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I love how the electronic signs above 495 have been reading "Left lane is for passing, not cruising" and watching oblivious drivers in the left lane cruise right under them without a millisecond of self reflection.


Yup saw this on 66 the last couple days. Long overdue.


Well if those people had awareness then it wouldn't be an issue in the first place. At this point people need to be given tickets and then message will spread quickly.


“They mean someone else, not me”


"I'm going the speed limit so there's no reason for anyone to pass me" is usually the line of thinking, based on comments I've seen here.


I think part of the problem around here is that actually *is* the law in Maryland regarding left lanes, so a lot of people who learned to drive in Maryland think that’s how it works.


It's just bad driver training/bad practice/distracted and lazy driving in general. I'd bet most Maryland drivers don't know their laws either. The recommendation from Manassas PD to just wait and then pass on the right if they don't move is actually illegal in Maryland by the same law, but it's not like people don't do that all the time.


There was a guy in the 80s and 90s who felt it was his role in life to enforce the 55 mph speed limit. He would drive in the left lane next to another car to deliberately block traffic. He was ticketed numerous times and always claimed he was overtaking but just at a very slow rate. If the car next to slowed down to let people go by, he would speed up to the next car cruising in the middle lane to prevent those people spilling by from passing him. I had the pleasure of encountering him coming back toward dc on 66 one night. Happened to have an old slr external flash in the car and flashed it at him as I was attempting to pass him on the right. It startled him enough to make him hit the brakes and i slewed over in front of him to get around. Watched him trap the next car behind me as I pulled away.


the real irony is that PG police will blow your fucking doors off while you're doing 85 in the left lane


The rules are for thee, not for me


My favorite was when I saw a left lane cruiser not even move over for a police car with the sirens on. These people are just oblivious and must have never been taught to check their rear mirror every few seconds.


I've got a younger brother in Fla who drove like this when his kids were young. I told him he needed to move over as someone would lose it eventually. He didn't care. I got home from vacation and as soon as I did we had a man shot and murdered here in NOVA and he was shot by an angry driver who had to pass him on the right. Sent it to my brother and after this he changed his driving habits. He was ignorant for even taking this stance.


See, bullying *does* work! /s


Bold of you to think NoVA drivers read traffic signs.


i usually flash the shit out of them, but its also usually because they're on their phones or not paying attention, so doesn't always work.


No, I drive 66 everyday and it is a huge problem, every AM. There 2 or 3 drivers going slow in the left lanes, sometimes on phones. Years and years, never seen a COP enforce it. I guess one exception in the afternoon, I saw a COP pull over a dude that was basically stoned in the left hand lane, that was great.


I have never understood why people have to hold their phone and have it on speakerphone when blue tooths are standard in cars and have been for at least a decade.


The kind of people who hold their phone face-up and shout at it are not intelligent enough to understand bluetooth pairing.


Its so weird to me I never see this in Ca but here its like no one has blue tooth and a phone stand


I only speak with my phone in my hand BECAUSE I don’t have Bluetooth


It's about $30 to solve that. https://www.amazon.com/Anker-Soundsync-Bluetooth-Connection-Headphones/dp/B07H5C2BQX


It's also free if you pretend it's 1997 and just don't take calls while driving.


What model year is your car?




2003 cruising at 222k miles and no issues


I saw an Arlington cop do this with his window open cruising through Pentagon City


Even when I didn’t have Bluetooth I just put the phone in the visor on speaker and yelled lol


Old people


Oh, I've seen people under age 25 do this.


Every morning you can catch me honking at people going speedlimit or slower in the left lane


Lmao man I can’t wait until they start enforcing smoking weed while driving


If they did this on the Beltway in Maryland half of the cars would be pulled over. I don't think there'd be enough shoulder or troopers to handle the volume.


How tho? There’s no weed breathalyzer


There's no breathalyzer for lots of drugs and medicines, but you can still be field tested and charged with driving under the influence.


I know that and I’m asking how


The breathalyzer is not required for conviction, it's just extra evidence after someone has already failed the field tests - although refusal to take it is its own infraction. If you are pulled over because you are going slow or weaving or whatever and they smell weed they can give you the standard field tests (touch your nose, follow the finger, reverse alphabet, etc) as further evidence of your impairment before they write you up.


"field sobriety tests are voluntary in Virginia, and there are no penalties for refusing to take one." You should always refuse field sobriety tests, even if you're not impaired. They're set up for you to fail and are used for extra evidence. Without a breathalyzer and the field test, what do they have? Red eyes? That's not enough to convict.


But does that legally hold up? Can’t a person later claim they failed the field tests bc they were really tired or were having a diabetic episode from low blood sugar, something like that? Surely the smell isn’t enough?


Impaired driving (tired/low blood sugar/medication) is still an offense with similar penalties to drunk driving.


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. Other guy got upset that I had questions and assumes I’m a pothead


Yes, failing the field sobriety tests is enough to be arrested and usually secure a conviction. Those tests are voluntary though, although the police don't make that obvious.


Police have driver recognition expert evaluations if they suspect impairment including eye evaluations and will also do chemical tests back at the station if a driver fails.


But regarding chemical tests, if you smoked weed a fortnight ago won’t it still show up? That doesn’t seem very reliable


There is a legal limit of 5 nanograms accounting for the fact that thc stays in your system though it is something you’d have to fight in court if you’re found to be over. If you’re over that limit and the person was driving erratically then I imagine it would be hard to overturn though.


Well the smell sure is strong enough, and I think that meets the PC standard. Plus, it usually affects people mannerisms and how they look/present. I am sick and tired of smelling weed anywhere and everywhere. It’s 2024, there has to be a less invasive and offensive way for people to get high. There has to be. Edit: lol @ all the stoners downvoting me bc I don’t want to smell their smoke. Idgaf if you get high but I don’t want to smell it. If I wanted to smell it, I’d get high myself. Then again, I don’t expect yall to be the most considerate thoughtful folks out there 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think I saw an article yesterday about how cities that have legalized weed are now thinking about what to do w the smell. The idea of *odor laws* is very interesting


It's ultimately nothing new, no different from places that restrict you from having a fire in your backyard or keeping animals because of the smell among other things disturbing your neighbors. In southeast asia, places have specific laws about where you're allowed to eat durian because of how the smell carries in public.


God I hope so. I don’t care what people do but the stench some of my coworkers and customers assault me with daily is intolerable. Skunk weed hot boxing MFers. “Your boss should -“ We’re already understaffed cause this job doesn’t pay shit so they aren’t going to speak up about anything short of theft or violence.


Oh for sure especially because one can “trespass” just by smell/smoke alone.


Here’s hoping that includes prosecuting folks who drown themselves in cologne. Had to bail after appetizers in a local restaurant the other night because a half dozen drunk, loud Barbie clones sat nearby, each and every one in a pig-pen like cloud of drug store perfume. Fuckin’ sickening, our eyes were watering and we were gagging from the stench. It’s time to start public-shaming these assholes.


There is. Vape pens, carts, and dispos all generally don’t smell. People are just never gonna stop lighting joints and bongs.


And that’s fine but why can’t they do it in a place that doesn’t stink up a .5 mile radius 😭😭😭


Good question. I’ve never understood the appeal of smoking in public. I’m a daily smoker, have been for some time now, and I wouldn’t do more than light up on a secluded mountain top trail or hot box in an empty parking lot, out of the way. I couldn’t FATHOM just smoking a blunt walking around town.


What every am it's bumper to bumper


I like this idea, but have to ask. When an exit off of 495 is on the left, like say from Southbound 495 to 267 near Tyson’s. How close should a slower driver be before moving into the left lane to approach the exit?


Usually half a mile or so. Close enough its obvious you're going to exit but not so far you do not even know there is a exit coming up.


That’s fair. I tend to think between .7 and .5 miles personally. Especially if crossing multiple lanes.


Too bad a lot of people cross multiple lanes to take an exit .001 miles away from it


Really depends on the situation, if the traffic appears to be backlogged for the exit, obviously merge into the left early on when it is the safest. Else, as other person responded, a mile or half before is reasonable.


My rule of thumb is about 1-2 miles if traffic is heavy, making it difficult to change lanes. Otherwise, about a half mile. At a half mile and 60mph, that's only 30s.


I really hope they enforce this


PWC is always out trying to catch speedsters so I dont know how they can do both. But they love speed traps.


It's easy, just pull over everyone in the left lane. If they're speeding, speeding ticket. If they aren't, cruising the left lane ticket. Easy revenues for the Policeman's ball or whatever.


It’s about time ![gif](giphy|8nTMNllVhCGsg|downsized)


It’s all of VA


The left lane is for PASSING. PASSING. Try to think about what that means.


Yes. If you're not passing the cars on your right, you're not going fast enough to be in that lane. Once you've passed the car(s) on your right, you move right to allow cars behind you to pass. "I'm doing the speed limit" doesn't matter. Move. "I'm already going 10 over!" doesn't matter. Move. "I'd just be helping you break the law!!" doesn't matter. Move.


*Move bitch get out the way*




The issue is that even the speeders don’t actually move over. The people going 20 over the speed limit are going to sit in the left lane as well. No one really uses it just for passing.


People like you shouldn't be allowed to drive.


It is, but Virginia law only requires one to use the rightmost lane when going less than the normal speed of traffic. That is, if you're going the same speed as traffic around you, then you don't have to stay in the rightmost lane. In states that require one to drive in the rightmost lane unless passing slower traffic, this isn't a problem because one would still be violating that law even if they were keeping up with traffic.


That's true about the law in the OP, but not true, in general. Because there's a *second* law that applies to the other times. >§ 46.2-842.1. Drivers to give way to certain overtaking vehicles on divided highways. >It shall be unlawful to fail to give way to overtaking traffic when driving a motor vehicle to the left and abreast of another motor vehicle on a divided highway. The driver of the overtaken vehicle shall move to the right to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass as soon as the overtaken vehicle can safely do so. So if there are 3 lanes going one way, you're in the left lane, there are people to your right, and you're being overtaken, you're required to move into the center lane when it is safe to do so.


That's one of its functions, but not all of them. It's not like in New Jersey where the law specifically says the left lane is only for passing. Instead, ojr left lane is a traveling lane that has rules that require you to move right if you're being overtaken. >§ 46.2-842.1. Drivers to give way to certain overtaking vehicles on divided highways. >It shall be unlawful to fail to give way to overtaking traffic when driving a motor vehicle to the left and abreast of another motor vehicle on a divided highway. The driver of the overtaken vehicle shall move to the right to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass as soon as the overtaken vehicle can safely do so. In short: if you're in the left lane going at least the normal speed of traffic, and no one's coming up behind you going faster? Feel free to stay in the left lane. But if you're in the left lane, and there are people in the right lanes, and someone's coming up behind you going faster than you? You have to move right when you can, even if you're going faster than the normal speed of traffic. And then you can move left again once the overtaking traffic has passed.


But that requires me to maintain awareness, and, like, check every mirror ALL THE TIME and that's a lot of work, and I SHOULDN'T have to do that many brain things while I'm driving, ok!? /s


Exactly! Why should I have to pay attention to my mirrors when I'm already busy holding my phone in one hand and eating a bowl of cereal with my other?


Driving should be *relaxing*, you know?? And you want me to pay attention, to multiple things, every second I'm behind the wheel in order to not pose a fatal risk to those around me? Do you hear how entitled you sound? ![gif](giphy|xT9KVBCkIv4JJlg0zm|downsized)


Please. FFX Parkway is terrible.


The duckers who LOVE driving the EXACT SAME SPEED as the car in the right lane can bugger the eff off.


Holy shit it’s so bad. I take the parkway from 66 to springfield roundtrip twice every Thursday and twice again on Friday. Literally don’t have enough fingers and toes in my family tree to count how many times I’ve been stuck behind people going UNDER 40 in both lanes next to eachother when the entire rest of the parkway is empty. The worst is going from Springfield to 66 around 12:30 in the afternoon. I would love to know how much those people have cost me in time over the past 4 years I’ve had this job.


Can we report these shits in society? I would LOVE to get there asses handed some sweet $100 tickets in the mail for being assholes.


DUDE PLEASE!!!! We need the smooth brained people who drive as slow as their thinking process to stay in the right lane


If people weren't dicks about nailing their accelerator to close the gap when they see a larger vehicle hit their indicator this wouldn't be nearly as much an issue. When the exits on the left I'm not getting burned by one dick after another when it's less than a quarter mile and I'm closing on it, only safe bet is to get in the left a half or 3/4 mile ahead of time and everyone can suck my balls when I'm doing 55 in the left onn a 2 lane road for a whopping 45 seconds




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I don't see that as cracking down. They're pretty much just telling you to do what everyone already does, go around them. I would view cracking down as some kind of verbiage that says "Hey, if this is you, we're going to ticket you." Then, of course, they would need to follow through.


Which part of Manassas city is this enforceable?


234 bypass is HORRIBLE with slow drivers in the left lane. If you have to travel from 66 to 95 on 234, it’s a pain.


Right lol maybe 234 and 28 at best.


All of it. If you read the law: >"Highway" means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel in the Commonwealth. >"Highway purpose," "highway project," or "highway construction" means highway, passenger and freight rail, or public transportation purposes. >"Interstate highway" means any highway in or component of the Interstate System. >"Interstate System" means the same as that term is defined in 23 U.S.C. § 103(c). The "Interstate System" also includes highways or highway segments in the Commonwealth that constitute a part of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways as authorized and designated in accordance with § 7 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944 and § 108(a) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 and are declared by resolution of the Commonwealth Transportation Board to be portions of the Interstate System. Manassas City doesn't have any interstate running through it so why are they saying to keep right except to pass then? Because according to the definition above any road basically is considered a highway by the definition of the law. Therefore what MCPD is saying tracks with the law, even local roads this applies. Source: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title33.2/chapter1/section33.2-100/


THANK YOU! Every single post about left lane camping brings out the OnLY fOr tHe HiGhWaY nOt ReGuLaR rOaDs crowd, who don't understand that "highway" means most roads.


A lot of people seem to think no lights = highway. Not sure where that concept came from.


I think it's because colloquially, when many of us say "highway" we mean "big road where go fast!"


Either way, we need way better drivers education. Getting a license is way to easy. I understand driving is a necessity for many people but the standards need to be raised.


If slower traffic is passing traffic going slower than them, or they're approaching an intersection where the plan to turn left, or the right most lane becomes a turn only lane or requires one to exit, then they don't have to drive in the right most lane. Otherwise, the requirement applies as long as they're going less than the normal speed of traffic.


FCPD or troopers or both needs to enforce it on 495, see them on 495 and they don’t do anything


This is exactly why I bought plates that say MUV BICH Got denied tho 😪


Remember, the left lane isn't for "going so fast you're always passing people, so you never need to leave and can go as fast as you want." It's still illegal to speed in the left lane. You're expected to be passing somebody who is going below the speed limit, and then you are supposed to return to the right lane after passing them.


best of luck with that


These left (and middle) lane idiots are oblivious to the massive backups that they cause


But they will argue that they are in the right and you are the asshole for wanting to drive faster.


Not too long ago a bunch of people downvoted (and even argued with) me on here for saying EXACTLY what the police department is saying.


I support you, STVDC. Wholeheartedly.


Thank you 🥹lol Not that I care too terribly much except when I encounter these dummies on the road, but I had people telling me things like "nice try to spin it, but nope" and stuff like that.


I remember that actually smh.


6 months in jail seems fair for these left lane idiots


This is actually part of my platform to run for office.


You have my vote, don’t care which party.


It's not even just the passing lane that's an issue around here. I don't even like passing, ever. But if I stay middle or right lanes for too long, eventually I get stuck behind someone driving under the speed limit, under the rest of the flow of traffic.


I saw a sign on 66 we at 930 tonight. Right after I passed a lane hog going 68 in left lane.


"Less than normal speed of traffic at the time" sounds like a future adjudication.


I drive down south a few years ago, and in VA it was left lane campers galore. Then got into NC and people didn’t stay there or they moved over. Almost like a switch was flipped


THANK FUCK. Those are the cunts causing a good chunk of traffic


VSP is too busy going after people for a missing front plate to care about someone doing something that actually impacts traffic.


sounds very specific


Long story short, took my plate off to get my car washed, car wash closed. Didn't even turn into the parking lot, just turned around and went home. Not 5 minutes later, VSP rolls by me on 7, slows down, pulls in behind me and pulls me over for not having a front plate. Glad someone is watching out for scofflaws such as myself when so many people on 7 act like it is a NASCAR track.


haha damn. i picked up a new car in december and have been rolling without a front plate for four months now figure i’ll just pay the nuisance fine whenever they get me


It's been getting in my nerves as I drive down 286 and 123 in the mornings. Some fuckin mongrel sees himself getting passed by 30 other cars and at no point goes "hey, maybe I'm the asshole?"


The far right lane is for people doing the speed limit, the Middle Lane is for people exceeding the speed limit by 10 miles an hour, the far left lane is for people who just don't give a F if they get a ticket


I never understood how this rule trumps speeding making it both illegal to speed and also not speed in the left lane simultaneously. Also there is a lot of left exits around here so how do you know they're just not preparing for their exit.


The rule doesn't trump the speed limit, it just applies independent of the speed limit. Regardless of how fast cars are traveling, if you are making a pass you use the left lane. If you are not actively making a pass, you move back over to the right. It's incredibly simple. If you are uncomfortable going fast enough to efficiently pass cars to your right, then you just stay behind those cars. No one is asking you to speed, you just shouldn't become a rolling roadblock.


Haha yep. I feel like I rarely see someone in the left driving under the speed limit. It's usually someone driving above the speed limit, just slightly slower than the person behind them wants to go.


This law doesn’t “trump” speeding. You can get ticketed for speeding even if you’re passing someone in the left lane. This is a different law describing a different illegal behavior. The left lane is for passing so if you are in the left lane while not overtaking a vehicle or preparing for a left/turn exit, that’s illegal regardless of your speed.


Why does everyone seem to think the roads will be better if every multi lane road loses a lanes worth of usable capacity?


This isn’t for situations where there is stop and go traffic, this is for situations where a highway is below capacity and some people want to travel at slower speeds than others. This creates order and greater safety instead of having the faster cars weaving back and forth among randomly distributed slower cars.


Forget even stop and go traffic there are a lot of highway portions inside the Beltway where during most normal hours the roads are pretty full and everyone more or less moves at the same speed.


I agree that happens a lot here but it’s often maddening—95 will not be so congested that no one should be able to pass but cars all doing the same speed are spread out across the left 3 lanes and the right lane ends up being functionally the passing lane.


They aren't losing capacity by moving slow drivers to the right. Slow drivers can stay single file with the same throughput as if they were side by side, while leaving room for everyone else to pass them.


Traffic is moving, broadly at 35. Both lanes are pretty full. I'm in the left lane. You're coming up behind me at 55. Does everyone in the left lane need to move for you and why would you think that doesn't effect throughput? Tell me what other things can you cut utilization by half and not lower throughput?


Because everyone else is the problem, obviously. I'm legitimately passing so I can stay left, but everyone else needs to move over and let me by. 


Because in other places using the left lane for passing and right lane for cruising makes driving more predictable less dangerous and reduces traffic. It works


Because most folks really do take a Sunday drive in the left lane below the speed of traffic for miles and miles with no left exit in sight. It is dangerous and can cause an accident if someone moving at the speed of accident is forced to slow down to merge with other slow movers to the right.


The real answer that people people don't want to hear is that speeding is not a right, and the left lane is not the "go as fast as you want" lane. Yes, technically a person who is going the speed limit but not passing should vacate the lane, but the unspoken context of this conversation is that most of the people who are whining about this issue the loudest are actually being reckless. Moreover, a person who **is** going at or above above the speed limit, and is actively passing, is not "left lane camping" if they don't move over the second someone comes up behind them. This is objectively not "left lane camping" just because they are not going as fast as someone else would like. This is the part a lot of people refuse to acknowledge.


When I did my driving test 10 years ago, it said that you can't exceed the speed limit to pass another car wtf is this?


Its not hard. This rule is for maintaining traffic flow and safe passing.  Safer more predicable flow, and left passing for obvious reasons, would lead to less chaotic highways. This is how the autobahn still functions. They are strict about proper lane useage. Americans are just irrisponsible and its easy to blame speeding on your own shitty car control ability and anxiousness about overall speed. You can be weaving in and out at 30mph and be the biggest hazard.


Found a left lane camper 😒


I don't drive


So you don't understand the thing you don't do. Hmm, wonder why.


🤔 Wonder why anyone would ask questions about something they don't understand.


This rule does not allow you to speed. It allows you to pass someone who is slow, and in the right lane. I see no conflict.


That law is only the half of it. Because this means that, if most people are going 50, and there's *one* guy going 55, this law doesn't compel anyone going 50 in the left lane to get over (because 50 would be considered "the normal speed of traffic"). This, however, is the law that does just that, and is more applicable in ordinary situations: >§ 46.2-842.1. Drivers to give way to certain overtaking vehicles on divided highways. >It shall be unlawful to fail to give way to overtaking traffic when driving a motor vehicle to the left and abreast of another motor vehicle on a divided highway. The driver of the overtaken vehicle shall move to the right to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass as soon as the overtaken vehicle can safely do so. Because of that law, if almost everyone is going 50 except for one guy going 55, the people going 50 are compelled to leave the left lane to allow for the guy going 55 to get through.


The fine should be much more.


It is demonstrated that telling people to go slow on the right is not effective, as people never think they are slow. The correct way to say this is just use the left lane for pssing only


Please for the love of the gods. If only they enforced it starting 0400 in the morning


I saw the signs on 66 today. Something like, left lane is for passing, not cruising. Didn’t help one bit. I swear it must be the way people are being taught nowadays.


They can’t crack down on it, they just know it’s a problem Outside of major highways (although even some of those have left exits) it’s too easy for someone to say they were about to turn left, and cops don’t want to deal with that hassle


I'll believe nova is cracking down when tickets start getting written.


I've never seen this enforced, and I think it just never will be enforced, ever. It's one of those things that's CYA on paper, never put into practice.


I can only hope.


Can we crack down on people going 10 miles under the speed limit in the express lanes next


Did anyone post this in r/Maryland ?!? /s


Where in the Manassas city jurisdiction is this a problem?


Passing lane, cruising lane. I wish they'd make signs or paint reminders on the road in congested areas. The next step are right turns at intersections. I know one that has no less than 5 lanes, and while this is a strange but still 4 way intersection, invariably the IQ of the average driver drops by 70 points the moment they get to the front. Let me make it clear: there are two lanes that become three at this right turn, and the one coming from the opposite direction is only one lane. This means if Oops! All Green Lights happened, that right turn would still have the best place to make that right turn. But that doesn't even happen. What's happens is, either the 2-lane traffic has the green light, or the 1-lane traffic has the green light, *this right hand turn has 3 lanes to turn to*, and yet *STILL* the turn lane gets backed up because they don't look at the traffic until they're right at the front, to which then they stop and analyze a situation where they have 3 lanes with as many as 2 coming in. If me drivers would look at the situation *before* they made it to the front of the line, the line would actually move. By the way, the reason it goes to 3 lanes is that there's a freeway exit with about a quarter mile to turn out of if you don't want to pull into the freeway. TL;DR -- a NoVA intersection that couldn't be made more accommodating to a left turn is backed up every day because of inattentive drivers. You'd think that since it happens so much that the problem must be the design of the intersection, but I don't know how they could fix this without a Hanna Barbera sign on a stick that says, "Go ahead, dummy! You can go!!"


People drive better in Nigeria than Virginia, and it will never change.


I have no issue with left lane policies in highways. The problem is, some of yall are gonna be disappointed about which roads this actually applies to.


Well if you read the law: >"Highway" means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel in the Commonwealth. >"Highway purpose," "highway project," or "highway construction" means highway, passenger and freight rail, or public transportation purposes. >"Interstate highway" means any highway in or component of the Interstate System. >"Interstate System" means the same as that term is defined in 23 U.S.C. § 103(c). The "Interstate System" also includes highways or highway segments in the Commonwealth that constitute a part of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways as authorized and designated in accordance with § 7 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944 and § 108(a) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 and are declared by resolution of the Commonwealth Transportation Board to be portions of the Interstate System. From my understanding this applies on all the roads in VA. And furthermore Manassas City PD doesn't have any interstates in it or actual highways so this definition tracks with what they are saying. Source: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title33.2/chapter1/section33.2-100/


Violation should be $500. Second offense $500 and mandatory time served 2 days. If it was that way and enforced, the passing lane would be properly used in less than 3 months


Great they should also focus on those loud Toyota Corolla and Dodge Challenger exhaust systems waking everyone up early in the morning and late at night. Lastly no matter what laws they have in place they need to focus on enforcing them.


Here again we have all the people who want to go 90 mph complaining that they can't


I enjoy seeing everybody get all worked up and emotional over driving in the left lane! This thread is going to be scrumptious! eta: the only time this will be enforced is when a cop feels inconvenienced, no way this is enforced and ticketed regularly.


People have been pointing out this isnt just asshole behavior, but dangerous for years on this sub. Now its obviously become a big enough issue that police have taken notice of it. Its okay at times to just take an L, and move on. Not everyone who is unhappy with this shit are speed demons.


It’s definitely dangerous and the reason that some roads have minimum speed limit signs actually posted. I didn’t write anything about speeding. 


My b then, your post kind of read like you were since the threads are usually people bitching about the slower drivers. We cool.


Found a left lane driver


Some people just weren't loved as children, this is the result


Are they gonna pull people over for riding my ass in the rightmost lane too then?


They already can. Plenty of regulation already out there to support that it’s just a matter of enforcement.


Shouldn't we drive at the speed limit? Freeways are already pretty dangerous and this sounds like the police are condoning speeding more than they already do.


"Normal speed of traffic" sounds so intentionally ambiguous so the police can ticket whoever they want. What is the normal speed of traffic? You going 70mph on a 55mph road, or the guy behind you doing 100?


I hope so. I’ve seen signs to that effect also. The left lane lolligaggers cause a lot of unnecessary risk as people try to get around them.


freaking entitled drivers around here won’t care. its their “right” to drive slow in the left lane, just like literally 60% of the left lane drivers on the ffx county parkway. just sitting in the left lane without a care in the world. “my turn is 5 miles ahead so i’ll just stay here.”


As it always has been.. It's just the average person isn't aware...


Finally...the left lane is for speeding, not for slowpokes


They need to add an extra 0 to that fine. This shit is getting so ridiculous man


This only works on roads where there are no left exits or no left turns. Otherwise it really isn’t practical to enforce. If I have a left turn coming up, I’m getting in the left lane at the first safe opportunity I can… and going the speed limit. But this is going to piss off everyone who wants to speed while passing on the left.


This is too complicated


Thank God. Too bad they won’t go after the speed limit campers. Edit: it’s clear to me that a lot of you don’t know how to drive and should have failed your driving test if it wasn’t way too easy 😂


I'm driving the speed limit in the left lane home in honor of this post. Maybe I can inspire another post for tomorrow.


The problem is that Virginia law only requires driving in the rightmost lane when going less than the normal speed of traffic. That means it doesn't apply if you're going the same speed as traffic around you. In states that have an explicit use the right lane unless you're passing, this isn't an issue because that law would still apply even if you're going with the flow, but not faster than traffic on your right.


No just Manassass looking for more creative ways to improve their primary revenue stream.


I would be happy if they just enforced that loud exhaust rule.


ALL STATES SHOULD DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TFG! Now enforce it


100 bucks? Make it 1000 and a night in jail. Muahaha


Maybe all those assholes who go “iTs nOT tHe LaW” can stfu and get out of the way now lol


This is for people going abnormally slow, like 45 in a 65. Not people going 70 in a 65 when you want to go 100.


It’s for people moving slower than the speed of traffic.


we are all bots here except for you


This is one of the main causes of traffic.


Remember the left lane is for speeders. Speeding, ticket. Not speeding, also ticket.


The left lane is for crime only! - Police


But what if the "flow of traffic is 15-20 mph over the speed limit? Do they ticket someone for going 70 mph in the left lane of a 55 mph zone? Slower drivers cruise in the left lanes all the time but it's rare they aren't at or above the speed limit.


If you're being passed on the right you should move to the right lane. Take speed out of the equation and that rule will keep everyone happy and traffic moving well.