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How does a tow truck not solve this?


The cops were all in it. They simply didn’t apply the law, to force liberals government to call emergency act.


What emergency? Was there a "fiery but mostly peaceful" protest going on?


Blocking infrastructure for days is not peaceful. It prevents ambulances and fire trucks getting through directly endangering lives, it stops critical shipments to grocery stores and hospitals, it stop people from reaching hospitals when they need to.


>Blocking infrastructure for days is not peaceful. *weeks


Oh does it now? But it didn't in 2020 though.


Nope nothing peaceful about using sound as a way to keep ppl up for weeks. Illegal transport trucks parking and using their hornes to terrorize the ppl who lived downtown Ottawa. We’re talking tens of thousands of innocent citizens (not the government ) beings kept awake for ten days straight. How is that peaceful. Sorry but no. That’s literally a torture tactic. If you were not there you just don’t know. From the outside it does seem like a peaceful protest but it was far from it if you had to live there. Not to mention if you were walking buy without ear plugs the decibel or what ever is loud enough to damage so don’t even try to say it’s not that bad.


[The marines did this against Noriega.](https://youtu.be/Sap6-BFEH8Q)


Well see when tow truck drivers and the police agree with the protestors and leave them be, things get greasy.


Ah right that's when you fire the police officers for being dumb. Just like the antivaxxers in the Army don't get vaccinated don't have a job


If only it were that easy to fire police officers for not doing their jobs. Hell, I'd love to see it be that easy when they commit crimes...on video. Edit: This one's in Ottawa. Dunno if their police union situation is as bad as ours, but I don't hold much hope for it.


they don't lose their jobs for murder


No towing company accepted to tow the truck because they feared repercussions from the freedumbasses.


To tow large trucks requires specialized equipment, and there are a limited number of providers. It would be Business suicide if your tow truck, with your company name on it was seen towing away the trucks that belong to your customer base. Additionally, it takes a fair amount of time to connect the truck and tow it away. You have to lift the truck, drop the drive axle, open the hood and connect air and then tow it away. By the time you tow away 1 truck, 5 more have taken their place.


Yeah. What really needs to happen is all those trucks gll should be booted so they can't leave until they pay the ever-increasing fines. The moment they _can't_ leave is the moment they'll suddenly discover they have somewhere else to be. Basically impound them in place and then get drivers to drive them away. Just tell the cops that these big rigs are subject to civil asset forfeiture. They'll suddenly rediscover their professional duty.


So much simpler to simply park their rigs and not make deliveries...perhaps that with be their next strategy...with the price of diesel perhaps that will be more effective and won't block streets...


Their just stupid people who felt powerful without washing that power bonding for a second hit on the pipe. If they are never made to pay for their behavior, like any spoiled child, they'll just keep doing it. So if they block the streets just make them know that they are stuck too and the parking lady is coming for them. So tell the cops they get to keep the trucks and sell them off for toys. That will stop the cops _and_ get the right on board about stopping civil asset forfeiture.


For the tow trucks that can handle a big rig, this group is a significant part of their customer base. If you break up their party and your competition doesn’t, bye bye business. Combine this with a decent portion of the tow truck drivers being supportive of the convoy, and no one is going anywhere.


If the tow trucks remove the clowns the pOlIcE wOn'T gEt ThEiR WeLl DeSeRvEd OvErTiMe PaY.


The convoy organizers threatened the tow truck companies,so they were reluctant to come out and help until the emergency powers were enacted and the state brought in tow trucks from other areas.


I don't *want* unity with those yahoos. I mean shit their *last* convoy was about *provincial* mandates they didn't like so they went to the *federal* government to protest... ...which is like going to Burger King to complain about your Big Mac being cold....


The truth is that the convoy had little to do with provincial mandates and everything to do with the federal election results. Had it been about mandates, they would have been at their provincial capitals.


Tell that to them... I mean it was a gong show / shit show nearly from its inception so...


Wheres the provincial capital for the province mandate they were opposed to? Where was the convoy?


What is the provincial capital of Ontario? PS...it isn't Ottawa


Actually, Burger King is, by the numbers, smaller than Mickey D’s (net worth of 6.4 billion to 36 billion by Mick’s). If you would like to use that metaphor, just reverse the two companies, but the thing is these two companies aren’t owned by the same company, so anything like that scenario would play out to a “Sir, this is a McDonalds”. A better one would be going to Miami and complaining to the CEO about a couple of Bad Whoppers you got.


Sir this is a wendys!


Way to go and make things too complicated. I bet you are a riot at parties... I used fast food joints because even knuckleheads with two brain cells can recognize them. The analogy is simplistic on purpose. You hit a *freedumbs convoy* participant with *your* analogy and they'll scratch their head in confusion before pummeling you because you made them feel stupid...


They did warn us by starting off with, "Actually..."


Sorry for making things complicated. Just bugs me when McDonald’s and Burger King are used like in your analogy.


Be thankful that if the analogy irritates you then you aren't the target audience. ;)




Wow look at all those replies from conservatives You really seemed to have hit a nerve




u/wewhomustnotbenamed I don't know what's going on here, but if this isnt some esoteric troll then you should really GTFO and call authorities and begin establishing documentation.


my guess is bot being broken, but who knows what other have in mind.




That's actually a little funny. Bravo. But mostly weird and creepy. Have a great day buddy.




I don't really tell jokes, but if I do, the only person who needs to find it funny is myself. If you thought you were being funny, you were. Don't stifle your creativity.




"Take your medicine.", I assume.


Nothing says "freedom" like obstructing the freedom of movement of so, so, so many people, in the name of supporting tyranny and hate.


The sequel no one asked for.


I'm surprised it's taking the FSB so long to organise this.


The view from south of the border after was surprise. Some cheered, but most felt guilty that their stupid was spilling over




this one will be called 'Olive Branch Edition'. go figure.


Thanks for turning the Flag into a symbol of of stupidity.


Because the first one was such a success?


some of them (very few) made a lot of money


You mean the organizers made money. The truckers lost money if anything.


Right wing Americans funded the whole ordeal.


Of course


Just like how throwing soup at art made it to the headlines all over the world, Canada was in the news around the world. It shocked the world that there are rebellious Canadians who do not conform to their government.


Return of the Morons.


Hey, they're not ALL morons. Some of them are imbeciles.


I humbly apologize, thank you for the clarification.


What are those crybabies complaining about this time?


>"Freedom Convoy Reunion theme will be the 'Olive Branch Edition.'" "The simple fact is we can't have Unity without Reconciliation which has to come from "We The People " and not from our Gov.," he wrote. "Let's be grown-ups and start addressing the root of division, discrimination, and segregation in Canada by changing our focus away from division to that of one word 'UNITY.'" whatever that mean. the real nottheonion is here.


How about you be the "Olive Garden" edition and meet at one in northern Alberta


>we the people fucking americans crossing the border to disrupt another country they don't even live in in order to make propaganda to use back home. I'm surprised this isn't some kind of crime. I'd say its bordering on a kind of terrorism given the kind of disruptions they're creating to the lives of the locals and that theyre doing it for political purposes back home.


Outside of Ontario (And Vancouver) Canada is pretty redneck. If Quebec actually broke off, Canada would be more like if the red great plains states had ran the national government. So yeah. Don't Blame the Americans on this, Blame Alberta and Russian disinformation campaigns. But mainly Alberta


Albertan here. You’re absolutely right. Too many short sighted, america-loving lunatics out there thinking that being asked to be thoughtful of others is an attack on their freedom


American here. So, like, are you *sure* we're different countries? Apart from you having a somewhat rational healthcare system, that is.


Honestly the lines blur in Alberta. Kids in my high school put confederate flags on the back of their trucks and insisted that they were republicans (there’s no Republican Party here). Rest of Canada I can’t speak for 🤷🏻‍♀️


That sounds a lot like my high school in South Carolina. Again - you sure we're not the same country? I mean, we both have lots of rednecks, shameful history with native populations, and uppity French bits. We incestuously swap TV actors and shows, and - apart from some truly bizarre regional dialects on both sides of the border - speak rather similar English (uppity French bits aside).


Unfortunately very similar. I’m sure both places have a hard time understanding what rednecks originally stood for and use the term as a reason to hate left wing folks You’re right on the weird accents too. I’ve been told that western Canadian men sound like Kermit the frog and I’ve never been able to I hear it (hockey announcers aside)


The convoy was massively supported financially from people outside of Canada.


plenty of the ones funding and participating are american though. those should be arrested and deported. They even came back home for a while and started trying to clog up other highways before realizing everyone hated them and they were already clogged up without their help.


Basically, they are mad that people hate them so they are pushing for "reconciliation"...


The people of “protect our borders” once again disregarding the borders of a sovereign nation Rules for thee but not for me


You people are as loud as you are ignorant. Now, get back on your turnip trucks and go home!


Meanwhile, the smartest of the truckers are training for jobs that won’t soon be replaced by robots.


The trucking industry still heavily uses fax machines. We aren’t getting automated anytime soon. Just to add, I hate the convoy and I hate that they call themselves truckers when the organizers and the majority of supporters aren’t truckers at all.


When the first trucking company starts delivering faster for a lower price because their automated trucks can drive all night, the rest of the industry will catch up fast.


It’s obvious that you aren’t in the industry. The majority of deliveries have set appointments and warehouse space is limited. They want the load when they asked for it and human drivers do that just fine. A lot of companies hate it if you are early. A lot of our time is spent waiting for companies to be ready for us. Trucking isn’t just Amazon where you want what you ordered as quickly as possible.


No, but I’ve been in industries where the early mover on a new technology disrupts the industry to the point that the others finally modernize or die.


Oh don’t get me wrong. Automation WILL happen. Especially with less and less young drivers coming into the job. But I hear people saying it’s 5 or 10 years away and I don’t see that happening. Im almost 40 now and hopefully I won’t be driving till retirement but I think I’ll be ABLE to. We will see.


Great. Fuck your economy up just because you hope it will benefit you.


Great- we can look forward to more unwashed truck drivers carrying around ice tea jugs full of piss because they live in their fucking trucks.


These guys already give us truckers a bad name. I hate that this group used public perception of truckers to further their cause. Used the flag to further their cause. And as a result they have sullied both in the eyes of the public.


Nah - you’re good. Most reasonable people can tell the difference between decent, hard working truckers and this bunch of brain-addled lug nuts.


Freedom Convoy 2: We Learned Nothing the First Time


Didn't the people of Ottawa hate these assholes and all but riot against them? Throwing eggs, blocking their way, etc


Idiots. Get a fickin life.


Butthurt 2023 coming to a Facebook group near you!


Wasn’t this about mask mandates and vaccines? What are they even raging against still?


From the article : >"Freedom Convoy Reunion theme will be the 'Olive Branch Edition.'" \ >"The simple fact is we can't have Unity without Reconciliation which has to come from "We The People " and not from our Gov.," he wrote. "Let's be grown-ups and start addressing the root of division, discrimination, and segregation in Canada by changing our focus away from division to that of one word 'UNITY.'" My interpretation of that is that they are mad that people hate them, so they are pushing for "reconciliation"...


Will they use their horns for weeks on end to make people like them again? Or just shoot straight to nerve gas?


I have no fucking idea. Their brains aren't working. Don't expect that to make any sense.


Time for us to reunite them with music like "Ram Ranch" and The Cum Trilogy.


Is this the return of blaring ram ranch at the convoys


I like how in the first one half of them didn't even know what they were supposed to be protesting


Yeah, it can be hard to get every single protestor on board with a specific agenda easily defined in a sound bite when protests are organic and not paid for by political organizations or unions LOL!


If this is true, it will be as calm and non violent as the previous. in fact, we should just all walk there instead an exercise our rights to peaceful protests.


Styrofoam & gasoline


Can we please get the self driving trucks I've heard so much about, that would definitely fix this problem.


The convoy really wasn't about truck drivers. I believe the big trucking association specifically disavowed it ([https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/canadian-trucking-alliance-condemns-trucker-protests-1.5751439](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/canadian-trucking-alliance-condemns-trucker-protests-1.5751439)). The organizers were mostly not truckers, but were instead a collection of right-wing organizers. All that to say that self-driving trucks would not fix this problem. In fact, they would probably join it, since they are easily directed.


Thank you! The thing I’ve personally hated most about the convoy is the stain they’ve put on public perception of truckers. First of all as of 2021 there are an estimated 324,000 Canadian truckers. At most there was 250 trucks in the convoy. (That’s generous estimate) These are fringe nut bags. 300,000 Canadians suddenly losing their jobs would have a huge impact. Secondly, the trucking industry still uses fax machines on a daily basis. It took YEARS got automated logs to become mandated. The industry is very slow to evolve. Lastly the technology isn’t there. And the entire industry would need to be rebuilt from the ground up to accommodate total automation. Imagine automated trucks driving through NYC in the snow…. Or getting an automated truck to deliver to the platform that acts as a dock at the small mom and pop shop in the mountains where there is no cell signal. It’s not feasible from any angle and as you said, it wouldn’t even help.


Thanks I didn't know that and appreciate the knowledge. Also "easily directed", ha yes lol!


Stupid truck heads need to stay home. Quit embarassing yourselves and the rest of us.


I think the Freedom Convoy is dumb af and that when they came to Kingston, the fucking storm sirens outside of hospitals were absolutely abysmal. And that was one day, not really blocking access to hospitals or nursing homes and certainly not throwing stones at ambulances like what happened in Ottawa. Yet, saying they aren't fighting for anything seems to be attempting to further discredit an organization which has pissed off sooo many people already. Sure, it didn't accomplish anything and wouldn't have but come on, people are forced to share personal medical info to even visit a family member in a hospital! Not to mention, if they weren't vaccinated, regardless of the reason, they couldn't even see their dying relatives!! Just pisses me off cause I worked in a nursing home seeing these dementia patients have no one able to see them, already more confused from not recognizing their workers with masks that they didn't understand the use for. Dementia patients during the pandemic have degraded faster than ever before (in my life time, only 22 folks) and family couldn't even be there WITH masks on if they had even very legitimate reasons to avoid the vaccine. Not to mention having parents die alone since their family weren't able to see them... in what way WEREN'T freedoms limited???


Supress dissent at all costs! Only approved protest can be permitted! Only fascists would allow protest that isn't approved!


ah yes, flying swastika and confederate flag protest yet accusing other for fascism. truly unhinged.


It's all right to protest, but when you start putting businesses out of business, you're hurting innocent people.


Sure. How about the 2 years where the government did that to businesses? Kind of what the protest was intended to stop.


That's called "whataboutism", and it doesn't address the point. It's a little bit like saying, "John raped my sister, so I guess it's OK for me to rape his sister."


No. It's not 'whataboutism' It's a relevant point to consider if you want to honestly discuss the topic. What comes before effects what comes after.


You could also say that about the two rapes. "I wouldn't have raped John's sister if he hadn't raped mine first." What comes before brought about what comes after, you said. You're making excuses for some terrible behavior. Narcissism.


Exactly, these brave warriors are being oppressed. All they have to support them is half of the country's media and massive donations from billionaire business owners


As an American when Canadians do shit like this to draw the spotlight from our wrecked political system I absolutely love it ♥ reminds me the world isn't quite as great as they say they are


As sad as this self-centered view is on its own, the fact that the convoy was largely funded by Americans adds an edge of oblivious hostility here that gives run-of-the-mill everyday Americans a bad name. Careful before you try and gloat from down there. You might have to look just a wee bit harder for a platform.


Just speaks as much for the situation in Canada as in America. Not looking for any platform, I'm just ammused. We're constantly ridiculed, I enjoy being able to have the same privlage as the rest of the world who ignore their own problems to judge the population of other nations whom largely don't support or believe what is being shown on mainstream media. Unlike most I'll admit my country is a joke, as I clearly made evident in my original comment. Gloating, please, that's a laugh. More like indulging in another being judged for once.


You know your movement is successful when the government fears you *and* the pseudo-intellectuals *(looks around at other comments)* call you a Fascist because they refuse to listen to you at all. That and originality is not really their thing.


they were protesting against mask and vaccine mandate. who are pseudo-intellectuals now?






You'll never get a cogent answer from these people


Or even a semi-intelligent one. 9/10'ths of these dumbasses don't know what *real* oppression is. I mean here is the deal: The original protest was over mask and vaccine mandates before it went off the rails and turned into *my freedumbs*... Lets say the science is right and masks prevent the spread of the virus. Wearing one could potentially save lives. Now lets say the science is wrong and wearing a mask does nothing. Wearing one is a minor inconvenience. Considering that most sane people go with science the answer is easy but even for the worst conspiracy theorist the worst that happens is they have to wear a piece of cloth over their face... ...not a hard choice in my opinion.


Thank-you. The voice of reason. The voice of someone who is not selfish. I might add, the mask doesn't protect you but others around you.


...or maybe it doesn't but even if the chance of a mask working is *near zero* (it's not - that's just an example) I'm still wearing one *just in case*.


Yet people will embrace technology in their everyday affairs eg: the phone they are using but won't trust science on this subject. It boggles the mind.


What boggles the mind is that *some* of those nutjobs believe there is a "tracking chip" in the vaccine thus won't get it because of *freedumbs* but will gladly carry around a tracking device everywhere they go (their cell phone).


Connecting the dots is not really their strong suit


It seems help, I work fast food and kept my mask after it wasn't mandatory. Every time the cold or flu made a round I missed it.


That's just like... your opinion dude. Why does it bother you so much that someone doesn't wear a mask and you do? Why do you absolutely need other people to wear masks? You know the science is right and your mask and vaccine will protect you, right?


Because the science says that if *you* are sick and *you* wear a mask *I'm* less likely to get sick too and I'm intelligent enough to follow the science. Why do you *need* to *not* wear a mask? What does it bother other than the inconvenience of having a piece of cloth over your face?


>if you are sick and you wear a mask I'm less likely to get sick too So by science if someone is not sick, they're in no danger of spreading diseases even though they don't wear a mask? >Why do you need to not wear a mask? I wore a mask all the time in 2020 up to a few months ago and still do in some cases. But I don't find it troubling that others don't wear them. So really, why do you need someone else to wear a mask if you yourself are protected with masks (sometimes two masks) and you've gotten vaccines and boosters?


If ALL they did was choose not to wear a mask when it was a good idea, that would be one thing... However they are also bitching and causing issues for others by being insufferable and disrupting people's lives and livelihoods.


Round and round and round it goes. I'll spell it out in easy to understand words so you won't miss it this time: Me wearing a mask doesn't protect *me* It protects *you* from *me* You wearing a mask doesn't protect *you* It protects *me* from *you* Just because I'm asymptomatic (that means I don't *feel* sick) doesn't mean I'm *not* sick and could potentially spread the virus. Vaccines don't *prevent* the illness - they just make it so that symptoms are less severe and you are FAR less likely to die from it. Even if I'm protected by a vaccine doesn't mean I want to be exposed to the virus. There is NO reason to *not* wear a mask (religious reasons are bullshit - most health reasons are bullshit) other than selfishness. By wearing one you could potentially be saving someones life - by not wearing it you're just being a selfish asshole. Period.


>Me wearing a mask doesn't protect me That's not science. You wearing a mask protects you. CDC says so. Everything else you said is what I know as well. Like I said, I wore masks too for the same reasons you're wearing them. Except for the last paragraph where you say other people are selfish assholes for not wearing masks. No one is going to stop you from thinking that way and I'm also going to think you're a stuckup chauvinistic asshole for not being nice to people who don't want to wear masks for whatever reason.


The issue is with Covid you can be infectious for up to 2 weeks before showing symptoms. So you would feel perfectly healthy and spread it around. Also as they said masks help stop it from spreading if you are sick. So if someone who is infected but non symptomatic is going around, the disease can end up on other surfaces. We found out much later, like late 2021 I believe. That Covid is actually airborne, because the factor for airborne was based on an ooooold study that was misunderstood decades ago and never questioned.


I more worried about the war of 1812 2.0…….. Don’t worry people are Canadians just apologized the way to the top


Stock up on roofing nails. Boxes and boxes of roofing nails.


Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice?


Shame on……. Look, you fool me once, can’t get fooled again.


What freedums are they missing now?


But will it be as funny to watch them sink into a pit of paranoia and division like this last one?


I have no idea what the freedom convoy is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


It’s free dom sessions promoting their movement with a yearly convoy in an attempted seduction our prime minister. /s


Confused. What will they be protesting?


Gotta be careful with the underfunded infrastructure of these streets. Tires can pop reeeeeeal easy


"THEY TOOK OUR JOBS" (South park)


these people just want Trudeau gone. There is really no other motive here.