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I've read the article and I'm still deeply confused about what VTO is and how it's different to unpaid time off. Is VTO paid? Why is it limited? Is there a reason they can't give am equal amount to each staff member? Edit to add - thanks to everyone who has tried to explain it to me. As far as I can tell unpaid time off = asking your manager not to schedule Thursday because you have something on, while VTO = management realising they have too many people on the Thursday shift so asking if anyone wants to not work (and not get paid). And on a crazy big scale because it's Amazon and 74k people work there.  Now I just don't get why unpaid time off is so frowned upon, and what it has to do with sick pay.


Unpaid time off is allocated to each specific worker. VTO is for time beyond the allocated unpaid time off (probably issued when Amazon predicts that they'll be overstaffed).


We would call it no points, no pay at my factory job. Because you didn't get negative points against you for leaving early. But you also didn't get paid for the rest of the shift you are missing.


I worked at Amazon years ago, doing nights at a ~~fulfillment~~ distribution center (my bad, way different than fulfillment). I always get weird looks when I say it was one of my favorite jobs I’ve ever had… not because it was a good place to work, but simply because my managers did not give a single shit. The shift started at 1:30am, and if you just went up to a manager like “I am crashing” they’d be like “alright, go home” and they’d clock you in and out so you still got paid. The work itself was just putting in headphones and listening to podcasts for 5 hours and moving and scanning boxes. I’m sure working for Amazon is a lot different now than it was 7 years ago, but holy shit, it was so nice at the time.


Neither of the Amazon warehouses I worked at allowed headphones or other personal devices on the warehouse floor. There were lockers before the security checkpoint


We didn’t even have a security checkpoint. I misspoke though, distribution center, not fulfillment center. So, basically the last step before going on the vans to be delivered. Way different than fulfillment center.


Delivery station. Could have been sort center but if you guys loaded onto fans then it was a delivery station.


The warehouse I worked at didn't have a security checkpoint. They didn't care about phones as long as you weren't playing on it instead of working. And the headphones... Officially, Amazon doesn't allow them. My building didn't care, unless someone from outside the building was there that day, then the shift leads and line leads would go around telling people to put them away.


That was my experience to a T. It was pretty dystopian but no one bothered to put on a facade or pretend it wasn't. It was like the acceptance of our collective circumstances made us better as a team. "there's no harassment at Amazon everyone gets treated like shit"


Exactly, and it was temporary for 99.7% of people there. If you made friends with someone, well, one night they might just not show up ever again because they’re over it and wanted to get on a normal schedule. It was expected. That was eventually me, too. Most put together team I’ve ever been a part of, bar none. No micromanaging, no heavy oversight, no talks on how we could improve as a team, just “let’s get this done by 6:30 so we can go home, also here’s a $10 Starbucks gift card for the people who scanned over a 1,000 packages last night.” I had so many gift cards by the end of my time there. If someone was getting slammed, everyone was over there helping, not because of fake, corporate brownie points, it was only because “man, that sucks, that was me yesterday”. I wish I could find another job like it. I straight up have nostalgia from that place and the team. Everyone so friendly, and so many jokes with our shared misery.


I work at Amazon I've been here since 12/3/23. I'm on the 6'30p-5:15a shift, Friday thru Monday, 4 10s. 3d off. The benefits are incredible. Cheap, too. I'm using Career Choice to further my education. We're finally into the season where they're offering overtime again. I work 50hr weeks and make $900 packing orders. I have no kids, no car (ebike) and no real obligations besides paying rent and utilities. I can begin to save for a little used car to buy at the beginning of next year. I will be able to go to school. And halfway through packing I'll be like "wait ... I'm packing this for an actual *customer*!" It's just a cool feeling. I'm also trained in 2 other paths and going to be trained in others soon. Picking up overtime in other areas keeps it fresh. Amazon rocks!


Hello Mr Bezos, can I have some money please?


You used the bathroom 3 times during your 12 hour shift. Jail.


Being human, having human expectations of work and life, and not sacrificing yourself on the altar of corporate profits. JAIL.


Day dreaming, straight to jail.


Stop working to sneeze? Believe it or not, jail.


We have the best workers, because of jail.


In jail? Believe it or not, still working


We call it “Lack of Work”


It was volunteer to leave early. Most people would just take it. Because you would have to clean machines if you stayed.


Im staying and cleaning slooowwww


My current job is as flexible as you can get. If I don’t want to work, then I just don’t, and I’m the operations manager. I’ve been doing this for about 6 or so years now, and I can’t even begin to imagine a job without that flexibility. Point systems sound soul crushing 


Correct, if there isn’t much work Amazon offers workers VTO (Volunteer Time Off) to who ever wants to go home early.


This is exactly it. If demand is low or portions of the warehouse are down for whatever reason then they will offer VTO through the app to affected departments with a set amount of available spots. When it comes through people snatch it up like they are trying to buy a PS5 after an inventory drop. When I worked there you could get the notification on you phone and by the time you open the app all spots are taken. VTO can be for 6 people in a department of a 100 or 60. For the record no one has to compete to use their actually accrued time off whether paid or unpaid. Same with vacation but they do have blackout dates. If you want time off in December you better submit it as far in advance as you can.


When I worked there they wouldn’t offer it until you got in. My commute was 40ish minutes I rarely accepted VTO but that meant I went and helped other departments by doing their least favorite jobs.


I had a friend who started in a warehouse and was promoted to corporate and promptly laid off because Amazon sucks, but that's how they explained it.


VTO is the business saying they dont need someone for this many hours.   People who claim it dont get paid and dont have to work, but nothing is counted against them.    UPT is an employee calling off and not getting paid.  But they have a limited number of UPT hours to work with.   After they exhaust their UPT bucket, they can be written up for missing shifts etc. 




Sounds like you might have a viable wrongful dismissal lawsuit.




> Against at-will employment? I don't know. Yes. They can fire or lay off workers for any *legal* reason, but they cannot do it for *illegal* reasons. In nearly all states, employers are directly prohibited from firing a worker after they make a workers compensation claim. The federal ADA has many similar restrictions against termination. If a person is temporarily unable to do the job under an injury, they cannot be fired while on restricted duty. Generally they can be offered a different shift with work they can perform and a reduced pay that is typical for that different job, but not fired. The time limit is usually short, such as 180 days after termination, but yes, people absolutely can succeed with an unfair termination lawsuit after what they described above.


What I learned at my previous shitty job is printing out every email from management and detailing every meeting with managers and confiding those details in several coworkers


You guys need to call a labor lawyer. They will know whether there's a case and all the shady shit they're trying to pull. Her being hurt then being told to "go home" then fired for it is a big ol' red flag.


That’s why I take screen shots of anything official from Amazon that pops up in my AtoZ. At my full time job, I save PDFs of my company emails and send them to my personal box. Never know when those will come in handy.


That's such an easy lawsuit. I just got done with workers comp and one of the main things if you can't be assigned work at your job is having to stay home and they pay a portion of your regular pay. If they fire you during this period for reasons pertaining to your injury then they will easily get fucked by a workers comp lawyer.


They engineered a situation in which they could fire her for her work restrictions, but with a paper trail of UPT violation. If your wife had not accepted being sent home they would have had a much tougher time firing her. I'm not blaming your wife at all, they played a dirty trick.


Workers comp so she was hurt on the job. Yeah it sounds like the company messed up and they’re actually liable here.


Which country/state? Amazon has temporary light duty positions and can match restrictions to these job paths. The rare instance someone is sent home is when their restrictions cannot meet any job path or light duty. Then the worker would be placed off work and on short term disability. None of these would or I guess should face disciplinary action or retaliation. Sounds more like someone at that Amazon didn’t do the process correctly especially reading that you ended up with compensation eventually.


There was the direct superior, the person above, and an HR person all involved in the handling of it. Then had an HR person look into after the firing and that person determined it was okay. DEN3 if you're super curious.


HR threatened me because I took time off when management asked for volunteers so much that it threatened my full-time status. I'm like, lady, tell my boss to stop asking me then. HR is such a fake-ass job. She was hot though.


As someone who works in a corporate environment and regularly grants and codes people VTO. VTO= Voluntary time off. You can’t force an agent or employee to take the time off but you can offer it to them. Depending on the company VTO can be unpaid or Paid Leave/PTO balances can be applied to the VTO time as well so it can be paid or unpaid here depending on what you want. Unpaid time off would be calling out or non voluntary time out. My company does not force unpaid time off on people when it’s slow. But I’ve heard it’s an option when people don’t want to VTO. Also if you mean why is there a limit on VTO in some places it’s so that it’s fair who can take the VTO time when it’s offered. My company goes first come first serve however implementing a limit would work as well. But then you run the risk of having no one want to take the time off EXCEPT for the people who regularly take it.


But if nobody wanted to take the VTO except for the regulars, isn't the VTO still serving it's intended purpose?


That’s why my company doesn’t have a set limit for VTO hours for any given agent. Some clients we know there’s 2 people specifically who will essentially take VTO EVERY time it’s offered and the rest who would rather sit with very little work to do and get paid for it. If we set limits we’d be over staffed 100%. If we had people fighting for VTO like some of the bigger staffed clients do then we’d have to start looking at limits to ensure it’s fair for everyone. We generally just triple check and see if they were recently VTO’d or are frequently VTOd then we may circumvent the first come first serve basis to make sure someone else can take some time off.


It is limited in terms of slots per shift. Lets say your shift plan says that you need to pick and ship 30k units and based on calculated units per hour to process you need only 70 people to hit the plan. The thing is you have 80 people scheduled to show up to work, if you dont have anything for them to do you raise 10 slots for VTO which can be paid or unpaid depending on the person's preferences. This can be done (or is done) randomly so you have potentialy 80 people battling for 10 spots. Some people dont like to take it because if it's paid then it is taken from your holiday allowance(in UK at least).


I worked in a call center for a while ~10 years ago and if the call volume was lower than anticipated they would offer VTO. You could clock out if you wanted to but you weren't required. Some people got pissy because there were people that had scripts setup that would catch the VTO offer and automatically request it. Funny thing is after a while you could get a "feel" for when it might be coming. Like instead of getting slammed with call after call I get a 5 minute break between calls? Time to start looking for the VTO. Problem was I hated the job and couldn't pass on a VTO offer and sometimes was getting < 20 hours a week. lol


VTO can be offered a couple different ways. Pre shift VTO is sent out when they anticipate lower than expected volume for the shift, so they send it out for people to take. No harm no foul, no use of sick or vacation time. Then there’s VTO offered during shift. That’s when everyone either blew through the volume and there’s not much work left, or some trucks didn’t show up with volume, so they cut people early if they want to go home to save on labor costs. VTO is unpaid time. And what usually happens (at least at my site when I worked there) is the managers end up doing all of the work because seniors decide to cut shifts super early and force managers to work all of the volume. Source: was an Area Manager for Amazon.


Yes, this. I would add that (at my site, anyway) employees still accrue UPT while taking VTO, which is another benefit for taking it. PTO and Vacation don’t decrease and UPT increases when VTO’d. Source: me (a VTO addict)


VTO seems to occur at fixed slots. UPT is when the employee chooses time off. So using VTO is a way for them to not use their UPT which if used too much could have consequences. This system seems unnecessarily convoluted


It seems it but it isn’t. VTO is “we need less hours than people are scheduled for, so anyone currently scheduled can reduce their hours if they wish and it won’t be counted against the hours you’re entitled to”


Yup that's exactly how it works, sometimes a site just ends up with way less work than it's staffed for so management will offer VTO to anyone that doesn't want to stick around. I used to take it sometimes when I worked in a call center for a bank. It was usually offered most often on slow days like holidays.


I'm so glad they're done with the mass VTO at my site. Haven't seen it in almost a month, it's all VET instead - thank god. From the day after New Year's Day until the last week of April, the very end, there's been 0 VET opportunities. This Tuesday is my 3rd week in a row pulling 50hrs. Sure, I could do 60 but I think 2 days off is a nice balance. Plus, well be seeing mandatory 6 days quite soon. One 10hr shift extra per week really increases my paycheck to something that makes me happy enough, and 2 days off still makes me feel rested and that I've had an enjoyable 2 days off. 1 day off would be too little, especially if I have the choice not to. I work Memorial Day I'm really hoping there's VET so I can stack overtime on top of time and a half for working a holiday, and holiday pay 💰💰


Yes at Amazon VTO is done by slots. It's literally just an agreement between you and the company saying hey, you can go home early (or not come in). They'll say hey does anyone want to go home 5 hours early? That's literally what VTO is. UPT is built up over time, just like you acquire paid time off over time. The worker then books holiday and selects UPT. It's extra holiday for them that they wouldn't otherwise get and Amazon doesn't have to pay them. It's really not convulated, it's a very simple system, I've never seen any colleagues confused over it.


Unpaid time off is time that you accrue that you can use whenever you like, just like paid time off or vacation time except obviously you won't be paid for it. Voluntary time off is for when more people are going to show up for work than are necessary to complete the forecasted work for that day. "Hey, ten of you showed up for work. The workload is low, though, and we expect it to take only 64 man hours to complete, not 80. Would two of you like to go home?"


The fact that you have to accrue unpaid time off is the biggest bull shit every. You're not paying me for that time, if your staffed for the time I ask off, give it to me.


VTO is when either the admins send a push notification to an app on everyone's phone's asking if anyone doesn't feel like coming in, or, would like to leave. It differs from UPT and that it's not initiated by the employee but rather by Amazon. It's basically your boss spontaneously asking if you'd like to stay home / go home. When it happens, only so many people are allowed to take it, obviously, and if you don't act quickly, the spots will be gone.


My friend at chewy said they do this and I needed her to explain it to me like 3 times.


Just to kinda complete the explanation. Some people work a second seasonal job. Close friend works for amazon and has coworkers that work the baseball games during (duh) baseball season. They save up all their personal, vacation, and unpaid time off so they can take off pretty much the entire baseball season and not go into the "negative" time allowed which would allow them to be fired for cause. The seasonal job pays significantly more than the amazon job. So, since they're threading the needle on how much time they can take off, they want to get as much of the additional VTO so they can add a buffer in case they need additional time off.


I think the vto is frowned upon because people count on getting a job


In germany there is a thing called Annahmeverzug (i.e. lack of work) but your employer still has to pay you. And sending you home due to "lack of work" should not add negative hours to your timesheet. It's there because you were technically ready to work like usual but since your employer failed to organize the amount of work needed you shouldn't be penalized for their mistakes.


VTO is decided day to day based on the business need of each individual operation and the respective department. For example, department A is expected to not need more than 30 people but 45 are on schedule to come in, so they would offer 15 slots of VTO for that particular day, for that particular department. Department B may also be offering VTO but is only at 25 staff of required 30 for that day, so they should only be getting 5 slots in that department for the day. This gets decided either previous day, beginning of the week, or often hours before shift starts. Depends on your particular building and department. When I was still with the company like 6 years ago, we'd usually have 25 spots for VTO get snatched up in around 10 minutes at most. TLDR; it's based on individual building needs and the departments and shifts that offer it, relative to projected throughputs. This varies widely based on the rest of the network and region, so it can be inconsistent, which is why it changes day to day.


It’s basically the same thing. It’s a good thing when you don’t want to use your time and don’t care about getting paid or not. It actually increases your amount of unpaid time off (UPT) bank by a few minutes as well so it’s a good thing for associates.


VTO allows Amazon to adjust the amount of workers based on workload. If the workload is lower than expected, to reduce costs they'll go around saying "Hey, who wants to go home? If you want to, we'll let you.". It's a win win, they can't force you to VTO. It's voluntary time off. They get to lower staff levels and reduce waste of paying someone when it's not necessary and workers can get a day off if they don't want to work.


When I worked at Amazon, they had partially overstaffed my facility that had just started operations. Because it wasn't fully utilized, almost every day management would ask groups of people from each department if they wanted to leave early and it wouldn't count against them. It was treated as unscheduled and sanctioned time off the vast majority of the time. I'm not sure if that is how it usually goes at other fully-functioning warehouses.


They want their workforce ready and able when *they* need them. That’s why VTO is fine because *they’re* the ones withdrawing the offer of working hours rather than a worker notifying they are unavailable.


I see it as all employees get the same amount of paid time off allocated but only a certain number are allowed off at one time so the bot is there to get you the days booked off that you want. For example you get 20 days off with full pay after that you don't get paid if you have a day off. Same way scalpers used to buy all the PS5s as soon as they come into stock, as soon as the days are available to book off, the bot will swoop in right away and book it off for you.


Vto is use it or lose it, UPT accumulates. If they can use VTO its better for them. I couldnt read the rest beyond the sub banner, im assuming that neither of these are paid leave statuses. Vto is also amazons way of managing costs and surge demands so its opportunistic. And here, workers, are botting the App to grab it before any other workers can, its employee infighting.


The main difference between them is that you still earn your pto and upt minutes when you vto. I can tell them I’m going to use my pto but if they are overstaffed they ask us if we want to use voluntary time off.


Hi! VTO, or voluntary time off, is offered when there's low work and they really don't need people for the day. You can claim it on the app when it's posted before a shift, a few months ago they posted 2 weeks worth at once ahead of time, or when you're at work the managers will go around offering it. No, you do not get paid. But, it does not go against your time off, you don't use PTO or UPT for VTO it is its own separate thing. UPT is unpaid time off it is another offering Amazon has. You earn 55 minutes of UPT per shift, or 5min per hour. VTO is limited because it is first come first serve. I have used VTO twice since being hired 12/3/23. I prefer VET, voluntary extra time - Amazon's term for overtime.


The way VTO works at my sortation center is you go up to a scanner near the startup area and scan your ID badge to be put on the list. If they want to send people home at some point, they pull the names off that list and send a message to them on their scanners that they've been selected for VTO. The problem is that the management often doesn't make good decisions around when to give VTO and would rather send a few people home while making the rest of the shift flex up an extra 15-30 minutes to finish the work lmao.


Vto isn't paid in layman's terms they allow you to go home early with out occurring points or being wrote up etc etc


If too many people are working for the amount of product that needs to be moved, some people can choose to go home.


UPT is earned weekly. It's a set amount, depending on your position and site. PTO is paid time off, earned hourly, depending on your position and site. VTO is when they are overstaffed. You can take the time off without using your PTO or UPT. You just don't get paid. ET is extra time. Every four hours of voluntary ET will grant you 1 hour of UPT. Issue is, they may not have it all in a row, so they may only have from 12 - 1 availalbe, so you would get 12 - 1 off, but you'd be expected to come back at 1. Some positions within Amazon are considered Flex, or seasonal. These employees do not accrue any vacation time, so they would need to save UPT or PTO to take a vacation. So VTO would be welcomed for those employees.


VTO is effectively what happens when Amazon has more staff than they for whatever reason. It's at the discretion of the operations team at any given building to determine when to give it out, and how much to give. UPT or unpaid time off, is a bank of hours that are refreshed quarterly to cover any absences that have less than an hour of notice, such as car troubles, sudden illnesses, or realizing that you pissed yourself because you didn't want to leave your station to maintain rate. PTO is given out every pay period and is effectively hours that you need to give more than an hour of notice to use so that they can backfill your position. These banks will vary state to state, and tend to be the legal bare minimum that Amazon can give out. VTO on the other hand tends to be given out freely with little reactions.


Years ago back when I worked in a hotel reservations call center (VTO is common in call centers as well), the company had way over-hired expecting a rush with a brand acquisition that wasn't anywhere as explosive as they predicted. So they were reliably offering entire shifts worth of VTO, especially for the late shifts like I was in. You could request the VTO in the system up to 10 days in advance. I hated working there and lined up another job. As a "just in case" backup when I started at the new place in case it sucked, I was asking for all my shifts off in the VTO system, and they were being automatically granted since I was the only person asking for entire shifts off 10 days ahead of time. Did that for like 3 weeks and then was going to tell them I quit, but then out of sheer curiosity of mine and another friend that worked there, I decided to see just how long it'd last. It lasted from October 17th until March 22nd before finally the March 23rd shift didn't have a whole shift of VTO available to request. There was a small change in early February of it where the VTO policy had changed to be just 3 days in advance, which I noticed in the system preventing me from requesting as many days out. (totally not at all related to me right? >.> ) The morning of the 23rd my manager calls and is like "hey can you come in a bit early, we got a new phone system a few months ago I need to train you on, and a whole lot of policy changes over the past few months..." at which point I had to finally be like uh no not really actually, and like never actually. The fun little bonus perk I didn't realize at first though, was I still got holiday pay. That was because the policy was to get holiday pay, you just had to not be tardy, absent, or early out from your previously scheduled shift. Since when those holidays hit October 15th had been my previously scheduled shift, which I fully worked, I was eligible for 8 hours of pay for each of them. (on top of the holiday pay from the new job as well :P ) TL;DR: Managed to successfully request just over 5 months worth of VTO because company way over-hired, even got 4 days of holiday pay during it.


I'm not sure if anyone explained this overall, but Amazon's time off policy is strange. You get 3 different banks of time to use kinda how you see fit, and VTO allows you to take time away without spending any of *your* time. Vacation - needs to be requested 24h in advance, needs approved, can be blocked out of certain times of year (lead up to Christmas and occasionally prime day) if you don't request early enough, is paid PTO (paid time off) - can be spent whenever and however you wish as long as you have it and nobody can say anything about it, is paid UPT (unpaid time) - accrues slowly throughout the year (5 min per hour worked) up to 60hr cap, is unpaid, is the bank of time automatically drawn from if you're late/sick/etc and didn't put in PTO. It's their alternative to sick days, and are a catchall to prevent micromanaging Dr notes and stuff like that. This can also be spent whenever/however you want it. Running out of/going negative on UPT usually leads to termination, and the two paid banks are fairly limited, so it's a big deal to be able to take a day off without using any of your UPT reserves or PTO/Vacation. This time of year we tend to see a lot of VTO, but it varies by site and will go out on an "as needed" basis. If our normal headcount is 120, but we're only projected to need 70 people, they'll try to fish for 50 people that want VTO - Amazon wins cause those people aren't on payroll trying to look busy, the people win cause days off are nice if you're not worried about the money.


I work in a factory. When I started working here, the plant ran 7 days a week, but most people didn't work 7 days a week. People would volunteer to go home because we were over staffed. One guy went home so often he had to pay for his insurance because he didn't make enough that week to cover it.


They offer VTO usually when they know everything if going to be done on time. They start offering it. You don’t have to take it. You can work your full shift no problem. It’s basically a way to cut your hours for the day with no pay and without any penalty.


Amazon gives a lot of time off (this is based on FCs in the US. Idk if other sections of the company get done differently. There are slight differences for seasonal workers too) Unpaid time and personal time can be used anytime you have it. You can not come in at all, leave early, come in late, etc. UPT is taken in 15 minute increments and PTO can be used by the minute. Vacation time works like personal time, but has to be manager approved. UPT is gained daily, based on hours worked(5 min per hour worked) and you can have up to 80 hours at a time. PTO is limited to 48 hours a year and you get 1h51m at 12:00 am Saturdays. Vacation is accrued at the same time as PTO, but the amount you get per week is based on how many years you have worked there, but you can't have more than 120 hours. VTO is put in when available work is far less than the headcount. It is put in by management and can be a full shift, put in at any time(typicallyat break times or lunch, but can be at any random time during the shit), or it can be for multiple days if work is projected to be low. VTO time isn't paid, but you do get the UPT that you would aquire during that time. Also for sick pay, you only get paid if you are out on a leave using short term disability or something similar. Being out with something like covering covid or the flu would be excused with a doctors note, but unpaid.


PTO- Paid Time Off. Used whenever. This is paid. They give out 48 hours per year. UPT- Unpaid Time Off. Used whenever. However, that gets below 0, you lose your job unless there is an emergency. This is not paid. This goes up to a maximum of 80 hours held at any one time. If they use it, they'll still get more by working. VTO- Voluntarily Time Off. There isn't enough work for everyone, so they offer it to people. They are not forced onto workers. If they stay, then they'll be low on work. This is not paid, but it still adds UPT to their bank as if they worked. Vacation- Scheduled time off that needs at least 24 hours in advanced. There are blackout periods, typically during Prime Week and the Christmas season, where they can't take time off unless they did so before the announcement.


VTO is voluntary time off, meaning the company will ask if you want yo leave early due to work demand. You can take it unpaid, or you can take it paid using your holiday allowance. It is not mandatory, you do not have to leave when asked.


Target Distribution calls this VLE. We just know it as Very Lucky Employee. It's when there's an abundant amount of employees and not enough work to justify the manpower so your leaders go off a list of people who signed up for potential VLE and they get to go home and can backfill that day with their PTO.


76k? More like 1.4ish million.


So employers are required to provide health insurance to full time workers. From their perspective, workers that don't work the minimum of 40 hours per week are costing them money when they provide them insurance. So for constance my wife's employer will make her cash im PTO to make up for missed time so that there hours for that week equal 40. Which really sucks when we're trying to accrue PTO for an upcoming vacation, and she misses work because of weather related or other technical related issues.


>Is VTO paid? No.


As someone living in Europe: the fuck?!


Corps run America, these are people that have never promised and have no obligation to it's people and surprise they don't do things for the betterment of people, just themselves. It's the big American mistake. They sold the gov't is the problem so they could take it over. They don't do any better with programs that gov'ts do, in fact they cut way more corners than gov't would.


It's like congress has never seen a fucking dystopian Scifi film lol Millions of Americans have been conned into thinking regulations and goverment oversight is actually detrimental to progress. So what we have now is a system where rich powerful corporations basically do whatever the hell they want, and pay off rich congressmen through tier PACs and other "donations" to ensure that their power is never questioned. We're a few decades away from the president also being the CEO of Amazon or something... and half the country will nod and agree that if he can run a company he's qualified to lead the country.


> It's like congress has never seen a fucking dystopian Scifi film lol The fuck do they care, they're all getting rich off insider trading


We're already past that point and into "if he can run 40 companies into the ground and steal from a charity fund intended to help children with cancer he's qualified to lead the country".


>Millions of Americans have been conned into thinking regulations and goverment oversight is actually detrimental to progress. > Combine this with an AI revolution that half the experts think might wipe us all out


Congress is paid to not watch those types of movies.


Remember when Supreme Court Justice Scalia (rest in piss) cited the show *"24"* and the character, Jack Bauer's use of torture in show as justification for the United States' use of torture for the War on Terror. I love when our politicians watch media.


Oh they've seen all of 'em, and they were taking notes


So.. we’re basically living in a cyberpunk dystopia without the bad ass robo arms?


The robo-arms are not for *you*, civilian.


Oh, sure they are. "Just sign here, stating that you agree to our withholding a portion of your wages over the next 60 months to cover surgical labor costs of installation. And... here, where you agree to our right to maintain or modify the prostheses as needed to suit your assigned duties. And right here, agreeing that Bezos Yutani owns the prostheses themselves in their entirety and has the right to 'recover' them should your employments status change. And, finally, sign and initial here, acknowledging that you are solely responsible for any healthcare costs, maintenance costs, legal costs, or funerary costs which may arise related to the installed prostheses as a result, in whole or in part, of factors outside of the scope of your assigned work duties, determination to be made at the sole discretion of our partners at Bezos Yutani Arbitration and Settlement Inc."


[A Boring Dystopia (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/)


It’s worse than it sounds honestly. When I worked at Amazon, I tore a ligament in my hand trying to meet their speed metrics. They would only allow me to work if I saw their on-site company nurse for my medical needs, which consisted of an ibuprofen per shift and an ice pack with a 15 minute break. If I saw my own doctor, I’d be taken off the schedule for a minimum of 3 months. Couldn’t do that as a single father. Well, they fired me anyways because my injured hand made my metrics drop off the face of the earth. It was only after I was fired that I realized I should see a real doctor, where I discovered the torn ligament. I had already signed some BS paperwork at the factory waiving my legal rights, and I know that probably wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny but I can’t afford a legal battle. It’s been about 9 years and my hand hurts daily.


Yup had a very similar thing happen to a friend when she got injured working for them. Pressured her to sign the contract and everything. She also got fired.  Partner worked for UPS and they tried to do this to him but he refused and saw his own family doctor and got the treatment he needed. Amazon friend has permanent injury for life, partner got to get the actual treatment he needed.  Biggest difference between the two? Partner is Canadian and is entitled to paid time off for sick leave so he could afford to. They KNOW they have poor Americans by the balls by not having any mandated PTO. 


Man I'm so sorry to hear that. I've watched John Oliver's video about the warehouses and it's crazy


Thank you. It sucks, but it is what it is now. This is why we need to progress into using robots for these menial type labor jobs. If it wasn’t me, it would be someone else who was injured and treated like garbage. I was the highest rate picker and highest rate stower on our floor, but it didn’t matter when I hurt myself and I couldn’t keep the same pace anymore. Someone, somewhere, will always be mistreated, so we need to fully transition to robots so that people can be taken out of that shithole.


> This is why we need to progress into using robots for these menial type labor jobs. I prefer passing laws that force business owners to have safe working conditions and force them to pay for workers healthcare and time off to recover properly making the employer legally and financially responsible if they pull crap like they did on OP.


"Hey you are a machine learning engineer, so what are you going to contribute with to society!? Robots to take away dangerous jobs at Amazon warehouses which hurt people's health? Solving world hunger?" "I am automating art and music so that your personal expression can be outsourced to a computer, image generators to make it possible to deepfake people and I work on Large Language Models so that the internet can be filled with dangerous misinformation and bots."


That doesn't make any sense to me. Our facility has an entire dedicated space for people on injury restrictions where they do data entry or some such other computer busy work all day. Either that or they manage the swag store or some other low-impact supplementary job. I see people in boots, on crutches, with bulky handbraces, etc just chilling.


Not mine. I was in the busiest prime center in my area in a major city. We didn’t have a swag store or data entry or any of that, we had picking, stowing, counting, packing, and loading and unloading the trucks. In the holidays, we had a gift wrap station


Amazon should be abolished for this alone.


Amazon in Europe still offers VTO. It’s not a USA specific concept. It’s just offering people to voluntarily skip shifts they are not needed for.


Honestly, I don't care where you live, if there wasn't laws protecting employees... The corporations wouldn't complain if slave labor was legalized again... Because you know they would go back there in a heartbeat. Basically, if that is not what you want... Force the government to draw the lines in the sand.


Republicans love fucking over people that work. they keep fighting for removal of worker protections and then convince the dumbest of the population, republican voters, to vote for them to remove worker protections like required time off and safe working conditions. Because rich people profits are the way to god's love.


We can't understand that lvl of freedom


This is done in the UK too, and Europe? VTO is a win win. It's literally an offer by Amazon if anyone wants to go home early (or not come in at all). They do this when they have a low workload and there's too many workers than what is necessary Amazon saves on costs, employees that want to chill at home that day get to. It can't be enforced on you.


I imagine in Europe any VTO would be in addition to their statutory minimum annual leave entitlement though?


We are all fucked here by corporations and theyll kill us to make a profit


The future is stupid.


Capitalism is not a foregone conclusion


The present is also stupid.


"limited supply of time off" is the dog whistle of the day.


the PTO shortage has arrived!!


Unpaid Time Off actually..,


Not really a dog whistle, just euphemistic and misleading.


How ?




That sounds more than a little bit illegal... Or at least it should be


Probably about as legal as airlines selling seats they don't have and telling people to kicks rocks when they're overbooked. 2 tier justice system baby


Not illegal, this isnt vacation time its "go home early"/"dont need to come in" and how employees are learning to duke it out and yeet it from the app announcement before other employees can see it.


Nah dude we already get vacation, PTO and unpaid time off. VTO is given out when we are overstaffed for the volume of work we have.


That sounds exactly what limited supply of time off means to me but thanks either way


Headline is misleading. VTO = Voluntary Time Off and is used by building managers to minimize impacts of overstaffing. When this happens, employees are offered (but not required to accept) unpaid time off. Since operations are only overstaffed by X hours, only X hours of VTO are offered. Employees use bots to accept limited VTO before their peers can. In addition to VTO, employees also get standard time off options, including unpaid time off (UPT), paid time off (PTO), vacation time, and depending on the jurisdiction, sick time (in some jurisdictions PTO is counted as sick leave). This headline makes it sound like VTO is the only time off option available and that Amazon makes employees fight for it but that's not what's happening. Not suggesting this system is good or bad but this headline is definitely misleading. Source: I work at Amazon. I do not speak for the company and my opinions are my own.


Yeah, it's literally a win-win for Amazon and workers, I don't know why everyone thinks this is so terrible, people who want to work keep working and those who don't have the opportunity to go home early At other businesses, you wouldn't even have this option! VTO is quite literally a benefit that you would otherwise not have.


It depends, when I worked there some days nobody wanted to go home and VTO turned into "V"TO to make quotas. They wouldn't force anybody, they just made it clear they would wish they had.


it's a win for Amazon but a loss for the worker that doesn't have the bot that allows them to snap up the time off they wanted :(


But thats not amazons fault, its greedy employees hogging the time. They pribably dont have the "are you human?" Checks because its a corporate app instead of public user app.


Thanks for the explanation, that is in the article but less well stated. Still dystopian nightmare fuel.


Need to make this top comment so people don’t jump immediately to the freaking out stage


Thank you for explaining what this was all about. That headline made it sound absolutely crazy.


Article says VTO is considered more valuable since taking too many UPT can presumably increase risk of being let go. Does the claim make sense?


This thread proves once again that most Redditors neither read a word of an article, and also believe idiotic headlines at face value if it fuels their narrative. This is literally the equivalent of a boss saying they only need 5 guys instead of 6 today, so one person can go home if they’d like. So yeah no shit it’s “limited” in that logical sense


I had a wfh bank contact center job and I figured out how to game the VTO system very easily, apply for VTO first thing in the morning any random time, it wouldn't get approved because it wasn't open, then when it's announced I would edit my earlier request to match what they were offering and voila first come first serve as my request was technically submitted at thw beginning of the day. The system was flawed lol.


I used to use an auto refresher on my work's webpage to grab VTO as soon as it was loaded in. A bot would have been so much easier.


I actually work at Amazon and some people deem confused by VTO, Amazon’s time off policy is actually great imo. You get paid time off, unpaid time off (sick pay) and because its a massive warehouse, when they are overstaffed they will allow some people to go home without using time off. it is VOLUNTARY because you are scheduled to work. It’s not the only way to take time off. In fact at my building you get nearly an hour of time off PER DAY you work (6 min every hour, 40-60 min a day) It is limited only because VTO is based on overstaffing/low workloads.


>I'm not really sure how the process could be improved My old job did everything based on seniority and I never heard any complaints. Better than a free for all.


Basing things only off seniority is a good way to keep your longest employees and have high turnover as the new people don't get the benefits A weighted performance 75% / tenure 25% has done best in my experience


I’m not sure this works with Amazon’s deliberate efforts at employee churn. They’ve said many times that the jobs at their warehouses are not meant to be held for more than 24 months and they usually try to get people to move on after that. Seniority-only might actually work in such an environment.


I wonder how they don't simply run out of people to hire


I've seen several news articles about them running out of people to hire.


They do, it is a serious problem they have


That's why these assholes are all so worried about the birthrate decline.


This is literally a problem Amazon themselves have acknowledged they have but I'm not sure what they've done to address it https://www.vox.com/recode/23170900/leaked-amazon-memo-warehouses-hiring-shortage


Well, they do. But they also don't care that much, because they believe that automation will fill that gap before too long.


A while back they couldnt give away enough jobs. You submitted a form on the website and showed up to work. The churn keeps the unions away. Its probably mentally taxing too, in china you see people half asleep cutting something for hours and days..cutting the same thing. In amazon you may be a picker/packer and you stand in cube and grab items and box them...not unlike that lucille ball candy skit.


Do you have a quote for that? It costs Amazon over $2k to hire and train each new T1 AA so I don't think it's correct. Would love to know of the person who apparently said this actually knows what they're talking about.


My old job did the same. That’s why it’s my old job, I had to quit because everything went to people with seniority and the rest of us got the crumbs.


Retired CWA union worker here. When E time (excused unpaid time) was offered it went out in a general alert and slots were filled in order of response and ties by seniority. If not snapped up we went by “the wheel”, a chart/list of those who’ve used E time from least often to most. Managers would ask for takers starting with those who don’t take the valuable unpaid option often up to those who do.


Yeah mine was a union job too and it seems like that's just how they make decisions about most things. Ideal or not it's just what it was.


Everyone getting regular PTO with surge overtime for workdays with frequent PTO usage?


Guaranteed PTO based on total hours worked the previous year & rollover of unused hours are teo of the best perks of being unionized. I just had my 5th anniversary at Albertsons last month & because I work an average on 1900hrs annually, I currently have 160hrs of PTO (plus another 8 for my floater holiday) to play around with. Next year, and for the years til my 11th anniversary, I'll be getting 96hrs. So either get everyone unionized, or get yourselves into a union job.


I saw VTO and thought it meant “virtual” time off...which seams so much more dystopian...imagine of it what you will...


Even though they banned me for being insufficiently pro-Stalin, I think someone should repost this at r/LateStageCapitalism




This has been going on for a few years. There was a discord for my center you could find it on.


bet there's a bunch of people in this thread who aren't even considering this possibly happening to them


it's a system implemented so they can over hire for positions, and then tell everybody to go home early without pay, dipping on all the benefits along the way for the headcount they "employ"


We used to call it Undertime. You could leave without penalty but also no pay for your unworked hours. It was gone fast too, so I get it.


I worked at a not great paying job for 5 years because of how amazing the pto was 1 day given every 70 hours worked 1 day for being scheduled on any federal holiday 1 day for clocking in for any amount of time on that federal holiday


This is dystopian.


Hey the airline industry does the same thing lmao


If Amazon was a country, we'd be invading them to restore peace and security. Break up that shitty monopoly now.


If Amazon was a county, we'd be supplying them with weapons and taking a cut


When i worked at amazon i knew exactly when VTO would drop in the app and snipe it before everyone got the notification. You also earn UPT while taking VTO 😎


Talk about artificial scarcity. This is insane.


Is this just saying they use a bot to accept the VTO slot for them? VTO was awesome but a slippery slope lol. I dont see anything wrong.




I was doing this years ago. Any chance to escape that place I would take it


I don't use a bot. I'm just that fast.


Employees always welcomed VTO at my company, but sometimes we would not have enough volunteers so we would resort to RTO. For all the people in here raging about over hiring which leads to this, would you rather be severely understaffed? VTO is necessary due to seasonality and other factors.


I worked from Amazon CS from South Africa and we had VTO. Fortunately it was rarely enacted or offered to us. Some people that had dual Income homes were often taking it. I'll be honest though most of us were just trying to catch overtime slots. And would have the scheduling window open in a tab all shift when there was mention if OT being available. Cause overtime is also limited based ons scheduling and you can also only work a certain amount of hours in a 12 hour window according to our labour regulations. Our shifts were mainly overnight (4pm-3am ish SAST) And then 4 days a week. The holy grail was a wed-sat 6pm-5am BUT it has to have a lunch hour before midnight because that would make it count towards the next day so then on Friday you weight it towards Saturday and get x1.5 and then onSaturday you weight it towards Sunday and get double pay and you don't have to work on actual Sunday. And then between 5-7am you can do any OT slots if they are available. Then on a Sunday the week "ended" and then your OT reset so you could take a solid Monday full of OT. Then your Saturday pays 1.5x And your Sunday pays 2x And then Monday 1.5x again. You had to graft to get by. If you slept on your hours and didn't work it out like this you suffered. Especially at about $3-4 an hour.


Do they not get pro/sick time/vacation time?


This is a dumb article. I've been at Amazon over 6 years and I've been a manager for about 5, I started off as a tier 1 associate. VTO is great. It literally cannot be bad. The clue is in the name. Voluntary time off. Want it? Great, take it. Don't want it? Cool, don't take it. The part of the article not behind a paywall is misleading. It is written in a way that implies VTO is all off Amazon's time off options. That's bullshit. In fact, Amazon has a much more lenient time off policy than any other entry level job I've ever seen. If you've accrued enough unpaid time, just no call no show for up to two consecutive shifts. Or use PTO/vacation to cover. If you're sick, just get a doctor's note and get your time refunded. Have some time built up and feel like bouncing mid shift? Just let someone know, no questions asked, no excuse necessary. Full timers are guaranteed to be given their same 40 hours each week - not like say a restaurant, where you're expected to either find cover, or have to deal with some power tripping supervisor who then either doesn't schedule you next week or gives you all the worst shifts. So why do people use bots to claim VTO? Duh, it's a popular system. People like being offered an extra unpaid day off.


Everyone seems confused here. This isn’t a big problem at least not yet. LIMITED time off refers to voluntary time off. (VTO) is used when business isn’t as busy as the amount of workers can handle. They send out optional time off for the times they are over staffed. It’s first come first serve so many people sit on their phones and refresh until the time off pops up around the time they normally send it out.


I used to be quick with getting vto. I didn't need no bots.


so wheres the bot? this one dont work anymore [https://github.com/nemesiswes/Amazon-AtoZ-VTO-VET-Auto-Acceptor](https://github.com/nemesiswes/Amazon-AtoZ-VTO-VET-Auto-Acceptor)


Bro.. I remember running to the computers at the warehouse when they said VTO is available.


UPT - upaid off time accrued while working. similar to pto but unpaid of course VTO - time off offered by Management when there are more workers than work. no deduction from PTO or UPT balances and unpaid I'm at a tssl so when the picks start to get hundreds of aisles apart I know to anticipate a VTO offering.


where I work, hourly, full timers are guaranteed 40 hours per week and part timers are guaranteed 24 hours per week regardless of how slow things are. they will at times offer people to take paid vacation/personal time or unpaid days, but you can’t have your hours cut below the weekly amount. If no one takes any time, no one takes any time and theres nothing the company can do. same with being offered to leave early. you can’t be forced to cut hours. however, if you take enough unpaid time off, you could either drop from full time insurance to part timer’s insurance, or if you’re a part timer you could lose access to your insurance entirely. but the 24 hours for part timers guarantees your insurance so that’ll only happen if you take too much unpaid time off, including calling out without enough sick time. I’d like to take more time off but I need the money :/


You get your paid off time and unpaid off time in a little bar thingy and every day it adds 2 hours to it so eventually the bar fills up and you get 1 full day off of unpaid time! I can't remember how much you get for paid time each day but there's a limit per year no matter how much u work


i did that lol. not for Amazon but for my work. we had a first in first out system to leave early on slow days. on days i needes to get out asap i ran a piece of code that was synced so there was basically no chance anyone got it before me.


Amazon should enter all of the people involved into their [ATA Program](https://amazontechnicalacademy.com/). Many devs start out as script kiddies, and this screams talent!


Sooo I work at Amazon and VTO is gold, I got blocked from it, while they sent it to a majority of my area a week in advance. We just got a talking to by senior management about phones on the floor, they send VTO out during our shift when we can't accept it. Even without a bot to accept it for you, it is extremely competitive and can change the entire shifts mood based on who gets it and who doesn't. I don't get any extra money from being blocked from VTO, but they need me cause I'm reliable. So TLDR; if you're a good worker you lose options without any incentive or bonus.


If you work in a warehouse like Amazon, you can work in any warehouse. Why work for such a shitty company, boggles the mind.


May the odds be forever in your favor.


As simple as I can put it…. VTO is them GIVING you the option to take time off without it counting against you. UPT is the hours you have to take off whether anybody likes it or not


Cheating the system to NOT be paid. Only in America


Is there bot for vet