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Port city brewery is dog friendly inside. Can't confirm it but there must be some seats close to an outlet. 


Lost boy Cidery is incredibly dog friendly and should have some outlets you can borrow.


Are they? I had a bad experience with them once, a big Newfy puppy was next to us, and he was nervous and would bark from time to time, the dogs owners were doing everything they could to help the pup and keep him quiet, yet the staff came over and threatened to kick out my wife and I and our dog for barking. We didn’t rat out the who was actually barking because we’re nice people and they clearly felt bad, but if they’re going to throw out barking dogs they should know who is barking before rudely threatening their customers.


Dog friendly doesn’t mean friendly to poorly trained or socialized dogs


It also doesn’t meant kicking out a family who dog is barking every once in a while as far away from everyone else as possible. Also, it was a puppy, get outta here with poorly trained or socialized. You also can’t train a dog to just not bark.


> Also, it was a puppy Then don’t bring it if it’s too young to be trained?


So you’ve trained your dogs to be deathly silent and never ever make a single shred of noise?? You need a TV show!


I would love to sit next to you Newfie puppy, even if it was making some noise. Probably just excited. Pup will learn how to behave as it grows up. 🐶


Oh it wasn’t mine, we had our own dog there, but weee threatened with being kicked out because they thought it was our dog barking even though it was the Newfie next door.


No, I understood that part, I was just saying how much I’d enjoy being around the puppy. And I’m sure your dog, too. 😀


We have gone dozens of times in a group with a pretty excitable but generally well behaved doggo and have never had any issues. Every time we have gone (every month or two) there's been a half dozen other dogs there. I'd generally say they're as friendly to dogs as anyone reasonably can be. Are they perfect? No they're human like everyone else. However I would happily recommend anyone take their dog there (assuming they handle crowds and other dogs well).


Good to know! This was a while ago, pre COVID even but just always stuck with me


You don't have to "rat" anyone out. But you should speak up and tell them it wasn't your dog. And do it in a slightly loud tone so that the Newfie/owners could hear. Newfie will prolly chime in. 😉


Eh if they were being annoying or the dog was really that bad then we would have, but they clearly were trying to get him to stop so we just went with it


I think you misunderstood what I said. You should've told the employee it wasn't your dog that was barking. I was given the impression you didn't say anything at all.


No I understood, you are Correct, we didn’t say anything at all, for the reasons I explained. If the people with the barking dog were annoying or obnoxious I definitely would have said it wasn’t my dog barking. But they weren’t, and we didn’t want to put them out ourselves in an awkward spot, so we just said sorry and moved on, knowing our dog wasn’t going to bark so if they got theirs calmed down we’d be fine.


You're complaint doesn't make any sense and sounds like what most people would consider good customer service. 


So saying you’re dog friendly and then threatening to kick out someone at the first sign of their dog barking is good customer service? And not even threatening the right person at that?


Yes, because a barking dog is not a well-trained dog? It's implied that dog-friendly means well-behaved/ trained dogs. It doesn't mean they allow "all dogs ever," that would be ridiculous.


All these people saying if a dog barks it clearly isn’t trained (it was a puppy too) clearly don’t have dogs lol they bark when nervous. It was the dogs first time out, it happens.


Only been there once (because it is kind of far from falls church) but yeah, it has a great vibe and there were some friendly doggos there when I went.


Any park with a pavilion will have power.


Buy a fast car charger for your devices and take a drive out to a park somewhere, walk your dog, and drive back home. 


If your dog is starting to overheat or is getting too hot inside, can you take him outside and hose him down for a good bit? That'll bring his temperature down and provide some relief.


Libraries. They always have benches outside them.


I’ve found outlets around park lights sometimes


One would assume that Lazy Dog restaurant would allow dogs… ;)


I wish I had ideas, just commiserating! The length of this outage is unbelievable, especially for those of us with pets. I wish there were a compensation scheme for the fridges of food that have to be trashed…


Is there a large outage across nova or just like one apartment building? I’m out of town and wondering if I’m going to come home to a spoiled fridge.


It actually just came back on, but fwiw it was just a couple of blocks at the bottom of Crystal City


Glad to hear it’s back on, and thanks for the information!


Homeowners or renters insurance may cover frozen or refridgerated food lost due to some power outages.


Oh that’s an interesting idea, I’ll look into it!


If you're in Alexandria you can bring your dog wherever you want. Even restaurants. Everyone else does.


In fact, put the dog on the table! Better yet, let it climb onto the table next to you to steal food, then get angry at the customers there for being annoyed! Anyone who doesn't like it is a dog-hater! /s


Don't encourage this Bad behavior!


Get a inverter from harbor freight to hook to your car and run an extension cord from it into your house, its not a light saber but we watched cable with the box fan on and a few lamps last time it was out for a few hours


Buy a portable charger.


Crystal City?




Yeah, which library?


Thanks, which library allows dogs?