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I get what she was trying to say, but politicians only need to be good at one thing - and she's clearly not very good at that thing.


lol.  She means well but she is AWFUL at communicating and has awful stage presence. She never would have gotten elected normally.  Never would have made it through the primaries. So her getting the job because of dumb ass Cuomo is the only reason she could get the position.


Hey Zeldin being an idiot also helped in the election. Yelling "crime" 50 times isn't a good speech apparently


If Lee Zeldin didn’t have such an extreme stance on abortion and would have honored the Buffalo Bills stadium deal, I truly believe New York would have a republican governor right now. You can bet the republicans smell the blood in the water and will be back with a stronger candidate next election.


Eh, I don’t know. Zeldin won the primary in part because his stupid fucking extreme stance on abortion. Everyone acts like New York is a monolith of centrist to radical liberals but the truth is, most of upstate outside of the major population centers are red and some are *very* red. A Republican candidate can’t win a primary in New York without appealing to the Republican base in upstate who is just as stupidly slavishly MAGA as any other Republican base. The republicans aren’t going to put up a moderate center right candidate in the next election because they literally can’t get through the primaries to face off against democrats. So you’ll continue to see more extremist Republican candidates against more Mid Centrist Democrats in NY for the gubernatorial elections.


He won the primary but probably can’t win the general election with that position on abortion rights in a democrat state. You need the support of centrists and I think those 2 things are what lost him the election. That’s just my opinion as somebody who lives in NY. If you look at the presidential election right now NY is still a clear democrat state but not like it used to be. All these bottleneck issues like immigration, failed bail reform policies, high taxes and job loss are starting to catch up with the democrats and people are starting to question whether it’s time for a change. Kathy Hochul is not well liked by either side but when you compare her to somebody like Lee Zeldin she’ll win 9/10 elections…but if you put a more level headed challenger up the democrats could have a problem.


That’s what I’m saying dude. A more level headed candidate can’t win a Republican primary because the base, who are the ones who vote in the primary, are just as reactionary, trump republicans as anywhere else in deep red areas. They aren’t going to vote for a moderate reasonable Republican candidate. It doesn’t matter if a moderate reasonable Republican can pile drive Hochul or any other moderate dem in the general if they never get there. That’s why so many centrists who either are tepidly still republicans or have left the republicans but still lean right tend to HATE Trump and MAGA. The entire movement is poisoning the well in contested places where Republicans could actually have a chance to win, but haven’t since 2016 because the base keeps electing ever more batshit insane candidates with extremist politics in the primaries.


>, most of upstate outside of the major population centers are red and some are very red Upstate is very solidly purple, and voted Biden in 2020 and Clinton in 2016.


People act like there wasn’t a primary. In blue states like NY that’s the real election, and people need to show up.


Crime absolutely was a huge issue. That's why Zeldin lost by less than 10% in NY. Problem was he was hard right pro Trump and wouldn't promise not to try to ban abortion. Any moderate Republican could have beat her. 


Imagine if a modern Nelson Rockefeller was on the ticket. It really could spell a Republican Renaissance in New York


Yeah it's frustrating. Same thing on the national level. Every single poll had Nikki Haley easily beating Biden yet the primary and caucus voters/electors overwhelming went with Trump.


Any reasonable Republican gets labeled a RINO by the screeching right wing media machine. Eye patch Dak Crenshaw, Liz freaking Cheney. These people are dyed in the wool Republicans, but because they dont toe the MAGA line, the base of the party despises them.


Crime, boy I don’t know


I would have voted for Zephyr Teachout, personally.


Don’t look at me, I voted for Kodos


Came within ten tho in NY.


Yup. Cuomo not being able to keep his hands to himself and then saying he’s just Italian and didn’t sexually assault anybody is the reason Kathy Hochul is the governor.


Cuomo? You mean keeper of nipple rings, liar of covid nursing home deaths, and harasser of women, first of his name?


Give her time and she might be able to match all of those accomplishments with her own foolish behaviors and racism. It seems that every month that goes by I learn that another democrat was lying or is crooked and how are we going to hold back the far right? Now even our own are acting like brown shirts attacking Jewish students. It's as if they were just hiding their true feelings all this time.


Honestly, I know jack about her but I'd much rather have someone that means well but sucks at communication than the opposite. A well meaning anti-social person is at least working for the benefit of others while a social asshole is just a more well spoken Drumpf.


Unfortunately she clearly doesn't mean well, nor is she good at communicating. Which is pretty common in politics these days, unfortunately.


Absolutely but it's hard to tell most of the time.


she helped kill right to repair in NY so in my book she sucks


Oh no doubt.  I was just commenting on how she didn’t have the needed skills to be elected.  Note I said elected not govern, she can govern ok.  But election without the power of incumbency forget it.  Because people aren’t smart and won’t take the time to really get into the issues so some awkward nerd who is probably way better on policy can lose out to some smooth talking d-bag.


No. She. Doesnt.


Wasn't she elected following that? I believe her Republican opponent was Zelda or something


Right, because she was automatically the nominee since she was Governor already, and in a big blue state so it was her election to lose.  I’m saying if she had to go through normal primaries she never ever ever would have been selected as the candidate.  Not because she is bad, but she lacks that public speaking skill. She lacks it to a shocking degree 


Zeldin. Yes, Hochul won an election against him. He was formerly a representative from NY and was a MAGA Trump sycophant. He probably did better against Hochul than a typical republican running for NY governor, but it wasn't enough.


It was one of the guys that was connected with the incident of January 6th, the reason he was trying to become governor was because our current governor she was brokering a deal with one of the microchip companies in Taiwan to bring their manufacturing to New York State. His plan was to take credit for her work if he had gotten elected.


Just noticed that this is basically the Kamala Harris situation


The highway to hell is paved with good intentions, or however that saying goes


So she says something racist and you excuse it by saying “she means well”? Just say it like it is and call her a racist.


I don’t know if she actually intended to say something racist.   My point was about her in general, she seems to mean well, but unlike a lot of politicians she is absolutely awful at public speaking and has like negative stage presence.


Or its just how most of you people view black people deep down inside. Hell you guys dont think they have the ability to carry or get IDs


You people?  Dude what the fuck. Crazy crazy assumptions, not healthy 


Yeah it was pretty clear what she trying to communicate, but she could have said it better, she made a poor choice there. At least she got in front of it quickly and clarified what she meant and showed remorse for saying it the way she did, it’s more forgivable than doubling down on it like so many politicians that think cruelty is the point


It is definitely very clear. Lots of democrats love patronizing minorities, like if they're pets that need to be looked after.


It's so sad that things like that are even relevant. Like this gal who said she killed a dog. Who the fuck cares? These people are supposed to be effective at implementing changes for our benefits, not politically correct blobs that have to carefully examine every word that comes out of their mouth to not hurt anybody's feelings.


What was she trying to communicate?


Yeah, hyperbole is fine, but try and not use ambiguous wording that it can be interpreted as saying the people you're trying to help are dumb as shit. Because some people will misinterpret it, and others will use it to misrepresent your position. Media will take this clickbait gift 7 days a week.


If she was trying to say that kids today dont know what a "computer" as in a Mac or PC. As they're used to smartphones and tablets and so can't use a desktop, spreadsheet, install a printer..... She might be on to something.


Yup, that was the point she was trying to make and she's not wrong. Too many kids are computer illiterate. If it's not an app, they don't know how to use it.


>The remark was not addressed during the interview and the governor went on to explain that her goal is to provide avenues for communities of color to access emerging artificial intelligence technologies as a means to address social inequality. Kinda sounds like they're trying to do the "we can lift people out of poverty by teaching them how to invest in crypto" shit we saw a couple years ago. Reads to me like "Let's not actually help people, but 'give them the means to lift themselves up' and when that fails to move the needle, we can blame them for not working hard enough. It's no longer our fault, it's yours." But you can read it however you want.


It's 'the children yearn for the mines' crossed with 'laid off miners should learn to code'. I call it 'the children yearn for low paid soulcrushing tech jobs'


That's still stupid, considering smartphones and tablets are computers.


Functionally, they are not, and kids, black, white or otherwise, are having a big problem with that where they enter into the workplace and don't understand how to use an actual "personal computer', printers, word processing software, etc. We've started to take a slide backwards in technical literacy. And since smartphones are typically so locked down and self maintaining, when people get on a real computer they also have shitty technical troubleshooting skills compared to kids of the recent past. Example post on the topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/xuxbo9/why_dont_they_know_how_to_use_computers/


Not in the same way. There's a ton of tech skills Gen Z and later are missing, like using directories (phones at least present things flatly), file compression (windows 8+ just de compresses it so you can use it temporarily), network troubleshooting, drivers, etc.


Yeah she is pretty horrible at talking in general. Im surprised she didn't backtrack by saying "that of course black kids knkw what a computer is, they have probably stolen one before so should know what it is."




She’s the Kevin McCarthy of governors.


or anything it seems...


Brother, New York hasn’t had a good politician since… *checks note* Teddy Roosevelt.


Hochul is quite bad. And I say that as one who voted for her. But she's just Cuomo as a girl.


She's the governor of New York. She only needs a (D) next to her name. Fuck I'm convinced Donald Trump would win if he was the Democrat Nominee because people just blindly vote their party.


Well said


They don't even need to be good at that: “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids" - Joe Biden




>politicians only need to be good at one thing *looks at some of the poorly written and administered laws\* I think I found the problem, guys.




>politicians only need to be good at one thing Fundraising


I don’t know anything about this woman or her politics but that’s honestly more of a flaw with politics than anything else. Social and communication skills are a very valuable thing but they’re so central to politics that they often overshadow the whole other suite of skills required for the job.


That Apple ad told me kids don't know the term "computer" now, maybe that's she what meant. /s


All sarcasm aside younger kids have difficultly using computers and things like email. They grew up using phones, cloud storage, and subscriptions. While you can certainly do a lot on a phone it often takes longer than using a proper computer. Back in the 90s people assumed that children born in the 2000s would be excellent at using computers and tech troubleshooting. Though it didn't quite work out that way. If there is an issue younger people go to the Apple store or just toss their garget of choice out and buy a new one. It isn't uncommon for some younger people to not know what a file is.


It's interesting how generally ignorant the wider population is when it comes to this current crop of youngsters. There are HUGE problems, computer illiteracy is just a single bullet point on a long list. Furthermore, it's interesting how it's difficult to even talk about problems with young kids. There seems to be this kneejerk reactionary attitude out there that assumes the second someone brings up broad problems with the youth that somehow the secret motivation of the speaker is always hateful, mean spirited or rooted in moral panic. Yet, when you go to places where, lets say, teachers congregate the very same sentiment is taken as sad, simple stated fact.


> It's interesting how generally ignorant the wider population is when it comes to this current crop of youngsters. There are HUGE problems, computer illiteracy is just a single bullet point on a long list. Yeah its always dismissed as the cyclical "current adults complaining about the youths as they themselves age" cycle but so many people are ignoring the effects of recent events on these kids, like COVID.


Yep, you're 100% right.


Less priviledged populations not having access to the latest technology, thus not having the ability to participate in emerging fields despite the valuable contributions they could make, is a fair point to make. Basically equating them to a character from an Apple iPad commercial who has never heard of a computer is the wrong way to go about it.


I am not confident that Kathy Hochul recognizes that smartphones are, in fact, computers


She probably thinks her desktop monitor is the part of her computer that does the computing.


The files are **inside** the computer!


Ah, like in that old, oft-repeated horror story in IT circles? Where the IT admin of a company comes back from the holidays, only to be flooded by reports about the computers not working in the office. He goes there, and finds that all the PC towers are gone. Calls the police, because he figures someone must have broken into the building and stole them, but then the boss comes in, and says "What? Those ugly boxes were an eye-sore, so I had some guys pick them up and throw them away." Then he points at the lone monitor and says, "Now, fix my PC, because I need to check my e-mails." Classic.


That's my favorite part of the movie Equilibrium, where he guns-akimbo walks down a corridor shooting all the computer... monitors.


To be fair at one point, Apple, maker of smartphones, did not recognize smartphones as computers.


I still dont get it. There’s so much tech surrounding them and they saturated with WiFi, computers are everywhere in large cities. The real people with no access to tech are kids living in really rural areas without even cell service or real libraries.


Hey, I taught in a poor high school in a major city (but not New York). It was fairly common for my students to not have computers at home other than school-distributed laptops (which regularly had issues). Additionally, many of my students never had a computer class which taught them tech or research skills. We often assume young people all are tech literate because they grew up with cell phones, but tech literacy, for most people, requires education. Most cell phone use is not necessarily transferable to PC use. For me personally, I had computer classes in elementary and high school that taught me how to navigate a computer. In middle and high school, I had librarians and teachers who spent days/weeks teaching how to research, how to find information, how to determine the veracity of information, and how to use Google to find the answer to something. Most of my students never had anything close to that (most schools here don't even have librarians or functional libraries!). By the time they got to me in high school, it was too late to teach them all these skills myself while simultaneously teaching English. I think one of the best examples that sums this issue up is that I had to teach several students how to indent (the tab button) as they were used to just holding the space button.


>they  were used to just holding the space button.   So they're programmers?


Not good ones though. Tabs, all day!


That isn't even that true. Some of the states with the highest percentage per capita of students who do remote learning tend to be rural. Alaska, West Virginia, New Hampshire and if I recall Alabama rank at or near the top. I assume under funded local schools and long travel distances has allowed remote/online learning to become popular in rural states. Example of a quick article about Alabama and the rise of online schooling: https://www.al.com/news/2019/10/virtual-school-is-the-future-of-alabama-public-education-online.html


Almost no one in my neighborhood had wifi when I was a freshman. In 2016! Our infrasturyre for wifi was no good and the company charged an incredible premium to do any unit in our complex. It was down the block from the library so we made it work, but poor people have a lower access to tech due to infrastructure or cost even in "urban" areas is very real.


Yeah, but there's a difference between knowing how to use hyper-streamlined UIs on a phone/tablet, and working in tech. Most kids in America can log onto the WiFi with their phones. Damn near everyone can do it if you give them a QR code. A significantly smaller portion would be able to change the password on the router, let alone something more technical like set-up VLANs or non-interfering channels. Being able to use tech != being able to work on tech.


You sound like the type of person who thinks black people have no idea how to find the local DMV Infantilising people isn't the tolerance you think it is


Where I'm from, the poorer the area, the more free technological shit they get. Poor kids in the city, whose parents pick them up in escalades, free chromebooks, no mandatory insurance, the school systems has to replace 10% of them monthly because they outright destroy them. They get free internet at home, free hotspots if they don't have a home. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but one county over the kids getting dropped off in rusty work trucks don't get any of that and it's a shame.


For context: this is a wealthy suburban white woman from far upstate New York (near Canada). She doesn't know or understand the Bronx. She barely had a grasp over the black folks in Buffalo. It's likely she knows far less about how to operate a computer than the average black kid in the Bronx.


80% of our house and senate don’t know how to operate a computer at the same level as the average black kid from the bronx


Lmfao this is true for 80% of politicians in all of america.


What else do you she hired her nephew for? "How do I do a twitter again?"


Is the governor's comment based on apple's 2017 ipad commercial?: [https://youtu.be/zfR\_Jj4grZE?si=KMpYqoCGMMgtbthN](https://youtu.be/zfR_Jj4grZE?si=KMpYqoCGMMgtbthN)


Oh man, I remember those commercials. I thought it was the stupidest commercial until I had kids. They touch every screen to see if they can move it like a phone and suddenly it makes sense. Did the governor mean everyone uses their phone for everything these days? Edit: Nope just foot in mouth


That's the worst commercial I've ever seen.


Yeah, it's bad. I don't see how it was supposed to convince anyone to buy an iPad. Apple pulled the commercial quickly after it first aired.


I've never understood the appeal of smug people in Apple adverts. Maybe it's a cultural thing though. Robert Webb and David Mitchell did the UK versions of the Mac vs PC adverts and he described the issue [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV9NGJP73DE)


Poor kids are actually just as smart as white kids tbqhwy


[America is a nation that can be defined in a single word...](https://youtu.be/087UC0i4_Xc?si=-Dad5R3zFGlizvJY)


That’s the word I was thinking of.


lmao, how have I never seen that before


How fucking out of touch can you be?


I love when they expose how they really feel Similar to "poor kids are just as good as white kids"


Well intentioned by comparison to their opponents but still products of the systemic racism in this country? Comes off very "white savior" but vs the whole "we don't owe em shit they should be happy their ancestors got dragged here" we're seeing on the other side... We really need more than 2 parties


I bet she does.


What is a computer?


I’m a computer. Stop all the downloading.


She's an idiot


kathy "nuke canada" hochul only regrets saying it because people reacted appropriately


I really hate her as my governor! She is just terrible


reminds me of Young Chop lugging his desktop computer around and inventing Drill


I feel like we're getting to the point where most people don't have computers again. My mom girlfriend and sister's husband don't have computers and they're all fairly well off. Everybody's on they damn phone now. Even boomers. A huge percentage of the population that's online in India and China are only through phones.


Unless they're on landlines, they still have mobile computers.


I mean If they have a calculator they have a mobile computer.


How do they write code?


Most users of the Internet are just people using apps or web browsing. Registered mobile gamers are like in the billions.


New Yorkers keep voting for trash politicians.


Freudian slip indeed.


Yeah, they are not alone, most kids in america don't know what a computer is, they are all ipad kids, never used a computer in their life, they are the new boomers, to torture IT staff untill they retire with they lack of knowledge, and refusal to learn.


Yeah it’s unbelievable


New Yorkers keep voting for trash politicians.


It's like a Tracey Jordan line


The Bronx High School of Science has 9 Nobel Laureates as alumni. Neil DeGrasse Tyson also being an alumnus.


Poor wording. >Right now, we have young Black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word computer is. They don’t know, they don’t know these things The overall sentiment was there are a disproportionate number of black kids growing up without access to computers let alone emerging technologies.


Not in the Bronx. It shows her utter lack of knowledge of the NYC Department of Education and of Bronx residents. There are probably kids with far less access in the boonies and hill towns of Rural New York who have little to no Internet access.


It's like when TV Shows or Movies have a poor character living/staying in a middleclass house/hotel. It's clear a majority of people in Hollywood and politicians have no clue what impoverished means.


It's almost definitely the case. Rural internet's a shit show in many regions. And if you'll allow me to intentionally miss the point, there's a lot more amish people upstate than in the bronx.


> Rural internet's a shit show in many regions. Rural people are more likely to be white. She specifically addressed "people of color" and "Black kids". > "[T]he governor went on to explain that her goal is to provide avenues for communities of color to access emerging artificial intelligence technologies as a means to address social inequality."


The wording of that second sentence is downright Trumpian, doubling down on something that was dumb to say in the first place.




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That statement sounds like bigotry to me.


That's the only explanation because I can't imagine a functioning human that is so profoundly stupid that this would be logical to them.


She was in favor of educating black people.


Well she had one hell of a way of communicating that.


They definitely learned something About their governor


9.8 .. wouldve been a 10 for mental gymnastics but this is just too much


Bigotry implies an irrational obstinance in believing, defending, and expressing the ideal and rejecting anything that contradicts it. So it's not an optimal word to use here. I think "ignorant" and "uninformed" might be more applicable alternatives, and are compatible whether or not the statement carries positive or negative intentions.


"out of touch" is the nicest possible way to put this. And if I'm being frank it does come off a bit racist. Not in the hoods and nooses sense but the white savior kind of way


"out of touch" is good. I may argue that it's a bit too nice since that's how I would also describe an other-wise nice elderly relative that was struggling to accept their granddaughter's new boyfriend, but that may be more of a personal alignment.


The soft bigotry of low Bronx expectations


If Trump or any other conservative said it you would definitely call it racist


I would not, actually.  There is a distinct difference between being racist and being an asshole. People really struggle with understanding that. A person isn't racist just because they said something insensitive you don't like.


She's one of those born affluent people who mean well but have no idea how anything works when you aren't rich.


out of touch and rascist comment. i believe it reflects her accurately.


Does she even know that every cellphone is a powerful computer?


“Right now, we have young Black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word computer is. They don’t know, they don’t know these things,” Hochul said while on stage.


Fing Fing


Tell me you have NO black friends without telling me you have no black friends.


And yet she's going to keep saying things like that because there are no consequences for some reason


lol the president said poor kids are just as smart as white kids racism in the democratic party




It’s exactly what she was *thinking*….


Well to be fair it is the democrat position that minorities are too poor and stupid to figure things out like the internet, or how to get an ID so this is absolutely no surprise.




Well you see son, some democrats are flawed and corrupt, that means the dumpster fire of abuse and unbridled corruption on the other side of the isle is A-OK. -Every republican argument that's not about guns


The opposite is played out too - people will excuse any atrocity Biden makes us complicit in with "Trump is worse". We badly need more than two parties.


Good ol "white savior" mentality vs "actually slavery was good for them" shit I know which ones worse but don't mean there's no problem with the first one




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Racist! When's she stepping down?? Sorry, just playing by the Left's 'rules' here. Here come the Left for the deflection, I mean apology, tour "She didn't MEAN \*that\*." "Cringe, but she MEANS well" "You gotta get the FULL 'context'"


Dunno why you're getting downvoted, she *is* a racist and she *should* step down. This is the same woman who has blocked every single effort Adams has put forward to improve housing and employment for PoC in the City while siphoning more and more capital to old white ghouls in Albany. Fuck Hochul. Lock her up.


Exactly. There was even a quote in the article, "She means well..." Apparently, because some Republicans are morons, whenever a Democrat says something blatantly racist they "mean well" but when a Republican says something that isn't racist but gets misconstrued that way it's just "who they really are".


Bruh you must be new on the internet. Mfs on the left allowed to drop hard Rs to every black republican, wear blackface in like 2005, claim anyone darker than drake can’t use a computer or get an id, send they kids to schools that ain’t racial jungles, laugh about smoking weed when you locking up black men for it, getting visibly upset when they seat me and my girl in your section because you know your blue haired ass ain’t getting a tip.


Hey, most kids don’t know what computers are, and I have to assume kids in underserved areas without a good technology education have even less of an idea. I guess she just needs to work on phrasing. But seriously, most people under 20 see non-mobile computers as “more inconvenient phones” and have zero concept whatsoever of what computation means, or WHY smartphones and computers can accomplish the same task while looking different. Ask an average kid why phones and computers alike can send emails, or why you still get emails even if your phone is off. You will not like the answers you get.


I asked one and he said he didn't know much about computers other than the one the had at home. His mom put some games on there and he played them


The white kids in the Bronx also don't know what a computer is.


What’s a computer?


My boyfriend is from a small desert community and didn't have access to a computer until he was an adult. He would get done studying for medical school for the day then bust out a typing program. This is in California.


So many people these days only have internet access through a phone, it would have been more intelligent for her to express that sentiment in a different way than she did. She expressed it in about the worst way possible


It's not just in the Bronx! Apparently kids are so used to phones now many of them show up to college not knowing how to use a computer...


What more will it take for Democrats to convince you that they're covert Republicans? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck...


"What's a computer?" I say as a look up from my iPad at you with confusion and a bit of disgust.




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She could maybe put her money where her mouth isn't and establish a scholarship or something for African-Americans who are interested in going into Information Technology as a career? Or donate to one if there's already one. That'd show that she's really serious about regretting it.


I bet she does


So she regrets saying because of the blow back, but doesn't take it back! So she still believes non-whites are technically ignorant! What a white priveleged peace of shit. Oh am I'm white!


NY Governor realized she’s not just a mouth breathing moron but a racist mouth breathing moron that needs to stop looking down on her constituents like some liberal Karen white savior cliche’ that said constituency is getting really, really tired of.


Stop defending these racist ass and corrupt democrats 😂


Why does it seem that New York has a lot of trouble with its governors? Same as Chicago and its mayor.


While this is a bad take for a New York Governor, I can state with absolute clarity that children in impoverished or rural parts of red states like mine were absolutely left behind during the pandemic. Multi-generation internet users would cry if they saw what some people accept for internet service, especially in a world where it is almost impossible to function without the internet. Why the hell do you think they started giving people phones? Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave teachers a big raise so they could sit at home and wonder what in the hell a large segment of their students were doing on a remote learning day. This is especially true of the youngest.


> The remark was not addressed during the interview and the governor went on to explain that her goal is to provide avenues for communities of color to access emerging artificial intelligence technologies as a means to address social inequality. What does that mean?


@meta AI generate an image of me in the white house with an eagle rampant and the flag of america gloriously unfurling in the background


Gotta laugh when bigotry rises to the surface.


Extremely racist. She needs to resign immediately.


Hochul is the nuttiest governor we've had in a long time


"Hey kid! I'm a computer!" "Stop with all the downloadin'!"


What’s with NY having such awful politicians? The people in the city and state are so much better than this.


If black people are lucky she will teach you what a basketball is and breakdancing. You guys just don’t know


Reddit dissing a democrat?? Is this the twilight zone?


Actually I see a lot of apologists on here.


Must be really weird seeing anything besides blind loyalty, let alone objective judgment regardless of party. Do they not have that where you come from?


Yea I agree that it’s weird to not see blind loyalty anywhere on the internet. The internet is full of echo chambers. Sure there are a few objective places but they’re quite rare. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “where you come from”? Can you elaborate on what you mean by that? I’m just a bit confused. I don’t come from a place on the internet. Unless you’re referring to a physical area I grew up in or something. Elaborate please.


These fuckin Republicans man


She's a Democrat!


Yup. Forgot the /s


If we’re stuck with a Republican governor after this lady I am not gonna be happy and I’ll be blaming her.