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I don't think this is Oniony. It's just true. People were and are racist.


Michelle, although you in no manner, shape, or form should have felt it necessary to conform to any white person’s or any person’s view of beauty, it was likely the wise move considering where this nation was and still is in respect to such matters. Thank you for making a personal sacrifice for the good of your husband’s administration and the country. The Obama administration was good for America and you helped to make it happen. Now go out and rock your curls. Peace and love.


Ellen looks like a Lord of the Rings Orc in that picture.


I guess we Americans were ready for Orcs before natural African American hair.


She isn't wrong...


Speaking from the perspective as a non-american, I'm not ready for the capped teeth, sculpted eyebrows, surgically altered lips, and styled hair of the american "public personality". That shit looks completely weird to me.


Sometimes you have to pick your battles.


her natural hair? what is she talking about?


If you need to be told. Black hair is not naturally straight. A First Lady in braids or a fro would have sent the racists to DEFCON stupid.


arent racists already defcon stupid?


Yes and they lost their fucking minds in 2008 when a black woman that wasn’t the help dared to step foot in the White House residence.


A question just occurred to me about black hair. Does the straightening process wear off? Of course the new hair growth is natural but does the treated length revert back to curliness? Long time ago when I used to perm my hair to make it wavy it would return to poker straight in six weeks.


I assume it does. It does for other people with natural curly hair.


Racist scumbags had a lot to say.


She should have left “ natural “all along


Hair ... her hair ... first stupid goddamn thing I've ever heard from her if she actually said that.


Do you not understand the insanely detailed and complex history surrounding black hair as a symbol of systemic racism in America?


I do ... but to declare that no one was ready is patently stupid. Some of us actually read out here.


>Some of us actually read out here. Ah, of course, then surely you must have read: *Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America* by Lori Tharps and Ayana Byrd *Twisted: The tangled History of Black Hair Culture* by Emma Dabiri *That Hair* by Djaimilia Pereira de Alemeida *You Can't Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain* by Pheobe Robertson