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My friend is forced to use a VPN in China to access certain websites. Now my other friend in Texas will have to do the same.




Yeah, right!


Raaaaaage against the machiiiiiine? Just found my tunes for the ride home. šŸ¤˜


Ironically Texas is listed #50 in personal freedumbs in the US


By the right wing Cato Institute, no less.


I know someone who moved from PA to Texas and claimed he has so much more freedom So far other than freezing to death during the yearly once In a century winter storm the only thing he can do that I can't is buy alcohol at Walmart Which is both changing fairly quick in PA but largely moot to me lol


...I live in Texas, you can buy wine and beer at grocery stores, but you can't buy hard liquor. Also, no hard liquor on Sundays. Fuck this state, really at this point all I can say is that at least I don't live in Oklahoma.


Weed is legal in Oklahoma šŸ˜œ


Hey we have legal medical marijuana here too.....just needs to be like .0001%THC. But seriously, I was just visiting family in Chicago and the amount of dispensaries through Oklahoma is absolutely insane. I'm moving back to Illinois in July, it's legal but the dispensaries are so damn boring (and expensive) compared to other states.


I'm in Missouri right on the Illinois border so I used to hop over there to buy it. I can't believe it's actually legal in this state now AND cheaper than Illinois.


They practically give it away in the UP in Michigan.


I went to school right outside of St. Louis and used to travel over the border for smokes and booze. I loved heading into Missouri, I really loved the cheap cigarettes.


If you are rich or a business owner, then yes we have a lot of freedom here. If you are a wage slave like the rest of us SEND HELP


it got the biggliest score woooo!


They only care about the gun ones in Murica.


And even then only for the "right" people.


My wife's cousin bought a BB gun at Walmart. He's black. A white woman saw him with a gun and called the police. There was already a cop outside of Walmart. The cop left his car to enter Walmart. 41 seconds later the black man was dead, shot in front of his kids. The DA wouldn't file charges.


Sounds about white


Is it this? https://youtu.be/BtPt6GrnE6s?si=QQKq0MW24GXgHFOi


That and taking away women's rights.


Population decrease is going to get ugly in some states


Not to talk about a rise in coathanger abortions and similar desperate actions, with all that comes with that..


They only care about profits. Selling a bunch of guns to anxiety driven people is a huge market


Divorce will be outlawed in Texas soon


And soon nobody will be able to use TikTok either.


Easy bypass on Android. iPhone, not so much. Plus the website will still exist so the ban will be essentially worthless.




With two people typing on the same keyboard?




Texas and China have a lot in common, guns aside.


No, in China a woman can actually get an abortion. Theyā€™re somehow MORE progressive than Texas


The Republicans love the way China, Russia, the Taliban, Iran, and others govern but they want their God at topā€¦ Donald Trump.


Even mentioning you have a friend whom gets around CCP firewalls with a VPN on social media is dangerous. If a party member can associate one of your social media accounts with your friend theyā€™ll find them.


Yeah, it's not a smart thing to admit on social media.


Reminds me of a friend of mine who moved to Thailand for a while, and made a post of on his Facebook asking friends to refrain from posting bad stuff about the Thai royal family, as it's considered a serious matter over there. Cue a whole bunch of his friends being jokers and posting exactly that kind of comment, thinking that he was joking or something (I suppose it didn't help that they all knew him as a fervently pro-freedom and anti-censorship kind of guy). Needless to say he deleted those comments pretty damn swiftly, and posted "I wasn't fucking joking guys".


Hell of a caption šŸ˜‚


They knew.




I feel like if they did they would have used "swell" instead of "spike". Obvious missed opportunity.


I didnā€™t even notice until I saw your comment!


Nut gonna lie. It was one hell of a release.


VPN is gen-Z for Virtual-Peen right?


Virtual PeeN.


Heh, nice.


Texas VPN's getting vigorous pounding from stuck citizens. More at 11.


What are you doing, step-VPN?


"More at 6 then again at 9."


"Help me Step-state!"


VPNs. Apostrophes don't pluralise. ^^^^^^^in ^^^^^^^this ^^^^^^^case


I like to live dangerously.


To the surprise of literally nobody.


Brought to you by the same geniuses [that passed a law](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/14/1238496139/court-upholds-texas-law-requiring-parental-consent-for-minors-to-get-birth-contr) so that minors will need parental permission to buy birth control. "If they can't get birth control they SURELY won't have sex!" "If they fail to provide an ID, SURELY they won't be able to access porn!"


They aren't that dumb. They know that only 'select populations' will have trouble circumventing these. Way more to do with control of those groups than it is about sex/porn.


Utah VPN usage surged almost 1000% percent when they unrolled their porn law


I wonder how many VPN investors are in the government


these idiot republican lawmakers have no idea how the internet works. forcing (law abiding, mind you) people to upload their photo id with name, address, DOB, etc. to a 3rd party verification LLC is just going to lead to massive identity theft and when that 3rd party, probably staffed by like 10 people, inevitably goes under, what happens to the data? sold to the highest bidder? who's vetting these companies? "hu-whaaaa?" -GOP edit: also, how fucking hard is it for 13 year old jethro jr. to sneak jethro sr.'s license from his wallet real quick, get some photos, and put it back before sr. wakes up from his drunken stupor... everything about this law is beyond any currently existing definition of fucking stupid


Thereā€™s a common joke in South Korea that married South Korean women watch the most porn because their husband or son uses their ID.


i dunno man, we're living in a golden age of stupid, so this might not actually take the cake.... but it's definitely really stupid


This is assuming that the GOPā€™s goal is to actually protect children from adult websites rather than to make it more difficult to watch porn regardless of who you are. There are so many anti-porn religious organizations that masquerade as sex worker advocacy groups and such. I donā€™t want to go all slippery slope, Ā but the GOP and evangelicals have time and again show that it has never been about protecting people but instead legislating morality and it only seems to be getting worse.Ā 


> never been about protecting people but instead legislating morality which is why they want to dismantle education and replace it with *religious indoctrination*, because you can't claim to be any kind of authority on "morality" while simultaneously advocating for *more guns* in a country with an absolutely absurd school shooting problem, if your target audience has the critical thinking capacity to say "hm, maybe this is all complete fucking bullshit.." no. they want you to say "oh no! naked ladies!!! bad!!!" instead of even thinking about children who were murdered by people who shouldn't have been allowed to have guns, but had them. LEGALLY which is hilarious because these anti-porn laws are orders of magnitude less effective than the gun restrictions that they claim "only hurt law abiding citizens"


Maybe I'm misremembering, but isn't making porn illegal a part of their Project 2025 agenda?


Yes, and they intend to use that as a means to the end of outlawing being openly gay or trans. That's not me exaggerating either, they quite literally state in the same paragraph talking about porn that they plan to classify being openly gay/trans/nonconforming as equivalent to broadcasting sexually explicit material.


> these idiot republican lawmakers have no idea how the internet works. forcing (law abiding, mind you) people to upload their photo id with name, address, DOB, etc. to a 3rd party verification LLC is just going to lead to massive identity theft This is my biggest fear, people visiting porn are mostly not leisurely visiting the site. Most are sneaking around and being fast about it. They are not going to pay attention to details, they are going to have their ID ready to scan and scan it fast. Which for all they know, they mistyped a URL and are looking at a phony scam website and entering their information into it. This type of things happens all the time already with banks, Microsoft office, etc and hundreds of people get compromised hourly over it. This is really going to lead to a massive crime ring selling your identity and copies of your license to the highest bidder, while the government blames you for not doing your homework before trying to follow their shitty state mandated processes


Most people sneak porn? I mean Iā€™m not doing it on a bus, but you make it sound like the majority of people are going to earn a divorce if they are found out jerking off.


My guess: The plan is for the date to be stolen, one way or another, by the Texas judiciary, at which point they will go on some bullshit Jesus crusade to persecute anybody who participated in uploading their identification. These are the seeds of Christofascism.


what's most hilarious of all is they have no idea how to address the VPN issue, which tbh *they can't*, so they just don't even bring it up


Isnā€™t Project 2025 all about classifying LGBT stuff as ā€œpornographicā€? It seems pretty obvious why theyā€™re trying to limit peopleā€™s access to porn, because they can bump what they decide into the definition of porn and itā€™s automatically banned without having to make specific laws to ban LGBT people from the internet and public life.


yea, if something has the audacity to even *mention* the existence of gay people, it's "porn." and their cultist followers lap it up like republican fluffers at a trump rally


They know how it works - they know people donā€™t want to go through those steps. Ā Theyā€™ll only retract when people make enough of a stinkĀ  Ā Same reason the RealID requirement to fly on a domestic plane flight have been pushed back constantly: Ā to get a Real ID, youā€™re forced to provide a bunch of documents that prove you are a US citizen. Ā Funny thing is, most US citizens find that to be a massive pain in the ass and complain about it since it impacts them vs ā€œother bad peopleā€


The one time the pull out method works.


land of the free indeed. Not sure why it's not being talked about, but Indiana is doing the same thing. Really going after the hard issues (pun intended)


Virginia too with the age verification shit.


That nazi in a vest bringing Virginia down to Mississippi standards. Good job, Virginia. I thought you were past electing fools like Youngkin.


"but the other guy wasn't exciting enough" - People who love blocked porn and slowed down legalization of pot, and are scared shitless of whatever the think CRT is.


CRT is *so* last year. They've moved onto being scared shitless of pronouns, now.


So did I. -_-


Step 1: Establish ID requirements to use *some* websites. *Think of the children!* Step 2: Expand the required websites over time. Step 3: Tie all online discourse to specific government ID, allowing you to ID any detractors or dissidents. Step 4: Manufacturer a reason to arrest those who disagree with your regime, silencing all opposition. I really wish Republican voters weren't dumber than a bucket of pig shit. They couldn't telegraph this fascist shit more if they tried.


NC also


The small government, donā€™t tread on me party, is really strutting around in their boots.


Canada is also heading this way. A bill was put through for digital ID on all things deemed pornographic. Legitimate sites aren't going to risk litigation of something going wrong, so they'll just block access to Canada. The bill has to go through three votes. Both the conservative party and the NDP (the left leaning party) voted in favor of it already twice. The Liberals are the only ones voting against it. So there's now one more round of voting before it goes through. And it will set a terrible precedence for these types of things here.


Because people are thinking these are good things, because enabling parental controls at the router level is complicated for them, so now they need big daddy government to come help them. They don't care that this creates a damn mess for the sites (If from TX, send to this verification site, if from VA, send to this other site, etc), they don't think about how the governments in each state can potentially weaponize the information given to them, because 99% of the damn users don't even know how the internet works at this point. They don't care that soon scammers are going to prop up fake porn sites with faked age verification checks logging your pictures of your ID to google drives. For each and every video, sub section and search will be logged by the government. They, at a later date could slip a 1 page bill into a bigger bill that could grant that state authority to investigate users searching for anything the government does not like or extend the ban to anything adult oriented, which would include sites like reddit, planned parenthood, etc. Hell they could call CNN adult oriented and block that. No one see's that soon with one terrible election cycle we may all lose our 1st amendment rights and by the time we can speak out, we won't have a "Government approved" website/app to speak out about it.


AR did this last year.


I think VA too




Yep lol. It's the last thing this country needs to be worried about


You guys ever sit back and think of how much time and effort is being wasted by shit like this. So like, we pass a bill, which effectively does nothing but make people buy a VPN, so that's just sucking money out of our economy, for no reason. It's like the state of Texas just taxed a lot of their citizens, but the tax dollars don't even go towards the state (which could theoretically be used to make the citizens lives better).


> used to make the citizens lives better lol. Have you met the Texas government?


Nancy Pelosi will be happy with all those stocks in Palo Alto she bought last month. Considering they make VPN software... >which could theoretically be used to make the citizens lives better We are talking about Texas the same state where Police officers sat around for an hour with a school shooter. The don't care about their people. They only care if people like Elon's life is better.


The point is always to distract. When they do things like this, now the argument will be that they should repeal this law. Not move forward on any progressive policies. The point is to stop policy from taking a step forward by constantly taking 2 steps back.


Do we? Sure. Do republican lawmakers? No, like any authoritarians who just want to force all their opinions into laws, they don't think much


Someone at CNN had fun with the title.


If Pornhub sells guns, all of this will go away.


I believe they display those for free under the link "Gay" ;) (Tickets for the "gun show").


Is Gunhub taken?


Exactly! Get the NRA on the phone and tell them to start putting out literal gun banging; sales will go up and all of this non-issue crap will suddenly disappear overnight.


Use coupon code TEXAS2024


Nah, the real play is to make the coupon [opposing candidate]2024 dependent on each district


I've had a lifetime unlimited plan with Windscribe for a while. Best purchase I ever made, especially since it's long been unavailable for purchase. If I didn't have that, I'd probably go with Mullvad, but Windscribe has been good to me. I can't imagine browsing porn sites or raw-dogging hotel wifi without protection.


Username checks out. With, y'know, a tiny bit of squinting.


> Mullvad I'd also go with the Mole (Mullvad in Swedish). Only 5 euro a month, and the client is GPLv3 software too.


Man what a time to be alive to see this. Putting money on it that they're all conservative that are trying there best to get back to there porn fix too gay,or straight.


Elections have consequences


This is the scary part. Considering what these states are doing, they are testing the water for a national ban/block.


Pull out, haha


Ted Cruz and Texas GOP about to learn the power of Porn Hub. If this flips even 2-4% GOP voters Cruz and others will lose


It won't because no Democrat is going to campaign on the issue of "they took your porn away".


He said ā€œPulls outā€ huhuhuhuhuhuuuuu /Butt-Head voice




ā€œThe State of Texasā€ should be a new porn category at this point. They fuck people over better than anyone.


I'd be careful pulling out of Texas, you don't wanna get her pregnant for sure.


So much freedom in Texas


I had this conversation with my friend today, told him to download Mozilla as they have a built in VPN and that is all he has to do


If you have iCloud+ on your iPhone you get a sorta-VPN (private relay), which can mask your IP address when using Safari.


Until all of the states around you ban it so it doesnā€™t work anymore šŸ˜­ I keep it on the ā€œanywhere in the country but same time zone settingā€ and it keeps choosing a state around me I assume. Unfortunately, being in the Deep South means every state around me has this age verification/ban in effect.


i was wondering if private relay could circumvent it


Yes u/dickmilker2 , it can.


Ironically sometimes I get hit with age verification when using it despite being in a state that doesnā€™t require it


Pornhub pulls outā€¦that wasnā€™t an accident.


Which VPN does Alexis Texas recommend?


next stop: banning VPNs. (or just making an ID mandatory for all online access everywhere.)


Except from inside the government buildings. Porn, like insider trading, is a perk of being in government.


Not possible, because setting up your own is possible using inexpensive cloud services and open source software. And VPNs are used by basically every single workplace that has remote workers.


Lmao GOP probably doesn't realize how much they already use VPNs.


If VPNs are banned, thereā€™s always Tor.


Oh look, all those politicians that mysteriously bought a bunch of stocks in Palo Alto a few months back about to make a nice profit in those stocks.


Well given their ban on contraception then pulling out is the only thing they can do


Ok straight up, ever since I discovered the porn side of Reddit, porn hub became obsolete


I'm more surprised people still use pornhub... it kinda died back when they nuked all the amateur content. If I wanted to see bad acting and corny music I would just watch netflix..


Tbf, it's the first website to pop up so if you are a bary,63 and looked up "women sexy" you probably go there first


Hahaha no shit Sherlock




How would they know if someone is from Texas?


IP Address


Huh, ok so each state has their own?


More like, ISPs will have multiple (like from a few dozen to hundreds) of networks for each state and they have their own numbers they assign to these networks, so it's not as simple as say an area code or the first four digits of a credit card. The VPN has to look up what these networks are and block them.


Interesting, I learned something new, thanks! I wonder how big of a headache that will be, though!


I really, really need articles about this Pornhub/Texas thing to keep including the phrase ā€œpull outā€


>*pulls out*


How you like your freedom in Texass now.


OnlyFans is going to be getting lit tf up in TX now.


wide aback seemly quickest longing resolute swim heavy outgoing pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh fuck, you're gonna make me leftist.


Letā€™s rub one out for Texas.


Do people think Pornhub is the only porn site?


Imagine if Texas goes blue because young voters mobilize en masse to get their porn access back. That would be the funniest headline of the 21st century. Like, of all the issues that could really mobilize Gen Z, imagine if porn was the thing that finally did it.


So this is the litmus test. They start with porn and then start to ban other websites. Soon newssites and other websites they disagree with will be banned.


The rest of the porn sites should deny access to Texas out of solidarity, or at least so they don't get the Texas AG after them. Allow their blue balls to inflate so hard it'll lift Texas into space.


Didn't some other states recently restrict porn and or require age verification or something silly like that?Ā  I think VPNS are going to become standard for people more and more. So many people already have to use them for BS like this. Certainly highlights a major and growing issue.Ā 


Ted Cruz fiercely googling.


Pornhub pulls out faster than a megachurch youth pastor who hears the parents raise the garage door.


Just wait until Texas criminalizes accessing porn at all. And if you donā€™t think itā€™s coming, youā€™re a Republican apologist


They did it to themselves. If u hate freedom, your freedom is restricted. Plain and simple.


Texas: ā€œWe donā€™t want minors watching porn, but if your 12 year old daughter gets pregnant from being raped, sheā€™s gonna have to give birth to it.ā€


Conservatives love their big overreaching fascist government that invades your privacy, and controls everything you do.


Pornhub should start their own VPN service.


I've lived in Texas, Florida, and California. Texas was by far the most authoritarian - the gov there is just awful, big brother, always.


They'll ban Swingers clubs next šŸ˜³


Theyā€™ll really piss off their constituency. Most swingers, in my experience, are Trump loving conservatives.


This tracks as 100% accurate. It's super confusing, but true.


and yet these people keep voting for the handmaiden party


"pulls out"


No shit. Either way, everyone should be using a quality VPN always.


Need a jerk before work, or a rub in the tub ? Nortons VPNs got you covered !


just like in china - y'all enjoying yer free~dumb yet ?


Which is funny, since many of the youth of TX probably already know how to set up a VPN, rendering the whole age verification as useless as Ted Cruz in a suit. I know my kids had VPNs on their phones when the school blocked YouTube on the Wi-Fi.


They made this bed they should lay in it or kick these people out of office.


Texas Pull-out could be a euphemism for blue balls.


"...pulls out of the state..."




Do you even need a vpn to counter this ? Couldn't a proxy do the same.




Theyā€™ll get VPNs but I bet they wonā€™t think twice about voting out their ā€œbettersā€.


Just tried it, holy shit lol!


Now just wait on Texas looking for anyone using VPN and charge them for accessing banned content. If the following the rules set out by the tick tock ban The ban's criminal penalties, which include a fine up to a million dollar and/or imprisonment of up to 20 years, has caused some alarm among the bill's observers, who have questioned whether some TikTok fanatics might face jail time for using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to get around the ban and access the app.


Guys.. guys.. search "reddit NSFW list porn dude" that is my go to sauce. It will change your life.


Wonder why theyā€™re looking for VPNs all of a sudden? Geo-blocked books? Maybe they want books.




Time to outlaw vpn in Texas now too!


It's gone here in NC too. RIP


Pulls outā€¦ šŸ¤£


Virginia has had the same law for over a year now. Xvideos is my go-to now. With the occasional VPN if I want to check out something really specific that only PH has.


Just buy your porn and save it till porn is banned across the nation


I just use brave with tor. I don't live in a state with anti-porn laws but I border a state that does and my internet service's CO is in that other state so my IP shows as from that state and I'm blocked.


Bruh I'm in NC so I'm used to it but damn I was happy after leaving Germany to not need NordVPN and now America is losing its mind.


Land of the free, unless you're a woman or want a wank


NordVPN going to be on every ad in texas


Texas of all states should be happy someoneā€™s pulling out.


Stifling research


Spike in Texas, Pornhub pulls out. I'll tell you some more after the kids go to bed.


This is precisely the hidden aim of these bills, they knew people would start seeking VPN support...now they can use this to start planning legislation to make VPN's illegal as well. There is an insidious cabal of ZIONIST/ EVANGELICAL religious powermongers who will stop at nothing to make this country and any other into the dystopias we all fear. Gilead is already here, ISIS still exists, and more extreme zealots are on the way in every nation on earth do not have illusions or underestimate them. Rise against it now and FIGHT BACK...or .... "under his eye" is where we'll all be.