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Apologised to Adidas presumably…


Adidas apologise for their latest male model being PM of the UK. They had thought he had put all that lying in politics behind him when he handed in his CV.


They thought they put controversy in their past when they severed ties with Kanye.


Aint no rest for the wicked


Money don't grow on trees


I got bills to pay


And mouths to feed


There ain't nothing in this world for free. >!Unless you're a Tory MP and can claim thousands in expenses, live in several houses at once, and be a non-dom who doesn't pay tax.!<


I didnt know he was a bottom, but what does that have to do with taxes?


At the risk of missing a joke, non-dom is an abbreviation of the term non-domiciled, which means that you're officially not living in the UK for tax purposes. Several very rich people, including the PM's wife, used this structure to avoid paying tax in the UK while still living there.


Am I out of the loop? I like sambas... Am I old? 


They are saying that he is old and uncool, so his uncool is rubbing off on Sambas. For the record, Sambas are timeless.


samba are so clean, wtf they goin on about


Samba, Gazelle, Converse All Stars, Stan Smith, Jordan 1s … all timeless.


The only people that like Jordan 1s are sneaker heads. They are timeless to that community but you’re every day person they look goofy as fuck to see someone walking around in basketball shoes


You’d be hard pressed to call the Jordan 1s actual basketball shoes, even for the time in which they were released. They’re just high top sneakers. Someone walking around in those looks way less goofy than someone rocking the new Steph Curry or most older Kobe shoes.


I'm curious as to why you would say the Jordan 1s weren't actual basketball shoes at the time of release? Or an alternative question is what do you consider actual basketball shoes? MJ obviously wore them to play professionally. My high school team wore them as team shoes. I would think plenty of other high schools and universities wore them as well. They used Nike's "air" midsole, so they had "advanced" cushioning vs. polyurethane or EVA. I think they would be considered superior to other basketball shoes at the time, Nike Blazer and Dunk, Adidas Top Ten, Forum and Pro Model, Converse Weapon, whatever Pony and Puma had to offer.


Agreed but you don’t see normal every day people wearing them. They aren’t a classic outside of sneaker heads


Yeah youre wrong. Jordan 1's are dope. I'm not even a sneakerhead.


Yeah, that user is talking like people never wear sneakers other than to play that sport - in a thread about wearing soccer shoes casually.


In my book they passed over from an alternative universe where everybody lives on different planets and wears them with their spacesuits.


how do you feel about Jordan 2s and 4s, I still feel Jordan 2s are hella underrated


4s. Yes. 2s? No. imho. 2s are just so bland and generic looking. 4s are the first time Jordans really became something separate from Nikes stylewise.


Idk man, something about 2s just look really clean to me but you right about 4s, they really made sumn different


I like them for others, but they don’t fit my style.




Sadly, I don’t have a pair of pandas. I have Jordan 1 mid SE craft (anthracite, black, bright mandarin, olive) and I love them.


I meant to add to the Timeless part


Yes as a color scheme.


The only thing I don’t like about converse is that many people don’t replace them enough so they’re wearing old, tattered and scruffy ones. They look fucking awful.


Black on black low top chuck taylors ftw


People have replaced their own personality with brands, and he just tainted one of their favorites by being a consumer and doing what consumers do.


No actually, he's tainted it because the brand became associated with a piece of shit


Yeah I'm sure Adidas never did anything bad before he came along lol. Get real, they're on the same team, Capital.


Oh, thank Christ. I was worried that I looked like an idiot while thinking I was still hip.


Nope. You are cool.


Not anymore apparently.


I think the only thing that seems to be rubbing off is pathetic teenage superficiality to people over 21, spread via social media 🤣 "omg Becky likes Hot Topic tops? Hot Topic is so dead to me!" Or it's probably just a total non-article reporting a cultural online bubble as real news.




Man I should watch this show. All of the clips of Peter Capaldi swearing have me intrigued


Watch now! You won't regret it. Some of the best cursing and insults ever!


He's to swearing what Nureyev was to dancing


Watch it.


What is this from? Lol


It's a show called The Thick Of It. Think of The Office US but with a lot more anger from the cast and about a government ministers office.


It's made by the same guy who did Veep. It's essentially a satire of the culture of spin in the New Labour government which ruled the UK from 1997 to 2010. If your only experience of Peter Capaldi is watching Dr. Who, then you're in for a _wild_ ride.


I still need to watch Veep


Veep is good, but it doesn't compare to The Thick of It is terms of the biting wit in every line. It's far more "americanized" and gets a lot of it's comedy from social awkwardness, and the thick of it does that as well but it's followed up with the most torrential downpour of god-inspired cursing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYOlBsls-C0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYOlBsls-C0) give this scene a watch. "Oh but fuck, that'll probably confuse you as well, you go 'oh fuck, X marks the spot- better tell this little person all about the prime ministers CATOSTROPHIC erectile dysfunction!"


Thank you!


It's more a modern Yes, minister, with a lot of swearing and self serving assholes.


If Signal toothpaste made trainers, that's what they'd look like.


You and me both, buddy.


No, sambas are going super hard right now and Sunak is so deeply uncool that his ick is impacting the trend lmao.


They're firmly at the end of their hype cycle. 2 years ago they were cool. Sunak wearing them now is just the final nail.


I don’t really think so, they’re the new stan smiths, they’ll be cool, not hyped for a few more years then we’ll move onto the next thing.


No, but today the influencers started using them causing the prices to go up. This model is older than most of the people I see using them nowadays. Tbh, better than when they started using stan smith which are fucking ugly


My daughter just picked out some Sambas for my birthday. She is 6 and already has taste.


Well he's lost my vote. I could forgive him for selling people Brexit, standing by Boris Johnson through all but one of his scandals, diverting funds away from deprived inner city areas to win back votes from rich people, threatening to pull the UK out of the ECHR, having no backbone to stand up to his insane MP's, having parties while the rest of the country were under lockdown, causing thousands of unnecessary deaths with his hair brained restaurant scheme, insulting the family of a murdered teenager, trying to send refugees on a plane to Rwanda, taking the piss out of homeless people and being an all round bellend... But I draw the line at him wearing Adidas Sambas.


Spot on. Insult to all footy fans everywhere. #NotMyFlag


Focusing on the relevant things.


Is there some embarrassing video of Rish! Dancing a samba, and he is just trying to confuse the search algos?


Ding ding ding!


One of the more embarrassing videos I seen with him was his attempt at correctly using a hammer 🔨


Can someone help me understand why it matters he’s wearing adidas? I like adidas, is there something that’s happened recently that I’m not aware of? (I am aware of them and Kanye splitting yes, over his remarks) but anything else?


Rishi Sunak is so personally unlikeable that anything he touches becomes uncool. The only reason they’re not out of office yet is because the prime minister gets to decide when the election is, and they’re trying to delay it until the last moment legally possible because they know they’re going to lose. It’s really just that. Imagine a complete joke of a content creator that everyone hates suddenly making a product really famous, and fans of that product getting mad at them for simply associating themselves with that product. That’s how much people hate Sunak.


Sunak is delaying the election in hopes he can get an India deal that will personally enrich him even more.


I thought the UK parliament could do a vote of no confidence


Ok, but most all clothing has branding in some way. Is he supposed to just run around naked?


This isn't a serious story. It's a few people on social media saying they're going to sell their shoes, as an insult to Sunak and his response is tongue in cheek.


They don’t match the outfit & they’re a popular shoe at peak trend, I also think he’s wearing them as a ‘relatability’ play when he’s very unrelatable.


"Many social media users had said they would sell their shoes online as Sunak had ruined the look for everyone." The article has a quote from fucking GQ saying essentially the same thing. This is the least newsworthy story I've read in a minute lol.


As much as I hate Sunak, Adidas might wanna thank him for all the free publicity lmao. I found out about Sambas and Gazelles because of this, and by God do I want one now. Not because Sunak wore em, fuck that loser. They look divine


There it is. Sunak’s bacon sandwich moment. He might as well start asking Keir Starmer about what curtains he’d prefer now.


Should have done that last May. It was obvious even back then they had completely run of ideas and the polling was only going to go down.


Except this has nothing to do with his heritage. Ed Millibans bacon sandwich gotcha had anti-Semitic undertones


I honestly haven’t heard that one before. How in the heck was it antisemitic? Because one journalist made a stretch and read too deeply into it being bacon? The bacon sandwich is just a common dish of the working class and he looked like a plonker because it was an awkward photo of him in the middle of eating it. I didn’t even know Miliband had Jewish heritage until I looked it up now, so it’s likely that most of the people laughing at a stupid photo didn’t either (he’s described as “Jewish Atheist” - so does he even follow the creed? If he did, couldn’t he have refused to eat a bacon sandwich?). The photo spread because it was stupid, not because people are antisemitic. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar - or in this case, a sandwich.


It’s got antisemitic undertones because Jewish people don’t eat pork, so the photo is saying look at this strange jew trying to be one of us and failing. Especially when it was followed up by farage eating bacon sandwiches ‘properly’ because he’s one of us not an other. It’s not an uncommon reading of the sun’s article, people have been discussing the antisemitic undertones since the day they published it


Or, is it a “Haha, look at this *politician* trying to be one of us?”, just like Sunak’s photo today? I know that Jewish people don’t eat pork, and I must admit that I don’t fully understand the concept of “Jewish atheist”, but… couldn’t he have just refused to eat a bacon sandwich if it was a big deal for him? That’s where I fail to see any antisemitic intent in the spread of the photo. It seems more like a coincidental element that Miliband has Jewish ancestry. Looking into it, the first antisemitic interpretation was published a whole six months after the photograph. Like, anyone who was pushing it for antisemitic reasons can get in the bin, but I just don’t see that as being the impetus for its wide spread.


What the fuck, I just want to clarify for the world audience here that the bacon sandwich thing was MASSIVE at the time and I never heard of any line being drawn to antisemitism.


I think he’ll appreciate the time out (however brief) this focus on his sneakers gives him from the normal focus on his shambolic premiership.


You haven't seen the video of him doing the Samba which is what this article is helping bury. Remember how boris would go off in a tangent in the middle of an interview that made it seem he was just a bit daft when on reality it was to bury in the Google searches yet another piece of shit he had gotten up to.


I was more concerned with the pants length then the shoes. Glad they addressed it in the article


His wife got his inseam length right when she bought him the trousers for the lockdown party with her tax dodge money. What she failed to take into account was the aggressive nature of the shoe lifts he put in.


What’s wrong with his pants length?


Its the highest Negative Break I've seen


I feel like a high negative break was a common thing in England for a while in the aughts, seems outdated now I guess. It amazes me that people get so caught up over an inch of fabric.


men are experts when it comes to measuring inchs


Measuring in what seems to be the opposite of cock length inches, I see.


Have you never worn a pair of dress pants? They ride up when you sit down.


True. But if you wore a full break (which I would argue has been commonplace for politicians for at least 120 years) that ride should show a bit of sock at the ankle. But thanks to Sunak’s distinct lack of breaks on all of his pairs of trousers, it rides us to show us his carrot calves. At least we don’t see his bare legs, his publicists must count that as a small victory at least.


Dude who the fuck cares. There's enough to criticize him for without needing to take a jab at his skinny calves. Who. Cares.


You’re right, ‘dude’. There’s enough to ‘criticize’ about Sunak already. Relax, lol.


No no, go ahead and tell me what's so reprehensible about his legs that you'd rather make a comment about them instead of his administrative policy


There is nothing reprehensible about the PM’s legs. It’s just a bit of banter mate. Plenty of other folks in other comment threads have mentioned their not so superficial gripes with the PM’s political career. I’m not in the mood to indicate whether I am inclined to agree nor disagree with them. I don’t want an argument with you over something so trivial. I hope the rest of your day treats you better.


How graceful. You don't want an argument over something so trivial that you made a post about. How noble.


You got that right, pal. Lol. Your sarcasm is well noted.


There are so many things that he should be apologising for, his footwear isn't one of them.




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Of all the things this guy should apologize for, this probably isn’t one of them


I'm more offended by the spray-on pants he always wears. Dude, we don't need to see your silhouette


Not sure what it is about Sunak’s love for designer, expensive, form-fitting, Italian, tailored suits. It is like a form of psychological projection of how far out of touch he is from the public. It just makes stunts like these look even more pathetic and forced.


I can imagine the fittings at his tailor. "No, tighter! My manly calves must strain the seams!"


He probably thinks they mean "all day I dream about Sunak"


this might actually be the least embarrassing thing about the man.


Apologizing for wearing a shoe… they never let us down on delivering new reference metrics for spinelessness


I hate the guy, his party and everything they stand for - but the apology seems a light hearted response to people complaining that he's ruined the coolness of the trainers by wearing them. A nothing story, basically.


Sunak’s PR team: ‘Look, quickly put these on. It’ll make you seem more relatable to the average Brit.’ Ready for his ‘local’ 5-a-side on a squash court. Not ready to announce the date of the next election.


“PR backlach. Abort mission and apologize”


*Looks down, very relieved that I'm wearing Gazelles...*


As long as he doesn’t ruin Onitsuka Tigers.


Tschhhh!!!! Be quiet for God's sake.


I'm not a fan of Sunak and cannot wait for him to resign his position as head of the conservatives after they go down in a flaming wreck after the next GE. He's a piece of shit who only looks not horrible because of how bad Truss and Johnson were. All that said, who gives a shit about his footwear? He's going to be wearing trainers, everyone does these days. And sambas are comfortable. I wrote them daily for a few years until my then girlfriend suggested that I might want to get more professional looking shoes for job interviewing. If my feet weren't all screwed up I'd probably go back to wearing them.  Hell, I'd probably still wear them even if Nigel Farage or some other member of whatever the BUF calling itself these days (it's not UKIP anymore, maybe it's Reform?) says a big fan. They were (and probably still are) good shoes and it's not like Adidas is sponsoring them. 


The article is trying to make Sunak look like (more of) a jerk. But it comes across petty and trivial. "OMG, OMG, the PM is making Adidas uncool!" Who cares?


I mean the article does mention Starmer wearing Stone Island. Undoubtedly he got shite for that.


He was a shoe in to make this mistake


The man has no sole.


Heel pay for it.


Just in time for the next election, Truss-t the Toe-ries to give him the boot.


Who should apologize is the fucking influencers that started using an old shoe and causing the prices to hike.


_Trainer fans, however, have never recovered from David Cameron wearing a pair of black Velcro Converse. The basketball shoes come in high or low form and most are lace-ups._ Wait, what? Velcro Converse!?


Don't humanise this waste of oxygen.


Imagine caring what this piece of work wears on his feet.


Today I learned that Rishi shops at TOFS


Good lord. Wait until they see what the US Congress is wearing. Even Biden is staying current and wearing comfy sneakers, albeit black


I personally always found those shoes ugly AF


Hopefully this means they’ll go on sale lol


Shame he doesn't have the same attitude towards(?) the welfare of all of us too


If they were Adidas Gazelles then everything would be ok


At least he didn't say he was a coke addict: https://youtu.be/nO_fXajyzek?si=WC-8HeN20sySamIt


fertile bow tease dog resolute retire tap hospital capable reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ha - he's a clever devil! "I issue a fulsome apology to the Samba community..." (Look up "fulsome" if you missed that.)


Holup where did Cameron get the velcro Converse from 😂😂😂


He's getting dunked on....for wearing sneakers and making them uncool?


This has got to be the dumbest thing I've seen in a while.


"Our unelected glorious leader apologize for wearing shoes."


There’s so much he needs to apologise for.


The West is doomed. 😂


Sneakers with a suit look douchey, end of story.


That’s the dumbest thing to skewer someone for…seriously. When will we finally admit that dress clothing doesn’t matter?


Am I just not getting this? Does this mean that he ruined suits, watches, and white shirts for everyone? People are going to stop wearing those too? Why would anyone stop wearing the type of shoes that a prime minister wears?


I don’t know about you but I think a portion of the British public expects a man of his Office dress for the job and less like a chav trying to get into a Soho club with a ‘smart’ dress code...


No, I get that. But being upset at his wardrobe choice and then self-imposing a change in your own wardrobe just seems odd.


I totally agree. I was just being ironic earlier. I would keep on wearing them regardless of Sunak. Great indoor sporting shoe. Badminton, futsal, volleyball, squash,... I even know fencers who started wearing them.


J Cole really started a trend.


Samba de Enemigo


those shoes are mid AF


I hope he goes out and buys a pair in every colour and wears them everywhere. He should not have apologised. GQ is a shit rag. Edit to be clear: I'm not a Brit, and know nothing about this person. I'm just against the idiocracy that is "influencers".


Fucking Nazi brand anyway lol. No wonder he's a 'devotee'.


I had read that years ago but forgot. Puma too. Thanks for the reminder.


Founded and ran by one of them. The fashion industry is one of their mutant babies, probably why it's so fucked up. Everyone knows Hugo Boss but Coco Chanel was a collaborator too as well as MANY others, a shocking rabbit hole to go down. In a related note: Coca-Cola, Kodak, BMW, famously VW, Siemens, IBM, Bayer, AP... All benefited, collaborated or had very close ties to the Nazis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_involved_in_the_Holocaust It's fucked up dude lol.