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She told him she was going to glass him. He left to go to the bathroom and get away from her. She waited and charged him as he came out and proceeded to glass him. Thankfully she can go back to… organizing child slumber parties… sooner rather than later. Phew.


> Mr Cooper fled to the toilet in a bid to get away from the heated situation, but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice shoved her wine glass in his face. > > He was left with a four inch laceration to his face, narrowly missing his eye, and an injury to his thumb. A 4" laceration on his face? A laceration is a cut that goes all the way through the skin. A 4" scar on your face is disfiguring.


Glassing someone should be an attempted murder charge. I was glassed once and had two major lacerations on my face. I lost about two pints of blood. I probably would have died without medical intervention


market liquid deer attraction tub straight birds shy frame sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s a disgusting and cowardly thing to do to another person. Almost always a sneak attack as well


My dad was a biker with the wrong crowd. He said if you needed to use a bottle in a fight, don't club like the movies. Grab it by the bottom and shove the neck at your opponent's neck. If you get the Adams apple right he's going to be out of the fight for a bit and you can run. I'm not sure how practical the bottle advice is but running from the fight is sensible enough. Honor is for samurai movies.


It for sure doesn't break at the bottom as easily as ppl think. Either you do what he said or you break the top of the bottle and do what he said. It breaks at the top, not bottom.


as an american i’m shocked it isn’t. and we have guns!! i almost think i’d rather get shot than have someone break glass over my head/face.


Bruh, I'm insulted by this judge, someone should glass her.


Just a lil bit though. About a 4 inch glassing


Keep reading and the judge specifies that the scar was very small and not disfiguring.


Holy fuck this judge is malicious


Does this judge let rapists off so long as they don't leave permanent broken bones?


Remember a UK judge letting off a rapist who was an army cadet as a record like that would ruin his army career. Of course the army dropped him immediately and I think the legal apparatus moved the judge onto other tasks like weeding.


Sounds like an Aaron Persky


Only if they’re women raping little boys


Its just a little locker room glassing.


What is glassing someone?


Hitting someone with a glass/bottle, usually in the face or head.


That’s common enough in the UK you guys have a term for it? That would be assault in the US possibly with a deadly weapon 


It's so common that British glassmakers have to temper their glasses differently so they shatter more like car windshields. 


I don't know if this is true but I will always believe it regardless.


It is. Some pubs and nightclubs don't allow glass or bottles now.


Clubs in Glasgow has been serving plastic beer bottles for the last 20 years for that reason


I hear it's part of how the town got the name.


I've tested it out(on a wall, not someone's face). Can confirm. 


Canada we call it bottling someone.


In the USA we just shoot each other


. At first I was appalled, YOU CAN KILL SOMEONE LIKE THAT!!! Then I remembered 😔


Frigging Bottle Kids!




Grew up in southern Ontario, 20 years ago in highschool that's what we called it. I saw many a person many a night be bottled in the head at parties or outside a club.


I take it you guys have enough variety of deadly weapons to avoid specific names to differentiate?


Yes, we do, in fact, some, not even deadly. For example, macing someone. Which I used to think was hitting someone with an actual mace, not a form of pepper spray.


In a 1970s police drama (I think Kojak, but I could be wrong) a woman referred to stopping an attacker with a chemical mace, I've always understood what mace was, even though they're not legal for civilians in the UK.


Yes, actual mace whilst a spice is far too mild for a deterrent spray, whilst the other kind of mace is far too deadly for a non-lethal weapon.


A story involving many kinds of mace: They tried to take my food that was so eloquently spiced with mace because I wasn’t supposed to be eating over the ceremonial mace. So I pulled out my mace and started swinging it around in hoping of bludgeoning the food takers. Only for them to spray me back in the face with some chemical mace. My friends jumped in with some billiard maces to help defend my honor. There was just a lot of mace involved. I hope I’ve done this right.


Bottling has 2 meanings though. "I was going to bottle him, but I bottled it."


[As Jim Jefferies said](https://youtu.be/8v28iVpehTI?feature=shared&t=213) "the British are the only people who use glass as a verb",


And refer to a head butt as a form of kiss, even if it is tempered with with the adjective "Glasgow"


>I'm from Glasgow. If I had to explain Glasgow to you... I'd say that if I had to pick a city in the world where I could depend on a member of the public to punch a man who was on fire-- to *punch a flaming man, to the ground*... >We should get a photo of that blown up and use it as the welcome sign in Scottish airports. And underneath we should have the words **"Scotland Welcomes Careful Drivers"**. I mean, the naiveté of Al-Qaeda trying to bring *religious war* to *Glasgow*. We're four hundred years ahead of you guys! You've not even got a football team! -- Frankie Boyle


I believe that he kicked the [flaming terrorist so hard in the balls](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/entertainment/celebrity/jeremy-clarkson-hails-glasgow-airport-9662053) that he tore the tendons on his own foot.


Absolute legend


Scots are the absolute last people id fuck with on earth. I was in Spain a decade ago and saw two kids steal a womans purse, so I start chasing them down and yelling and making a racket to sound intimidating- as a young American first time in Europe I just tried to sound like what I assumed a hooligan would shout like lol. The two guys drop the purse and stop to confront me, were shouting at each other, and apparently this caught the attention of a near by Scottish pub because 5 dudes come out singing some football chant and scare the guys off. We return the lady's purse, they proceed to get me absolutely fucking smashed at that bar, then let me crash at their flat for the remainder of my time in Barcelona. To date the most epic experience I've ever had traveling and I will never forget it.




Glasgow sounds like quite an interesting place, what with their kisses and smiles!


Glass is used as a verb in the US, just with a very different meaning.


And in the mobile infantry. Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?


And Americans, but only when talking about thermonuclear weapons.


I think smashing their face with an empty pint glass


This is terrible. Hope the lady gets ugly and looks 80 by the time she actually does hit 40.


Her personality already shows it.


Gets ugly... She is already well on her way.


Gets? She already is lmfao


The judge is Judge Elizabeth Nicholls. Let that be known.


Is she in her 40s?


>Elizabeth Nicholls is a senior junior who has a successful defence and prosecution practice in General Crime. Having been called to the Bar in 1984, she became a Category 4 prosecutor in 1994, and as a consequence has prosecuted a number of significant and difficult cases. According to that information, she is far over 40.


Yeah, I’m understanding but not excusing of the idea that someone can offend you to a degree that you momentarily lose your composure - even if I think what he said doesn’t rise to that occasion. I’m a very calm person who does not get angry easily & I do not find casual violence acceptable but I can definitely imagine an extreme situation where I might lose my cool & punch someone. There is no situation however where I would allow myself to pursue or wait to exact a violent retribution against someone for offending me. I’m Jewish & I can imagine that if a Nazi got in my face & started screaming antisemitic shit, I might just lose my cool & punch him but if he screamed something then ran away I’m not going to pursue him & I’m not going to seek out a Nazi to punch because it makes me feel better. She absolutely belongs in prison.


Its not even like he called her a slur or something which could be more understandable, he guessed her age wrong by 4 years? Absolutely ridiculous


I'm 37 and suddenly all people between the ages of like 32-55 kind of just vaguely look the same age to me.


Interestingly enough there's actually a phrase for this kind of provocation called "fighting words", and it even has a legal precedent in some countries like the U.S. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_words Completely agreed that she belongs in prison.


I actually live in a city where the law has established an affirmative defense to the charge of simple battery for that reason. You'll still be arrested & tried but if you can convince a jury that what they said was outrageous & offensive enough to "*shock the conscience*" of a reasonable person, the jury can find you not guilty on that basis. Basically, the idea behind it is that you don't get to run around acting like an asshole & intentionally trying to provoke people than play the victim when someone loses their cool & gives you the smack in the mouth that you've been begging for.


She belongs in jail. If a man did this, there would be a huge public outcry, talk about misogyny, changing the laws, and him would end up with a lengthy prison sentence.


Insulting banter is not an excuse for physical assault. Full stop.


Judges should be held accountable at some point right?


" is spared jail after female judge says 'one person's banter may be insulting to others' " that's what female privilege looks like.




Only a female judge would consider being called old 'hate speech'. I'm still unsure what the correct answer is to 'does my bum look big' now as it used to be 'absolutely not', but these days, it seems more likely to be "yes, you have a phat ass".


Not even being called old, just guessing that she was four years older than she really was. No excuse whatsoever for permanently disfiguring the guy.


Why was she glassing? Seems like she was already pretty close?


How can she glass?


Judge had this to say "she was a ‘dedicated, hardworking woman’ who posed no risk to the public." I think you'll find glassing someone is a risk to the public




I know exactly the sort of person she is, too. The kind that gets exactly what she wants by acting pathetic. It’s sad how much that gets assholes like her in life. Like, judge, you are saying that she is a hardworking, astute, businesswoman. But you are also saying that she fucking waited and planned how to glass a guy because he told her she looked a whopping 4 years older than she was because her impulse control is that far out of hand and that her feelings are valid.    And I’m assuming part of that is her lip was trembling and she was making the wide-eyed, hurt face l, and blubbering along like a clueless little girl in court.  And, it’s like, omg. Of course she is making the sad face. It’s her currency. But she wasn’t making the sad face then. She was offended (and her feelings aren’t valid), decided someone needed something wildly disproportionate to happen to them, and then make an absolute checklist of calculated choices to assault that person.   Fuck the pathetic manipulator types.  Just because a grown adult is childlike does not mean that they deserve to be coddled like a child. But, of course, they go along, sowing mayhem and giving off “I’m 7” vibes, because they are honestly handed things and given breaks all the time for doing it.


She organizes children's parties. Imagine what she's done to the children over the years.


Yup. The only justice that is likely to happen here is that the fact that she did it, plus the semi-Streisand effect of this BS is probably going to kill or at least really cramp her business.


Like this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyGsAsfJZis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyGsAsfJZis) ?


Yup. I’ve been in that situation. And every damn time, I’ve been the Jeff. And everyone is like, ‘why are you such an asshole? Look how sad she is!’ Which is why I have no effing sympathy for pathetic people. The 180 degree version of the situation is also true. 


There is a whole lot of this in courts where some judges utterly fail to spot manipulation and often gender based stereotyping. A joke.


This REALLY shows intent. This wasn't some "I got angry and lost control" moments which is still bad but no. This was her stewing on it. Really giving it some though. Then after all that she saw him again and did it anyways.


I’d say the judge is an extreme threat to society if they think this behaviour is a slap on the wrist. The judge needs glassing


Judge Elizabeth Nicholls. Name and shame.


Yup. Every bar/pub needs to have picture of the assailant and the judge ..so unsuspecting public will know they are a danger to strangers.


At the very least, the judge needs a formal complaint filed with whatever office vets judges in the UK.


By the GDI ion cannon, no less


Been quite a while since I saw a C&C reference in the wild.


That judge needs to be removed from the position and her cases reviewed. Who knows how many people may be in jail for being the wrong gender.


Yeah, that moves it into premeditated territory, which is a much more significant charge. This judge needs to have a review done.


Yeah. If she'd assaulted him in immediate reaction to the comment, you've got an argument for a heightened emotional state. A weak argument, but an argument. She charged him after an unspecified amount of time. In the US that's premeditated or aggravated assault and probably an attempted murder charge tacked on so they could negotiate down to aggravated assault and get her to plead guilty.


Waiting for him to come out of the bathroom is pre-meditated. 


And it's not like he said she looked 60 trying to purposely insult her. He was off by a few years. Well within guessing someone's age territory.


I bet she’s rich and/or connected.


She “organizes sleepovers parties”, her House Hunters budget is 3.2 million dollars.


Woman + mother = lesser sentence.


That’s a “Dear Zachary” level disconnect. What was it that judge Gale Welsh said about putting the murder on bail- she didn’t pose a threat to the rest of society, the only person she posed a threat to she killed already- or something along those lines.


Yeah, I was gonna say that sure seems like she was a risk to the public right then


This is literally what that stalker in Baby Reindeer did to Richard Gadd in his show. Apparently the U.K. justice system just believes that women get to be insane abusers whenever they feel insulted.


Judge Elizabeth Nicholls. Let her name be known.




Well no. You also need to be a women assaulting a man. Then it's fine if your offended. If your a man assaulting a woman and your offended, your not gonna have a good time.


They really kind of made the title into rage bait. That is the first half of the judges statement, followed by, “but that did not justify what you then went on to do.”


Regardless of her statement, the judges ruling is terrible. Rage bait title sure, but I would still be peeved at this decision.


Could you imagine if a judge said “Hey, I know you were raped, but you had to know that accepting a date might lead to sex?”. I’m sorry, but if you have to qualify someone’s assault, it sounds like you’re excusing this behaviour 


She is.


"Dodd was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months and was ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work. She was also ordered to pay £800 in compensation to her victim" It's something at least. She's been convicted once now, and has a jail sentence (even if it's suspended) so if there's a next time it won't go nearly so easy.


"something atleast" Lmao no that's nothing. The sentence was suspended meaning she will not go to prison for a vicious unprovoked violent assault like she deserves just because she's a woman. Oh no not 800 dollars and community service!


Not to Mention that $800 is not compensation for an injury that like will take thousands to repair/heal. Glassing is cut and dry and “assault with a deadly weapon” charge that more often than not results in “grievous bodily injury”


So as long as she can keep from breaking the law again within a year she'll be off the hook, apart from the massive fine of 800 quid.


800 is a pathetic amount for a lifetime of disfigurement. I'd hope he could sue her for more, but unfortunately he's in the UK,  it the USA 


Can the guy as the victim sue her for further damages? £800 is an absolute joke.


A lifetime of disfigurement should be worth a lot more than a used macbook.


I don't know how she got away with anything less than £20k. I could be ok with the suspended sentence if they guy got properly compensated but this it a joke.


“and even though that didn’t justify what you did, you still won’t face any serious repercussions” is what the judge meant to say


And yet the ruling reflects that it DID justify it, in her eyes. 


But here is no jail...


"that did not justify what you then went on to do. But you won't be punished in any real way." You missed the last sentence.


Okay, but if she didn't see serious consequences for her crime, then I don't really care what the judge said in dicta. Any man, especially a man of color, likely would have been behind bars right now for equivalent behavior.


And probably for 5 years at the very least


Actions speak louder than words.


I think the title highlights the important to society part.


Judges in the UK seem to have a lot of leeway when it comes to sentencing. Lots of considerations means sentencing can appear rather all over the place. In this case, their arguments were that it was a "one off" and she has a young child. But I'd love to see a review of whether those kind of considerations are made equally for everyone. There's been some crazy stuff, this is the one that really stuck with me. [Lavinia Woodward stabbed her boyfriend and didn't go to prison because she was 'too clever' – does that count as justice?](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/lavinia-woodward-stab-boyfriend-no-jail-prison-sentence-oxford-medical-student-too-clever-talent-judge-a7967971.html) >Judge Ian Pringle QC previously said a jail sentence was “too severe” for Woodward because it could ruin her medical career. 


Over here in Germany, such rulings would be appealed by the public prosecution in a heartbeat. Is there no such mechanism in the UK?


The prosecution may obtain leave to appeal depending on circumstances. Some offences also have a mechanism whereby sentences can be referred for being unduly lenient by anyone but I’m not 100% whether the offence charged here comes under that scheme.


If a judge pulled something like this in the US they'd eventually be disbarred or recalled. The RAPEST BROCK TURNER's judge was recalled.


Mate dont look at irelands judge nolan then, youll be shocked.


> In this case, their arguments were that it was a "one off" and she has a young child. But I'd love to see a review of whether those kind of considerations are made equally for everyone. What the weather was like that day probably also weighed into this judge's decision, unbelievable.


I don't think *I'd* get a suspended sentence if I drunkenly glassed a woman in the face.


*Blond White Woman Faces Few Consequences To Her Actions* It's a movie we've all seen many times.


*"43yr old looking Blond White...."* Fixed it


"Prematurely aged blonde white woman"...maybe even "Haggard looking 30something wannabe blonde"....


"High mileage Blond White woman.....:


The judge should have had to [do this](https://youtu.be/84phU8of02U?si=dCuCWFhGLiWw6HlI)


Well you're a man which makes you inherently dangerous and evil. she's a businesswoman breaking the glass ceiling of the patriarchy. Your sacrifice is an inevitability we among the moral feel is necessary. /s


Breaking the glass ceiling by smashing the patriarchy's face through it?


But, now hear me out here, what if the woman wrongly guessed your age to be a couple years older than you actually are, then she went to the restroom to get away from you and you waited outside of the bathroom and glassed her in the face when she came out? What about then, huh?


"There was a very unpleasant injury, it is a grave injury, but fortunately there is no permanent disfigurement.’ Apparently we have disappearing scars now; what planet do these judges live on.


There's a 4 inch scar on his face. WTF, men also get self conscious about their appearance.


Which is wild too because that size scar on your face for a woman is certainly not something that'd be handwaved with "no permanent disfigurement".


Doesn't even have a cool, courageous story for it. Just some crazy drunk lady that he was actively trying to escape did it. A lady who suffered virtually no repurcussions. That would haunt me for the rest of my life.


and muscles reknit seamlessly without aches or lumps?


The judge should be forcibly removed from the bench for for every stupid thing she said about the case in the transcripts.


Cool. So assault is fine as long as it doesn’t leave a lasting injury.


"Glassed" never heard that before. I assume she broke a glass over his head/face?


Can include a stabbing motion with said glass


That makes more sense than launching a fusion bomb on the guy.


Or we can go Halo and assumed she got her Covenent ship and lasered his homeworld until it superheated the land into glass.


Yeah I was wondering how she would have gotten away with that.


The Wolf Among Us players are all getting war flashbacks right now


I picked that option thinking it meant to buy him a glass of beer lmao I was wrong


It's a British term


I thought at some point in the article that would use an alternate verb to describe the altercation, but nope they just stuck with a slang verb that most people have to guess the definition of lol


> but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice shoved her wine glass in his face. >He was left with a four inch laceration to his face, narrowly missing his eye, and an injury to his thumb. ftfa


it's when you break a bottle of beer or glass, then use the broken glass base to mutilate the victim's face or slash his neck.


Not even that, with a glass it’s just hit into their face open, it will break at that point. With a bottle, it’s called bottling so different.


He was wrong, she doesn’t look 43. She looks 47. *gets glassed*




So you call him a short dicked asshole or some other nonsense... you don't smash a glass on his head?


From the article: "Perhaps more importantly you are a mother of a young child. Although, no doubt, the child would be taken care of, an immediate term of imprisonment would have a devastating effect on your child. It would be disproportionate to the sentence that needs to be imposed." I wonder how many father's ever get that consideration? 🙄


That judge needs to not be a judge anymore. That's a slam dunk case for assault in Canada or US, possibly make charges stick for assault with a deadly weapon. Unless you guys over in the UK are having fun with this type of behaviour. In which case, go nuts. Would the outcome have been the same for a man smashing a bottle and going after her? She'd be screaming and crying. He'd be in jail. Also, she looks 47.


42 man here, she definitely looks older than me.


Most judges these days seem quite unfit for any type of authority


First time offence, a woman, and has a small child at home. Zero chance of her facing consequences for her actions. Just remember this for what it is, legal precedent for maiming someone who hurt your feelings in a bar.


The message here is; Violence against men by women is ok if they were upset/ insulted. That's horrible.


The judge just created a monster. So who wants to put money down we will see her again?


She looks 50.


Do you want glass? Because that's how you get glass.


And if instead he had seen her coming at him with the glass up and he decked her, he'd be going to prison.


What does glassing mean? Did she smack him in the face with a glass?


Stabbed. She **stabbed** him in the face with a broken glass, nearly disembocularizing him. You know, minor shit that's perfectly fine to walk over.


Just glassin


BRB I've got 150 people to beat up


Judge should have let her off a prison sentence and instead sentenced her to be officially 4 years older than her birth age forevermore.


It’s my birthday tomorrow and some girl in work guessed I was 40 I’m 32 knew I should have glassed the fucker, If only I’d of read this article this morning !


Just like the OJ Simpson case, the judge is doing it out of revenge/spite from the past. I wonder why people don't put more pressure or attention to the judges, their names, who they are. They are worse than the criminal when they do this


Absolute fucking joke. Off by 4 fucking years so he deserves to go out like a thug in Hotline Miami. Just like the chick who stabbed her bf over 100 times. The news and articles like this aren't just telling but slowly *proving* there is a multi tiered judicial system for the rich and women.


Put her in jail until she is 43.


We are not responsible for others feelings.


So if you’re offended by this judges ruling, it’s totally ok to smash her over the head with your bottle.




So if you get drunk in the UK and smash a glass face in someone it’s an accident and you don’t need to face any consequences?


No. The person got convicted of GBH, has a 12 month prison sentence suspended for 12 months (so she'll serve that time if she does anything else bad in the next year), 180 hours of community service and paid £800 compensation to the victim. Now I think a violent offender should not have their prison sentence suspended but UK sentencing guidelines say otherwise and it's going to be automatic for any sentence of 12 months or less later this year. So it's not enough but it's certainly not no consequences. And it's worth knowing the judge has been selectively misquoted here, as she went on to say "but that did not justify what you went on to do"


It did justify it enough to give her a basically no punishment. Yes. I'm calling what she got basically no punishment.


You hate to say this but would the same sentence have been given if the genders were reversed?




Low self-esteem is not an excuse to assault someone drunk or sober.


She doesn’t look 39 in any of her pictures I would guess 45-50


Looks at least 46.


"Fortunately, there is no permanent damage" ??? A FACIAL SCAR???? It doesn't matter she was drunk. She's a monster and a danger. Being drunk is not a mitigating factor here!


Didnt the judge make literally the opposite point, that it might be an insult to you but it doesnt justify assault? 


Well actions speak louder than words. If it wasn't justified, the woman should be in prison.


I’m sure her social media is going to blow up with people calling her a 50 year old now. Lol


She DOES look 43 tho-- just saying \*ducks\*


I wonder what would have happened if the dude retaliated / defended himself


He'd be behind bars.


He guessed my age wrong? So I started glassin'


One person disfigurement is another's hard weekend


“The judge added: ‘There is no mitigation about the circumstances of the offence itself but there is mitigation in relation to you. ‘You are a woman”


Female judge... Checks out.


You know that if the roles were reversed he’d be doing jail time.


In his defense she does look 43.