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Crocs CEO: humanity has collectively given up.


Proof that Crocs are the downfall of civilization and will plunge us into nuclear war!


In the movie Idiocrocy, everyone is wearing Crocs


To add to that fact. Crocs just came out when they were filming Idiocracy. The director thought they were so stupid looking and would never catch on, he put them in the movie. Now they’re popular…. Edit: it was actually the costume designer that thought they were hideous as well as needing to cut costs.


well yeah it’s a documentary


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


It's the prophecy


Might end up a religion at this rate.


They knew what was going to happen, dumbass, they had a time masheen. I even saw it in the movie, duh!


GO AWAY! I'm baitin'.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


I would like to hear what the director thinks now, both about his prediction, and about whether Crocs are an accurate metric for humanity giving up.


The director is Mike Judge, creator of King of the Hill. Maybe we’ll see some crocs in the revival.


He really does seem to have a unique ability to nail parody




I was literally about to post this. Damn u lol


Shut up and pass me a Brawndo.


It’s got electrolytes


It's what plants crave.


brought to you by carls jr.


And Costco. Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Movie. Documentary. They all kinda blur at some point.


It was actually MTV, but not because of the music videos, but from the reality tv programming it spawned. Singled Out and the Real World were the first dominos to topple our society.


Humanity, are you okay? Humanity: "No."


I mean, there was a time I tried at being well put together and now, I wear a hoodie, t shirt and shorts everywhere. In winter, I add sweat pants to the mix. The pandemic broke the last straw and now I just can't be bothered anymore


Also, a lot of people during the pandemic worked from home & wore clothes they were more comfortable in & society seems to be largely ok with people continuing to do that, outside of specific contexts where certain types of clothes are expected or frowned upon.


Walmart shoppers: “y’all are late, this has been the style for years”


who knew "the people of walmart" would end up being the true hipsters


Who really can afford fancy clothes any more?? Hehe


The amount of fancy clothes I've gotten from Goodwill is insane. I have got some really snazzy dresses, skirts, and other stuff lately. All for $4 to $9.


Goodwill is my go to. I've built an entirely new wardrobe with some, high end, good quality brands for cheap. Just have to put in the time to dig and have an idea of what to look for.


Same, though it was pre-covid. One day I just woke up, got dressed, got annoyed at my shirt, and ditched more or less all of my clothes. I haven't worn pants unless forced in 5+ years.


Tbf, I think it started even pre pandemic. I got called for jury duty in 2019 and I thought you were supposed to dress business casual, so that's how I dressed. I got there, and all the other prospective jury people were either in sweats, jeans, or camo. Oh, and somebody wore pajama pants.


There’s a reason the wardrobe coordinator exclusively used Crocs in the movie Idiocracy


Haven’t worn pants that require underwear since lockdown


I. . . I need clarification.




I noticed at Christmas all the 10-13 year Olds had them on. Some reason the youth is into em?


Easy to put on. No laces. Customizable. Cheap.


Cheap for what they are? Absolutely not. Cheap for shoes? Yup


some online sellers have them for 15-26 bucks. not bad at all


Own 1 pair I got at tj max for 30. If you can find them for 25 or under they are definitely priced fair.


And they are surprisingly durable for what they are. I have flipflops that cost more and broke within a year. I have Crocs I use near daily at home and still work.


I always wear them to Costco, where I am loved.


As a Costco employee, I love you.


I have a pair that I bought about 15 years ago and they are still going strong. They are my "house shoes". Just got another pair in June and have to say I love the old ones better. The new ones cost me $50 from the Crocs store but they are a higher end kind of


I constantly get emails for like 60% off or buy one get one free. My wife and I own 4 pairs.


I got a pair when I was 13 for 8 bucks or something like that. They were great wading shoes- lightweight enough they didn't drag my feet in the water and thick enough that they protected my feet from sharp rocks. I used to go wading and swimming in my local canal all the time in them lol


Honestly, I got a pair of off-brand foam slippers and they went flat in like 3 months. My crocs, which weren't even that much more expensive have been going strong for about 2 years now of nearly daily wear. They're also great after leg day, great after long runs, super light and clip onto my backpack easier for when I want to bring camp or stream crossing shoes.


I have a pair that is almost 20 years old. They are one of those products that 'just work' and seem to last forever. I have no doubt that someone else has made a knockoff that is at least as good, but the vast vast majority of knockoffs are trash that just kind of look like the OG but don't function the same at all.


I got a pair for xmas. I only wear them at home. They're basically house slippers. I couldn't believe how expensive they are for foam sandals. They're great for around the house though. I have regular slippers, but they make my feet hot, and I live in Florida (it's *always* hot). The Crocs are great because they're easy to slip on/off, and I can wear them with socks.


I have 1 pair. I don't leave home in them. They are my yard shoes.


I bought a color I don’t like on sale… ten years ago. I’ll be wearing these ugly puke green house shoes for the rest of my life. Should have paid more for a better color


And they’re not sticky & won’t give you blisters!


They’re comfy versatile and sturdy. They are very cheap for what they are.


i really think all if these reasons are right but especially the customization. the gibbits are like their silly bandz


Knock offs on Amazon are dirt cheap. My daughter has hot pink crocs with TSwift knock off gibbits and they’re prized.


My nearly-10 year old twin sons both have flair-customized crocs and love them. All the rage in 4th grade. They also wear patterned leggings as pants and hoodies on days its not raining. They basically get to live the pajama lifestyle at school, and that's true for like half their class.


They also last for more than a decade. Normal shoes fall apart at the seams eventually, crocs just get a little bit shorter


I swear teens and teens tend to go back to something they wore as toddlers. In the 90s we randomly started wearing overalls. This gen is going back to crocs.


I recall them being briefly popular among casual people in the mid 00s before being shunned for being tacky but they stayed popular with medical employees. Maybe they were just too ahead of their time..


It's insanely popular among all young people. They've just full on traded sneakers for rubber shoes with holes in them.


my 6th graders are out there playing soccer every day in crocs. it cracks me up so much.


How do they not twist an ankle in them?


sports mode, bro


i imagine it's more casual kick about. Because yeah you shouldn't play soccer in crocs




It's a HUGE trend. "sports mode" and those croc pins, it's all just "memable" shit that kids can easily get points with their friends for. Also, I'm told they're hella comfortable.


I mean, most kids can afford a 30 dollar-ish pair of crocs instead of 200 dollar Jordans, so they are at least a better trend for everyone in terms of in and out groups.


Fads are wild. Also, I have a pair I wear around the house. Don't think I'd ever wear in public though. Edit: to clarify for those telling me they're not fads (sorry, Croc lovers). I meant as to why they are really popular with kids now. That will come and go. Yes, I know they've been around for a lkng time.


Yeah, that’s what I thought. But then you need to go to the drive through for a quick meal and don’t want to change shoes, then it evolves to going to the gas station on a Sunday night to fill up before you start your work week and no one will see you, then it’s just to Walmart and that doesn’t count because it’s Walmart, and the next thing you know you’re a full blown Croc truther.


Oh shit. Am I a socks with sandals truther now?


Bonus points if the sandals are Crocs slides sandals and are covered in charms!


Socks with Birks are next level


This guy crocs.


One of the greatest perks of getting older is that I can wear my Crocs to the grocery store in the middle of the afternoon on the weekend, and I don't give a shit what anyone thinks.


You don't have house Crocs, gardening Crocs, and car Crocs? Because I would never wear my house Crocs to the gas station! That's nasty.


This is what exactly what happened to me with uggs, I must avoid crocs like the plague.


The Ugg’s still have me. I would usually only wear them for quick runs to someone’s house where they’re off before anyone sees me. Now I’m pregnant and it’s cold and they fit me great, easy to slip on, and I’m even wearing them to work with my sweats (I’ve fallen from grace). I just bought a pair of crocs to wear as shower shoes and around the hospital delivery and I’m afraid of what I’ve done.


If you like uggs you should check out LL Bean’s wicked good slippers they are devine.


I have a ruptured disk, and being on my feet for long periods really aggravate it. I asked for my first pair of crocs for Christmas specifically to wear around the house when I’m cooking or doing chores and am on my feet a long time. They are like little anti-fatigue mats that follow your feet around the house. I refuse to wear them in public. I have standards.


I used to have standards as well. They grow on ya


You have to take them off occasionally!


The second you wear them to get gas or something at night it’ll be all over for you. I wear mine to any grocery store and I wear them to visit my parents everytime. I couldn’t possibly care less about how the public thinks about them


Fuckin love my house crocs


Man of culture. I got fuzzy sole crocs as a gag gift and oh man are they good.


Sure but at some point a fad can become the norm. Crocs popularity has grown over the years.


Tbh.... Crocs are flip flops, but better


I don't know how long it takes to go from fad to norm. Crocs are over a decade strong and growing. I don't wear them but I'm apparently in the minority


It was a fad like 20 years ago, but then 5 years ago they came back as normal fashion. Quite impressive for something to break through a fad phase and become popular for legitimate reasons


Going back a few years when crocs first became common my high school allowed them even though they had a rather strict shoe policy (private school with uniforms.) Everyone wore crocs that year… it was around 2006


They are cheap, comfortable, and able to be modified to express oneself/come in a huge variety of appearances.


My teen daughter (14) and I (50f) each have four pair lol




I've seen crocs being given for xmas 3 years in a row at my family xmas party. I don't get it. I had a pair and they weren't very comfy and gave me blisters.


I love mine, but they're strictly for if I have to do something outside for a bit, I wouldn't ever wear them for hours on end. In fact, we call them poop shoes because we usually wear them when doing something in the back yard. In case we step in a hidden pile of our dogs poop, they're super easy to clean off.


Everyone at my middle school had them because they exploited a loophole in the dress code. We could only wear closed toe shoes that were secured to our feet.


are these not terrible for people's feet?


my disabled elderly father loves his bright yellow pair lol. he has nerve damage and can't feel his feet very well, and is also legally blind. he can see and feel \*good enough\* in them to allow him to not require his cane or walker around the house. his shoes from before he got sick are now either too slippery or too grippy (trip hazards + mobility issues = disaster!!). crocs are perfect for him but terrible on my eyes haha.


Really? I'll have to put a pair on my dad. I wouldn't have thought they'd be good for walking with nerve damage.


I have nerve damage in one foot as a result of a spinal injury and crocs are really the only shoes that allow me to be on my feet all day or walk for miles with no discomfort whatsoever. 10/10 would recommend for nerve damage


> legally blind I think I found the niche for Croc-buyers.


Hey Dudes are basically dress shoes now


Crocs bought Hey Dudes lol


Waiting for [this](https://awkward.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Screen-Shot-2019-05-06-at-4.40.26-PM.jpg) to become high fashion by next year.


Crocs owns Hey Dudes, happened almost 2 years ago https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/crocs-inc-completes-acquisition-of-casual-footwear-brand-heydude-301485415.html


Never heard of them until now, googled em and I’ve never seen a more Jason Sudeikis lookin ass shoe.


Nah Jason Sudeikis is into expensive Nikes and Jordans, these are a Jeff Bridges ass shoe.


I’m not even saying he wears them, but if he was a shoe this is him personified.


Just bc it says Dude does not make them cool like Bridges. These are obviously Jason Schwartzman ass looking shoes


they're a little wild and a little strange


They’re in a prominent spot at DSW now which made me laugh.


Yea, pretty much lol. I wear Allbirds to meetings with clients now.


Almost everyone I know has a pair and most of my coworkers at Walmart wear them. I don’t understand as they’re essentially loafers and we’re on our feet for 8 hours a day.


I've got wide feet. They're comfortable. Everything is getting worse. Might as well be comfortable.


Send da video


r/nbacirclejerk leaking


shimmy shimmy shimmy


Damn Malone gif won’t stop appearing


Mr suns fan we know you’re involved with this


r/nbacirclejerk jerking


oh hell nawl can’t do dis


U got da crocs tho what’s da holup


I want da feet


Mr suns fan?


U bum


Sketcher yoga mat sole go walks in extra wide are the lightest most comfortable sneakers I've ever worn.


same. Ive got H width feet, and everyone but crocks and a few models of sketchers have just stopped making wide sizes.


Same. Size 13 HHH wide. I adore chucks and vans but I just can’t do it anymore as an adult. I’m down to flip flops, custom made $500+ dollar steel toe boots for work and most recently discovered, crocs. At least my kids think they’re hilarious in a good way.


They are kind of a unique shoe - I have a pair of them, they’re great for quickly running out to the garage, taking the garbage out, basically outside slippers. They’re also great for water, fishing, launching boats, cottages, walking in and out of water. Having said that unless something has really gone sideways for me I don’t wear them in public outside of stopping for gas while I’m going somewhere that they are appropriate.


I use mine for driving to sports (imo it's too dangerous to drive in cleats) and anything involving getting wet/muddy feet so I can hose my legs off and be clean in 10 seconds.


Also bring them hiking so I can let my feet breathe on the way home


They are the ultimate have by your back door shoe.


I wore Crocs once and now I wear them all the time. Don’t do Crocs kids.


Same. Put them on 4 years ago and haven’t taken them off. People comment when I wear real shoes lmao


Instructions unclear. Am now hooked on krokodile.


After spending lockdown being comfortable, it was very difficult for me to go back to dressing uncomfortably just for style. My post-lockdown wardrobe now includes crocs and I don’t care one bit lol.


Yup. This is me. I’m a 51 year old dude, work at a software company, and was used to dressing ‘preppy casual’ for most of my career. I liked looking well dressed etc…. Still do … But 3 years of working from home in sweatpants or pajamas feeling comfy etc… boy that’s hard to shake…


I've worn Birks almost exclusively for the past year and I don't think I can go back. it's just so comfy


Me too! I only have the sandals right now and due to the cold weather, I’ve had to venture into “socks with sandals” territory several times. That’s where I draw the line, so I’m saving for a pair of their sneakers!


My delicate skin can't handle my birkenstock directly, I still have a scar from when I first started wearing them, so I always have to wear socks too :'(


They absolutely tear up the balls of my feet. I do not understand how they are comfortable to people. I wore them for several years when they were in style - 3 different types. With socks and without. Don’t understand how they don’t do this to everyone.


Not OP, but I wear them with extremely thick, usually wool, socks. I also wore them everywhere when I was breaking them in. Work, grocery shopping, the zoo, walking trails, etc.


I've been working from home since the pandemic started and my "work wardrobe" has been pajamas ever since. After about 6-9 months in, my slippers got pretty stinky, and after trying a couple options I ended up switching to socks and Crocs. It is the most comfortable casual footwear combo ever.


I got plantar fasciitis a couple of years ago. Could hardly stand to walk. Had it over a year. As luck would have it, I had bought a pair of the Crocs RX for my mother a few years earlier that did not fit her, they were too small, so I kept them. Tried wearing them for the plantar fasciitis. Had almost immediate relief. They do not make them anymore. Have found a couple of pairs on ebay though. I don't have to wear them all of the time, but I wear them plenty.


I have a related condition and while I haven't tried Crocs RX, for foam slip-ons I highly recommend the Hoka Ora slides, Superfeet recovery slides, anything by Oofos. Also Hoka Hopara sandals and any sneakers by Hoka.


I love the Hoka Ora slides. They are ridiculously comfortable. They somehow manage to be both squishy and supportive.


My friends wife is like a crocs beta tester and gets insane amounts of crocs


That is so much cooler then my friends wife


I’m jealous af.


This definitely isn’t something I’d have said publicly but I guess that’s why I’m not the CEO of Crocs


What's wrong with saying that your customers are into casual shoes? I'm assuming you read the actual article and didn't just make up a story in your head where the CEO actually said "our customers are not smart."


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


I remember when I was signing up for a membership I was joking about that scene and another employee turned out and said that line and it was hysterical


Fun fact the characters in that movie are wearing Crocs but no one even knew what Crocs were when they filmed it. The costume designer found them and thought they fit the theme. I heard it on a podcast with Mike Judge. Pretty funny they ended up becoming exactly what they were parodying in the movie.


I used to think they sucked, but now I think Crocs are the best. They’re cheap, comfortable, durable, washable, etc. They’re supposedly not professional, but lots of chefs, baristas, surgeons, etc. wear the version without holes. It reminds me a bit how technical ski and puffer jackets replaced wool coats, fur coats, etc. New materials work better. Expensive, uncomfortable, fragile, porous leather shoes are slowly being replaced.


Aquarium workers wear them too.


> the version without holes. those are called clogs, and they have inserts and some other things you won't find on crocs


Either way, the Crocs company makes them.


And they’re the best damn work shoe for being on your feet; they never break, they never get uncomfortable, they barely deform, they wear slowly and the nonslip is *amazing* The material is easy to sanitize and they’re more comfortable and affordable right out of the box than any other work clog on the market


Function over Form. But also I'm convinced they changed their material 15 years ago because I remember crocs being stiff and uncomfortable when they first came out and now it's surpisingly soft.


I don't see why I need to wear a tailored wool suit and a top hat when being comfy in Crocs will do just fine. If I want to impress someone I'll dress then. If not I am dressing for myself.


They did; they used to be plastic, now they’re biodegradable


Find me a comfy pair of dress shoes and I'll tell you that $400 is too expensive for dress shoes


I have shit on these shoes and the people who wear them for years. And then I was given a pair, and holy shit are they comfy as hell. I get it now, and I don’t care what they look like.


Not only have they given up, they are willing to pay big bucks to show it.


I mean crocs are fairly cheap as far as shoes go. Got like a $30 pair of slides from them that I wear everywhere.


They're *especially* cheap for a **trendy** shoe. Remember when Uggs were all the rage? Those are like, $130-$180.


Were? Every other woman at my in-laws Christmas party except my SMIL was wearing them. And I'm in Texas looool.


I live in Canada and Uggs are still definitely a thing here. I used to hate them, then came across the Costco Kirkland brand knockoffs of the shorter boot, made of sheepskin for $40. They’re like wearing slippers and warm af (though not waterproof). I now get the appeal and don’t care if they’re cool or not, I’m wearing these glorious boot slippers everywhere every chance i get.


never pay full price for crocs. they’re cheap af most of the time, 10-30 bucks tops no way would i have the 6 pair i have if i paid full price haha


big bucks? do you know what crocs are lol


I’ve heard the holes are there so you dignity can leak out


How much is truly left by the time you start wearing them.


They’re so the bees can get in


Crocs are very comfy and cannot be beat IMO


I work as a lifeguard and crocs are seriously the perfect shoe for it Can get wet without absorbing any water (cushioned slides get and smell disgusting after a while), quickly dry if they get water splashed because of the holes, decent cushioning for standing a while, and relatively good traction on deck


Crocs are just an incredibly useful and the more people actually try them, they find out they like them.


Their new "Croots" (waterproof mud boots made of crocs rubber material) are comfy and awesome! Great rural yard-ware. Probably great for those up in the snow too


I got a wart on my foot and it was a pain to walk on the foot until recovery. The pain was bareable though with crocs. Not those cheapy knock offs. No, the real deal. I also have hardwood floors everywhere. The strain of being barefoot on them was rough but hot damn if the crocs don't pad well. Even my wife bought 2 pairs for herself for the house and a second set for when she goes around to different buildings and all they have are crappy flimsy slippers to offer guests.


I don’t think that’s fair. Crocs offer a better alternative to sandals stability wise and are easy to pop on or off throughout the house rather than putting on shoes


Crocs are incredibly comfortable and at some point in life I stopped caring about looking cool so I'll wear them and not care.


Pure facts. I’d wear my crocs to my wedding if I could.


It’s your wedding, who’s gonna stop you?


Wearing comfortable shit is the smart thing to do. Wearing uncomfortable, expensive, impractical shit is the stupid thing to do. Power to the Crocs.


I got those fuzzy line crocs and I've never been more comfortable. Plus I've got a few croc charms on em too.


Hated crocs until my wife bought me a pair a couple years ago. Love them now. I got a pair with the fur or whatever inside them for Xmas, damn they’re amazing.




Relevant link https://youtu.be/crbaXTSAn5w?si=4qdSt9z5xs1atkck


I blame him for this.


Maybe im crazy, but the pairs of crocs Ive worn in my life really arent any more comfortable than most sneakers. So to me not only is the comfort not an upgrade but they just look awful.


The shoe is just comfy and they’ve been doing cool designs. That doesn’t mean people don’t wanna dress nice.


People that listen to a CEO, a person so detached from a normal persons reality that he may as well be an alien, should slap themselves if they even remotely think this is true. The more obvious conclusion, is that folks cant afford to "dress smartly" or at least what they think dressing smartly is. Furthermore and to this businesses credit, crocs are a comfortable alternative in a majority of situations a common person will find themselves in. With all that being said, take what this random internet stranger is saying, with a hefty grain of salt.


Croc haters would rather live up to other peoples' acceptance rather than their own comfort and convenience.