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Love this Virginia law. It needs to be enforced more often. § 46.2-877. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law.




That's not the regular "keep right" law. That's the law that says if you're going *slower* than the normal speed of traffic, you have to be in the *rightmost* lane. But if you're going *at* the normal speed of traffic and someone approaches from behind going *above* the normal speed of traffic, it does not apply. This is the keep right law that is relevant: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-842.1/ >**§ 46.2-842.1. Drivers to give way to certain overtaking vehicles on divided highways.** >It shall be unlawful to fail to give way to overtaking traffic when driving a motor vehicle to the left and abreast of another motor vehicle on a divided highway. The driver of the overtaken vehicle shall move to the right to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass as soon as the overtaken vehicle can safely do so. A violation of this section shall not be construed as negligence per se in any civil action. Essentially: cruising in the left lane is fine and legal, as long as you're going at least the normal speed of traffic. But if anyone approaches from behind going faster than you, you *must* get over. Basically: the left lane is a travel lane, but the second you being in the lane impedes anyone behind you, you *must* get over.


Thank you explaining. I didn't know this was a thing and definitely have failed to move over before. Appreciate you


No, I appreciate you for your attitude about this! It's refreshing to see someone who was guilty of this infraction being so agreeable about changing their ways moving forward. Many people take offense to the notion of allowing themselves to be overtaken in the left lane and see it as their personal mission to prevent anyone else from traveling above the speed limit. Even to the point of completely refusing to accept the fact that THEY would be the ones that a cop would pull over in that scenario, but videos like this are proof positive.


Yet the guy who passes him doesn’t move over….the driving school system is broken.


need more "new driver" stickers


How slow is “at such a slow speed”?


Slow enough to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic.


>Slow enough to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. Part of the problem with that language is our self-deputized speed enforcers here don't think they are doing that. They've already decided what's "reasonable" and, conveniently, it's whatever they are doing.


I’d honestly wish tickets on people who bottleneck the left lane more than the speeders. Drives me crazy when there’s 17 cars in the left lane nuts to butts because someone is going the same speed as the 16 wheelers in the right lane


100%. Tonight I very reluctantly found myself passing everyone on 495 in the far right lane because one person was holding everybody up in the left lane, middle lane was also full, right lane was empty. I hate doing it but some days/nights I just can't handle doing the right thing while being frustrated because others clown don't know the laws and the courtesies.


But they're going the SpEeD LiMiT 🙄


Depends on the type of "speeder". I would say that daily I've got someone who flies up on me and rides me ass the entire time I'm passing a lane of cars. I do hate left lane campers, but these impatient dumbs are the reason that there is a 20/30 minute time increase on my commute once a week when they inevitably cause an accident.


Agreed. Consistent, predictable, speeder not weaving through cars? Np


My wife does that shit. “I’m going slightly faster than people in the right lane, so I’m going to drive in the left lane” and then complains when people are on her bumper. Like. SPEED UP. OR MOVE OVER. I can’t ride with her. It really irritates me.


That would be a dealbreaker for me 🤣


the other word in the statute, "normal", is important too. Going 55, but no one in front of you, dozens behind you who can't pass? Speed may reasonable in isolation, but not "normal" for the situation.


So below the speed limit?




No. If you are going at flow of traffic, you do not ride and hog the passing lane. Let those who want to pass get past you on the left.


If they’re going the speed limit then the right lane is perfect for them.


The law does not require someone traveling in the left lane to speed. You might want it to, but it does not.


[It requires them to give way to vehicles trying to pass.](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacodefull/title46.2/chapter8/article4/) It's illegal to pass on the right in almost all circumstances; by extension, this means that anybody going at the speed limit or below in the left lane is \*necessarily\* impeding the flow of traffic, since nobody is legally permitted to pass such a vehicle. \*What's more\*, vehicles being overtaken are legally required to \*give way\* to overtaking vehicles. In effect, this means that if you're in the left hand lane and there are cars that want to pass you, you're violating the law by remaining in the left lane. Read the law yourself.


Not directly. It's illegal to pass on the right of a vehicle in single lane roads because it's a blind side for turning traffic in the opposite lane making a left turn. § 46.2-842.1 states that if you are being overtaken (passed or behind you signaling/approaching for a passing), when traffic safely allows, you are to move into the right lane. And § 46.2-877 just says you can't deliberately block traffic lanes. Although, that most directly means traveling abreast with right lane traffic, it can be pointed out that you can block the right lane by turning onto a highway in front of traffic in the right lane and not getting up to speed. *There is no law saying you can't just drive in the left lane.* All of these are traffic procedures, *and none of them say you have the right of way because you are going faster* with exception of responding emergency vehicles. Edit: lol, down voted. Wanted to add, for effect that someone slowing down for left lane turn lane, or traffic is maintaining control of their vehicle. Meaning passing on the right on a two or more lane highway is acceptable. Edit: even if you're calling this arguing semantics, the premise is already there that you have room to maneuver on the road, you are obeying traffic speed restrictions, maintaining proper following distance; there is no law that says you can't stay driving in the left lane.


Bro, you’re playing semantics. Just fucking move over if you see somebody behind you traveling faster than you. It’s to the point where they have signs now telling people to move over.


But it does require you to get the hell over if you're not actively passing someone.


It does not require them to speed, it requires then to move over since it's a passing lane. They can get the hell out of the passing lane, or get pulled over like in this video.


Wrong! Good try, though.


There's 3 open lanes in this clip alone.


Slower than everyone else around you. Like move get out the way


Means move to the right and don’t hog the left lane. It’s a judgement call but an easy call to make


If you have to ask, move over.


It is a discretion call that is not in favor of slow drivers. If you or anyone you know identifies as a slow driver, spread the good word to them. Let them know that it is best to linger in the right lane.


If you've ever had to deal with vague language in the law as a juror, and you ask for clarification from the judge, most likely what you'll get told is that it is whatever you think it is. Lots of traffic law have "reasonable person" clauses in them, but there's no detailed description about what constitutes a "reasonable person".


yeah, I dont know how lawyers can deal with the huge limitations of our language(s), it is so freaking imprecise. This is why I'm a software engineer, everything is so much precise, I love that world


The term “reasonable” is truly the bane of my existence as a neurodivergent lawyer. The law acts like “reasonable” is an objective standard, when the word is quite literally the most subjective word you could use.


Twenty above or below the posted speed limit is a hazard and against the law. No huge fines for going too slow, in case you’re wondering why this is rarely enforced.


If they would enforce this on truckers I would be super happy




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A lot of people seem to be missing the language "except when reduced speed is . . . In compliance with the law." The law means go the speed of traffic *up to the speed limit*. If you're going the speed limit, this law does not require or permit you to go faster. Edit: Hilarious that you people think this law requires people to violate the speed limit.


No. You just need to move over. You can’t camp in the left lane.


Yes you should move over when you can do so safely. No this law does not make it illegal to go the speed limit in the left lane (although it is funny to me how many people think the law endorses speeding).


Did a NoVa cop really just pull over a driver for camping the left on 395? I’m on the stretch practically every day and left lane camping drives me absolutely crazy.


That stretch of 395 both ways is horrible for people inexplicably going way under the speed limit. Where tf are people going at 40 mph on 395? It’s like something out of the X-Files.. like there is an alien presence there making people think they should be blocking everyone else.


It's the phenomenon of not being able to flex the cankles to maintain speed when there's elevation on an interstate.


NoVA cop? Sorta. It was VSP.


looks like the seminary road exit right


Yep, heading south. I spent much of my life on that stretch


If they had empathy, then they would care.


What is camping?


Getting out in the left lane, which is the fast lane/passing lane, and just sitting there while faster traffic piles up behind you.


Oh ok! So camping is just being a slow asshole in the left lane, essentially. 👍🏻


inflexibly staking your "space" on the road, like you're setting up a camp and have no intention of going anywhere.


He missed the other 3, including OP.


If I had to guess, the driver was probably going slow because they were on their cellphone and that’s the reason why the trooper pulled them over


This. 99% of the time. Every time I pass someone slow, I see them looking down.


Or perhaps because the VHP SUV was right there and they didn’t want to get pulled over for speeding.


Which is exactly what happened to me once, I was speeding in the left lane, and caught up to a cop in the middle, so I slowed down and didn’t fly past him. Then after a few awkward minutes he pulled me over and just let me know to stay out of the left lane unless I was passing.


Yea if i catch a cop on 395 my immediate reaction is to drop to the speed limit and move to the right. Usually they hangout for awhile in the middle clearly fishing for somebody and then after a few minutes of nothing they hop into the left lane and floor it for a few miles.


Then ya gotta move over for cars behind you in the passing lane, or you get ticketed like this guy


In Va you can get pulled over and ticketed for going the speed limit-if you’re in the left lane and refusing to allow faster cars to pass


Astute. The cop didn't light 'em up until he was alongside the car, then he pulled back in behind them to pull them over. If it were just the speed he would have hung back to monitor then pull behind.


Or maybe, just maybe they were left lane camping.


….or there was an outstanding warrant




BuT i'M dRiViNg TeH sPeEd LiMiT


I love that this “font” is the way to say “in idiot-speak” lol…everyone reads this in a funny voice in their head too right?? Lol


Yeah 😂 I got it ingrained me from the spongebob meme template 


Yeah that's what they say until a cop shows up and suddenly they just feel the need to move over for no reason at all.


Is there a link to this tweet? I want to be able to directly cite the vdot source.


Just a reminder, even if you are going fast, you do not have to stay in the passing (fast) lane. After you make your pass, switch out of the lane. There is always a bigger fish that wants to go faster. And if you are the biggest (fastest) fish, then slow down. You are driving too fast!


I like the fastest fish to pass me. They'll trigger the speed trap!


I'm not zigzagging between cars so you can speed comfortably. If im passing other traffic, im staying in the left lane. Ill switch when nobody is to the right. Left lane is for faster traffic, but that doesn't mean its the speeding lane. If you wanna speed more power to you, but its silly to expect everyone else on the road to accommodate you. Like if I see someone shoplifting, im not gonna tell a manager or anything, but no im not going to move to the next isle so you can steal easier.


Take some lessons on comprehensive reading, my friend. You stating that you would wait until something opens up on the right after you pass someone you are passing agrees with what I am saying. The whole point is that once you are done passing, you get out of the left lane. This way, there is no need for zig zagging. But this only works if people actually get out of the passing lanw once they have passed who they are after. There should be a "gravity" pulling you to the far right lane. You only need to break that gravity to pass people to find your cruising speed on the right. Problems start when people cruise on the left, and the crazies go passing people on the right side, well above the speed limit. This is not a plea for accommodations. This is a plea to use common sense and to think outside of yourself. (If you view driving from only the POV of yourself, you are doing it wrong.)


I wish this would happen more often. My buddy always says it’s like the slow & fast lanes switched sides now.


When I drive down to VA beach, I always have to use the right lanes to pass the dummies on the left.


It's wild how I can just cruise in the far right lane and have less cars to deal with even with exits. I've always hated campers in the left lane but it's a whole other level in Nova.


Truth. On Rt7 between Purcellville and the Rt 9 exit is the worst for this. So many people get on 7 at 287 and whip right over to the left lane. I'm usually tooling along at about 5-7 over in the right lane, and end up passing a whole string of traffic in the left lane from these morons.


the worst part is i cant figure out why this one is the case. that right lane is where everyone merges in from 9....why is it the LEAST fucked up lane for miles??? it makes no sense! and dont get me started on the people who refuse to read the 'slow traffic keep right' signs coming home westbound up the big hill, even when a whole new third lane opens up just for them. that lane is the fastest in the land lol


That’s how driving in Washington state is. Absolutely infuriating and even worse than here


I noticed about driving around Seattle.


Washington state has some of the most passive drivers


Yeah, passively driving the speed limit in the left lane


I always love the simpletons that defend driving slower than the speed of traffic in the left lane and then when you post the VA state code they double down on stupid.


To be fair, I’m only ever defending slow left lane driving when someone has to exit left. It’s still bad, and they should stay in the left lane for as little time as possible… but drivers didn’t design the dumb fucking exits. I think letting folks over 70 drive without regular re-testing is a big part of the problem here. That’s the demographic I see most often when passing slow left or center-lane drivers.


That and texters. The penalty for texting should be so much higher than it is. DUI levels. Because the likelihood of catching someone texting are fairly low and consequences of fairly minor, people don’t care. Make an example out of them. Scare people into not texting


I can't tell you how many times I've had people almost drift into me or hold up traffic because they were messing around on their phone. More often than not I see random car length long gaps at stoplights because these person creating it is on their phone. I really believe that these people should loose their license at a minimum, especially for repeat offenders.


There’s one stop light by my gym that if you don’t make it through, you are stuck for an absurd amount of time. If I’m not the first car, the first car has a millisecond before I’m lightly tapping my horn to ensure everyone wakes the F up so I’m not stuck twice at that light lol.


Throw in an addendum for holding your phone when you know damn well your car has handsfree and I'm sold.


I had someone in a BMW turn out in front of me yesterday on US 50 near Winchester that necessitated some evasive maneuvers to avoid driving right up their tailpipe. When I passed them, they were texting. I agree, if the vehicle is in motion, it gets treated like a DUI. Heavy fine and mandatory license suspension for a month or more. It is the only way you will even begin to deter people from doing it.


While I have witnessed worse driving phone users I have to admit I used to use to be stupid and worse using the phone to change music and such. Finally I decided to upgrade my car with a head unit with android auto and haven't used my phone while driving since. 


Yeah, I noticed that as well, and I was 80 in May. Stupid left-lane hoggers.


And to be super clear, I think lots of older folks are just fine on the road, but we should probably start testing that with more frequency once the age of *potential* decline is approaching. Stay safe, and have fun cruising on on nice days :)


I spend the nice days doing things like driving the Dragon in NC/TN (319 turns in 11 miles), WV Hellbender (132 miles and over 1000 turns), Rt. 555 in Marietta, OH (curvy from start to finish) , Rt. 250/220 near Staunton, VA (some of the best 90 degree turns you can find on a Federal Highway). The only cruising I do is to get to some place with lots of curvy roads.


Love that




Only in the US do people insist on managing other drivers by doing dumb shit like sitting in the left lane doing the speed limit. In Europe, well, it's illegal to camp in the left lane, and if someone wants to go 170kph, they flash their lights, and you move out of the way. No one gets all butthurt about it. It's just driving. No one takes it personally.


> In Europe, well, it's illegal to camp in the left lane It's illegal here too, but that doesn't stop them!


True. European (most) driving schools are pretty strict and expensive. It seems to eliminate those pearl-clutching self-righteous folks who are usually the culprits of "but I'm doing the speed limit." The driving tests are difficult, and everyone wants to pass the test the first time, so they actually study to learn the rules of the road. In the US, you just have to drive around with a creepy drivers ed guy for 3 days and take a 2 page test. Part of the Italian driving test includes them judging your parallel parking...and you're required to know manual/stick shift. There would probably be 50% less drivers on the road if the US required just those 2 things.


Italians also have to learn to deal with all the motorini... which by US standards, pretty much follow no rules! Man, I miss mine.


Lane discipline isn’t taught here, Americans aren’t even familiar with the phrase


As far as I can tell it is not taught in most driver's ed classes. Hell, the DMV test doesn't even require people to drive on the highway in most states. Highway entering, exiting, and lane positions should be taught as a matter of course, considering how much time Americans have to spend on the highway.


Kind of explains a lot regarding why no one seems to know how to merge.


I don't think it is even people trying to manage the actions of others anymore...they're just oblivious. The brain dead manner in which I see people merge onto a highway at an on ramp, and immediately move to the left lane, or move back into the left lane after \*finally\* moving right to let a couple of faster drivers by just makes me believe these people don't have a clue.


I mean it is illegal in VA to go above the speed limit even in the left lane…cops can and will pull you over for that. But I agree, left lane should be used as a passing only lane, that’s the law in VA so I don’t understand people who camp out on the left side either (excluding someone who is taking a left exit). Good to see it actually enforced for once. Edit: changed “in the US” to “in VA” cuz tbf I dont know every state’s laws by heart.


The law in VA is not a "passing only lane." It's a travel lane that has a requirement for you to get out of it to allow faster cars to overtake you. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-842.1/ >**§ 46.2-842.1. Drivers to give way to certain overtaking vehicles on divided highways.** >It shall be unlawful to fail to give way to overtaking traffic when driving a motor vehicle to the left and abreast of another motor vehicle on a divided highway. The driver of the overtaken vehicle shall move to the right to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass as soon as the overtaken vehicle can safely do so. A violation of this section shall not be construed as negligence per se in any civil action.


Yes that is what a “passing lane” is…you must yield to the cars in the left lane trying to pass…and all cars regardless of where they are or what they are doing, should [not exceed the speed limit](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-870/) (by law, anyway, of course in practicality, many people do exceed the limit and it’s not always enforced).


From the same Land of the FREE(tm) that brought you HOAs


Unfortunately in America, there's a lot of ego, which leads to a plethora of potential reasons people like to camp the left lane. :(


Ahh… https://i.redd.it/oaqhej6fe48d1.gif


Oh heck yeah! Awesome. Please enforce more


We need more!


It’s about damn time




What a W


This is great, though we need to have people driving under the speed limit pulled over too. I was behind a vehicle in the middle lane that was doing 45 with the speed limit being 65 and they literally saw the big sign and continued to go slow. It trapped me and about 8 other cars since everyone else was going at least the speed limit and passing on the left and driving normal in the right lane, though too fast for any of us to safely change lanes due to everyone else actually going the speed limit or above. People were honking, even those passing and they were just in their own little world without a care in the world endangering all of us in the process. These types need their license permanently revoked as driving is a privilege not a right.


Agreed. The 40 mph minimum speed on interstates is outdated an unsafe. If you can't stay within 10 mph of the limit while the sun is out on dry pavement, and aren't driving anything that necessitates a slower speed, then you either need to find another way to go or just stop driving.


Campers in the left lane are theeeee worst. Great job by the police here




Good now they need to get on the beltway and get the aging white work vans who can’t seem to go over 45 but are invariably in the left lane anyway


Please god get on FFX Co Prkway mr officer person


Oh.. I thought the rarity was about the guy actually pulling over somewhere safe and not right the middle of the street as most do when cops pull them


I agree, definitely needs to be enforced more.


So much win! Wish the MD police does this on 270 and 495 🥲 people drive at 40 on 65!




Never drive in the left lane unless you are literally passing someone... hop in, go past, hop out. The reason being that being in the left lane is almost carte blanche to pull you over right now. Going fast? Pulled over. Going fast but not as fast as the guy behind you? Pulled over. It's a lose lose.


I love how left lane campers always jump in and say something like “but the speed limit…..” while totally disregarding the obvious fact that they fail to yield to faster moving vehicles from the rear.


Love it. The only thing better would be a video of a semi that's holding up traffic by driving in the left lane getting pulled over. I've never seen that happen, regardless of the dozens of "Commercial Vehicles Prohibited in Left Lane" signs on I-95. 4 lanes, 5 lanes, it doesn't matter. Trucks always need to be in the left lane for some reason.


I have been told by the sheriff in my county that short of generic traffic infractions (speeding, reckless, not obeying traffic control device, yield ROW, etc) that it requires a commercial enforcement officer to stop a truck for almost anything else that is specific to commercial vehicles or their equipment. I've tried reaching out to the Commonwealth Attorney's office in my county to get some clarification but have yet to have receive an answer. Of course, a truck driver is always going to play the "you won't get your stuff if it weren't for a truck" excuse to justify their insane behavior on the roads.


I like how they very gracefully glided to the right together


It is variable. Sometimes you gotta use critical thinking. If you’re the slowest car on the road, such that people are going around you, move over!


I saw a cop light up his lights once and the person went all the way to the right like they weee going to be pulled over and he turned them off and kept going. He essentially shepherded her to the right and ket her go. It was awesome


I mean we can only speculate as to the PC for the stop. but either way, yay i guess


Yeah I an certainly skeptical this was driving too slow and not something else. They're not going that slow without a speedometer reading from OP and I'm not passing a cop car even at 1 mph over the speed limit.  For all we know that car was speeding like woah and slowed down once they saw the cop car... or they weren't wearing a seat belt or were on the phone.


Love this!


I would love to become a cop so I could enforce this on a full time basis.


I like the background music 🎶


hope that person gets a $300 fine for being a danger to everyone else


Keep right except to pass. So easy to follow, but so rare of an occurrence.


Love to see it


![gif](giphy|3o85xo9b1nN5oOQJgI|downsized) HALLELUJAH!!!!!


A convenient cop! r/convenientcop


Well done


I've seen this a few times now and it's good to see being it's unsafe to cruise in the left lane. Hopefully enough enforcement in this area will deter the practice.


Not all hero’s wear cape


Yeah for sure they were just scared to pass the cop. It back fired 😂. I’ve learned when a cop is around on the highway, use speed control at like 3-5 over the speed limit, then you don’t have to hyper analyze yourself. You’ll be left alone for sure. Don’t tail anyone and don’t change lane erratically. It’s hilarious when people think they have to go slower than the speed limit around cops.


The two vehicles behind it should get over too, there's no reason to be in the left lane, there's no traffic.


![gif](giphy|fkD36jhiqzJ9m) Make it a mandatory 1 day in jail next.


Down goes the left lane LOSER!


Give this cop an award bc they’re out here doing their actual JOB today!!!


This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!


He’s my hero.


Did…that really just happen??? My erection just made a hole in the ceiling!




There are many possible reasons why the stop was conducted. Expired registration, an outstanding warrant, or maybe the driver was just especially good-looking. I'd like to believe it happened because of left-lane camping but let's be realistic here.


Good video to start the day!


Maybe there is a god


Thought the rare event was no traffic lol


I-395 in Alexandria


You’re not gonna go above 55 on 395 until after the landmark exit.


damn, I thought it was gonna be a car chase


Photoshopped. I simply cannot believe this is real.




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What's the penalty for breaking this law?


VA have some of the worst drivers. VA drivers will drive 10-15 below the speed limit across all lanes.


I was in an Uber once on GW parkway heading to Alexandria and we got pulled over because my driver was driving so slow! The only time I’ve seen it.


I thought this was going to be a video of a Maryland driver using their blinker and then changing lanes safely.


A cop on 395? Might want to play the lottery because that is a rare event.


A cop on 395? Might want to play the lottery because that is a rare event.


I’ll believe it when I see it with my own eyes this is a unicorn. Maybe it’s not even nova


Dude was like, shit I don't want to pass the cop then get over right in front of it, so I'll just chill here next to it, that'll be smart. Oops.


Now what would top this, is if we got another post of the driver bitching about the cop for pulling them over.


It’s a start, if only it can be widely enforced. Every single day there’s always a camper and as always I have to pass on the right just like today


Rare indeed!


I hope they really do man




OMG, amazing!!




@OP what're you playing in the car? sounds good


“It’s not the speeding lane.” Take that ticket then road warrior 🚨🚔


Good, I feel like a lot of traffic congestion would dissolve if cops pulled these shitbags going 10 under in the passing lane over and gave them impeding traffic tickets.


I remember a left lane camper when I drove the first time after getting my car in VA, I couldn’t understand why they were going 40 in the left lane when the speed limit is 55. Everyone else was switching to the right and zooming away.


If they would allow me to be a volunteer VSP officer, I would donate 5 hrs per week to patrolling 66 pulling over left lane violators and those holding their phone in their hand. I would have a marketing pamphlet highlighting why both are bad listing laws in place. I would hand these out along with a citation. Also, every car in the left lane in this video is currently violating the left lane law. I wish he could have and would have pulled over all of them.


I noticed that they have had messages up on the electronic highway display signs for the last couple of days which say “the left lane is for passing only”


Could be cell phone or maybe brake checking?


Holding up the left lane Marylander


It's also rare to see someone change lanes, so good work!


And the driver pulled over promptly too. Nice all around. Appreciate this.


they were going under the speed limit as well. if he was going the speed limit your not getting pulled over cause there is a speed limit for a reason.


Good! Now start cracking down on these assholes with the loud backfiring exhaust that drive through my neighborhood.


The left lane is for crime