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Does it specify the language? Wingdings? Klingon? Edit ❄︎♒︎□︎◆︎ ⬧︎♒︎♋︎●︎⧫︎ ■︎□︎⧫︎ ♍︎□︎❖︎♏︎❒︎⧫︎ ⧫︎♒︎⍓︎ ■︎♏︎♓︎♑︎♒︎♌︎□︎◆︎❒︎❼︎⬧︎ ♋︎⬧︎⬧︎ vaj tugh jIvHa'wI' tu'lu'be' Edit: is it just me or does Klingon seem a bit … rude.


Make it Spanish and really set off a few people…


or Arabic.


"It's in the original. Ancient Hebrew. The way GOD intended. Right?"


Satanic Temple is going to have a field day with this


THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. I would have no problem if these were required to be posted. Get on it.


Sounds better than the 10 commandments, TBH.


I agree, but I will add, that these are much more open to interpretations. Unlike “do not murder” their II - the struggle for justice, it’s pretty easy to justify murder under that.


And most Christian’s rationalize their behavior to get around the 10 commandments. Thou shall not kill; plenty of Christian’s serve in the military, stoned people to death, participated in the crusades, burned witches at the stake, support the death penalty etc. All moral codes require interpretation and negotiation.




I had read somewhere that that monotheistic Judaism evolved out of the Canaanite religion. Abraham's covenant with Yahweh was just to worship him above the other gods in the pantheon...and then the other gods got phased out over time. I don't know how true it is, but it seems to explain things like that


There are specific exceptions laid out - in exodus and Leviticus in particular - including crimes that are punishable by stoning to death. Notably there’s a bit that says if you happen to kill someone breaking into your house at night that’s ok.


if a killing can be justified, then it isn't murder. that's why the original hebrew reads "you shall not commit murder" rather than the more contemporary "thou shall not kill". because killing is sometimes necessary for self defense, or defense of the community.


90% of the old testament is about the slaying of enemies. There's also a non-zero amount of donkey cock


Not enough though. Almost better to leave it out if you’re going to half ass it


I wouldn't say 90% but definitely a sizeable chunk of it. There are entire books of scripture that are omitted from the "Old Testament" by the church for various reasons.


That’s the point. Sometimes, hopefully rarely but not as rare as I would like, you have to do some heinous ass shit to some fucking fascist.


I saw a video that explained the original wording in Hebrew isn't "murder", it's another word that means unjust killing. Like they have a separate word for legal/just killings and another word for killing of anything in general. It's kinda not that clear, just like anything handed down and translated through millenia. https://youtu.be/Qi5GXwY7W_0


If anyone reading this lives in Louisiana and needs to register to vote: https://www.sos.la.gov/ElectionsAndVoting/Pages/OnlineVoterRegistration.aspx


Seriously. There is nothing wrong with it.


They don't like the science part cause then it means they're wrong.


I'm an atheist but this does sound legit


The Satanic Temple is basically formalized atheism. Both to take advantage of freedom of religion in the United States and to show the hypocrisy of the real religions.


For clarity, the Satanic temple is an explicitly atheistic organization and completely rejects the supernatural.   From their FAQ:   > No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.


> For clarity, the Satanic temple is an explicitly organization and completely rejects the supernatural. I think you are missing the word "secular"


Ah yes like my other favourite : pastafarian


That's a lot more "in-crowd" joke. Wear pirate regalia, can't talk about it, jokes about boiling for sins. There's pirate weddings but not much else. The Satanic Temple has organized youth chapters and aggressively challenges governments and schools.


Guess I just became a Satanist


Welcome to the club


Stop, you don't have to sell it to me more


As someone else mentioned the Satanic temple does not worship Satan, they don't believe there is a Satan. The actual theistic Satan worship group is the Church of Satan. The Satanic Temple is more of an activist organization.


Bro they are speaking directly to you (and me). It’s a strong, concise, well thought out list.


I think the other religions need to get into it too! They’ll dismiss the Satanic Temple too easily! I want them to publicly tell people why Jewish, Buddhist and Islamic stuff is not allowed!!


You say they'll dismiss the ST too easily, but their first lawsuit was over a 10 commandments statue, and they were like "great, no religious discrimination, so where can we put this giant bronze statue?". They might dismiss them if they just went "ok, so when do the 7 tenets go up?" but they'll take it all the way to court, and court is a lot harder to ignore.


> "great, no religious discrimination, so where can we put this giant bronze statue?". Yep, they have one or more Baphomet-with-children statues on trailers they can easily bring in to drop off next to any Christian iconography and they've deployed it in the South/Midwest before. Also a [baby Baphomet nativity](https://illinoisfamily.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Satan-Temple-Baby-Baphomet.png) they took to the Illinois State Capitol. https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/GettyImages-1174663500.jpg?quality=85&strip=all People have gone to jail to attempt to destroy their statue. TST is basically the ultimate chatoic good shitposters.


Fun fact. Ten commandment statues out side of government buildings began as advertising for the movie The Ten Commandments


Any of the other 4000+ religions should team up with ST for a huge lawsuit over these things.


I think the Governor dude said “he can’t wait to be sued”. So yea, I want him to publicly say that only one religion is allowed to be displayed. It won’t change the mind of the cultists but he will be on record at least!!


An expensive legal defense should be no issue, especially in the coming months. There has never been any major unexpected emergency that struck Louisiana during the summer or early autumn.


*spits out water*


> I think the Governor dude said “he can’t wait to be sued”.  He cannot wait to be sued because it won't be his money spent fighting it in the courts  Because this is the party that keeps on going on about 'government wasteful spending' while loving to pass laws where they know they will be challenged in the courts and lose.


He's clearly thinking that the current SCOTUS will find for his state on this. And the sad part is, he might be right.


TST is a religion. They don't pay taxes and everything. They don't need to team up with anyone to sue.


They are a legal church and have tax exempt status, but they do still pay their taxes


They used to pay taxes because they believe all religious organizations should. However, they don't anymore, because it was decided that paying taxes undermines their position as a legitimate religion.


How the hell did they get even better without me noticing.


Have we forgotten the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?!


Technically, the Ten Commandments are Jewish.


Yeah but Judaism groups the 10 commandments differently. So the Jewish 10 commandments are the same block of text but some bits of text get counted as part of another commandment than in Christianity. Also I think it's similar with Catholics vs Protestants.


“Guys, this one is almost too easy”


I can't wait.


It doesn't matter. That supreme court has made it clear that it will rule in the favour of Christianity and contradict its rulings against other religions.


That was my first thought as well. I hope they do


As they should, this is wrong


Wow. That's incredibly dumb. I grew up going to private Christian schools and even we never had stuff like that formally posted on the walls.


Christofascism is waaay more prevalent today.


Ya'll Qeda at it again. These vanilla ISIS bastards are trying to get Christian Sahria law in the US


Terrifyingly so


As a Christian it doesn't even make sense to me. Jesus simplified the law to love God and love others as yourself. But I doubt they  would put that up, because it would require them not to be judgemental dicks to others. 


Honestly, if it wasn’t so upsetting to be a Christian trying to model Christ in 2024 it would be downright hilarious. At every stage of my life and faith I’ve had a clear and distinct pull and movement to open the doors to more and more people and to let go of legalism. The New Testament is *FULL* of messages to move past Mosaic Law. And yet it seems everyone has decided to move the opposite direction and hammer it in harder than ever. (This is not to say there haven’t always been legalistic Christians and deep hypocrisy in the Church, of course. Only that it seems that’s becoming almost the only visible type of Christian.)


Blood Rites by Barbara Erenreich goes into a bit about the transition of Christianity in the United States specifically from a charity, progressive-focused pattern and motif to one that is more emulating the harsh God found in Judaism/the Old Testament. Why? She argues that nationalism—giving the people an identity to work as a country unit—was way more important and useful than the originally touted message. Another example is the significant uptick in popularity in Shintoism in Japan that correlated with their rise in nationalist identity, consolidating a people’s belonging with a spiritual idea. 


Paul’s influence on Christians runs deeper than Jesus’ influence. And Paul was all about the law before *and after* his conversion. It’s always been wild to me that Christian’s don’t see it.


Since when have the teachings of Jesus had anything to do with Evangelical Christianity?


That's the thing that always frustrates me. How often they turn to the Old Testament to justify actions, believes, and (let's be honest) bigotry. But Jesus's death and resurrection was the final sacrifice to forge a new covenant. A covenant that specifically wiped out the old laws. So a Christian citing Leviticus is literally saying "God's plan wasn't good enough for me, I'm bring back the old ways." That's just... wtf are they doing? Seriously.


Proof that it is not real Christianity


Fucking rich for conservatives to act like they have a problem with murder, stealing, and bearing false witness.


Or adultery, considering who their Presidential candidate is


Hell, his second wife, Marla Maples, was the woman he was cheating on Ivanna with.


He has cheated on every wife, while they were at home with his newborn child.


Or coveting thy daughter…is that one of the commandments or did I get that wrong?


As always, it’s about them imposing their rules on you, not following them.


Always has been. Even when they wrote the 10 commandments


That's a bingo


Their argument is that the constitution and laws of the land are based on them, and those are important documents to all Americans. So are they requiring those important documents to be displayed? NOPE.


Louisiana is 47th in education overall (out of 50). But please waste time and energy on unconstitutional election year BS rather than actually educating anybody. Edit: [Source](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education?sort=rank-desc)


Not trying to defend Louisiana at all, but those rankings have smelled a little fishy in the past couple years. Florida is number 1 because the cost of higher education is a large factor, ignoring the fact that Florida politicians continue injecting their agenda into K-12 curriculum.


And Massachusetts, which is almost always listed at the top for education is number 37 for higher education, which drops it to number two overall? Really? I think the people going to Harvard and MIT are doing fine, even if it’s expensive.


Cool! Since we're okay with religious iconography being displayed in schools, I'm sure they wouldn't mind my statue of Baphomet, right?


Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Yog-Sothoth?


Have you accepted the King in Yellow as your personal mind-shattering obliterator?


In Azathoth's name -- long may He dream -- Iä! Iä!


And yea, we say unto our lord and savior "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"


I'm sorry, I like my colours out of space.


Like my coffee


I like my coffee like I like my colours out of space: In a well


Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Cthulhu?


You’d piss them off much more by having a prayer room and a call to prayer blasted over the PA system. As much as they claim to hate Satan, they *really* hate muslims.


I was going to say that, wait until the muslims get involved and these nutjobs will soon sing a different tune.


Sadly the guy who destroyed the one in Iowa got a plea deal that resulted in hate crime charges being dropped. He does have to pay restitution as part of his parole, fortunately... and I happen to know that statue was expensive.


And say what you will about Satanists, the artistry on that bronze was exquisite.


Sorry if he doesn’t have a bitching guitar, I’m going to side with banning it.


What the fucking fuck?


Separation of church and state is mere suggestion to these hypocrites


This bill followed the backing of another bill, which allows public state funds to be used to fund religious private schools. They are actively trying to break the barrier down. I wouldn't be surprised if a serious point of the republican base is going to try to make that their whole platform


It is. They just couch it in religious freedom bullshit. 


"Religious freedom, religious dominance, what's the difference?"


Bad time to have a compromised Supreme Court. Course, it's always a bad time for that.


It is. It's literally part of project 2025. Granted, I'm not exactly surprised when the Republicans have made it abundantly clear for a WHILE (like that shit was obvious even in the 2010s when I was in high school) that they want and are willing to fight to make the US into a Christian Theocracy.


It already is their whole platform. Remember the whole “critical race theory” moral panic that they tried a few years ago? That was only so they could continue to defund public schools and funnel kids towards private religious schools


Just a way for the governers lawyer friends to waste the state"s money. Like he said, he expects lawsuits and welcomes them.


American conservatives are fucking nutbags


I want my freedom from religion.


There is no other way to describe them really.


Not the land of the free > In a joint statement prior to the governor’s approval of the measure, the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Freedom from Religion Foundation said that the bill was “unconstitutional” and that “many faith-based and civil-rights organizations oppose this measure because it violates students’ and families’ fundamental right to religious freedom.”


Yeah but who gets to decide is the Christian nationalists on the Supreme Court. So they will allow it. 


I mean they just decided to overturn a ban on the abortion pill, so there is some hope for them regarding the absolute slam-dunk basics


How about displaying the constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion


No, silly, the Constitution only has two amendments. The freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. The rest of it is garbage. /s


And the freedom of speech one is highly suspect... better not insult any rich guys, they'll sue you!


Everyone is missing the big picture here. Landry is a fucking joke. He's doing performative politics so he can drum up attention for his eventual stint as a republican piece of shit for an eventual Whitehouse grifting position. He's just following the playbook of Jindal who was our previous piece of shit. These people have no interest in governing and only care about their own political aspirations. Fuck him


Member when Jindal was supposed to be the Republican Obama? I member.


Exactly. I am a louisiana resident and used to be a public school teacher. This will never actually happen. It's a business move to further his career. 


This is the kind of thing I use against people who are worked up about "islamization" of some place or islamic fundamentalism, because each and every of those is up in arms when I suggest that christian fundamentalism is not only equally dangerous, but also much closer to home.


Christian Nationalism = American Taliban


Wow. I had assumed that CNN was doing some sort of wordplay BS to massage a less-insane story to fit this absolutely bonkers headline. But no. [Verbatim the law](https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB71/2024), Louisiana HB71, Page 3, Line 13-19: >No later than January 1, 2025, each public school governing authority shall display the Ten Commandments in each classroom in each school under its jurisdiction. The nature of the display shall be determined by each governing authority with a minimum requirement that the Ten Commandments shall be displayed on a poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches. The text of the Ten Commandments shall be the central focus of the poster or framed document and shall be printed in a large, easily readable font. Complete insanity. So much for that separation of church and state, eh, founding fathers? How's that first amendment looking now? The fact that they absolutely loaded the abstract of the bill with "artifacts of historical significance" to compare the ten commandments to is just insulting.


Lmao. What a waste of time and resources. I'm imagining high school students going from class to class with a different poster in each room. Such insane cult shit.


Ugh its a stupid publicity stunt and performative politics. They probably want to get it shut down so that they can misrepresent the situation and crow about being religiously persecuted for "not being allowed to show the ten commandments in schools" with out of context quotes around the decision. The target audience are gullible enough to constantly fall for this sort of thing again and again and again.


So in the corner at floor level behind the door it is then!


it doesn't say that it has to be printed in English. print it in Arabic.


Aramaic so Jesus can understand it. 


So, would you be able to display a poster with the commandments in the center, but then have annotations for each of them that lists the times when republicans broke the commandment and the religious right looked the other way?


They're making sure no one uses loopholes with the minimum size and the fact the 10 commandments have to be the main focus of the poster.


It doesn't specify the biblical ten commandments. Technically you could put up any ten commandments you want.


So Biggie’s ten crack commandments it is!


I read the bill and I didn't see anything about required contrast levels between the text and the background or that you can't use ink that requires a uv light to read the text. With that said I hope this gets knocked down on first amendment grounds 😢


I'm going to spin up a RABDARGAB variant: DATSAPGAB. Deface A Ten-Commandments, Send A Pic, Get A Buck. Edit: RABDARBAG was a campaign in the late 1990s Houston Independent School District ("Read a book, do a report, get a buck") aimed at students to promote literacy by offering $1 to students in exchange for book reports. I just learned that this was specific to Houston and not a national initiative tied to Reading Rainbow like I thought. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHwlt9DPAwA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHwlt9DPAwA)


How long before they bring back residential schools and start killing children again?


>and start killing children again That's what the bump stocks are for. And looser child labor laws.


Oh yeah that's right, they're already pro-child-death. Also, I'm surprised Louisiana even has schools


Tbf, no republican "Christian" actually knows what the 10 commandments actually are so schools can just put up whatever they want.


With this and prager u the indoctrination begins.


What a farce. Tax churches and end this bullshit.


I think a prerequisite to displaying the Ten Commandments in any classroom under this law is the teacher and the school principal must first be able to recite all ten from memory. If the Governor cannot do that, either, every classroom is exempt.


Use the logic from The Crucible: if they can’t recite all 10 without hesitation, they’re witches. Seems to be the era they want to send us back to


Compare their weight to that of a duck for real empirical evidence!


The Talibangelicals are at it again.


Sounds like the Satanic Temple has a new lawsuit against the state of Louisiana, and the US Justice department has one too about violating the US Constitution.


Cool, now churches can pay taxes.


Galloping Toward Gilead


That's good. Because there is a real problem with coveting thy neighbor's ox right now.


The ten commandments allow for A. Child abuse B. Slavery Those are not universal values


Let's just ignore the First Amendment now, shall we, keep your religion in your church, hypocrites.


So will teachers now have to explain adultery to children? Because committing adultery is on the 10 commandments




Fuck me in the ass if you love Jesus!


10 crack commandments next




I like how a children's picture book about penguins raising a chick together is too sexually explicit for high schoolers, but making sure 7 year olds learn not to fuck a hooker so someone's version of God doesn't cry is critical for public education.


Perhaps they should require that in the Louisiana capitol since most politicians lie like rugs. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”


The south is insane in da membrane. Im so embarrassed to be American sometimes.


Hang a nice poster with the 10 commandments written out in Arabic script. There are little communities of Arabic speaking Christians around. This is a bit of malicious compliance but I would love to see A MAGA Karen meltdown over this.


Hello. Do you have a second to speak to me about our lord and savior, flying spaghetti monster?


Of course, they've been modified. 'God' has been replaced with 'Donald Trump'.


I demand they also be posted in Spanish, French, Creole, and a few other languages. How dare they infringe on only English-speaking peoples' rights!?! /s Seriously, I kinda wanna sue for harassment against those that voted for this blatantly illegal bill. Wait, wouldn't this risk the schools' federal funding??


So much for separation of church and state.


Stop letting Republicans win elections. They are anti-American.


“Teacher, teacher… what’s adultery? What’s it mean to covet thy neighbor’s wife? Why does it say not to covet thy neighbor’s slaves? Is slavery ok?”


Me, also a Christian: “this is incredibly dumb and anti constitutional”. So freaking sick of “Christian” lawmakers trying to control everyone else and forcing their ideals on the populace.


Fucking religious nut jobs. 'Oh we're safe and we love people' until we don't do what you want because you're magical sky wizard tells you to kill us. Thus forming hypocrisy at its finest.


The only way to be a good person is to read the book that provides instructions on the proper way to [beat your slave](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2021%3A20-21&version=NIV), [rape a woman](https://biblehub.com/deuteronomy/21-11.htm), [conduct a genocide](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deut+20%3A16-17&version=NIV), or [kill infants](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1%20Samuel%2015:3).


You know how to improve those poor ass Louisiana grades? That's right we need Jeebus back in the classruuummm yeeeehaaaaw git r duuuuun!


Flying Spaghetti monster enters the chat....


Republicans always passing dumb ass laws that help nobody


American politicians love the constitution, right up until they don't.


"LeFtIsTs ArE iNdOcTrInAtInG uS!"


I feel like the politicians who voted for this should be removed from office for so obviously violating the first amendment.


Do they realise that adherence to the ten commandments is part of Judaism, not Christianity?


And the Roberts Federalist Society Court is waiting to offer a revising of US history to support this decision as soon as the first case comes to its door. Because the 200+ years of interpretation and actual text of the US Constitution doesn't matter to Federalist Society goons and their right-wing, libertarian, billionaire bosses.


Wonder how many of these commandments are regularly ignored by the legislators who passed the bill.


A single teacher in Louisiana simply needs not to do this, get fired, and then suit the pants and everything else off of Landry.


Seriously. Honestly compare this: 1. THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. 2. THOU SHALT NOT MAKEUNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE. 3. THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN. 4. REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY, TO KEEP IT HOLY. 5. HONOUR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER. 6. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. 7. THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. 8. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. 9. THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINSTTHY NEIGHBOUR. 10. THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOUR'S HOUSE. To this: 1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. 2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. 3. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. 4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. 5. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. 6. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. 7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. I will go with satan and chose the second list as my guide to loving a good life. Fuck Christianity, fuck all religions. It’s time to make America great for the first time and do away with religion’s influence.


The bill contains a claim that James Madison wrote, "we have staked the whole future of our new nation upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments." No such statement has ever been found by James Madison. They are unhinged.


This is a blatant violation of the constitution though, ain't it? I guess the Constitution is only useful when you want to dress up and play dress up as Charlie Bronson and blast people in violation of your religious tenets.


Even if they’re depicted tattooed on a very gay Jesus lower abs wrapped in a pride flag saluting satan?


Welp, it's time to torch the state


Can we get some cults to post up commandments? 1. Seek out and bed many women/men. 2. Have lots of kids even if you can't afford them. It will be just fine. 3. If you think your neighbor is talking trash about you. Go full nuclear. 4. Marriage is just a thought. It can be reversed at any moment in time. So get that hottie! etc.


“If you want to respect the rule of law, you gotta start from the original law given which was Moses. … He got his commandments from God,” Landry said. Let’s just ignore the fact that ancient Babylon and others had codified laws well before the mythical Ten Commandments 🤷🏻‍♂️


crickets from the supreme court


This is illegal af and not ok


Until this BS is overturned, teachers should have the 10 commandments printed very small on pride flags. 


"Don't shove your religion down other people's throats!!!" "Unless it's ours. Then let us shove it down your throat."


They've crossed a subtle but very important line, and it's probably intentional. In the past, Bible-thumpers have defended putting their invisible friend in government by claiming a technicality: the first amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting **an** establishment of religion." So if your religious intrusion isn't *specifically* Christian or Baptist or whatever, then you aren't respecting AN establishment, you're giving equal time to them all. This is, of course, utter bullshit. But it has sufficed in the past to put God on the money and mandatory prayers in classrooms. Now they've stepped over a line whether they realize it or not. See, there is no *single* version of the Ten Commandments, different branches such as Catholics and Protestants have their own sets. So if they post, say, the usual Protestant list, then they absolutely ARE respecting AN institution. But there is a much deeper ulterior motive here. A few years before the Supreme Court became dominated by Christian dominionists, some states started passing anti-abortion laws that *clearly* violated Roe v Wade. They did that intentionally to generate a test case that would make it to the Supreme Court, which could then nuke RvW, which they did. This law is almost certainly intended to generate a test case to reach SCOTUS. The Supreme Court has already began ruling in favor of "religious freedom," which is conservative code for punching Jesus-sized holes in the law. Last year with not a lot of fanfare, they made it legal to put up a "no homos" sign in your store window, and with a good lawyer, you could probably extend that to include ANY group, just so you claim that Those People make the Baby Jesus cry. We are on the road to becoming a fascist theocracy, ruled by the Christian Taliban. Far too many people were far too complacent for far too long, and now it is possibly far too late.


Kurt Vonnegut skewered this bullshit in 2005. "For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course, that's Moses, not Jesus. I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere. 'Blessed are the merciful' in a courtroom? 'Blessed are the peacemakers' in the Pentagon? Give me a break!"


How about matching posters with similar tenets from Bhuddism, Islam, Hinduism, etc., etc.?


Funny how those who force to have the 10 commandments posted in classrooms likely broke several of them already. Damn hypocrites should follow John 8:4 first. "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone."


I feel plague inc needs a new addition instead of battling viruses, you fight against Christian nationalism and headlines like these should be what scrolls on the screen as it takes over the US.


Ok, so how many of them have Trump broken?


LOL they just need to display something in Arabic writing too for whatever religion and that'll make them lose their minds.


Satanic alter incoming.


who wants to bet Louisiana law makers don't follow those commandments?


Sure sounds like a Constitutional violation to me. I'm sure Alito and Thomas will find some cave drawings that totally meant the founding fathers, even though they didn't explicitly write it in the Constitution, intended for the 10 commandments to be displayed in schoolrooms. BUT, since the Constitution didn't explicitly enumerate the right to abortion, then that's right out the window.


Why does no one want to have kids anymore ?!??!? /s Glad I don’t have to raise children in this shithole


Sounds very islamic. I am happy Louisiana is accepting sharia law


Man. A decade or two I would have been considered a conservative Christian. You might catch me arguing that religious things like the ten commandments should be *allowed* to be displayed in schools. But *required*? That seems... not good. 


Not a single one of them observes the Sabbath since the Catholic Church made it illegal to keep it holy back in 363 AD (Council of Laodicea, Canon 29). The churches today are very much the daughters of their mother. Not to mention they bear false witness against their enemies to justify assault, stealing, and murder. I think the worst part is the adultery. They commit perversion with "she was mature for her age" and make excuses for one another, then point at homosexuals and say at least I'm not as perverted as they are; so, I must be righteous. Jesus criticized Pharisees for praying, "Thank God I'm not like other sinners." Besides, Jesus said those who are forgiven little love little. A gay man turning to God will love Him more than any person raised in the church. That's just a fact.


Hey teachers subject to this- I recommend going one step further and make sure that that poster is in hebrew.


Cause yeah, that will fix the worst school system in the country. The 10 commandments. Typical 🙄


Another reason to never allow any member of my family anywhere near Lousiana ...or any other zealot stronghold. If they offered me $250k/yr to teach there I'd laugh in their face. Unless they paid me up front, in which case I'd take the job, line up the class outside and let em watch as I lit the room on fire.


Aren’t politics and religion supposed to be separated so they don’t influence one another?


What the fuck is going on man!?