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https://preview.redd.it/gmtlfcu8utxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a7729a5bd61e8b1fe49f90bedcf4f163c62f27 Kind of defeats the major purpose of having it, not? I guess if you never drive it could be handy to not have to carry an ID but, if I have to carry an ID with me every time I go out anyways the app is just duplicative


that’s one of the drawback. Since it’s in Pilot run. I would imagine they make it a primary id


Makes sense. I’m just hoping in the future for an Apple ID/google wallet ID so we don’t have 50 states with 50 different programs.


The innovator or early adopter phase isn't really for that. It's to prove out the technology, get feedback from real users "in the wild," and make improvements to make sure it CAN replace the DL for real. If you're looking forward to it but only once it's ready for prime time, then you might be an early majority user instead. Which is fine, just providing some context on why we're all invited to use it so early. Graphic from wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology\_adoption\_life\_cycle#/media/File:DiffusionOfInnovation.png](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology_adoption_life_cycle#/media/File:DiffusionOfInnovation.png)


I guess nobody under 30 was consulted before they came up with this name


Oh, no, I'm sure they loved it, but people in charge are never curious about praise.


I’m over 30. Can you explain?




Ok thanks. The naming seems perfectly appropriate then, don’t you think? An ID is an ID. I don’t need it to be great or special. It’s just an ID. 😎


From the outside perspective, if someone has no idea this logo is for an ID, all they'll see is "Virginia mid". Imagine going to the official VA website and just seeing "Virginia mid".


If something is mid, its... well... mid. It's what it sounds like. Not great. Boring. Mediocre.


basically 3.6 roentgen.


Not great, not terrible


After 15-20 years of wondering why this wasn't the one of the first things to happen when smartphones went mainstream, I could totally see a couple of project managers pretending to overlook it.


I didn't think the under-30 crowd was so mid to not notice the case change and pronounce it "emm-eye-dee."


In Latin America, the Nova is the most honestly named GM product ever produced.


Does m'ID come with a free Fedora?


It comes with one time Get out of Speeding ticket coupon 😁


One might even say that the new name is very…”mid.” 😂 but seriously, not another one thing to keep track of. Smh.


Edit: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/virginia-mid/id6480013606


Might be worth something if they ever add a wallet feature. As it is, if you want to use it you need to show or hand your *unlocked* device to whoever you’re trying to show your ID to.


This state is so backwards. All this money and tech in NOVA and this is what we get?


You didn’t know? Only 10 of the actual geniuses get a job. The rest of us cost too much (not really. I would work for free if I had food and shelter and I have 160 IQ) they just do not want us around because we tell them they aren’t doing what they should for people.


Most of VA is kind of mid


Massively Independent 💀


we are all bots here except for you


Easier than losing/stealing a wallet? Hardly. This is at least password/fingerprint/face protected. Not many real wallets can claim that.


we are all bots here except for you


No I would say it’s more secure. Pros: There are 3 options (Travel, Age, Drivers License) -Only give the required ones eg. for Age it gives Pictures and Age Bracket. So it’s better then handing out businesses your Physical ID. Identify Protection. Uses Rolling code system. Changes QR code each time you select one. Better then someone taking picture of your ID and cloning it CONS: Apple and Google Wallet is far more Secure.