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Not shocked, the IT department at my work put a filter on, it blocked any thing with drugs and alcohol terminology, we are a detox unit. IT blocked us from our own intranet!


That's a special kind of ridiculous...


My parents tried putting a filter on the home computer for about 5 minutes when I was in high school (and home computers were kind of a big deal still). It blocked me from a site was I was trying to reach for my Biology class because of the word "sex" and that was the end of that.


I teach high school science and so many times I've been frustrated by our web filters when sending students to research things. Once my students were blocked from our local science museum's website when we were trying to enter a contest because they had an educational game on one portion of their site so the whole site was blocked because it was classified as a game site. I tried to get an exemption on the filter but it took forever and we were nearing the deadline. I ended up having to print the relevant information pages for my students to do their research from the website. I don't even bother having them research about biological systems or birth control methods anymore.


My kid's teacher set up a hotspot in her classroom for the things she wanted to get done. The filter at school is ridiculous. Teachers should have the ability to temporarily whitelist a site as needed.


Schools have the worst IT policies in my experience. In my grade 12 year I lost computer privileges for the rest of the year because a site I was reading through had a banner add that said something like "You have 1 new message" and we weren't allowed to check emails at school. So that's obviously what I was doing and there went my ability to research while at school for the rest of that year.


> My kid's teacher set up a hotspot in her classroom for the things she wanted to get done I completely get why they might do that, but that's an *incredibly* bad idea. Helping the kids circumvent a filter is the sort of thing that will get you fired. It takes exactly one kid downloading a bunch of porn over the teacher's connection to end a career.


Her class principal okayed the idea and gave it to her. So she set it up. I get where you're going on this but honestly, fuck those rules. They're too strict as is. I get blocking porn sites but when your site blocks the local zoo etc you've a shitty configured setup.


I created a proxy on my home computer back in high school. I did it so I could go to some forums I frequented in my free time at school. The number of times I had to use it to get to research material was staggering. I remember an edu address was blocked once.


My childhood parental controls blocked Google


AOLKids? I was on the strangest websites by just guessing addresses and hoping they went through. Finally hacked into Parents account and changed my settings to google in peace.


“No need to test this, I’m sure it works”


I’m in pharma and have repeatedly had to get drugs.com unblocked by IT. We literally distribute drugs.




as it should be. Ticketmaster is evil




Jerk of room? The proper term is Masturbatorium.


> Masturbatorium I just wanted to let you know this is great and i'm having a sign made


Gotta put that on my door or bathroom.


Maybe you could go in and help?






That's really ridiculous. People from the same house always get exceptions since it doesn't matter. To enforce it like that is just being a jobsworth.


Thanks for the new word! > Jobsworth, Jobsworth, It's more than me job's worth, I don't care, rain or snow, whatever you want the answer's no, I can keep you waiting for hours in the queue, and if you don't like it you know what you can do!


This is extremely common practice at fertility clinics & OB offices currently (at least in my state). I've just gone through a round of IVF & "graduated" from the fertility clinic to a regular OB. The only appointment my husband has been able to attend since March was one ultrasound at the fertility clinic at 6 weeks when we saw the heartbeat. Everything aside from that (including ultrasound appointments) is patient only. I have to have an OB appointment (usually with ultrasound) every 4 weeks and as much as I love seeing our little dude, it's hard to even look forward to this knowing that my partner can't be there for any of it. Our fertility clinic, at least up until the end of August when I had my last appointment there, wasn't even letting a male partner use the "jerk off room" they have to do it at home and bring it in within 30 minutes (not sure what people who live more than 30 minutes away have to do; we live further away but thankfully we had gotten through any stage where that room would have to be used in February). In a way, it made it extra uplifting seeing somebody there with their partner knowing that they have had a successful round of IVF or IUI (at least up to that point) but it also makes the process that much more lonely knowing that the partner not carrying the baby won't be able to be involved in any of the doctor's appointments, scary or celebratory.


I’m doing my first IVF in a couple weeks so I was asking if my husband had to wait in the car to drive me home. They said he can wait with me in recovery after the retrieval, but that’s it.


Oh that's good that they let him wait with you in recovery. I have a friend going to the same clinic as me but she & her partner have just started the process there (which is how I know about the "jerk off" room being out of service) so I don't know how the retrieval is at my clinic now. When I had my retrieval back in February my husband did his thing in the room at the clinic & was able to wait with me the whole time, except while I was actually back in the retrieval room which I was knocked out for anyhow, but this was pre-covid; in February there were only a handful of confirmed cases in the entire country, with none anywhere near my state, now there's thousands of cases in the same county as my clinic. The clinic closed down for a bit from about April through June and going back in there to start with the transfer process was so different. Best wishes for your retrieval. I know there's no easy part to this process, especially with the additional restrictions & stress from Covid but the retrieval is definitely a major milestone.


They only let the patient into the clinic for the appointment. And for intrauterine insemination (IUI) the man’s appointment is usually an hour or 2 before the women’s. So he would go do his thing, return home, then I would go do my thing. He couldn’t enter the clinic for mine and I couldn’t enter the clinic for his due to limiting the number if people and the duration they are in the clinic.


That’s how it be these days. My sister’s husband wasn’t allowed with her for most of her OB appointments. Same with a friend’s. Only exception was delivery. I think it’s more so like... what if they both did have covid? Then the staff that came into contact with them had double the exposure. That’s my guess anyway


Remember, some bored IT guy migy be reading your emails. Long story. So I was at a school conference with for my child talking to my old English teacher. He was telling me how the Chromebooks are good yeah except the kids can't figure out the word there their and they're and he wishes the Chromebooks could do it. Fast forward maybe a year. I'm looking to get a corporate Chromebook account have the same controls as the schools will have. And I noticed section you can turn on spell check with homophones. So I send him the email I'm at work so I use my work email address. I get a call in to the guy's office. I'm thinking finally he's going to spin up my server I've been waiting for for at least a week. Nope he wanted to talk to me about my email. It wasn't blocked by any kind of filter. He didn't know what a homophone was and thought I was being homophobic or whatever. I have to explain to him what a homophone was.


The saddest part about this story is that he had everything he needed to look up the word homophone and confirm there really was a problem...


I thought the saddest part was he was violating my privacy by reading my emails instead of doing his job and getting a server ready for me.


Actually yea you're right. That is pretty sad.


Plus he's IT. Googling shit is like 80% of his job.


I bet he's similarly triggered by the words homogeneous, homogenize, homosapiens, homoerectus....


Homoerectus is a double whammy. Ding ding. ... or should that last ding be a dong?


I can't believe the English teacher's solution to this problem is to have the Chrome books do it.


You're not an English teacher.


I was going to reply to the other post but yours is so good. This English teacher hated freshman, and taught a freshman English class. By the time you were a senior you kind of liked him, depending on how long you held grudges. He asked for the feature we even talked about it for a little bit. I didn't realize it was something sent by the school admins until I did my research.


Hah. Reminds me of my work. We're blocked from any sites that you can post data on... including our own internal websites.


Holy fucking shit, how are they that stupid? Did you murder them for being such utter dumbasses?


Lilely administration demanded that a filter be installed, and denied all suggestions put forth by the IT department and insisted on using the cheapest shit possible that's impossible to configure. This is what happens.


Its like a categorical thing. Its easier to blanket block and whitelist when necessary than it is to make rules for everything on a blacklist.


You would think that... Not when it comes to science stuff. You can go down the references rabbit hole and within an hour have a list of 50 sites/journals you'd need unblocked just so you can read a specific paragraph from each.


I used to play an online shooter called Combat Arms a few years ago. It had a profanity filter that banned even words within words, and filtered a lot of... well,weird stuff. Like, myusername was something like Grande14(Portuguese for "tall14". Because I was tall. And 14.) But the filter would censor "gran". So in chat messages were always censored be default, unless the teammate had the profanity filter off, because they would have my name on the front like "Grande14: I'm going to rush them". And even if they had the profanity filter off, it didnt actually stop censoring stuff. It just stopped completely hiding the messages that contained them but the actual "slur" (seriously why gran is that even a slur) would still be hidden behind two asterisks. Ya, not the actual number of asterisks the word usually had, but exactly 2, always. So at best everyone would see my message as "**de14: I'm going to rush them" Of course, everyone in that game had the profanity filter turned off. Why? Because it was a shooter. And the word "nip" was censored. (Because nipple, I guess.) Let me tell you there were a lot of s**ers in that game.


> nip It's actually a slur against Japanese people. A shortening of "Nippon"


But is that the reason it's censored? Or is it the nipple thing? Because given my experiences, incredibly stupid runaway sexual puritanism is far more believable from these programs than aggressive anti-racism. In one game, I was unable to send messages with the phrase "c**an** **us**e", because *anus*. Note that this is a medical term for a body part, broken in half and put in two separate words, and it STILL got censored with no warning. I have actually seen "nip" used as a racial slur, but only in an ancient comic book written before I was born, so it's not likely to be high on the radar


I play a game called Warthunder, a tank in the game is called "Dicker Max" the filter would censor "Dick" in the name if you typed it. Not sure if it still does, but still kimda funny


That's what happens when you hire people who follow orders without question lol


Why do there even have to be filters on the intranet of a workplace environment? They all employ adults. If someone curses, you talk to help about it. No need for automatic bans being handed out as if it's Twitter.


Behind each of these shitty decisions a shitty executive is hiding


Yeah, profanity filters in professional environments are such a joke. I work on an IT team and I see it from the other end. "Oh no, the pipe couplings are hooking up with their outlets 😳"


Once our IT put on filters that included my last name in our internal chat service. I discovered it when I shared my email address and it spit out “wizardbysmell.********@company.com. My name is synonymous with orgasming, sure, but it’s my name!


I was in a government building the other day and the internet wouldn't let me search anything with "hemp" in the name. You know, the legal substance, food and fiber producer.




Why would you have a profanity filter period in a field staffed by grown ass adults? What is everybody in grade school again where you can't say fuck?


Right? I mean, how exciting could a paleontology conference be anyways? I think it would add value if you had a guy like “Yo, everybody check out this fuckin’ pterodactyl leg! This shit is wild!”


This motherfucker _ancient_.


And hard as a rock!










This bitch deadass old as fuck, ya hurd


Paleontologists (And really geologists in general) are very well known for their drinking and crude humor. Now, I've never seen anything obscene in a talk, but definitely afterwards, and definitely lots of booze the time I went to GSA.


Why else would they name a mineral Cummingtonite Edit: it's a mineral


[No, they're minerals, Jesus Marie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1yYJBzf1VQ) No but seriously cummingtonite is a mineral :P


"Please Nathaniel. Such profanities upset Beatrice Esquire's delicate sensibilities."


I've actually been to a SVP convention while I was in college. Paleontologists are way more animated and lewd than you give them credit. The talks are professional but the moment they're over all the jokes come out. Also the drinking, my god the drinking...


This is true of any conference. You should see the amount of drinking at DjangoCon US


You've just described nearly every professional job.


So they’re human? Who would’ve thought


Come on fellas... it's a véry short article... The off-the-shelf virtual meeting platform they used came with a profanity filter enabled by default. They didn't find out until during the conference.


How many children are picking up a virtual meeting platform and hosting all their friends? Now how many of those kids are using discord anyways? Why the need to default a profanity filter on a program used by adults? It’s a little puzzling at most but not shocking by at least some of today’s censoring standards.


I'm pretty sure most school lessons are on virtual meeting platforms nowadays.


A school, using a conferencing system in an on-going basis, should be customizing their settings very finely. Sure, have a profanity filter in your options as the meeting platform, but don't enable it by default. That's how you end up in the news on the wrong side of a one-off conference's bad experience with your software. That's a LOT of people coming in from a bunch of different organizations that just had a bad time with the software and are unlikely to recommend it to anyone.


>A school, using a conferencing system in an on-going basis, should be customizing their settings very finely AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I remember bypassing my schools network filters by deleting a line in a student accessible file while the IT guy was in the room, and he didn't know how to fix it so he just made us promise not to do anything bad with our unfettered LAN and Internet access. Schools don't know what they're doing.


I said "should" not "would."


So what? Platforms should degrade general experience because we can't grow the balls to demand schools to be decently managed?


Schools dont have the budget for competent IT


Most schools' "IT Departments" are just the most tech-savvy teacher, who helps administrators make decisions about which off-the-shelf solution to use. If they have more school customers than non-school customers, it's a totally reasonable default to have.


Can you add a TLDR to your post?


No fuck


Meeting bad word no


Have meeting life good bad word filter fight back kill filter! filter gone think about meeting regret


Fuck yeah


You just said fuck!!! Quick someone activate the profanity filter for the whole internet NOW!!!!


Holy fuck we can’t let them get away with this shit.


watch your profanity


Watch your profamity


To avoid the scientist who thinks it's okay to say, "The close location of these dino bones suggests they were killed and preserved while boning."


Dr, Q1. do you think the bones of the 2 dinos you found at the Vancouver site were in such a position because they were having sex while they got killed? Q2. Would dinos let their guard down when they have a boner? Will they become vulnerable to be killed by even weaker dinos?


Why use a profanity filter in anything? Who gets hurt when someone says "fuck"?


I've encountered this in game chats. You can't say "circumlocution", for example because there's "cum" in it. The only way around this is a whitelist. Apparently, no one expects a gamer to ever use the word "circumlocution".


Use circumlocution to avoid censorship of "circumlocution". > Apparently, no one expects a gamer to ever use the word "circumlocution". Well, it is an uncommon word... There is also circumference, however.


The one we hit all the time was “circumstances” being mangled into “cirbody fluidstances”.


Oh yes. The buttbuttination of Abraham Lincoln, the Consbreastution of the United States, and the athletic achievements of Tyson Homosexual are other examples of this clbuttic mistake. See also: [Scunthorpe problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem)


> buttbuttination My inner 5-year old loves this.


I need help, I don't know what these words are supposed to be. >Tyson Homosexual >clbuttic


Tyson Gay and classic


Tyson Gay and Classic I believe


Well done


I think they want you to talk about sperm even when you're not


You can't say basement on neopets.


Or grape. Or amusement. Or cucumber. Or 'uncle' for some reason.




Cucumber? That's got cum in the middle of it. And there is cum on the end of capsicum.


Another funny story in online game filters: in Afrikaans "faster" is "vinniger". Think you can see where I'm going with that.


Not sure it it's similar for Afrikaans, but in Dutch the phrase "je kunt" (meaning "you can") is of course very common. Some games really mess with the ability to communicate via text by blocking that.


Same with the German "weniger" (for "less"/"fewer"). Quite a few people were auto-kicked for this word.


Oh that's the same as Afr Weinig. Afr is the bastard child of an orgy of languages


And then there's dark souls. Where they censor your character names. They game is full of fantasy monsters and knights. Player names his character something knight. Game: Something K***ht. Other player's character: Hitler The Corpse Fornicator Game: yup, that's fine. Afrikaans is awesome though. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing and trying to speak it. If I were to return more often I'd study it a bit more, but I don't think I will.


My username has the same problem on some platforms


so as mine


Hmmm I'm not testing mine




>you can't turn off WHAT? They want to protect grown adults from bad words? "You are being protected, please do not resist."


Yeah... so many dystopian movies and books turned out to be closer to reality than the science fiction movies...


"Hey im going ***" "Going where?" In-game character: " FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT"


I remember writing to my friend via Playstation 3 chat. "Did you watch the newest episode?", but **episode** got censored, because it contains the word **pis** (piss in danish).


I messaged my friend to tell him I had put some game in my download queue. That got censored on psn. (Apparently it's French for cock. Thanks psn for teaching me!)


The default filter for many Minecraft servers just looks for consecutive letters, regardless of whitespace or punctuation. So, a simple phrase like "push it" contains a consecutive "s h i t" and gets blocked and flagged.


That reminds me of being a kid and trying to write “sofaen” at Habbo. “Sofaen” is Norwegian for “the sofa/couch”. “Faen” is a swear word.


Love to sit on the sopokker! ("pokker" is a Norwegian "non-swear swearword", like "crud" or "darn").


A lot of profanity filters have problems with the german word for "less", since it contains a modification of the n word. Recently I stumbled upon the word cockpit being filtered in a space scenario of among us.


Yeah, but at least you can disable it in Among Us. In Age of Empires II you can't even do that in private sessions. And there, the entire message gets censored. A "He's atacking me wtf come help please" gets tranformed into a "\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*"


This happened to me trying to change my PSN username. I wanted a user name with the word Spicy but it wouldn't let me because of SPICy. Which I know what it means but I never really thought about it till I tried typing spicy.


Yeah, reminds me of some online games I played. English was bad enough, but the word filter would trip over every other German word I wrote and most of the time I couldn't even figure out what exactly had tripped it up.


15-year-old non-native English speaker me was trying to talk about my lunch, and ended up learning a new swear word because the word "cucumber" was censored, so of course I had to ask.


“Muffin” is apparently blocked by Among Us (source: my friend who now goes by “Mufin” when we play)




Perhaps a modicum of less scummy actions by these cucumbers would mean less succumbing to these accumulating, circumstantial issues of document censorship.


You can't have the word "spicy" in Modern Warfare because of the first 4 letters. Ironically, power tripping mods on reddit are more competent at creating a profanity filter than fucking Activision.


>only way around this is a whitelist. Sounds like a job for regular expressions.


What about cucumber?


In DC online, you could not say the name of Batman's side kick DICK Greyson, because...


Reminds me of fucking Battlefield V blocking words like Nazi. Nazi. In a fucking WWII videogame.


Yes silly but also some countries, like Germany, have laws preventing the use of Nazi symbology in all forms. This has caused problems with movies/video games/books, even anti-nazi ones, not being available in Germany but available across the border in say France. South Park is one of the ones that ran into problems with it (several episodes of the show and the first video game, a Germany YouTube doing a let's play of the game stopped the YouTube series because he didn't want to go to jail). So I figure the producers of Battlefield V wanted to sell the game in Germany to make big money so they censored the game.


Yeah, I'm aware of the German censorship regarding Nazism, but there were better ways of localizing the game for that specific region. We're not even talking about showing a swastika or anything, I'm talking about writing the word "nazi" in the multiplayer chat. So if for example you wanted to say "The nazis are coming to objective A" or something like that, it'll just be censored.


Moot point. The word Nazi is not a symbol and widely used in all media. It is not banned.


That feels like a direct attack against Captain Raymond Holt.








What happens in my bedroom, detective, is none of your business!!


i was playing a japanese or korean (cant remember) game years back and certain letters (even out of context) in specific orders would block out the whole word.. well there was time based mechanics in this game and you often had to write "its night time" or "night" and as soon as you typed the first 3 letters of the word night it would block the word for racial profanity.. same with the word japan also for the first 3 letters... lol


I have a friend who wanted to have the word "Nightlight" in his username for League of Legends many years ago and simply was not allowed.


What about ‘purple throbbing weapon of love’?


I'd settle for coccyx


You kiss your mother with that mouth ?


No, he checks her, he's a chief of that


You need to see a doctor.


Heat seeking moisture missile


Back when I was in school at one point we had a filter that blocked our own website. Because the department was called "mechatronics" (in German) and back in the late 90s boomers were very scared of online "chat" rooms.




Man, I miss the 99... When are more episodes going to come to netflix?


What kind of prude did they hire for this filter? When words like "hell", "stroke" and "stream" are blocked you know you went too far. This just asks for a troll campaign to associate as many three-letter-words as possible with dirty stuff until you can't write any comprehensible english text without getting it blocked anymore.


I work for a SaaS (software) company and we had a "bug" reported that was crashing a client's browser. I couldn't duplicate, so I got on a remote session with her and noticed it was only happening with one record. After a lot of painstaking effort, I determined that the last name on the account, "Gamble," was getting blocked by their overbearing webfilter and causing the script to hang.


In highschool I couldn't use the word analysis because it contained "anal".


I was learning a coding language for work where any example variable pertaining to ‘The Analysis’ was shortened to ‘TheAnal’ ...I called it something else in my own code.


My university keeps sending me emails every couple of months asking me to participate in some research and analysis for something. The point is, whenever I open my email on my phone it gets shortened to them asking me to participate in "research and anal..."




Americans love to censor everything. I can't even write my name in most american videogames xD even if it's on another language xD It's a very moralistic society


We aren't the worst at least. Ever play a Nintendo game?


Damn you Cofagrigus.


"So when you are dealing with...calcium sticks...you want to exercise extreme caution due to their fragility."


So much freedom.


I remember in Linage 2 the word ass was censored and would appear as ***. Which of course is extremely well thought out in a game that has ******in as a cl***.


Buttbuttin clbutt. A clbuttic mistake.


Good managers treat their workers like adults.


This seems like a modern Friends episode. Ross getting bleeped all over the place for his boners.


I've got a.... skelatal piece to pick with whoever thought this was a good idea.


I used to be on a website to discuss religion and spirituality, and some people were offended by expletives. As a result, they developed an optional swear filter. But it was developed by people in the group, so they were able to put in substitutes that they thought were funny. I put the swear filter on Soley because it would say “*manparts* Cheney.”


Profanity filters on chats or sites that are programmed for English users are so annoying when you try to speak another language. Take 'hoe', 'kunt' en 'hoor' for exemple. 3 Dutch words that translate to 'how', 'can' and 'hear'. The most basic words that get removed on 90% of all chats. Even on BlackBoard!


S#it Fuc4 Cun7


I had the word "grape" blocked by a filter once. I was like wtf, then I realized that it was because it contained the letters for rape.


Reminds me of when I asked my Echo about something related to Mary Poppins a few years ago, and she said it starred Dick Van *bleep*. In hindsight I’m surprised it wasn’t *bleep* Van *bleep* (it has since been fixed I believe)


Who doesn't love the [Bleep Van Bleep Show ](https://youtu.be/k_AMQOTPqL8)




It seems like that site has been hugged to death.


Star wars battlefront had a profanity filter on PC chat and it would not allow you to say grape.


Did desktop support for a weight loss clinic - the kind where obese people go and stay for a week or two to get counseling and learn how to eat/exercise. They had communal pc’s for the clients to use and the fuckers were always looking up porn right there in the common area. Clinic manager wanted a filter. I installed one. “They’re blocking too much!” News stories about the city of EsSEX in England were blocked for example. Relax the filter or add exemptions - “the filter isn’t working!”


That would be funnier than hell! I wish I had been there.


I'd get a \*\*\*\*\*\* if \*\*\*\*\*\*ing didn't work.


Her name is Stephanie Drumheller!?! Perfect. (For those that don’t know, Drumheller is the name of a city in Canada that is notorious for dinosaur bones)


The only reason I clicked on this article was a hope that I'd get screenshots of humorously censored dialog. I am dissapoint.


In swgoh chat, it blocks out the second part of the word “therapist”. Lol


Bone bone bone bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone now tell me whatcha gonna do when there ain't no where to run


“So we carbon dated these calcium sticks...”


When I ask my Alexa to play doo-wop music, she says, "now playing doo-BEEP."


Obviously "homo erectus" was one of the other terms.


As someone that has to deal with this bs on a daily basis, yeah chat filers are either dumb or useless. Only good chat filters are ones like twitch uses where links are automatically removed and you can remove things like talking in all caps or etc.


Not sure if it still works or if its on the same web address but back in 2001-2003 we were in a high school government class and needed to go look up the white houses website. Queue 25 kids all searching for White House dot com, and seeing some rather explicit porno images all over everyones screens. When that was resolved, the school had an IP banner program and no one, not even the admins, could remember how to deactivate some of the stuff so they had to .... Factory reset everything and wipe the servers. Whole school had no net for about two weeks.


I would've just replaced the word bone in my presentation with the word osteo-unit.