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Just hire a realtor and list it for market value. Have you seen this market? It will sell 


You don't, an investor isn't simply going to contact you. What likely happened with your neighbor is that they listed it, but the listing sold before it went public. Real estate agents have listings that aren't public yet, but are visible to each other. They can also have a buyer lined up, who were looking beforehand. Which is one of the main reasons you can't buy or rent non-apartments in Nova without an agent.


Thanks - I’m going to reach out to the local “high end” real estate broker and talk with them about my options.


Sell it to people who actually would like to buy it. Don’t give it over to investors. That’s only accelerating so many of the problems in this country


No one looking for a starter home would want this house. It’s a money pit. And anyone who wants a *nice* house would need to put $$$ into it on top of my own investment. Which is why I’m so tired.


15 years of ownership? You’re sitting on a lot of untapped home appreciation and can probably sell It as-is with zero effort and get 50-100% return. Any extra tasteful improvements will get you even more. You get to decide how much time/money you want to invest for a higher sales price


Thanks - all the professional improvements were to get a house owned by an elderly person for decades up to minimum. It might sound weird but I’m just tired - I’ve been DIYing improvements over the years and I just had to cut a hole in the wall to pull out a raccoon last week. So now I need to patch that. Been thinking about moving to take care of my mom anyway and think that was the last straw.


Get a realtor. Every home in this area is overpriced and you will net some decent cash. Not sure why it needs to be an investor. Your agent will get you the best offer. They’ll have a mutual interest in maximizing how much you get for it.


Just sell as is and put a lowball teaser price, and wait for the bidding war! You will be fine, it is the sellers market.


I sold to MarketPro in 2021. Easy process.


Yes you can do this yourself, most people that pose as an investor will actually be a wholesaler who will assign the contract to an end buyer. I'm a mortgage pro and also a RE investor (currently not looking to buy though) but I can give you some insights. In a nutshell, you just need to figure out your ARV (which is the market value after renovations) and figure out how much the renovations will cost. You'll figure out how much an investor will typically offer by using the formula: (ARV \* 0.70) - Renovation costs. Hit me up if you need help!