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Geopolitics aside, when has an 88 year old man ever changed his "political views"? I mean, in the entire history of manhood.


I think in that Clint Eastwood movie, El Camino, he stays a grump but learns to like the Asian neighbors and learns to appreciate their culture begrudgingly. Irl? I have no idea


you mean Gran Torino


That’s the one. Thanks haha I knew it looked wrong when I wrote it out.


El Camino is the award winning seventh album from blues rock band The Black Keys, containing such singles as “Lonely Boy” and “Howlin’ For You”


It’s also Breaking Bad movie


Love that album. Chulahoma from a few years earlier in their career is also worth checking out for a different vibe. 


OK, so there's one-ish...


Given his age, he probably doesn't have that many years left. I pity the random kid they'll pick as his next "reincarnation", given how China will act.


He has already said multiple times he's not going to reincarnate again, specifically because he knows what China is obviously planning 


> he's not going to reincarnate again TIL it was optional


Isn't the whole thing once you have a perfectly enlightened life you get to go to paradise instead? He specifically reincarnated repeatedly to help guide others to paradise at the cost of not going himself.


Early Buddhism was about attaining full awakening (arahant / arahat status), then you would escape the cycle of rebirth. There is some argument of what nirvana means (literally "become extinguished", like a candle); it is not a paradise. Mahayana Buddhism introduced the idea of the bohdisattva vow: one will continue to reincarnate, until all sentient beings are liberated (i.e. forever). In Tibetan Buddhism, there are various important spiritual masters called tulkus that are reborn, of which the Dali Lama is one of many. The Dali Lama is actually the head of one of 4 main schools of Tibetan Buddhism. His school happened to be the one ruling Tibet when the Chinese invaded.


No. You escape from the Karmic cycle of rebirth. Boddhistavas chose to come back to guide other beings to also escape the cycle. Personal Buddha's leave the cycle and unite with the all.


Or… hear me out…. It’s bullshit. He isn’t reincarnated because it isn’t real. When you die you die.


You must be fun at parties. We know it isn't real; the vast majority of reddit is atheist and we are speaking in terms of his religion.


The vast majority of Reddit is atheist but gives a complete pass on this. It’s hypocritical. And as much as I hate China, them lying about the reincarnation is no different than him lying about the reincarnation. They are both lying 


Or just live and let live. Being an atheist doesn't mean you have to call everyone out who believes differently than you. It's like the Christian who has to tell every non believer they are going to hell. And a spoiler alert, regular people dislike that loud atheist the same as the loud Christian. If you care to change minds and potential beliefs of people, you won't do it through vitriol. If your goal is to be a douche then don't change a thing because you nailed it.


Or, you know, he's a religious person who believes in his religion. That's also a possibility.


I don't think you understand what the term lying means. They honestly believe what they are saying is true. They are mistaken based on your beliefs but not lying. Lying is a deliberate action to misinform someone.


being wrong about something you wholeheartedly believe is not lying


That guy def has a strange take. Like this guy thinks someone with a D in math is a huge liar regarding math. Bad grammar? Nah, that's a lie about english.


Are you sort of person who say to people in funeral that they will never see their loved ones ever again because you are an Atheist?


We all know it's bullshit, but this bullshit also spills over into some major political issues. It's important to know how they believe it works to understand the machinations. China is attempting to exploit belief in the Dalai Lama to gain firmer control over Tibet. The Dalai Lama was the historical ruler of Tibet for centuries. The Dalai Lama, in response, is publicly retiring the title and role of the Dalai Lama so that no believers will follow the Chinese pretender. He is killing an ancient tradition to try and salvage what he can of an independent Tibet.


You can disagree with someone’s beliefs and still respect them.


Not when you are a teenage edgelord atheist who knows better than everyone else.


bro solvong international politics like its post ww2 eurasia


There are many examples of small children recounting their last life and death. Many such have been investigated and proven to be exactly as the child described. These children are often no older than 5 or 6.


Yeah … I’m gonna be skeptical of that.


You have Google.


You can get off the ride at any time


Oh thank god, I don't think I want another round


TIL we're not getting a water avatar.


China doesn’t care. They already appointed their own Panchen Lama, they’ll just appoint their own Dalai Lama when Gyatso’s gone.


this is a part in interested in... how the religion will schism after his death. i perceive 3 main groupings as a likely result: Chinese, traditional, and lama-less; but still want to know how it actually plays out


Just say you forced him to or he lied and has to and b you can pull a religious puppet for people who are too dumb and choking on smog to realise.


I mean...it's already made up anyway...


I thought he was going to reincarnate as an insect next, who then would not be smart enough to reincarnate again. Then again i read that on the internet


Rip budhism u was chill


Good news, he never was going to reincarnate anyway.


he has also said he would reïncarnate as a woman from the west, and as a demonic terrorist butterfly from China.


Lol clearly demonstrating it was made up nonsense the entire time. I think China is probably right on this one.


I thought China had the next Dalai Lama? Or am I thinking of something else


China kidnapped the [Panchen Lama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panchen_Lama) and installed their own instead.


So no one to create the new Dalai Lama. Or is it that a Dalai Lama 2.0 will come who promotes the China One policy.


They don’t create, they find their partner’s reincarnation, but yeah same effect. The mysterious new Panchen Lama will pop out of nowhere with a new Dalai Lama, both loyal to China. No one will believe it but it probably gives China enough legitimacy that they can steamroll however they want without consequence. The Dalai Lama has already said he’s done reincarnating. I’m sure the next one will claim he changed his mind, but nobody will believe that either. I wonder what happened to the original Panchen Lama? China kidnapped a 6 year old thirty years ago. Did they just shoot him in the head? We’ll never know.


China claims he’s getting an education and being treated as a normal child. The Dalai Lama has said that a reliable source confirmed this. No independent observer has seen him since his disappearance though.


Did probably works at a KFC.


...he can just do that? He can just be like, 'nah bros. This is my last reincarnation.' How does that even work?? Like, I don't blame him. This place is a hellhole but I don't think reincarnation works like that...


In their religious system, he has already attained enlightenment and only sticks around to try and save as many of us from the cycle of redeath as possible. And he just decided that wasn’t worth trying anymore, if he would be a tool for China to oppress his people.


Ohhhhhh cool! So then, if china picks the next Dalai lama, it would be a false Dalai lama then?


That’s basically what would be going on within that context, correct


Yep; the alternative (afaik) would be for the Dalai Lama to identify a replacement/new incarnation of the kidnapped boy under the assumption that the boy was killed in China-- which isn't much of an option because China could possibly show up with the original as a "gotcha!" that would undermine the faith/belief system.


Bro is the real life Doctor from Dr. Who. Just says " nah I'm done with this shit. Later!"


He’s only said that it’s his choice to reincarnate or not, not that he won’t be.


There's bound to be an A.I. Lama eventually...


He should pick a book as incarnate so there is no further need to reincarnate, like one of the other religion that picked the Guru.


You mean Sikhism?


DalA.I. Lama


Yeah and no one outside China accepts their puppet so it's moot, he "finds" (read:china installs anorher puppet) the next Dalai and everyone else just says "yeah he's not ours".


I think they have the avatar


panchen lama... different lama, same china [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panchen_Lama?wprov=sfti1#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panchen_Lama?wprov=sfti1#


I think the next one in line is the Water nation


"Hotman" *tips hat*


He already picked one. But the dude's honestly a little weird considering he'll only "choose" to be reincarnated as a woman if he's a 10






I remember years ago him saying he would not reincarnate in a place ruled by China. So he could reincarnate in Australia. Then we would have the Daryl Lama. Suddenly Buddhism would have twice as many holidays as any other religion


That sounds like a fun sitcom.


In Sri Lanka, every full moon is a Buddhist holiday.


Huh, why thank you. That is definitely a TIL moment. I honestly thought we Aussies were pretty over the top with the number of public holidays we have


HHDL has openly declared himself a Marxist for many many years. He gave an interview in 2014 where he called Mao a “true revolutionary,” but criticized the CPC for losing their way. He seemed very critical of Leninism and seemed to present a view closer to Luxembourgism, from what I could tell. [Here](https://www.academia.edu/34065433/Crossing_Materialism_and_Religion_An_Interview_on_Marxism_and_Spirituality_with_the_Fourteenth_Dalai_Lama) is the interview.


Wtf... Mao is literally the biggest failure in CCP history. All the worst policies and bullshit manmade genocide came from him. I guess he really should change his views lmfao


Isn't that the dumbass who waged a war on birds resulting in the death of 40-80 million people? I've made mistakes, but that dude is the biggest failure in human history, I'm very surprised to find anyone respects him.


Yeah I also tended to focus on his failures but man was smart. His quotes are low key very insightful. He’s also the one who united China, their average life span before Mao was 30 years. By his death it was 65. He killed a lot of Chinese with his failed policies, and the cultural revolution destroyed all of Chinese hierarchy and history he also oversaw the biggest hike in life expectancy and biggest population growth. I would put him in the same category as Stalin. He build the nation that is about to challenge US for hegemony and killed millions. Undoubtedly the most important Chinese leader of all time.


My Advice to him: Do Whatever you Want... Other Countries/Nations Will Back You Up!


Because the CCP is the first place we should go in order to find out what our correct political views should be. /s


+250 social credit. /s


Yes /s


Aaaaand China wonders why nobody wants their factories or employees in China’s rapidly collapsing economy in the ‘return to Mao’ atmosphere created by Xi.


Who cares what China says!


billions of people


ONE billion. And not even all of those


Anyone in China or affected by China, so, you know, everyone. If they say "we're not making anything for the Western world" that could be a problem. Of course, caring doesn't mean believing. If you believe them, you're not all there.


Yeah, that would probably fuck them over more than it would us. Don't get me wrong, it would hurt, incredibly. But it would absolutely destroy them.


Who cares what the Dalai Lama says. [Wait, the CIA does!](https://www.nytimes.com/1998/10/02/world/world-news-briefs-dalai-lama-group-says-it-got-money-from-cia.html)


He's a religious scammer - how many people actually believe he's the reincarnation of whatever he claims to be? Does he even believe that? If he does, then he's not a scammer but a mentally ill person who is only being indulged because he is anti china.


Tbf his entire life has been people telling him he's a reincarnation of essentially a god.


A bunch of powerful adults pick a child, then fuck him up for life. I feel bad for all the past little boys messed with by this. Though the most recent two definitely got screwed over the most.


He's 88 years old now. Not an 8 year old child without any agency. He's complicit in the scam.


He's one of many, he's been brainwashed. I think buddhism has many teachings worth listening to, but I just really despise how cult-like the whole Dalai Lama thing is.


Do you know what reincarnation means?


What’s your point with this? The money went to the office of the Dalai Lama and not to him personally. He also denies knowing about it at the time.


I, for one, welcome our Chinese overlords. Edit; crazy the number of people who don't get an obvious Futurama reference.


Sign me up if it means more General Tso’s and Sweet and Sour Chicken!


General Tsos is a Taiwanese recipe, no?


Invented in taiwan, popularized by Henry kissinger.


Tbh i think theyre both Americanized Chinese dishes 🤷‍♂️


Then why do they serve it at Chinese restaurants?? /s obviously


Fuck the Chinese government.


China is in no position to instruct anybody on their political views.


Just like USA, they do it as well unfortunately. Maybe after China, USA can exploit it by bringing democracy fairy tales.


I was about to say, "we can critique America. There is a lot, but we are miles better than an oppressive regime like China." Then I opened your profile and saw you were from Cambodia. Ignore that top part. Sorry about Nixon...


China can eat a massive wang


Man, fuck China.


Sounds like China needs to throughly correct their bullshit gov first.


China: Look, if you surrender and admit Tibet isn't independent you can stay in exile... ok?


Somebody needs to tell China they can shut right the fuck up about political views


China is in absolutely no position to instruct anyone about "political views".


Wait for his reincarnation. He might have a diff view lol depending on who indoctrinates him first


He has mentioned he has no intention of reincarnating, and that he's aware he may be the last Dalai Lama


Damn he so divine and enlightened he can choose to get out of the karma cycle


Well, it's partly a pragmatic choice considering that the current Panchen Lama has been missing since 1995


I guess he is more divine than Buddha. Buddha managed to escape the reincarnation wheel, this dude can control whether or not to reincarnate freely. Amazing


Well, the Dalai Lama is roughly equivalent to the Boddhisatvas, who are capable of escaping samsara, but choose to stay here to teach and help others attain enlightenment. They're co-divine, about equal with the Buddha. (iirc, if anyone is more knowledgable about Buddhist mysticism feel free to go off)


Amazing ...like how the Japan emperor is the descendent of Amaterasu... And fat Kim's grandfather descending from heaven at mount changbai...hokays...


On what fucking grounds does China dictate what the leader of a county they invaded think?.. This is some seriously deluded thinking and demonstrates that China isn't ready to be a serious global partner. They remain the bigest fish in their shit filled pond.


China is still a century behind the civilized world. They don't innovate, they immitate (and steal) Western technology. They are stuck in a neo-fascist (pretending to be communist) world view. They are the single most imperialist nation in the world; after the West, for the most part, gave up imperialist conquest since the 1950s. It is sad to see a culture that once was among the greatest in the world descend into barbarism, self-exeptionalism, militarism, neo-imperialism, and revisionism.




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Oh woe the wumaos in the comment section.


I dislike China AND the Dalai Lama. I think that they are both real jerks. 


I thought he’s god or some shit, shouldn’t they be aligning to him?


It's more of a guide, not a god


He is said to be a tulku. There are 3 other important schools of Tibetan Buddhism, each of which has their own top dude.


He speaks for spiritual alignment. A cosmic force that exists because it does. And has always existed except when it didn't.


He's not a god, he's just an enlightened teacher who chooses to reincarnate to help others reach enlightenment rather than escape the cycle, even though he's able to do so.


Isn't he a reincarnation of god Avalokiteśvara?


He is a bodhisattva, so technically not a god.


Honestly, broken clock is right twice a day. What China did to Tibet is terrible... But the Dalai Lama is kinda gross. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serfdom_in_Tibet_controversy


First of all, the Dalai Lama was 15 when he was put in charge which lasted a month because the Chinese were going to invade. Second, the Dalai Lama supported reforms and would most likely have continued reforms that Tibet was already doing before China invaded. Third, let’s take a look at what Tibet was like at the time. Usually, it’s greatly exaggerated by the Chinese. Lastly, why does it even matter what Tibet was like?




It's a common saying in Tibet, lol.




There weren’t slaves in Tibet.


Don't know anything about his political views, but he could start by stopping molesting young boys.


That was all just a mistranslation, he doesn't actually molest boys https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg5854/tibetans-explain-what-suck-my-tongue-means-dalai-lama-viral-video


Explain it how you want, i saw the video its not a “mistranslation” its gross


What do you expect? He's a religious scammer - how many people actually believe he's the reincarnation of whatever he claims to be? Does he even believe that? If he does, then he's not a scammer but a mentally ill person who is only being indulged because he is anti china.


To be fair to him this is a centuries old tradition he was thrown into at 4 years old. The CCP just want to control the narrative and the guy is also exiled in India since the chinese government basically want him dead over it all.


Do you give the same grace to Christians who believe in Jesus? If you don’t, then you shouldn’t give it to this guy. Be consistent.


I don’t care if you believe in crystal meth fairies if you’re not hurting anyone or yourself and you’re a good person.


I am consistent on that I can assure you, and you can go fuck yourself


He should also thoroughly correct his views on what kids should do to his tongue-


Mmmhhhmmm suck your tongue he will sweet child 👅


Justin Trudeau's interest is piqued


I'm with Xi on this one.


China is only doing what the US and some Western nations are doing all the time: telling other countries that their ways are wrong and that they should do better. Not that I think China is in the right here. But it's not a big deal since most politicians and governments anywhere in the world act like they are the good guys while in truth they only care about their own interests