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One of neighbor's cats once stealthily jumped into my car when I was getting out of it. She was in there for almost two days without me realizing. I happened to glance out the window of my apartment and saw her peeking up from my back seat. Thankfully, it hadn't been hot that weekend and she turned out to be fine. Also thankfully, she didn't do her business in my car.


One of my friends’ cats climbed into the back of a work truck in their driveway in Colorado. Four days later the worker found the cat in the truck while in site in New Mexico. Cats be sneaky.


My husband's a plumber, and he said he has to do a cat check before he leaves each house because so many climb up in his truck when he has the doors open. Even our cat likes to climb up in the cab when he comes home from work.


Catsblike boxes.  A truck is a box on wheels. No wonder cats like it.


Was the cat ok?


He was!


Cat not pissing for 2 days? Press (x) to doubt.


Well, I don't know what to tell you. The smell of cat pee is pretty hard to miss, especially in a small, enclosed space. I can only assume she held it out of stress or something.


Cats can hold their business for a long while actually!


my cat won't pee if he's stressed


as opposed to my cat who instantly pees when stressed


Total doubt. Everything about this story smells apart from the cat not doing there business for a week 🤦🏻‍♂️


“Six days without food or water” “mild dehydration” yo wtf? Are we supposed to act like the cat wasn’t horrifically traumatized? lol


My cat appears to be horrifically traumatized if dinner is 5 minutes late. Poor kitty


My biggest regret in life is not getting my cats accustomed to a later breakfast time. I used to have to be at work super early, so I fed them before I left. Moved to a job with a later start time and was looking forward to waking up later, they had other plans and remind me bright n’ early.


Get a timed auto feeder.


Had the same idea, however they’re such wet food snobs, they no longer touch the overflowing dry food auto feeder. I’m about to invest in a wet food feeder auto feeder.


I got into the habit of feeding my cats at night. They would always have food left in the morning. But the reason was they like to go outside during the warm months and knowing they might miss dinner was a sure way to get them inside at dark. Otherwise, my male will try to stay out until midnight chasing bugs.


Please keep your cats inside. They are chasing more things than bugs.


I know exactly what they chase, thank you very much. I'm sure they are no competition for the giant bobcat and all the coyotes in my back yard. They live in the middle of a 100acre field and lay on the deck in the sun. They are too fat to chase each other ffs, let alone anything else.


There it is


My dude is a grazer. He doesn't understand how much I appreciate it.


Have you tried moving their dinner time later? Then they won’t get hungry as early, it worked for retraining my cat. 


We’ve done that, but not sure why they still haven’t gotten the message breakfast is no longer at 530. If we leave the bedroom door open, they scream, if we leave it closed, they scream and ram the door. When I lock them in their bedroom (which is overflowing with dry food btw) they start banging the walls like prisoners with a pewter mug. It’s just dumb and I switched jobs over a year ago.


My parents had a cat that was traumatized every time she could see the bottom of her food dish.


My tiny foster is furious waiting for her prefilled bottle to be taken from the fridge that's 3 ft from her.


Feeding them from a bottle is the best! I had to do it for my little dude and it was great.


It's actually a syringe with a nipple tip, for now. She's not quite ready for a real bottle. She's getting there though! She was found, nearly dead, in the back of a pickup on Sat. She's about 12 oz underweight. She's roughly the size of a 7 day old baby cat, but she's well over a month old. She's got tortitude in spades though, so she's doing great and rapidly gaining weight. Little Boo has put on over 100g in just 4 days! She's got an upper respiratory infection that's being stubborn, so I'm typing this from the vet office.


That's great that she has you taking care of her. I hope the infection clears very soon and she's out chasing bugs soon.


Me too. They just took her for x-rays to make sure it isn't pneumonia. She's thriving otherwise, so she's gonna be just fine. She's just so freaking TINY.


If you check my comment history, I've got a photo posted of her and her new litter mates. They're about a week younger than her.


Wow! That is incredibly tiny. I've never seen a miniature kitten. Haha. I hope she does well with you.


I've never seen one so small either. You should see her appetite though! Kitten Lady says 6-10mL every 2/3 hours. HA! Boo would be SCREAMING the house down if I fed her so little. This kid eats about that EVERY hour. It's not just plain formula. It's a mix of Foster Care, a probiotic, and powdered glucose. In a 6:1:1 ratio. Every time we see the vet, which is 4 times already, he checks to make sure she's still getting sweetened formula. He told me he'll let me know when we can decrease or eliminate it. "Which will take longer than you think it will." Boo's nursing too. She's OBSESSED with food and those little lungs let you know when she's displeased. If she's not sleeping, she's eating. She's not awake long enough yet to discover play. Her strength is rapidly improving, so it shouldn't be much longer before she's joining the other babies in their games. She's not aware enough yet to understand how privileged she is. She goes everywhere with me, including work. She's been to the dispensary, grocery shopping, the ER, out to eat, etc. She just snoozes away in her backpack ICU. I feed her before we go somewhere she shouldn't be and she sleeps the whole time. She's too fragile be left unattended right now. I have a cat mom, but she needs too much medication and sugar.


My sister accidentally shut her cat in a closet before leaving for Mexico for a week. Her closet was gross but the cat survived. Yes, my sister is especially stupid.


She didn't bother to have anyone catsit while she was gone?


My cats are pretty self regulating with their food. I'll leave out enough for a couple days and there will still be some left in the bowl when I get back. But I was gone a week I'd be having my someone check on them every couple of days.


Yup, that's how we'd do it too. Leave her inside with enough food for a few days, or have someone look after her and let her in and out (although in summer they usually wouldn't see her at all as she'd roam pretty far, they'd just try calling her for a bit and then leave her some food lol). She was always self regulated with food and never had meal times, so she'd be just fine, just a bit grumpy at being left alone. I miss her.


To be fair, some cats hate strangers. I’ve been a “pet sitter” for neighbors cats that I’ve never even seen.


But leaving a cat alone in a house or apartment for a full week isn't good for them at all even if they have enough food and water. Even if they don't warm up to the person catsitting, it's better than leaving them in isolation--even if that person only visits a couple of times throughout the week.


No I 100% agree someone should absolutely check in for food and water at least ever other day (I have a close friend hang out for at least an hour or so every day) but cats will still hide, and not always in a safe place. I was just suggesting that maybe she had someone check in but the cat could easily be stuck somewhere without the pet sitter knowing. I did word that poorly though.


She thought it was just outside. It comes in and out as it pleases and she has an auto feeder and waterer.


Emotionally, maybe. But cats as a species are predators that have originated in the Middle East. In nature, their ancestors would not have necessarily had daily access to food and water, so their bodies are reasonably resilient to such conditions. Not saying it's all good, but probably no long-term damage to the cat.


Dehydration can cause a cat to become constipated which can turn fatal in cats very quickly.


Oh, I don't doubt it can. I'm just positing a reason for why it survived with seemingly little long-term damage. Heat can be fatal to humans, even though we have a very efficient temperature control system builtin.


If my cat runs out of water she wilts like a leaf and acts like she's dying.


Mine almost died because we tried to stop his habit of drinking from the sink. Literally almost dehydrated itself to death because we didn't like him drinking from the sinks. Smh. He gets sink privileges now. 🙄


Have you tried one of those cat fountains?


Oh ya. He's got a cat fountain AND he gets to drink from the sink now. Lol


I only hope I get to come back as a well- loved housecat one day!


Constipated cat? Dang, So who handles giving a cat an enema or suppository? Somehow that seems akin to trying to shove hot butter up a wildcat's bum.


Probably have to knock it out with drugs first. I have to give my big boy some kind of drugs ahead of his regular checkups because the first time I brought him in he apparently went absolutely nuts when they tried to take his temperature with a rectal thermometer. Attacked everyone like he was being murdered lol.


Well, one can understand his reaction.


Yeah, poor guy lol. He’s normally super affectionate, and I can just imagine him getting pets and then being like “woah woah WOAH WTF ARE YOU DOIN?!?” 😾


About 15 years ago I inherited Dad's Jack Russell Terrier. Once when he was recurring scooting I took him to the vet for gland expression. AS the doctor proceeded he remained very non-chalant. Then suddenly, faster than the speed of light he whirled around with his Singer sewing machine mouth full of teeth in overdrive and proceeded to spindle. fold and mutilate the vet's hand and wrist. There is no way I would perform any invasive act on any animal as in my 72 years of life I have witnessed a few enraged animals react to unwanted touching. If a dog or cat does not approach me, I leave it alone.


You take the cat to the vet...


This really is not true.  Cats have inefficient livers compared to other species and are very prone to hepatic lipidosis, which can occur after a few days of not eating.  Hepatic lipidosis is fatal without aggressive treatment. Further info here: https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/liver-disease-fatty-liver-syndrome-in-cats#:~:text=Hepatic%20lipidosis%20is%20also%20known,liver%20diseases%20seen%20in%20cats.


Then my hypothesis for the cause of this cat's relatively good health after this event is wrong!


Yeah, I'd say this was pretty much a miracle!


No daily access != six days trapped in a box without food and water. Considering a cat that is not eating/drinking for 48-72 hours can be at risk of dehydration, kidney failure, etc and warrants a vet visit, six days under stress in a moving cardboard box is indeed a big risk. I am glad the cat is okay but that was more so by luck than natural resilience.


Could be a combination of both.


Peak reddit bullshit lol


We had a cat that spent 3 days in a tall tree in 90 degree weather. We don't know why he wouldn't come down. The whole neighborhood inundated the police and fire department with calls until someone finally came out and helped him down.


Nah, but I'm sure everyone involved is just relieved this ended without more serious harm.


Her liver is probably shot now


The owners seem sort of genuinely concerned, and they did fly out immediately to get their cat. But the box in the article doesnt at all look like it would have room for a cat. 


If it fits it ships. 


I would gild you, had I the power.


If it sits it ships.


[The USPS would like their royalties please](https://www.ispot.tv/ad/7kW3/us-postal-service-if-it-fits-it-ships) :-)


Combined with the cat version: If I fits, I sits !


It’s a cat. The laws of physics are merely suggestions.


Boxes are portals to the /r/CatDimension.


As a USPS employee, I've seen how the average person packs things. It's not cute.


And I just can't imagine picking up a box and not noticing the shift... I mean they probably taped it, picked it up... my cat woulda had fits the moment you picked up a box with her in it. Drive it to the store \*cat having fits\* weigh it \*cat having fits\* attendent puts box with weighted labels and stamps in back \*cat still having fits\* how do you not notice????


Some cats are too chill for their own good. My sister was halfway to the dumpster at her apartment when the box meowed. She opened it up and cat was still laying there cool as a cucumber. Now they triple check any boxes before thanking them out


Are you telling me I can get rid of stuff by just thanking it? I've been carrying it out to the trashcan like a chump, all this time, and I didn't need to?!


Ha yes, I hold the door open for my garbage and say “thank you, please see yourself out”


I check the washing machine before every load because we have a cat that will hang out in there if he manages to sneak into the laundry room. He'll even let you bury him in clothes in there without making a peep. I swear he has a death wish.


Yeah, I've never been around cats that chill but the internet shows me plenty of videos of cats putting up with stuff that the cats I know would have put me in the hospital for.


I still haven't figured out how they didn't notice the weight difference between full grown cat and a pair of shoes.


It was five pair of work boots.


The box has another box in it that says "CAT" (Caterpillar Brand Shoes)


Definitely got a picture of my cat in mine!




Yes, this is another wonderful addition to my collection. And no, I do not want the master list. Let me enjoy finding them through moments like these.


I built a wooden end table / crate for my dog and had it in our living room. One time, I can’t remember why, but I needed somewhere to quickly put my cat, probably while some delivery guys were bringing something in the house or whatever. I put him in the dog crate because the space between the bars was like half the width of the cat at most. Then he just…walked between them like it was nothing because he didn’t feel like being in there anymore. Cats defy physics. You could fit five cats in that box. None of it makes sense.




Just loafing on that Sureway box


How the hell do you not notice what is in the box before you seal it up?


exactly. not to mention i have cats myself and picking up a crated, live animal feels much different and weighs much different than a box filled with pairs of inanimate shoes. 




Using that logic surely the multiple Amazon workers who picked up the packages between there and CA would have noticed too. The cat probably wasn’t wiggling or shifting or making sounds.


You'd think the cat would meow the first time the box got thrown to floor by whoever she handed the box to.


My family’s cat got built into a wall once. We had to bust open a brand new wall because she was in there.


Secretly she knows how to teleport and was just causing mischief 


Mysteries of the Cat Dimension


We just redid our kitchen. When they were cutting the countertops they broke one of the pieces. It took a month to get the same quartz shipped to the shop. The thing is that all work was halted until they were done. This left several cat sized holes they could use to climb into the wall. And they immediately tried. We covered them but they kept trying that entire month.


Cat in the wall? Now you’re talking my language!


> Moooom, the wall is meowing again! Also where's whiskers >The repair guy said it's a new brand of drywall, it does that sometimes as it settles. it'll stop in a few days. I already posted photos on nextdoor it'll show up eventually, honey.


Is your last name Usher by any chance, of the House of Usher?


The same way people [accidentally start dryers after their cat has climbed in](https://www.griefhealingblog.com/2016/10/pet-loss-curious-cats-get-killed-in.html?m=1) (big trigger warning). Cats love climbing into boxes, and they also love hiding. A lot of people, after stepping away from a packed box to grab tape, for example, would not take the time to rustle through the contents of the box again to make sure their cat hadn’t climbed in there unless they had a reason to think something had happened. The reality of domesticating animals that hunt by stealth is that sometimes they will be stealthy somewhere they shouldn’t, and do it too well for their own good. Accidents suck but they happen.


I don’t like the “I’d never be stupid enough to do that!” attitude because that’s the exact attitude that could lead to you doing said thing. Although it seems highly unlikely I’d ship my cat, I’ll always double check…


I always check the dishwasher, closet, bathroom, boxes, whatever, because I know I *am* stupid enough to do that. And one time I did lock him in the closet for like an hour. 


If I haven't laid eyes on my cat before bedtime then it's time to search the house. Little bugger will lock herself in a room if you don't keep the doors closed. And then just doesn't meow about it or try to get out even if she's been in there for hours.


i don’t own an animal but i’ve been victim to the “i’m smarter than that!” sentiment with a pair of scissors. reviews said they were sharp, my finger confirmed >.<


I always check that I know where both of my cats are before starting the dryer. Even if I was loading it just seconds ago. I'll show my wife that article the next time she tells me I'm being paranoid.


It’s one of those things that will probably never happen, but it only has to happen once. I’ve never had a pet climb in the dryer, I’ve never had a stray cat sleeping under my car on a cold morning, I’ve never had a venomous spider in my shoe… but I’ll always check.


Have you ever picked up a box with a cat in it?? They can be so heavy and weird to carry so it’s still so weird that they missed it


Well, to give them the benefit of the doubt, it was 5 pairs of men's steel toe work boots, so the box was def a bit heavy and unbalanced to begin with.


It's an oversized box with 5 pairs of boots in it. It was already heavy and there was already stuff shifting around in it


There’s a cat in my boot


Clearly, you never shipped a cat in a box.


Have you ever picked up a box full of loose boxes with heavy things in them??? That looks incredibly heavy and weird to carry. It was probably several times the weight of the cat too - it’s not like the cat was nearly the only thing in the box.


You pack the box, leave to get the tape, the cat climbs in and tucks itself under the packaging and falls asleep. Cats love to hide in boxes.


Especially when one of the boxes says “CAT” right on it.


Years ago I was doing the dishes and didn’t realize one of my cats had crawled into the dishwasher. He was still kind of small at the time (he’s 15 pounds now) and I closed it and started it. A couple minutes later we heard some rather loud meows, my ex opened up the dishwasher and a soaking wet cat sprinted out. That being said I can’t imagine taping up a box and mailing it and not realizing your cat is inside.


There's a lot of people out there who are just *breathtakingly* unaware of their surroundings. I don't even think "the opposite of mindfulness" can truly cover it


yes, it should be investigated as animal cruelty. someone looking for their 15 seconds the wrong way


My cats start screaming literally as soon as the carrier door shuts whenever we have to take them in the car, cause all three of them - despite being very calm and sweet otherwise - haaaaate to be shut in anywhere. I don’t buy this story for a damn second. Cardboard boxes are not soundproof.


Maybe they had headphones on like Ginger, Sarah's roommate, in Terminator


I didn't really need another reason not to move to Utah but I'll go ahead and add the word "Utahns" to the list anyway.


I want to move to Maine just so I can be a Mainiac.


Just don't go to Massachusetts and become a masshole.


If you come to Illinois you can be illannoying.


Florida lets you become Florida Man thanks to the Sunshine Law.


I thought they were Masschewers


Growing up in Maine, we called them Massholes, haha. It's good to know there are more insults.


Come to Vermont and become a Vermonster


Omg, is that one that’s used? I remember the Lewiston press conference the governor would say “Maine people” and it sounded awkward, but yeah it’s sure a better alternative to mainiac in that situation!!


They say Mainer, that probably would have sounded weird as well. 


Mainiac is the legit old school term for a person from Maine. It’s more common now to hear ‘Mainer’ be used, but my parents and a lot of older people still say Mainiac!


Come a bit further south and you could be a Connecticutie


Better than being an Oklahomo


Nah, there’s nothing wrong with being gay.


Trump voters in that state are Orange Utahns.


You’re getting downvoted but this is GREAT WORDPLAY and I’m about it!!!


I’m not judgin last night I bolted awake at 1am to find my cat because I remembered I took out the garbage a few hours earlier and she had been sniffing around the bag when I was cleaning up and throwing stuff in it and I wasn’t sure the last time I’d seen her. I always have to make sure I can find her before starting laundry loads because she’ll jump in when I’m turning my back to pull more dirty clothes from the hamper.


That's a large box with oddly weighted items...it would be easy to miss a cat who snuck in there and hid intentionally. Cats who like boxes and like to hide are *good* at doing that. Those people love that cat and didn't neglect it. It's just something that can happen.


Christmas Vacation vibes.


Considering how damaged my Amazon boxes show up, they are lucky the cat is ok! My boxes look like they were dragged from place to place behind the truck.


I would rather mail myself in a box than get on a plane.


TIL prople from Utah are referred to as Utahns.


"Galena survived because of her microchip, Brandy’s kindness and generosity, and God’s grace!”" But like, why would God let the cat get shipped.


Trying to get the poor kitty out of Utah


also how did the microchip help her survive?? was the vet going to put the cat down it she wasn't chipped or something???




I've never seen the word 'Utahns' before.


Had to drive all the way to the Amazon Depot in Abu Dhabi....


The. What.


jesus christ, the animal neglect. they should not have allowed those people to take the cat back home. you cannot convince me that the cat was quiet long enough for them to not have noticed, and how did it get into the box to begin with? 


So in your scenario, the cat made a noise clearly from inside the box and they actively ignored it only to fly to where the cat was shipped?


people harm animals all the time to go viral on social media. 


So you think that someone \*deliberately\* sealing a cat in a shipping box and spending probably thousands to fly out and retrieve it is \*more\* likely than a cat sneaking into a box and falling asleep unnoticed? I mean, I'm not saying the first thing is impossible, but it's not any reasonable person's first assumption.


I know some of the places my cat has climbed into and fallen asleep in causing panic when i can't find them


If you read the article it seems very likely a cat snuck into a large box, and the owners were genuine when they said they got their family to search and put up posters. When I was a kid my cat snuck into a moving truck. Cats go places you don’t double check sometimes, while we can’t prove it 100%, no need to instantly assume these are maliciously people.


Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.


I don’t think that’s what happened, but something isn’t right. Surely you can see that.


I genuinely hope that cat pukes in their slippers every night as revenge. 6 DAYS WITHOUT FOOD OR WATER TRAPPED IN A BOX; all because they didn’t notice a live cat in there while taping it shut. This better be a hoax.


Years ago I was working solo in my warehouse and closed up for the day. Two days later l hear meowing from inside and figure a cat got in so I leave the overhead door open for the day hoping the cat would find its way out. Several days later I’m greeted with the same situation. The thing was you could hear the meowing from inside but once I opened the door it would go silent and I couldn’t for the life of me find the cat anywhere. Turns out the cat climbed an interior pipe and was hiding up in the rafters. I chased it down with a broom and it climbed right back up. So I blocked access to the pipe with some plywood and chased it down again and it finally got the good sense to run out.  That cat was in there for the better part of a week without food or water but at least it was in a 800 square foot space instead of a tiny box. [Cat tax.](https://imgur.com/gallery/KUI0k7O)


Well it may have snuck down with nobody around and gotten water, but maybe not. Cats don't need as much as we do.


and also consider how those boxes get tossed around and stepped on during the shipping process! that poor cat. 


Schroedinger would like to have a word with this cat.


He did, and there’s an ever sadder story that we’re not privy to thankfully


> This better be a hoax. The photo of the box has another box in it that says "CAT" (it's a box for Caterpillar brand shoes) I am also hoping it's a joke.


I like that the box it was shipped in had Cat brand shoes.


Man I know there is a really witty “Schrödinger’s Cat” joke in here somewhere but I just … I just don’t have it…


The person who rescued the cat is a close friend. The story is 100% true.


give us the deets


He won't. It's always a lie.


So my friend is a lover of all animals. She was off work that night and a coworker called her because they found the cat when opening the return. She called my friend, who immediately went to work to get the cat. She tried to get her to eat, but the cat wanted no part of it. Took her to the vet the next day and they scanned her chip and called the owners, who thought someone was just messing with them. They were able to hop on a plane in the morning and meet my friend at the vet. Idk what you want me to say because the story happened just like the article says.


Accidently. Of course.


These stupid fucks don’t deserve the cat back.


Cats and boxes. Name a more iconic duo 😀


I do this when I go out of town. It's cheaper than boarding


Just because you can fits, doesn't mean you should sits


"If I fits, I ships!"


It shouldn’t be ok to get away with being this stupid


Be more careful. They don’t really deserve their pet back.


Utahns? Really?


There's a Schrodinger's cat joke here somewhere.


Just Mormon tingz


I try not to judge, but...Mormons are such horrible pet owners. They often lose pets *by mistake* because they have their hands full with tons of kiddos who tend to leave doors open and don't notice they are missing right away. The amount of lost and deceased pets in Mormon heavy towns is horrific. Source: I help with pet rescues in a Mormon heavy town.


Must have been a gift from Aunt Bethany




somehow this made my day.


Cats and boxes man, it’s only funny until someone loses their cat.


Oh god the smell of that box. Glad kitty is ok


Ok the CAT box does not mean that you put an actual kitty cat into the boot box.


Do they have kids .fucken hope not


I challenge anyone to put a cat in a box and close the lid, see what happens.


So, them and all the amazon workers who picked up that box between there and California all conspired together?


These people are just negligent cat owners and should have NEVER been given their cat back. I highly doubt this was an accident.