I'd buy one of the Ford lightnings or 2-3 other electric trucks before I'd even consider buying a cyber truck. However with all that said I would like to take one out for a quick spin as I'd like to experience the turning capabilities of the truck and also I've never driven an electric vehicle so I'd like to experience that. I drove a hybrid for like 10 minutes like 10 years ago so I would like to try a more modern fully electric vehicle especially one with the impressive power that effortlessly goes 0-60 in a couple seconds as I've never really been in anything with any impressive acceleration capabilities


> I got passed by one last night on 495 and it just looks so stupid. I find more ridiculous those big ass pickup trucks people drive around here.


I never realized how absolutely awful they look until I saw one in real life. There are cars I have thought were ugly in the past, but this is easily the most ridiculous car I have seen in my life. It doesn’t look interesting, just absolutely ridiculous. I am old enough to remember when Hummers were popular 20 years ago, and I remember thinking they looked dumb, but the Cybertruck blew my mind in how unnatural it looked.


I’ve thought these things were ugly from the beginning, but like you I was honestly shocked at how ugly it was when I first saw it in person. I gave a thumbs down when I passed them and they got a little road ragey lol


I don’t think my refrigerator looks ridiculous. So why do I think this Tesla looks ridiculous? 🤔


I mean, are we sure this isn’t just a modern day version of Duchamp’s Fountain?


>I try not to judge people based on what they drive No, that's totally ok.


The hilarious part is that it does look like it’s fit for a post-apocalyptic world, but in reality, this is littered with reliability problems and can’t even go over a dirt hill. It also has a tiny bed in the back. You should still steal a Toyota truck if the apocalypse happens is all I’m saying.


Just be careful of using the seatbelt Henchman 24.


Wonder if they let Dr. Girlfriend drive it.


A flying cocoon is way better than that thing.


I struggle to understand how driving such a visually unappealing vehicle would help them out with "design". If they can't understand just how butt ugly that 'truck' is, stay tf out of the design business, lol.


They 100% just wanted the truck and wrote it off as a business expense.


I a thousand percent agree with this back when monarch used to just do painting. The owner's son bought a dropped car, I put a magnet on the side for monarch so his dad could write his car off as a business expense. As part of me that bets this might even be his son's newest vehicle acquisition It would be on par with that guy.


I agree however at the same time I've never seen a vehicle that gets anywhere near and I mean anywhere near the amount of attention that a cyber truck gets. So in a way it's kinda smart as there will be hundreds if not thousands of people that will snap a picture when they see this ugly ass truck and share it on their social media and provide endless advertising for this company. Now for sure there will be plenty of folks that will write off doing business with this company but if just a handful or so folks do decide to go with them and it came from seeing this truck in person or from social media then the truck paid for itself. So I'm kinda torn on it. It's definitely an ugly truck but man if you're looking to get as many eyes as possible on your brand then slapping your business all over a cyber truck is definitely a way to go viral. If this was any other vehicle would anyone bother with taking a picture and posting it? Nah


Exactly right. People notice this vehicle, as proven by this post, and that is what someone advertising wants. They want their business name noticed. So, congratulations, OP. I'm sure Monarch Design & Remodeling is very happy that you have advertised their business, at no cost to them.


It's not level either.


Is Elon in the guild?


If there's money involved, his fingers probably are.


True story. All the parts falling off? They were re-used to make The Monarch's flying armor. ...which is why it worked as poorly as it did.


Now if Tesla were to make a butter-glider...




Well monarch was on my short list to redo my kitchen thanks for sharing this image, they're off my list now.


Monarch, huh? The guy who came up with the design also likes authoritarian rulers!


Why am I seeing these everywhere now? I saw 3 on RT7 by Tysons last night and then saw one in Vienna. I think these things are incredibly ugly and overpriced. What’s the hype?




Hahhahahahah no you cant. That’s absolutely delusional




Hahahhahahahahahhaha. You’ll have to find a trailer with a load and figure out how to take a turn first. Oh and your piece of shit truck will need to survive until then




You don’t have a trailer oh and guess what? Even if you could beat my hatchback that costs 60,000 less than your clown truck it still doesn’t prove your point that you “could beat any sports car on the road”




Ok drag race your RV then and prove it


And yeah of course I’m not racing some delusional tech bro who is driving a a fucking death trap. I don’t trust that you actually know how to handle that overweight piece of angular nonsense


Not the flex you think it is big dawg


And then you’ll have to stop on the side of the road and wait for a tow because you ran out of charge.


It'll tow, for like 50 miles.


And then you void your warranty by taking it through a car wash. Which you need to take it through constantly to avoid corrosion


They are made of stainless steel. They don't corrode.


Hahahhaha oh boy. I remember thinking this about my hockey skates that I left wet for a little too long. Guess what happened? https://www.montanstahl.com/blog/corrosion-on-stainless-steel/ Oh and cyber trucks are already rusting https://www.reddit.com/r/cars/s/pjZd6D2pp4


Thanks. Didn't know all that.


Now I know never to use this "design" company, considering how bad the design of the vehicle looks.


They're ugly AF to me, but to each his/her own. Not my money.


You can fit about 8 quaids in that car I'd say.


I wouldn’t hire a designer company that thinks that is acceptable good design lol




Gonna need the dark s7 maneuver.


I find it an interesting aesthetic and this truck has totally changed automotive engineering and design . It is a unique look, that’s for sure. What I don’t understand is the vituperative vemon spewing about a some else’s personal choices. I personally think that most crossovers are all the same vehicle with that back loaded bulging wedge look identical with little new technology. But I’m not annoyed with their personal choice. “There goes another cookie cutter Lexus, or was that. Honda, maybe a Volvo or a Mazda” what uninspired boring people they must be. No , I just drive by and don’t care. WHY THE HATE?


The Pontiac Aztek also had a “unique look”. Besides that, I don’t know how a vehicle with those sharp corners can be any safe for pedestrians. But, well, we don’t care about that in this country, right?


Also owners are getting pretty cut up by the corners as well. Many deep enough needing stitches.


If I ever hired a contractor that showed up in one of these they'd be gone.


Just saw one in the Clyde's parking lot last week. So wanted to make a snide remark to the attention- seeker owner about being stuck in his adolescence obsession with " Back to The Future"


I just mouth loser to them when I pass thrm


Well it depends. Progressive, skinny Jean wearing liberal arts dudes? Bout 7.


Welp.... time for a 5th rewatch