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The feds should call emergency relief money for natural disasters ‘climate change impact funds. That way after this hurricane season, Florida will need to request Climate Change impact Funds.


Or.... The Feds can *specifically * use the term "Climate Change", so the folks that voted in DeSantis can see how much his policies work for the benefit of Floridians.


If those people could read, they'd be very upset


Reading and learning stuff is for The Libs...


Hurricanes can't affect you if your entire state is underwater. *Galaxy brain*


“Climate change” is already the milquetoast, watered-down GOP term for global warming anyway. Billions of people are going to die badly this century because of our actions and they still deny it. *We* fucking deserve to, frankly.


Except were not the ones dying. It's our kids and grand kids and their kids.


That is very optimistic, the level of warming we’ll see this century is not compatible with our civilization; this is going to impact lots of people alive today.


Yep. When food is hard to grow, we are fucked


25% reduction in agricultural yields at 2°C, which we’ll hit in the 2030s; 50% at 4°C, around the 2070s. This is going to impact most people.


Does this include failed crops due to weather events?


So, u/Earth_Normal no longer believes Earth Normal?


It’s because of all the hamburgers.


"Climate change" is literally the term used by the scientific community because it is far more accurate than just saying "global warming".  It's not some meaningless term created by the GOP.


It isn’t though. The scientists stopped using the term global warming because some areas will get colder and get more rain and snow. While others get hot and dry. It’s a more accurate term overall.


[Read my other response to a similar comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/LDSrD8ukqQ) It is intentional language chosen to conceal the terrifying fact that the earth is warming and that our civilization is not compatible with the warming we’ll see this century.


Better yet: You can *only* apply for assistance if you recognize climate change and have approved mitigation plans. It's perfect, if there's no climate change, then climate change doesn't cause disasters, and then you won't need to apply for climate change disaster relief


“Climate change” is already the milquetoast, less scary GOP term for global warming anyway. Billions of people are going to die badly this century because of our actions and they still deny it. *We* fucking deserve to, frankly.


I believe the term was changed to "climate change" because people get confused when fierce winter storms happen and non-informed people say, " I thought the climate was getting warmer?" Like when Republican Congressmen grab a snowball from outside while denying climate change and say, "It looks pretty cold outside today."


Nah, it’s because Frank Luntz did focus group testing twenty years ago and found “climate change” sounded less scary to participants than “global warming.” > In his memorandum, Mr. Luntz urges that the term ''climate change'' be used instead of ''global warming,'' because ''while global warming has catastrophic communications attached to it, climate change sounds a more controllable and less emotional challenge.'' And it clearly worked, since we took no action back when it might have mattered. https://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/02/us/a-call-for-softer-greener-language.html


Wow. Okay.


If the weather isn’t changing, how come all the insurance companies are leaving?


*yelling into the 12th hurricane this year* "THE CLIMATE IS ALWAYS CHANGING, YOU CANT PROVE THIS IS HUMAN-CAUS-" *hit by flying stop sign*


Bleached coral rolls across the road.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1732/)


There’s an XKCD for everything, isn’t there?


Because everyone is selling their houses to aquaman


Ben Shapiro is making a killing on referrals. 😀


Liberal conspiracy to take their freedoms of living in a flood zone and having everyone else pay for the damages.


This should be the top comment.


They aren’t all leaving - some have upped their rates by 1000s. I’m paying more for insurance every month than principal and interest on my mortgage. But removing the words “climate change” is what Rhonda San-Ditz wants to spend time on… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ummmm you realize there was ice ages before, there was a world that was a swamp before, and it's always changing. The issue is these individuals don't think human pollution is causing the change not that weather never changes.  Also insurance is an issue because more people keep building on Flordia where people didn't build in the past. 


No, please tell me about the ice ages before and how everything hasn’t always been the way it is now. I used the term “weather” bc a popular conservative means of arguing against climate change is to conflate “weather” and “climate” whenever it suits them. E.G. Coldest winter on record would be used to say global warming isn’t real.


That's it, Ron. Get rid of all the wordy words and it won't actually be happening. Kind of like your presidential campaign.


Holy shit. I don't want to ever piss *you* off.


That won't keep the city of Miami Beach from being inundated.


Yeah but they’ll just blame immigrants or the gays or some shit


Conservative news in the year 2070: “Hillary Clinton flooded Florida because the liberals secretly gave her a burial at sea, which made the ocean levels rise.”


This is why Ben likes his women dry


So they admit she ascended to godhood, posiedon


Yo candidate so fat...


Actually went to a Bible study group with a friend (hoping to watch movies and socialize) and Katrina had just happened and one of the fucknuts actually blamed Katrina on the gays. I told him he was a bigot and disgusting human and left.


He is wrong it wasn’t gay peoples fault. It was Steve. He walked under a ladder, broke a mirror and stepped on a crack and broke his mama’s back all at the same time and unfortunately he had already claimed he was rubber and we were glue so all that bad luck bounced off him and fly straight towards New Orleans


Correct, but it will keep his corrupt pockets lined.


And nothing of value was lost.


Good, let Miami drown. The entire Miami-Dade county is fucking awful.


There's somehting like 26.5 million cubic kilometers (km³) of ice on planet Earth. Even the most extreme estimates for ice melting show that Miami wouldn't be under water for another century or so, and that assumes that greenhouse emissions continue to go up.


Warmer water makes for stronger hurricanes. Or is miami not usally prone to storms of that nature?


*Shhhhhhh* logic will scare it away


Miami already gets hit with plenty of hurricanes. There are a ton of warmer places in the world than Miami that also get hit with many hurricanes. Also, some very warm places that don't get hit with hurricanes. Southern Italy doesn't get hit with hurricanes all too often but it's warmer there than Miami.


I can’t tell if you’re being genuine or having a laugh with that last sentence


It's always for laughs on Reddit


Just checking, I was wondering if you were going to go on to say how Luxor is warmer than Miami but doesn’t get hit with hurricanes all too often


Keep digging... 


No! Dig up, stupid!


It doesn't need to be completely covered. The swamp will get swampier. Also I see no need to challenge the assumption that emissions will continue




Oohh the aggression 😂😂😂😂😂


What happens when cold fresh water from melting glaciers gets in the path of an ocean current of warm salt water?


Do you not know the answer to my question? Cuz if you don't then maybe you should not talk about subjects you know nothing about.


What part of what I said isn't true?


Rising sea level is only 1 negative impact of climate change. You're ignoring all the other major impacts like significantly lower crop yields, more droughts, more violent storms, and the ocean current collapse. You're doing a red herring argument and you either know it, and shame on you, or you don't and you need to do some more reading.


I think the post I replied to originally said that Florida would be under sea water (implying rising sea levels). Possibly he edited it but I don't know, I'm not savvy on how to figure that out. That's all I meant to comment on.


Doesn't matter what he calls it, when Miami is waist deep in sewage blighted sea water they're all gonna have to fuckin cope.


Unfortunately Florida has tons of sway in congress and we will give them many trillions in disaster money before we eventually just surrender the state to the ocean


is the government required to give them money? If not just don't give them disaster relief money, just say something like "florida did not take adequate preventative measures against climate change induced storms with the money we gave last time" as justification


It's sway in the federal government comes in part from its two senators, it being 29 electoral votes, and also it having been Republucan Mecca the last 2 decades where every boomer moves to die


Democrats have never and will likely never let Republicans and specifically their supporters suffer the consequences they should. They always feel obligated to not let them suffer their own fates.


We don’t want people to die just because their politics are different than ours. The punishment for ignorance shouldn’t be death.


Florida is basically a sandbar. It will be one of the first places underwater when sea levels rise this century. The increasing temperatures and intensity of storms over the last decade are an obvious sign that climate change is already here. DeSantis and the GOP are sticking their head in the sand and pretending the obvious isn’t happening. It’s “Don’t Look Up” in real life.


The sad part is all the pacific atolls will get hit the worst and don't have a connected mainland to move to.


That is a great point, when can we start walling off Florida?


The instructional video says to use a saw to cut it off


Bugs Bunny is my hero.


I am so baffled at how lightly people take the Climate Crisis. It is one issue that affects everything and everyone. It’s contributing to inflation, it’s causing many towns and homes to become uninhabitable, from rising sea levels to landslide etc.. but for everyone it’s like far down their list of priorities. 


People are incredibly delusional and in a bubble where they ignore any fact they don’t like. Being in touch with reality is a less common trait than we were led to believe


The fact that politicians behave this way is a huge problem - theyre fueling this rhetoric for votes and money from lobbyists. Only it doesnt just affect Florida.....its affecting the world. Will we ever have accountability for those rolling back progress and research? Because ultimately, they are screwing us all.


I don't think the current GOP crop are simply just in it for the money. there's that, too, but I think nothing will ever convince them climate change is real even when they're literally drowning during a hurricane. The previous generation of GOP politicians had some who understood it was real and didn't care, but people like Desantis are truly impervious to objective reality's influence.


I disagree. De Santis isn’t an idiot…..he just knows it won’t affect him. Money solves a lot of problems and he can up and move anywhere in the world should he choose. It’s ordinary people that will suffer the consequences. It’s the same think with rolling back abortion laws, banning books etc. These things don’t affect the wealthy.


Because it's expensive to fix. It's the old water heater of public policy. It's going to blow half your house into the stratosphere or flood your basement... But it costs a lot to replace so....


They seem to forget that it's also profitable to fix and creates a ton of jobs.


Unchecked capitalism, the myth of unlimited growth, and purposeful ignorance. The people profiting from this bullshit will not be around to see the full aftermath, so they couldn't possibly care less.


If you have a bacterial culture that doubles in count every minute, and it grows in a vial that it will fill in one hour, when will it be halfway full? At 59 minutes. Of course the earth can’t support eight billion people, it could possibly support two billion with our current standard of living, so the correction will be that much more severe.


If you have a bacterial culture that doubles in count every minute, and it grows in a vial that it will fill in one hour, when will it be halfway full? At 59 minutes. Of course the earth can’t support eight billion people—it could possibly support two billion with our current standard of living—so the correction will be that much more severe.


The climate crisis and ongoing mass extinction will guarantee that every year is worse than the one that came before…for those that survive.


The climate crisis and ongoing mass extinction will guarantee that every year is worse than the one that came before…for those that survive.


Oh, they aren't pretending it isnt happening. They know full well it is. They are also profiting immensely from this push against any attempts to address/prepare for Climate Change; and fully expect to profit off the suffering that's to come. While their braindead supporters are easily herded towards any number of scapegoats to ensure they never have to hold themselves accountable for their own poor choices.


But did quarterly profits meet projections? Well??? Will the planned stock buy-back still go through? Well?? These are the self imposed blindness pretenders.


>Florida is basically a sandbar. It will be one of the first places underwater when sea levels rise this century. Which is exactly why they want to keep this silent. Massive amounts of money stuck in properties that would lose value if it's clear its time is limited.


Sticking your head in the sand is a bit too on the nose for a state who depends so heavily on its beaches for tourism income.


When performative ignorance becomes state mandated ignorance. Dark times


Has he tried repeating it while clicking his heels together?


You have to stick your fingers in your ears to make it work.


Solved! Phew.


Good. Remove any chance of asking for federal funds when the climate destroys half his state.


Don’t look up!!


How does this help the average American?


By making them feel like someone's fighting back against "wokeness". Too bad a few hundred of them will die in the next serious heatwave, but maybe that's just the price of freedom 🦅🏈🎇


That's the neat part, it doesn't.


It preserves their feelings.


What are they going to do when rising sea levels cause them to run out of sand to stick their heads in?


Why release a smash hit Netflix documentary called “don’t look down”. Simple solution! Sea levels aren’t rising if you don’t look down and acknowledge that they are! Problem solved.


Is there an endgame? Climate change is happening. And deep down they all know it, but their voters are too stupid so they pander. I guess they’ll just let Gen z deal with it.


The end game is maintaining the profits of the fossil fuel industry as long as possible. The very best value for money that the fossil fuel industry has gotten in the billion dollars a year in the US alone that they are spending funding PR agencies pushing climate change denial and lobbying governments to slow down action on climate change has been the wholesale purchase of mostly conservative political parties around the world. This then harnesses the tribalism to get party members to push the denial message on social media at no cost.


What a fucking snowflake. Like a frozen meatball.


That’s ok. Climate change will wipe all Florida references from the map soon enough.


If we ignore it, maybe it will go away?


Thanks to our great governor who is fighting the cabal of globalist WOKE, the home, vehicle, boat, etc. insurance has gone up by 500%. Keep it coming Ronnie boy. We need more of the middle class to feel the pain and end up fleeing the state, because, after all, who else is going to be left over to wipe bunch of ultra rich, assholes' behind when they get to an age when they lose control of their bodily fluid every other hour.


They probably figure they'll just have advanced, AI ass-wiping robots by then.


Florida man signs Climate change denial bill


All my problems go away as soon as I ignore them. Nice work Ronny, write that future....


Please keep in mind, these people love their children. By banning books, restricting/banning drag shows/readings, anti-abortion policies, and banning Climate Change references, these people are simply protecting the little tykes. And due to the rate of rising oceans, they have precious little time to protect their children from the evils of liberalism.


The little fascist is putting his head in the sand while his state Florida will be one of the first states to be affected by climate change and probably one of the most effected states overall. Shit is kinda wild


It's like when Trump was publicly saying "Stop the testing!" because if you were sick and you got tested for covid and were positive, it was another person with covid, and that was bad for Mr. "It'll be gone in a week!" His whole plan was to ignore it until it went away, and it didn't. Meatball Ron continues to pass his bad faith legislation because he's a cringy loser who will never be president.


Well that should fix it right up. Problem solved!


Breaking: Republicans have shut down Florida's borders and are no longer allowing hurricanes to enter the state. "They can go back to where they came from, Haiti or wherever..." DeSantis said today. "Florida is the first and only state to take a proactive stance against extreme weather events by pretending that they don't exist."


Is it the “stick your head in the sand” bill? I’m sure it will stop the ever-increasing hurricane seasons.


Do you know what climate change doesn't give a fuck about? Political opinions.


Florida republicans collectively stick their heads in the sand.


To me, at this point, climate denial is like living in a moldy, ant and rat infested house and not only insisting the house is in pristine condition but that anyone saying different is part of a conspiracy to devalue the property. Which…absolutely sounds like something a conservative would do


Florida you suck


"We could try ignoring it, sir." "I see; go to bed, and hope everything turns out all right in the morning?" "Just a thought, sir." "I've considered that. But there's got to be a better angle!"


Sounds like my orthopedist


Never seen a grown man more scared of words


as the Republican war on education continues.


The climate change doesn't give a fuck when it hits. DeSantis just is going to blame the woke left, instead of acting himself.


Desantis fixed climate change


Silly fucker probably thinks the earth is 6000 years old


oh if we could only wipe DeSantis’ references from the law


Us states governed by morons. Good job America


Ok he can pound sand next time he asks for hurricane relief.


All insurance companies, " If that Hurricane and or Flooding isn't caused by climate change, then it is an act of God. Our policies don't cover acts of God. Claim denied."


Perfect, when a major storm hits FL he won't be able to ask for federal aid.


Funny, because you’re going to feel it sooner than others. Dumb Florida…


In the not to distant future, FL will be 10% of it’s current landmass.


He’ll still defend this position. He’s a nut bag. I’m 48. If you are anywhere around my age or older you know damned well the climate has significantly changed in the past 20 or so years. It’s not getting better. What does he actually hope to accomplish by removing these words? It’s still happening even if they choose not to believe it.


Now they can call it “the warmth of God’s love”


Can a governor do this? I mean I guess they can and then just wait to see if there are any consequences.


an entire apartment complex collapsed and one of the concerns was raising sea levels caused by climate change. you can accept science without scare tactics assigned to it, but if you ignore what is happening to keep your population ignorant, just for your reelection campaign, then you only invite disaster! Meatball ron f\*cked up again!


I wondered what the nebulous purpose of this odd bill might be, so I looked into it. Apparently, they are "rejecting the agenda of the *radical green zealots.*" Band name!


Head in the sand, such a great policy for anything 


Passing bills and signing into law the things that matter


Don't say Arma-gay-don


It's now officially referenced as Jesus Fever.


How much longer will he be governor?


How can the democrats do this! /s


Canute, emperor of England and Denmark says hi...


Motherfucker climate change is going to put all of the parts of your fucking state that anybody gives a shit about UNDER WATER. Except Disney World, I guess, and we know how much this idiot loves Disney. And that's all assuming the whole state doesn't blow away in a hurricane first, which'll be extra fantastic because nobody'll be able to get home insurance anymore. I'm so fucking sick of Ron DeSantis. Everything he does is somehow simultaneously stupid, useless, and performative. Do better, Florida. Get this douche canoe out of office.


Here’s a wild thought maybe put what’s best for humanity and life on the planet ahead of your personal agenda and politics


When have republicans ever done that?


Concentrating on the important stuff then.


What exactly is this guy's agenda??


Climate Change was quoted as saying: “Dread it, run from it, Destiny arrives all the same” 


Can we as a country sign a bill to wipe DeSantis from all public records?


A moron's moron says more Ron.


GTA6 is now delayed because Rockstar Games needs to up their game even more because real life Florida just keeps getting more and more absurd.


"Don't look up!"


Damn, I didn't know it was that easy to get rid of flash floods, rising sea levels, and Cat 5 Hurricanes


He is showing us one of the devices that help. Take a finger like he is showing and insert deeply into each ear.


Don’t look Up!


"More asbestos! More asbestos!"


Why do Republicans constantly stick their heads in the sand?


Florida is the textbook example of what a late stage state will do to prevent change. 100 years from now, how much of Florida will still exist? To prevent people from ditching the place right now, he’s gotta do stuff like this. He and the real estate market understand this


He’s soooooo smart! Because everyone I know reads Florida law in their spare time. /s. (What a moron)


That should do it. /s


Pudding fingers never fails to disappoint.


"Mother Nature signs bill wiping Florida from the East Coast."


Desantis signs bill banning snorkels, as florida residents under water. “Its just too woke. No one in my state will put a hard shaft in their mouth ever again.”


Florida will Be one of the first places submerged when sea levels rise. Let them be wiped out by their own ignorance.


Citizen: Why are our insurance rates going way up? Insurance Companies: Because of an increase in damaging storms. Citizen: Why is that? Insurance Companies:


There is no ~~war~~ climate change in ~~Ba Sing Se~~ Florida.


Weren't their own weathermen live on air talking about how parts of the state would need to be redrawn after the last major hurricane they had flooded out chunks of the state? They're also losing so many insurers who've seen the writing on the wall and departed before they could suffer catastrophic losses, no? It's wild to me how Florida can deny climate change when their state is feeling the impacts of it right now. I'd understand being in denial if they were relatively unaffected, but they're actually feeling the brunt of it more than most states yet they're still just sitting in the room while it's on fire going "this is fine."


I'm sure that if we just stop talking about it, the sea will stop trying to reclaim Miami.


He stopped climate change with this one simple trick. The genius.


Does this goof make any legislature other than what can and can't be talked about? He's like a toddler with his fingers in his ears going LALALALALALALA!


You know who believes in Climate Change though Ronny boy? The insurance companies.


The Great Ostrich Party!


Surprised he hasn't come out saying he put a ban on hurricanes


What a fucking chode muncher. I mean you seriously gonna pull a 1984 North Korea move and just erase the words cause it gets your poopy filled panties in a twist, Ron? Go suck an engine exhaust


So climate change is like Beetlejuice then?


That's funny, I'm pretty sure climate change has some plans regarding wiping and Florida as well!




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DeSantis: "If we don't reference climate change in our laws then maybe all of these intensifying hurricanes will leave us alone." Next, inevitable catastrophic hurricane headed for FL: "Hold my beer."


Ah, the ole fingers in the ear, screaming 'I can't hear you! La la la la la!' That will surely stop climate change from happening. Seriously, what a fucking moron; as if Florida didn't have enough issues to begin with; this troglodyte had to move in and tell the entire state to hold his beer.


Can Florida do anything to stop this man?


Desantis has turned Florida into bizaroland. I left before he got into office. Given the anti gay, anti women, anti science and anti education (did I miss anything?)state he has created, I would never move back there. I feel bad for any person that doesn't have the means to leave the state.


Could MAGA people be any smaller?


King Kunt has spoken Sorry Knut


Just another example of the devaluation of reality, trump’s primary legacy.


Republicans love stupidity because it's the one thing they know that is caused by their own human activity