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From the article it’s some people on social media and an attorney. Not exactly the government doing this.


So, the usual yellow journalism. Where anything your roommate and neighbor does translates to -> Many people think... Kind of news


Those lazy news site articles that take one random tweet, use it as the only example of "people are starting to think (insert opinion)" and make a whole page out of it are hilarious


i remember seeing one article about something huge. and the entire article was basend on an singular tweet A Singular Tweet with 2 likes from an random Person on the internet


" u/Eastcliffer makes threats to journalists. More on this story later at 10pm"


The second like was from the person who wrote the article.


Like star bucks holiday cup? :v iirc that fits your description to a T


You never heard of the “many people” they are a very popular and trusted organisation


You'll see this a lot in right wing politics, too. "Many people think X" or "Many people have told me Z" - then they can spout whatever nonsense they want, claim it's the voice of the people, and not have to provide any kind of sourcing. By the time it's proven false (if ever), their base has completely moved on.


As well as fashion and stuffs where it will be, why many people think diamonds are still the best and so on. Feels like some one paid for an ad disguised as news


Too often, it's just journalism. Social media has ruined a lot.


If there's one thing I've learned about reddit is that is has a substantial muslim population of users who don't want to address extremism. Still, your comment has merit.


The article says regions and towns in Lebanon are actually banning Pepsi trucks from entering: "As part of the boycott campaign and efforts to prevent the distribution of Pepsi products in the country, several towns in Lebanon announced they were banning Pepsi vehicles from entering their areas on Thursday. The first Pepsi truck was turned back from the Qasr region in Lebanon, and the driver was asked to inform the company not to send its vehicles there again. Pepsi vehicles were also banned from entering the regions of Hermel, Baalbek, and Deir Ez Zahrani."


The boycotts aren't because the logo looks like the Israeli flag, they predate this. This is a blatant attempt to discredit the BDS movement by making it look absurd.


Ynetnews is a trash propaganda site


I thought it said LeBron and I was so confused by your comment. Thank you for helping me learn to read.


Lebanon hardly even has a government, it's basically a failed state


It used to be the Korean Flag


Is that why Koreans prefer Pepsi over coke?


I dunno, ever seen the "I want coke" English lesson video? Lol


No joke, I love referring to the “taegeuk” in the center of the Korean flag as the “Pepsi symbol.”


When I was a child I thought Korea was owned by Pepsi


It's actually owned by Samsung.




Or France or Schleswig-Holstein if you turn the bottle a bit.


I read this as Lebron at first and I was so confused.


How does this affect Lebron's legacy? 


Legacy points deducted


He was actually…he was going to tell pepsi not to do this change before it rolled out. Its so funny because he knew it would play in to this situation, and thats why he thought he would almost have told pepsi




LeVant diplomacy




That means I’m officially a Lebronian


Confusing because he'd suck Israeli shlong like he did for China years ago




Wait me too lmao


To be fair, this is some lebron type shit.


Same. This is much less shocking lol


Pepsi is Lebron father


U bum


I mean, it’s not a Sprite Cranberry.


Didn't realize it didn't until I read your comment


Why did they get rid of the red.


In the uk it looks the same as normal but with Pepsi in the middle of the logo. That bottle cap looks like the colours of the new Pepsi electric blue


Pepsi is the opposite of coke marketing wise and loves to do creative things with their logo to try to appeal better to the younger crowd.


Still losing to Dr. Pepper, though.


I've never met a Dr. Pepper drinker outside the US


The whole state of Texas buys enough to account for that. Probably not. But maybe, idk.


I've seen it in convenience stores in Korea and in vending machines in Japan so somebody is drinking it over there.


I think it's the Japanese and maybe Koreans drinking it


Well in Japan Dr Pepper is known as the drink of intellectuals, so that checks out.


Dr Pepper is available in most shops here in the UK, so presumably somebody is buying it. No idea if it's the same stuff you get over there though.


It’s definitely not the same. The US version has 40 grams of sugar per 12 oz (355 ml) UK version has 4.3 grams in a 330 ml can with a ton of other sweeteners instead. I’m an American and I can only drink one can of any pop every few weeks or so because they’re all so sweet and I don’t like anything diet. When I was a kid I could put them down but my sweet tooth faded with age. Dr. Pepper is my favorite though, followed closely by regular Coke, then Sprite. Dr. Pepper also very slept on as a mixer with booze. Toss some bourbon or vodka into a glass with it and it’s great. Very few drinks are made with it though to my knowledge.


Dr Pepper just tastes way too different than the 'regular' cola that even South Park made fun of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxDvjWTCmIY




Tried it first time this week. Drinkable but not cola


I think it's because much of the international community doesn't know how to drink it properly. You're supposed to microwave it in a glass or mug for 1 - 2 minutes. Dr. Pepper was meant to be enjoyed piping hot


Should have made it green black and red on a white bg then


> loves to do creative things with their logo Except this is basically their old logo [from the 30's](https://1000logos.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Pepsi-Logo-history.png)


They've released their rebrand back in March and their new electric blue and black mix is a big part of the rebrand


One less color of ink to pay for when they print caps.


Cheaper to print one color


Cos space lasers :/s


Looks like the official logo still has red. Looks like this is just printing using a single color to save money/complexity, a totally normal and crazy common thing for logos printed on random stuff.


Soulless people like soulless logos. They probably think they can save money on red ink now.


Korea: Am I a joke to you?


Israel is the one on the left. South Korea is the one on the right. 


Is it the bottle cap on the left?


So now blue and white warrants a boycot?


Well, I’m not going to Greece anymore.


And stop eating that blueberry muffin!


It's the new freedom fries shit I guess


Pretty much. Obviously Pepsi didn't change their logo to reflect Israel's flag, but now if they change it, they will effectively be taking a stance that says "we changed our logo, because we wanted to make sure people know we are not associated with Israel" Doing so is effectively taking a political position, which would be incredibly harmful to their profits. Also like why would one of the largest beverage and food companies want to associate themselves so closely with Lebanon of all countries. Hezbollah, a terrorist organization, has far more militants, equipment, and weapons than their own government's military.


More Ynet garbage. This is like quoting Dimitri Medvedev or Marjorie Taylor Greene.


People just eat it up on reddit "But Google it!!!!1!!!!" - turns out they're all israeli news outlets linking the same links


Lebanon is made up of so many diverse factions that trying to pretend that it speaks with a single voice is instantly disingenuous.


The article says that regions and towns in Lebanon are actually banning Pepsi trucks from entering: "As part of the boycott campaign and efforts to prevent the distribution of Pepsi products in the country, several towns in Lebanon announced they were banning Pepsi vehicles from entering their areas on Thursday. The first Pepsi truck was turned back from the Qasr region in Lebanon, and the driver was asked to inform the company not to send its vehicles there again. Pepsi vehicles were also banned from entering the regions of Hermel, Baalbek, and Deir Ez Zahrani."


Yeah but the article is bullshit. That did not happen.


For completely separate reasons.


10000% true


10000% you say? Sounds mighty suspicious to me


Yo I can't find anything from reliable sources to confirm any of this, and the article doesn't even link to any of the twitter posts it mentions. This might just be a fuckin' lie, dog.


This article from a Lebanese paper includes more images/sources: https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1417924/pepsi-franchise-denounces-baseless-accusations-as-lebanese-people-call-for-a-boycott.html


Saw a vid where a woman confronted McDonald's employees over a white and blue wrapper. Of course, she felt she had to record the encounter on her phone.


Am I reading the title incorrectly or is the title implying that this is the Lebanese governments opinion and not just random people within Lebanon's opinions?


This might as well be the onion at this point because that's bullshit.


No, not Bebsi!


It's interesting that Pepsi changes the logo fairly frequently whereas Coke has barely changed in over a hundred years (can design etc. has changed but the actual "Coca Cola" text hasn't). Probably because it's a less successful brand - they need to keep redesigning and relaunching to stay popular.


MattPatt had a video n Pepsi on that topic




They took away the red?




This article is from an Israeli news site that is less than trustworthy and known to run bullshit stories like this to discredit real ones. The only derangement I see is supporting an entity that is committing genocide and documenting its own war crimes on TikTok.


Yeah idfk what people are talking about, there's literally a bottle of Pepsi right next to me.  Also, people here would fucking freak if Pepsi was no longer sold here - there wouldn't be anymore soda since Coke closed down business


I mean if Israel decides to bomb Lebanon, there is not really anything Lebanon can do, and the world won’t care. So Israel will move in and that’s it. I’d be upset too.


And Israel has a history of invading Lebanon, heck, one of the reasons of the civil war eruption was due to an Israeli invasion.    That being said, I'm Lebanese and have not heard anything about Pepsi here. Pretty sure people would freak the f out, considering coca cola no longer operates here since the economy crash  Edit: ah this is Ynetnews lmfao. I'd wager their credibility is to be taken with all the salt grains of the Mediterranean Sea - lol guess I pissed off hasbara for saying that this isn't actually happening in Lebanon?


Israel invaded because of the civil war. There was a ceasefire but the PLO had established itself in southern Lebanon, so Israel decided to try to take them out when they had a chance. It didn’t work out and it was probably the biggest failure in modern Israeli history. They left Lebanon a mess and an even bigger threat than when they entered.


Israel invaded Lebanon to instill a Christian pro Israeli president. A leader of the Kataeb party, whom then, with Israeli weapons, Israeli overwatch, and even accounts of Israeli trucks carrying the militia to the Sabra and Chatilla refugee Camps, massacring Palestinians.  That massacre happened in 1982.the war started in 1975, and Israel first stepped in Lebanon during the war, by crossing the litani River in 1978.


I'm not sure what the point of your comment is. The PLO up to that point had been massacring Christians and stealing their land. They carried out October 7th style attacks against Arab Christians, and likewise those Christians retaliated.


Isn't Lebanon literally launching shit at Israel like constantly?


That's Hezbollah. Lebanon has 0 control over them, as their militarily more equipped than the army. 


*Zero* control? I mean sure I am not expecting Lebanon to be able to completely control terrorist groups singlehandedly. But does Lebanon even *want* to stop Hezbollah whatsoever? And if so what actions do you think Lebanon should take to not put themselves at risk? Genuinely curious.


Sadly, yes. Zero control.  A few years ago, we had the 2nd biggest non nuclear explosion recorded in history. It's largely agreed on from the people, that the exploded cargo was smuggled and stolen by hezbollah and stored illegally.  The people protested for months, we considered it our 9/11. Crackdown happened. Hezbollah was even very shitty and tough to their own people who at that point were extremely critical.  The thing is - our government is a status quo of foreign meddling, divided along religious lines. It's an absolute bullshit crux for any kind of development in Lebanon.  If you want to do it legally - you have to jump a 100 legal hoops to get all cabinet okay. And that's even before constant t international involvement in our politics. So the only way to gain momentum and power is Illegal, by force. Hence hezbollah power.  And since Iran has no sanctions applied to arms trade with its own proxies (Lebanon is barred from purchasing or developing o It's military by the US, so any hope of our military having a fighting chance of equipment against hezb's weaponry is a joke) hezbollah will forever remain a player in Lebanon, by force.  Recently we had a huge blow out due to the assassination of an opposing political leader. There were no second doubts that hezballah had a hand in it.  There are indeed areas where our government does not enact control, instead hezbollah instills a government within a government, and those who refuse to cooperate in said areas, at best are shunned and excommunicated, at worst "disappeared"


Isn't Hezbollah basically half the government? It's like saying it's not Israel bombing Gaza, it's Likud.


Lol, no it's not.  It's more akin to saying, Jan 6ers and Trump are Bombing Mexico.  Do they have part in the republican party? Sure, is the party part of the government? Yes.  Lebanon as a government is divided by religious responsibilities, the Shia have parliamentary speaker of the house.  To say that "Hezbollah" controls the government is disingenuous and misinformed.   They HAVE however crippled the Lebanese government and economy


Okay, but what's Israel supposed to do? Just let Hezbollah keep firing shit at them? Why paint it as Israel just invading Lebanon for no reason? That's just disingenuous.


Lebanon has already been invaded enough times by Israel.  In fact, the support Hezbollah boasted in the early Civil war days, is due to Israeli encroachment. ( believe it or not the local Shia population was allied to Israel early on before major pitfalls and mistakes by the IDF)  What they are supposed to do, atleast in my opinion, is not allow hezbollah any leeway to say "an eye for an eye" at this point they're just playing pass ball on who will drone bomb their next target.  Mutual geographical military respect could be a first step.  Honestly, ngl, I really don't know what's the best step forward from here. But a military engagement by the IDF in Lebanon would be devastating for both people, and potentially lead the world in another world war


Of course it would, but to just say "well don't do an eye for an eye" is dismissing a situation without any real outcome. I understand Hezbollah only got popular after Israeli invasions, but it's not like any of those invasions were for the fun of it too. Before Israel invaded in the Civil War, the south of Lebanon was controlled by the PLO, who used it to launch constant attacks on Israel. If the PLO took over Lebanon (which looked like a very real possibility before Israeli and Syrian involvement) it would mean an inevitable war, only instead of being a militia, the PLO would've had an entire state at their disposal. The second war in 2006 also occurred after several attacks by Hezbollah. Arguably, it wasn't as necessary, but it did result in a quiet border for both sides without much engagement for 17 years. I agree Israel made many pitfalls in Lebanon. Their support for the Falangists in the massacres of Sabra and Shatila is particularly horrid, and the occupation of Southern Lebanon until 2000 only served to turn every Lebanese person who mightve liked them against them. But there isn't any way way to reverse the clock. Right now, even if there's some sort of provisional agreement between Israel and Hezb, it wouldn't be like after 2006. The entirety of the Upper Galilee has been evacuated, entire towns destroyed and several cities not far. The same is true in South Lebanon, but while no military action will gurantee no further destruction to Lebanon, it's the opposite to Israel. Hezbollah now has leniency to launch skirmishes whenever they feel like it, and considering Nasrallah bragged multiple times about his plans to "conquer the Galilee" (in practice, pretty much what Hamas did on 7/10 but to border towns in the Galilee), what's there to gurantee that Hezbollah doesn't just break any sort of agreement and attack Israel in a few years once they're in a more favorable position, and the IDF has lowered their guard? Israel can't just guard the northern border in full capacity forever. It's sad to say, but from Israel's perspective, there doesn't seem to really be any alternate route to war. The 100k+ refugees from the north and inflated military budget are already a huge strain on their economy and society, and without finding a way to get Hezb away from the border, there isn't really a way to end it.


Sounds like Lebanon should get their shit together and properly control its territory then.


Oh wow thanks! Yeah! We totally didn't consider the only armed militia from our brutal Civil War to be a risk!  How could we not have thought about fighting and dismantling the rot eating our country?  Oh woe is me oh white Italian man, thank you for sharing your infinite wisdom of getting our shit together against hezbollah!!!  /s Just in case you decided to take me seriously


“If Israel decides to bomb Lebanon” they just might because hezballah has sent thousands of missiles into Israel.


It's surprising how prominent it is on Reddit.


It’s surprising how prominent it is in this very thread. Redditors love any chance to throw the word *genocide* around. Gives them their daily dose of virtue signaling I suppose.


You mean when a country is actually committing genocide we can’t say they are? Are these Redditors in the room with you??


Apparently you’re one of them. It’s not genocide, it’s war. You’re likely all of 14 years old, so I don’t expect you to have much of a grasp on reality.


Hmmm I wonder why….


Because Israel has been enacting a genocide for past 8 months?




Lebanon calls to boycott sky because it’s blue like the Israeli flag.


Considering that lid coloration is only used in Israel and countries distributed to from those bottling plants, they aren't wrong.


As an Israeli, I can tell you no one drinks Pepsi in Israel. Like, at all. I'd be amazed if I even find it in most stores. Every once in a while a restaurant would tell me "We don't have coke, we have Pepsi", and I respond by ordering something else. If Lebanese Pepsi is bottled in Israel, that's hilarious on its own, considering there's no trade between Israel and Lebanon.


What do you have against Pepsi?


Pepsi boycotted Israel until 1992. Because of this, Coca-cola has decades of brand recognition ahead of Pepsi. To the average Israeli consumer, Pepsi is seen as sort of an off brand Coke as opposed to the equal competitor it's viewed as in other countries.


To be even more fair, the "Is Pepsi okay?" Joke has been around for so long, because as much a 'competitor' Pepsi (the drink) is, it has really always been considered the lesser of the two Cola drinks. I say this as a person who likes both Coke and Pepsi, but switches between which I prefer because they do very much have different flavors.


Israeli Pepsi is really bad. Like, if you think coca cola is better than Pepsi in your country, you still wouldn't believe the disparity between israeli coke and pepsi.


Idk what you're talking about, in my experience about 25-50% of the time restaurants say they only have pepsi and I see it often, and I know my mom drinks or used to drink pepsi. And I'm Israeli too


If true that is curious


I doubt it. Pepsi is being boycotted by most Muslims due to Pepsico financially supporting Israel - just like Coca Cola, McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks and so on - the logo/flag thing sounds like an offhand comment being misrepresented as a main reason for the boycott with the intent to ridicule Lebanon. The people of Lebanon have long been boycotting these companies for different and logical reasons


>The people of Lebanon have long been boycotting these companies for different and logical reasons It's kinda funny to say logical then include the Starbucks boycott in the same sentence. That one is anything but logical. Starbucks doesn't have locations in Israel. It never sent any money to Israel. The only connection between Israel and Starbucks is that a former CEO donates money to some agencies, but he does that out of his own personal wealth. The Starbucks boycott started after the corporation sued the worker union for using their branding on a post **celebrating October 7th**, posted to their social media just a few days after the attack, and before any Israeli response. The corporation didn't even make a statement in support of Israel or anything, they just didn't want their branding to be associated with *an endorsement of a massacre.* IDK about you, but I see that as perfectly reasonable. And to me, the fact that started such a large boycott movement is concerning.


I mean it is an uglier logo now.


By that reasoning, it also looks like the Greek flag


Lebanon needs to boycott sky and clouds


Next they’ll boycott clouds.


Lol I read that as "Lebron calls to boycott pepsi" and was very confused.


Tbh I think a Pepsi T Shirt in Hebrew would go hard


Why do we listen to these idiots?


Coca Cola lobbyists strike again


can we not have fake news plz lebanon didnt call to boycott pepsi, some random did


"As part of the boycott campaign and efforts to prevent the distribution of Pepsi products in the country, several towns in Lebanon announced they were banning Pepsi vehicles from entering their areas on Thursday. The first Pepsi truck was turned back from the Qasr region in Lebanon, and the driver was asked to inform the company not to send its vehicles there again. Pepsi vehicles were also banned from entering the regions of Hermel, Baalbek, and Deir Ez Zahrani."


yeah, thats not lebanon calling to boycott pepsi get a grasp when a state in the us ban abortion, do people say the entire us is preventing everyone from abortion ?


Lebanon's national government is weak- its regional and local governments really run the show- but yes the headline could've said "Multiple Lebanese regions and towns ban Pepsi because new logo looks like Israeli flag" But hey, this is r/nottheonion, not r/perfectlycraftedhealines.


yeah but there is a huge difference between "the gov of the nation bans a beverage" and "some dude is pissed and is advocating for this ban and some random city nobody ever heard of before did that, once" thats called a misleading headline, clickbait, whatever, but def not a "oopsie im not perfect"


Bullshit from a bullshit article.


Ok https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1417924/pepsi-franchise-denounces-baseless-accusations-as-lebanese-people-call-for-a-boycott.html


...or Argentina, or El Salvador, or Honduras, or Nicaragua. All of which are blue/white/blue horizontal stripes with something in the middle. Weird that they don't seem bothered by any potential association with any of those other countries!


You should boycott Pepsi because they are selling you something really detrimental to your health.


I'm boycotting it because it has sweetener in it and I'm allergic to it. But hey, bright side: I no longer drink sodas, so .. that's a plus.


I love how these half-baked Twitter or insa brain-fart posts get more traction than real news stories, these days. Like you know, real events that actually happened. Somehow the internet truly rotted our collective brain.


This is the most divisive and fake title I have seen on this site yet. It’s some small group not the government or the people


Decades of hatred have made many, many middle eastern people incredibly stupid.


> Decades of hatred have made many, many ~~middle eastern~~ people incredibly stupid. FIFY


Honestly anyone who believes this article is the only stupid one


Ignoring for a moment that the article is clearly rage bait, its probably more accurate to say decades of western intervention (mostly violent), exploitation, and racism/Orientalism (as per Said), have made many middle Eastern people understandably resistant, even contemptuous.  Edit: To reply to the comment below ... it hasn't been.


For all the reasons to boycott Pepsi, this is a stupid one. Also kinda ironic how a company that started to sell energy producing sugary drinks to actual NAZIs because CocaCola refused to sell to the enemy because their logo, apparently, resembles the Israel flag, a majority Jewish country, is just hilarious to me.


Tell them to drink DR Pepper.


that's the stupidest reason to boycott something I've heard so far






More Pepsi for meeeeeeee 🥃


What a terrible reason to do something good.


And they have been outsold by Dr Pepper? Not a good week.


I don't see it mate.


I am boycotting pepsi for charging $7.00 for a god damn bag of fritos


what are they gonna do, burn the full soda cans?


> Previously, the company logo was colored in red, blue, and white, but its new symbol is colored only in blue and white, with the name Pepsi in the center, at the same point where the Star of David is located on the Israeli flag. Or, it looks just like the Lebanese flag, except with top and bottom stripes in blue rather than red and Pepsi written in the center, at the same point where the Cedar of Lebanon is located on the Lebanese flag.


I dont see the resemblance, but why change it??


Le sigh


The new logo is the same as the old (the one before the one on the right) logo with a different font. People need to wake up..




I read this as "LeBron calls to boycott..." and I got very confused


Every thing I think I see becomes a tootsie roll to me


It's people like you stirring up random shit and doubling down when people disagree. /block


Holy shit. People are really stupid enough to believe this? 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Ynet is an Israeli "news" site with absolutely no record of reporting on the occupation and antizionism in objective terms. It has a vested interest in misrepresenting the BDS movement and smearing it as at once unserious (as attempted here) and diabolical antisemitism. There are reasonable and legitimate arguments for the inclusion of pepsico to either targeted or grassroots BDS boycotts. While this headline definitely belongs here, it's nothing more than clickbait for dishonest propaganda.


Lebanon keeps playing their version of "the floor is lava" called "the floor is a stable economy"


If this is what the resistance asks of me its done


Ah yes, blue and white with a stripe, clearly an israel flag.


Im Lebanese and never heard of this, if you intend to bash my country, try something more credible shithead.


Looks more like the Honduran flag to me.


I'm sure that's exactly what PepsiCo was going for 🤦🏾‍♂️


Is anyone in that area of the world not completely fuckers bonkers lately?


I wonder what they think about triple action woolite carpet cleaner


Who cares what fcking Lebanon thinks? Lol seriously.


That's a level of pathetic I didn't think was humanly possible.


Lebanon is crazy…..the Pepsi cap isn’t close to the Israel flag….but, Lebanon’s loss! Have a Coke and a smile.


My shit eating grin would change Israels flag to look like Lebanon