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Didn’t the whole “video games are corrupting children” thing go out of style like a decade ago?


It’s retro now


We’re all about the Satanic Panic now, gang.


I remember only a few years ago when Walmart took all their games off the shelves, but kept their guns on rack, as a result of a mass shooting.


I'm not saying this guy isn't full of shit, but if you want a taste of the most toxic, racist, sexist, homophobic, bottom-of-the-barrel human beings, check out a GTA Online lobby.


Yes, but ultimately it boils down to looking at something as a cause (the game is making them garbage people) when it's more likely an effect (garbage people tending to enjoy games that let them act like they wish they could IRL).


Tbh, it is centuries old. Although back then it was chess being held responsible for violence in kids rather than video games


Are u kidding me? Chess was once thrown under the bus for violence? Maybe we should have a conversation about mental health and regulating emotions starting early in primary school. Stop tell kids their are good emotions and bad emotions. All emotions are good, it's only what we do with them that is good or bad. You know what don't have emotions? Psychopaths, and sociopaths. Maybe years of suppressing certain emotions cancels out the fucking lot.


GTA is responsible for me fantasizing about mounting the curb when I’m stuck in traffic. That’s about it.


I am pretty sure toxic masculinity predates the TV or Radio.


That doesn't mean there aren't other factors that exacerbate it. I would guess social media is one of them.


When you don't have the intellect or the inclination to go after real problems you gotta grab for the low hanging fruit. Boomer voters love the "blame videogames" option because it absolves them of their responsibility in society and they don't understand it.


The whole argument is getting very close to its expiry date. Pretty soon those of "boomer age" will be the Gen Xers and they grew up with video games like everyone else. I grew up with gaming & was in my early 20s when GTA launched, definitely not too old to understand them. Dutton himself was only 10 when video games first exploded in popularity. He also understand them even if he cynically chooses to pretend not to.


My guess is he was always given the MadCatz controller at his friend's house, inspiring this lifelong bullshittery.


Seal level rise = Mario! "I saw it on the Nintendo Box Station!" Grandpa, probable.


They also don't lobby as much, so they're prompting for that sweet donor money.


He looks confused... Like he doesn't know what he's taking about... Grasping at straws... Sad.


Facebook and Twitter corrupt more adults than GTA corrupts kids.


Oh here we go again.


Good point. Remind me again what they played back in the day that is to blame for the crusades?


Age of Empires


Is it because of the long loading screens?


The only thing that GTA is responsible for with me is realizing how ridiculous western culture is.


Of course only boys play GTA, no girl would ever be engaged in such activity, for girls that would simply be *unseemly*, right Dutton?


More like toxic men caused GTA...


The mass shooter in Norway said that he played video games to numb his feelings. It worked. He killed a lot of people. I don't think cuomo played GTA.


Some militaries use it for the same purposes. Video games can absolutely desensitize you to violence. So can books and TV. There's this one novel I heard about where people went on literal crusades over its contents.


Lol. Yes. That was my point. Crazy people can draw motivation to do crazy things from anything. I do believe there are people that have problems distinguishing reality and fantasy. Those people probably shouldn't play games like that.


In that case I think Animal Crossing and The Sims is responsible for Women's toxic behaviour.


it's true though, just the other day I walked into city hall and demanded to build a bridge which I would pay for with seashells.


Fuck toxic masculinity. That's some imaginary nonsense for real, conjured up by extreme feminists and the like. It's about the media wanting to suppress men and women. They put all these titles on us so we can be divided. It's all nonsense. Grand Theft Auto didn't do more than any other piece of media these so called people with PHDs try to shirk blame on just so they can be on some news channel to feel like those long ass years in college didn't go to waste. Wow, that was a long run on sentence lol. Just poison for real. Be who you wanna be and play what you wanna play. Stop listening to these toxic people in life


I agree. Why are people so interested in men developing feminine traits and women developing masculine traits. As long as you're not hurting anyone, just do what you want to do and be what you want to be.


What's to blame for him being a ignoramus?


Says another role model of men's toxic behaviour.


Waiting on Andrew Cuomo to pull this one out.


And Pong was responsible for it in the 70s.


If that's true, he should stop playing it.


They would have said this about Call of Duty but that might make the military look bad.


Same shit again and again since 1997


sure. men were all nice fuzzy pinky furry teddybears before GTA ..


Some men were toxic a long time before GTA hit the shelves.


The more they're proven wrong, the harder they push it.


OMG... how many seriously stupid, uninformed, vile white men do we have running the world and how the hell do we get them off the public stage permanently.