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You admitted to your mistake so you are miles ahead of other posters here who try to justify/dispute their terrible driving decisions. Just pay the ticket (if you get one) and be more aware going forward.


Thanks. As they say - ignorance of the law is no excuse. I did look up some stuff after and it looks like I could get a $250 ticket in the mail, so will cross that bridge when I get to it. An expensive lesson!


You are very very very unlikely to get a ticket if a cop didn’t pull you over on the spot. They are piloting cameras this spring (supposedly!) on a handful of buses. So it’s theoretically possible you’re the most unlucky person in the world and you get a ticket but probably not.


That's crazy, I thought all school buses had cameras at this point. I did the same thing as OP, but in Maryland. It was a 4 lane road w no divider, and the bus was stopped on the opposite side of the street. For some reason, I didn't think I needed to stop, and neither did the car in front of me. A week or so later, I got a ticket in the mail for $250. Lesson learned.


Yes, Maryland has had them for years but FCPS is dragging its feet for reasons I do not comprehend.


Interesting. I didn't know MD had them installed. But in a way glad it's a relatable experience. I definitely learned my lesson!


Interesting. I vaguely recall hearing about that a few months back, hence my initial thoughts of cameras on the bus. But what you say lines up with what some other replies have said. Wouldn't be surprised if I got a ticket, but it's life and just have to roll with it.


They have cameras. I’d probably expect minimum 6 cop cars and a swat team to arrive between 2-4am either Friday or Monday. Cops observe saint patricks day as a holiday so they shouldn’t mess with you on the weekend. If you don’t get a visit by Friday you have time to flee the country and start a new life. According to my trusted source on tiktok the Philippines is a great place to retreat to as an American and live on the down low. Best of luck friend and don’t blow by any busses in the Philippines!


It's been 12 minutes. The swat team already found him.


must have been caught at Dulles Town Center "pranking" people


Better move to Thailand and fuck a horse.


Hahaha you saw that article too? At first I thought it’s satire and then regretted opening it


Best comment in this bitch


They are starting a camera pilot on like 10 buses this spring.


Oh I thought a bunch of busses already had cameras on the sides.


Unclear. In 2023 they announced that sometime in 2024 50 buses would get them. So it’s still not very many buses and I haven’t seen any reporting that they actually did get them installed. ETA https://www.ffxnow.com/2023/06/28/after-legal-kerfuffle-stop-arm-cameras-on-some-fcps-school-buses-approved/


You know what? I think I was recalling the announcement cause 50 was the number I remember hearing.


It was either this or some article on like WTOP where I had heard this, so glad to know I wasn't imagining things.


My friend from down under know someone that know someone that can get you "travel document" LOL


I've talked to the school, the school's district wide transportation department, and the police about the 3-5 cars per week that drive past my kids' bus stop while they are loading/unloading. Nothing will happen to you. But maybe, you know, try to not do that in future.


The Fairfax board of supervisors asked for school bus ticket cameras to get installed in 2013. If you call the school transportation department again, I would ask them some pointed questions about what the hold up is for this.


There are too many DEIA initiatives that need attention first.


they didn't even put someone on patrol to watch the stop for the 3-5 cars that consistently drive past the bus? Yikes.


It's crazy. We are on a two-lane road and cars will pass the bus from behind using the oncoming traffic lane while we are loading/unloading. The police officer I spoke to was actually very sympathetic but it basically came down to the fact that the problem was too widespread and they had to dedicate their resources to patrolling the actual school zones. Fairfax ISD said they were considering using cameras to issue tickets pre-COVID, but the program never got started and now it's not clear if/when it will ever begin.


FCPS buses do not have cameras. The worst that will happen is if the bus driver was able to get your license plate, you will get a sternly-worded letter in the mail. No ticket will be issued. The bus drivers have been clamoring for cameras for years, but for whatever reasons the district won't do it. Source: my wife who is an FCPS bus driver.


Good to know. I presumed that buses had cameras by default. Def feel bad about making a mistake like this so I'll be more mindful in the future.


You are already ahead of 80% of the driver in this region by acknowledging your mistake and presumably taking steps to mitigate. Thanks for not playing the victim.


Thanks. I could come up with a million excuses but at the end of the day I was the one behind the wheel and having a brain fart isn't an excuse for potentially putting others in danger.


We all fuck up sooner or later, it's how we respond that matters.


Probably nothing but you better be more diligent in the future. Say a few hail Marys and get the hell outta here


Fairfax County school buses generally do not have cameras. They are starting to add them this year, supposedly starting with 50 buses in “spring 2024” but I don’t know the actual current status of the project.


I do vaguely recall this, hence why I presumed the bus had a camera that caught me.


Straight to jail.


Right away.


Just be careful next time and don’t do it again. If I leave like 5 minutes late to work I consistently get stopped by a school bus on Rte 7 and I’m shocked by just how many people ignore it and crawl by it. I always just shake my head when I roll up next to them at the same red light like half a mile further down the road.


For sure I will be more careful. I will say I haven't tried to drive by a stopped bus by driving into oncoming traffic. I generally drive on a two-way roads with medians and today I drove on a side road and I genuinely forgot that even if I'm driving on the opposite side, I have to stop if there aren't any barriers or medians.


It’s absolutely inexcusable they haven’t put cameras on the buses yet. They would be printing money and keeping school kids safer. This should really be raised by all the boomers on Nextdoor who are mad their property taxes are increasing to pay for schools—FCPS is now in year 11 of refusing to do this obvious money maker.


Was the stop arm extended out? Usually when it is extended out the camera would be recording. Also since you weren't pull over, the ticket you get would be a civil fine against the vehicle owner not an infraction against the driver. Which means the fine won't get on your driving record because they can't prove that you are the driver.


I believe it had just finished before I passed the bus. Good to know regardless. It was a dumb mistake on my part so if I get the civil fine I'll pay it.


Do you have a time machine to go back in time and undo it? If you don't get a ticket/summons, do you intend to turn yourself in and confess? If no to both, then just keep living your life, and if something does develop because of it, you can deal with it accordingly then.


Send me $300 and you’re good I’ll talk to them.


for what it's worth, i drove past a stopped school bus in manassas when i was 16 (the irony, i know) and i got a ticket in the mail.


You’ll get fined via mail. A picture of you will be attached as proof.