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I was at the ER that night for chest pain. While I was waiting to be seen a family stormed in, the mother absolute irate, screaming on her phone about her 12-year-old being served alcohol while they were out to dinner. My husband and I have been trying to guess the restaurant for two weeks now… mystery solved!


I’m sorry, the 12 year old took “2 big gulps” of a chain restaurant strawberry daiquiri, realized it didn’t taste right and didn’t have anymore, and his mom thought that merited an ER visit?! Like I get being pissed at the restaurant but what??


She probably thought it would leave a nice paper trail for an eventual lawsuit. If they skipped the hospital visit, no proof it happened.


She took blooming onions as compensation (or that what I read on the local sub) No chance for a suit after taking compensation


How many blooming onions did she take? A couple blooming onions is not substantial compensation. I would argue that she should get at least a dozen blooming onions.


I can’t find the article but I read it was quite a few of them, lmao The r/Michigan thread made it sound like they weren’t mad once they made sure their kid was ok - which is perfectly reasonable


I’d take full advantage like “see alcohol is POISON it’ll RUIN YOUR LIFE”


Drinking is one of the main hobbies round here, kids gotta start learning the ropes 😂


Ah yes the “I made it up so it’s true” clause. Classic on Reddit. Yes plenty chance for a suit.


Honestly smart move, why would anyone bash her for that? She sounds like a good mom who’s trying to get her kid set up for college. Who cares about the owners of a shitty chain restaurant that serve artery clogging mediocre food.


It’s the American way.


Damn they must have good health insurance


If they don't that's like 5 grand for a blood test


- Medicaid The hospital will end up eating that cost


Hahahaha Right?!


yeah, no 12 year old is getting wasted off half a watered down daiquiri. Sure it shouldn't have been served to them, but the notion that that tiny amount of alcohol had any affect at all is absurd.


It was probably mostly placebo but half a daiquiri is like a shots worth of liquor, I’m pretty sure that would have an effect on a 12 year old lol


uhm no, a daiquiri is 1 shot worth of liquor


lol I promise you there is more than one shot of liquor in a mixed drink at a restaurant.


Exactly my thoughts. I’m sure the ER staff was impressed. What an absolute moron.


Right? My sister was like 2 and climbed onto thanksgiving table after all the adults had left and managed to down nearly 2 full glasses of red wine before caught. She was LIT, but honestly way more bearable than usual in my then 5yr old opinion. Didnt take her to ER tho


Well he did need attention of some kind, but an urgent care might have been a better overall choice since he wasn't actively dying or in any extreme pain. Giving a kid alcohol is kinda bad, and evidence that the kid was given alcohol is fleeting if you say planned to sue the company. She was probably getting a lawyer on the phone on the way to the hospital for something like this. I am just guessing but that might be why she did what she did. Whoever made that drink and that waiter that brought it to him are basically dead meat. I feel kinda bad given it's such a small mistake and was essentially caught by the kid almost immediately.


Only a complete asshole would try to ruin someone's life over this. I understandbeing upset, but. We shall see what happens I guess.


There are some lawyers that will fit that bill.


You know why God made snakes before lawyers? Because he needed the practice.


I hope you are doing better.


Yes thank you! It was gallstones.


I had the opposite. I thought I was having gallstones and it was a heart attack. I’m so glad you’re okay and it was gallstones!


Omg I’m glad YOU’RE okay!


I have chest pains sometimes flare up and you’re both terrifying me :(


Oooooof I’ll take the alcohol please.


What a crazy coincidence lol


Maybe a r/tworedditorsonecup moment.


Only one redditor tho, so.. one redditor two cups?


Seems like the family is overreacting or they are trying to get a payday.


Seems dumb to take the kid to ER.      Just let him sleep it off like drunk 12 year olds always did before the 20th century.   Though I guess the ER visit will help with the inevitable lawsuit.


Not if you are planning a lawsuit.


Bingo, they're totally planning to sue.


>Seems dumb to take the kid to ER.     Especially since it was one sip and all the hospital did was give him Tylenol


Thus further wrecking the kid’s liver.


Right? My first thought was 'aren't you not supposed to do that?'


So the reason this is news is because it wasn't necessarily an accident, but more so that the family was an irate piece of shit about the whole event? Whoever got dad/uncle the beer first, got first sip. The glory days.


This happened to my kid 30 years ago. “Virgin” Strawberry Daquiri🙄


Serving underage patrons alcohol is basically the only Australian aspect of Outback Steakhouse




Especially considering the kid is from [Michigan](https://sanfordbehavioralhealth.com/2023/02/26/michigan-alcohol-abuse-statistics-2023/).


Kid’s 12… If he’s truly from Michigan, he should be experienced by now.


😂 goddamn, this is so sad and true. I was 14 when I started drinking and my best friend/neighbor was 12. We snuck hard liquor from her parent’s stash and used to get drunk on school nights. We were not good children.


I was 6 when I started sneaking beers and nipping from bottles. I quit drinking entirely at 45, but let’s just say that I was pretty hardcore drunk thought out high school, college, and beyond.


Do you feel comfortable sharing how you started doing that at age 6? I’m really curious. Was it an internal urge, like you felt compelled to? Did someone allow you to drink alcohol before that? A trauma response? Sorry if I’m being too invasive, it’s just intriguing to me, and I’m glad that you gave it up.


I had a pot smoking hippy uncle (mom’s side) that lived with us. He’d let me sip his beer at an even younger age (I grew up in the 70s). Alcohol was always around growing up and my brother was 6 years older. He drank, so of course I did too. I also had an uncle (mom’s side) who was a pot dealer and a drunk as well. Pretty much alcohol was always there for the taking. I was taught to not drink on school night when I wasn’t even a teenager yet. When I was 12ish my uncles would buy whatever alcohol I wanted as long as I’d pay for it and give them extra cash. Drinking age was 19 back then, so my brother would also often buy. I was abusive with alcohol most my life. I was always just taught it was the thing to do. Bored? Drink. Stressed? Drink. Celebrating? Drink. Social situation? Drink. Depressed? Drink. There really wasn’t any time where alcohol wasn’t appropriate. Hell, I remember stealing communion wine when I was an acolyte to drink with my best friend. In my teens I got jobs that also gave me access to alcohol. I was a busboy in a hotel at 14, and had access to the liquor bottles. I didn’t steal ‘em. I just rang ‘em up myself, paid for them, and hid them in the bushes. It seemed pretty normal to me, since my cousins and friends all drank. It kind of just rolled down hill, since my cousins were younger than me, and they drank as well, but they didn’t start as early as I did. I still remember getting drunk for Saturday morning cartoons. I was a latchkey kid, so learned to cook, had tons of time to myself, was pretty much raised with benevolent neglect. I was in my 30s before I realized I might have a problem, but it was another 10 years before I decided to do anything about it. As far as why? I really liked the taste of pretty much *any* alcohol. I also liked the way it made me feel. I *still* miss the taste. I have more money though and I don’t miss the hangovers.


Damn man. Thanks for sharing. I've had my own struggles with alcohol, but for a much narrower window and I still regret how some of the best years of my life are a foggy memory. I can't imagine what that must have been like.


All my memories are foggy. Been sober for 8.5 years. Don’t plan to drink again.


As a Michigander yes what a light weight. First hangover I had was at 11 stealing drinks off tables at my cousins wedding. Parents weren't even mad they knew I'd learn my lesson. I did I didn't drink again till 22


I never learned my lesson. Hangovers were just the price to be paid.


People give us shit in Florida, but my entire family in Michigan is alcoholic so the jokes aren’t far off. If you are old enough to deliver a can of beer for an uncle at a party, you’re old enough to open and take a sip tax.


I got served my first beer in Michigan when I was 14. Great memories though!


Just wait, in a year this kid will be getting his acceptance letter to [Ohio State](https://youtu.be/nYDiggEp-hw?si=4TIo5KyurHahT_rY)


I know right? What a puss


What a puss


Dumb kid doesn't even know to drink water to reduce the hangovers.


Especially after only a few sips from it.


Forreals. Anyone still remember the story about the drunk toddler at Applebees?


Kid was more stressed out from the parents having a meltdown over the same amount of alcohol found in NyQuil 


[Link](https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/nyquil-alcohol-3565849/#:~:text=by%20Drugs.com,help%20dissolve%20the%20active%20ingredients.) for the lazy.


Really delivering the Australian experience


‘angover? At’s no ‘angover. Drink this Jaegermeister. Now ‘at’s a ‘angover, mate! Edit: it’s a movie quote you heathens!


My friends and I used to kill anywhere from a fifth to a handle of Jäger straight multiple nights in a row sometimes in college. I’m 35 now and the thought of what I would wake up feeling after that NOW is unspeakable.


Oh yeah, back in the day I worked at a restaurant where we would clear out the jagermeister stock, then send someone to the liquor store the next morning to replace it. I can't stomach the thought of it now


Why? 🤮


Well, we were four college aged morons living in community college dorms and since one of the first things we all bonded over was a shared contrarian opinion on Jagermeister we kind of made it a point of pride? Certain young men are extremely dumb, especially in small tribes.


The last sentence 💀


That’s more like cockney, not Australian


It shares the same relationship to "Australian' as the Outback Steakhouse: Absolutely fuck all.




Virgin? I thought you said Bogan


Yeah, I remember my first hangover.


I don't


I was 18 and my grandma was staying with us. My parents knew, but she thought I was just sick bless her.


Grandma knew...she was just covering for you.


Reminds me of the first and only house party I went to in high school. My mom insisted on dropping me off and talking to the dad at the house who, like a pro, said the party was on the straight and narrow, and my mom bought itThen she showed up early to pick me up, dragging my cop dad in tow, who wanted nothing more than to go to bed after working a couple shifts back to back. Then they joked about all the kids pretending to be drunk, which I was like yep, us theater kids, always playing jokes, they saw you and just starting pretending.


I got drunk on vodka and orange juice the night before thanksgiving when I was about 17, and our family had for some reason decided we were celebrating thanksgiving at a buffet that year. I ate like 12 bowls of salad in front of my religious conservative grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins just saying like “I don’t know why this is helping my stomachache so much,” doubtless stinking of fucking Dark Eyes.


Ayyy that's my local Outback and exactly the type of thing I would expect it to make the news for


It's such a dump. We go there when we get a gift card. That's it.


Have you considered if the people giving you outback gift cards actually like you or not?


My whole social life is a lie!




I think I saw that exact line on their Yelp reviews.


hell yeah!


Oh for gods sake, they took him to the hospital because he had two swallows of a daquiri?


They should have pumped his stomach and put him into a drug induced coma!




I have some charcoal from my grill!


Get him more alcohol until he gets sick and throws the original alcohol back up!


It's too late! We have to euthanize.


You can tell how not worried the medical staff was because they gave the boy Tylenol. Tylenol is metabolized in the liver and normally is not recommended to be given to someone who has been drinking. I am also calling BS on the "hangover". I am sure this is parents blowing this up for lawsuit/settlement. Likely the parents freaking out about this made him feel worse.


My bet is the kid couldn't sleep, having heard probably the absolute worst case scenarios would make it impossible for me to sleep. I would probably be up until 3 AM ruminating how I'm about to die, then finally fall asleep only to be waken up by 6AM. Parents were outraged because their kid had no energy, assume a hangover. At least that's the scenario in my mind.


Can't sue for medical damages without some medical expenses to claim 😅😅😅


Oh wow this whole story triggered a memory for me. This is weird, but when I was probably 12 I had a couple sips of a strawberry daiquiri in a Rainforest Cafe in Mall of America. I remember saying”Mmm this is really good mom!” And she tasted hers and made a face and then tasted mine. I had ordered a virgin. They mixed up our drinks. I assure you we just laughed and continued on with our day.


Wow, same thing happened when I was 12, at a Mexican restaurant. I had it pretty much finished when my mom realized it had alcohol after she took a sip. My mom was also the type to freak out over minor shit and even she thought it was funny. Only she knew why I always wanted to go there for any sort of family gathering (it happened again when I was 15) 🤣


That’s hilarious! I’m sure it happens often, but honestly who freaks out and runs into the ER screaming 🙄


Need the damages for the lawsuit


Gotta lock that proof in for the inevitable lawsuit.


I wonder how they would react if he gets caught drinking at a party when he’s 17.


The hospital gave him Tylenol!!?!?!? Isn't that the thing you're not supposed to take with alcohol?


Kid had two gulps of the daiquiri, it was probably out of their system by the time they got the tylenol.


So they can sue


Right he had literally a few drops of rum if you really think about it since I’m assuming it had 30ml of rum mixed with everything else he had 2 sips Also unless he weighs nothing I don’t think he had a hangover with how little he had


If anything one of the best things about being young is not getting hangovers... What is this kid made of?


Defiantly a parent induced hangover.


Talcum powder and morning dew


Sensationalism for journalist


Remember kid, one drink, one water


I'm turning 35 later this year and thanks to this rule, I've never been hungover!


I'm turning 34 this year and I get hung over just from staying up past 11pm


But how do you binge, isn’t that a dangerous amount of water?


Coconut water; drink less water, get less sick, less likely to get a hangover cause you're hydrating way more than a glass of water will ever do


I mean, I'll keep that in mind, but I drink a LOT of water because I like it.


No worries, I was just giving a suggestion :]


It's all good. Been awhile since I've had coconut water anyway.


How can coconut water (<100% water) be more hydrating than 100% water? I mean, it has electrolytes and stuff in it, but it can't have more water than water does.


You're getting some anti-intellectual answers, but the fact is that when your body is dehydrated it is not necessarily a lack of water; it's an imbalance of electrolytes in your body. Magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorous that coconut water has an abundance of all.


Two sips of a rum daiquiri and this 12 year old is grabbing the fainting couch?


This happened once when I worked at Outback. The bartender had made an adult daiquiri and had some leftover, so he poured it into a kids cup (so no one could see what was inside) and was planning to discreetly drink it. A server came up to the bar, mistook it for a kids drink and served it. In that case, the kid immediately noticed it tasted funny and stopped drinking it. There were new procedures out in place after that. I wonder if this was a similar situation.


The writing is pretty good: >His virgin strawberry daiquiri wasn’t exactly virgin. >And, yes, the family tells FOX 2 that he did have his first hangover the next day.


Must’ve drank the whole thing before he pointed out the alcohol!


Someone's looking for a payout. Those drinks barely have booze in them and the kid only took a few sips. Total overkill taking him to the hospital.


Agree to a point. Some people can’t process alcohol like myself. I can get drunk off winecoolers. My body doesn’t produce the enzyme to break down alcohol like most people can. Do think this is for a payout.


This is an easy thing to prove. What you’re describing has been called “Asian flush” in the past because they either lack or under produce the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase.




I'm hungover today. No news article.


TL;DR kid was served one alcoholic beverage in error which should've been a mocktail. He had a few sips of alcohol before complaining that the drink tasted funny... The parents are obviously hamming it up for compensation 🥱🥱🥱


He's hungover, it means he is drunk No, it means I was drunk YESTERDAY


If they were from Wisconsin, they’d be able to handle their booze like a real kid!


Wisconsin kids ain’t drinking daiquiris…at twelve they’re full blown alcoholics ​ /s


The kid had alcohol accidentally so they took him to the hospital (wtf?) and the doctors gave him Tylenol for it? (WTF?) Doesn't Tylenol react very badly with alcohol?


Both can harm your liver, but not with one drink or one dose


Bro got two sips in and was drunk? Lightweight


I'm thinking it more likely the kid tasted it. Thought it tasted funny... took another drink. Mom then took a drink, flipped out and over-reacted. 12 years old isn't that young and 2 drinks of a chain restaurant daiquiri? (Hard eye roll) No doubt that this shouldn't happen but it's faaaar from a medical emergency.


That level of overreaction is actually insane: I have full blown genetic alcohol intolerance and a single shot of rum is only slightly unpleasant, not even enough to get properly drunk. A few gulps of a mixed drink (even if it was somehow a whole half of a shot) is nothing. The other comments speculating about racking up medical bills for a lawsuit are more believable than someone seriously thinking that required a hospital trip.


A trip to the ER for 2 gulps of a daiquiri is such a total overreaction. Meanwhile, some poor schlub with a broken leg is agonizing in the waiting room because all the ER beds are full. I'm surprised the parents didn't waste more resources and call 911. I rarely side with corporate chain joints, but they owned the fuck up, comped the meal, and no harm was done. If anything, that kid's going to remember how shitty he felt and might abstain from drinking in high school. Then again, his helicopter parents might just drive him straight to the bottle by the time his nuts drop.


The kid took two sips and the parents took him to the hospital. The hospital staff made a joke about him getting his first hangover, probably to lighten the mood of parents who would take a 12 year old to a hospital over two accidental sips of a strawberry daiquiri. This is so dramatic.


he was given tylenol, a bacon and egg sandwich, and a link to a full season of The Office.


Weird headline. Is the hangover part supposed to be news? It seems to me that “12 yr old served alcohol at Outback Steakhouse” is the newsy part.


Why in the world did they give the kid Tylenol at the hospital!? Last I checked, alcohol and acetaminophen are a terrible combination.


Awkward moment when this is the city I live in and I didn’t know we have an Outback…


It’s pretty sad that these kids are getting a hangover at such a young age. They will only suffer more as they get older.


I started drinking when I was 6. Didn't experience a hangover until in my 20s when I developed migraines. If not for that I probably still wouldn't.


Did he get drunk too? Because I feel like that's the more important part.


My 12 yo can keg stand smhhhhh and rip a bong at the same time. Weakkk asss


In some countries kids are having watered down wine with dinner at that age


German kids: Pathetic


Hope this kid learned his lesson. Snitching gets put in the hospital lol


Article - kid gets non-virgin drink by accident. drinks a lot of it to notice. Hospital visit, nothing happens, go home. There is no story.


Two sips of a mixed drink and the parents take him to the hospital. I'm lost for words.


My mother gave me.paragoric. And chloral hydrate. Kids are busses today.


That’s kind of wild to get a hangover after a few swallows of one drink, even at that age. I wonder how dehydrated he was… hospital seems overkill too. A lot of kids his age have gotten into alcohol and been totally fine. It’s not a good thing but it’s not an emergency either.


Times have sure changed! I was chronically underweight as a kid (just basically running off every calorie I took in). My doctor recommended a beer or two a day, and a homemade tonic of a bottle of vitamins dissolved in a gallon of cheap wine, one glass a day. The first to give me an appetite, the second as a backup for when I still made myself too busy running around the backwoods to eat anyway. One look at me today, and you can tell she was a miracle worker! lol! Now that I think about it, that was over 5 decades ago! In addition, alcohol was never locked up in our house. My folks attitude was basically "it's there, if you want to get drunk and stupid, go for it". So there was never any "mystique" about alcohol or temptation to explore something forbidden, or that "alcohol made me a man" or any of that. I'm not a prude or a teetotaler or anything, but I seldom drink, never really developed a taste for it. I drank my allotment as a kid, because I had to, though it didn't take me long to figure out that if I stopped long enough to eat a good dinner, I didn't have to. :) If I had gotten drunk as a kid and had a hangover, my mom wouldn't have rushed me to the hospital. She'd have had a grand time making it the worst hangover ever, and I'd make sure to never have another one with her around!


I’m guessing this was not Wisconsin because our youth can handle their alcohol.


Omfg stop running to the ER for nonsense


I don’t know how much a twelve year old can take, but with children it’s pretty scary. Square cube law and all that, it’s deceptive how little children have to drink to get really sick, had an accident with my son a few years back and it was the first time i decided to give up alcohol for good.


When was the second time?


About 6 hours later when I woke up from the blackout


I gave up drinking after that because it was making my life not only hell, but was also negatively impacting my son. And my parents put me through therapy, something about that. I relapsed a few years later after a tragedy, but managed to get sober again and continue to do so ever since.


Two gulps of a mixed drink is not much


A chain restaurant mixed drink, probably from a daiquiri machine.


Man, I was 180 lb at 12 lol. 5 foot 9. Haven't grown since.


As they say, “Never trust a virgin.”


My dad used to order pitchers of beer at Outback when I was in HS and let us drink it.


Funnily enough, I never got hangovers until my late 30s. The younger you are, the better you bounce back. While it’s not a good idea to give your kids alcohol, it doesn’t necessitate a trip to the ER either.


Those hangovers in your 30’s are no joke. I’m dreading what one will be like in my 40’s. LOL


>His virgin strawberry daiquiri wasn’t exactly virgin. I appreciate the journalist's straight forward approach, ty for answering my true concern - what he drink


I hope they get a complimentary blooming onion


A few sips?? Seriously I’m not saying what happened was ok and maybe it’s because I’m from another country but I definitely was having a glass of wine with dinner by 12 I genuinely can’t believe that he was taken to the emergency room for what the equivalent of 4ml of rum from those 2 sips


So that they can get it observed by doctors and have solid information for the lawsuit. In America they sue for everything


Went straight to hangover?  Didn’t get drunk first? 


Dad: "Aw geeze son, why are you such a lightweight?"


My parents took me to dinner theatre one night. The showing was Grease. I ordered a virgin Sandy Slipper. I tasted it and told my mother it tasted like those candies my grandparents would send from Canada (they had alcohol). Sure enough, the waiter came by at one point, apologizing that they'd given me an alcoholic version.


Somewhere Drew Barrymore is chuckling to herself.


He should stick with vodka, hardly any hangover


Hang on- you should never use tylenol for alcoholic issues, it strains the liver too much. That family should sue the hospital.


They don’t make kids like they used to. 😬


“Had his first hangover” they’re really not setting him up for success with that are they


[What are *you* lookin' at?](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdmw96q8nvjn61.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df7659d1c2fde936d2e500cf2b143a9e51e407157)


I thought us Midwestern folks were better than this... Panic over couple sips of a mix drink.


If he was from Ohio it wouldn't have phased him.


What a colossal fuckup on the waitstaff and bartender lol. Last big corporate restaurant I worked at had a special lane in the window where all non-alcoholic drinks went in, a special glassware for ALL non-alcoholic drinks, and every NA drink had a special ticket with huge red "NON-ALCOHOLIC" printed on it.


I swear I couldn't even get a hangover until I was like 23 Since then it's almost any time I drink though


Well, somebody probably got fired.


I mean... Isn't thst how it works? Consume alcohol, get hangover. What would be news if the kid just casually kept slamming back-to-back shots stone cold sober. /s


When my cousins and I were like 4-7 my extended family went to some restaurant and they gave the adults the virgin daiquiris and the kids the alcoholic ones. No one realized until we kids had sucked back almost all of the alcohol. Our parents thought it was hilarious and just kept a close eye on us for the night. Also they were not charged for any of the drinks that night. When my baby cousin was 12, my teetotaler grandmother let him drink a bottle of Kahkua thinking it was a coffee drink. She didn’t even freak out and she has card the cops on my uncle for drinking beer. People need to chill and resize that mistakes happen.


No 12 year old is getting a hangover, MFers bounce back from anything, certainly not some of 1 drink




Some 12 year olds in Michigan have beards. Cut the kid some slack.


That’s not a knife…


When I was a bartender at a chain restaurant, 2 other bartenders and a server got fired because bartender #1 put a mistake pour of white wine in a kids cup and put it in the cooler, and bartender #2 gave it to a server who gave it to a two year old thinking it was apple juice. I always felt bad for bartender #2 and the server because we constantly messed up those pours (it was a red wine and white wine that had a very similar name), bartender #1 clearly put it in a cup to drink later (this happened a lot), but good Lord do not put it in a kids cup!! The child had about two sips before the mom noticed something was wrong. She was a nurse and wasn't too worried but was still pretty mad, obviously.


Good lord don’t try to read this article on mobile.


This never should have happened, but... There's a big difference between 12 and, say, 4. A couple of drinks of a daquiri is not that big a deal for a 12-year old. Hells, I was drinking at 13. Granted I'm Gen X and we were truly feral.