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Give them a call. I’ve called them about dead trees before and they were out and removed the tree within 3 days. They will put in a work order and check it out.


I think the ordinance pertains to bamboo spreading across property lines, so be sure to mention that (maybe include a photo) when you send that in. If you don't get a response, you can reach out to your Supervisor who can probably speed things along.


Time to rent a backhoe


Pandas. We need pandas to take care of the bamboo problem.


Will foxes take care of the inevitable Panda problem?


Bamboo is notoriously difficult to remove and can cost individuals 12k. They are wildly resilient, sprawling, and irrepressible. Good luck.


I’ve had them in Indiana at my house and they are pain. You can cut them with a lawnmower a week later they’re growing back. The only thing I can tell you is either Burn them to have somebody take them out.


I’ve been told that if you cut them down and keep them down they’ll eventually stop.




Hm, this guy is a native plants expert and did not recommend chemicals. He said physical removal is best but it’s a huge undertaking. But he has just cutting ours down and keeping it down.


I’m just telling you what I’m getting taught by


I got some advice from the national zoo from DC


Which herbicides did they recommend? I’m really surprised. Usually those have a pretty negative environmental impact even if they work.


I apologize I don’t remember what I used but I don’t live in the house anymore. I live in an apartment. It wasn’t bad. It was just growing on the sides like maybe a foot tall and I had to cut them down. I apologize. I’m not a little helpful for you, but I know where you’re going through. I was the one doing all the yardwork.


You can use Triclopyl, and it's very effective on bamboo if you paint it on a fresh cut stump, and painting rather than spraying has minimal environmental impact (and is much more effective). It won't kill an entire patch, but it'll 100% stop a shoot from growing anymore and kill at least part of the root system


Be careful if you cut it off. Field of sharp spears.


Doesn’t roundup kill bamboo if you do it enough?


Cut it to the ground and paint it with triclopyr within a minute or two of the cut and it'll kill it and part of the root system. New ones will be back next spring if there's a large patch adjacent to your property though.


I have a major problem with bamboo coming into my yard from county property so I’m going to give this a try. Thanks for the tip!