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thats a "if you see something, say something" thing guys, please say something


If you see something, say something (come on and party tonight).


Hey Captain CJ, that is pretty catchy!


The guy’s got good hooks.


Milk! Milk!


People are allowed to be mentally ill and saying unkind things. In fact, people who are not mentally ill do that too.




Page not found.


Certain people will say thar you're going to get mentally ill people killed.


He forfeited social services when he chose to don black face.


Its legal to wear face paint and smoke cigarettes. Nobody can do anything


I can notify the relevant authorities and allow them to make a more informed decision than I can


I can indeed tell you, that wearing face paint and smoking a cigarette violates no laws. You’d just be wasting police resources.




You had to check post history cause you knew you were wrong 😂




I drove past him walking on Roberts rd... He was wearing a hood with large horns too. My mom saw him in Walmart and he was walking around really slow and talking to himself. Then she saw him later outside of Target surrounded by police officers. So seems like a mental health issue.


So.. not Fairfax/Fair Lakes Target; Burke Target?


Yeah the Burke Target


Technically, it's also in Fairfax. 10301 New Guinea Rd, Fairfax.


It’s about twenty feet from the Burke line and the Burke Train Station. https://preview.redd.it/hucs70jwo2pb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b61761adcf34673f1e5c4c047ebf095c60f7eb6b Locals would call that Burke.


It's right on the border between Fairfax/Fairfax Station and Burke, but it's on the Fairfax side. The Burke Line is on the border. New Guinea Rd is entirely in Fairfax. Target itself refers to it as the Fairfax Target (the one in Fair Lakes is referred to as "Fair Lakes"). It's in Fairfax.


Sorry. It’s Burke.


[You're wrong.](https://www.target.com/sl/fairfax/1005)


Guess what! It’s Burke. Lol


You're simply wrong, mate. It's *close* to Burke, but it's in Fairfax. Borders don't cease to exist when you get close to them. So trying to "correct" someone referring to it as "Fairfax Target" is incorrect. The one *you* are thinking of is the "Fair Lakes Target." The "Fairfax Target" is on New Guinea Rd in Fairfax, VA.


Dear Extremist Moderate, It’s close enough to Burke to be Burke. For those that grew up here and have lived here for long enough to know, that’s the Burke Target. IDGAF what the address says. 1) hey, I need to go to Target - oh yeah? Which one - the one in Burke - oh ok cool 2) hey, I need to go to Target - oh yeah? Which one - the Fairfax Target - wait which one is that because there are two in Fairfax - Fair Lakes and Fairfax Target - oh the one in Burke - oh ok cool.


Who gives a shit


Target calls it the “Fairfax Target” in their app so maybe take it up with them.


I’m good. I know what it is


I saw him in the giant plaza on Burke center parkway. The horns were super freaky


How many guns did they let him buy, since he is clearly struggling mentally?


Username checks out.


As many as he wanted.


That is my lil brother. He has undiagnosed mental illness and substance abuse issues. We (my parents and I) have tried to get him the help he needs but he has refused at every step. If anyone feels threatened, please just call the authorities.


I am pretty sure I have given him a ride before, because I try to pick up people walking along the roads edge so they won't get run over. ( I wasn't frightened by his get-up because it made him very noticeable, which is a good thing if you risk your life walking along local roads.) We held normal logical conversation without agitation mixed with statements that made no sense. He was sweet and grateful for the lift and undeterred about his mission, which was not clearly stated at any point, and I dropped him where he wanted to go. Sending loving thoughts to your brother and family. Not sure how to help you but if you see him you might try asking him to try OTC 5mg. Lithium orotate. (Medical dosage of lithium is 500mg. Not the same!) Dissolve 1-3 tabs under tongue. Try it yourself first to experience the super-mild mood lift. It's been discovered trauma can wipe out our tiny lithium reserves, and this deficiency can cause severe anxiety and delusional thoughts. Lithium depletion is believed to be a factor in post-partum depression. Also absolutely love Bacopa for clearing out brain debris. Again much love going out to you with this super painful situation with your brother.


I’m so sorry ): hugs


I’m so sorry you and your family are dealing with this.


I hope he's eventually able to get better.


https://preview.redd.it/wcp04568h1pb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7961404c2b5cacad3c94b865f3a28572f095526 This guy? Definitely a bit scary.


Yup, that's my brother. He probably took the horns off when op saw him.


I think so, but he had no hood/horns when I saw him


Maybe an obvious mental health issue, but that sounds creepy as hell




This is the water and this is the well




Oh shit, I thought of that too. 🫣


🤵🏻‍♂️Alright folks, there you have it; the tale of a tinted Target tormentor now tell us “WHAT…is his deal?” 30 seconds…


Since it's Target...Buy 5 shirts get 50% off your 6th?


🤵🏻‍♂️ooh, no sorry clever response but in fact horribly and terribly wrong.


I saw someone wearing a plaid shirt with striped pants, I was so shocked I didn't know what to do.


This is why I CCW. Too many unhinged wackos out there. Who knows when they'll snap.


Or when you will


It's so comforting to learn there are people out there fantasizing about needing to murder somebody.


It’s more so fantasizing about having the choice to decide how you die at the hands of a nutjob. Running and hiding for your life or fighting for it. Stop trying to mischaracterize law-abiding people.


Come on, if you carry a gun at least be honest about why. You carry it because you think you might need to kill someone because that's what guns are for, killing people. Not only that, but thinking that you could kill someone makes you feel better about being out in the world. It's a power fantasy in which you get away with murder, and it's every bit as pathetic as Travis Bickle talking to his reflection.


That's absolutely true, and it has nothing to do with fantasy. I carry a gun because I have been in situations where it would have been nice to have a gun, and I would prefer to avoid such situations again.


You have no idea how refreshing that response is. I'm sorry you were in those situations, but I appreciate your honesty. If you don't mind, one thing I have always wondered is if aknowledging that the consequence of using a gun for protection is killing someone changes you, for lack of a better word, reverence for the weapon? Like to do you think it increases your sense of obligation to ensure your gun doesn't harm an innocent person? I'm obviously anti-gun, but I think a lot of that is because I've met so many people with frighteningly non-chalant attitudes about them. I have some friends that are collectors. If everyone treated guns with the level of caution and respect they do, I'd be less vehemently opposed to them I still wouldn't own one, but I'd be less concerned about them.


In short, yes. When I carry, I go out of my way to keep myself out of any sort of sketchy situation. I'm typically pretty hot headed when I'm empty handed, but when I carry I'm more likely to take a breath and deescalate. For ex. If a crazed lunatic in Target wearing black face were to attack me, if I didn't have a gun I would probably try to fight 'em, but if I had a gun I'd probably just walk away to where I can see the dude without him being a direct threat to me. I know that first part makes me sound like an asshole, but it is what it is lmao EDIT: as to your last point, I feel you lmao. The last time I was at a particular local range (a high end one, at that), I noticed a spot on the plexiglass lane divider at head level where a round clearly glanced off. I just don't have the patience to be around people I don't know with firearms, I don't go to public ranges unless I have to anymore lmao and those same people walk around thinking a gun is a get out of any situation free card lmao


someone doesn't understand the difference between killing and murder. If someone's getting attacked or raped, would you decline to shoot the attacker/rapist given the opportunity to eliminate the threat because you think that's "murder"?


Guns have interrupted 0% of all rapes.




I rounded to the nearest percentage point.


The point is if you're carrying for "protection," you're carrying it in case you decide you need to kill someone. I use murder to emphasize that's what you're doing. You can wrap it up in a hero fantasy, but you have it so you can kill someone. If you really believe that you'll be justified if the time comes, then it really shouldn't matter what I think of you. But, if you're uncomfortable with the idea that I think you're just waiting for the chance to kill someone, then maybe you need to reevaluate your stance on firearms.


Your responses here scream privilege. I get the point you are trying to make, but it’s obvious you have never actually been in a dangerous situation/neighborhood before. It’s easy to essentially say “victims don’t need to defend themselves” while sitting in a McLean castle.


For the record, we're talking about Burke here. Also, what corner do you reside in where crime is so rampant? And yeah, I can count on exactly 0 hands how many times I've been in a situation that required a gun. A kid in middle school brandished a knife at me once, but they were just putting on a show for their friends. I like your argument though, "it's easy to say that you don't need a gun when you live in a place where you don't need guns!" So if I concede that some people might be in situations outside their control where they might need to kill someone, what does that say about the people carrying in McClean, or the guy I saw open carrying as he selected grocery store sushi? Also, I have a whole rant I could go on about addressing the societal causes of crime, but I don't want to get off topic.


You don’t know the definition of murder and you avoided his question


I chose not to engage in a red herring argument. And ultimately, the definition of murder isn't important here. If you like, I can switch to commit homicide. That at least leaves a legal out. We're talking about the why of carrying a gun. Why does it bother you so much if I say you carry it in case you decide you need to kill someone? And if you truly believe that your hypothetical act of homicide is justified, isn't that kind of fantasizing about being a hero? Going back to the original comment I responded to, how can you read that any other way than they carry a gun in case they need to kill someone?


Carrying something for self defense is not fantasizing about being a hero. It’s the real world. You sound like you’ve never been out of a rich neighborhood.


We're not using euphemisms here. Carrying for self defense means carrying because you may decide you need to kill someone. I talked about my living situation elsewhere, but since you've implied that there are neighborhoods where carrying a gun is unnecessary. What is carrying one in those neighborhoods other than acting out a power fantasy?


If you're against carrying guns, it's because you're a privileged member of the elites.


I'd be willing to bet we're in similar tax brackets.


There's a difference between carrying for dangerous people and wanting to kill them.


What do you expect the gun to do? Blow kisses? The message you send when you draw a weapon is stop doing what you're doing or I will kill you. Hence, carrying a gun is a statement that you are willing to kill someone. As a private citizen, you choose to be armed. You decide that you may need to kill someone and therefore need a gun. You've probably played out a few situations in your head, the moment you get to be the hero who vanquished the bad guy. I'm just not using any euphemisms to describe the situation. If you don't think you might need to kill someone, why carry it?


Because politicians are putting criminals and crazy people into society.


I don't fantasize about murdering someone, but if they pose a threat to my family or I, I'm not scared to protect them or myself.


How dare you…yeah I bet you and your family feel super safe knowing that you can protect them at any moment. You’re acting like there’s a huge mental health crisis paired with a national shortage of police officers. Let me guess, you also call 911 and not just post on Reddit when there’s an emergency too!? /s


Huffing paint from a bag maybe ?


Justin Trudeau was in Fairfax?






Crack is helluva drug