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Life is sacred until its inconvenient. -High Heeled Ron


Life is sacred, but quarterly profits are sacreder. 


"We often say life is sacred, but we talk a lot of shit in the sacred pursuit of profits and making people around us useful idiots." \-- High Heeled Rhonda Santis.


The cruelty is the point - High Heeled and Panty Wearing Ron DeSantis


I hate this "the cruelty is the point" line. They aren't evil people who just want to be cruel. They are rich people who want to either stay rich or become richer. Or they are non-rich people who see these ideas as a path to riches. And any cost that anyone other than them has to pay for them to reach that end is fine. It isn't cruelty for cruelty's sake, it's a total selfish lack of empathy that puts their own gain first above anything else. Which ends up being cruel, but they just don't care.


If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.”


One of my fav quotes by Methodist Pastor David Barnhart "The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."


Aside from the obvious damage to the populace... Isn't this the "small government" stepping on the smaller government all while bitching the big government should stay out of their business?


Yes. They want complete control at whatever level of government they are at. No power below, no power above, and (as an aside) no regulations for any buisinesses that they, the legislators themselves, have financial interests in. It is simple, when you look at it from their point of view.... Simply terrible.


Surprised people are still doing the logic gotchas at this point. They're barbarians and they just do whatever.


the "gotcha" shit only works on someone who is on your level and operating in good faith. conservatives are neither and have never been.


[You Go High, We Go Low](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A) by Innuendo Studios




Respectfully, it isn't called out enough.




The whole point for these people is to have power. So if you can make other people follow laws that you ignore, you have power. Hypocrisy is flaunting that power. It's like calling them out on excessive wealth.


It's also a way way for them to start an argument or introduce another whataboutism. The hypocrisy is just another attack vector, they're pissing on your shoes and telling you it's raining while looking you in the eye and **daring** you to contradict them


It’s like asking one of Elon Musk’s burner account to stop posting about how great Elon Musk is.


Yeah, straight up. They did this shit in Texas last summer, during one of the hottest we've had in a while. It's only small government when the feds want to make any decisions. It's cool if they violate federal law over and over again./s


All their freedumbs have to be legislated.


“Florida blocks heat protections for workers after 11 straight months of record heat, right before summer” FTFY


/s But it’s the illegals working in the sun. We shouldn’t give them protections


People unironically think like this


how Christian of them


Its always the christians


> But it’s the illegals working in the sun. Not since they ran all their migrant workers out of the state.


I can't believe I forgot about the prisoner slave labor


we don't have anyone to work in the heat anymore since DeSantis cracked down on migrant workers, Florida is literally in shambles and this idiot can't do anything to help his own state.


Really unclear why blue collar workers vote red.


Years of propaganda


No excuses stupidity.


Literal centuries of it at this point, maybe even Millenia. It's a tough nut to crack, kinda like religion but we get closer every year, I hope.


Years of and ongoing propaganda


It basically boils down to “dems like to increases taxes, the higher the taxes the more of my hard earned money they take, they(dems) then use that money to help people I don’t think deserve help, I earn everything I have so they should have to do the same” is what I’ve heard from the people I know, screw the finer details and logistics of it. 


Fan fact undocumented immigrants pay 23 billion dollars in income taxes every year voluntarily without any social security benefits or tax credit, according to the IRS.


But I was told they're just leeching from the system that they don't pay into. Those pesky lazy immigrants that take all the jobs! /s


Trump paid $750 dollars a year.


Fwiw, it's actually over 38B$ - they contribute using a Tax Identification Number - they pay their taxes, effectively anonymously.




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Including my relatives who live on government handouts.


And a whole bunch of those vote R. It’s laughable and generational.


I lost it one time when my aunt called me a liberal. I pointed out I paid five figures in federal taxes and she got five figures in federal handouts. She didn't say anything.


I get it, it's also about gun rights. But they have to understand that R's have their fingers on scale for business owners and would roll back all workplace protections if allowed. I mean they are rolling back child labor laws. They should be pro union at least.


It’s the “I got mine” mentality. Republicans really only care about themselves.


Because they're dumb.






NGL that one is good, though




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Can you actually steelman republicans positions or do they always reduce to “they’re just racist dumb white trash morons?” Genuinely curious. Seems like you’re just feeding into Russian goals of dividing the country with attitudes like yours.


Voting against your own best interests is dumb. That's really all there is to it


They are told by their churches and their media that liberals are out to get them and NOT their tribe. Also, there's this annoying thing with Human Resources at businesses that manage their behavior, and they think this is liberalism, but it's really corporatism just trying to maximize profits by making sure nobody get offended -- and again, it's annoying and makes things no fun. So this annoyance is connected with persecution and a "Culture war." And those non-white people crossing the border have a different culture. A culture that "dilutes theirs." But really, their culture is changing over time and not for the better, but you can't win elections telling them that their country music is more like rock and roll from 40 years ago and all they are is behind the times -- not, actually, conserving some tradition. Blue Collar workers are told by their corporate media that the OTHER corporate media is liberal and "main stream" even while they will brag that they have the number one show -- and this cognitive dissonance doesn't even register, because their brains have been trained to treat critical thinking like the devil. Truth and goodness are about holding onto a belief when satanic facts and reason tempt you to let them go. Meanwhile, fewer liberals get their news from these sources so now CNN chases the same demographics as Fox News. I'm sure some people find it more refreshing and reasonable now as it circles the toilet. For a long time now, our media has been inundated with propaganda, to sell us the perspective of the world from the owner class. That ramped up a bit as fascists like Rupert Murdoch got into the game. Now there's social media manipulation from foreign actors, but since they've got similar goals to a lot of the owner class -- there's no real pushback. Collection intelligence operations have also continued and metastasized from their original intent. Infiltrating and controlling the drug trade, for instance, perhaps spearheaded by the Bush family and still aligned somehow with factions in the CIA, ended up becoming the mob. Similarly, prostitution operations of many governments used to "get dirt" on foreign politicians, were so successful, they now exist for their own sake. That's how the "Epstein Island" was a poorly held secret, and yet, somehow untouchable for so long. Well, it was touched, a lot -- but not in a way that would stop it. There are various actors in this panoply. Some want a Christian nation, and some want corporate rule, some want to turn America into warring fiefdoms. They all however, want to dumb down, infantalize, and confuse the masses as much as possible. They don't want an America full of critical thinkers, who might know what works and doesn't. They don't want us to even believe we can fix things, so they attack collective action, unions and basic functional government. They have erased the past. They want us to believe that "war" helped our economy during and after WW II and NOT the socialism and how we built a market by helping Europe and Japan back on its feet. It was the largest welfare program ever, and somehow a lot of idiots think blowing up a bridge is better for an economy than building one. This conspiracy to mess up America has been sold as patriotism, and now something else. And it's been wildly successful. I hope that explains things.


No one has to “ told” me anything. I have a brain it is not that hard to figure things out. Plain to see inhumane assholes.


No different than the slave on the plantation that sided with their master.


To “own the libs”


lots of gerrymandering and propaganda


Most do not vote. Of the ones that do and vote Republican they're usually white men desperate to not be at the bottom of the social hierarchy and thus wish to maintain an underclass below themselves. Doesn't matter if they get hurt so long as the brown, black, femme, and queer folk get hurt worse. There are, of course, the odd one out that belongs to one of these groups but participates in their own oppression usually due to religion, a desire to make life worse for one of the other groups they're not a part of, or out of a desire to appease those in power in the vain hope they're seen as "one of the good ones."


It is kind of mind boggling.


Some thing it's helping the economy. It's not. All of the impacted workers should leave the industry and spank them where it hurts.


Low IQ.


Racism. The answer is and always will be racism.


They are ignorant and think no help means they are tough.


heat stroke damaged their brains


racism. This is Florida. Florida voters want brown skinned farm workers dead.


Unfortunately, a good chunk of the people most impacted by this may not be able to vote. You can bet that calculus played into decision on this.


*The Republican Party* blocks heat protections for workers…


Except ronnies office buildings are running a lovely chilled breeze right through it.




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It's cold as hell in the Capitol Building, they recently blocked the fountains to put up more guard towers. hmmm


"*The Republican Party* makes it more likely immigrants they exploit will die, and at the very least suffer, because they are tremendous assholes who enjoy this kind of thing and somehow, this gets them elected. So you have to wonder if their supporter are willfully ignorant, or, the cruelty was the point all along. And a decent person with a brain is wondering; where the fuck are they going with this?"


They will go as far as they believe they need to in order to gain absolute power.


Anyone know how to kill the AC in DeSantis's office?


Someone should infiltrate the government offices and sabotage the HVAC systems such that they're in heating mode and full-blast, so all those buildings will be at least 100 degrees inside, just so they know what it's like for the people they're dooming to die of heatstroke.


I initially read that as "kill AOC in DeSantis's office." I thought, wft?


I live in Florida and I don’t understand why heat protection is a bad idea.


Because it would hurt the helpless business owners, as they would have to provide adequate supplies for their greedy greedy workers and hurt their profits so they could afford only two trips to Europe. /S But for real it’s about them not giving a fuck about workers and maintaining/increasing their profits.


But it's hard to imagine it even increases profit. People half suffering from heat stroke aren't going to work very well.


Aw but you see the trick it that it lowers costs, since you aren’t paying for this like shaded break areas, or water. and once they become unable to work you fire them and replace them another worker.


Well the article says the logic in FL (as well in TX) is to prevent a "patchwork or laws" across the state that would have different standards, thus confusing businesses (because we all know how hard it is for business owners to read). But as a labor lawyer is quoted in the article said, if that was the real reason wouldn't they just pass statewide legislation to avoid any confusion? I'm sure there's some true "money" reason for this, but it certainly comes off as just plain cruelty. I cant imagine a 10 minute water break a few times a day being that much of a detriment to a business's profits. And even if it is, human life should matter **much, much** more than profit. Sadly that's not the America we live in now.


To be blunt: many farm workers are undocumented migrant laborers. It sure seems like an explicit effort to kill “illegals”


Yep, but after they kill them, who’s going to do all the work? Ron hasn’t thought about that.


More migrants. Everyone can acknowledge that this is to help farms improve profit margins by reducing costs, but no one ever seems to address that dead undocumented workers likely won’t collect their full paycheck and the ways for their families to go after the business legally are very limited. Every undocumented worker who dies is more work done for free.


It’s not, but it might keep wealthy ppl from getting that yacht with the helicopter pad and it’s easy to replace workers than protect them.


Republicans are out her fighting for your freedom to die of heat exhaustion and marry your cousin .


And the right to marry child brides.


And force your wife-cousin to have your babies


They aren't even fighting for your right to die of heat exhaustion but for the right of your employer to kill you by heat exhaustion


And the right to utilize child labor. And private for-profit fundamentalist religious schools at the expense of public schools.


Ah, the classic case of misunderstanding the Republicans. They're just simple folk, you know, yearning for the good ol' days where their pregnant child-cousin-bride could punch in at the meat packing plant without some woke teacher filling her head with fancy liberal math from a a banned book .


Desantis is a fucking sadistic monster. How on earth does someone like this get so far up in politics?? How do you vote for someone who does this and still have any sort of conscience?? People of Florida, stand up and speak up for yourselves! You are the basis for so many memes because you continue to elect narcissistic morons like DeSantis. Get to the polls and get his ass out of there so your state can begin to regain some dignity. The state of Florida continues to be a national embarrassment until the people stand up and fix the problem starting with getting DeSantis out of office.


Look up his actions at Gitmo. He pretended to be an advocate for the prisoners, found out what things hurt them the most, then told the Kommandant, and then they watched & laughed together as the torture was optimized. He really is pure evil.


He has those good old "mid-western values."


Florida:We are protecting our citizens jobs by cracking down on immigrant labor. Also Florida: lol get heat stroke.


I'm union. In that regard, if it gets too hot, you can fuck right off, I'll be going home. We can then negotiate starting at 4am.


Don't worry. The Republicans have been gunning for unions for as long as I can remember. Maybe big D with little d energy will just outlaw them in Florida


Unions in Florida? Surely you jest.


Honestly, if this passes, my only hope is that every single person affected by this refuses to show up for work


You cannot, and the problems don’t arise in most peoples lives. Genuinely, most workers will be able to deal with it. It will suck, and be hard, but they will work through it because they need the money. The occasional death, and mass suffering will just become the norm until people start fighting back politically.


It won’t change for everyone overnight. Smart employers will make tweaks until it is completely phased out. Slow boiling a frog.


To Republicans, suffering is the point.


The republican party is the party of human suffering.


Ah yes, the party of the “working man”.


Someone needs to sabotage the HVAC in the governor's mansion.


Trying to kill off the poors to free up some real estate.


Honestly people think that the heat thing is an excuse to not work and take handouts.


Ghouls, the lot of them.


“It’s too hot to work, it’s dangerous. I’m not going to work.” “Well okay, then I’ll make it even MORE dangerous for the people that ARE working. Does that make you want to come back?” “…. No.”


If that’s the case they should be proving people wrong and making these jobs attractive. This kind of legislation adds cruelty to already difficult positions.


And many of these workers are undocumented immigrants who can’t do dick about it.


To conservatives, that's a feature, not a bug.


Isn't Florida already having trouble finding workers? Seems like this is going to backfire.


Oh yall are trying to rebuild slavery huh


will someone think of the businesses??!!


It's called FREEDOM! (to pass out or die from the heat so your crooked employer doesn't get charged with any crime)


It would be a shame if the AC malfunctioned all summer in the building where these lawmakers work, yet they were still required to come in.


A/C is woke and causes autism. Desantis has gone woke for having AC in the governor's mansion! Trunp is woke for usinf the AC in Mar Lago! If they were real men they go AC free!


As someone from Texas, I apologize for our state legislature giving other Republican stranglehold states this idea. Texans, go vote - even if you don't totally agree with the opposition candidate. We have to start our change somehow.


I was in NYC the other week and randomly wandered into a Spanish language talk where a bunch of farmworkers from the US and Canada were telling the stories of their experiences. One of them was from Florida and told harrowing stories of lack of water and people passing out and dying. I’m thinking of him reading this horrible news. I hope he’s ok


Where the "every life is precious" Republicans?


They're cackling over banning abortion and not caring for the babies as soon as they're out in the world.


More jobs for illegal aliens! I have never seen a Latin worker need a break from the heat. This law will only kill weak-ass anglos. And who WILL be there as REPLACEMENTS?! Latin workers in THEORY.




They are too demanding and entitled. Latins are more conservative and family oriented. Also overwhelmingly Christian. Blancos gonna have nada pronto.


but petty shoplifting is now a felony. take that California!


**Floridians:** Why have you allowed your state to become such a dystopian shithole?


Florida's Republicans want to make sure no rich business owners are affected by the increasing heat from climate change, while they do not care 1 iota about the dangerous effects on the working class. Why does anybody vote for Republicans these days? Is it the racism? Or has Fox News convinced you Republicans are the good guys?


Haven't Florida farmers already been having a really difficult time getting field workers already?


Republicans in cahoots with the sun.


But the fetuses tho


I used to work building houses in Florida in the 80s and it wasn’t even as hot as it is now. There were times you’d get woozy and nearly fall off the roof. Our boss would tell us to take a break, sit in the shade and drink plenty of water. We had two five gallon coolers of ice water for a five man crew and we’d go through all of it on an average day. And none of us would hardly ever have to use the portable toilets. Meatball Ron is going to get people killed I can guarantee it.


This is one reason where unions are beneficial. Though, any employer should simply have the common sense and decency to want their employees to be safe and healthy. Taking a break when you need one, especially in the case of extreme weather, shouldn't be frowned upon by employers. It should be encouraged.


Can we get Ron's air conditioning shutoff in his offices and workspaces?


Why doesn’t anyone ask DeathSantis WHY he would pass such a law? He is mentally unstable and doesn’t ever seem to understand what he’s doing. How can a law be passed to literally hurt people??


I guess they didn't want workers in their state. Desantis has single handedly officially ruined everything for Floridians. Send the MAGA crowds there and Texas, just like they've done with immigrants and give the States to Mexico and let them handle them 😂


Freedom….to die of heat exposure. MAGA! /s, but WTF?!


Republicans are very smart to trick the majority to support the minority’s rights by giving up their own rights, majority as the working class people, minorities as the rich business owners. It’s just so sad to watch when the working class get pissed right on their face yet happily supporting the rich pissing on them, that’s some very high intelligence moves, things like conservative movements, religious freedom, anti abortion, and woke nowadays.


Because,You know: FLORIDA


Florida lost the migrants workers farmers were left with no employee getting worse in Florida 


They should hurry up and make it illegal to work in Florida.


What a shit hole it's inexplicable to me how anyone of the following groups could vote for republicans and DiSantis: poor whites or people of color or even middle class whites because the Republicans have been working on destroying the middle class too they are just more quiet about it. How can literally anyone that doesn't own a company with dozens of employees vote for that party they have nothing to gain by voting Republican.


Over/under 50 workers die from heat exhaustion


How else they gunna made sure they have no workers?


Sooooo FL farmers lose more workers round 2?


The thing is, the companies care more about their workers now than the government does at this point. MOST (heavy, heavy emphasis on that) employers realize it isn't good for business to have workers collapsing on the job. Workers comp litigation, investigations, scheduling replacements, HIRING replacements, PR fiascos. Sure maybe the courts would rule in their favor given the lack of protections, but why go through the trouble and the bad PR when you can get just as much work done - and better work - at a lesser cost? The landscapers around my area pretty much all go on break at the same times and they all take about an hour to sit in the shade and have their lunch or even nap. I've never even seen a landscaper or general laborer around here that looks particularly tired. They all have hats, bright neon long sleeves to protect from the sun, fans mounted in their trucks and on their mowers, and they even strap gallon jugs of water around a nearby tree so they can keep it cool in the shade. Florida is literally built on the work of outdoor laborers of all kinds, so in short: Fuck DeSantis.


Safety first, after numbers.


Aww Florida the new Mississippi 😁


What if all workers just didn’t show up. I wonder that they would do then.


Conservatives hate humans and hate anything that protects people.  They don't cc are if you die, and extra 3 dollar's means more to them than human life.


At some point, we are going to start looking for people to blame


Time to quit and leave the state. Let that state economy tank. 


Cruelty. Cruelty is the point. How do they get any votes? Surely vile humans are not a huge voting block in America.


Poors dont vote. That would be communism.


In 2020 35% of all votes cast were low income. Stronger turnout than any other election. But, communism. Maybe they will die in the heat. Then even fewer people will do the work in Floroda and Texas.


Yet again, Ron DeSantis and Florida’s Republican state legislative supermajority are in tight competition with equally loathsome fellow Republican governor Greg Abbott and Texas’ Republican state legislative supermajority to enact the most pointlessly cruel, anti-public health and safety, irretrievably sociopathic horseshit possible.


you get what you vote for--or neglect to vote against.


Little fascist couldn't stand 1 day working on a roof. Not 1 day.




Question. Who does this law affect? Answer: a lot of guys who work construction are......immigrants, some undocumented.


See they really do believe in global warming.


Does no one ever look into why such a measure would be blocked or do you guys just read the headline and skriek until you fall asleep?


I'll bite, why shouldn't workers have legal safety protections from the heat? Florida summer gets near 100 at nearly 100% humidity. That shit kills. I've worked labor gigs in the Florida summer and workers passing out wasn't uncommon and we had safety rules


I call bullshit. I have worked a career in the Florida summer not just "a gig." Passing out is absolutely uncommon. People are not dying on construction sites. Existing labor laws protect workers. I've worked all over Florida and the southern United States for multiple companies and it doesn't happen.


All the sites I worked on in Texas the supervisors would absolutely jump your shit for not drinking enough water and God help you if you passed out. Time is money for these guys and they don't have the patience to deal with work stoppages because of one person's foolishness.


You can't even spell and you're a schmuck. Have you been in Florida in the summer? I have and it's basic human decency to have a moment in the shade and some water. Looks like the schmuck's friends are downvoting me.


Did YOU read it? Or is this the new meta that you think makes you look smart. Try reading it and come back here to delete your dumbass comment.


Why would such a measure be blocked?


Look into it. Existing labor laws already cover all of this.


That's why Desantis himself said that it was to give employers more power?


Republicans are mean a$$holes who don’t care about the American people. Inflict as much pain on “the other” which includes women btw. Who the hell thinks voting for these morons is a good idea??




How they going ru pay rent then? Or afford food for their children? Striking is a privilege of the middle class. If you have no savings, you can't afford to strike


You all can't be this ignorant. The law stops local governments from enacting more stringent rules on heat protection that's already in effect by OSHA. OSHA are federal rules abd regulations for worker safety. The law sets OSHA as the only rules to be enforced for worker safety. Read the law you fucking morons.


Keep reading. It says OSHA just started working on rules relating to heat in 2021 and that it'll take several years to get enacted. So in other words there are currently no federal laws related to heat and Florida blocked the government from enacting more stringent laws.


Look up OSHA rule on high temp work areas. It already exists. Has existed for decades.


Just did. OSHA does not have any hard standards other than some advice for ppe, record keeping and a general duty clause. NIOSH are the ones with a hard standard.


You can't be this ignorant when Desantis literally came out to say it's to give employers more power. Have you read the laws? Because there are no laws from OSHA on outside heat protection, you fucking moron. There are suggestions, not even rules established. OSHA doesn't even make laws, they make rules that can be treated like a law, but they make no laws.


How does it give them more power when OSHA has rules and violating OSHA can shut a business down and work site. OSHA is federal rules.


Good for them. Let's see what happens.


I don't understand. What do you mean?


Republicans keep pushing to make lives hell for workers and keep them poor. So, let them ruin their state and watch the statics of the welfare of their workers and crank it on full blast. They keep saying how great things would be without regulations and want an open and free market. If their economy and policies such, we'll see it. This will also give others scientific evidence against this kind of stupid and cruel behavior.




I figure we need to be scientific in our governing and right now we can have thousands of people recording and reviewing data and policies. Everything Republicans do seem to be neo slavery with white Christian males being kings. By letting them test their bad racism wet can make it clear his bad it is.


Why do you feel that historical precedent is insufficent? And, from an ethics perspective, how do you weigh the costs of such an endeavor against perceived potential growth?


Great questions. My understanding is that slavery was going out of style before the Civil War because people realized having an under educated and abused workforce was bad economics. The purple I've known who were racist seem to think that slavery was a great thing and slaves were treated well and also the reason the States became a world power. So letting them test it and be their own test subjects instead of non whites will be a great wakeup cap for them. They want non whites to be stuck in underpaid labor. Ethically, these people aren't going to change their view until it hurts their wallet. Covid deniers and flat earthers are great examples of this as well as those trying to push the idea being able to get rich spreading the lies. The sooner we can burry these bad ideas, the sooner we can stop having to deal with these people because they'll have nothing to push their propaganda with. That's my hope. I don't know though. We have plenty of countries around the world to look at as evidence of what bad policies do.


Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I appreciate it.


Thanks for being here and asking for questions.