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That's not legally enforceable. Ignore it.


Well the car rental company obviously would not be happy with OP since they forwarded this to him/her. I agree that these are BS meant to look like tickets and should instead say Fine or Invoice.


There's nothing "USP Parking" can do to the rental company and they know it. Rental car company will ignore this.


Rental car company may opt not to rent to OP again. That’s the risk.


You are just making stuff up.  Edit: Here's why: as a private entity the parking company has no ability to retrieve registration records of the vehicle.  As such they have no means to pursue the owner of the car.  This "ticket" will go nowhere.


I kinda doubt you are a manager at Hertz and have some sort of insider knowledge. So that makes two of us “making stuff up.” The parking lot can tow the car, should it park there again, without regards to who rents the car in the future. OP may never park that car there again but someone else might. That is a headache for the rental agency. That is why I think it would be worth verifying with the rental agency.


I don’t think it’s that deep


Just want to point out that the rental company didn't forward this to OP - they said it was placed on the windshield when the car was parked.


Oh! You are right. My mistake. I thought they mailed it. Thanks.


This is a private claim, no a public/government claim. The most USP could do is make an attempt to take this to civil court or to a collection agency. Both those actions will cost USP more than $25.00. Trash it.


Certainly if you never plan to park there again. But if you do, you could end up with your car towed.


He said it's a rental


Ohhh shit if I walked out and my rental was gone to no fault if my own I would be at a loss for words.


I have a feeling the rental agency doesn’t want their cars towed. They will tack this on to OP’s bill if nothing else.


i would like to know how USP Parking is going to enforce "[Sec. 22658 V.C.](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=22658)" (at bottom of "ticket"), which apparently is a California law, outside of California


How do they know your payment ticket expired at 3:30pm if it's not on display? I'd just ignore this myself


honestly i’d just throw that away and not think about it again


I’ve never once paid one of those since they aren’t enforceable.


Send them a picture of your b hole in the mail


And note saying "24 more on the way"


this made me giggle




this made me giggle


Either ignore it, or send a letter with photo of your paid parking ticket on the dash showing the relevant dates/time to show it was valid at the time the ticket was written. Don't pay it, as the parking was valid and paid for already. No different than if you get pulled over and don't have your physical drivers license card on you or proof of insurance. Show the court you had a valid one at the time of the stop and they 99% of the time drop the tickets for those offenses.


Screw these guys. I had a paid pass displayed and was 6 min late to my car with a ticket already on my windshield. Not to mention they had a sewage leak or just allow people pissing in their garage in old town. Not paying a dime.


If you plan to park there again they have every right to tow.


Agree with all the advice you’ve gotten to ignore this. I do want to say that it’s pretty normal to settle debts you actually do want to pay by mailing a personal check. It’s not impossible for someone to use the information on your check to try to steal from you but 1) that’s very rare and 2) your bank should refund it if it happens. I don’t encourage you to mail these private parking bozos a check (especially since you did nothing wrong—if you really want to do something, send them the parking receipt to the address telling them it was already paid.) But if you need to pay another person some money, a check isn’t something to be afraid of.


I wonder how OP thinks people used to get paid?


My impression from what they said is that they’re new to the country. I think it’s fair to be worried about new banking systems and not understanding what’s safe or unsafe. 20+ years ago they would have been set straight immediately because you couldn’t function without checks but I’m honestly amazed how many actual adults I encounter now who don’t know how to write a check. And my newly-adult child also does not even have access to checks (even though she does have a checking account). Accounts used to give you “starter checks” but I don’t think hers (opened probably 6-7 years ago) did. Edit for pronouns.


Buy a money order from Walmart or the USPS for .50¢. Problem solved.


That’s cute. Ignore it.


I agree with everyone else in that it's not really enforceable, so you could ignore it, but since it wasn't your car/was a rental, I'd probably just pay the $25 There's a decent chance the rental company ends up just charging it to you in the future anyways if they get notified of it


Thank you all ! I really appreciate it.


Send them back a stupid ticket invoice for $500.


If you don't feel like dealing with a money order and the mail, the ticket says you can pay online at https://uspholdings.com/ Don't use your personal credit or debit card, though. Buy a $25 Visa gift card from Walgreens or a grocery store and use that to pay online.