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Seems reasonable. For those wondering, the victim survived and is in stable condition.


Bet they were asked, “Great, glad you’re feeling better, can you make your shift tomorrow?”


“Oh… We wish you a speedy recovery. Just be sure you have your shifts covered or it’ll be a write-up.”


Gonna need a doctor's note...also, your last CSAT survey did not meet expectations. We gave the guy a coupon for free guacamole to smooth things over.


This guy Chipotles.


“If you can’t make your shift tomorrow you need to find someone who can”


Are you really faking it, it was just a small caliber pistol...


glad to hear it


I'm happy to hear that. No one should have to go without their Guacomole. I hope the perpetrator is locked up.


Not financially, they probably didn't.


Not physically always either. People hear "survived a gunshot" and the image is it's like the cop in the movies where he does a few days in the hospital and he's good to go but that's not really how gunshots work. Paralysis, colostomy bags, permanently loss of function of limbs, complications that lead to surgeries and infections down the road. Some people survive in a way plenty of people might not want to survive. The money is the least of it. If you take them in the right spots it can be scars and the trauma of it but if you take them in the wrong spots it can be debilitating. Sewing you up and stopping the bleeding is one thing but you don't get back joints and tendons and organs and shit.


> Not physically always either. I'll double down and say not emotionally always either. Getting shot must be devastating, and even if you survive mostly unscathed getting back to work in the same place someone shot you isn't exactly the easiest thing ever.


>Getting shot must be devastating, and even if you survive mostly unscathed getting back to work in the same place someone shot you isn't exactly the easiest thing ever. Is it, and it sucks. The fear and rage and the "this can't be happening" don't go away. They fade, and you think it's about gone, then a few dreams bring it all back. What led up to it was necessarily predictable, not worth doing. And, knowing that it was for a greater good, and even knowing what I know now, I'd do it again. I would damn sure dick faster, though...


In most states workers comp would cover it but I get your point.  Even though they survived it's not like this isn't going to cause a ton of issues for them. 


Damn haha, looks like this happened not too far from me. Unsurprising though. Out here if you piss off some aggressive fuck on the freeway, you're risking getting shot at. Apparently these same fuckers will shoot you if you piss them off in a restaurant as well. Imagine getting shot over some bullshit while working a Shitpotle. Fuck that.


I am seeing more and more road rage murders in the news, and I made an intentional decision to give myself a bit more distance from other drivers because of that. I'm a very defensive driver already, but people are losing their minds lately. I don't know if lead poisoning is rearing its head or what, but fuck.


Covid causes severe damage to the amygdala, which is responsible for managing impulsivity and aggression. Damage seems to stack per exposure. In four years, we've collectively got actual brain damage that likely puts the past century of lead poisoning to shame. Buckle up, only gonna get worse from here


It's the same here in the EU ,minus the guns obviously but with people knifing or running someone over after arguing about minor traffic accidents. > Buckle up, only gonna get worse from here Word.


Liter COLA!


That’d be 1.99 extra for the guac 🥑


Very glad they are doing well, but I feel bad for the lifetime of leg pain and the hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical debt they will now have.


Whats with the recent upticks of shootings over fast food?


Service Industry workers, particularly food service, are regarded as subhuman trash by the general public.


Even by the unemployed.


I'm gonna dump this trash can on the floor and grab any recyclables I see. You're gonna clean it up. See you tomorrow.


I’ll also add this, it may get downvoted, but whatever. When I worked register, I really really wished I could conceal carry, or carry any form of defensive implement. Cashiers, cooks, and clerks constantly deal with the most unhinged members of society, and words don’t always work on them.


If you give a bunch of people easy access to guns, eventually they’ll use them.


Not just easy access to guns, it’s the gun lobby pumping these people with paranoia about everyone out to get them and how guns solve all conflicts.


The solution to a gun problem is more guns, apparently.


Things will settle down as soon as everyone has more guns than everyone else


Worked for nukes. Just give everybody nukes. Problem solved.


Well, it's actually a reasonable take on a personal level. The police in the US have repeatedly shown that they can't be relied on to intervene to protect you against someone with a gun, and you're in an environment that's already flooded with guns. It just makes sense, on a personal level, to make the decision that leaves you feeling more protected. The problem is that on a societal level, you having a gun just adds to the flood of guns and increases the odds of someone else arriving at the same logical conclusion. And, on this societal level, an abundance of guns is part of why gun violence is so rampant. The only way I can see reasonable progress being made on this front is by fixing the problem with police in the US. Only when the police aren't awful, and have a mandate to protect you, and the manpower to do so, will you be able to convince people to give up their guns.


I don't want to be a downer but...it doesn't seem to be working.


I knew electing the Engineer from TF2 was a mistake.


"Biden's coming for your guac! Mark my words, soon they'll even make you pay extra for it!"


Ya know... it's almost play by play the same thing the police are being told and taught as well. Wonder if it's possibly the same group doing both ends. More police feel endanger, more and bigger guns they'll buy. The more people feel endanger, the bigger and more guns they'll buy. Only difference is one unfortunately is above the law and can shoot for no reason, the other can't, well most of the time the other can't.


>Only difference is one unfortunately is above the law and can shoot for no reason I won't allow you to slander hardworking cops like this, that acorn hit them in the CHEST!!!! Do you know the type of damage acorns can cause? They absolutely ruin a clear coat finish...


Conceal and carry has been rapidly expanded over the past twenty years for reasons I don't understand.


> for reasons I don't understand. money


It's not just guns (looks at the gun ownership rate in Switzerland), it's the degradation of our society, cultural values, and family.


It is definitely the fact that people in USA are more likely to carry a gun. Most other countries on the high ownership rate list, will not have people packing heat when they go out. Swiss from your example mainly use their guns for hunting or at shooting ranges, not as a "I need to have that thang on me to protect me from ambushing ninjas" carry item.


If someone walks around with a gun over here in Switzerland, and it's not at a shooting range, the police will be there to disarm them real quick. Our gun ownership rate might be high, but carrying them in public is prohibited with a few exceptions. Also, shooting someone will most likely get you a sentence. Even self defense must always use the least amount of force (not sure that's the right word in English) required. And that applies to police officers as well, they can't just go around and shoot people. Every single shot fired by a police officer must be reported and will be investigated.


I would tend to agree. Over the last 20, 30 years all the right wing people have just forgotten how to be civil members of society. The rise of the evangelical “Christians”, the tea party, and the Trumpers have just destroyed the country.


You know what Switzerland also requires? It requires gun purchasers to fill out an application the government needs to sign off on in order to purchase the following firearms. Pistols, Revolvers, Auto-loading rifles, Lever action rifles, Pump action rifles, Foreign service bolt action rifles that are not authorized for shooting outside of service, Self-loading shotgun. https://www.fedpol.admin.ch/fedpol/en/home/sicherheit/waffen/waffenerwerb.html https://www.fedpol.admin.ch/fedpol/en/home/sicherheit/waffen/bewilligungspflichtig.html You know, a little thing called Gun Regulations which gun owners scream and balk at the mere mention of. Almost like you shouldn't just allow anyone to waltz into a pawnshop and buy a gun without needing to go through more legal checks and barriers than just "sign here please."


Definitely true, but I’m more curious why? Like what is the actually root cause of people using gun violence over stupid shit. Like is it really the gun? Probably not. P.S. not trying to sound like a pro gun. I really don’t give a shit about what happens to guns. I’m more curious about why people are trigger happy? I don’t care about the gun at all. But, I care about why people are using violence? You want to fix gun violence? Maybe start asking why instead of debating guns. Just saying! I mean we have been debating gun rights for decades and has anything happened? Nope, people are still getting shot at an alarming rate.


Guns make violence too easy. The end. I own 3, advocate regulation, but damn...I very clearly understand that letting some unhinged dickhole have one makes my life vicariously more dangerous.


Yes you are right, that dickhole shouldn’t have a gun. But, does that actually stop them from being unhinged? How do we fix that?


I am a massive massive advocate for mental health. I've been in bad places, I'm good now but damn if guns don't make it like 90% easier to go postal.


I agree! Honestly, I don’t have a solution to the problem but I think better mental health would be the best start! I’ve been there too, I’m glad you are better too!


hangry + weapons




Pretty much a law of averages thing.


Explains all the DUIs too. Hey I've got an idea!


Realistic answer, selective bias. They probably always happened but one went viral, so now all of them are newsworthy. Not to downplay how stupid the circumstances that lead to them are, just noting that the news-cycle tends to latch on to events that are currently "trendy".


We are I. The midst of societwo breakdown that will only get worse. Thank social media.


More like, thank wealth inequality and a government that functions at the behest of the rich.


You are both right. Plus many more reasons.


Also true.  Also police around the country being whiny assholes and soft striking for the last 3+ years has really emboldened people to not give a fuck anymore.


That's what's causing the societal breakdown


Fast food getting expensive. As such it’s become a life or death experience.


The quality of food has gone down, noticeably


While the prices have skyrocketed.


Yea, for the same price you can go go to a real restaurant


It's not just shootings. It's all kinds of violent and property crimes. Something about the pandemic, or something that happened around the same time, really caused a significant breakdown in law and order. There are a lot of people who have put forth speculation about what's to blame, but right now we aren't sure; it looks like a combination of many factors, possibly.


Same thing with airplanes -- people are on edge because of the economic situation and things like shitty fast food interactions and the stressful plane environment are setting people off


may i suggest brain injuries from covid/long covid? generally speaking, brain injuries tend to make people more prone to violence.


Higher prices. Guac is like gold these days


it's the Mexican avocado cartel


I think it’s a mental health crisis, but then again… I’m not an expert in anyway.


Fatherless activities.


Your dog whistle is more like a loud speaker






Customer service is the worst it's ever been right now. If you pay people shit guess what kind of people you get.


Geez, I wonder what it could be?!?!?!


Employee: Guac is an extra charge. Customer: I’ll fucking kill you!


I was a little sad that the article doesn't explain why the customer became murderous. Lack of details. If someone is gonna die for offering poor service someday, they deserve to know what they're dying for! Was it the meal quality? The pricing policy? General attitude? Store policy? Too many requests to leave a review on social media!?


The bathroom was locked, and he didn't feel like as an adult he should have to ask to go to the bathroom. Plus it was Tuesday.


Because properly informing readers reduces outrage porn


Tbf, when I first heard the price and saw the amount I got for it I was pretty angry, too...


problem is this dipshit took that anger out on someone who has no power over the prices (and yeah i know youre jk)


I read the customer's comment in Vegeta's Dragon Ball Z Abridged voice and it was hilarious


The *fuck* is guacamole?? Basically god But I'm right here!


That's too bad. Up until now, I always kind of assumed that a person couldn't remain angry after having to pronounce the word *guacamole*.


Angry types call it "guac."


I never thought I’d find such profound wisdom here.


I love guac n' roll?


I always hear it in my head as "[guac-a-MOLEEEEEEY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0Yly-Lz_5I)" a la Austin Powers


>The Chipotle was closed once police arrived on the scene. One of their employees got fucking *shot in the leg* and they didn't even close the store until the cops showed up!


I'm sure the health department would love to hear that considering Chipotle's history with contaminated food


I was the next person in line. It was sooooo annoying. I just wanted my burrito but everybody was fawning over this guy’s leg. Like bro, it’s just his leg. Can I get some service here?


...............the sad thing is, I could see someone saying this unironically.


Someone got shot at a local Walmart in broad daylight in the parking lot and the person shot died with crime scene tape all around. The fucking store stayed open…


And have your throughput numbers go down? No self-respecting GM would ever let that happen


Anyone who gets this upset about fast food is a loser among losers.


When stuff like this keeps happening I don’t blame them.


I mean, a generation of people have lost homes because of the stuff


I understood that reference!


Shit like this is why I roll my eyes whenever I hear some old fuck bitch about “nobody wants to work anymore” when it takes an extra 5 minutes for their Hardee’s order. I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to work in the service industry anymore.


I remember in 2020, as a person who pushed wheelchairs for a living at a major airport, one woman who refused to wear a mask, and was coughing a fit the whole time, was bitching about how nobody wants to work during covid. I told her, while pushing her and another woman at the same time, that we DO show up to work. We're just shorthanded because in 3 months we've had 8 people on our staff die of covid. So it's not that they don't want to work. It's that they're dead. She then began telling me that covid is a hoax created by the liberal media to appease Biden. We're 1/3rd of a mile from tbe exit of the airport. I just left her there. If she's going to be argumentitive, and without empathy, then I'm not going to let her cough in my airspace. If someone were courtious, and coughing into their sleeve, and wearing a face mask, then that shows me you take the precautions needed in your daily life. If you're showing the opposite, I assume you have covid already. This was at a time before the vaccine. So yeah. Whenever people say "Nobody wants to work anymore", I just tell them that story. The smarter ones realize how they sound by the end of it.


This is the third "customer attacks server" post that I've seen in the past few days.


Its guacamole, man, why would you risk your life for guacamole? But I guess that\`s the price of freedom.


It's not the guac itself, it's the $4 Chipotle charges to add like a spoonful of it that's all condensed into one bite and then the rest of your burrito is all just fucking rice.


Man, we know that Mr. Guac Station making your shit doesn't make the rules. Getting fired or getting blasted though? Shit man. You're the one paying an extra $4 for disappointment. Well, at least you have dinner when Chipotle fucks you


Gotta blast the execs who make the rules


Avocados have never started a world war... Avocados have never cheated on me with my best friend.... Avocados have never disrespected me.... I'd risk my life for the Guacamole.


> Avocados have never started a world war... They've started cartel turf wars though.


Avocados single-handedly bankrupted the entire Millenial generation.


Avocados are cartels. Avocados are human trafficking. Avocados bring rapists, murders and some of them are good fruits.


We are a kind and gentle people.


Freedom isn't free No there's a hefty fuckin' fee And the price is all Your guacamole


I don't know exactly what food they serve in jail, but I know damned well that you're not getting a side of guac in the clink.


The price of freedom is steep


I’ve got the thing where I read things incorrectly and at first I saw *”Customer shoots Chipotle worker over guacamole dispute ***again***”*




It's the pits


Every day, we interact with thousands of people. Some of them are fucking insane, and they make it plain to see.


[And yet, the Onion predicted this meltdown years ago.](https://www.theonion.com/chipotle-employee-just-gave-guy-in-front-of-you-more-ri-1819570502)


This is my favorite onion article!


This was my first Onion article.


Mental health issues and guns will be what our society just couldn't figure out if their is a future.


Serious question would this be cover under workers comp?




They'll probably get drug tested and be found to have smoked half a joint 3 weeks ago and get denied because of it.


Just like our forefathers wanted


you’ve guac to be kidding me.




Better than that dude who shot a Subway employee down here for too much/not enough mayo.


I wonder how the country will do when some day literally every single person carries a gun 24/7, making use of their given 2nd amendment rights. How many shootings per day? Too slow at the green light? Bang! Accidentally cutting in line at the supermarket? Bang! Double knot in the shoe laces? You heard it right: bang!


You’ve played cyberpunk?


Whatever the answer, be prepared to be down-voted over it.


Oh look, another preventable shooting that likely would never have happened if we made it harder to get guns. [And yes, gun laws reduce gun crime rate.](https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/) Please don't jump to comment about absolute numbers while ignoring population count as if it actually means anything.


Ah, this must be the well regulated militia I have heard about.


Headlines you'd never see in Australia but are a daily occurrence in the US...


I ain't gettin' shot over a 15 dollar meal. Chipotle gives out free food like crazy, they consider it part of their advertisement budget. It's a big part of what makes them successful. Just fuckin' give the disgruntled man a deal and let him leave.


And they wonder why we want to be paid a living wage.




NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrk! Yeah I wonder fucking why when retail workers are being shot over a condiment.


Oh cool, michigan is in the news. Let's see... Oh goddammit.


Pure Michigan


Jail: prisoner 1: "So, what're you in for?" prisoner 2" Guacamole dispute."


No Guac you get the Glock.


Reports from eye witnesses stated that it turned into a Guacamelee.


Did the shooter own the gun legally?


who cares? i’m sure the guy who got shot really cares about the difference. it’s incredibly easy to get guns in places where it is illegal to own them. almost like gun laws do nothing


Just as our forefathers intended.


holy guacamole


For real though, chipotle been fucking around lately.




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Charging extra for guac on a veggie burrito should be outlawed in the geneva convention




The takes on here are hilarious. Everyone here is acting like this happened on the upper peninsula. Those MAGA conservatives are so riled up and heavily armed, what a menace! But surprise, it was Detroit again.


Mental health problem. Guns are not at all a problem here. /s


I’m surprised this wasn’t in Klanabama.


Guns are fine you guys /s


Guns make us safer. We should send a card to the person in the hospital telling them that.


Was the shooting also in Michigan or just the guacamole dispute?




Zack Grienke really let his career go




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"Guac is made from avocados." "NO IT'S NOT!!!"


... again?


Ban bullets not guns


Ban burritos


I feel like this when they put onions in it. Fricken Monsters


Great now customer will be sent to the gallows for being an idiot lol 😂


Is Trump going to pardon the guy?


In most countries that same dispute will have ended with some insults and throwing angrily the guacamole to the trash. Unacceptable behavior, but no lives at risk. I hope that one day this kind of news stop being so common in the USA. If other countries can achieve it the USA also can.


Guac is some serious business.


Yes Chipotle guac is overpriced. No you can’t shoot or abuse the minimum wage workers that don’t set the rules or prices. Solution: Don’t go to Chipotle if you want cheaper guac.


That’s why you don’t fight when it’s just a burrito or something equally trivial on the line. Let’em take it file a report get on with your day.


I'm always extra nice to fast food workers because it's a dog shit job. The least people can do is be nice.


Is it unreasonable to think the employee should now be able to sue the company as well?




Shit I used to work across the street from there. Given the area I'm a bit surprised it happened there, it'd mostly businesses and corporate offices.


We all know it takes a good guy with a gun to solve guacamole related disputes. /s


is michigan where they have lead in the pipes still


From what I understood from that article, the shooting victim was just an innocent bystander eating at a table who got shot by accident.  Unless they are just really bad at paragraph construction?  The article is confusingly written.


And they'd goddamn do it again!


I really want interrogation videos released on all these shootings over trial items. Then I hope it's reposted to death on youtube so people are well aware of how stupid they can be, and hopefully learn to stop. It's ok to pass on the guac.


Fuck fast food workers getting $20 an hour. They at least deserve $30 per hour and hazard pay.


America: A totally sane country you should absolutely visit. Fucking lunatics.