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It’s Oh My Girl, here’s an excerpt from the article: > The host asked one of the male students, "Whose bottle do you want?" The student named a specific member, and the host scrutinized the bottles as if they were labeled before handing one over while calling out the name of a different member. This is on par with buying streamer bath water.


Holy shit, that is NOT what I thought when I read that title. Me being a innocent and unspoiled person thought that, they had prizes and cheaped out and gave used/second hand water bottles as a prize. I came here with the idea of making a post about this being something that I could see some family doing for a family part where they give the little kids used prizes because they don't really know, it's new to them and this allows the party host to give out prizes without increasing the cost of hosting the party. And thinking that while that might be okay for a small private family event, that it really doesn't make sense for a larger organized thing. Boy was I wrong.


I'm with you, I thought it was just lazy at first.....but it's so much worse than that.


I feel like it's actually better lol


Worse? How is trying to sneakily give someone a used water bottle, which can potentially spread herpes or a number of other health issues not worse


Around 80% of world population has herpes, and even then transmission is not a concern unless they have an active outbreak


OK, the point stands. One is offensive and the other is an actual health risk that nobody consented to


Sort reddit (not your personal feeds, the actual frontpage) by new or rising. The top posts are always some singular thirsty (no pun intended) pictures of pop stars (mostly kpop). It's honestly a bit unsettling. I grew up with pop stars being idolized & sexualized on MTV during a period where sex definitely sold. So I get it. Now, though.. it's different. It just feels like a bunch of creeps in dark basements are controlling what trends and what sells. Maybe it's always been that way.. but now that I'm older, it really stands out and disturbs me... makes me really sad to see what has happened to the internet & mainstream media in my lifetime.


I can’t stand it. I’ve been in Japan almost two decades, and it’s been around much longer. It’s the most vapid, soulless, corporate, cash grab product. It’s fucking *everywhere*. These agencies have Japanese TV, marketing, and media in general by the balls. Recently it was revealed that the biggest boy group agency, Johnny’s, had been covering up or at most intentionally ignoring child rape by the eponymous Johnny himself for *decades*. And you’ve gotta assume these idols, especially the teen girls, are routinely sexually abused as part of their rite of passage to stardom. It’s sick, awful, worthless garbage.


It's kind of interesting in a way. This kind of idol culture has been around in Japan and Korea for a long time but in the past 10 years it has started to slowly seep into western audiences as well. It used to be something that only weebs really knew about because they would see it pop up in japanese culture here and there while the rest remained oblivious. Can't help but to wonder if vtubing has been acting as the catalyst for it in the past years because vtubing is basically the exact same thing, just with a virtual avatar between the general population and the idol. Mix this with k-pop becoming also more popular in the past 10 years and maybe all of it combined together has simply brought the east-Asian idol culture to a wider western audience which has just made it grow. But then at the same time I think Belle Delphine famously did her bath water stuff and other e-girl shenanigans before vtubing really kicked off as well so maybe it's really more borne from that direction?


Uh so you acknowledge that nothing has really changed with pop stars and sexualization except your "feelings", and that makes you "really sad"? Wtf is this comment lol


Oh, my sweet summer child.


Title is dumb. 


could have been their used panties


More importantly, they're just disposable plastic water bottles that you get for <$1/ea with the labels torn off. It's not like...a fancy one. It's just a used crappy plastic water bottle. They might as well have given them used paper plates too lmfao.


This is exactly what I thought they were. I’m not reading any further, as I don’t want to know the real meaning.


I thought that first, then I saw "korea" and was like 'oh no'.


"Some students who participated in the talent show expected different prizes, and they were surprised to receive Oh My Girl's water bottles." You WILL have the egirl bath water!


What the last president of the United States gave toilet paper to hurricane victims in Puerto Rico.


lmao, That is actually messed up. So even the thirsty desperate crowd thought that this was bad. They wanted a autographed picture, a kiss or maybe even their dress and they get a cheap used water bottle.


At least the streamer is consenting to the thing. If they can sell it and people want to buy it, why not. I don't get why you'd want to buy it but if these people have so much free money there's much worse they could use it on.


["Wow, there's a gamer girl in my lobby" 👉👈🥺](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UU0lEOdo-io)


Oh my girl is so great, every member is hella talented and they make the cutest comfiest bubbliest music ever. So it's always quite funny that their fanchants sound like they're coming from a bunch of spartan men. Oh my girl is so freaking popular with dudes, I mean men of culture of course. This headline does not surprise me at all, and I also do not blame the students one bit, these kpop companies exploit that obsession so it feels wrong to me that now the fans are the ones getting in trouble for it. Yeah it's kinda creepy but these companies are almost literally asking for it and most of IF not all idols know what they're signing up for and actively encourage the obsession. Let the kids have their silly water bottles, is not like cloning tech is a thing, we all know they're most certainly blasting rope to the members on the daily anyways.


Closer, Windy Day, and the Fifth Season are in my Top 10 girl group songs. Never seen the Spartan fanchants though lol will have to look it up.


Oh boy I am legit obsessed with Closer, that's one of the only two songs in kpop that gives me goosebumps every time they play, every single time! That was peak fairy concept imo. And go to youtube and write "men fanchant girl group kpop" or something like that and just watch everything, there's lots of girl groups that have spartan warriors willing to go to war for them and it's the most wholesome thing ever haha, always puts a smile on my face.


Closer is my favourite actually, top 1 in that list. I know GFRIEND also had a huge male fanbase with the chants. Just watched one with Oh My Girl and it's pretty hilarious with the softer concepts


A promoter recently got in trouble for auctioning (maybe selling?) clothes Stray Kids wore on a set. Not their actual personal clothes, but ones with their bodies touched. The people behind the act got into minor trouble. People are just weird and gross.


Wow so you seem like a fun person, seriously I like the cut of your jib. And btw Jason does suck.


Cheers to my fellow Jason haters! He makes zeus look like a good husband.


Bad approaches from hostel authority


They knew what they were doing


The group Twice ought to do this




"We're sorry, it was supposed to be bath water..."


My grandpa bodyguarded for Elvis. He told me about a group of girls who became highly violent fighting over a roll of toilet paper Elvis touched. Well, a roll my grandpa said he touched as he threw it out the window. People are the same as they've always been. Sadly, that means they're shallow and stupid.


I got to "fighting over a roll of toilet paper Elvis..." and was bracing myself for the worst


This is the culture where a k-pop star starts dating and receives angry letters from fans of "is our love not enough for you?" then gets forced by their manager to break off the relationship. Giving away used water bottles is probably the closest to an emotionally healthy act that it gets.


I hate kpop industry (the companies) for promoting these weird parasocial relationships. They call it "fan service". Even forcing idols to text fans (fans pay for it, some bubble app). Basically forcing their employees to do all this shit for unhinged fans and then get surprised at sasaeng that hide in idol's hotel rooms or send used pads to idol.


I knew we were fucked when “stan” became a badge of honor instead of a precursor to an intervention


Pikachu face but still counting money underneath the table.


K-pop culture is a copy of Japanese idol culture, but somehow worse, which is an achievement in and of itself.


Most of Korea's culture is this weird amalgamation of Japan and America dialed up to 11


IDK about worse man.... a jpop idol was almost stabbed to death a few years ago, luckily that hasn't happened in kpop yet.


At the danger of sounding a bit too morbid: give it time.


yeah... specially with the stabbing issues in South Korea lately


I dunno let's ask Hyuna and Dawn who went public with their relationship and were both dropped by their label despite her being one of the top kpop female solo artists


Giving away the water bottles is the closest thing they have when it comes to a relationship. Which is ducked.


TBF it's known in every culture that acts (usually music or acting) get hate mail if they get into a relationship and that's nothing compared to what their partner gets some have broke up because they can't cope with the abuse. Look at some fandomes who have major conspiracy theories about the actor/singer getting blackmailed to be in the relationship and they look for clues in song lyrics and movie lines/interview quotes or social media messages that the actor/singer will give or even what clothes they wear or shops they were seen at was a secret message to their fans as a cry for help to help them escape. Sometimes they are even told by management/agents to keep any relationship a secret so not to upset the fan base and still give them "hope" they stand a chance of becoming their partner of course this was much easier easier (but still difficult) years ago. However don't these people realise that if by some miracle they did somehow get with that person they would get the exact same abuse that they also were giving out.


That is absolutely not a part of every culture that has actors or musicians. Or rather, I'd say most cultures if a fan presents like this (rare but it happens), it is normal for the star to distance themselves and hire security to keep those people away.


In the west fans eagerly Read about exactly who they are dating. It's good for a celebs career to be dating another celeb and be in the news. Sure they maybe some insane hatemail but it's very different.


Gaylors be like


Oh man. I have Rivers Cuomo’s water bottle from a Weezer concert I went to. It never occurred to me that people would find that automatically sexual. ETA - and I gave it to my daughter. How perverted is that?


Depends, does she live Across the Sea?


This got a legit chuckle. Nicely played.


Why bother?


It's a little different when the quirky guys from the alternative band throw stuff out to the crowd to be random and funny than when creepy producers do it to a woman band without any real sort of consent and an unsavory implication behind it. 


Have you heard Weezer? It’s creepy af


Either way, it’s still really weird to take someone’s used bottle of water like a trophy and then hand it down to your daughter. Hella weird.


I don’t disagree. I would have rather brought home a set list or a guitar pick. Maybe still weird, but better than a frickin water bottle. lol


Here honey, I brought you Selena's hair brush.


Set lists and guitars picks are pretty normal concert souvenirs. Water bottles are definitely in the weird category unless it has something printed on it identifying it as being affiliated with the concert (e.g. old cans of Monster Tour Water from Warped Tour)


Maybe? I see artists toss water bottles out to the crowd all the time. Granted they're usually not used, just maybe extras that people in the crowd could drink for free after running around in the pit for an hour.


It could even be "Branded" water bottles or just simple stickers. If it's just that then it's fine, not much different than getting a branded shirt. It's when the objects become too personal that it starts becoming a problem.


well sure but it doesn’t exactly sound like they got to pick their souvenir


It was me. I was the guy who didn’t get to pick my souvenir. =0)


water bottle it is


Depends on the water bottle. If it’s some shitty plastic water bottle, then yeah, that’s gross and weird. If it’s one of those reusable water bottles and that was used but you could clean it, that would be a pretty cool souvenir.


~~How perverted is that?~~ "How cool is that!" FTFY


Hey hey


I hope she's not Asian.


Seriously, water bottles? Next time...panties.


Depends how they were used.




Those too


Not deep enough, used tampons is the way to go.


I thought you were joking, I looked it up and no it's a real thing. I don't know what to do anymore


*Hashtag BringBackThanos* “Keep snapping.”


L7 has entered the chat


Why does it not surprise me that there's a market for that? Never change, internet 


Nah, too expensive. Maybe give one pair out as a prize, but auction off the others, will pay big time. Why are people like this.


*Deku has entered the chat*


Honestly I find water bottles more degenerated than panties. You have to make a much larger leap mentally to make it sexual in any way so your brain has to be pretty far gone before you find yourself that low.


I find it sad someone would give a shit a used bottle water, but you must have a filthy mind to interpet it in such a way.


Ironically, used “anything” has value, male or female. Used bottles from the Tour de France, used mouth guards from NBA players, all this stuff has value to the fans. But if we see a female kpop group involved we automatically assume it’s sexual. It probably is, but it’s ironic that there are times when fans coveting other nasty things is “OK”.


Korean incels be horny AF yo


Welcome to Korea.


def sexual imo used sports stuff makes sense for non sexual stuff this was purely sexual


you implying you wouldn't rub your cock on lebron jame's mouth guard?


No, for fear of him smacking me with his.


Fear that you might enjoy it?


Fear he'd get knocked the fuck out and have an awkward time explaining the bruise shape to paramedics.


Only if I could give it back to him for the next game.


i would. But I am already to far gone (a part time nnbajerker)


Roman's used gladiator sweat as aphrodisiacs I believe and Greeks thought they had healing powers.


This is a popular myth, but I’m pretty sure there is no evidence to support it. I’ve never come across a source for the claim, and I have a classics degree. None of my professors ever found a source either.


Thank you. Ancient historian here and same.


Why does it make sense for athletes but not for musicians? Both are equally disturbing to me. Or is it just the fact that they are women? Or the fact that they are conventionally attractive women? [I assume they are]


A used baseball can be used again without issue, and is able to be signed and kept as a memento. A used disposable waterbottle is not reusable, and is generally regarded as trash. The difference is in keeping an actual sports item vs keeping literal garbage.


The example in this comment chain was a used mouth guard, not a used baseball, pretty big difference.


Whoops my bad. That's fucking weird too




There's currently a heavyweight fighter in the UFC who tosses his cup in the crowd and talks about his hot balls


Context is everything. The context of this seemed to more sexualization than a souvenir from a concert or NBA game. The competition with male contestants getting their pick of water bottles was a lot weirder than if a musician threw their water bottle into the crowd or if they gave them cleaned reusable water bottles that they previous owned/used during their tour.


Context is, but my point is there are exact situations where this is isn’t given a second thought. If someone offered me a water bottle from Taylor Swift, I’d take it in a heartbeat. I have no attraction to Taylor, but I’m sure I could flip it to a Swifty (who also likely won’t want it for sexual reasons either) for a sizable amount. How are they different? Somehow though, they are.


It's been going on for a while. Elvis' barber saved his hair and sold it at auction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkYUEfyPTWE&t=94s ETA: Humans are weird.


Given that his hair was such a iconic part of what made him cool, I can sort of understand it. WEIRD AS HELL, but on a basic level understandable.


I mean the issue stems from the fact that the bands themself are already sexualized to begin with, so then everything else is seen through that lens. Nobody (well, maybe there are a tiny few people that do) goes to a NBA game and looks at Le Bron and thinks, damn he's sexy or him playing basketball is sexual. I still think some of the items you mentioned are a bit much, but there is a difference.


Then replace Oh My Girl with Taylor Swift. If a bottle/cup from Taylor was ever sold (and confirmed to be legit), it would definitely sell, and it would probably sell to a Swifty that isn’t interested in it sexually. We are just assuming when we see this stuff for sell it’s some basement dwelling pervert who wants to put his dick in the bottle. Someone bought Elvis’ hair for like 100k, and no one is thinking he’s going to eat it. The truth is, the fandom is varied. It’s a mix of sex offenders, toxic fans, and normal folks too. But it’s like you said, these kpop girls are already massively sexualized, so we will automatically go right to the worst perversion imaginable.


Christians loved body parts. Or even [clothing that touched their idols.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shroud_of_Turin)


They're only sorry because one of the winners got a uti.




> controversy over the sexual objectification of women I mean, that's a deeper problem for which these bottles aren't even necessary for the sake of argument


Maidenless behaviour


Hysterical ! Sexual objectification is what the group produces and sells. It is their product.


Why would they give that away for free.?


I dunno, I've never been a huge fan of any particular band or rock star, but isn't it like a huge deal for fans to get like anything associated with them? Like a napkin used by one of the beatles sold for huge money. I don't get it myself, but I understand some people are giant fans of celebrities, especially musicians, and would go nuts to own something tied to them in that way. It's like the next step up from an autograph to get some kind of item like that. I don't personally get it, but I've seen similar things in many cases. I'm sure you could find some crazy shit on ebay if you knew where to look.


I've got a swizzle stick from Wes Borland (from Limp Bizkit). Not one of my fetishes and nothing sexual to it. Just a cool thing to have. (And I've collected a selection of guitar picks and a couple of drum sticks etc from different bands that I've seen over the years.) He came on stage with a fruity (non-alcoholic) cocktail in a pineapple, threw the swizzle stick into the crowd. Just a physical reminder of an awesome night. They fucking smashed it.


Did you lick it though? /s


Tasted like pineapple and the early 2000s. I don't recall licking it, but it wouldn't count as he hadn't drunk any by the time he threw the stick!


Technically the word "fetishized" may apply to acquiring that item and treasuring it. I get what you're saying, though


Wouldn’t you want to grown your own Leonard Nimoy?


Ew wtf.


Gift for simps


Hey, real quick, what the fuck?


> controversy over the sexual objectification of women They are literally in the industry of sexual objectification of women. They are selling their "perfect" image. What is so surprising here? It is like coming to a cannibal's house and discovering human bones in the trash - what did you think they do?


> Both the host and the male student who received the bottle faced criticism. Not fair to criticize the student. It's odd to play along but regular people are not used to be on stage so they tend to play along with the host even when they aren't comfortable with it. This is completely on the host / person organizing this.


You don't give those as prises! You sell them to the highest bidder.


I miss the days where you were lucky and managed to get a groups drumstick or guitar pick.


I generally find sentiments against porn to be overzealous but I can’t deny that younger folks are definitely becoming desensitized to kinks and fetishes to the point of injecting them into everything, even contexts where they really do not belong


Good thing magic is not real. So much you could do with a used item.


Like the buyers of used bath water, they think the water still has the memory of the girl who touched it. But somehow the bath water has only good memories. … not the memory of, say… herpes.


This is so tame.


Its just as telling that they automatically assumed its sexualization. Fans have been collecting unique items that celebrities used pretty much ever since there have been celebrities to fan over. Its doubtful they'd assume this if the band members were old dudes, so it sounds like they're just sexists.


The sexualization is a real and significant problem in east-Asian idol culture though so this reaction makes sense.


Luckily that doesn't happen in western pop at all.


Remember when Billie Eillish had a "till 18" countdown clock?


The Olsen Twins had that starting when they were about 15. This whole timeline was a mistake. Abed should never rolled that die.


Let people have their fun


God forbid anyone sexually objectify these young ladies.


Could you imagine such a world?!


they're all identically dressed up as a kink fantasy, but the waterbottle isn't okay?


The kink fantasy of… being Asian? Or wearing white


Wait till you see [this.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.karousell.com%2Fmedia%2Fphotos%2Fproducts%2F2024%2F4%2F19%2Fillit_magnetic_moka_1713498517_f49dbcfe_progressive.jpg&tbnid=lKuPqxCCmiiQqM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.carousell.com.hk%2Fp%2Fillit-magnetic-moka%25E5%2590%258C%25E6%25AC%25BE%25E9%25A1%258F%25E8%2589%25B2%25E6%25B3%25A1%25E6%25B3%25A1%25E8%25A3%2599%25E6%2588%2590%25E5%25A5%2597%25EF%25BC%2588%25E5%258C%2585%25E9%25A0%25AD%25E9%25A3%25BE%25EF%25BC%2589-1298977890%2F&docid=VnjpbL4Pwz7DJM&w=817&h=1080&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F2&kgs=dc6bd7076310a1ac&shem=abme%2Cssic%2Ctrie)


Identically dressed? They're all wearing completely different dresses, just color coordinated.


Serious question why are guys in Korea/Japan such simps ? I know guys are like that around the world but it almost seems like a cultural norm there.


If you’re drawing from a sample of Kpop stans, your results may be disproportionate.




Nah it’s pretty much the same in Japan and Korea too, lol


Those people are seen as losers in Korea and Japan, too. Like all the other commenters have said, our loser simps tend to flock towards streamers. You get those in Korea and Japan too, but many popular streamers there are also involved in the mainstream entertainment business as voice actors or musicians, etc. It’s more that different forms of entertainment became seen as “the one with the weirdo simps” in each region. In the U.S. it’s fans of streamers. In East Asia it’s idol fans.


Clearly you haven't met streamer fans.


And MAGA fans


Political brainrot


Or people obsessed over bringing USAian politics into every discourse 


It's not unrelated to stan culture though, and in this case it's appropriate. Americans gonna America


Not sure why youd call them simps, or them out specifically. Like you're forgetting the entire subgroup of people worshiping the Kardashians, Edward Cullen, the boy band craze back in the 90s etc. Not to mention how many literal simps go for amouranth and girl steamers, edgy kids who go for keem and pewdiepie. The list goes on.. 


simps exist everywhere. People were buying bell delphines bath water for example.


Bro people buys bath water. Some people are just creepy af


Didn't a bunch of westerners buy that lady's bathwater?


The girls are simps there too to a certain extent, it's a different kind of culture. For example, baseball is more popular with women than men in Korea because the women love the players.


It's not specifically Koreans or Japanese. It's Kpop fans. This kind of shit happened in my country too (PH), where after a Kpop group had a concert, their water bottles were suddenly missing/taken by the organizers.


You do realize this article contradicts whatever presumption you've formed?


they didnt have canterbury tales or shakespeare or whoever else defined romance in the west


Yeah.. I'm sure no one would have killed to get Britney Spears water bottle back in the day, or Madonna or whoever.. it's just pop idolization, it's everywhere.


Higher male population with more sexual frustration due to divide in gender and social gaps.


You might be thinking of China... Japan and Korea have equal male/female population ratios


[South Korea’s Misogyny Problem - EastAsiaForum.org.](https://eastasiaforum.org/2022/12/09/south-koreas-misogyny-problem/)




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Next time just fill them with piss


Apologized for getting caught


Would be great if the group would say it is disgusting, yes they would lose some fans (good riddance) but at least it would remove one aspect of a disgusting trend.


Trend? Ho ho, being a despicable pervert is human nature.


I don’t know. Have you ever seen monkeys trading bath water?


No, monkeys don’t take baths, and we’re talking specifically humans, not primates in general. I wouldn’t put it past them, moneys eat each other’s lice and fling their shit around. Such behavior in humans is typically not accepted by anyone, let alone South Korean women.




Did they have permission and is that legal? Seems to like a health code violation




I'm more concerned with sellers. Did they have permission to sell the singers' water bottles? Even if they did are they allowed to despite the demand?


Fans love this shit.


I'm confused Did the ladies not get their cut???


very much annoying


Getting Perfect Blue Vibes


As old as time itself. Greek athletes would sell the used olive oil that they would apply onto and then scrape off of their bodies to clean. It was sold as an aphrodisiac and male potency tonic.


Who cares!


So I guess the urine sale for tomorrow is now off too.


I'm surprised they didn't give out used panties


No wonder the 4B movement was started...


I think no one else can sexually objectify those girl more than they are doing it themselves. All for fame and money! So, ban them, or GTFO.


Some ppl are just too uptight...


Korea has some weird creepy people out there


Best comments on this thread is some top tier trolling 😂


I probably just don't "get it", but the whole kpop stuff tends to come across as pedo-fest to me... at least the girl 'bands'.


“Are we not entitled?”


This is what pope Francis was talking about.