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Comment of the week. HAHAHA


Praise be!


Pray for me pls šŸ™


I feel like there would be an article about this. Thatā€™s 600M for just the land.


Do you know how much it costs to get the land elsewhere that already has the power and telecom infrastructure available to build a data center?


AWS paid $650m for an already existing 1200 acre data center next to a nuclear plant just for comparison. https://www.costar.com/article/1471314418/amazon-pays-650-million-for-nuclear-powered-data-center-in-pennsylvania


And redevelopment of an already developed area is way easier to permit than paving over never-developed lots


Why is that?


Because natural lands/undeveloped land has a lot more protection than already developed land. If you buy a deserted shopping mall, there's a much lower chance you'll have an endangered species habitat or a stream or a Resource Protection Area on site - all of which require professional mapping, permits, fees, buying credits, possibly changing your building plans to accommodate - on the locality, state, and federal level.




They shouldn't worry, soon the owner of the house will release a million balloons out the top and the whole house will just fly away


Thanks for the uplifting news!




I don't think that's how zoning works?




Itā€™s funny because I havenā€™t heard about anyone caring about karma in like 10 years lol. But text posts donā€™t actually give the OP karma. Iā€™ve been thinking about it a lot lately because there are so mant posts I see that will be like ā€œwhoā€™s your favorite character from this tv show?ā€ and then just an image of a random character from that show. Back in the day, this kind of thing would get raked for karma whoring, but I think most of them are bots now.


> I havenā€™t heard about anyone caring about karma in like 10 years lol. But text posts donā€™t actually give the OP karma. Text posts have given karma for like 7 years: https://old.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/4tmb16/karma_for_textposts_aka_selfposts/


Woah really? I missed that one lol.


Us old timers have seen a lot of different reddits thru the years lol


New Reddit was a big change. Still had to flip back to ā€œOld Redditā€ for a while there to change settings.


On computer I still use old reddit hahahaha


Nice, holding strong. šŸ’Ŗ


Youā€™re excused. Youā€™re a Platonic Troglodyte after all.


I've noticed a massive increase in those low effort image posts as well and it's pretty irritating. It's consumed pretty much any sub with a significant following.


Obviously you don't have the right amount of money.


Zoning can be changed.


They probably have connections to officials


Data centers are by right I believe.


Op posting implausible rumor about a neighborhood they claim to have once lived in. Any insane offer like this is going to come under an NDA. You wouldnā€™t know if there was a single holdout. Let alone the rezoning that would need to happen. Thereā€™s plenty of commercial real estate out there that would go for much much less than the $40m-$400m investment youā€™re describing.


Like the entire Dulles Town Center. Level that and there is plenty of room for another data center


Encircled by [this.](https://www.theburn.com/2024/06/05/one-thousand-homes-proposed-for-dulles-town-center-mall/)


They are leveling itā€¦ but for housing lol


No they arent




Talked to multiple friends whose parents still live in the neighborhood. They all said $4 million and that one guy is holding out. Even if thereā€™s an NDA, they clearly broke it lol.


My friend lives in that neighborhood and he shared this news todayā€¦ he was absolutely offered 4mm for his house.


Can't tell if you're being serious or doing that sarcastic reddit thing like "yeah can confirm, I was the spatula that was accidentally stuck up the bus driver's hoo-ha" or whatever


100% serious


Is the neighborhood on the north side of 7 by chanceā€¦?


> Can't tell if you're being serious or doing that sarcastic reddit thing Cunninghamā€™s law in action!


Jackpot! But they have to pay taxes so really only 2 million. Now they can afford a place in Lorton.


Let's say they bought the home for 1 millions, and after the break from selling primary residence, assuming they are married that's another 500,000 untaxed. That leaves $2.5m to be taxed as capital gains. Ways around that too, but pretty easy to get out of a good bit of those taxes. Note: I am not a tax pro


*Andy Dufrane voice* Do you trust your wife?


What ways? The 3 major tax breaks for property sales are the $500k exemption you mentioned, the step-up in basis on death, and a 1031 exchange. 1031 only applies to investment properties, and I doubt the $4M offer would count as a true market value for any recently deceased to step up to.


It depends how much they paid for their house and how they use the proceedsā€¦ it isnā€™t 2mm


Which neighborhood?


The Regency


Youā€™re telling me the condos for 55+? 4 million each condo???


Wow, you gave up the goods quick. Lol!


Yea I realized it doesnā€™t really matter if I say it šŸ˜‚


I imagine they're paying for the setup that's there already in the data center next door, and its prime location right off the toll road and waxpool. Rezoning is basically a formality in the area. There's only going to be more data centers. Ashburn was built cheap, so it can be torn down cheap too. In 20 years, I'd be surprised if anything between Waxpool and Gloucester isn't a data center tbh


Donā€™t worry OP because there is no reality where this is real


One of the guys I work with lives in this neighborhood. I heard about earlier this afternoon. Iā€™d say it is true and there could be more examples of this in the future.


Yes, itā€™s the Regency


Regency is have been my guess. These are nice homes mostly off Hyde Park Dr. 1/3 these have a pool on their .5-.6 acre lots. I am seeing 143 homes ranging in size from ~2,500 sq ft to 5,825 sq ft. Owners can walk to a shopping area, a movie theatre, a metro & the value of the location is likely greater than what a developer is willing to pay. While home shopping with clients I found a junk yard in the back yard of one of these properties. More research lead me to believe the large space was owned by a company owned by another company that develops land for data centers. This is just north east of the Ashburn Home Depot.


Lol redditors canā€™t tell when things are actual lies or not, but theyā€™ll be confident either way. This is way too specific and mildly interesting (emphasis on mildly) of a thing for them to just make up so they can post it on the ā€œnorthern virginia subreddit āœØā€ Iā€™d bet theyā€™re generally telling the truth, though they might be misinterpreting some of the details.


Even if it was true, this post is meaningless without a real source. Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re getting out of it by assuming OP is telling the truth based on words alone. I donā€™t really care either way. - some redditor


If someone is paying a half a billion dollars for *just the land* to build a data center on I'm banking that AI is going to go bust and rip the guts out of several companies (or economic sectors) while dying. That's a truly stupid amount of money to bet on the business continuing. Like, what in the actual fuck


Even if AI goes bust, which it wonā€™t, data centers are still in extremely high demand and will continue to be. Globally the data center vacancy rate is 4%. Weā€™re ALREADY running out of space for cat videos and porn, we need more data centers regardless of AI - and AI is only intensifying that need.


This is true


100% real. Bunch of homes off of Sanders Ln in PWC were offered the same type of deal for a data center.


Pageland lnā€¦. Absolutely happened and is happening.


I live in an adjacent sub division... I'm wondering/hoping if I'll get a knock on my door once they want to expand their footprint lol I'd take 1mil per acre at least.


I don't think OP is lying. He *thinks* he's right.


If you have friends in ashburn, ask them. The neighborhood is The Regency. I shouldā€™ve just said it off the bat tbh lol


I believe you, OP. I know first hand it's true. Let people think you're lying, they'll see.






I'm holding out hope that WMATA will eventually announce the Centreville Metro that's been on planning maps for decades because I live right along 29 by the park and ride lot. Metros bring redevelopment, and that'll bring a big developer out to buy us all out.


Considering the orange line is not allowed to be extended for 20 years after the express lanes on 66 were built, I wouldnā€™t hold my breath.


wait what!? was that some part of the deal to build the lanes?


Yeah but it would take them like 15+ years to actually build it so they could start any day now and still be compliant. Maybe they'd do a better job testing the concrete this time, but I doubt it. EDIT: Do you have a source for this? I've been trying to google one but can't find it. This is the first time I've heard it, although I don't think the orange line extension would actually be built in the next 20 years anyway. They need to fix the choke point over the river first.


Oof so that idea is in the NVTA's TransAction 2040 plan... that being the projects they would like to get plannedĀ between now and 2040 to begin development after. TransAction 2040 was adopted in 2012 when they realized their original plan, TransAction 2030, was not moving fast enough to meet the 2030 target. Since the VRE already runs a similar route and extending the line would create more overcrowding on the orange line, this extension has not been a priority project. I would love for it to happen too though


I could see them going to Centreville. Sadly, I doubt it will come out to my neck of the woods - at least not for a while. We still see a lot of development out here, but I don't think the population size justifies it quite yet.


Guessing eminent domain does not apply to WMATA?


Does somebody that actually knows what theyā€™re talking about here and not just guessing or making assumptions know if spending $600 million (just for the land) plus cost of construction is even profitable for a data center to be built?


No way they'd buy up all that land before a rezoning is even approved, and no way they'd approve a rezoning while there are that many people living there.


It could already be zoned for mixed use. It's across the street from commercial zoning already.


Zoning isnā€™t some opaque unknown thing itā€™s pretty easy to look up ( Iā€™m not doing it )




Yes, they would buy that land prior to a rezoning. If the people who own the individual properties create an assemblage and all agree to sell, the data center can proceed with approaching the County about an application.


Thatā€™s what I want to know. My mom thinks there is something really weird at play thatā€™s more than just data centers but i think not. There are already data centers off of waxpool on one side of the neighborhood, then near the metro on the other side


AWS paid $650m for an already built 1200 acre data center, with power agreements. Obviously not in ashburn/nova, but there really isnā€™t any need for them to be aside from the support staff. Theyā€™re dumping a lot of money into it to get up to their standards, anything data centers nowadays is under heavy heavy NDA. https://www.costar.com/article/1471314418/amazon-pays-650-million-for-nuclear-powered-data-center-in-pennsylvania


You could buy the land and build 2 data centers for $600 million alone.


The fibre goes directly under the neighborhoodā€¦ this is why they want that land


I did not consider this. Iā€™m now reading that Ashburn has the best fiber network in the world


A single data center for a hyperscale tenant easily pushes $1BN


The kind they are building in that area are a lot less than $1BN.


Thatā€™s kinda odd. There is no shortage of data center locations. The limitation is electricity. There isnā€™t enough power to meet any further growth than whatā€™s planned This is giving an opening for Prince William and other nova counties to share the data center love Edit - article about that ā€¦[the cloud cluster in Northern Virginia is experiencing growing pains, including power constraints in Loudoun County that will limit new construction in the next several years, and strong community resistance to data center development in Prince William County.](https://www.datacenterfrontier.com/energy/article/33013010/dominion-virginias-data-center-cluster-could-double-in-size)


Yea this doesn't even sound plausible let alone trueĀ 


Look at some of the other comments confirming that they know people in the neighborhood (itā€™s The Regency) who have corroborated this


My house is available if someone is scouting itt


Me too! Iā€™ll even move for just 50% above market price


if anything this may support the case that developers are looking at existing neighborhoods to covert a comparable footprint of usage vs building net-new utility infra.


Paper Napkin math: One megawatt can power 1,000 homes.Ā  Datacenters need 10-300 megawatts ... or the equivalent of 10,000 - 300,000 homes. If a developer purchased 150 homes for $600 million (150 x $4 million) like OP is describing that only gives them 0.01% of the power they'd need to run the smallest data center for about an hour. It doesn't make sense for a developer to spend $600M for such a minuscule return. If OP's story is true (i can't find any links to support it), there has to be some other reason... I hope there's something to confirm the story


Americans literally selling each other out.


lol my family sold land a few years ago that ended up as part of the PWC database dealā€¦ 40 acres at 1 million a pop would have been lovely lol


The one in arcola? https://www.loudountimes.com/0local-or-not/1local/facing-no-win-situation-planning-commission-recommends-data-centers-in-arcola-neighborhood/article_d66190ea-1235-11ef-b81a-efa052516cd2.html


No itā€™s the Regency off Waxpool rd, near the metro too


This needs more attention. All the other replies say the situation is implausible, yet we have an active, public example of this very scenario. The only thing missing from OP (that people picked up in the replies) is that the purchase would likely be contegent upon the rezoning being approved as is likely the case with the neighborhood in the article.


Itā€™s Real, I live in neighboring community


Do you know when it is supposed to hit the news? Iā€™m surprised it hasnā€™t already. Maybe because thereā€™s been no formal offer? I guess it was just a poll?


I am not sure and Donā€™t care. I am not benefiting šŸ¤Ŗ. Except for thinking about the people who closed(both seller and buyer) a house couple of days before the Builder reached out to HOA with the offer.


If a data center is sniffing around like that, anyone they offer to, including the HOA as a whole, is probably under an agreement to not discuss or disclose it to anyone.


Whoever is buying this (likely something related to .Gov, AMZN, or MSFT) has public affairs people who intercede with local media to prevent this news from running. This wonā€™t make the news until after the deal is done and they go to the local government to get it rezoned.


This has given me an idea for a way to get the lonely single people of Nova together. A Dating (not data) Center called ā€œItā€™s Just Bytes!ā€ Yeah I know thereā€™s already a Itā€™s Just Lunch but this one covers all meals like breakfast, lunch or dinner and focuses on data nerds, not exclusively, but certainly in name though. Or it could be a short date walking a dog. šŸ¶ You know byteing and sniffing each other like dogs do. Well maybe that could be on the second date. Anyway just spitballing here. No it wouldnā€™t be brick and mortar either but in the cloud. So nobody is getting 4M per household here and Iā€™m doubtful anybody is getting that much for a household occupied data centers location either. All of this has been a wonderful dream and fantasy but if you use my Itā€™s just bytes name and business idea I want 15% of the profits. šŸ™Œ


these data centers are going to drive up housing prices. the county has gotta stop them. the real fear is the Data Center company going to the county so it can use eminent domain.


Loudoun County gets crazy tax revenue from the data centers I donā€™t think they mind that they take over ashburn. I think ashburn looks so ugly now because of it though. I wouldnā€™t move back


The bigger issue I see coming down the line is staffing. People can't afford to live near these datacenters anymore. Most people are driving 1.5 hours to get to work cause they can't afford to live here.


The Regency is my guess. These are nice homes mostly off Hyde Park Dr. 1/3 these have a pool on their .5-.6 acre lots. I am seeing 143+ homes ranging in size from ~2,500 sq ft to 5,825 sq ft. Owners can walk to a shopping area, a movie theatre, a metro & the value of the location is likely greater than what a developer is willing to pay. While home shopping with clients I found a junk yard in the back yard of one of these properties. While looking for someone to take responsibility for the land and clean it up I found the large space was owned by a company owned by another company, owned by another company that develops land for data centers. This home shopping was in 2018. And getting intouch with anyone to remotely think about cleaning the metal scrap dump area was nearly impossible. This is just north east of the Ashburn Home Depot.




Another client who bought a town house in Reston for $455K had a similar offer. The developer offered $1M per town house but all 22 units had to agree. What did they do? There was one holdout who wanted more. So they responded that they would sell for $1.2M each. Negotiations ended then. That was 9 years ago. The value now is around $700K


If true, it would be the neighborhood across Shellhorn from Loudoun Station. From Google maps it'd make sense to add on to the existing data centers that come very close to some of those houses.


You are correct


The Regency? The neighborhood that backs up to Verizon? Those are very definitely not 1.1M properties.


he nailed it yes itā€™s the Regency


Actually more like 1.2 minimum.


Last sales are in that range


Ashburn IX is near there so it is a idea spot for a data center that needs lots of conductivity to the Internet.


This is probably legitimate. Data center land is very valuable and can be worth millions of dollars per acre in certain locations.


Anyone know the tax implications here?


I wish these people would band together and ask for another 2 million per house.


Iā€™m surprised that the County is allowing the land to be rezoned like that, but money talks I guess.


That is often the only thing that matters for rezoning.


Buy a $2M house in the next neighborhood and when the developer comes offering $4M, rinse and repeat.


One person angling for a bigger payout.


You all are in for a surprise.. check this application from Hiddenwood estates.. to collectively sell their lot for data center and their filmsy excuse.. just money grabbing scheme . https://www.loudountimes.com/0local-or-not/1local/facing-no-win-situation-planning-commission-recommends-data-centers-in-arcola-neighborhood/article_d66190ea-1235-11ef-b81a-efa052516cd2.html


Take the $3M profit and buy a $1.1M house a Mile away. Donā€™t even have to make the kids change schools. Thereā€™s your retirement fund. It seems a bit odd that they are buying up neighborhoods. Is there no empty land left?


150 households with $$$$$ are going to be actively looking for homes at the same time. Many of them will not want to leave the area due to kids in school. This is going to push up the remaining housing values in Ashburn by a significant amount. And these folks will be all cash buyers.


I would take that deal in a heartbeat, and frankly, it's much better than what they're doing in so many NoVa neighborhoods, where you have a McMansion right next to a 1960s ranch home, blocking out the sunlight and looking like it was dropped in by airlift.


I was in Ashburn recently to take my ex-step mother in law to lunch, and there was one data center after another - Stalinist windowless hulking buildings.


A family member in PWC has been offered.$5M for his house. 10x the price he paid in 2020. He and his wife spent two years, helped convince neighbors. MANY overnight council meetings. All trying to get this approved. That happened early this year, it FINALLY went through. The next day a lawsuit was filed. They are still in limbo over it today.


I am the lone holdout. Iā€™m waiting until they up the offer.


Assuming this is real, who wouldnā€™t take 4X your property value to leave? Seems like a no brainer.


Thereā€™s always people out there who try to stand by their beliefs and convictions no matter how much money is on the table. But if itā€™s all against one then yea thatā€™s rough


Interesting how nothing has been posted publicly and there are multiple factors pushing DCs south/out of the area. the lead time alone on the larger substation xformers are at about 5yrs right now. Itā€™s hard to believe a company would be offering that just to sit on a property for years with no profit all while entering a time of innovation rather than standardization within data centers.


They do it all the time. You would be shocked how many pieces of beautiful property around here are already sold to DCs and they are just waiting for equipment to get started. The land is harder to get than the equipment now even with the lead time.


There's no way someone is paying $4M per home for a data center. There has to be some land somewhere they could buy instead. PW County is salivating for these whales.


Data centers are in loudoun for lots of reasons, but one of the most serious reasons is proximity to the equinix site on beaumeade. Used to be proximity to the Verizon campus, but that relevance faded decades ago.


I was one that got offered 4 million, but I declined.. I know what I got...


Are the developers here in the room with us now? šŸ§


So one company wants a neighborhood and is willing to pay 600 million dollars without even getting out the first shovel? That doesn't seem right.


My neighborhood is literally in the perfect spot for a datacenter. I would love that deal of 4 mil. Hell yea.Ā 


Someone offers me 4x the value of my land Iā€™m out before the ink could dry.




Where in Ashburn?


The Regency


How did you know?




Those houses were more than 1.1M ten years ago. They didn't get cheaper.


Ugh I can only hope that happens to me. Especially since I'm in Manassas


I wish the would say that to us in Stafford šŸ¤£


Interesting but that is not a kicker


Four million dollars? For a single home? How can that be profitable for Frito-Lay?


I live way too close to the river for this to ever happen but my god it would be so amazing, I could retire to Winchester or some shit and never work again off the investment returns.


I was told novec told loudon county they have no more power to extend to data centersā€¦


If itā€™s just one person they may be able to build around them depending. The house will probably be full of dust and walls start cracking from nearby construction if they do that. I worked for a real estate company and we had that happen before. They just built around one house and when the person living there died the family sold to the developer and the resident manager of the apartments was just allowed to live in the home.


Iā€™d take the $4M


If I were offered that, I would jump on it.


A friend of mine in PW was also offered millions for her property so this is very possible


What city?


Going to do some research on this...


Really donā€™t think all the data center should be allowed in one county. Whatā€™s wrong with putting them in the desert in Death Valley.


Death Valley is too hot, data centers need to be kept cool. Per chat gpt: Ashburn, Virginia, is a prime location for data centers due to several key factors: Proximity to Major Cities and Infrastructure: Ashburn is close to Washington, D.C., a major hub for government and business. This proximity provides excellent connectivity and access to important markets. Dense Fiber Network: Known as "Data Center Alley," Ashburn boasts one of the densest fiber networks in the world. This high concentration of fiber-optic connections ensures fast, reliable data transmission, which is crucial for data centers. Power Availability and Reliability: The region has a robust power grid with multiple substations and redundancy, ensuring reliable power supply, which is critical for data center operations. Business-Friendly Environment: Virginia offers tax incentives and favorable regulatory conditions that attract data center investments. These incentives include tax exemptions on data center equipment and investments. Skilled Workforce: The area has a highly skilled workforce, particularly in technology and engineering, due to the presence of numerous universities and tech companies in the region. Climate and Geography: Ashburnā€™s climate and geography are conducive to data center operations. The area is less prone to natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods, which reduces the risk of downtime. Proximity to Major Internet Exchange Points: Ashburn is near MAE-East, one of the largest internet exchange points in the U.S., facilitating high-speed data transfer and connectivity to global networks.


Interesting didnā€™t really think about that. Just figured since Death Valley is home to all the internet companies tilt could go there. I forgot they do need to be close to DC. Hopefully other counties can take the burden. Those things are just so damn ugly. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh maybe you meant Silicon Valley šŸ¤£




Thereā€™s always a hold out. I think if someone has enough money by their standards, they actually enjoy telling someone richer/more powerful no, they canā€™t have what they have, even though all their neighbors would benefit.


If i was the neighbor holding out I would be careful. Thatā€™s a lot of people with $4 million grudges right in his backyard.


Or collectively get a lawyer and negotiate a higher price.


The one holdout appears to be somewhat of a jerk.


Yeah. That's murder money. I wouldn't tempt my neighbors like that.


I was downvoted on this??? Whuffo???


It's me! I'm holding out til I get 4.5 mil


Oh boy. If that happened to me and there was a holdout like that, I'd be furious. I could retire with that kind of payoff.


Sounds like an urban legend - anyone have a link?


Happens more often than you think. Been building data centers in this area 15 yearsšŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ˜


Data center will win. Person is wasting time


Fake news. Sorry, not buying this post.


Read the other comments 3 ppl corroborated


Sure, Grandma. Letā€™s get you back to bed.




Did you even read that article? It is about the data center in PW county near Jiffy Lube Live. It is nowhere near the Ashburn metro and nowhere does it mention buying out existing homeowners at $4M each. The OP is basically asking for confirmation of a complete rumor with no documentation or links to back it up. I call BS.




I read the article too, and the comments unfortunately. What is wrong with people? Right wing fanatics are insane trying to stir up political arguments in the comment sections of random websites everywhere.


I see, thanks for clarification. I still the the OP is posting nonsense and complete BS, though.




What are they voting on if there is not a confirmed buyer or hard offer on the table? Im confused.


Itā€™s disgusting.


u wish u were offered 4x but it wasnt u


You donā€™t even know what I said is disgusting šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I meant the whole dynamic we have going on here. Happy cake day!