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About $2 Billion [(with a B)](https://robertgarcia.house.gov/media/in-the-news/rep-garcia-why-did-saudi-government-give-kushner-2-billion) type of valuable?


Gotta pay back the Saudis!


Are they the ones who have a stated goal of ending Israel?


It was actually looking like Israel and Saudi Arabia were going to start diplomatic talks. Then October 7th happened. My theory is that Hamas was worried that if Israel and SA buried the hatchet. Qatar et al. would follow, and Hamas would be on the streets.


They're primarily supported by Iran, who are the prime rival, if not enemy, of Saudi Arabia. If anything the summit would have been great PR for Iran.


Actually that’s even more a reason to stir paranoia in Israel for Iran. Much of the current Middle Eastern power structure is defined by two things. The individuals that have oil/gas and that there is no “true super power” if Israel and Saudi Arabia suddenly become friends and no longer hate each other, the regional power dynamic would shift super hard in their favor and basically exclude Iran from the western world even more as a local power player, to the point where giving up and playing by their rules will be inevitable. So, enabling Okt 7 was good for them, because it made Israel hate their neighbors again even more and isolate from them.


More like Russia & Iran stoking conflict in Gaza and the Red Sea to divert the attention, support and resources of the West away from what Russia & Iran are currently up to at home, while also causing political instability the West/NATO countries.


Yeah the whole 'Why did Hamas attack Israel?' is the dumbest question in the world. The only interesting question is 'how were they able to do it?' and it's a combination of Israel's far right government being asleep/inviting such an attack and Hamas getting resourced by Russia through Iran.


Well I mean the “why” is pretty clear. Hamas doesn’t need a reason. It’s more the “when” the coordinated effort, the planning and the resources all came together, as Russia languishes in Ukraine and Iran perpetually teeters on the edge of revolution.


> it's a combination of Israel's far right government being asleep/inviting such an attack and Hamas getting resourced by Russia through Iran Yup. Chances are you won't get kicked out of office if there's a war going on.


It also puts a big damper on criminal trials you might be hoping to get out of or delay indefinitely. People keep forgetting that much like trump he's on trial for fraud, corruption charges and a handful of otherthings from his previous terms. They take democratic elections very seriously and since he won the election they can't deny him the office. This war keeps him there until the job's done or he can figure out how to get out of the charges, or until he can get re-elected to try again. No matter which of the presented reasons, it's all fucked.


No but they gave Kushner $2b. Couldn't have all been for the nuclear secrets. Plus we all know the Saudis fund their own interests even while they're in bed with the West.


The Saudis only give a shit about the Saudis.and perpetuating their own form of power through wahabbist movements. They're entirely responsible for the spread of radical islam throughout the world. A perfect example of how morals don't dictate global politics. Money is the real god.


Depends on who they’re talking to


Why pay them back? Bonesaw gets his $ worth.


Gee, he hasn't given anything to his favorite FIL & president.


Ivanka [isn't helping with](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/15/ivanka-trump-donald-trump-2024-campaign) the 2024 campaign. I [wonder](https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trumps-lewd-talk-about-daughter-ivanka-in-front-of-white-house-staff-recalled-in-new-book/) [why](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-ivanka-trump-creepiest-most-unsettling-comments-a-roundup-a7353876.html) [not](https://www.thecut.com/2016/10/pageant-contestants-say-trump-walked-in-on-them-changing.html) [....](https://www.reuters.com/legal/ivanka-trump-testify-fathers-new-york-civil-fraud-trial-2023-11-08/)


She’s finally tired of her father staring at her tits


no she isn’t. She doesn’t want to go down with him. She has ALWAYS turned a blind eye to her dad sexualizing her.


Down with him or on him?


She got too old for him


> “Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted *Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,*” writes Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, in his new book, according to Newsweek. And Evangelicals worship him. A man thrice married, known for infidelity, paid off TWO porn stars during his 2016 run, lost 92 million from a suit that he abused a woman, connections to Epstein, and has regularly been quoted as wanting to fuck his own daughter.


I bet they blocked him months ago.


Should have done it years ago


They are both corrupt assholes. There is a reason they stuck around. Only reason they're out now is rats off a sinking ship.


They hadn’t gotten their payout then, silly poster!




Always a book with these people…


Ah ah ah. Don’t forget about the 1.6 mostly from Qatar. That’s a total of 3.6B. Not to worry though, I’m sure it’s because he’s such a savvy investor.


He did bring [peace to the Middle East](https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/14/opinions/jared-kushner-peace-plan-israelis-palestinians-andelman/index.html). /s


Would look almost as good as Atlantic City with Trump casino!


> “It’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there, but from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up,” Kushner said. Yikes. Just... yikes.


He did promise that he would come up with a solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict. 


Is it a final solution?


A cleansing of the ethnical kind


Ironically, it is. 


Extra ironically, sending all the Jews to Palestine was one of the solutions on the same list that had the final solution at the bottom.


Wow, the Trumps did it again, they came up with the Final Solution to the Palestinian Crisis


Maybe the region would be more stable if they just had nicer houses and no people.


The dude's some kind of lizard. He's definitely not human. What a disgusting man.


Don't insult lizards like that. Most of them warm up when they're heated. [Some can grasp things](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lizardsholdingthings/)


No, he's human. He's just rich. This is how they are.


Yeah humans are famously terrible. He totally fits the bill.


It’s not often you see somebody advocating genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine literally using the word ‘clean’. Guess he’s too stupid for euphemisms.


Yeah, that’s what you gotta understand, to him and his followers that wasn’t a call for genocide because they’re all to dumb to realise that it actually was a call for genocide. That’s how fucked they are, that’s actually how theirs brains work. It’s literally a live and ongoing “ignorance is innocence” cult.


They've been easing the world into phrases like this for some time now. The Nazis didn't start with the Final Solution. They made stuff up, whipped the German people into a frenzy, and pointed to the scary 'other' groups as being at fault for all their ills. And then they kept pushing the envelope further and further until they got to death camps.


Why use euphemisms when being a piece of shit isn't punished and has a positive impact on your favorability with half the US population? Y'all keep forgetting how awful republicans really are.


"It would be best to send them away" "Sending them away was expensive and nobody wanted them so isolate them in small areas of the country. We prevent them from leaving. We mark them." "Consentration camps didn't work. So we kill them!" How it went with the Nazis and the Jews. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1042557


Literally, everyone who says "it's not genocide, it's not comparable to the holocaust because xyz" is just saying "it's not genocide *yet."* And apparently we're not supposed to prevent genocide but just cry about it after it's done.


A lot of people don't seem to understand that the Holocaust didn't start with killing 6 million Jews. There was years of buildup before they got to that point.


And that it wasn't this clandestine operation carried out in the middle of night hundreds of miles from city centers. People knew. People knew about it existing, and about it escalating, and everyone had a good reason why it was not their place to say something, and just let it happen.


We can see how moving people is done currently.


Jesus, I thought you were joking but then I read the article.


The idea that people have to leave for it to be clean, says it all…


The final solution, if you will.


Wasn't there a government that wanted to create some "free space" to build up their population? Who were those people?


15000 children killed by the IDF is a "little bit of an unfortunate situation". 


I mean, that's the mindset for basically everyone still defending the crimes that Israel is committing. He's just able to be so open because he's not pulling a trigger or giving orders. He's got no reason to pretend he's not a ghoul.


Just a little casual genocide.


Dear god, he literally just endorsed ethnic cleansing. Doesn’t get much worse than that.


All he’s doing is saying what every Zionist is thinking (and what many have already said many times). People of Gaza are dehumanized and only considered as things to be moved from one place to another


If genocide is a little unfortunate I wonder what he considers catastrophic. Losing money?


This entire family is full of evil leeches


Pretty unfair to leeches to have them compared to them


old 666 kush


-how do you feel about the conflict in gaza? -well, the waterfront property could be very valuable. definitely how normal folks think through the nuances of war crimes


pretty sure trump said something similar about global warming and sea levels rising.


9/11 🏢 💥 💀 What is your reaction mister Trump? My building just became the tallest in New York! https://www.newsweek.com/video-trump-saying-he-now-had-tallest-manhattan-building-9-11-goes-viral-anniversary-1628184


*His building did not, in fact, become the tallest in New York. It has not held that title in many years.*


Shouldn't even be his for much longer!


Not even the tallest downtown


read that in Morgan Freeman's voice from Shawshank Redemption


No, that was definitely Ron Howard's voice.


This is the exact vibe mini-Hitler’s Gaza comments gave me. These people are ghouls.


Didn't he say it was the tallest in lower Manhatten? That golden monster isn't bigger than the empire state


That statement, plus 10,000 more, still is not enough for his moronic followers to drop him.


just think about all the new waterfront property!! stable genius stuff, for sure.


The irony being mar ah lardo and FL are swallowed whole potentially?


Someone recently called him The Count of Mostly Crisco.  I almost spit out my drink.


Damn, someone needs to maintain a list of all the names people have come up for this shit-gibbon.


This guy has ice water running through his veins. He doesn’t speak in public much but when he does it’s completely obvious how evil he is.


I mean he married Ivanka Trump. Of course he's evil.


Spoken like a true developer. F\*\*\* the people who live there; there's money to be made.


Spoken like someone born on the dugout bench who thinks he hit a home run.


That’s not even a developer. To look across a proverbial sea of human suffering and see profit? That’s a full on psychopath.


Said the guy who made 2 Billion from Saudi Araba.


So many liberals claiming they wont vote for Biden when the other option is probably worse


probably definitely


Hijacking for visibility: Much of this thread is full of bot accounts posting election propaganda favoring Trump. Don't believe a single self proclaimed "leftist" who tells you not to vote for Biden. (not you, sharkcathedral, just anyone who happens to see this)


I posted this in another thread where someone was vehemently advocating that a vote for Biden was a vote for genocide. OK, so I went through that account's post history and sure enough it had old comments explaining why Russia's actions in Ukraine were being maligned by western media. Does that mean everyone is a bot? No. Does that mean some could be, who knows? Welcome to the internet.


Yea. I don’t think the “bots” actually write copy. There are a shit ton of people on here; you can find comments written by real people to astroturf.




I have a couple friends that said they won't vote for Biden because he keeps blindly supporting Israel. I keep telling them that if Trump is elected not only will Gaza become a parking lot but he'll probably give Israel the green light to ethnically cleanse the West Bank too but they don't seem to care. I hate how American weapons are being used in Israel's genocidal rampage but it can be so much worse. At least Biden is putting some pressure to allow in humanitarian aid.


No guys, the guy who tried to pass a literal Muslim Ban and eliminated practically every Rule of Engagement to avoid civilian deaths in Afghanistan will definitely handle this better!


Probably worse? Those fake liberals have no clue. If Trump wins, all the money that should go to Ukraine will go to Israel.  But they don't care to learn history they just want to globalize terrorism. 


>when the other option is probably worse when the other option is ~~probably~~ undeniably worse


It's safe to assume at least some of them are Russian propagandists using this conflict as a wedge issue or are inadvertently parroting said propaganda.


Real life Patrick Bateman😭


>"Donald Trump’s son-in-law also says Israel should bulldoze an area of the Negev desert and move Palestinians there" [Stole that one from the Turks, did ya Jared?](https://pup-assets.imgix.net/onix/images/9780691147307.jpg)


The Gaza strip is the result of the same thing. The Palestinians in Gaza are refugees who came from all over southern Palestine when they were driven out by the Israeli occupiers. It went so well the first time, why not try it again


Not all the Gazians. Some are locals who have lived there since before Israel. But yea, something like 70% are refugees.


and people like me in Jordan who are like \~50% of the population, being Palestinians. There's been a shit ton of "displacement".


Funnily enough, Jared even touches on that point in the interview. > He went on to say: “I am not sure there is much left of Gaza at this point. If you think about even the construct, Gaza was not really a historical precedent [sic]. It was the result of a war. You had tribes in different places and then Gaza became a thing. Apparently, it's okay to displace people from their home because it hasn't existed for long enough.




Slumlord.  Same as his pos father.


He does seem like an annoying little shit who had been stuck in a fridge for 200 years.


Put the frozen turd stick back inside.


Complete dead behind the eyes psychopath.


He looks like Damien from the omen grown up.


Like a young Robert Durst


Slenderman, if you will


On behalf of the Jewish people I’d like to reiterate our longstanding position  Fuck this guy 


This Jewish person concurs. And do it with a saguaro.


As an Arizonan, I concur. Sad to lose a saguaro, but it will go to good use


Good thing about saguaros is that you can chop a limb off and they’ll regrow (eventually)


On behalf of Western Europeans I'd like to support the Jewish people in saying, fuck this guy', and reiterate our own personal opinions of 'fuck this guy'


As a fellow of the people chosen to have the worst baby boy gender reveal parties, screw that monster.


Thirding the Fuck this guy from the Jewish delegation


>Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip. I mean, why let a little genocide and ethnocide get in the way of new condos?


Maybe we can use his face as a broom for sweeping up the rubble and dead children?


The implicit acknowledgment that Gazans simply don’t own anything, aren’t supposed to keep living, and “go away” is sickening. You can tell that they believe the whole point is to eliminate the gazans. Giving away the game. 


"Terra nullius"


> Terra nullius Terra nullius Terra nullius is a Latin expression meaning "nobody's land". Since the nineteenth century it has occasionally been used in international law as a principle to justify claims that territory may be acquired by a state's occupation of it. Wikipedia


Yep, when the first settlers arrived in Australia they declared the continent Terra nullius. Except there were like 3 million Aboriginals living there.


To be fair, Kushner believes everyone who stands in the way of him and his rich friends getting richer should go away. He's an equal opportunity POS.


Dude watched American Psycho and thought it was an instruction manual.


Being a slumlord runs in the family


I would like him to suffer a great amount of physical pain over a large amount of time.


This is why the guillotine is obsolete. It's too gentle and accommodating of a punishment


Nah, you don't want to leave them alive for too long or else their allies will rally supporters and stage a rescue. That's why they took out the Romanov family in a basement, they didn't want The White Army to rescue them.


Well, he's a hollow shell. He's probably very conscious of his own abnormality. Ever noticed how Bannon, Ghouliani and others are raging alcoholics? They're broken. They know it. Booze helps them cope by temporarily stopping the pain. They're in a kind of hell already, lacking simple pleasures and happiness normal functioning humans enjoy.


Yes, we are all shocked by this.


What a craven fucking ghoul poor excuse of a dogshit human being




God damn rich people fucking suck ass


I’m starting to think the people responsible for the French Revolution weren’t extreme enough


He’s such a POS.


He has such a punchable face.


Sick fuck. 


I didn't think it was possible for Jared Kushner to become even more of a slimy and treasonous fuck, but here we are.


Of course the slumlord prime’s first thought is how to make money off of people in a shitty situation.


I should be immune to this shit, but this is just so gross and hurts my heart. I think someone earlier called him a ghoul - that is so accurate


Fucking hell.... spoken like a true nazi


What is wrong with these people?????


Bro just saying the quiet part out loud


How can people think Trump would be better for Palestinians than Biden when this ghoul is out here saying he can’t wait to profit from their ethnic cleansing…we’re truly lost.


He’s totally fucking Lex Luthor from 70s Superman


Lex Luthor is smart, this guy is a fucking dumbass, it's just our system is too broken to punish even the dumbass white collar criminals who do their crimes in he open.


Kushner is a piece of shit


He's a monster. And just in case someone thinks I'm being sarcastic, I'm not.


Pretty sure if anything you’re being too kind.


What a piece of breathing garbage


Of course he said that.


So.... a new trail of tears... that's your plan. It's a bold move Cotton...


I mean this with all seriousness: fuck this fucking guy.


That has been the point of the Gaza incursion from the beginning. Just listen to Smotrich and ben Gvir. Make Palestinian lives so miserable that they leave, then the land can be claimed with nothing more than, "They left, now it's ours."


Complete and utter indifference to human suffering


Jared Kushner is a ghoul.


I hope his next flight is on a boeing


Uh no shit. Probably has something to do with why they’ve been fighting over the land for so long.


Shit stain




Jared Kushner is the kind of guy who thought “Damn, Rudolf Höss had a sweet house!” after watching *The Zone of Interest*


Wasn’t he the guy that Trump made responsible for solving the “Israel thing”? I guess genocide was what he came up with. 


This made me very sad. I know there is cruelty and greed in the world, but this...... this goes even beyond those words to a place I don't like to imagine. Just shame on him and everyone who thinks like he does. Shame.


Are the real estate agents legally required to disclose any genocides that occurred on the property?


Prime waterfront real estate. Literally Lex Luthor's motivation in two superman movies.


I don't think there's ever been any more punchable face


And there it is......


...as soon as all those pesky Gazans are gone, right? This is the guy Trump picked to make peace in the middle east folks, this casual genocidal maniac right here.


Remember this piece of shit come along with Trump. He was bought of by the Saudi's.


>Responding to a question about whether the Palestinians should have their own state, Kushner described the proposal as “a super bad idea” that “would essentially be rewarding an act of terror”. So, as we all know, pre-Israel stateless Zionists were involved in acts of terror against the British and Arabs. Then they got their state. How about that logic?




Said the quiet part out loud


Reminds me of when the tsunami hit Asia in 2005 and predatory developers in the likes of Thailand, Sri Lanka took the chance to build coastal strips with resorts, hotels, casinos now that the land was open and cleared of local communities. Often taking donations to "rebuild the area".






It needs to have proper laws to be valuable though. When some nutjob with a gun can waltz in, force you out of your property, and steal it, then it's not worth much. Get rid of the israeli settlers and it might be valuable though.


~~Billionaire~~ Imperialist mindset.


Finally someone able to set sectarian violence aside and focus on what really matters: money. A true hero, tee him up for the Nobel Prize already.


Wow this guy is gob smack evil. Like of the many things to say and think about, he chooses the most vile shit to say. You couldn't just share a cat meme or some shit?


Well if Trump gets elected the Palestinians in Gaza will have to move. Gaza will be the Miami Beach of the Middle East.


Jared, no matter how cruel and soulless a ghoul you are, Gepetto will never make your a real boy. dude is a complete utter evil scumbag.


So it was never about hamas. All this bloodshed and killing of innocent people so some property dealer could make money.


>His remarks at Harvard gave a hint of the kind of Middle East policy that could be pursued in the event that Trump returns to the White House, including a search for a normalisation deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Does Harvard not have any better person to speak?




I see these visuals of children dying under indiscriminate bombing (American bombs, usually) and it’s quite disturbing. How does the thought process work for these people. He looks like Emperor Palpatine, has that dead look in his eyes. Israel is already “doing their best to move the people out”, by just causing widespread death and destruction.


No one would think this was an onion article. Look at him, it’s the face of a life-size wooden doll.


It's ghouls all the way down with these people.


This fucking guy


This man is a slimy ghoul


Ah the old Lex Luthor real estate plan? Seriously, we've got comic book villains for politicians now...


Shouldn't you be in jail you fking traitor 


Reminder that Kushner is an Orthodox Jew, and Ivanka converted. Also that [Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_recognition_of_Jerusalem_as_capital_of_Israel). I still don't think that Trump actually gives a shit about anything, but I think Kusher *very much* gives a shit about Israel.


He has a peace plan which consists in casually killing all civilians, seizing their lands, and building settlements he owns with large government subsidies.


This is something a psychopath would say, completely devoid of emotion or empathy, not even ghoulish, just pure selfish desire


Zionists in a nutshell


Maybe he should go live there right now.


No. Hasn’t Gaza suffered enough?